HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-07-18, Page 8AGE EIGHT WINGH.AM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, July 18th, 1935 Show Starts a 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 18th, 19th, 29th Jack Benny Nancy Carroll Gene Raymond L --In 1 Trn.nsatlantic Merry Go Round' Music, Mirth and Mystery On The Hgh Seas Also Mickey Mouse Cartoon and Fox News NEXT WEEK "Horne On The Range" ai!s 4,. nrf.�:aiwr�'4:i4e.u�+iCniK.t i.'6faaft .. 1 EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met on July 9th with all thte members- present. Minutes of last sheeting were read and approved. Communication from Wm. Govier, claiming damages and threatening to take action against the township, on .account of the flooding of water on this property, E h Lot 32, Con. 4, re- •ceived. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Govier, suggesting that a reconsideration of a former award made under the D. W. Act years ago affecting this and other properties in the same locality, would be the pro- per solution of this matter. The treasurer presented his half - yearly statement to June 30th, the same showing a balance on hand at that date of $3,882,83. The Clerk was 'instructed to adver- tise for tenders for the construction of the Grain Drain, tenders to be re- .ceived' to Monday, July 22nd. Councillor Youngblut gave notice cf Motion that at next meeting of Coun- •cil lie purposed introducing a motion in keeping with other municipalities to advance the date of nomination meeting 'from the last Monday in De- cember to the last Monday in Nov- ember, with the election if required. Inn the first Monday in December. The following accounts were paid: The. Municipal World, supplies $9.50; The Advance -Times, printing cheques $4.77; Roy Noble, sheep claim, $7.00; ,Jas: H. Currie, Excise Stamps $5.00; family, of Long Branch, are holiday- ing this week at the home of their uncle, Mr. Wm, Barbour, Mrs. Bert Boyd and Children, of Listowel, are visiting this week at ,the li'otne of her 'parents, Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland and Miss Sarah Garbutt visited on Sunday at the horse of Miss Catharine Russ, who is not doing as nicely as her many friends would like to see. She is still suffering from her injured leg. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson and children, of Morris, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Antos Cor- nelius.- Mr. ornelitis.Mr. Angus Mackay attended the Summer School at Kintaii Cainp last week and took charge of the Mission study class. Miss Vera Goyeau, of Leamington, 1 is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon, Mrs. Bateman, Misses Sarah and Mary Sharpe, Mrs. Forbes and Miss Redmond, of, Teeswater, visited one days last week with lvliss Catharine Ross. Born—In Walkerton Hospital, on Saturdya, July 6th, to Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, a son. Born—In Wingham Hospital, on Monday, July Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt; of Marnoch—a son. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott of Brus- sels, visited on Sunday last with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and Calvin and Jean, of Paris, visited for a week at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Reid. Read 'about' the Popularity Contest on page Five. Coupons will be given only to those that ask them. Willis' Shoe Store, Wingham; The Leading Shoe Store ,of these parts. Mrs. Craig and Miss Marjory Col- lins visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston and children, of Auburn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Wightman, Don't forget the Bayfield Picnic on Tuesday, July 23rd, when the Tem- perance forces of Huron will convene to talk over their position in referen- ce ,to the Canada Temperance Act, Miss Doreen Purdon and Miss Marie Ford are visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie An- derson of St. Helens. P. W. Scott, taking patient to County. Horne $1.90; E. Webster, welding .50 ' Rae & Thompson, bolts and washers .45; Wm. Dunbar, oil $2:50; J. A. Ged- des, oil and grease $2.65; Sam Mor- ton, gravel pit and plank $31.75; W. Cook, gravelling and ditching $44.45; Chas. Robinson, crushing gravel and :set $283.60; G. Godkin, trucking grav- el $176.70; Telford Cook, gravel and grading $25.00; Herson Irwin, ditch- ing and gravelling $56.40: W. 'Elliott, tile $22.00; L. H. Bosman, cement tile $42.46; The Sawyer -Massey Co., ten. for crusher $35.50; The Dom. Mach. Co., rep. for crusher $12.09; John Ma- son, work on road No. 8, $23.00; Al - din Purdon, gravelling $8.10; S. Mc- Burney, construction on road No. 6, $169.20; Lewis Cook, scarifying on road. No. 6, $8.00; S. McBurney, salary as road .Supt., $61.80. Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, August 13th. A. Porterfield, Clerk. timnemmolminm Watch Repairs. For Real High Class Watch Repairs, bring your watch to Williams, The Jeweller. Noth- ing but genuine material used, and all work done on the prem- ises. EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. 'Winner for June— Mrs. R. McMurray, R. R. 5, Brussels Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Williams' JEWELLERY STORE i WHITECHURCH Mr:. and 'Mrs. John Gaunt spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and child- ren, of Auburn, visited on Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Clarence Cox. Mrs. John Craig spent a few days last week at Auburn with her sister, Mrs. Thom. During Rev. J. Pollock's absence, Mr. Angus Mackay will have charge of the services in the Presbyterian Church here, Mr, and Mrs. George Walker and sons spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, of St. Helens. his, grandson Harold,son of C. F. Mrs. George Markel and two child- ren, Mary and Catharine, and Mrs. I and Mrs. Johnston was the youngest member. Those present from a dis- tance were: Mrs. Robert Johnston, Midland; Mr. and Mrs. Silas John- ston and family, Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and son. Barrie of Fergus. BLUEVALE Family Picnic Held A pleasant time was enjoyed on Tuesday afternoon last week, when. the Johnston family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wickstead 3rd Concession, Morris. Guests numbered about forty. The afternoon was spent playing games, races of different kinds and social intercourse. Richard Johnston was the oldest member of the family present and Jas. Markel, Ruth and Charlie, all of Kennedy, Sask., and their brother, Mr. John Mackay, of Wawota, Sask., mo- tored from the West and arrived at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay, an Tuesday a Y last. t. On Sunday, Miss Bertha Mackay, of The serving of the picnic lunch Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mac- brought happy re -union to a close. kay and family, of Wingham, were also present at their home. Many old friends will be pleased' to welcome home these Western friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gillespie and Jack, accompanied Miss Ruth Hond- rick to her home in Baden on Sunday. The Institifte is sponsoring a Com- munity picnic to be held on the Fair Grounds, Wingham, on Friday, July 26. All are welcome to come and join in the sports. Bring your basket. Many from here motored to Wing - ham on Friday to swell the crowds that attended the Orange Celebration there. ' Mr. Melville Beecroft returned from Toronto on Saturday, where he has been taking the short course in Phys- ical Training, Mr. Donald Altner, of Toronto, is visiting > these times with his uncle, Mr: Robert McClenaghan. Rev. J. Watt and Mrs. Watt and ELMER WILKINSON Selling This Week August Holiday Needs It's a good time to prepare for vacation and KING'S have a big stock ,of desirable clothes to dress you stylishly and make 'for your comfort while on holi- days, Summer Dresses Really smart and cool are the lovely frocks in our show room — Pastels - Whites and Pretty Prints.' A wide range of sizes in good style for the Matron, Miss :or Little Miss. $1.95 - $3.75 - $5.50 to $15.00 Fresh Millinery Crisp new styles in white and pale shades for the holidays. Plenty of large sizes. Hosiery - Gloves -. Lingerie The best brands are always top values — Orient, Kayser, Holeproof, in Chiffon, Crepe and Service Weights are the outstanding makes,: 69c .- $1.00 and $1.25 Shortees — 75c Swim Suits The next six weeks is the time to enjoy one. Come in and see new styles - Colors and good quality.. $1.98 - $2.50 - $2.95 Cool Things for the Men Summer Trousers Gray Flannels - Fine Worst- eds - Neat Cotton Stripes. • $2.50 - $3.45 - $4.95 Cream Flannels, Bargain A half dozen pairs fine Eng- lish Cream Flannels, plain and neat stripes - 31, 33, 34 sizes only. Regular $6.50. July Clear- anec $3.25. Good Furnishings Forsyth and Arrow Shirts Penman's Fine Underwear Holeproof .and Richwear Socks Warrens good Sweaters and 'Pullovers Suspenders - Garters 4 Belts Summer Neck Ties All Wool Swim Suits Boys' - $1.19 Men's - $1.69 Always good value for your money. MEMEL KING BROS. W INGI-IAM. MORRIS MisS Janet Robertson spent the 'week -end at her hone on the lst line. Mi, and Mips... Ed. Johnston and family visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield of Gorrie. We are sorry to hear Mr, Mack Black had his leg broken on Friday, One of the horses he was mowing with kicked him and broke his leg belowthe knee. We hope he will soon be able to be home again from the hospital. e Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman, Dut- ton, are holidaying with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and daughters of Hepworth, are holiday- ing with his parents in Bluevale. Miss Rliea Johnston is spending her holidays with her aunt at Kincardine. A large number from around here attended the Orange celebration in Wingham on Friday. It was a lovely day and a big crowd were present,. over fifty lodges were in the parade. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and son, of Toronto, visited with friends on the boundary and 1st line. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson and son, visited.with Mr. and Mrs. John. Wickstead on Monday. Read about the Popularity Contest on page Five. Coupons will be given only to those that ask them. Willis' Shoe Store, Wingham; The Leading these p Shoe Store ofparts. Kicked By Horse, Ankle Broken While Malcolm Black was cutting hay on Friday afternoon ,an unfort- unate accident happened. He was ad- justing a part of the machinery when one of the horses kicked hien, break- ing two bones in his ankle, also cutt- ing and bruising it to some extent. He was taken at once to the Wing - ham General Hospital, where Doctors Redmond and Stewart rendered med- ical attention. Miss Mable Coultes, Toronto is vis- iting with her mother ,Mrs, Thos. Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and son, Toronto are spending their vac- ation with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thorn- ton and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Mathers and family of Hepworth are holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George, Mathers. Robert Rosman, Kingsville, was a week -end 'visitor with his parents, Mr; and Mrs, L. H. Rosman. Harry Diamond of Wingham called on friends and relatives in the village this week. The pulpit ini Knox Presbyterian Church was occupied by the Rev. J, L, Burgess of. South Kinloss on Sun- day morning, who preached anim- pressive sermon from the Parable .of "The Rich Man and Lazarus." The congregations of the 'United! �, Church enjoyed the privilege of hear-' Mg a former resident of Bluevale in the person of Rev. W. B. Smith of Islington, . e Read about the Popularity Contest on pap Pive, Coupons will be given only to those that ask them. Willis' Shoe Store,Winghaut; 1"he teading Shoe Store of these parts.' SHIRTS - With -TIES To Match $1.55 Just arrived a splendid assortment of finely woven Broadcloth Shirts with , Ties to match, in Neat Check Paterns. Specially Priced at $L5S. ry Cleaners & Dyers 1 Rupture Expert COMING Brunswick Hotel 1 to 9 P.M. SAT., JULY 20th To demonstrate the most re - method markab le scientific known for`the control and care of rupture. No leg straps, no elastic, no plasters. Free ad- vice, You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Ask at Hotel desk for Smith Mfg., Co. Preston, Ont. I3ELM'ORE Miss Evelyn Herd of Clinton re- turned horde Friday. Mr, and Mrs. David Breen, Mr, and Mrs. George Breen, of Grand Rapids, motored over for the 12th, called on Hannah and Mary Stokes Saturday evening. The seating capacity of the Com- munity Hall was taxed Wednesday evening by the crowd who gathered to listen to Miss Agnes lvlacphail. Miss Luella Miller, (yho has spent some time with her sister, Mrs. Balers left for her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tackaberry, of Lions Head, were visitors at George Herd's on Saturday, also Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, Elva and Reg., and M. Jeffray, motored to Holyrood Saturday evenngi. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin attended the funeral of Mrs. Granger. Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years. ENTRANCE RESULTS Blyth R. Arthur, E. Asquith, R. Bennett, I. Brigham, L. Cook, I. Craig, N. Daer, H. Fowler, J. Hunking, S. John- ston, F. Lawler, E. Lee, Kathleen Mc- Gill (H), M. Munro, M. Nethery (H), M. Phelan, A. Phillips (H), E. Quinn, E. Robinson, C. Walsh, E. Walsh, J. Walsh. At Blyth the following were grant- ed their certificates on,the principal's recommendation: A. Toll, E. Hunk- ing, E. Youngblut, F. McDowell, R. Nethery, D. Michie, L. Rodger, E. Wightman, G. McGregor, L. Bray, R. Brock, B. Elliott, J. Fairservice, C. Gibson, I. McCallum, A. Phillips, M. Scrimgeour, W. Watson. Dungannon Centre First Class Honours—Elmira Alton, Ferne Alton, Margaret Blake, Phyllis Blake, Horner Durnin, Fred Engle- brecht, Mary Horton, bVilam ing Lan- nan, Jean Long, Richard Park, Lillian Sproul, Anetta Stewart. Second Class Honours — Bertram Curran, Isabel Girvin, Doris Swan, Howard Thompson. Pass—Audrey Congrarn, Violet Cul- bert, Gordon Finnigan, Earl teddy, Bert Moss, Elsie Nivins, Harold Pat- erson, Edwin Thompson. St. Helens Centre First Class Hotiours—Reta Hunter, Grace Weatherhead. Second Class Honours—Perry Dur- nin, William Humphrey, Howard Martin, Iona Swan, Norman Wel- wood. Pass—William Drennan, Harold Ir' - win, Ivan Magoffiu; Muriel Bunion. Ethel Centre S. Aitken, M. Baker, E Barton,' H. Cox, J. Dunbar, O.`Hackwell, E. Lake, I. Mills, A. Slcightholin, a Speiron,. G. Speiron, G. Spence, I. Turnbull Passed on recommendation of prin- cipal—Ethel—M, Baker, R. Dunbar„ No. 10, Grey—A. ;Ii5ilworth, I. Hay- den, M. Veranneinan; No. 1 Grey --A. Blake, . No.. 8, McKillop—M. Ho.egy, V. Leonhardt, B. Manley, D. Murray, G. McKay, J. Eckert; No. 6, McKil- lop—E, Beuermann, M. Pryce; No. 4, McKillop—A. Lawrence; No. 6, Mor- ris—N. Gowing, M. Ireland, L Lowe, D. Stewart, Brussels Centre C. Bryans (H), G. Cummings, D. Currie, R. Duncan, E. Ewan • (H), C. Gallinger, H. McDonald, E. Riley, H. Russel (H), M. Sellers, L. Stiles, M. Weiss (i4). Passed on recommendation of prin- cipalivl. Taeker, G; „Davison,,, 0.j Northwood; H. Barker, I'. Dawson, V Plum, F. Rutledge, M, Sanderson, p', Scott, M, Stephenson, Teeswater Abram, Margaret; Arkell, William, a► Sponge and Chamois, $1.25 Value for 89c Fly Kill and Spray, 85c Value for .... , • . , 59c Magnesia Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush, 75c Value for , 39c Lilac Lotion and Gent's Powder, 85c Value for 59c Mi -31 Tooth Paste and Doll, 85c Value for . 59c Jasmine Shampoo and Rubber Shampoo Cape, 70c Value for 50c Forget -Me -Not Powder and Perfumes, $1.50 Valuefor$1.00 Jasmine Face Powder and Chromium Tray, ff $1.50 Value for ... ; . $1.00 Writing PacPand Envelopes, 40c Value for .... 25c Magnesia Tooth Paste and Radio Band Fife, 40c, Value for 25c The above and many other money -saving specials during July. McKibbon's Drug Store 77tac�iX4+ .Stone Attwood, Elnia; Brown, Bert D.; Cas- lick, Erma Jane . ,(H) ; Hanlan, Fern; Harkness, Nellie Elizabeth; Xing, Loretta Virginia; MacKenzie, Wanda I. (H); McKague, Ross; Millen, Lillie Victoria; Morden, Harold; Purnell, Wray (H); Pletsh, Laura (H); Port- er, Glenn (H) ; Roane, Margaret; Ross, Elinor (11); Simpson, William Hugh; Stokes, 'Alba; Wall, Allan. Lucknow Allan, Marjorie; 'B'rown, :Ger rude; Burt, Robert H.; Buswell, Helen; But- ton, Russell; Carruthers, Kathleen; Conley, Len; Elliott ,.Orville (H); England, Ruth -(14);"Finlayson, Don- ald; Fisher, Mary; Greer, Louise; Hal- denby, Harold E. Hornell, j'ane (H); Johnston, Everette; Johnston, Verna; Legge, Howard (H); Leith, Jack (H), MacDonald, Helen (H); MacIntosh, Bobbie (H); MacKenzie, John K. (H); McDougall, Freda (H); McNeil, Ray; Nicholson, Isabel (H); Parker, Joan; Penrose, Gladys; Reynolds, Mary; Salkeld, Margaret (H); Stew- art, Bessie (H); Stimson, Donald (H); Traplin, Marion (H); Twamley, Elva (H); Webster, James; Whitby, Evelyn. BELGRAVE Miss Norma Habkirk, of Seaforth, spent a few days' with Freda Jordan. Rev, J. B. and Mrs. Townend and Kathleen left on Monday on a motor trip to Moose Jaw, Sask., where they will visit with his parents. Jean Martin of Georgetown is visit- ing with relatives here. Anna Reid, of Varna, is, a visitor aitor with her cousin, Mabel Coultes, Read about the Popularity Contest on page Five. Coupons will be given only to those that ask them. Willis' Shoe .Store, Wingham; The Leading Shoe Store of these parts. Mr. Cameron Geddes, of Toronto,: spent the week -end at his home here. ivl'r. and Mrs. N. Parent of Detroit; were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon. Mr., and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss, Berna spent Sunday with friends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Pearson, of God= erich, were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Brandon one day last week. Mrs. John Stewart and son, Harry spent a few days in Goderich last week. Master Ivan Irwin and sister, 'Lil- Iian, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. nad Mrs. David Scott. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon spent a day with friends in Orangeville. For All Forms of Smoking Be Sure you get it Fresh. Your are a d of this at Omar Haselgrove's Cigar Store. Mr. Reid is at Williams- Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday 11/Corning, '9 to 12.00, Ger ' `illiams Aittt,Ll l bfficial' :r1.R. Watch tttslieetor,i Winghatn Have Modern Refrigeration ._ guy A . HOSTESS SERVADOR All the Latest Improvements are on the Servador. Fully Automatic,,Self Defrosting, Controlled Hum- idity., Larger Shelves which. are handier than ever. Mechanical unit hermatically sealed and .never re- quires oiling. It is Silent—so quiet you can hardly hear it operate. Be Convinced - See it demonstrated by HARRY FRYFOGLE FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE WINGHAM CREAMERY We are Cash Buyers of CREAM -- EGGS POULTRY We Sell, Wholesale and Retail, BUTTER — EGGS — POULTRY "fibre andpip � -- Whipping Cream Raw and Pasteurized Milk Cultured $utterm lk'and Vara Chocolate Milk Phone 9O f " OMSO ,, Prop ,a :; Cur, 8"etoria rand Josephine