The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-13, Page 3T x1<irsda , Juoe 13th, 19$5
You'll Nike the rich, Full
Flavour of Salada Orange
Pekoe Blend. Try a package.
World Wide News In Brief Form
Opposed 40 -Hour Week
London, Eng. -A, R.
Galt, Ont., Canadian Employers'
, expressed
Declaring the
aid he would do his best
its ratification,
Toronto—Mandatory and regula
ed federal trade and industry codel
gate at the International Labor Co
ference in session ]fereo
position to°the proposal to adopt a 4
hour week. 40-hou
was unsuited to Gana da, Gold
sto preven
St vens Still Not Satisfied
orY' powers were asked for the'pro
jec n
mission by Hon. Harry H. Steven
former minister of trade and coin•
coerce, speaking to 3,000 in Masse
Hall here. "I welcome the introduc
tion of this bill for the fact that it i
an' admission by the government o
the principle+ of establishing a fai
trade board and that it is a desirabl
thing," he told the gathering called b
the Retail Merchants' Association o
Ontario. "It is a start, a very poo
start perhaps, but the great questio
is, how it will finish?"
Industry Board to be Established
Ottawa—Legislation partially im
plementing the principal recommenda
tion of the Price Spreads Commis
sion, that a Federal Trade and In
dustry Board be established to regu
ate and control internal trade and in
dustry in Canada, was introduced in
the Commons.
N.R.A. Head Resigns
Washington—President Roosevelt
accepted the resignation of Donald
Randall :Richberg, chairman of the
National 'Industrial Recovery Board
and who only six months ago was
dubbed "Assistant President." He will
return to private law practice on June
Will Co -Operate With
Provinces Against Reds
Ottawa — Communistic 'operations
generally throughout Canada are un-
der close Government surveillance and
the. Federal authority is prepared to
co-operate with the Provinces at any
time when the latter ask for assist-
ance in handling the "army" of men
who left Western unemployment re-
lief camps and are heading for Ot-
Baldwin Again Prime Minister
London—The Cabinet of Prime
Minister Ramsay MacDonald was re-
placed Saturday by a National Gov-
ernment Cabinet containing younger
elements and with Conservative Lead-
er Stanley Baldwin as Premier of
Great Britain, for the third tinne. Ram-
say MacDonald resigned the Premier -
ship after six continuous years in of-
fice. He will remain in the Cabinet,
which retains the National. Govern-
ment complexion of the previous. one,
but in the nominal position of Lord
President of.the -Council. Failing
health cause him to change places
with 11/Ir. Baldwin, and the latter
seems to have made the most of the
opportunity to instil a new vigor in-
to the Cabinet.
Says Inspector Dawson
Made Statement
Ottawa—Dramatic corroboration of
the story that Penitentiary Inspector
J. D. Dawson, said Miss Agnes Mac-
phail, M.P., "made a — fool of her-
self" came from former Warden W.
B. Meglouglin.
Died of Arsenic Poisoning
Woodstock—Tyrell Tilford, Wood-
stock ° teamster, died from arsenic
poison, ""administered by some person
or Persons unknown," according to the
finding of the Woodstock inquest
jury. Mrs. Elizabeth Tilford, wife of
the dead man, was not in the court
room wlt'en the jury filed. in. After a
strained moment of silence, Dr..Craw-
ford read the verdict. He made no
comment upon it, and dismissed the
ten jurors. "You may say that we ex-
pect developments very soon," Special
Attorney Snider said shortly after the
jury had returned its verdict.
New French Premier
Given Great Power
Paris -Premier Pierre Laval was
given extraordinary powers to deal
with France's financial crisis, an issue
on which two previous Cabinets fell
within the space of four days. By a
vote of 324 to 160, the 'Chamber of
Deputies 'entrusted to him and his
Government the task of crushing
speculation and safeguarding the
franc, bringing to an end a week-old
political impasse.
Japan Threatens Action
Shanghai—Japan delivered a virtual
ultimatum to China, military and dip-
lomatic .officials alike threatening
"drastic action" by the Japanese Army
in North China unless issues there are
settled quickly — and in accordance
with Japanese views.
Break Out of Cobourg Jail
Forcing their way out of the Co-
bourg town lockup,' while their police
escort was eating supper, Alex. Cross,
alias Walter Howse, and Fred Shaw,'
alias Frank Hart, suspects in the loot-
ing of the North York Township
vault and a dozen other robberies,
made a' clean getaway. In a sensa-
tional dash which left their pursuers
Hydro range
20% Off Regular Prices
Also Range Wiring finance;d under above plan.
New Low Prices on all reliable makes of
Electric Ranges.
Wingham. Utilities ;
far behind, Cross and Shaw, who were
on their way in custody to Toronto
following their arrest in Montreal, es -
en ed in a car and in a round -about
way headed for Toronto. The .car
they used was found near there: With
paralyzing suddenness the two young
men smashed their way out of the
lock-up, leaving behind two girl com-
panions who were also under arrest.
U. S. to Build Air Bases
Washington—A bill to authorize
construction of half a dozen United
States army air bases to guard Alaska,
the Panama Canal and other United
States frontiers against any enemy at-
tacks was passed by the House. of Re-
presentatives and sent to the Senate.
Mounted Police Given Clean Sheet
Ottawa --Chief Justice J. B, M.
Baxter of New Brunswick gave the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police com-
plete absolution •in his findings as .a
Commissioner to investigate charges
levelled at the force by Hon. Peter
Veniot, Liberal member for Gloucest-
of the
Formosa Man Hanged Self -
John Stemmler was found hanging
by a rope from the roof of the barn
on his farm near Formosa. He was
45 years of age and survived by his,
widow and seven children, six girls
and one boy, the eldest 15 years of
age. Misfortune has laid a heavy hand
on this family. Ten years ago while
living at Hesson, Ont., their house
was burned to the ground, the eldest
daughter meeting death in the fire. A
year ago, joseph Stemmler, Sr., died
at Linwood, and six months age Geo.
Stemmler ,a brother, died at Toronto.
Appointed Clinton Customs Officer
The appointment of Melvin J.
Schoenhals to the position of collect-
or of national revenue at the Clinton
sub -office to fill the vacancy. caused
by the transfer to the port of Goder-
ich of H. S. Turner, is a popular one.
Melvin is the younger son 61 Mr. and
Mrs. John Schoenhals, and is well and
favorably known. He is an overseas
man and is married.
Girl, 7 Years, Killed by Car
Marie Stinson, seven, was fatally
injured as she alighted from a neigh-
bor's car and ran into the path of a
roadster and trailer at Victoria Corn-
ers' school, five miles north of Dun-
dalk. The car was driven by Ernest
Woods, R.R. 5, Orangeville. The in-
jured child died in the office of Dr.
Frank Martin.
Speckled Beauties
Jackie Wendt and Jackie Kauffman
are showing the folks of this town
how to 'capture the speckled beauties.
During the past week, both lads pull-
ed out two -pound trout from the local
streams.—Milmay Gazette.
Teacher to be Hired
Following a special meeting of the
School Board last week, six of the
eight positions on the public and high
school staff were thrown open for ap-
plications, both from the present tea-
chers and others desiring to apply.
Teachers affected were advised of the
Board's action.—Lucknow Sentinel.
Fancied His Own Pig
The other day Mr. Thos, H. Jasper,
a prominent farmer and ex -council
lor of Carrick delivered a load of fat
hogs to a drover, and on the return
tri brow h
with' hi
p g m a load of the
unfinished product to feed up • to the
select grade. He found in the latter
consignment a particularly appealing
type of pig' and as T. H. is an. auth-
orized judge of live stock at fall fairs
he decided upon reserving this favor-
ite for breeding purposes on his stock
farm, and 'upon informing the buyer
of his decision, the latter looked up
bis memo -book to see from whom he
purchased the grunter, and discovered.
it had been sold by the very man who
now wanted it.—Walkerton Herald -
Aged Lucknow Lady Passes
The death of Mrs. Angus •McKin
non occurred at'her hone, Lucknow,
on Tuesday, June 4th, following an
illness of_.hnore than a week with
pneumonia. The funeral left her resi-
dence, Victoria street, on Saturday
morning for St. Patrick's R. C.
Church, Holyrood for mass. The,
death of Mrs. McKinnon removed the
fourth of the older residents of the
village in the past week. They were
Duncan McKenzie, Mrs. Roderick
Campbell, Mrs. W. E. ivlcDonald and
Mrs, McKinnon,
Me nister Carp
Large carp frequenting the bank
water of the Maitland :Rivernear the
C.i?.R. bridge .are providing ,the latest
fishing sport. One young boy caught
two vo Saturday afternoon weighing
fourteen and seventeen ',pounds, and,
others have caught whoppers weigh-
ing as much as nineteen pounds. All
the fish, without the elasticity' usually
accompanying the telling, were three
feet in length.—Goderich Signal.
Lucknow School Now High School
A delegation from the Lucknow
School Board waited on the 13rpcc
County Council in session at Kincar-
dine and, were successful in having the
Continuation Schoolraised to the sta-
tus of a high school.
Doctor Hadi Close Cale
As Dr, O'Toole, of Walkerton, was
hurrying to Cargill on an urgent call,
he had a narrow .escape from crashing
into -the afternoon southbound train
at Lundy's crossing, west of Walker-
to>yi. The train was quite close when.
the doctor saw it first, and although
he applied thefull_ force of the brak-
es, he realized that he could not stop
the machine before it reached the
track. He therefore turned the car to
the left, and banged through a fence,
and into a ditch, but he was success
ful` in avoiding the train, The car was
badly damaged, and the doctor sus-
tained some chest injruies, but not
sufficiently severe to lay him up. --,.
Mildmay Gazette.
Highway May Miss
Lake Shore Towns
Members of Bruce County Council,
insession at Kincardine ,at least those
on municipalities bordering the Blue
Water highway, recently taken . over
by the province, are perturbed about
proposed plans of the highways de-
partment to routethe new road so
thatit does not pass through either
Kincardine, or Southampton, two of
the main towns between Goderich and
Owen Sound.
Knocked Off Bicycle by Car
George Miller, Huron road service
station proprietor, miraculously escap-
ed serious injury on Wednesday night
when he was struck by a car driven
by Dr. N. Jackson and owned by Roy-
al Lloyd, both of Goderich. Miller,
riding a bicycle around the corner of
Elgin avenue and Toronto street, suf-
fered severe cuts and bruises and was
removed to hospital where he spent
the night. .
(Continued from Page Two)
W. Coulthurst, chairman of the
Goderich Collegiate Institute Board
and. E. D. Brown, finance committee
chairman of the town council, ad-
dressed the council in respect to an
advancement to the Goderich Colleg-
iate Institute of $2,000 on Oct. 1 and
$2,000 on Nov. 1, pending payment of
the yearly county grant which is re-
ceived in December, such sums to be
deducted from the grant. Mr. Coul-
thurst explained tliat a collegiate
board has no power to borrow phon-
Bert Thompson, former reeve of E.
Wawanosh, and Mrs. R. Davidson of
Dungannon requested 0 grant of $50
to the Huron County Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Association, of which
Mrs. Davidson is the secretary. The
request was referred to the executive
Moser -Davidson: That Cambria
Road in the town of Goderich be tak-
en over as part of the county roads
system. Good roads conunittee.
Hanley -Davidson: That we deport
George Poulder, now an inmate of
the county home, to Roumania. Fin-
ance committee:
Bryans-Lovell: That we recommend
the good roads commission to treat
County road No, 29 . with calcium
chloride for the purpose of preserv-
ing the said road. Good roads com-
Feagan-Matheson: That the bound-
ary road between Ashfield, Wawa -
nosh and Colborne be taken over by
the county from Auburn to Sheppard -
ton to connect county road at Au-
burn with 13luewater Highway.
Thursday. Session
Tax Rate 514 Mills
Huron County Council fixed the
1935 tax rate at •5x/s mills, a reduction
of half a mill. This was accomplish-
ed by splitting in two a $60,000 high-
way paving bill owing to the prov-
ince, $35,000 to be paid this year and
$25,000 next. The county will pay':
the province 34. per cent. interest
on the outstanding amount. The 51/3
mill rate was unanimously sttpported.'
It was decided to pay municipal
cleric $1' per application for Old Age
Pensions and 'tett cents per, mile one
way. Since the change of government
in Ontario clerks have been doing this
work gratis.
Returning to tite attack on the leg-
islature for usurpation of its powers
council passed a strong resolution of
fr ,
O you realize that the Master Chevrolet is the
only car in its class that gives you all this
year's up-to-date features?
Here are just a few of the modern advantages ex-
clusive to Chevrolet in the lowest pride field: The
TURRET TOP roof of solid steel! KNEE -ACTION,
in addition to balanced weight! Bodies by Fisher
with Fisher Ventilation! Blue Flanie Engine! Cable-
Cbntrolled Brakes!
Drive the car itself for as little as ten minutes, and
you'll be convinced that you save money—and
get everything that is up-to-date—when you
choose a Master Chevrolet! Easy GMAC terms.
5 (for the Master
2 -Pass. Coupe)
Delivered, fully equipped at factory, Oshawa,
Government Registration Fee only extra.
See the new Standard Series models
priced as low as $712
fifeiN b.'ikia'.
Protest Legislation
The resolution arose from a lengthy
discussion of two recent pieces of leg-
islation, one which takes from county
councils, participation in the recom-
mending of Old Age Pensions, but
neglecting to provide a schedule of re-
muneration for municipal clerks for
investigating and filling out the appli-
cations. Heretofore, this was handled
by a committee of county council. The
second was legislation that says that
road superintendents must henceforth
be either graduate engineers or sur-
Council adopted the report of the
finance committee refusing to advance
$4,000 to the Goderich Collegiate
pending receipt of the 1935
county grant in December.
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, a member
of the Mother's Allowance Board, ad-
dressed cotincil, explaining that the
Act called for two lady members on.
the Board and Council had erred in
naming Merton Reid of Seaforth to
fill the vacancy. The appointee must
be a lady, Mr. Cooper said. Mrs. Mer-
ton Reid was later named to fill the
There are 58 mothers and 182 child-
ren in Huron Gounty benefitting at
the present time and there were 25
applications from mothers with one
child, now eligible for the first time,
The council refused to endorse a '
clause in the report of the education
committee stipulating that all second-
ary school .pupils beyond
be required to pay a fee for their ed
The salary of County Constable
John Ferguson was raised $100 and
$50 additional allowed for unifornli, as
contained in the executive commit-
tee's report.
A grant of $300 was made to the
161st Battalion for its reunion at Clin-
ton in August and $50 was granted
the Huron County Bdncation Assoc-
iation of .Trustees and Ratepayers,
The annual county council picnic
will be held at Goderich on July 24,
Friday Session
Members paid tribute to lord Byng
at their final session Friday, by stand-
ing at attention while the flag was
lowered for the great war leader and
former governor-general. The coun-
ty roads commission report was taken
up clause by clause. A lengthy discus-
sion followed the reading of clause 17
which stated Mr. Martin of Ashfield
Township had presented a claim of
$250 for damages against the county
on account of water flooding over the
county road. The commission exam-
ined the situation, and the Township
of Ashfield appears to be primarily
responsible for the condition by rea-
son of conducttn;, water in a ditch to
this point, The township council have
refused to admit any liability, and if
the matter is taken to court, it is in-
tended to have the township added as
The following will be made county
The road south
of the town line
of Stephen from Corbett's easterl3r to
the London Road; road between con-
cessions 8 and 9, Usborne, from the
Thames Road southerly to Whalen's
Cortiers; road through Varna from
the Zurich Road to Holnnesville;
Cambria Road in the town of Goder-
ich, road between concession 8 and 9
West Wawanosh; road between coal -
cessions 8 and 9 McKillop; the cut
line, Goderich Township; road north
of the town line of Turnberry from
highway No. 4 to Belmore.
Council joined in the request to the
minister of highways to take over as,
a provincial highway the road from
Amberley to Wingham, Harriston,
Listowel and Elmira.
House of Refuge Committee re-
The amount carried forward from
the last quarter
was $3,217.80; .80•
penses for the present quarter $4,513.-
4,513:15; total $7,790.95. Receipts carried
forward $1,384.44. Receipts for the
present quarter $2;963.80. Total $4,-
committee a•eported the various.
buildings to be in a most satisfactory
condition. The report was adopted.
Educational Committee
The supplementary report of the -
Educational Committee recommended.
that representatives of this council'
meet the London Board of Education
to make arrangements for admission
of Huron County pupils to the Tech-
nical School in London and payment
of fees.
Re school inspector's expenses: As
this seems to involve a technical point
of law and we have the decision of
His Honor Judge Costello ordering-
rderingthe County of Huron to pay these ex
(Continued on Page Seven)
•1;41!:1„Mie- 'ti: 'f
ntxh hn.45
throughout the