The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-27, Page 4PAC,'E 14"0",JP\. WINGI-IAM ADVANCE, -TIMES Esio=o'Dmo D i ' THESE - i • WA T AD'S 0 . 1 : , •tt illei. , i. ... y , ----- . , 1* cents a word per insertion, with ,p, minimum charge of 25c. • .01=10=0=0=0=X0===0=01=0=0, letto=====0=Orom FOR SALE--Beautiftil home, every convenience, hot water heating, lovely garden. Special price for quick sale. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE OR RENT -Comfortable bouse with kitchen and woodshed, cement stable and garage, 5 miles from Wingharn. Apply G. L. Mc- Gee, RR. 3, Wingham. FOR SALE -Solid Brick six -roomed House, light and water, new roof, house as good as new, to be sold at a sacrifice. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE -Seven -roomed white brick two-storey house, all modern conveniences; 'A acre of land and good stable. Apply Mrs. H. Fixter. GARAGE TO RENT -Centrally lo- cated, two blocks east of Josephine Street. Apply Advance -Times. TEACHER WANTED -The trustees of Belgrave Public School require the services of an experienced Pro- testant teacher. One who can teach fifth class work, also Agrioulture. Personal interview preferred. Ap- ply at once stating salary expected. Year commences Sept. 3rd, G. H. Wheeler, Sec'y, Belgrave, Ont. the, moon. Av coorse thim lads av ours down at Ottawa will hev sinse enough not, to bring on the elickshun whin the moon is in its aslat quarther, fer inslitance;.'fei that wud mane bad luck ferusTories. The toime ti hould it is anny toime betwane the fifth an twilfth av Siptimber, v'hin the moon will be'growin bigger an broighter iv- iry noight. Mebby some payple will tink me an ould simpieton fer belavin that the changes av the moon hev annyting to do id the plantin v pertaties an earn, arr the houldin av elickshuns, but 'tis mesilf that kind till thim diff - runt, so I kin. Afther all me long years av expayrienc 1 belaive in shtickin to the ould oideas, soI do. 'Tis a ftindymintalist I am intoirely in pollyticks, an don't hould wid thim modhernists loike the C.C.F.'s, an Aberhart, an Dbuglas, an Hallett, an a lot more fellabs who want to shplit tings woide open, an shtale from us ould fellates the feW hundreds av dol- lars we hev been wurrukin an savin all our. loives. to git together. Thin Grits, av coorse, do be what ye moight TENDERS WANTED call middle av the road min, sittin on the fince to see which way the cat is . . TENDERS for the painting of the goin to jump. exterior woodwork of the Wingham Sometoirnes 1 hev thim Hoigh High School will be received by the School byes toipe wroite me letthers undersigned up to Saturday, July eth,lbefoor sindin thizn to the noospayper 1935. Specifications may be obtained on application to Mr. T. C. King, awfice, be rayson av .me wroitin not Chairman; Mr. Thos. Bowers, Care- bein av the besht, an they say that I taker, or at the office of the under- :do be mixin me mettyfers sometoimes, signed, The lowest or any tender not 'but, shure, that doesn't make army necessarily A. Gaccepalbraith, Secretary. ted. • differ, so long as payple kin undher- W. shtancl what I mane. 'Tis a lot av good e.dvoice I hev been afther givin the Tory earthy all me loife, an nivir got annyting fer it, barrin mebby actin as poll clark a toime arr two. Ye will remimber that a year arr two ago I advoiced Mish- ter /3innitt to sind a lot av unem- ployed lads into the Nort Counthry to bunt fer gowld, an now he is after tak- in me advoice, so he is. Yours till the nixt toime, Timothy Hay. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia- tion to our neighbors, friends and re- latives for their kindness and expres- sions of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement. Mrs. J. A. Currie and Family. IN MEMORIAM BAIRD-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. R. Baird, who was taken home June 21st, 1934, in her 49th year. What is home without a mother, What are all the joys we meet, When her loving smile no longer Greets the coming of our feet. She was very true and patient, Through the years she struggled on And those dear hands now resting Made a home that now is gone. One long year has passed dear mother Since you were taken home, But we keep your memory sacred As we trudge through life alone. -Sidly missed by her Family. AUCTION SALE CANADIAN BOND QUO- TATIONS Furnished by Isard, Robertson. & Co., Limited, Huron & Erie Building, London, Ontario. . Local Representative - A. M. Bishop Approximate Quotations, June 24th, 1935. Dom, of Canada Dom, of` Canada * 5 37 Under and by virtue of the powers Dom. of Canada 55 37 contained in a certain mortgage which Dom. of Canada 4 39 will be produced at the thrie of sale, Dom. of Canada 45 40 there will be offered for sale by pub- Dom, of Canada 5 41 lic auction at the Queen's Hotel, in Dom. of Canada 5 43 the Village of Wroxeter on Saterday, Dom. ef Canada 41 44 the Sixth day of July, A.D. 1985, at Dorn. of Canada 4 45 the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the after- Dom. of Canada 41 46 noon, the following lands and prem- Dom. .of Canada. .35 49 Dorn, of Canada ' 4 52 ises: me. Dom. of Canada 4356 ALL AND SINGULAR thoec tain parcels or tracts of land and pre - Dom. of Canada 41 59 mises situate, lying and being in the C.N.R. 5 54 Village of Wroxeter in the Comity of C,N.R. 41 56 Huron arid Province of Ontario and C.N.R. 5 69 being composed of Lot Number Four Alberta 45 56 (4) on the West side of Centre Street Alberta 647 and (1) and Alberta Lots Nurnbers Seven5 55 Eight (8) no the north side of Queen Brtie'h Columbia 53 45 Street in the said village of Wroxeter British Columbia 6 47 containing together three-fifths of an British Columbia 5 53 acre more or loqs as laid down on a Manitoba 55 55 plan of said Village surveyed by And- New Brunswick 5e. 50 rew Bay. Esq., PL.S.Ontario 462 Upon the premises there is said to / Ontario . 4350 48 be situste a large wp11-built two-stor- ntaiio ey brick Hotel building, with proper Ontario 51 46 conveniences for the tirce4qftil deer_ ' Ontario Hydro 3 52 ation clf a eottntry Hotel and in acldi- , Saskatchewan 4 53 tion tliere is space on the main floor Saskatchewan 5 58 suitable for renting for other vireos- Saskatchewan 62 es and et the present time is occueled Abitibi 5 58 by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Beauharnois 51 73 The nroperty is stihieet to a re- Calgary Power 5 60 served bid and for further particulars Canada Cement 51 47 apple to C.P.R. 41 44 TI:frnz. FELLS. Auctioneer, 1C.P.R. 5 54 103.50 WINGIIAM, ONT. C.P.R. 4 49 93.50 R. S, HETHERINGTON, Can, Nor. Folvee 5 53 99.50 Barrister, Etc,Duke Price 6166 101.50 WINGHAlet, ONTARIO. Gatineau Power 5 66 85.00 * Gatineau Powete' 'A' 6141 70.50 TIM GIVES ADVICE Gyp,. Lime, Alab. 53148 83.50 Maclaren -Quebec 51461 70.00 Bid Asked 103.65 104.85 106.25 107.50 109.35 110.50 106.75 108.00 108.65 109.85 110.75 112.00 111.60 112.85 109.10 110.35 105.00 106.25 109.10 110.35 101.10 102.35 104.60 105.85 107.60 108.85 108.40 109.65 114,25 115.50 111,50 112,75 116.75 118.00 92.75 94,50 102,25 104.00 97.25 99,00 100.75 102.50 102.75 104.50 99,25 101.00 106.75 108.50 112.75 115.00 104.25 106.00 107.50 108.75 110.75 112.25 113.00 114.50 99,00 100.50 88.00 89.50 98.50 100.25 105.75 107.50 27.50 20.50 87.00 89.00 97.50 99.50 103.00 105,00 95,75 97.50 105.50 05,50 101,50 103,50 87.00 72.50 8550 73.50 81.50 106.00 93.50 97.00 103.50 TO HIS PARTY ;•Vaeeev-Harris 5147 79.50 McColl-Pronteriae 0149 104.25 ^ , Ottawa Valley 51170 91,00 To the Editur av all thim Shawinigan 41170 95.25 Wingham paypers. Shawinigan 5170 101.50 Deer Sur Mebby now that the rainy sayson ' EAST WAWANOSI-I sallies to be over fer a whoile, a lot at us ould retoired farrumers will bey A rare musical treat was afforded to be afther shpindin more toime in those who attended the concert held the gardens kaypin the evadeunditer recently at Currie's School, when a conthrol, Av coorse I wud rather be grove of talented young people from down town taikin wid the risht av the St. Catharines, under the direction of two and three-part choruses, readings, vocal solos and step dancing. One special feature of the evening was an exhibition of acrobatic dancineiby:pne of the p,rout-1gest menaWs ,I!'Of the feeentik, qUoscho9kwas :,cromided to capaeity, many being unable to gain admittance. GLENANNAN Airs, Elmer gurdon, of Windsor, was a week -end guest with her sister, Mrs. Rich. Culliton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall also Messrs. Alex. Marshall and Jack Wil- lits spent Sunday with,. friends at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick and little Walter spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Eadie. The many ,friends of Mr. Stafford Paisley, ernployee of Glenannan Brick Yard, will be sorry to learn that he was taken to Wingham General Hos- pital Saturday 'evening. His many friends wish hint a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe attended the Stevenson Reunion held at Bayfield on Saturday. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Hero& Weir and children of Owen Sound, spent the week -end with the former's parent, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and son Kenneth, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Palmer for a couple of days recently. Mrs John Weir and daughter Shirley Ann and the former's mother, Mrs. Curran of Pittsburg are send- ing their vacation with Mrs. Wm. Weir and other friends. A number from this locality attend- ed the Orange Service in Bluevale last Sunday night. ONTARIO BONDS SOLD VERY WELL Will Be Further Opportunity to Pur- chase Bonds. Ontario citizens will have further opportunity to purchase Ontario bonds, Premier 'Hepburn stated. His intimation capped the .climax of the Province's "over-the-counter" bond issue. Oversubscription and closing of the lists were simultaneous- ly announced officially froth. Queen's Park. The issue had been well oversub- scribed, but would not be sold over the .announced $20,000,000 mark be-' cause of legal technicalities, Some of the larger subscriptions, it was said, may have to be scaled down to this requirement. Mining corporations with two mil- lion and million -dollar applications shot the issue up in its closing hours. Mabel -How are you getting on at college, Percy?' Percy -Oh, all right. trying awfully hard to get a head, you know. Mabel -Well, heaven knows you need. one. Izzy-"What's the difference be- tween a sewing machine and a kiss?" Lizzie -"I know they're different, Izzy-'One sews seams nice and the other seems so niee," Re: "I suppose I'm only a little pebble on the beach of your life?" She: "Yes, but you might stand a chance if you were a little boulder." CONDEMNS DEMOCRACY . . tr-,t,•/,:l. Fervently begging that democracy Tory byes about the lickshun, an av Mr. Stanley Elliott, presented a vat-, should not be inflicted upon India, the how much av a majority we kin give ied and delightful enteitaiitrnent t tev Lord 1vV,lhaln Gascoyne-Ce- jarge. Shure, it isn't a quistion av Those taking part, about twenty-three cil, bishop of Exeter, pointed to the gittin him elickted, at all, at all, so it a all, were prize winners and medal- United States to illustrate his demin- isn't Mr t1i,t'S , of the Lincoln County IVIusitel elation of the dernoeratic ferth of gbv- votill is Mild th\rrtiightoftifiteho*V- litstivat The program cOrisisted <:+f ernment. Keep 4 IUTCHEN WHAT could be simpler on a hot morning than getting a breakfast of Kellogg's Corn Flakes? Cool. Crisp. De- licious. Ready in an instant. Everybody loves Kellogg's. And they're a perfect food for hot days- breakfast, lunch ler supper. Light, nourishing, easy to digest. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are the world's largest -selling ready -to- eat cereal. Made extra-misp by an exclusive Kellogg process, and kept oven -fresh and flavor -perfect by the patented heat -sealed WAXTITE inner bag. Insist on Kellogg's for genuine value. Quality guaranteed. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Ci 0 SANDWICH SECRETS By Barbara B. Brooks Almost any cupboard or pantry will supply sandwich ingredients at almost any hour of the day or night. Noth- ing elaborate is essential if the sand- wich maker has a speck of imagina- tion and a flare for fine seasoning. Good bread is easy enough to get these days. You can buy it at your neighborhood grocery or bakery. Re- member to ask occasionally for spine of the special kinds Such as rye, rais- in, date or nut as well as old stand- bys - white, whole Wheat, bran and graham. There is also a variety • of sizes and shapes from which to select.. For a real treat turn old-faehioneel once in a while and bake a hatch of bread rolls at home. It really isn't difficult and you w!ll have lets of fun besides. Choose a cerefully tested re- cipe and follow it exactly, being sure to use ,quality ingredients. A spread of fresh, sweet butter is •enough fill- ing for a homemade bread sandwigh. But add jam and the crusty heel of a brown, freshly baked loaf tastes bet- ter than any dessert. The following bread recipes have been triple -tested. Some suggestions for sandwich fillings made with foods FarmFor Quick Sale Good Buildings Well Watered Near Sehool Cosens & L3ooth Phones Offke 165. Nights 100 or 11. usually on hand are given. These are but a few of the possibilities for com- bining every day ingredients. Sardine and Cottage Cheese Mash equal bantities of boned and skinned sarelinee,and cottage pr .creaere cheese. •Season with lemon .juiee,. salt and paprika. Very good witb rye, bread. 'Onion and Bacon To creamed butter add as much minced onion and fried diced ,bacon. Spread thinly. Ram and Tomato Rub bowl with garlic. Cream let pound butter, add 1 pint minced ham, minced parsley, cayenne and a few drops lemon jnice, Spread two slices of bread with mixture. Place thin sloces of tomato between. Add may- onnaise if desired. Cucumber and Bacon Let sliced cucumbers stand in vine- gar, water and salt mixture about half an hour. Drain well, Place on but- tered bread and top with slices of crisp bacon and another slice of but- tered bread. Dried Beef and Cheese • Grind together equal parts dried beef and American cheese. Moisten with tomato puree or catsup. And now for the home made breads: All -Bran Refrigerator Rolls 1. cup shortening 1 cup boiling water Ve cup sugar 1 cup All -Bran 11/2 tsps, salt 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 compressed yeast cakes 1 cup lukewarm water 6 cups flour or more (sifted before measuring) Mix shortening, boiling water, sug- ar, All -Bran and salt, stirring until shortening is melted. Let stand until mixture is lukewarm. Add eggs and yeast cakes dissolved in lukewarm water. Add flour. Beat thoroughly. Cover bowl and place in refrigerator over night or until ready to use. Form balls of the dough to fill muffin tins about half full. Let rise two hours. Bake in hot oven (450° F.) about 20 minutes. • • . Yield: 31/2 dozen small rolls. Note: Dough can be made into Parker House or cloverleaf rolls if desired. Best Bran Bread 1 yeast cake Thursday, June 27th, 1933 Siart White Shoes For L. -- Dominion Day *MOM You will want White Shoes for July lst. We have the. Latest Styles that will give you Summer Shoe Comfort. TIES, STRAPS AND PUMPS in many different styles for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Priced Low for July lst. Men's 1.98 t° 4 98 Women's Misses' and Children's 1.5,0 to 4.00 89c to 1.98 GREE The Good Shoe Store. /S Wingham, Ont. • ,••••••Y.., ,,„%ent7t.t-!•; . • •-•0 2 tsps. salt e's cup brown sugar (or molasses) 2V cups lukewarm water 5 cups bread flour 3 cups A11-13ran 2 tbsps. shortening Crumble yeast into a bowl, add the salt, sugar and water. Mix until smooth. Add 3 cups .01 flour. Beat well. Add the shortening which has been softened. Beat well. Add *All - Bran and the remaining 2 cups of flour. Mix thoroughly, keeping sides of bowl clean. Sprinkle kneading board lightly with flour, turn dough on board and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Put into greas- ed bowl and turn it over several times until outside is covered with thin coat- ing of shortening. Allow to rise until dough is dolibled in bulk or until blis- ters or gas sacs begin to appear on top of the dough. Punch dough down in center and fold over from. four sides to. center and punch. Turn the dough over. Let rise 45 minutes. Punch again and turn dough over. Let rise 15 minutes.- Shape into loaves and let rise until light (about one hour) and bake in a moderate over (400 to 425° F.) for 15 minutes then reduce heart to 380° F. for remainedr of bak- ing period (50 to 60 minutes). Less yeast (as little as Si, cake) may be used if' a longer time is given the bread to rise. Yield: 1 two -pound loaf. - 44.pourogy4iinAtwvim .4Aectrw, Our Store will be closed all day Monday, July lst. HANDY or STAR P Got' Pearl Soap 7 Bars 25c Kippered Snacks . took advantage of our 25 sale last week. These thrift -wise shoppers welcome the opportunity to again make their "Quarters" do a mighty buYing job. You, too, have still time to save plenty. Stock up now with these extra values. available only pith Wednesday, July 8rd. APPLE and RASPBERRY APPLE and STRAWBERRY 2 -Ib. Jar HEINZ JELLIES NuFF's SOLEX ELECTRIC 25, 90 and LAMP 60 watt, each Meat Bails 16-oz.ttr" Allsorts White Beans CHEESE orr CH PTA.i.VEAALuVEETA VINEGARS 1 6 14:r-;:obIz' k IIPT3ogt. iBAYS X DE 2 rst ,S LIGHT SYRUP Squat tin Fig Wafers WESTON'S We will pay ALL FREIGHT or HALF EXPRESS to the rail- , road station nearest your summer home on order of $10.00 or more. HEINZ COOKED SPACHETT 2. e d. tins Gra e Nut FLAICES g 2 Pk 825 UP TOMATO CAMPBELL'S voiEsH -eeeee