HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-08-01, Page 7W roxete
Mr. Rafael Sabitini, author of thrill-
ing adventure stores, who recently
married Mrs. Christine Dixon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wing -
ham, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. 'H. V. Holmes. '
While a record hay • crop is almost
finished in this district and practically
all the wheat in the shock, Mr. Geo.
Dickson, we believe, is the first to cut.
his oats, having cut them on July 27.
Mr; and Mrs. Roy Hicks and fam-
ily, of Harriston, also Mrs. F. Dow -
dell and baby daughter of Toronto,
were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Hyndman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson and
son, Glenn, of Kippen, were recent
guests of Mrs. W. Hastie.
Miss Elsie Robinson, of Weston,
spent the past week with her cousin,
Mrs. W. Hastie.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. l3radnock spent
a couple of days at Bruce Beach last
The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. will be held in the school rooms
of .the church on Thursday afternoon
at 3p.m. Roll call will be responded
to by a verse containing the word "op-
Mrs. Neilson, of London, was' a
week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Burns
Dr and Mrs. C. C. Ramage and son
Jim are holidaying this week at Was-
aga Beach.
Dr, and Mrs. Armstrong, of Mitch-
ell, were Wednesday guests of Dr.
and Mrs. J. Armstrong.
Mr. Spencer Ashton of Hamilton,
Miss Mabel Bell of Toronto, and Mr.
Avery of Mitchell, were week -end
guests of Mrs. Ida Ashton.
Mr, Robt. Gibbs and son, Donald,
,of Londesboro, were week -end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bolton.
Mrs. Black, of Owen Sound, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ed-
gar Jr., over the week -end,
Miss Olive Lawrence of Toronto, is
spending her vacation at her home
Messrs. Lincoln, Miss Evelyn Lin-
coln, of Turnberry, and Mr. Harry
Brown,, of Elora, were Sunday guests
•of Mr. and Mrs. John Cathers.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jardine and
family, of Brussels, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Heibein on Sunday.
Dr, and Mrs. Whitley' visited with
friends in 'Londesboro on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Hicks, Harris -
ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Radfield, of Fordwich,
'were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Hueston. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, of
Wingham, spent Sunday with the lat-
ter sister, Mrs. C. R. Black and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar spent
Friday in Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg and
son, Bruce, also Mrs. R. S. Clegg,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat-
rick, in Brussels.
Mrs. Littre Hayden, of London,
News and Gorrie Vide
Thursday, August 1st, 1935
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Earngey, Jr., and
son, Dean, ofSarnia, also Mr. Win-
field, of Montana, were guests of
Miss Catherine Earngey for . a few
days last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Wright and
daughter, Miss Jean, of Lakelet, rvis-
ited last Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilford C. King and
son, Earle, spent Sunday. at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson_Underwood,
near Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lovell, of
Kirkland Lake, are spending holidays
with the former's parents, Mr. and
MVIrs, Thomas Lovell.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son
Ronald, and. Mr. and Mrs, Brown, of
Toronto, spent . from Friday until
Tuesday with relatives here.
Guests of Mrs. Bell on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook, of Clif-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. James Hubbard
and family and Mrs. Lindsay Cleg of
Harriston and Mrs. Frank Wright and
son, Harvey, of Lakelet.
Mr. Fred Wowdell, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with. Mr. and Mrs.
Hyndman. ;
Miss Beatrice Potter, Saleslady, of
Stephen's and Ashton's, is at present
on her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wesley Cathers, of
Hamilton, also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Vittie and family were Sunday visit-
ors of their father, Mr. David Cath-
Master Alex, Vittie returned home
after spending the past three weeks
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Cathers, in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson and
family, of Clifford, were Sunday
guests of Mrs. J. Bingham.
Mr. W. A. McGill was a Sunday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Htteston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
visitors in Wingham on Thursday of
last week.
The most severe storm of the sea-
son visited this district early on Sun-
day morning, when an electrical storm
broke. No damage was reported ex-
cept a tree at the Gorrie dam which
was badly shattered, making one less
for shade at the Old Swimmin' Hole.
Miss Campbell, who was a mission-
ary for forty years in China, is tak-
ing the services in Gorrie Presbyter-
ian Church during the month of Au-
gust, while the pastor is on his vaca-
Miss Lizzie McKee and friend of
Toronto, were week -end guests of the
former's sister, Mrs. John .Wylie.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard, of Bluevale,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
McKnight. •
Mrs. James Edwards underwent a.
goitre operation in Listowel hospital
on Tuesday morning . Her many
friends will wish her a speedy recov-
Mrs. H. Zimmerman is spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Carson and other relatives.
Mr. E. W. Carson spent Tuesday in
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor spent
a couple of days this week with Mr.
and Mrs. Warwick, in Morris.
Dr. and Mrs. Roe of Philadelphia,
Mrs, Milo Miller of Atlantic City,
were guests of the former's sister,
Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Mr. Taylor.
Mr, Crawford, Divinity Student of
Huron College, London, will occupy
the pulpit in the parish of Gorrie,
Fordwich and Wroxeter in Mr. Jones'
Mr. and Mrs. George Baker of Or-
angehill and Mr. and Mrs. John Hill
and children of the 12th con, of How -
ick, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. George Foster.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Reg. Newton for Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Brown of Uxbridge, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Newton and Ronnie of To-
ronto, Mr. 'and Mrs, Carl Mayberry of
Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gal-
braith and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Pyke, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton and
family, of Howick. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
called on' her cousins, Mr. incl Mrs. of near 1V[olesworth, viisted on Sun -
Clegg on Sunday. day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig.
Monto Eargney, of Wingham, Mrs, P. G, Hershey, of Washington,
spent the week -end at her home here. D.C., and Mrs. Graham and daughter,
Stephens and baby, Geraldine, of Merlin, Ont., ,spent
Mrs. Arthur P of Mrs. Charles
Eleanore, slices Saturday with her Monday at the home
mother, in Harriston. Lawertice.
Miss Olive Lawrence, of Toronto,
is spending three weeks' holidays at
here home here.
Mrs: Richard Bennett and
Mr. and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank King
This pile of smoking, twisted met-
al, was all that remained of a royal
Dutch air lines passenger plane after airdrome, Amsterdam, recently., Six
it had crashed and burned at Schepor persons of the twenty in the plane,
were killed.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ir-
win on Sunday were: IVIr. and Mrs.
Gillmore and Mr. and Mrs. McMillan
of near Palmerston.
Mission .Band Picnic
The members of the Mission Band
enjoyed a picnic on Saturday when
they spent a jolly afternoon at the
Victoria Park and Gorrie school
ground. Miss Ruth Tydell and Miss
Norma Graham had charge of the
games for the little folk and Miss
Marjorie Baker the games of the old-
er members, The races were in charge
of the corrimittee, following which all
members enjoyed a peanut scramble
before lunch was served. Afterward
a ball game held the older members
entertained and brought the event to
a close. All prizes and peanuts for
the scramble were provided by the
committee in charge.
The Gorrie United Church Sunday
School Anniversary was held here on
Sunday morning, when a large con-
gregation was present. The service
"Building the Cross with Flowers",
was in charge of Misses Marjorie Ba-
ker, Nellie Ruttan, Janette Watson
and Ruth Tydell, who placed the
flowers, donated by each little mem-
ber of the Sunday School, on the
Cross, during which time the organ
and orchestra played "The Old Rug-
ged Cross." The Pastor, Rev. Tydell,
gave a very impressive talk on "The
Divine Magnet."
The evening service was enriched
by the organ and orchestra playing
several old favorite hymns, under the
direction of Mr. L. F. Ashton, with
the congregation joining in the chor-
uses. The pastor's evening subject
was "Youth and the Stars" bringing
to his congregation the necessity of
assisting the youth to follow their
ideals, and to keep thein in the Sun-
day School and Church.
On Sunday, August 4th, Mr. Brud-
er will speak representing the Bible
Society and during the month of Au-
gust there will be no evening service;
the pastor being on his vacation.
Ultra a
• and family spent Sunday at PortEl-
- ---- Service.
gin -
r. and Mrs. John n
Reid, ,
n -
to, also Mr. and Mrs. C. Pennington
- H� guests 0
£ Mrs. and fainly' of 'T'eeswatcr;. were Sunday
• John FT, Strong and
. H .
Jack Basil Bannon, Detroit water-
front character, is in London, Ont.,
jail, charged with kidnapping and
robbery while armed, in connection
with abduction of John S. Labatt.
naut; Ackland, Sticky Fingers; Raine,
Tugboat Annie; Freek, Devil's Drums;
Biddel, Dream Island; Kyne, Comrade ANNUAL MEMORIAL
of Storni; Wentworth, Fear by Night; SERVICE HELD SUNDAY
Crozier, Five Years Ahead; Yates,
Storm Music; Elizabeth, . Fathers;
Savi, In Confidence; Borden, Mary of
Nazareth; Keyes, Dead Parrot; Wren,
Valiant Dust; Borleau, When Yellow
Leaves; Edwin, Windfall Harvest;
Bolt, Snapshot Mystery; Solloway,
Speculators and Politicians; Bower,
Swallow Fork Bulls; Fredericka,
Spanish Lady; Stead, Home-Steaders;
Greg, Inspector Higgins; Wynne,
Loving Cup; Chisholm, Lord of Big
Rivers; Cleugh, Hazards of Belmeda;
White, This ,My House; Sapper, Ro-
land Standish; Bindloss, Valley Gold;
Sanders, Croked Trails; Wadsley,
First Spring; Rowland, Frances
Fights; Burton, Flappers Daughters;
Andrews,, In Court; Ayres, Love Is
So Bland; Keating, Deputy of San
Ritmo;White, Ranchero; Freeman,
Dr. Thorndyke Intervenes; Norris,
Woman in Love; Rosman, Somebody
Must; McKenzie, Water on the Brain;
Laurence, Years Are oS Long; Gibbs,
Undertow; White, Twisted Foot; Tut-
tle, Rifled Gold; McCulley, Range Ca-
valier; Bassett, Turning Tide; Sabat-
ini, St, Martin's Smnetur; Hoffman,
Rourin' Rit•iconada; Greig, Romance
For Sale; Beach, Beyond Control;
Strange, Outlaw Breed; Sapper,
Knock -Out; Oppenheim, Ostrckoff
Jewels; Ermine, Laramie Rides Al-
one; Lincoln, Teel Trait; Sapper, Fin-
al Count; Earning, Path of TrueLove; Douglas, Priorsford.; Villiers,;
By Way of Cape Horn; Jones,
Christ's Alternative of Communism;
Jackson, An Economic's Confession
of Faith; Oake, No Place for a White
Wonsan; Toksvig, The Life of Han
Christian Anderson; Morton, in the
Step of the Master; Wcatherhead,
How Can I Find God; Hutton; Fin-
ally; Gilbert, The Romance of the
Last Crusade; Spinks, Tales of the
British Columbia Frontier.
Fiction—Dell, The Rock .of Valpre;
Buchan, The Three Hostages; Touch-.
an, John. McNab; Greig, One Man
Girl; ;Sabatini, Mistress Wilding;
Gregory,' Valerie Hathaway; Farnol,
The High Adventure; Boroughs, Jun-
gle Tales of Tarzan; Fletcher,, Solo -
tion of a Mystery; Richmond, Red
Fopiner's Patients; Richmond, 1Brown
Study; Porter, A Daughter of the
Land; Marshall, Forlorn Island; Ches-
terton, St. Francis of Assisi; Porter,
The White Flag; Oppenheim, Up the
Ladder of Gold; Glyn, Such Men Are
Dangerous; Miln, Mr. and Mrs. Sen;
Kyne, Cappy Picks Retires; Morris,
The Callahans and the Murphys; Lor-
ing, Uncharted Seas; Orcay, The Way
of the Scarlet Pimpernel; Connor, To
Him that Hath; Lincoln, The Depot
Master; Miln, Rube and Ivy Sen;
Kyne, Cappy Ricks; Torkington,
Penrod and Jashber; Miln, The Flutes
of Shanghai.
Rev. A. H. O'Neil, of Atwood, has
ben appointed by Bishop C. A. Seag-
er, D.D., of Huron Diocese, as the
new clergy who will take charge of
the Anglican Churces of Fordwich,
Gorrie and Wroxeter and will com-
mence his new duties here on Sep-
tember 15th. We welcome Mr. and
Mrs. O'Neil to our village and trust
they will be happy in their new
The following is a list of the last
books purchased by Howick Town
ship Library Board and have been di-
vided between the five libraries of the.
Township, namely, Belmore, Wroxet-
er, Gorrie, Fordwich and Lakelet.
The four libraries have been organiz-
ed for over a year and a half and are
making excellent progress, and a few
weeks ago
Lakelet joined to make
the fifth. library in the organization.
These books are posed on, aftera few
weeks to one of the other libraries,
and so on, till they have gone the
tounds of the organization, thereby
giving fresh reading to the patrons.
Konroff, 1, the Tiger; Anthony,
Hidden.. Gold; Wilton, Mr. Wild Re-
tiree; Moorhead, Forbidden Tree;
Lockhart, Full of the Moon; Cabot,
Transit of a Dinagod; Morton, When
You Go to London; .Friend; Woif of
Wildcat Mountain; ;Debut, Between
Mr. Dick Bennett who has be
Mr Roy Strong, been in.
Two Thieves; F;lvestad, Case of Robt.
e returned, Robertson; Rees, Shrieking Pit;
tome �i
Pone >r Aston tome idlast for sornte time,
bweek., Argo -
Saturday, Rodd, Grey Sheep; .arraw,
A very impressive Memorial Day
Service was held in the Gorrie Cem-
etry on Sunday afternoon, when a
large crowd gathered for the annual
service for the district. Mr. Wellesley
Strong, District 1Vlaster, had charge of
the order of service, while Rev. But-
ton, of Fordwich, gave the address,
with Rev. Tydell reading the Scrip-
ture lesson. The service was preceded
by a parade consisting of the L.O.L
of the district and the two ladies'
lodges, Gorrie and Fordwich. Lodges
were present from Newbridge, Ford-
wich, Orangehill and Gorrie. Many
beautiful floral tributes were laid on
the mound in honotir of departed
friends and relatives of the various
lodges. Special mention is due of the
wreath in memory of the Dormant
Lodges, whieh was beautifully made
by Mrs, Jas, Anger and also the
wreath for the Gorrie L.O.13.A. and
L .O.L. made by Messrs. jas Anger
and Herbert Neill.
Mrs, .Gibson and Misses Elsie and
Marion and Miss I. 1VIacDowell were
Monday visitors at Chesley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovell had for their
guests last, week, Mrs, Greenlaw, of
Palnterston, Mr, and Mrs. Tifso and
daughter, Marian, Hanover, also Dr.
and Mrs, Harold Garret and son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Zink, Detroit, were
week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford
Mellis, Kippen, also spent .a day last
week at the Gibson home.
Mrs. VanVelsor and Miss Rona
VanVelsor spent part of last week at
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Seifert and
children, of Fordwich, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gib-
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hoperoft of Dshwood,. for-
merly of Wroxeter, who last week Mrs. Christine Dixon, of London,
celebrated their silver wedding. ,Old • England, who recently Became the
friends from here who attended were: bride of Rafael Sabitini, famous au -
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mr. and thor of "Searamouclie," "Captain.
Mrs. Robert Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. I. :Blood" and many other thrillers.
Miss Isobel Lamb, Wingham, was
a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Wylie.
Miss Evelyn Gamble
was a visitor in town
last week.
Mr. Carl Hooper. and Miss Marion
Hooper, Clifford, were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson,
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and son,
Jimmie, were Gorrie visitors on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin, Lis-
towel, spent the week -end with the
latter's mother, Mrs. Rasmussen.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Durst spent
Sunday with Harriston friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Al-
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stewart, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie MacDonald, all of Moles-
worth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Sangster.
Mrs. John Tilker and two children,
Harriston, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson.
Mr. Leslie McLaughlin and sons,
Teddy and Billy, also Mrs. J. McLau-
ghlin, Fordwich, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin one day
last week.
Sunday with friends at Goderich.
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton spent
Rev. incl Mrs. Grant and daughters, week -end with her parents, Mr. and
fhBeach wwhMrs. Fred. Kitchen, who accompanied
theyleave will or tspende a int
thisonth'seek h
olidereay. her to Toronto on Wednesday to visit
Mr. Robert Stocks will be in charge friends.
of service in United Church Sunday
Photographer in harem: "Now, lad-
ies, smile, please."
•—i,ustige Boller, Zeitung, Cologne,
of Fordwich,
on Friday of
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst spent
Sunday with friends at Harriston.
Rev. T. M. Wesley, of Cobourg, a
former minister here, called on old
friends in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Stocks, and Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Durst were at Dashwood.
on Friday attending the Silver Wed-
ding of Mr. and vVIrs. Thos. Hoperoft.
Mr. Wm. Parks and Mr. Ross Sand-
erson spent Sunday at Simcoe.
Mr. and firs. Alex, Pleasance and
son, Alan of Port Elgin, were recent
guests with Mrs. N. 'White.
Mr. Ashton Morrison and Mr.
Draper, of Clinton, called on friends
in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and
Mis Mary Harris spent Sunday at Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munro, of
Beaurepere, Que., and Dr. John Mun-
ro, of Copper Cliff, spent a few days
recently with their mother, Mrs. Mun-
umro. Miss Jean Munro, of Toronto, was
a visitor at the same home.
Mr. Purdie, of Detroit, spent the
week -end with his sister, Mrs. Neil
White. Mrs, A. White, who has been
visiting for the past two weeks with
friends, returned home to Jackson,
Mich., on Saturday.
Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw spent the
Women's Institute
Mrs. Thomas Brown 'opened her
hone on Friday last for the July
meeting of the W. I. The president,
Mrs. J. Adams, was in charge and
opened the meeting with the Ode, fol-
lowed, by the Creed in unison. Miss
M. J. Pope in her paper gave some
interesting information on Huron
County Children's Shelter. At present
there are nine children there. The
Roil Call brought a generous response
of donations for the shelter. A pleas-
ing feature was the presentation of a
dainty piece of china to Mrs. W. J.
MacLean for her special interest in
promoting the Short Course, held in
May. Mrs. MacLean responded in a
few well chosen words. A contest,
"Who's Who?" featuring local places
and people, was very interesting.
Plans were made for August meeting athetic and understanding teacher.
when the Grandmothers and Babies having taught in Kitchener, Wroxeter
are to be ottr special guests. During and St. Catherines. She was a men-
the social hour refreshments were ber of the staff of the latter school
at the time of her death.
Surviving are her mother, Mrs,
Janet Munro, and three brothers,
Donald of l3eaurepair•e, Alan of Wrox-
eter ,and Dr. John Munro cif Copper
Cliff. A sister Winnifred, pre -deceas-
ed her about fourteen years ago.
A private service, condttctecl by Rev.
A. M. Grant, of the United Church,
was held at the family residence ,on
Thursday aftcrnon followed by inter-,
ment in Wroxeter Cemetery.
Anne Munro
It was with deep regret that this
comunity learned of the sudden pass-
ing of Miss Anne Munro, on Tuesday
of last week.
Miss Munro had been in ill health
for a number of years, and when her
condition became suddenly worse she
was rushed to London Hospital, but
failed to rally. She was a patient and
most cheerful sufferer and was a
great favourite among her many
friends by whom she will be sadly
She was born in Wroxeter, daughter
of Mrs. Munro, and the late Alex-
ander Munro, and received her early
education here, later attending High
School at Harriston and Normal
School at Hamilton. During her teach-
career she proved a most symp-
served by the hostess assisted by Mrs.
J. Adams and' Miss M. J. Pope.
Mr, and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of
Oshawa, are spending a few days with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jackman, of To-
ronto, were week -end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown.
George Brown accompanied them
house and will spend a week in the
Mr. Edward Gibson, of Delhi, spent
Saturday and Sunday at his bonne
Miss Mae Davidson returned home in Wingham General Hospital a well -
last week after a few weeks' vacation :known resident of Wroxeter, in the
at London, Oshawa and Head .I.,akc. tperson of Mrs. C. P. McLean, The
Mrs. Frank McLellan and daughter, late Mrs. McLean had been ill for on.-
n-of Oshawa, and Miss Ilrackey, ofly" two weeks suffering from an ' at -
Weston, are guests at the horn of 'tack of "flu". She has been a life'
Mr. and Mrs, W. E. VanVelsor. 1 tong resident of this village, the only
Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Sawtell and':daughter of the late Dr. S. M. B. tenni.
Helen returned home this week afterMrs. Situate. Surviving is one brother;
spending,a monthat •Wasac a Beach., Dr, Wm, Smile of Chicago. The fun*.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Alleii and son 1 erol was held from her late residence
of London, were visitors one day last no Tuesday afternoon with interment
week with the former's patents, Mr.' in the family pint in the •Wroxeter
and' -,Nipi. Geo, Allen.,i Cemetery. Rev. E. L. Roberts, Lector
Miss Eleanor Martiof 'Torontoris of St. Napa Anglican ClturclY, Wirtg� ,
visiting with friends here at present. Aram, officiated.
'Miss Elsie Davidson, Newton, was
in town on Thursday of last week.
Master James Roe of Toronto is
visiting with Itis aunt, Mrs, Philip
Mrs. John Nagle and daughter and
two grandchildren, of Cana; Mich.,
who have been visiting friends at
Cltesley, called on Mr, and Mrs. 1, S.
Durst on Monday..
Rev. Canon E. Appleyard of .Sea -
forth, called on friends in town on
Mrs, C. F. McLean
There passed away on Friday night