The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-06, Page 414.AcE 1OUR
Thursday, June 6th, 103SS
r ... ;:,r1
a minimum charge of 25c.
1+} cents a word pen insertion, with
seed variety, 65c per bushel. Apply
George Walker, R. R, 3, Wingham.
FOR SALE -5144, acres of land, Brick
Howse and Frame Barn. Cheap.
Apply Mrs, Mabel McCoy, Wing- P
ham, Ont, S
FOR SALE -Used Coal Oil Stove, 4-' d
burner, New Perfection, with oven.
Apply to A. J. Walker, Furniture s
Store. s
FOR SALE -Hay and Oats. Miss B. a
Wilson, 602r21, 10th con., Turnber-
ree _ l
ROUSE FOR SALE -Cottage on
John Street. All conveniences. Ap-
ply J. H. Crawford.
JOHN KEESO Sr. has for sale a
quantity of standing timber, also
tree tops of.hardwood and. cedar,
also softwood, which he will sell in
lots at the bush on the Ales. Mc-
Kinnon farm, There will be some-
one there to sell on June 12th at
ten o'clock a.m.
TENDERS -The trustees of Belgrave
Public School are asking for tenders
for there -decorating of the interior
of the school building. For full par-
ticulars apply to the Secretary. Ten-
ders to close June 20th. G. H.
Wheeler, Secretary, Belgrave, Ont.
mosa are open for picnics and ani-
usements. For information phone II
Mildmay 23, Ring 43. j
- the
AIR This is
season when repairs and alterations
can be done most economically.
Our long experience in the Fur bus-
iness is your safeguard fir satisfac-
tory work. If your are interested
in a new coat we can give expert
advice. All' information is free. -
King Bros.
Take notice that a Court of Revis-
ion on the Assessment Roll for 1935
the Forester&
will be held inHall,
Belgrave, on Wednesday, 'June 12th,
at 1 p.m.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
Wish wish to thank our neighbors
and friends for their many kindnesses
and expressions of sympathy during
our recent d'ad bereavement.
Robert Carrick and Family.
Captain Keeling of the Salvation
Arrny wishes to sincerely thank all
in Wingham and district who have so
generously responded to the Self -Den-
ial Appeal made during the month of
Mr. and Mrs, George Wilson wish
to thank their many friends and neigh-
bors for the many kindnesses and ex-
pressions of sympathy during their re-
cent bereavement and during the ill-
ness of the late Margaret Ann Suth-
erland. We wish particularly to men-
tion Rev. Kenneth MacLean for his
kindly services, also the quartette of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian'Church.
Mrs. D. J. Falconer and Betty Ann
wish to express;their sincere apprec-
iation for the acts of kindness and
expressions of sympathy extended to
.,t. t.., .f .sc , ,,1 rales ileac and for
beautiful floral tribtttes received dur-
ing their recent sad bereavement.
The family of the late Win. E.
Brawley wish to, thank their many
Wingham friends for their many
kindnesses and expressions of sympa-
thy during their recent bereavement.
RAUM-In Toronto General Hos-
pital (Private Pavillion) on June
3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Raum
(nee Glenna Spotton), a daughter
(still born).
HOPPER -In Exeter, on Thursday,
May 80th, to Mr. and Mrs, E. R.
Hopper, a; daughter-Patrieia Ann,
Notice of
Dissolution of Partnership
NOTICE is hereby given that the
artnership heretofore subsisting be-
ween us, the undersigned, as JOHN -
ON & WAIN, in the Town of Wing -
ani and County of Huron, has this
ay been dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts owing to the said. partner -
hip are to be paid to WILLIAM
f Wingham aforsesaid, and all claims
gainst the said partnership are to be
presented to. the said WILLIAM
12URRAY JOHNSON, by whom the
same will be settled.
DATED at Wingham this First day
of June, A.D. 1935.
Murray Johnson.
James A. Wain.
These prices good from June 6th
to June 13th.
Chick •are R.O.P. Sired, Govern-
Cent approved from Bloodtested
Leghorn Cockerels 1%c. White
Leghorn day olds $5.95 per 100.
Barred and White Rock day old
$6.95. Leghorn Pullets $13.90.
Heavy Breed .pullets day old $9.95,
one week old $11.95. Started chicks
all ages, at rock bottom prices.
Top Notch Chick Hatchery
29 Ontario St.,
Phone 1257 Stratford, Ont.
(Continued from Page Seven)
Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Hemphill were
Junior Fourth
Total 535, Honors 401, Pass 320,
Ai', Homuth 480, E. Fitzpatrick 479;'
K, Jackson 464, N. Benedict 461,• J.
VanNorman 455, M`; Fothergill 451,
A. Small' 445; V. Currie 444; F. Lock -
ridge. 434, V, MacLean 433, B. Burg-
than 431, R. Hamilton 423; A. Sell
422, 13, Lloyd 415, G. Roberts 410, M.
Habkirk 403, D. Adams 401, K. John-
son 397, 11f. Templeman 396, B, Case-
more 393, J. Ross 393,, R. Saint 386,
B. Scott 383, L. Evans 363, M. Con-
nell 359, E. Campbell 357, 3. Fraser
355, M, Radford 348, C. Krohn 340,
D. Henderson 339, B, Groves 339, 13.
Sturdy 317, V. Morris 294, E. 'Curtis
London visitors one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor
spent a day last week with London
Miss Ritchie :is in Toronto, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Sand-
Mr, and Mrs. Damrow, also Mr.
Alf. Meehan were guests last week, of
Mr. and Mrs ...A. Meehan. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Wingham,
were also Thursday . guests at the
same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin and son,
Glenn, Listowel, were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Rasmussen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae, Waterloo,
Barred Rocks and 8, C. White
Leghorns at $8 per 100; Leghorn
Baby Pullets at $16 per 100, line
bred front registered stock.
ussels , Pt),t,
were week -end guests of Mr. and Mi -s.
B. H, Reynolds, Teacher.
Senior Third
Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300,
Betty Gannett 433, Helen Ham-
mond 430, Margaret Glousher 409;
Louise Reid 406, Harold Cantelon 406,
Frances Robinson 403, Anne Van-
Wyck 403, Louise Dore 402, Nora
Finley 400, Hem Lee 393, Dav-
id Murray 391, Jean Lee 391,.
Norman Mundy 390, John Lee 389,
George Johnson 879,- Dorothy Mellor
378, Velma Ohm 377, Chester Camp-
bell 369, Elmer DeyeIl 360, Clarence
Hamilton 351; Louise Thompson 350,
Laura Collar 346, Bill Hartis 344,
Kathleen Saint 337, Fenton Barnes
337, Louise Lloyd 337, Jack Hopper
336, Joe Wilson 319, Mabel Campbell
317, Norman Fry^306, Bill Seddon 298,
Joe Falconer 297, Bill Forsyth 279,
Raphael Morris 199.
C. J. Farquharson, Teacher,
Junior Third
Total 600, Honors 450, Pass 360.
Clarence Ohm 523, Ellen Bailey
519, Grace Hingston 518, George
Lloyd 513, Josephine VanNorman
509, Ethel Vanner 508, Betty Groves
505, Kenneth Jones 497, Eileen Dark
486, Grace Hutcheson 470, Eric
Schatte 464, Carrol Casemore 462,
Carl Vanner 456, Roy Dark 437, Jack
Gorbutt 432, James Cameron 431,
Eva Lediet 431, Harry Howard 430,
Jack Rich 428, Junior Nivins 422,
Alan Williams 420, James Kennedy
411, ,r Harry Montgomery 410, Isabel
MacLean 403, Betty Fitzpatrick 399,
Jack Carter 397, John Wilson 386,
Harold. Hutton 384, Kenneth Craw-
ford 377, Georgina Evans 377, Fran-
ces Durnin 374, Pat Fitzpatrick 371,
Iris Templeman 363, Reggie Collar
D. W. Rae. .:•
Mrs. Nokes and Mrs. Chapnian who,
have spent several months with the:
former's brother, Mr. George Muir,'
left for :Winnipeg, last week..
Miss Aileen Schaab spent the week-
end in Toronto.
Mr. H, Edgar and Mrs. Harvey Mc-
Michael motored -to Toronto on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann spent a
day last week in Brussels.
Mr. Percy Rogers, Detroit, also Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Greer, Pontiac, Mich.,
were guests•of Mz. and Mrs, George
Paulin last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobban, of Detroit,
were week -end guests. of Mr. and Mrs,
Robert. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Shakerman of London
were week -end guests of 'Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence White and other friends.
We are glad to know Mr. John
Henneberg is slowly recovering from
an attack of pleurisy.
Mr,' and Mrs. T. Henry, of Chesley,
weep Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
T. G. Hemphill. '
The Fourth Line Circle held a suc-
cessful quilting at the home of. Mrs.
J. 'Elliott. ort. Thursday last. On
Thursday of this week,rMiss Florence
Fowler tvill be hostess to the different
Circles. •
Rev. W. A. Finlay
has been appoint-
to a charge at Comber in Essex
County, while Rev. A. M. Grant of
Belgrave, willcome here.
Senior Fourth
Total 680, Honors 510, Pass 408.
Patricia Parker 618, Margaret
Marsh 610, Scott Reid 593, Mary Bro-
pity 575, Dareli Biggs 575, Mary
Droumbolis 568, Betty Rae 557,
Lloyd Hutton 551, Isabel Lamb
539, Irlma:. Harrison 533, Alice
Dore 527, , Russell Zurbrigg 518,
Evelyn Campbell 515, Mabel Fother-
gill 504, Jim Durnin 496, Lillian
Howard 482, Mary McKibbon 478,
George Boyle 466, Evelyn Edgar- 462,
,Evelyn Carter 459, Shirley MacLean
447, Irene Clark
412,.Catherii �Fitz,-
W391patrick 400, Chae,il
Bill Forsyth 89f,, Robert Casinore 328,
tatelelitindi 366, Irene Chittiek 312,
,ssisele ;A, 4,t Posliff, Principal.
Myra J. MacDonald, Teacher.
Senior: Second
Total 450, Honors 338, Pass 270,
Billie Galbraith 414, Frances Bro-
phy87, Ruth Rarris 385, Carl Clark
377, Joyce Carter 376, Donald Has -
tie 372, Robert Chittick: 371, Margaret
MacLean 368, Douglas Fry 364, Jack
Day 360, Ambrose Zettler 357, Mary
Lepard 356, Doris. Finley 855, Craig
Armstrong 354, Norma Brown 354,
Jack 'Ludwig 349, Marjorie Falconer
847, Donald Robinson 346, Grace
Parker 345, Donna Buchanan 343,
Buddy.. Cruickshank 337, Lorraine
Brown 334, Jim Fraser 334, Lloyd spent the.week-end at the home of
Mundy 331, Doreen Garlick 323, Mar- her mother, Mrs. Adam Johnston,
garet Finley 322, Frank Zettler 322, Victoria Street.
Grace Small 314, Viola, Droumbolis r. and Mrs. Howard Gray, of Ni
313, Donald. Campbell 307, Alvin Seli M
305, Wallace Hutton 304, Muriel Ev-
ans 302, Florence Finley 223.
'M. B. Gibson, Teacher.
Government Approved •
At Reduced Prices for
the Balance of the
Season.White ,
Barred7c each
ns Rocks 8c each
Rocks Sc
Eight unrelated chicks free
with each hundred ordered, Af-
ter June 15th one cent per chick
less than above prices. Started
chicks two cents' per week old,
over baby chick price.
Order now before it is too late.
Chick Starter, Poultry Feeds,
Corn and Poultry Supplies
Cattle and Hog Concentrates
and Minerals.
Duncan Kennedy
Wellington Produce Building
Phone 38. Wingham, Ont.
kin 468, Mary Vanner 450, Jimmy Col-
borne 447, Lillian Jones 417, June Ev-
erick 407, Jack Musgrove 402, Robert
Morris 391.
A. G. Williamson, Teacher.
Miss Elsie Blackhall spent last
week in Toronto.
Summer Footwear - For the whole
Family at Greer's Shoe Store,
Mr. Archie McKinney of Sarnia,
spent the week -end with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Reid and
family spent „Sunday in Stratford and
St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Moffatt visited
with their two daughters in London
last week.
Scampers for Men, Boys and Child-
ren, Brown or Black, $1.00, $1.2.5 to
$1.98, at Greer's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Toronto,
were week -end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Baker..
Miss Nadine Austin, of Wakefield,
Quebec, was a week -end visitor with
Miss Isabel Nortrop.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson and
Kenneth visited with friends in Tor-
onto over the week -end. '
Mrs. Wright and daughter, of Ham-
ilton, spent the _week -end. with Mr.
and Mrs. C. N: Merkle,.
Mr. Ralph Piper, of Armherstburg,.
spent the week -end with his brother,
S. Piper and 'Mrs.; Piper.
White Footwear - Ties, Straps,
Pumps, High or Cuban Heels, $1.98,
$2,49 to $3.50 at Greer's Shoe Store.
Miss Usta Knife had blood -poison-
ing. Now she uses both Cress Corn
and. Bunion Salves. At McKibbon's.
Drug Store.
Miss Mary Johnston, of Toronto,
_ Juniot Second
Total 540, Honors 405, Pass 324.
Lillian Angus 455, Elizabeth Hare
454, Norman Anderson 454, Harold
Seli 433, Joyce Walker 431, Evelyn
Allen 428, Shirley Edgar 425, Orwell
Allen 415, Helen Carr 414, Freddie
Templeman 404, Jimmie Sanderson
899, Marie Lockridge 393, Jimmie
Stoakley 391, Laurette Everick 390,
Madelene 'Mellor 388, Edward -Fitz-
patrick 384, Jack Glousher 380, Ileen
Morris 364, Jean McLeod 363, Percy
Vanner 358, Jack Mellor 338, Arthur
Brown 3.25, Robert Prentice 278,
Hugh Bell 246, Jean Prentice 192,
B. Joynt, Teacher.
First Book.
Total 435, Honors 326, Pass 261.
Wilfred Gannett 415,. Annie Shiell
414, Jean Stewart 412, Grace Bailey.
382, Marjorie French 376, Isabel
Brown 370, Margaret Angus' 365,
George Copeland: 349, Pauline Clark
347, Jean Town 342, Donald Lloyd
335, Gilbert Robinson 325, Helen
Jones 325, Jack Ernest 324, Evelyn
Evans 313, Irene Glousher 309, Jack
Montgomery 297, Jack Walker 288,
Billie Hilbert 285, Billie Lee 283,
Walter Burgess 280, Cecil Yeo 277,
Donald MacLeod 272, Mary Forsyth
266, Freddy Ohm 261, Raymond',13e11
244, Jack Lockridge 242, Eddie Car-
ter 219, Gladys Glousher 200.
Phyllis Johns, Teacher,
Total 665, Honors 500, Pass 400,
Milton Brown 642, Helen Forbes
622, Jean Willoughby 602, Teddy
Bailey 588, Wanda Cowan 580, Billy
Field 574, Billy Templeman 667, Bet-
ty Thompson 559, Helen Lockridge
556, Shirley Lloyd 552, Mary Prentice
549, Margaret Robinson 539,' Jack
Lloyd 526, Dorothy,,,Wells 519, Alrna
Thothpson 513,, Gerald Brophy 505,
Kathleen Droumbolis 504, Margaret
VaiiNorman 499, Patricia Wild 488,
Donald Acteson 481, Jacqueline Lar
agara Falls, N.Y., spent the week -end
with the forrner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Gray.
Mrs. Roy Stanley Smith and Mrs.
Howard Johnston, of Detroit, spent a
few days last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town.
Week -end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Blackhall, Diagonal Rd.,
W. Abram ;$7.70 gnetting :bruekl,:,, ,
Moved by Breckenridge and Porter
that we' adjottrnrto `nae'et at¢ '
on Monday fene114tk 3 .1 `
Carried:. F
W R Crt
Frank G. Morley, newly appointed
Vice President and General Manager,
Canadian Goodrich Company, Lim-
ited, Kitchener, Ont., to succeed
E. S Sargeant.
The board of directors of Canadian.
Goodrich Company, Limited, Kitch-
ener, Ont., elected Mr. F. G. Morley
Vice President and General Manager
to succeed Mr. E. S. Sargeant,` who
has been granted a leave of absence.
Mr. J: E. Gulick, Factory Spuerinten-
dent, was elected. a director.
Mr. Morleyhas been a member of
the Goodrich organization in Canada
since 1923. He started in the Auditing
Department in Akron in 1916, After a
year's training, he was appointed Tra-
velling Auditor. His next assignment
was in the Credit Department and a
year later he was transferred to Can-
ada as Credit and Operating Manager.
When the Ames Holden Tire nd Rub-
ber Company was purchased by Good-
rich in 1925, and the Canadian Good-
rich Company, Limited, organized, he.
was appointed General Credit Manag-
er. In February, 1926, he was promot-
ed to Secretary -Treasurer.
were, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Blackhall
and Miss Lulu Kerr, Toronto.
Misses Kate and Mary King, of
Western University, London, ' are
spending their vacation with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ripple and Mr.
and Mrs. C. Cruikshank, of Detroit,
spent the week -end gt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cruikshank,
Mrs. W. Logan Craig, of Toronto,
is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. W.
W. Armstrong. She was accompanied
here by Mr. and Mrs. W. Pooler, who
spent the clay here.
Guests at the home of Mr. J, H.
Thom over the week -end were:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conn, Freda
Conn and two brothers, of St. Marys,
Mrs. McVey, son Walker, and dati-
ghter, Florence, of Thorndale.
For Sale
To Close an Estate
Double House on John
Street, with Three -Car
Bargain for Quick Sale.
ingharn Ont.
Grain,"" ,
Ireene Wicker, the Kellogg, Com-
pany's,Singing Lady who has endear_
ed herself to millions of young radio
listeners through her broadcast, has
just received the Radio' Stars' Award'
for Distinguished 'Service to Radio'.
The Singing Lady is the first juven-
ile, broadcast to besohonored,. the
award having been 'made to' her for
the "one child's program which 'has
measured up both to the standards' of
good taste demanded by mothers and
the degree of entertainment required
by their sons and daughters."' The
Kellogg Singing Lady' is Henri! over
CRCT, .Toronto, and: ''CFCF;'1Gf'ohtreal
every day except Saturday and Sun-
day at five -thirty (Eastern Daylight
In addition to the above award, for
two succeeding years, the Radio Edit-
ors of America have selected Kel-
logg's Singing Lady as the outstand-
ing juvenile program on the air.
Millions of youngsters "listen in"
to her delightful songs and stories ev-
ery school day, at children'sslipper
Her bright story -telling is a con-
structive influence in the lives of all
her listeners and she has created a
new literature that has received the
acclaim of child psychologists and ed-
ucators throughout the Nation.
Coultes Scott
The Manse of Belgrave United.
Church was the scene of a quiet wed-
ding ceremony on Saturday, June 1st;
at 11 o'clock, when Florence Maude,
only daughter of John S. and Mrs.
Scott, Belgrave, was united in mar-
riage to Albert Edward Coultes, also
of Belgrave. Rev. A. M. Grant .per-
fornied the ceremony.. The bride wore.
a graceful gown of primrose mousel-
line de soie and crepe hat to match
and carried a pretty muffe which was
of the same material as, her gown. Her
bridesmaid was Miss Mary Inglis who
wore a pretty gown of seadew mousel-
line de soie with muff to match and
white hat. The groom was supported
by Borden Scott, brother of the bride.
Following the ceremony the wed-
ding party returned to the home of
the, bride's parents, where the wed-
ding dinner was served. The groom's
gift to the bride was a Mira -Pak, to
the bridesmaid a compact and the
groomsman a fountain pen.
Later in the afternoon the happy
couple left by motor to spend their
honeymoon in London, Guelph, Tor-
onto and Parry Sound.'For travelling
the bride donned a suitl of navy blue
wool crepe with grey hat.
On their return they will live in
East Wawanosh and their many
friends wish them a long and happy
married life.
The minutes of Council meeting
held in Bluevale, Maya 27th ,1935.,
Members all present.
Moved by Wilton and Breckenridge
that the minutes of last meeting be
adopted as read, Carried.
The following letters were received
and read: F. M. Egieson, O,L.S., Or-
angeville; Dept. of Highways, Tor-
onto; Town Clerk, Wingham; Mc-
Pherson & Thompson, Stratford; Hy-
dro Electric Corn., Toronto.
At 3 o'clock the Court of Revision
on assessment:' roll was held, one ap-
peal was heard.
The following accounts were paid;
Municipal World $1.18 acct.; Jno, Bell
$2.23, cutting brush; H. Dennis $1.75
cutting brush; I3e11 Telephone 'Co $2.-
44, acc't.,; 13. Cruikshank '$50.00 part
salary; W. R. Cruikshank, $77,68 part
salary; ' Relief; Jno. Falconer .48; N.
C. Baler $9.95, J. W. McKibbon $2.75,
D. Kerr $5,75, Chas. Potter $4.50,
Mitchell's Meat Market $7.10, Mun-
l dy's $17.45, R. McArthur $11,04, G.
H. Tervit $12,16; Wrn, Elliott & Son
$2.50, acct,, Dr. Colborne $50.00 acct.,
A. M. Fraliek, $19.38 expenses in col-
lecting. 1934 taxes; T1ios. Gilmour
$66.00 Assessor; Patrolmen: Geo.
Mundell $9,10, W. J. Campbell $4.20,
C. Casemore $703,49, G. Wray $2,80,
County Huron �1
.53, T. Wylie;lie,
$17.15, Vii. -Elliott, &'Son $f2,00 'Wee
Ch4 °Elllott`$i4.40' tile; L. H. Bos-.
rn4ili$10.05 tile; M. S. Sharpin $12.95,.
pn rolntan; J. T. Wylie $3.00 postage;
What is generally conceded to be
the most "democratic" list of titles
and awards to. Canadians ever to be
granted in connection with His Ma-
jesty's distribution of birthday honors
reached the federal capital. by. cable
from London.
Among the total of 107 citizens of
the dominion singled out for recog-
nition are Canadians living all the way
from Vancouver Island in the West
to Cape Breton Island in the East,
as well as several living abroad in
Tokio, Melbourne, London and in
New York and Washington. They are
chosen from all classes, from the
minister plenipotentiary carrying on
the delicate, work of foreign diplom-
acy to the confidential clerk discharg-
ing his faithfulroutine in Ottawa, and
from the capitalist and business mag-
nate -who is not honored because he
is either a capitalist or a business
magnate -to the dauntless nurse in
the Arctic Circle who has been carry-
ing on a campaign of decades against
tuberculosis in Canada's hinterland.
Following is the list of Canadians
to whom honors were given by the
King who are; entitled to the prefix
Knight Grand Cross of the Order
of St. Michael and St. George: Rt.
Hon. Sir William Thomas White,
K.C.M.G., Toronto (promotion).
Knight Grand Cross of the Order
of the British Empire:. Edward Went-
worth Beatty, Montreal.
Knight Commander of the Order
of the Bath: Major-General James
Howden MacBrien, Ottawa.
Knight Commander" of the Ord-
er of St. Michael : and 'St. George:
Hon. Herbert Meredith Marler,
Tokio, Canadian Minister to Japan.
Knight of the Order of the British
Einpire: Arthur George Doughty, Ot-
tawa, and John' Cunningham McLen-
nan, Toronto.
Knights, Bachelor: Senator Joseph
Aritable Thomas Chapais, Quebec;
Edmond Wyly Grier; Toronto; Ernest
Campbell MacMillian, Toronto;
Charles George Douglas Roberts,
Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe was,also hon-
ored being made an 'afficer of the
Order of the British Empire.
Sets New Atlantic Record
The Normandie, nein flagship of the'
French Iine, docked in New. York, on
Monday, after completing her maiden
voyage across the Atlantic' setting
new record of 4 days, 11 hours and
42 minutes.
Forest Fires in Northern Ontario
Weary fire-fighters strung across a
100 -mile front in Ontario's northland
called for more volunteers and equip-
ment in a renewed effort to combat
the worst outbreak of bush fires re-
ported since the break-up, From ,Sud-
bury in the south to Irogtlors Falls in
the north came reports of fresh fires,
as rain continued to hold off in most
localities. There was a brief down-
pour in some districts, but it was not
sufficient to check the rapidly spread-
ing fires.
Gust "The horn on your car must
be broken."
l tjs itgb; it's just indifferent."
G"us: "Indifferent! What do you
mean Fall „ I >
Bast: "It just doesn't give* hoot,",
LITTLE children, tired .with
play and nearly ready for
bed, should have light, nour-
ishing, easily digested foods
for their evening areal.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes,
eaten before bedtime, help
children sleep. Scientific
tests conducted in a large
university have proven this.
Children who had Kellogg's
for supper slept 30% .more
soundly than those who ate
heavier foods.
Kellogg's restore energy
without overloading small
stomachs. They're pleasant,
appetizing. Children love
their crispness and delicious
All grocers sell Kellogg's
Corn Flakes. Ready to serve
from the WAXTITE bag in-
side the red -and -green pack-
age. Economical. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario.
Rene ' Pegent,' master of the new
liner Normandie. Besides his techni-
cal knowledge Captain Pugertt` is a
flier of distinction, a champion fencer,
a crack rifle -shooter, a remarkable
musician, a master carpenter and an
authority on boxing..
Quick Sale
Good Buildings
Well Watered
Near School
Ca ...
& Booth
Offi 'ce.
1,65•. N,i lit 190 or 112;''
g i�