HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-20, Page 1OPENING TO -NIGHT, PROF, McKENNA AND COMPANY WITH HIGH CLASS PERFORMANCE. SOUTH OF WEBSTER'S MACHINE SHOE. Admission 15c and 10c Including Tax Single Copies Five Cents VVINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th ,1935 Subscriptions $2.00; Per Year and #arth; JUNIOR' FARMERS IN COMPETITION WHITECHUCH MAN SHOT IN WRIST G. L. BAKER IS TRANS- . FERRED TO GALT LIBERALS HELD, ANNUAL MEETING CHILDREN'S SERVICE VERY IMPRESSIVEIS 1935 TAX RATE ;50 MILLS BAND CONCERT SUNDAY NIGHT Church SundaySchool Anni- and Flower Sunday No Change in Rate From Last Year. Friday Night's Concert was Cancelled y g Account Meetingo£ North Huron andUnited ' Huron -Brice Liberal Associations Judging Annual Huron Livestock Judging Event Held Near Blyth: LeftWristWounded when Ac- W is Quo cidentally Discharges. Mr. and .Mrs. Baker Will ,Take UpJoint Residence in Galt Early in July, versary Held Morning. i 1 Ata spec meeting of the Council on of • the :Storm, Sunday ' a held at the Council Chambers 'Mon- On Sunday at 8:30 the Dr. George McQuibbon and R. J. Deachman Address Meeting. The annual Huron County live- d g ,tock judging competition was held in Fridaywith sixtyjunior farmers. 27 years of age competing. Tan VlcLeod county agricultural ricultural repre- >entative, who was in charge of the :ompetition, stated this event was the nost successful in the history of the :entity. Judging was clone on farms in the of Blyth, Yorkshire sows at Mr, Joe Kelly, who has been living • at the home of his grandmother, ther; Mis. James Cornelius, Whitechurch, was: shot through the left wrist on Mon- day morning, when a .22 rifle he was carrying was accidentally discharged as he climbed `through the orchard fence. Fortunately no bones were broken. Dr. R. L. ,Stewart was called and dressed the deep flesh wound It is with regret that we report that Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Baker will be mov- ing to Galt early in July where Mr. Baker has been appointed Chief Clerk for the C.P:R, city office. The uptown express, ticket and telegraph office of the C.P.R, here will be closed the end of this month and the efficientserv- ice that Garnet has given at this stand will be greatly missed. Garnet, though not a Wingham pro- The United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday mornii g for the �flow- Sunday.School anniversary and whe er service. The altar of the church was beautifully decorated. On one side was a wonderfully constructed lighthouse, situated on a rugged gras- sy point. In the centre was a sail boat, sailing away from the Night- house and . on the other side a huge anchor made of flowers: The sing- ing of the birds which were stationed about the church added greatly to the spirit of the occasion. • The service was m charge of F. R. Howson, the SundayShcool Superin- tendent; who was assisted by Elmer Wilkinson. The sermon was given by the Pastor, Rev. 3. F. Anderson. Each member of the Sunday School carried a bouquet of flowers as they paraded into the church, these were placed on the grassy slopes of the day evening., with all member nres- ent except Reeve: Davidson and May- or- Hanna In the chair -the tax rate for this year was struck at 50 mills which is the sante as last year; The motion to set the tax rate at 50 mills was moved by Councillor Bishop and seconded by Councillor Geddes and carried unanimously. Estimates for 1935 Receipts Licenses $ 600:00 Street Watering .:, •248.00 Cemetery .. _...._.. .. 1100:00 Rents and Fines .:... - 450.00 "'••"' • Poll fax 30:00 Sanitary Tax 650,00' Percentage on Taxes 500.00 Weigh Scale Fees ..100.00 Dog Tax .w.. ...._._...._160.00 Sale -Tax properties 400.00 Miscellaneous ..... _.,. ._...,_::381.48 Tax Rate - 50 mills 54100.00 night o'clock Wingham Citizens' Band will present their second Sunday night Band Con- cert of t season. Thewas a very so re v ry large attendance at the last Sunday night concert and if the weather is fine there will be another splendid gathering to hear the fine program that will be rendered. The program for Sunday night will be the same as was billed for Friday night; but, due to the severe- storm, was cancelled. The program will be as follows: 1. March, De Malay Conunandery, R. B. Hall. 2. Overture, The North Pole, A. C Hayes. 3. Waltz, Wandering of the Winds, John T. Hall. 4. Medley, Round the World, Mac - kie-Beyer. 5. March, Col. Brett, R. B.' Hall. 6, Overture, Determination, H. C. ir ' The faint annual meeting of the North Huron and Huron -Bruce Lib- eral Associations was held in the Town Hall here on. -Friday afternoon with a very good attendance. Dr, D. A. Finlayson, President of the Huron -Bruce Association, con- ducted the election of officers for this riding, with the result that all officers were re-elected as follows: Hon, Pres. -Morgan Dalton, Ash- field, John. Johnston, Mildmay, Pres. -Dr. D. A. Finlayson, Ripley. Y P y 1st Vice Pres. -Mrs. Robt. David- son, Dungannon. 2nd Vice Pres. --David McDonald, Culross. 3rd Vice Pres. -Oliver Hemin way, g Grey. Treas.-W. T. Booth. Secy -J. J. Robertson, Colborne, Auditors -Jas. Cutt, Blyth,,,and 01 iver Hemingway, Grey Twp. • The Chairmen and. Vice Chairmen of the municipalities are as follows: Ashfield -Murdock Matheson, Mrs: McWhinney. Colborne -James Bisset, Miss Het- en Stewart. W. Wawanosh-Wm. Watson, Miss McAllister. E. Wawanosh-George Canning- ham, Mrs. John McGee. Morris -E. Elston, James Clark Grey -Dr. McMaster, Mrs. Andrew Lamont. Turnberry-I. J. Wright, Mrs. J. L. McEwan. Howick-Thomas McClennan; Miss Blythe McLaughlin. : Carrick -M. Filsinger, John Doig. Culross -David McDonald, Oliver Kuntz. Kinloss -Frank, Henry, Angtts Me- Intosh. M. g ,John Wat- Huron -Angus Martin son• Blyth -J. R. Cott, Mrs. Jas. Laid -Es law• Brussels -Wm. M. Gillespie, Joe Wilton. Wingham-H. C. MacLean, Mrs. 5 g 3. Elliott. Mildmay -Dr, E. J. Weiler, Chas. E, Wendt. Teeswater-Hugh Semple, J. J. Reid. Ripley -Eugene Martin A. K, Mc- Clay. . Robertson, Mr. Hugh Hill of Colborne, Presi- dent of the North Huron Association, was chairman for the balance of the meeting and the election of officers for North Huron which resulted as follows; President -Hugh Hill, of Colborne Townshi p' 1st. Vice Pres. -Dr, J.' W, Shaw, of Clinton. 2nd Vice Pres. -Miss Powell, of Wingham. 3rd Vice 1 res. -Mrs• R.'Davidson, of Dungannon. Secy -J. J. Robertson, of Colborne Township. Treas.-Abner Cosens, Wingham. Auditors -;lir. Price and Mr. 13ro- phy. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the inunicipalitics as follows; Ashfiield Murdock Matheson, Mrs, Samuel Kilpatrick, R. R. 7, Lucknow. Colborne -James Bissett, Miss Hel- et] Stewart, West Wawanosh-Wnx, Watson, Miss B. McAllister. Bast Wawanosh-Adam Robertson, gas, f, J, McGee. 11[orrs-W C. TZing, 11!Frs. David Laidlaw. Grey -Oliver Hemmungway, Mrs. �, Lati]tint. + (Contttted on Page (`out) ricinity Norman Sanderson's, Jersey cattle ' bacon hogs at Alex. M:cEwing S; haft horses at Duncan McCalluin's; lydesdale mares at Joseph Greys; aiorthorn cattle at Frank Woods'; ;beep at Orville McGowan s:' The sup- trvising judges were G. R. Patterson, 3ruce County representative, dairy rattle; R. S. McKercher, Dublin, beef rattle,• C D. Graham, Perth County •epresentative, hcrses; T. S. Cooper, "rey County representative, sheep; H. L. Atkinson, Clinton, swine. The 'silver cup for the highest boy n the competition --was won by last rear's runner-up, William Pepper, of seaforth, with 674 points out of a tossible 750. Fred McQuillan, Luck- low, secured second place and a sil- rer medal .with 671 points, while the shield donated by the C. N. Exhibition :or the highest novice was won by Eiarold Lobb, Clinton, with 660 points. - First and second prizes were also twarded m senior and junior sections Got His Year Rae Thompson, who attended Tor - onto University, l' during the last year, was• successful in passing his first- year Arts, pass course examinations. A Farce -Comedy "Safety First". Will be presented by the Young People of Trinity Church Belrave P Y g on Friday, June 21st, at 8.15 p.m. in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave. Music between the acts. Admission 25c and 15c, On Executive of Mayors' Association Mayor John W. Hanna and Town Clerk W. A. Galbraith attended the convention of Ontario Mayors which was held in Kitchener on Wednesday of last week, Mayor Hanna was elect- ed as one of the directors of this as- sociation and Wingham is, indeed hon- ored in having. their Mayor chosen to the Executive•of such a responsible organization. duct, having been born in Edwards- burg Township, Grenville County, was exceedingly popular here and will be greatly missed. On returning from ov- erseas he was for a short time with the C,P•R. at McTier, comingto Wingham May 19th, 1920, as assistant agent at the C.P.R. station. A year after he took over the uptown agency of the C.P:R., Garnet took a very active interest in the welfare of our town. He is an active member of the United Church, being secretary of the Sunday School, past member of the Board of Stew- ands. He was also secretary of Wing- ham A.P. and A.M. No. 286 and sec'y- areas. of the Wingham Conservative Association. He was a member of the Town Council during 1932, 1933 and 1.934 and was elected at the head of the poll twice and once by acclama- tion. Mrs. Baker is a Wingham girl, for- merly Madeline Walker, and she will be greatly missed by a large circle of lighthouse reef, forming a most col- orful display, .Six'of the younger girt members of the Sunday School, Lois Adams, Shirley Edgar, Marjorie French, Ann VanWyck, Grace Bailey and Ileen Dark, carried each an an- char of flowers which added greatly to the already artistic display. School $ 59319.48 Expenditures Overdraft from 1934 $ 3346.59 Expenses election etc. ..... 60.00 Salaries, Allowances and Commissions 3650.00 Printing, Advertising, Post- -age, Stationery 800.00 Hayes. 7, March, Appleton, R. B. Hall. 8. Waltz, Bliis Eeternal, Bennett. 9. Selection, Operatic Echoes; L. P. Laurcndean. 10. March, Canton Halifax, R. B. Halt "God Save the King." Children of the Sunday formed the choir and opened the ser- vice by singing"I Love the Summer." Grace Hingston then recited a mass age of Scripture "When the Christ blessed the little children," Following the singing of Will Your Anchor g g Hod?" Rev. Mr. Anderson led m prayer. Little Leslie May Wall then gave a recitation and the children's choir sang "Signal Lights". The Scripture reading, 5th chapter of Mark the first 16 verses, was taken by Continued on Page e Four)Sanitary ( 8 Insurance 950.00 Heat, Light and Care of 1000.00 Buildings Street Lighting 3498:00 Fire and Water ....2300.00 Law Costs 175,00 Roads and Bridges ....._...._...._3000.00 Grants and Charity 1331.20 Public School Board 9411.57 Debentures 13970,45 Interest 1700,00 Cemetery 500.00 ...,..,........W._.._ 1495.00 Board of Health ....._.. 150.00 Old Tyme Dance In the Institute Hall, Whitechurch, on Thursday night (this week) June 20th, at 8 p.m. under the auspices of the Whitechurch Athletic Association. Ladies Free. Draw for Quilt will be held. • To Quit Public Life Hon. J. L. Ralston, former minis - ter of national defence, will retire from public life at the end of the pre - sent Parliament. He has informed H. R. L. Bill, M,L.A., president of the sf each class. Those securing highest Joints were: LOCAL AND PERSONAL friends. She too, is very active in church work being a valued member Horses, senior, Frank Archibald, Miss Blanche Irwin of Toronto ;eaforth; Alex. Corrigan, Glen Allen, •visited •friends in town over the week unior, Alvin Lobb, Clinton; Earl end, JVilliams, Clinton. Mr. Fred Piper was the week=end Beef cattle, senior Stewart McEw- guest •of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. ;n, Clinton; Frank Archibald; junior, Piper.What fohn Deeves, Clinton, and Alvin Miss Alice Williamson, of Kitchen- Lobb, Clinton, tied. Dairy cattle, sen er, spent the week -end at her• home or, William Pepper, Seaforth; Frank • • PP , m town:, Harold of the Choir and a past 'president of the Evening Auxiliary. Both Mr, and Mrs. Baker were members of the Bowling Club and will be missed at the greens. is Wingham's loss is Galt's and we take this opportunity to gainY wash Mr. and Mrs. Balser much trap- piness and good fortune, Engagement Announced 1Vir. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett., Wing- pant, announce the engagement of - their youngest daughter, Laura Es- tella, to Percy Wilfred Gray, of 'tor onto, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray. The marriage will take place the latter part of June. High School Board 4000:00 Public Librax Board ....._ ,1000.00 Y Telephone 275.00 Tax Collection charges 35.00 Division Court Expenses 72.00 County of Huron Levy 4899.67 Direct Relief ($4500) Towm's. Share ......w......__ 1500.00 Miscellaneous ..._......................._. 200.00 Shelburne -Yarmouth Liberal Associa- tion, that it will be impossible for hirn to accept a nomination for re-election to the House of Commons. Plan to Serve Dinner July 12th The United Church Woman's As- sociation held their regular monthly meeting in the ladies' parlours at the on Tuesday afternoon, The 2eynolds, Seaforth; junior, >\Ir. Currie Wilson, of Kitchener, Lobb, Clinton; Harold Pepper, Sea- visited at his home here over the School Teacher Re -Appointed Orth. week -end, Miss Jean Webster has been re -en- . Sheep senior, Frank Archibald, Sea- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bishop of Belle- gaged as teacher at the Junction Wilfred Shortreed, Walton; ville, are visiting with their son, A. M• school at an increase in salary. unior, Robert Henry, Belgrave; Bert and Mrs. Bishop. Barrett, Seafort Institute to Meet June 20th Miss Edna Campbell, of Toronto, Swine, senior, Fred McQuillan, spent the week -end at the home of The regular monthly meeting of the Lucknow; William Turnbull, Brus- Mrs: W. A. Johns. Women's Institute will be held in the ;els; junior., Jack Turnbull, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman and Council Chamber at 3 p.m. on Thurs- Robert Henry, Belgrave. children spent the week -end with the day, June 20th. A special prize of a 'weanling pig former's brother in Collingwood. Alas donated by Norman Sanderson, Old Land Mark Disappears Miss C. Lewis B.A., of Palmers-, f3lyth, to the contestant securing the ton, the week -end with her The old. Orange Hall on the 3rd spentline `of Morris was torn down last or swine classes. These were secur- Master George Town is spending a week, thus one of the old land marks :d by Fred McQuillan Lucknow, and of this district has disappeared. This couple of weeks in Detroit, the guest faak Turnbull, Brussels. of Miss Jane and Master Roy Stanleyis a very old building and many of the old-timers will remember the good Choir Held,Picnic The members of the United Church Choir hada most enjoyable time on Thursday evening when the held Y $ 59319.48 1 mill equals $1094. (Contiued on Page Four) church meeting opened with a hymn, follow - ing wrhich Mrs. Geddes, the president, lead in the reading of Psalm 103 and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in their annual picnic at the tenth bridge. p g Following picnic supper, the evening W• C. T• U• unison. After the usual business dis- cussion arrangements for serving din - a most pleasant time was enjoyed. Garden Party Friday, June 28th A Garden Party will be held at Eb enezer United Church (13row•ntown) nn Friday, Jtine 28th. Supper served from 6 to 8 followed by the play "Safety First", presented by the Y. P. of Trinity Church, Belgrave. Ad- mission, Adults 35c, children 15c, � R Lady Bowlers Bridge The Bridge held under the auspices of the Ladies' Bowling Club in the Council Chambers last Thursday af- ternoon, was well attended. Eighteen The regular monthly meeting of the local union of the W. C. T. L was held at the hone of Mrs: H. Thompson on Thursday, June 13th. The meeting opened by singing "'Tis the blessed hour of prayer. Mrs. Stone read the Scripture lesson from Phil. 4: 13, and Mrs. G. Mason led in prayer. The Clip Sleet ,programme ryasg conducted by the President, Mrs, R. Tindall. Miss R. Lewis was appoint- ed delegate to the convention which will be held in Clinton, July 5th. The meeting; was closed with , prayer by Mrs, Falconer. ner at the church on July 12th were made. The President closed the meet - ing with the Benediction. Pure White Shoes for Young Men slow WhileWinghamnwg terns opinion, on,�theyenot i may be termed as "cautious", This is nc doubt the reason why Pure White Shoes for youngHien have not ane over very largely in Wingham. Pure White shoes for young men are, ligw- ever, quite strong in certain parts of Ontario, and the impression seems. tc be gainin • in "Shoedom" that thein g popularity will increase rather that They are, in fact, consider - Smith. Right Now Mrs. M. H. VanWyck and two tunes and pleasant associations they Is the raper time to overhaul your children, of Montreal are visiting had in connection with this building. n , Hower for the big hay crop. We sell with the former's father, Mr. D. Mac- Ethel Punters Win 1-0 Yuards sections bolts, rivets, knife Donald,' In a return exhibition game at Eth- leads, etc. l ornath &Bennett. 112,. and I4Irs. Geo. McKay and dao- el last Saturday evening the Wing- Anniversary Services ghter, Mary Elizabeth, of Iianrilton, ham football team lost out by 1-0, pisited relatives in town over the the lonee goal being scored when time At Knox Church, Bl e ale u v on Sun- week -end.• 30th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 was just about up. The Ethel team lay, June, Iva Corn has broken her engage - p.m, will be conducted by o; are cleaning up their group this year p.tn, Servicestnent with Mr. Fort, since lie is us- the Moderator, Rev. J. S. Shorn, D. Corn Salve, At McKibbotts and after the fine showing of the lo- ing Cress Co cals against this strong team, two of [)., of Barrie. Drug Store.decrease. the Win •ham team, Jim Jones and Miss Mary Robertson and Miss g Three Inches of Rain Jack Wayne, were invited to sign up The rain storm of Sunday night and Vernice Maclean, of Walton, spent the with Ethel for the season. Monday morning was one of the heav- week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mo y 3prize, tdownpours rye lave had in this Robertson, Patrick St. Books for County Gaol es (Rev. David and Mrs, Marshall, ibis- An effort is bean made to build section of the country for seine, time, t i until sionary of British Guiana, and their up libraries in Reformatories, Indust- From 9 o'clock Sunday evening- about 10 a.m. Mon- son and daughter, are guests of Mr, cal Farn]s and County Gaols, by se- the rain stoppedlit and M. A. E. Lloyd. curing discarded books of good char- clay three inches of rain fell and some pacts of the town cellars were Mrs. J. T, Crawford, Mr. and Mrs• tete, from Public •Libraries and citiz- had H. R. Lawrence, of Brampton, spent-, ens. In line with this policy at effort flooded; Mrs. J, McCool's cellar 1 < n Sunday with the foriner's son, Mr• J• is being made to establish a good lib- about 5 inches of water in it and J. ' cellar was verybadly H Crawford and Mrs, Crawford, rary.at the County Gaol in Goderich. H. McKay's s • Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod of Oshawa' h lawn was Any persons who have books that flooded, The water on the David s can deep and .it flowed into the attended the funeral of Mrs. they can donate for this purpose 1'✓z feet d n Thu.rlow, Sunda and were the guests send thein to Robert Johnston Sheriff cellar.Y of the Tatter's father, Mrs, David Mac -ed The cellae of the Gurney Blncl. y' , had 1x4 feet of water m it. The rain ' at Gaclerich of leave them at this of- and wind StOL'tn on Friday evening did Donald. . fice and we will see that they are de- 11 ,.•.and Mrs. J. M.I.t'.earns and Batt- l•VCl•ed t0 lllltr• little damage in these carts but l r 1 ti were in town eller, Grace, of Cxi e p ry e tables enjoyed the play, the winners being: 1st, Mrs, McInnis, Lucknow; 2nd, Mrs. Rumble, Clinton; Mystery 11Irs. C• 13, Armitage. Premier He burn Rereceived p Death Threats New death threats have been made against the life of Premier Hepburn Lodges of North Perth to Celebrate Here At the semi-annual L.O.T.. Counttt meeting of Nortlr Pertlt at Listowel - recently, it was decided that the lodg- es of North Perth rvauld celebrate the 12th of July atTingham, Sale flaking Saturday ed as "The Acme" in fine dress a: far as footwear is concerned and 0111 $5.60 line of NEVr' BUCK white shoe. is, we believe, the very best value that is being shown in these parts, Ane g s the White and Black at $2,98' ane 53.35 Per pair. Willis' Shoe Store Wingham. within the past ten Clays. So seriously- taken are these threats that Ontario provincial police are now reported to be doing an incnnspicouus sentry -go of ' The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An - drew's Presbyterian Church will hold a sally of Homemade Baking in the TEACHERS +' RS` REQUIRE EXTRA TRAININC over all the pren]i�i's comings and go- ings at the Parliament Buildings; a g personal aide incl bnclygttard keep trim company constantly: and his big cat; in its daily travels, is said to be suf- f'ICleittly armed, tinder police author - i to take care of ma t any ewer- y, gency •that mi,�lit arise. Simr:ay School ronin of the Church on Saturday afternoon this week, June e served, •22nd. Afterncscin Tea will b s Prime Minister is God -Father Despite the pressure of parllamen- tory affairs, Prime 1VTinister Bennett ' found time Monday morning of last gohave week to to Christ Church Cath- Sweeping ;nervi regulatigns afleetin public school teachers were announc from the Department of•Edtrcatior at Queen's Park. , Tlte"., 11'0 featured by the provlsiat that a fit st-class certificate will nq become permanent unless teacher; ha completed an additional year'; some localities considerable dam- , in ,o on Sunda to attend the Sunday age was done. Y BASEBALL GAME School flower service in the United Celebrated Wedding Anniversary Cebrand Mrs. W. C. Adonis cele- brated their 15th `<�vedding anniversary on Sunday, Pane 16th. Daring the af- and evening many friends and relatives called to congratulate them. relatives cal e g ' ' n extend We, along with their friends, e our best wishes, tri a trent Announced ' , g g The engagement is announced of dau � daughter of the Ne11tr. Ross, Younger g se h MCI<inneV late Mt. and IVIts• o p to Mr, Cecil Z', son of i•. Mt. -and ilirs. William Griffiths, of Lgndesbatq. The marriage to take place quietly the latter part of June, TWO CHANGES IN TEACHING STAFFS ",EAC �,,, -- edral, Ottawa, and act as gad -father to Robert Bennett Vance Weir, 14- months -old silo of Hon, Robert Weir, Minister of Agriculture, and i�1:rs• course at an Ontario university-thr course to be approved . by the Minis 'ter, Such a course. may be obtainec by attendance at summer courses 0: Church. ON SATURDAY HERDS SWIMMER Guests of Dr. and Mrs, G. H. Ross , .. •_ m. to Take on Local on •,Sttnctay wei e. Mr, . and Mrs. Her- Fast Guelph Tea CATTLE ON PRAIRIE . bpi Easton,Mr. and Mrs. W. David- Indians When the Fall term opens at the Public and High Schools in bei all the teachers on the present 1 ]rttltlr staffs will be back at their old fa . stands again except Miss Lathe'.Ham- mond, of the High School stash, who sin and he has acre tett a has resigned fig cel . d w P Position 04 '..the Port 'Halle; High School staff'. Miss Marjorie Gibson . has resigned ft'otn the Public School s 0 staff. NO' appoittttuents to fill these , made ., cacattclt;s have been inatln as yet but. no doubt they will be 800n. Weir, Most Rev. J. C. Roper, Arch- bishop of Ottawa, officiated at ti]e christening service, Mrs. W. D. Her- g ,' the Canadian Minister ridge, wife of to Washington, and Miss Cather'in''e Weir, sister of the Minister of Agri- C=ulture were god -mothers. The little , `, .,, g Weir boy was called Robert for his father, :Bennett for the Prime Minis- . ter, while Vance was his mother's stir -.:means , , ,�, pante. Misses Weir of (own, sisters - Weir, • in Ottawa to 1t- of Mi. Weil, rvcre . tend the ceremony. by home study. . Explaining the salient change in tlu •Septem- regulations, Duncan McArthur, De ut Minister of .Education, said p' "The upper' sella01 standin3 fora first class certificate is the equivalent of ; .first year at an Ontario university The new regulation requires ati addi tional year's university work, whirl that the teacher who obtains certificate wit lscrr]xattolit first-class cer have the. equivalent of two ears' tial q Y vie r Y g." standing. t • .•te.rnoon Those who were near the prairie son, also Dr. G.. V. toil. MLS: Reiss, all r at noon hoar on Tuesday witnessed a of London. The baseball fans are in for a seal t Kennedy had as her treat on Saturday afternoon as the most unusual occurence. The recon Mrs, J. P. Ke y y t Kennedy fast 'Guelph baseball team will be here rains flooded the flats and the cattle guests last week, Dr. Irlma K y P x11. ton to to Mr. L. ncouver, Mr. and Mrs. Ham- to exchaege hits with the local team. pasturingof there, Ise g g of Va , i ed to rgttte out of the deepbltt .e of Al mer and Mr. .and Mrs. The Guelph gang have not lost a Lott, refused g Y `;Mickey" _ Tea ae game this year and :neither Water, so, McEwen waded Wilson, of Toronto. t; 8, . , finally after __i. , .- , 11 flex • Thomas Kincaid aridStir- have ,qui ,crew of Ball tossers.. -This out .tato the water and Etna y a Mt. T a, . , , , : , , 'r': ; son, rrrmrtt around Ito of Chicago, Ili, also lv�rs. Frank game w111 be one of the best of the several attempts of swr g g, g , , lP.Griffith,eldest 'n 'I`otn and little data- season and a largo crowd should see them got,them safely back onto gras Kincaid and son, ., , , i .. • t:tt-that a liter Dorothy, ate visiting with the this battle. The tegnlai admissr.a n eat �' , $', l • '; r .' , , • ` 111 be +char °eel 25c los 5 tax, ba hingLtC. It is part bathing salt is par of the necessary fc5i mer s sister, Miss 1. Leary, Minnie price w 8 , psit equipment needed to herd cows• . Street, t arno starts at 3 ;p.in sharp,,