HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-20, Page 841,
Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Friday, Saturday, Two Days Only, June 21st, 22nd
tone f Silver
A Western Picture.
Also Two -Reel Comedy
"Million Dollar Ransom"
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee spent
the week -end with friends at Windsor
and Detroit.
Mr. Carman Farrier, who returned
from Stratford Normal school last
-week, has secured a school at Pros-
perity, in W. Wawanosh. We con-
gratulate him, as not many schools
seem to be changing teachers this
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCallum and
family of Langside . spent Sunday at
the home of: her sister, Mrs, Ab. Mc-
Mr. John Purdon was busy'shing-
ling' the west side of his barn last
week, and hada bee for several days.
Miss, 'Bertha, McKay of Stratford
Thursday, June 2Oth, 1935
spent the week -end Dere with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mac-
Kay, and assisted the choir in the
Anniversary music at Clhaliners.
church on Sunday.
The baseball team went to Blyth
on Wednesday evening and were de-
feated by a score of 11 to 10. On
Saturday evening the Blyth boys re-
turned here and were defeated by a
score of 12 to 2. What was the
trouble at Blyth?
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee of Wing-
ham spent„ Sunday at the home of
Mrs. A. Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs, Angus MacKay, who
are at Montreal and Ottawa a e vis-
iting here with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hector MacKay.
. Rev. Graydon Cox left on Tuesday
to visit his parents at Palmerston.
His father had his leg broken at the
hip. On Thursday he left to motor
to Englehart.
Rev. Henry Martin of Little : Cur-
rent, spent a few days here with his
mother and other relatives. He and
his family are moving to 'Chapleau.
Anniversary services were held in.
the Presbyterian Church here on Sun-
day, when large crowds were present
to hear Rev. Dr. Shortt, of Barrie,
the Moderator of the Presbyterian
churches in Canada for the past year.
Special anthems were snug by the
choir, and on Tuesday evening a very
successful social was held. Rev. Dr.
Shortt is at Kincardine at present.
Rev. J. Pollock left on Saturday to
take his work at Barrie.
Mr. and Mrs? Jack Kelly of High
River, Alberta, are visiting with her.
mother, Mrs. Jas. Boyle and other
relatives here.
Miss Veronica St .Marie and Miss
Madge Church of Goderich spent the
week -end at the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas, St. Marie.
Miss Florence Purdon, who has
been visiting at the home of her
brother, Mr. Elgin Purdon of De-
troit, returned to her home here on
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin spent
Sunday at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Russel Ritchie of St. Helens.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parker, who
were married at Garnet, Haldimand
County, on Wednesday last, and who
are visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Wingham, were
visitors at the Home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Beecroft on Saturday. Miss
Frances Robinson was also with there.
Mr. and IVIts. Parker are intending
to motor on their wedding trip, to
their home in Oregon at the Pacific
The following were guests at. the
home of Mr .and Mrs. Jas. Wilson on
Sunday: Mrs. Ferguson and Walter,
and Mrs. Norman and Jack ,and Mr.
Wm. Simpson and Miss Murdeen and
Mr. Archie Jamieson of Culross and
Mrs. Bateman and Mr. and• Mrs.
Harry Bateman of Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. George Garton and
John motored to Kitchener one clay
last week to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Holland. Mr. George Garton,
who has had to stop work on account
of heart trouble, is staying with his
daughter for the next two weeks.
Mr.and Mrs. Stewart Scott and son
of Kinloss spent Sunday at the home
of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Miss Isabel Fox R. N. spent a few
l days last week with friends in Lon-
Miss Olive Terriff and Mr. Malcolm
Ross are moving from the store this
week. °
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Henderson and
babe, who have been at Paisley, Spent
the.,week-end here. Miss Hazel Hy -
bine of Listowel, was also at Mr.
Henderson's Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClenaghan
and Clarence spent the week -end with
relatives near Brantford.
The regular monthly #meeting of the
Wornen's Institute was held on Fri-
day at the hone of Mrs. Wesley Leg-
gatt, with the President, Mrs. Robt.
Ross, to chane of the meeting. After
the opening exercises, the ladies de-
cided to hold a contest during the
next few months, points being given
for punctuality,` answering the roll -
Icall, attendance, and new members,
Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. Lott
called sides, acting as captains for
the contest. The ladies were requested
to send their optional project which
they wanted studied in Bruce, All In-
stitutes were requested to do this, and.
then tine one getting the greatest
number' of calls, would be studied at
a special meeting at which a govern-
ment speaker would be in attendance
to discuss the project. They chose
"Clothing and. Textiles",, with "Hous-
ing" as the second choice. The Sec-
retary was tp write to Mr. R. Elliott,
Reeve to ask that the cement walk
be extended from across the street td
the Hall, .The following program was
then very much enjoyed: Instrument -
ab Miss Lela Leggatt; Reading, "My
Mothers: ' Apron," , by Mrs. Frank
Henry; • Community singing, Ve
banks and 'Braes of 13oYtnie Doan",
Mrs. Thos. Gaunt then gave a very
interesting report of the recent Dis-
trict Annual meeting whihc was held
iia Teescvatcr. Mrs. Bert Reed sang,
A new shipment of ready-
to-wear Suits made by Pall
Mali have just arrived.
These suits are the last
word in style, fit and pat-
terns, and remember, each
suit has 2 pairs of trousers.
We can't show you on pap-
er what real values these
suits are. It will pay you to
come in and look them over
before you buy.
Men's Wear Dry Cleaners 'and Dyers.
Compare these items with what you are asked elsewhere.
Redpath Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. 50c
(With a Grocery order of $1.00,: sugar included)
Ice Cream Waffers, 20c for 15c'
Gold Seal Coffee, bulk 21c lb
.Aylmer Veg. and Tomato
Soup, 3 for 25c
.Chase & Sanborn's new Dated
Coffee in bags, spec .....35c lb.
Kellogg's and Sugar Crisp
Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs for 25c
Choice Corn or Peas, No, 1
tin 8c
Pumpkin Choice No. 2 tin 8c
'Honey 2i Ib. cartons for ..,..,..20c
'McCornzicks Soda Biscuits, 1
1b. wax pkge., special i.1c
Fresh, Oranges 19c to 49c ,doz.
Feed Oatmeal, 7 lbs. for 23c
Marshmallow Bar Biscuit IGe lb
Swt, Pickle Cottage Roll 22c 1b
Sliced Breakfast Bacon lb 15c
Epeicure Shortening, 1 ib 12c
Soap Chips, best, 3 lbs 25c
Choice Apricots for only 26c lb
Shelled Walnuts, spec, 34c lb.
Maple Leaf or Thistle Baking
Powder, 1 lb. tins, spec 14e
Sana -White Toilet Tissue .:.......7c
Choice Figs, 3 lbs. for 25c
Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c
P. & G. Soap, 4 bars • 15c
Unwrapepd Soap, 5 bars ....,,13c
McLaren's and Horne's Jelly
Powder, natttral Vriut Fiav
ors, for only • 5
crels in ,y`W * l ekle Sugar Cttreti o, s, BolognaW
, arta
Battsa `•es Chicken 1~`,011, tit pr engage, etc,
Fars, � , y ,,,
CS 111I: `17' Gainey Block WE DEL/VE,R
Setting, the Summer
Fashion Standard
Really Smart Clothes
A full stock of Slimmer Cloth-
es and Summer Materials that
will simplify your search for
warm weather wearabies.
Dresses - Suits -
In lovely white ' and pastel
shades - stylish creations that
look so well on you.
Smart Millinery
Summer shapes and colors to
wear with a pretty dress or suit.
Avon Knitted Suits
This is the season to enjoy
their comfort. - For Motoring -
Golf - Bowling - There is no-
thing so .good looking and so
Foundation Garments
Be fitted with a good Nemo -
Flex or Gossard garment and
know that you have the proper
figure control -
$1.95 - $2.95 - $4.00 to $6.75
Summer Stockings
Orient Kayser - Holeproof
- are always good stockings to
buy - Crepes - Chiffons and Ser-
vice Weights
69c -'89c - $1.00
Summer Dress Materials
Refreshing new fabrics and
colors that add sp much dash
to your Summer Wardrobe —
New Voiles - New Silks - New
Crepes . - fine quality, wide
widths and they cost so little -
39c - 69c - $1.00 -$1.25
Colorful Sumner Rugs
When you see the pretty col-
ors and designs in these lovely
grass rugs, you'll hardly be able
to resist them; various sizes that
are so usable in the home, the
verandah or the cottage -
50c $1.00 to $2.50
Our Men's Section
King's is ,always a good place
to buy Men's Wear Suits — Top
Coats - Fine Furnishings and
Work Clothes..
Come and see the values.
You'll be pleased with what
you see.
ant and gave an address. The choir
of the; United Church are supplying
the musical ntunbbrs at Jirick•Church
nett' Sunday! for their Annivetesary
Mr, Scott and Miss Scott of Ripley
visited on Sunday with; Miss Ida and
Mr. George McQuoid.
Mr, and Mrs, Orviil Tiffin and sons
visited on Sunday at the home of her
brother, •Mr, Jas, Mclnnis.
'Mrs. Lester Falconer, of ' Culross,,
has been very ill with an attack of
German measles,
The young people • of the United
Church were entertained by the young
people of 'the Brick Church on Mon-
day evening, Whitechurch supplying
the musical numbers of the program.
Mr. Gilbert. Beecroft was in charge
of the meeting. Mrs. DuVal of Wing-
ham, was the guest spekaer of the ev-
ening and gave a splendid interpre-
tation of Spring, using many of her
poems to illustrate the beauty: and
wonder of this season. After the meet-
ing Miss Beatrice Beecroft was in
chargeof several interesting contests,
lunch was served and a social half-
hour enjoyed.
Dr. Mortimore will preach anniver-
sary services at Brick Church this
Sunday. The young people of the
Huron' Presbytery are holding their
annual' picnic at the Goderich Camp
Grounds on Saturday, June 22. Every-
one come prepared to take part in
group games and softball. Basket sup-
per at 6.30, after which the vesper
service will be in charge of Mr. Cos -
ens. All are invited to attend.
Born—In Wingham Hospital, Mon-
day, June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. F.
Thompson, of E. Wawanosh, a son.
Miss Mary Boyle, of Wingham, is
spending this week at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Jas. Boyle.
,Mrs. John Mason returned home
last week after spending some time
in Clinton Hospital, following an op-
Mrs. Morrison and sons, John, -Er-
nest and Angus of Turnberry, were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Cornelius on Sunday and with
others of their former neighbours.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook and
her mother, Mrs. Thurlow, of Goder-
ich, visited on Sunday with the form-
er's aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius, and at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Thurlow, of Wingham.
Mr. John Purdon is suffering these
times with a felon on his finger.
"Till we meet again." Mrs. McQuillan
was in charge of the Topic for the
day, "How to be a good Housekeep-
er" and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie read a
story, "One Woman's. Ideal". The
meeting closed by singing' the Nation-
al Anthem. Lunch was served and a
social half hour was very much en-
Mr: George Ross of Wingham spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dow of Bruce -
field spent Sunday with Mr. John
Clubb and Mr. Clubb returned with
them to visit at Brucefield for a few
weeks. They also visited with other
relatives on the 10th of E. Wawanosh.
Quite a number of the young folks
from the United Church here attended
the meeting in Brick Church on Mon-
day night, when Mrs. DuVal was pres-
Are You Having'
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined, glasses: fitted by
Stratford's'Leading Op't6irietrist
for Seventeen 'hears.
Mr. Reid isat Williams' Jewell-
eryStere each Wednesday
Mot rung, 9 to 12.00,
Geo.' Williams
-JuEWgt mm
Offaiai C,N. . Watch Insp. ector
Wihan m
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, of Auburn,
were recent callers in the village.
Mr. Chas. Reid, of Brucefield, was
the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. J.
Mr. and Mrs" Coiling and children,
of Ripley, were visitors with Rev. and
Mrs. Wilkinson, on Friday.
Ivir. Louis Grant has been under the
doctor's car.
Mr. Stanley Todd presided at the
meeting of the Y.P.S. on Sunday ev-
vening when the Citizenship Committee
with Mr. Wallace Miller, convenor,
had charge. Bob. Purvis read the
Scripture lesson and Kathleen Thom,
the Bible character of Peter. Ascen-
sion was the subject of a paper read
by L atirine Miler. Stanley Todd gave
a synopsis of an address given re-
cently by Mr. Aubrey Oldham. Rev.
Wilkinson gave a very interesting talk
on "Forming Habits."
Mrs. R. J. Woods and Wilson were
week -end -visitors at Sauble Beach
with Mr. and Mrs. Whitman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durnin and Earl,
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and Don.
and Mr. J. R. Webster, attended the
annual Webster picnic at the United
Chucrh Smummer School Camp near
Goderich on Saturday.
On Friday afternoon, June 14th, the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller
was the scene of a happy event when
twenty-five relatives andfriends gath-
ered to do honor to Mrs. Miller's mo-
ther, Mrs, R. K. Miller, on the occa-
sion of her birthday. Guests included'
Mr. J. W. Salkeld, Miss May E. Sal-
keld, Mrs. J. T. Salkeld and Mrs, I.
Salkeld of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. T.
Jfl Salkeld of Lucknow, Mrs. Gordon,
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miler and family,
Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Wilkinson and
family, Mr. G. S. McIntyre and Mrs:
E. J. Thom and Kathleen. In the ev-
ening Mrs. Willer enjoyed het,. annual
telephone conversation with her soli,
Stuart, of Oyen, Alta. •
The United Church Garden Party
will be held on Friday evening; June
28th when Teeswater Dramatic Club
will ;present their play "Blundering
Hilly". Plan to attend.
Miss Isobel Miller, who has been
attending Stratford Normal School: is
home for the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, John Miller moved to
their new home in Lucknow on Thurs-
day. On Tuesday evening their neigh-
bors surprised them at their hoiiie
when a pleasant social time was en-
joyed, '•After lunch; Mr. Peter Watsni
read= an address•°and Mr. James Ly -
y-oiis presented Mr: and Mrs. Miller
with a china cabinet. Mr. and Mrs,
Miller expressed their tliandcs and a
Number of those' present inade short
speeches expressing regret at Mr. and
Summar Clearance Prices
Two Pant Suits.
Discount on all Summer Suit-
ings and Suits, '3 and 4 piece
Suits, Young Men's and Men's
$19,50 Bi -Swing " and Sport
On Sale, 2 Pants $16.95
Special Lot of Suits
English Worsteds, light and
grey patterns.
$15.00, $18.50 and $22.50
Grey Flannel Odd
Fine English Sport Flannels,
regular $8.75,
On Sale $2.95
Forsyth Fine Shirts
In better qualities, regular at
$2.25 and $2.50.
On Sale $1.69
Straw Hats
This is the season to buy your
Straw Hat, On Sale
$1.25, $1.75 and $2.25
Sport Bathing Suits
Aberly All Wool Zipper Corn-
binations in blues, reds, greys
and blacks. -
2 Piece $2.95
Forsyth Neckwear
Special purchase of pure silks
in summer and dark shades, For
syth guaranteed $1.00 Neckwear
On Sale 75c
Hosiery Sale
Silk Hose, clearing line in
good qualities, reg. 50c and 75c
hose, on sale at
3 Pairs for $1.00
Hanna- & Co., Limited
Mrs. 'Miller's departure and all agree-
ing that they were going to be great-
ly missed in the community.
THOMPSON—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, June 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, E.
Wawanosh, a son.
Parson—"How did you get that
black eye, Mrs. Higgins?"
Mrs. Higgins—"Well, sir, me 'us -
band carne out of prison on 'is birth -
daParson—"Yes ?" -
Mrs. Higgins—"And I wished 'im
many 'appy returns."
The Orangemen of the district will
attend the service in St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church on Sunday, evening. Rev.
R. A. Brook wil give the address.
On Sunday evening our local Band
gave one of their sacred concerts on
Memorial Park which was much ap-
Mr. Ed. McMillian left on a busi-
ness trip to North Bay this week.
Mr. Ed. Sillib of Brantford has pur-
chased .
urchased. that very desirable residence
known at the D. B. McKinnon prop-
erty on Dinsley St.
A number from this vicinity attend. -
ed the Spotton rally at Dungannon.
Mr., Orton Stubbs returned on Sat-
urday from Clinton Hospital where
he underwent .a surgical operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrett spent
the week -end with friends at Strat-
Rev. Dr. Ashdown moved his house-
hold effects on Monday to Gooder-
ham, Haliburton County, prior to
leaving. The ladies of Old St. And-
rew's congregation waited on Mrs.
Ashdown at her home and presented
her with a farewell address and a
beautiful leather purse.
The annual memorial service will be
held in Memorial Hall on Sunday,
Juy 30th, Rev. Dr. Barnett of Goder-
ich, will give the address.
Brunswick Mineralite
with Disc Vulcanized with Bowl
Also 1 set good wood bowls
. Cheap.
Omar Haselgrove
For Real High Class Watch
% Repairs, bring your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
and all work done on the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for May—
Mr. J. Renwick, R. R. 1,
Clifford, Ont.
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Health and Beauty Needs
1910 A S a ���
ecial 10 Dy Event
To acquaint you with. Products sold Exclusively by
Rexall Drug Store.
A healthy body - Beauty- Charm - and the
good tunes that follo.w will be yours if you
take advantage of the splendid opportun-
ities for beter health and greater Beauty
offered here.
There is no Middleman lin, the Rexall Plan. The
saving goes to you.
Look over our windows and show cases
and see the Wonderful Bargains.
A Li
st has been sent you
PllllViJL�i y�V'f +C HWIP.,P';6
rn's DrugStore..
4ittv*wIreiw . „ Wingham .