HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, June 6th, 1935, ism"�ATRE Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 6th, 7th, 8th LORETTA YOUNG And JOHN BOLES In "The White Parade" The Story of .a Nurse in Training Also Pop Eye the Sailor in "SOCK A BYE BABY" And FOX NEWS. Admission: Adults 25c, Phi's' 5c Government, Tax. Children: 13c,Plus 2c Government Tax. NEXT WEEK — SPE.CIAL GEORGE ARLISS In "THE LAST GENTLEMAN" WHITECHURCH Mr. Albert Paterson had the mis- fortune to lose a horse last week. Mr. Frank O'Callahan, of Detroit, was renewing old acquaintances in these parts last week. Last Monday' the men working on •the; crustier at the 6th of E. Wawa - nosh ran into dead sand and the coup- ,eillors decided to move the crusher to Mr. Sam Morton's pit for the remain- der of the work in that part of the Township. Messrs. George and Calvin Robin- son spent a few days last week at the .home of their sister, Mrs. Joe Thomp- son, of Tilsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon and Miss Mabel moved last Tuesday to their new home in the village. Mr. Hector Purdon had the fingers of his right hand very badly crushed in the cement mixer at Paisley where he has been working, and part of his first finger had to be removed. Mr. Chas. Wight>+nan and Miss May visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Brigham, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke, of Am- herstburg visited at the home of her father, Mr. Robt. Carrick, over the week -end and on Sunday they and Mr. £arrick and Misses May and Susan, motored. to Mount Forest and visited with their aunt, Mrs. Graham. Mr. A. E. Purdon is driving an Oak- land car now. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Egleston, Haz- 'e1, Olive and Dennis of Detroit, spent the week -end here with his mother, dtilrs. Egleston. .Mrs. Geo. Cottle and daughter, Ev- elyn and Mr. Lyman Trewartha, of Detroit, spent a few. days here last week at the home of the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Jos. Tiffin. 14Iiss Lorna McClenaghan, of Wing - ham, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Very successful anniversary servic- ,es were held at Calvin Church Sun ..d.ay when Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Tor - <onto, a former Pastor, had charge of ;the services. The W.M.S. of the United Church ;are holding their tea on Thursday at :,the home of Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. 6 .Mr.. and Mrs. Youngblut and child- sL'it, oT Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mrs. Geo. Garton, who had been visiting in Detroit at the home of her alaugbter, Mrs. Wm. Simpson, return- ed home on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. ;Simpson. Colborne played a baseball game with the local team here on Saturday mau1 Auburn will play this Saturday here. Mr. George Ross, of Wingham, spent the week -end here with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ross. Mrs. Reed visited for a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Balfour, of Lucknow. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of the United Church, Wingham, will have charge of the anniversary services in the United Church here on Sunday next. On Tuesday evening the Brikc Church young people will present their play "Civil Service" as the program for the lawn social. • Messrs. Joe Kelly and Clifford Pur - don made a` business trip to Goderich one day last week. The Executive and the Program Committee of the Women's Institute met last Monday evening and, planned the'. program for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson and son, Jack 'and Miss Helen Paterson, of Detroit, spent the week -end here with his father, Mr. F. McK. Pater- son. Mr: and Mrs. Wesley Moore and son, Charles, of Palmerston, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. ,Rev. Dr. Shorts of ,Barrie, will be in charge of the Anniversary Services held in Chalmers Church here on Sun- day, June 16th, and a garden party will be held on the church lawn on Tuesday evening, June 18th. A splen- did program is being prepared for the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Ferguson and Walter, Mrs. W. Simpson and Mrs. Norman and son, Jack of Culross, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wil- son. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reid, of Brant- ford, spent the week -end here at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. Reid, Mrs. A. Fox has spent the past week in Lucan with her daughter, Mrs, Roy Patten. Mr. Oscar Casemore, of Stratford, visited on Sunday at the hone of his brother, Mr. Ernest Casemore. Rev. T. C. Wilkinson gave a splen- did report of the Conference which was held at Stratford Iast week when addressing his congregation here on Sunday. The stationing committee of that meeting has placed Mr. Wilkin- son for Corinth, and the minister from there, Rev. H. M. Wright, will be. placed in charge of St. Helens and Whitechurch churches. The pupils of S. S. No. 10 had a holiday on June 3rd. Mr, and. Mrs. Jiin McInnis and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Orville Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison, of Blyth, also Mr, and Mrs. Ab. Taylor and babe, spent Sunday with their Milk And Cream — From — Tested COWS My herd of cows have been tested. by H. F. Kirby, V.S., for tuberculosis and we are most pleas- ed to report that they were absolutely free of this disease. We are in a position to supply you with ei- ther Raw or Pasteurized Milk from these tested caws. Our Cream is the Best. — 041 CREAM • Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Morrison, Mrs, Morrison has been ill with sinus trouble for some time. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jamieson and Isabel, of Paramount, spent Tuesday with Mi.; atd Mrs. Orville Tiffin and all attended'tlie funeral of Mr. Daniel Falconer in Bluevale in the afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. - Andrew Forsythe, who have spent the past few. weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. B. Morrison, left on Saturday for their home in Windsor, Mrs, Geo, Cottle and Evelyn and Mr, Tremartha, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. and oe Tiffin Mr. and. Mrs G. Tiffin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Miss Evelyn Cottle is staying here for a few weeks but .her mother returned to Detroit on Monday. The Beautiful Month of June and "White 'Shoes" Possibly no month in the whole year is more truly enjoyed than the beautiful month of June, with the lux- uriant growth of the grass, the blos- soming of the trees, the shooting up- ward of the fields of grain, etc. Is it any wonder that June is the month of ' Weddings and White Shoes? Speaking of White Shoes we just wish to again remind our customers that June is the "peak month" in other words our selection is now "at its best" and we invite inspection of the "most comprehensiveselection shown in these. parts:" Willis' Shoe Store, Phone 129, Wingham. - • BLUEVALE Play Well Received The Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church presented the play "The Col- onel's Maid" to a capacity house onr Friday evening in Black Bro. Hall. The scene was laid in the home of Colonel Rudd in North Carolina. Romance figured high throughout the play. Many complications arose, but, the ingeniuty of the Chinese cook un- ravelled the tangled situations. Rev. R. J. Greig gave a brief synop- sis and introduced the following cast of characters. Colonel Robert Rudd, a widower of North Carolina, Eldon Kirton; Col- onel Richard Byrd, a widower of South Carolina ,Alex McTavish; Marj- orie Byrd, his daughter, Frieda Mus- tard; Bob. Rudd, her sweetheart, Donald Robertson; Mrs. John Carrol, a widow and Colonel Rudd's sister -in law, Belle McTavish; Julia Carrol, her daughter, Alba Mowbray; Ned Gray- don, a young gentleman of exceeding- ly faulty memory, Stanley Moffatt; James Baskom, a lawyer, Stanley Mustard; Ching -Ah -Ling, the chinese cook, a bit impertinent, but by the far the most important character, Jack. McTavish. Between acts, a piano solo by Jack Mowbray, a piano duet by Jean El- liott and Lois Elliott: was enjoyed and Mrs. Grieg contributed two vocal solos. This is the first experience the young people have had in presenting a play, and deserve congratulations on their success. Institute To Meet On June 13th The Woman's Institute meets this month on Thursday, June 13th at the home of Mrs. Dobie. Motto—Now is the time to be happy, now is the time to live, Alice Thornton. Roll Call—Name a flower, beginning with the first letter of your given name. Discussion and demonstration on "The uses' of rhubarb' Mrs. Hether- ington. Paper on Flower culture, Mrs. Jack Wickstead, followed by -a question drawer. Report of District Annual by Del- egate. Business discussion on same. All members are requested to be pres- ent. It will be of interest to many to know that at the Musical Festival; held recently at Stratford, pupils of Alfred E. Cook of :Slyth won distinc- tion. Jean Phill'i'ps of Blyth ' won Gold Medal in piano class tinder 12 years. I-Ielen Shaw, Blyth took 3rd place in piano class under 16 years. C. L. Cull- imore of Lucknow won Silver Medal in Tenor solo class, Mr. Cook has had a music class here for some time 1 conducted a and also co singing $ g class under the auspices of the Literary society. Work Done At Cemetery The request of the Cemetery Board, for those interested in the cemetery to attend a bee, .last Friday, received encouraging response. The men were mostly employed in straightening stones and levelling, There is great deal to be done yet and the cemetery board would greatly. appreciate it if owners of plots wottic3 have them levelled and keep the grass ctut, as .finances are not .sufficient to Aliir e 'a earetalcer. J Johnston was appointed to the cemetery board. . Mr, and Mrs, Carl Wettlaufer and Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizzines's or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years. Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12.00. Geo. Williams JEWELLER Official C.N.R. Watch Inspector Wingham TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES Fresh at all times. For the Week -End, Don't Forget a Tin of 50 Cigarettes Omar Haselgrove Tobacconist. son, Keith, of Maplewood, and Mrs. Mills of Wheatly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wettlaufer. Mr,' and Mrs. Robert Ross of Luck - now spent;'Siinday with Mrs. D. 5. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobie of Wingham, visited their 'son, James and Mrs. Dobie. Dr. Arthur 'Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and little daughter, Toronto, spent the week -end with the Dr's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Thomas Stewart, Mrs. James Wat- son and Miss Isobel Watson spent Sunday With -Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bone, 3rd concession, Morris. Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Miss Jean and Harold mere Sunday visit- ors with friends at Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs, C. Hetherington, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Gallahar and son, Billy, were week=end visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Hetherington at Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern at A.Iount Forest. Mrs. A.lridge and little daughter Lois Marie, of Fordwich, are guests of her sister, Mrs, Fred Hallenbeck. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnston and infant son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnard. Mrs. Thomas Coultes has returned to her home here after spending the winter in Torontowith her daughter, Miss Mable Coultes. • Mrs. Lillow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins. Mr. William Thornton will be at home to his friends on Thursday, June 3, from 3 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to 9 o'clock, the occasion • being his. 81st birthday: Mrs.' Alex Mowbray, Mrs. S. N. Gallaher, Mrs, Jno. Wickstead and Miss Olive Scott attended the Dis- trict Annual Meeting of :last' Huron District at Brussels on Thursday. • BELGRAVE On Thursday evening a shower was held at the home' of Mr, and Mrs. Al- bert Vincent when many friends of the community gathered together and nted Miss Florence Scott, bride- to-be, with many pretty and tiseful gifts. Miss Alice Shackleton of Ashfield, and Miss Ethel Johnson, of Byron, were recent visitors at the home of their friend, Florence Scott. �t Coultes Sr.,Mrs.Jno. Cat 1 es Sis visiting with relatives in Guelph. Misses Rachel and Lizzie McCurdy of Wingham, were week -end visitors with Mrs. David Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wightman and Phyllis, of Listowel, were week -end visitors with Mrs. Jno. Wightman, Mr, David Scott is away on a trip to Saskatchewan where he will visit relatives. . . *Mrs: Jas; Tay1'or, Mrh ltt.'I(eating; Mrs. W. Van Camp, Mrs,.;x2.Y11 cCrae, Mrs. J. M:'Coultcs, Mrs. 111. A. Wheel- er, Miss Edith' Procter and Mrs, C. R. Coultes attended the' Women's In- stitute District:. Meeting in Clinton on;, Wednesday last week. 111r 'and Mts. ;f-Iarni6it ;MttcbtE�� .qf 1 tlisay, spent Sunday with regal 4 s here, A. Garden Party will be held at .l,nox, United Church, Belgrave, on 1liursday, 13th,,, Mr, and MMS, .I-Iarsys Stapleton ..ansl: little son, Leroy, ,also Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Briggs, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Stapleton. MORRIS COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris on Mon- day, May 13, 1935. Members all pres- ent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, A court of Revision on the assessment roll was then opened. Appeals for a lower ass- essment were presented by W. H. Fraser, Mrs. Fred' Churchill, Joseph Hogg-, Lloyd Raithby, Thomas Laid- law and Charles Workman. John Craig and Robert Newcombe had dogs struck off. The contract for crushing and de- livering gravel was given to George Bishop at 34 cents per yard, includ- ing moving the crusher. The following were paid: Ivan McCarter, material and shingl- ing the roof of the Township Hall, $75.00; W. T. Brydges, typing and stationery, $2.50; James Peacock, assessor, $100.00; Edward Brydges, expenses with car, $2.00; Carl Oakley relief $10.00; Wm. Bowes, relief $5.00; John A. Brown, fixing fence on Town- ship farm, $2.00... Next Meeting, Monday, June 10th. A. MacEwen, clerk ASHFIELD Mr. rand Mrs. Jacob Hunter and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, near Fordyce, on Sunday. Miss Aileen Treleaven, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Treleaven, near Crewe, was united in marriage to Mr. Jack Curran, of Crewe, on Satur- day afternoon. We wish the young couple a very happy and prosperous married life. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sherwood, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Emma Sherwood, 10th concession. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Irwin and fam- ily, also Mrs. Mary Irwin, 2nd con., Kinloss, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin, 10th con. Mr. Charlie MacLean, 10th con., re- ceived the sad news of the death of his brother, John MacLean, out West, and at the same time his sister, Mrs. Rory Campbell, of Lucknow, had passed away about the same hour, -ear- ly Sunday morning; Mrs. Campbell is survived by two brother and three sis- ters; one daughter, Greta, of Luck - now, with whore she lived, and one son, Kenneth, of Detroit. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Lanes Memorial Church was open- ed on Sunday evening and will con- tinue during the summer months at 7:30 p.m. Miss Pearl Henderson of Lucknow, had charge of the meeting on Sunday. BLYTH A number of Ladies Sof this cont- munity attended, the Annual District Convention of the Women's Institute at Clinton, on Wednesday, when Mrs. F. Oster was appointed District Presi- dent, and Mrs. J. J. Elliott District Secretary for the seventh term. Confirmation service will be held in Trinity Anglican Church, when Rev. Bishop Seager assisted by the Rector, Rev. L. V. Pocock will have charge of this very important service. Mrs. Chester Morrison spent the. past week with friends in Mount For- est. Community Decorating Service, will be held in Union Cemetery on Sun- day, June 9th, Rev. L. V. Pocock will give the address, and the citizen's Band will take part in the program. Mr. W. N., Watson ?i?ade a business trip to Tor oto Gn''Satttidal Miss Brogden of London spent Sun- day with her father and sister, Mrs. Win. f •%}Yost',"„ Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe has purchas- ed a new car. BELMORE , Those out of the village recently: the Herd family at Lions Head; Miss Hannah Stokes with her sister its Car- rick. Minnie Jeffrey was in Wroxeter on Sunday and attended the service at the grave of Mr. J. Wendt, it being conducted by the Rev. Finlay. The beautiful floral tributes were born by the Masonic .Order who formed in line. They tt'ere contributed by the businessmen,,the Public 'School, the W.M,S., the Sunday School, the Mas- onic Order, the Davison and McLau- ghlin families, > Mrs. Wendt, Norman Hall, Laura Allen, Mrs. J. 5. Allen, Alex. Reid and family and many oth- ers. Many here, as elsewhere, are mourning the death of Mr. Wendt, he having carried on a .jewellery store in Wroxeter for,`a number ,of years and wide widely knew; :an itnright:'and: obliging business man. Mrs, W. H. Irwin spent a few days visiting her daughter in Toronto. Mrs. Alex. Casemore and„Madeline, also Mr. and Mrs, George Mundell were Sunday visitors at the former's sister, Mrs. Sparks, Port Elgin. Mrs. Ballagh and Myrtle :returned home Sunday after spending a week at the lake at Kincardine. GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs Georg'e, Foster, of Gorrie, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Miss Annie Campbell, of Shelburns, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall and Alex. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Westly Jermyn of Jamestown. Mrs. Robt. Casemore ,also Mr. W. Kerr, of Milverton, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes. Miss Doris Semple, Mr. David Rit- ,chie and Mr. James McGlynn, of Cul- ross visited Friday evening at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stokes. DONNYBROOK The Y. P. S. meets on Friday ev- ening of this week. The Women's Institute met on Wednesday, June 5th at the home of Mrs. Rich. Finnigan. Mrs. Harkness, of Wingham, has been a visitor, with her friend, Mrs. Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miners, of London, were recent 'holiday visitors with the former's uncle, Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs: Albert Campbell and family were Sunday visitors with Dun- gannon :friends. Miss Marjorie Campbell, nurse -in - training at ,Stratford Hospital, spent Thursday afternoon at t her home here.: Miss Bess Moss of Glencoe, is d'pending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Moss. Miss Frances Crozier of Crewe, has been a recent visitor with her grand- mother, Mrs. •W. H. Campbell. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and child- ren, of Niagara Falls„ N.Y.,' spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W: A. Mines. Miss Lida Willits, of Wingham, spent Sunday with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin' Willits. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and children, of Owen Sound, spent a cou- ple of days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Weir. Mr.J Wylie T. W lie attended the ordin For Good Values and a Wide Choice Selling This Week Women's Navy and Black Coats 15 20 -'30% Off. Tweed Coats and Suits The season's best 15 20 30% Off. Summer Dress Goods So New - So Crisp = So Dain- ty are these Summer Dress Fab- rics. The prices are So reason- able that you'll want to make several dresses - for your right - away wearing - • Come and see the fine textures and note the low prices 25c • 45c 58c 85c Selling Boys' Suits The famous "Prince Line"! Very fine Tweeds and Navy Blues. All have extra trousers and selling this week -end at 58:85 ..,$8.95 ,.$11.00 A Line for Older Boys Extra quality - Imported Tweeds 2 Trousers - summer colors Regular $17.50 values toclear at $13.00. Come Friday and Saturday. KING BROS. Watch Repairs For Real High Class Watch Repairs, bring your watch to Williams, The Jeweller. Noth- ing but genuine material used, and all work done on the prem- ises. EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Winner for May— Mr. J. Renwick, R. R. 1, Clifford, Ont. Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. Williams' JEWELLERY STORE ation of his nephew, Mr. George Wylie, at Stratford, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers and family attended the funeral of Mr. S. Edgar last Friday. The deceased un- derwent a critical operation in the Wingham Hospital• from which he ne- ver recovered. Interment was made. in the Gorrie Cemetery. There will be a garden party held on the church lawn on Wednesday ev- ening, June 12th. There will be a cold meat supper. A ;play entitled "Civil Service" will be given by talent from the brick church, near Belgrave. Come along and bring your friends. Ethiopians Attack Italian Troops Armed Ethiopians attacked and kill- ed 30 native Italian troops, and stole several thousand head of cattle on May 31 in the Dancali region, Italian authorities charged in an official state- ment. The Ethiopian attack was made against a”"small post of native gen- darmes, placed for the protections of the native ;population along the Erit-; rean frontier," said the report. • • \•!J •_ \• l!��iJJy�L\!J 5�/J6\P/J4\!VWJ:\•/Jl\•lJ V 4\!t:VJL\vJL\•JJL-J:LCR\�l%\!V1M4Rsta,4•VI/4•C!I.\•/JU.•,(10•4 Mtg.15/JL The Divorce Court MU.RDER By Milton Propper The trouble started in Mr. Dawson's priv- ate law office, Six people were- +discussing the case of Rowland vs. Rowland and four of those peo- ple were angry. Mrs. Rowland and her lawyer objected to • the introduction, of new evidence and a new witness. The battle waged on until Mr. Dawson, Di- verce Court Master, ordered the new witness to be pxougknt i), ; p,i;.• 11 She was in the next room, /bid they'Icould not :bringher in: c'I t71itrrvrani9tYsl'1r/•\'1r/s\?%s\ilYi\1Mgi1r/1 She was dead. Then started a sensational invesigation which involved one of Philadelphia's most res- pected families. 'It led to scandal, intrigue, a sordid affair in •a road house ... and, finally, to a startling solution. The Divorce Court Murder is a thrilling mystery story by a Prolific young American author; Milton Propper. It is a story packed full of, from beginning to end with startling surprises for the reader at every. turn. Milton Propper is one of America's fore- most writers of mystery thrillers. Other pop- ular stories he has written are: 'rhe Student Fraternity The Murder, Strange Disappear- ance sof Mary Young, The Boudoir Murder, The Family Burial Murders, The Ticker Tape Murder, .etc.,etc.x etc, The Divorce Court Murder will start in this' newstpaper next Week. It is one of Mil- ton Propper's best stories. We ruge our read- ers not to miss a single instalment. Starting NEXT . W.1 s:\� lrre\1rT,\,t/A\itYs\irisYlYAr /e\N%,p\1r%.l f/s�V�.�i«,per/\1 in�l�ii�r`/q�lysS�r j1r i i; - - ..- • • C • • tr.