HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-13, Page 8?AG;
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Loy c c LI poitieTir R E
, Show Starts at 8 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 13th, 14th, 15th
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in his wily. �.'
,.L 1 1Y S
by SIONlT TA4T1415 - d.b°,.d A. UNITED ARTISTS CENTUR,,.
Also Two -Reel Musical — "AIR TONIC"
Silly Symphony — "THE BIG BAD WOLF"
Admission: 35c and 20c•
Mon., Tues., Wednes., Thurs°, June 17, 18, 19, 20
,, ».
F. r -et
Lest We o
Canada's Own Story of the Great War
Presented byThe Canadian Legion on B.E.S.L.
Owing to the length of this picture there wild be no
short subjects and the picture will start at 8 p.m.
Admission: Adults 25c, Plus 5c tax;
Children 13c, Plus 2c Tax.
gregation of members of Ebenezer
and Binevale Churches attended. A
Celebrate Anniversary Of Church
The morning service of the United
Church celebrated the tenth., anniver-
Bary of Church Union. A 'Large con-
Union choir of the churches sang an-
thems suitable to the occasion. Mr.
George Thornton, delegate to the
London Conference, gave an interest-
,. ° -.• , 5yyagr z M1 t F.•t
No wonder this is a Busy Store . It's
us busy.
,s y:7 • . '' s � ;ys& t£itI7 i
our Popular Prices that makes'
Redpath Granulated SUGAR,
With a $1.00 Grocery order,
10 lbs. for 50c
sugar included.
Red Rose Tea, i lb. pkge 26c
Unwrapped Soap, 5 for . 13c
Maple Leaf Bak. Powder 14c
McCormick's Soda Biscuits 1
Ib. wax pkg. special llc pkg
Chase & Sanborn's. Dated Cof-
fee in bags, special AAAA 35c ib.
Best Tapioca, special. ....... __Be ib.
Breakfast Bacon, sliecd iZ lb. 15c
Sliced Pineapple, large tin ...10c
Handy or Star AMMONIA,
special for 5c pkge
Livingstone'ssQuick Cooking
Oats, special 18c pkge
Shelled Walnuts, +j 'lb17c
Pure Breakfast Cocoa, 1 lb11c.
Best Macaroni ........... 5c lb.
Choice Pumpkin, No. 1 tin........8c
Sweet Oranges, small but sweet
and juicy, special ......: 19c doz.
Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 25c
Choice Dates, 2 lbs. 17c
Fancy Apricots 26c lb.
Best Soap Chips, 3 lbs. ,.........25c
McLaren's Invincible Jelly
Powder, all flavors 5c pkg
Sweet Pickle Cottage Roll 22c lb
Colernan's Epicure Shorten. 12c
Link Sausage, Bologna, Wein-
ers, . Summer Sausage, Bacons,
Cold Hams, Chicken Rolls, etc.
Special Prices:
PHONE 17 We Keep Down
(The Busy Corner
McLaren's Quick Tapioca 8c pk
Blue Bell Coffee 1 ib. pkg 25c
Invincible Bulk Coffee ... 22c lb
Hornre's Jelly Powder 5c pkg
Fresh Pineapples, Orange, Le -
mons and Vegetables in season.
- Gurney Block)
milk And Cream
Tested Cows
My herd of cows have been tested by H. F.
Kirby, V.S., for tuberculosis and we are most pleas-
ed to report that they were absolutely free of this.
disease. p
We are in a position to supply you with ei-
ther Raw or Pasteurized Milk from these tested
--- Our Cream is the Best.
GeoH. Teryit
Phone 632-3. CREAM
zntn report of the work of the Con
ference. Rev, A. V, Robb and Mr,
Robt. Shaw spoke on what church
union had aocon)lished, It was stated
that 1300 new preaching stations had
been opened and kept open in' parts
of Canada where no services were
previously held. There had been z . a u
increase in membership of 85,000, the
Sunday School attendance was greatly
increased, Y. 1'.' Societies had nearly
doubled their membership,; present
membership being 686,490. Mr, Robb
gave some of the inspiring utterances
of the great leader, of the church.
In the, evening, Mr. Robb continu-
ed the there, stressing the thought
of unity and brotherhood. Mr, and.
Skelton.bf Centralia,
the choir in the evening service,
Bucket Brigade Stops Fire
The villagers were' quite alarmed.
early Saturday evening when clouds;
of dense smoke were seen coming
through the roof of John McLeod's.
grist . mill.
Fire' had started in the elevator and.
in a few more .minutes would have
been beyond control. Crowds of men
gathered and with • buckets of water
soon hacl it put out. The damage:
done was slight
Presbyterian W. M. S. And Ladies
Aid Meet '
Miss Florence Fowler, 4th concess-
ion, Turnberry opened her home on
Thursday afternoon for the regular
meeting of the Woman's Societies' of
Knox Presbyterian Church.
The President, Mrs. J. • R. Greig
presided over the W. M. S. meeting.
After •a devotional period, in which
Mrs. James McTavish and Mrs. Peter
S. MacEwen took part, a very fine
report of the W. M. S. Annual Pres-
byterial, held at Teeswater was given
by Mrs. Alex Mowbray.
The study Chapter, "The Needs of
China" was ably dealt with by Mrs.
Eldrid Nichol, who .stated that the
present -gime was most critical for
China. The chinese population in
Canada is rated at 55,000. Chinese in
Canada 'show a keen interest in ed-
The speaker stressed' the import-
ance of Christianity and Christian.
living as an example for the Canadian
The President closed the meeting
with prayer.
Mrs. Archie Messer invited the
society to nieet at her home. in July.
The second quarterly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid was held'imrnediately
following the W. M. S. meeting with
the President, Mrs. Alex Mowbray in
the chair.
Miss Frieda Mustard, Miss t Jean
McBurney, Mrs. Cameron Adams and
Mrs. James Dobie reported the activ-
ities for the different groups, Total
receipts for the quarter amounted to
The East Boundary group is pre-
paring a play, "Marrying Anne" to be
presented later in the month. At tate
close of the meeting the Turnberry
Group served a sumptuous afternoon
Arranged For Garden Party
Anenjoyable and profitable after-
noon was spent on Thursday, when
the Woman's Association of the Unit-
ed Church gathered for regular meet-
ing. The President ,Miss Nellie Scott
presided. Business consisted of mak-
ing final, arrangements for the annual
Church Garden Party.
During the afternoon the Ladies
quitted two quilts.
Mrs. David Jewitt'and Mrs. R. H.
McKinnon served refreshments.
Miss Jean Scott and Miss Bella.
Watson of Seaforth spent Thursday
at the home of Miss Florence. Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gates, Phylis
and Wilmot of Cherrywood, Mr .and
Mrs. Melton Fraser; Bob and Dorothy
of Morris spent Sunday with thea•,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw.
• Miss !.laze!' '.Mrtndell of Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
kirs, Mary Sanderson and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hutchison of Toronto,
at their home here.
• Mrs. Grace Snell visiting . her
cousin, Mr. Mills at Blyth,
DIr. and Mrs. Harold Proctor and
Margaret of Morris spent Sunday
with Mr .and 'Mrs. Joseph. Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. John5 � -
a a u bl .. Geckle. 1 el
grave were Sunday visitors with Mrs,
Mary Robertson and Miss Fraser.
Mrs. Milton Smith and son Ross,
of Morris spent Sunday with Mrs.
Scott and Miss Fannia Smith.
Miss' Janet Robertson- of Brussels
spent the weekend with her mother,
Mrs, William' Robertson.
Miss Florence Fowler spent •Suri -
day with relatives at Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Garniss and
Miss Olive Scott spent Saturday with
Seaforth friends,
Miss Ora Abbott is in 'Toronto at -
ending the funeral of a sister-in-law,
Mr, Wm. Thornton will celebrate
his 81st birthday on `.1'liiursday, June
Loth and will be at horse to his fricnd5.
from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9,
For Good Values
Special Selling this week
Summer Dresses
Summer Millinery
Summer Foundations,:
Summer Lingerie
Orient Stockings Kayser Gloves
New Hankies New Purses
Clearing Women's Coats
The Larger Sizes (38 to 48)
in Smart Navys and Black. Now
is the time to make .a big. saving
15 20 to 30% Off.
Summer Dress Goods
This is the season to buy them:
Pretty Voiles - Batiste - Piques
Printed Silks - Georgette and
25c 75c 89c $1.25
House Furnishings
Now is the time for new Cur-
tains and Draperies, Linoleums
and. Congoleums, Barrymore
Rugs and Mats. Be sure to see
our new paterns in Grass Mats
—They're beauties.
Out of Season Lines
Clearing 85c and 75c Down
Proof Sattens at per yard 49c.
Corset Demonstration
Ladies! Thursday, June 20th,
Mrs. Bysshe, Expert Corsetiere
from the well known "Nemo -
Flex Company will be in our
show room. Mrs. Bysshe will
give information about figure
problems and do special fittings.
This service is free. Come and
consult Mrs. Bysshe.
Butterick Patterns. 'Phone 71
Misses Nettie Casemore, Annie Mc-
Kinnon and Charlotte Haskin of De-
troit visited at Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernest
Casernore last week.
The local teachers, Mr. Henderson,
Miss Logan and Miss. Finlayson, of
E. Vlrawanosh, have each been hired
again at an increase in salary.
Mrs. Jerry Casemore of Turnberry
is spending a few days at the home.
of her son, Mr. Ernest Casemore.
Splendid Anniversary Services were
held in the United Church here on
Sunday, when Rev. Mr. Anderson, of
Wingham United Church, was pres-
ent and gave two thoughtful and help-
ful, inspiring addresses. The choir
rendered special music for the day
with Miss Myra MacDonald of .'Luck -
now, singing t'no*solos in the even-
ing. She was accompanied by Miss
Evelyn Cottle of Detroit. The social
will be held on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan
accompanied by her Mother, Mrs. Fox
who has been with. thein for, the past
two weeks, spent the week -end here.
Many old acquaintances were pleas-
ed to see Miss Nettie Cottle at the
anniversary services on Sunday.
.Born—Ogr Tuesday; June '4, to Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt (treed Tillie
Sherwood) a son. •
Mr, and 'Mrs. Andrew Straughan
and children, of Auburn, visited at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Jas. Laid-
law, on Saturday; last,
Are You Having
Headache, Dizziness or Failing
Expert Eye Service is Avail-
able in Wingham at Mod-
erate Prices.
Eyes examined; glasses fitted by
Stt'atford's Leading Optometrist
for Seventeen Years.
Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell-
ery Store each Wednesday
Morning, 9 to 12.00.
Geo. Williams
Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector
Thursday, r, June I3th, 193$
The local baseball team, played bete
against the Auburn team, and won by
a score of 10 to 6 on Saturday night.
They play at :Blyth on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naylor and Mi,
Bert Ctillirore spent Monday ' at
Mr. Patterson, of Auburn, visited at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cox,'
over the week -end.
Mrs. Brigham and sons of Blyth,
and Mr• George Wightman and Ivanig
of Westfield, visited on Sunday with
their father, Mr, Chas, Wightman.
The anniversary services of Chalm-
ers Presbyterian Church . will be held'
t Sunday with the Moderator, , Ia
Mr. S o tt of Barrie, in charge of the
h l' >, e
services. Service will be withdrawn
in the United Church.
Mr. Walter Johnston and Mr.. Har-
old Sparling •of Meaford, ' visited at
thehome of Mr. and Mrs: Thomas
'I a
Moore, on Sunday, and Mrs. Sparling,
Douglas and Marie, returned to their
home with . them, after visiting' here
for the past mdnth.
The many friends of Mrs, Murray
are rejoicing these times when they
see her, able to again attend church
and walk about, after her heavy over-
ation on her back and being forced to
lie in a cast for over a year.
Mr. Malcolm Ross motored to Tor
onto on - Sunday and ` Rev. Graydon
Cox returned with him on Monday.
Mr. Cox will motor back to Englehart
in his car, which he was forced to
leave in a garage here after Christ-
mas when the storms set in,.in this
part of the. country.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Wing -
ham spent the week -end at her hone
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Emerson, of
Kincardine and their grandson, Mr.
Emerson Caldwell, of Glamis, visited
on Sunday with Mrs. A. Emerson.
Mrs. Campbell and Mr, Harry Mc-
Clenaghan, of Belgrave, visited on
Sunday with Mrs. Win. Barbour.
Miss Winnifred Farrier of Ripley
and Miss Olive Farrier:of Dungannon
spent the week -end with their parents
Mrs. Newey, of Detroit, is visiting
at the home of Mrs. A. Emerson this
Tile regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Wesley Leggatt on Fri-
da yand the report of the District
Annual meeting will be given by the
delegate, Mrs. Thos. Gaunt.
Mrs. Jas. Barbour of Fordyce, is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
d The following ladies were in
Tees -
water ees-
viter 1alt Wednesday attending the
district annual meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute: Mrs. A. McQuillan,
Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. W:. J. Coulter,
Mrs. Thos. Moorse, Mrs. Mac Ross;
Mrs. Thos, Gaunt, Mrs: F. Henry,
Mrs. 13. McClenaghan, Mrs. Richard-
son and Grate, Mrs. V. Emerson, Mrs.
Robt. Ross and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray,
who assisted with the program there.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mcllrien and
Doris, of Auburn, visited on Sunday
last with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Laid-
law. -
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and
Luella and Ivan and Mr. Bill Hab'-
kirk, visited on Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, in Teeswater.
Rev. and Mrs. T.'.C. Wilkinson and
Doris and Murray, of St. Helens,
were guests on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller,' of St.
Helens, were guests on Sunday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Thos., Gaunt.
Little Jack Paterson, of 'Detroit, is
staying with his grandfather, Mr. F.
McK. Paterson, for the summer holi-
Mr. George Haig, of Seaforth, vis-
isited:on Thursday at the home of his
sister, Mrs. R. J. Ross, and his troth-
er, Mrs. Haig Sr., returned ` to her
home in Seaforth with. him.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin motored
on Tuesday to Perth in Lanark coun-
ty to attend the .wedding. of Mrs. Gil-
lespie's niece, Miss Brown to 'Mr.
Bowes on: Wednesday afternoon at 3
p.m. It is thirty-five years since 1trs,
Gillespie has visited with her people
at her old home and they' are staying
until Sunday.. We wish them a pleas-
ant holiday,
Mr. and Mrs. Angus. ;Mackay left
last week. to attend the General As-
sembly of the 'Presbyterian Church,
held in
which was heontreal. This
week they are visiting at Ottawa and
with friends in Toronto before rer-
turning hon'fe.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and
'Gordon visited on Sunday at the home
of his brother, Mr. Robert McGee, of
Mr, Robt, Mowbray and Kenneth
Weave' and Hector :l'urdon, who are
working at Paisley bridge, spent the
week -end here at their respective
homes, Hector is staying here this
week. His hand is improving nicely
how and it is thought that he will not
have to have the finger amputated.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin and son
'of St, Helens visited at the home of.
her (parents, Mr, and Mrs, David Kett -1
nedy on Sunday.
Mr. Stan. Osborne
Special Representative of W. R. Johnston Co. Ltd.
with the finest of Spring and Summer
woollens. He will measure and ad-
vise you and send.you away welt sat-
isfied with your purchase. You will
miss a trick if you don't attend.
Miss 'Dorothy Pollock,
training in in Guelph General Hospital,
is spending her holidays with her fa-
ther, Rev. J. Pollock, of the Manse.
The regular meeting of the Bel -
grave Woman's Institute will be held
at the .home of Mrs. Cecil Wheeler
on Tuesday, June 18th at 2.30.
A report of the District Annual at
Clinton will be given.
-Musical numbers will also be given.
Mrs. Janes Taylor will have charge
of the current events.
All ladies of the community are
cordially invited. •
Mrs. Win. Cole and daughter Sara,
and Mrs. Scandrett and Corrine spent
a couple of days in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porteous of
Trail B. C. spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon.
'Mr. and Mrs. Haugh of Wingham
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Brandon.
Mrs. John Coulees, Belgrave, has
returner,! .home after attending the
graduation of her neice, Miss Helen
Fasken, Elora.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rath spent
the weekend in ,Brantford.
Miss Marjorie Hamilton has return-
ed to Belgrave after spending some
time in the West.
C. R. Coultes,spent Monday.in To-
Mrs. (Dr•4) Kirkby was a .visitor at
Mr. Bruce Vogan, of Mildmay vic-
inity and Mr. Jim Doig from near
Drayton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Gowdy one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called
on friends in Wingham one day re-
Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews spent
a few days recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Ervie hornas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy "spent
one day last week with friends at
HASTINGS—In Turnberry, on Tues-
day, June 1lth, 1935, Mary Hastings
in her 73rd year. The funeral ser-
vice will be held at her late resi-
dence, Lot 10, Concession 9 Turn-
berry, at 2 p.m., on Thursday, June
13th Interment in Wingham Cern-'
c g
, etery.
I Brunswick Mineralite
with Disc Vulcanized with Bowl
Also 1 set good wood 'bowls
Omar Haselgrove
lie it
pia s
For Real High Class Watch
Repairs, bring your watch to
Williams, The Jeweller. Noth-
ing but genuine material used,
and all work done on the prem-
Bring Yours in, it may be the
lucky one.
Winner for May
Mr. J. Renwick, R. R. 1,
Clifford, Ont.
Moderate Prices and Satisfac-
tion Guaranteed.
Health and Beauty Needs
1935A S ecal l0 D v
p ay E ent'
To acquaint you with Products sold Exclusively by
Rexall Drug Store. -
A healthy body - Beauty- Charm - and the •
good times that follow will be yours if you
take advantage of the splendid opportun-
itiesfor beter health and greater Beauty
offered here.
There is no Middleman in the Rexall Plan. The
saving' goes to you..
Look over our windows and show cases
and see the Wonderful Bargains.
A List has been slant you
Phone 53. ? 'iJ�lingbiam