HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-06, Page 3Thursday, June 6th, 1935
Tea at its
Savings Safeguard
It's the steady turnirtg of the wheels of busi-
ness that provides work. 'It is money --or
credit -that keeps the wheels of business
turning. Your savings, with those of count-
less others, deposited in the Dominion Bank
make it possible -to extend credit to business,
employ workers and pay wages. Protect your
own "job" by opening a savings account in
this bank. 451
World Wide News In Brief Form
Earthquake in India
Karachi, India—Three tremendous
rumbling earth shocks shattered the
northwest frontier city of Quetta re-
cently, killing an estimated 20,000 Eu-
ropeans and natives. Unnumbered
thousands were left homeless, desti-
tute and panic-stricken when the three
successive quakes, the most violent
lasting 60 seconds, racked their homes
to pieces about them.
Pope Pius Is 78
Vatican City—Pope Pius on. Friday
celebrated his 78th birthday by ob-
serving his most rigid schedule of
work in years.
More Troops for East Africa.
Rome—Italy mobilized 44,000 more
troops for service in East Africa,
shortly after new'provocative" inci-
dents, calculated to strain still furth-
er Italy's already tense relations with
Ethiopia, were officially reported.
Godfrey Probe Powers Increased•
Ontario Securities Commissioner J.
M. Godfrey, K.C., has been granted
the powers of a Royal Commissioner
to continue his investigation intothe
affairs of the Manufacturers' Finance
Corporation, Limited, a Toronto com-
pany which went into bankruptcy in
New French Premier
Paris=Fernand, Bouisson, 60 -year-
old president of the chamber of de-
puties, accepted the premiership of
France Friday and the task of waging
the battle in defence of the franc that
caused the downfall :of Pierre -Etienne
Flandin. He completed his Cabinet
on Saturday.
Great Britain Agrees
With Air Locarno
London—Great Britain officially ex-
pressed willingness to sign an "air
Locarno" providing air parity among
Britain, France, Italy and Germany,
and binding them to instantaneous
joint action against an aerial aggress-
or. The important announcement was
made to the House of Commons by
Captain Anthony Eden, Lord Privy
Defaulting Municipalities.
to be Refinanced
Refinancing of defaulting Ontario
....Hydro Range
20% Off Regular Prices
Also Range 'Wiring financed under above plan.
New Low Prices onall reliable makes of
Electric Ranges.
Wingham Utilities
municipalities is to begin immediately
at Queen's 'Park. Submerged during
the Legislative session, the debenture
problems of the thirty or more towns'
' hich have defaulted .on principal <or
interest payments are slated for im-
mediate Government. attention,
Roosevelt May Revise Constitution
Washington—President Roosevelt.
appealed the Supreme Court's NRA.
decision to the !people.. Hinting
strongly at an effort to revise the
Constitution, be asserted, at a press
conference unique in his Administra-
tion, that the United States must de-
cide whether the Federal Government
shall, or shall not, have authority to
deal with what the Administration
considers grave economic and social
problems of national scope and. im-
Some Tariff Changes
Ottawa -Three important 'tariff
Board reports were tabled in the
House this evening by Hon. E. N.
Rhodes, Minister of Finance, and, in
the caseof some of these, changes
have been made in the present tariff
since the Budget was introduced late
in March. Outstanding in these is the
important concession made to British
biscuit manufacturers.
Dunlap Observatory Opened
Toronto, through the University of
Toronto, and by the generosity of
Mrs. Jessie Dunlap, was virtually giv-
en the freedom of the heavens and el-
evated to rank among the world's
foremost cities of science with the de-
dication and formal opening of David
Dunlap Observatory, Richmond Hill.
This observatory houses the second
largest telescope in the world and the
largest in the British Empire.
Five Die in Fire
Long Branch—Grim tragedy struck
the little two-storey frame 'hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, 85 Fosch
Avenue; Alderwood, two miles north
.of here, Friday morning when five
children whose ages range from 18
months to 19 years, perished in a fire
which demolished the interior of the
home, leaving the survivors destitute.
Charged with Stealing $31,000
Niagara Falls, Ont.—Charged with
stealing $31,000 from the Niagara
Falls Building; Savings and Loan As-
sociation, Isabelle M. Benson, for 22
years its manager, appeared before
Magistrate J. B. Hopkins. She was
not asked to plead, and was remanded
until June 28th.
Floods in Colorado
• Colorado Springs, Col.—Floods,
roaring down deep mountain canyons,
swept seven or eight persons to their
deaths, marooned scores of families
In low-lying districts of the town, and
played havoc with villages in their
10,000 Men to Work
On Northern Road
Ottawa—Hon. Peter Heenan Left
for Toronto after successfully negot-
iating with Hon. Dr. Manion and oth-
er Federal Ministers' an agreement by
which 10,000 Hien wall be put to work
at once on the Schreiber -White River
er section of the trans -Canada high-
way in Northern Ontario. The agree-
ment involves, Mr. Herman said, an
expenditure of approximately $5,000,-
Again Asks Lower Rate on Bonds
Vancouver—Vancouver's bondhold-
ers will be summoned some time to
another meeting, at which they will
be asked to accept a refunding plan
at lower interest rates, Mayor G. G.
McGeer announced.
Japan May Enter Northern China
Tokio—Japanese military domina-
tion of all North China apparently
was foreshadowed in despatches from
Peipin, which said Japanese Army Of-
ficers there had demanded China's im-
mediate settlement of fourteen disput-
ed points.
To Authorize Revaluation of Gold .
Ottawa—Before Parliament prorog-
ues it is proposed to enact a measure,
permissive in character and to come
into force by proclamation, authoriz-
ing the revaluation of gold "in event
of it being thought desirable to re-
value• the gold reserves of the Domin-
-r11.111u,nuu"ull 011H ll.111t"11,i..,.".KIM/
Starling Contest
The Starling Coni e t put onl
Tt S � g is pby�te
Tceswater Agricultural Society was
quite a seucess. Great interest was
manifested, especially by the young
men of the village, who were forttnt
ate enough to..have have rifles and
Brighten up with
You've had days when you've felt
discouraged and low. Nothing.
seemed to go right. Frequently these
dreary days car be traced to corn -
mon constipation, due to lack of
"bulk" in your meals.
This, ailment may cause head•
aches and loss of ;energy. Correct it
by eating a delicious cereal.
w Laboratory research shows Kel-
logg's ALL -Bangs provides "bulk" to
aid elimination. ALL-BaAN also fur-
nishes vitamin B and food -iron.
The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN resists
digestion better than the fiber. in
fruits and vegetables. It is gentle-
and often more effective. Isn't this
natural foodbetter than taking pat-
ent medicines—often harmful?
Two tablespoonfuls of ALL -BRAN
daily are usually sufficient. With
each meal, in chronic cases. If not
relieved this way, see your doctor.
Brighten days with ALL-Bit
Get the red -and.
green package at
your grocer's. Made
by Kellogg in Lon-
don, Ontario.
Keep on the
Sunny Side
ALL -B411
f Life
enjoyed the sport. The society were
well pleased with the result. In the
ten days 1;787 birds of the species
were destroyed.—Teeswater News.
Vandals Damage Camp Property
The provincial police are investigat-
ing a complaint of damage done to
property at the Evangelical Camp
Grounds in Carrick, The church bell
was torn from its fastenings in the
preaching tabernacle, and smashed,
and other damage done about the
buildings.—Mildmay Gazette.
Went Over Darn in Boat
While the waterfall at the Walleer-
ton power darn is no Niagara Falls,
yet for a youth to go over it in a boat
and get back to where he can be
scolded for -his fool -hardiness is a feat
worthy'of note. It was while fishing
in a scow above the clam that Bobbie
Yaeck, with his mind more centred
on the fins which were coverting
about his hooks than on his own per-
sonal safety, went drifting along with
the tide in blissful oblivion of the na-
ture of the scenery ahead. Reaching
the edge of the precipice and hearing
the roaring of the torrent below, he
suddenly realized that he was being
swept over the brink, and leaping out
of the craft he fent down; not like a
captain with his boat, but rather on
the outside of his vessel.—Walkerton
Herald -Times.
Prolific Blooming
This is a prolific year, Norman Fitz-
simmons brought into this office a
couple of dandelions, rather two dus-
ters of dandelions, which were unique,
One stem had four blossosm, the oth-
er six. The stems were large in pro-
portion but only one stem for each
cluster.—Clinton News -Record.
School Salaries Cut
At a meeting of the Clinton Public
School Trustee Board, it was decided.
to reduce the salaries of each of the
teaching staff by $50.
Trampled by Cow
Auburn -'-Mrs. J. Wagner of the
Base Line met with a very painful
accident. She went to milk and thinlc.-
ing the stool was in its; usual place
she was in some way knocked under
the cow and was trarnpled. Her con-
dition.was such that medical attention
was required.
Dogs Running Herd Were Shot
The killing of two yearling heifers
oit the farm of Allan Watson, conces-
sion 10, Colborne Township, has been
traced to three collie dogs, all of the
same litter. The dogs were shot and
Billed in the act of running down a
herd of seven cattle:
Goderich Cobbler Gets
Letter from King
Godes;;ch—William Ahl, shoeman,
who owing to physical disabilities suf-
fered from
uf-fered:frorp childhood, conducts a suc-
cessful boot and shoe repair from a
wheel chair and shoemaker's bench;
was among those who wrote King.
George congratulating him on the oc-
casion of His Majesty's Silver Jub-
ilee, Learning that the King was an
enthusiastic stamp collector, Mr. Ahl
enclosed three uncancelled stamps
from his own collection, one of Queen
Victoria, one of King Edward and
one of King George himself. Natur-
ally Mr, Ahl, a native of Germany,
but resident of Canada for 40 years,
was delighted this week to receive a
grateful acknowledgment from Buck-
ingham Palace.
Lucknow Child Hurt
When Cars Bump
Bobby McNay; two-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNay, Luck -
now, received a nasty gash on his
forehead Thursday, when cut by the
glass of a broken windshield, the re-
sult of a car accident on Main street.
The car in which he was riding col-
lided head-on with a truck. The mo-
ther, who was driving, and her eight -
months -old son were uninjured except
for a shaking up.
Work on the Highway
Work was begun under Provincial
auspices an the Blue Water highway
north of Goderich, recently taken ov-
er as a Provincial road. It is under-
stood that surveyors will be over the
route next week, and that some parts
' of the old West Shore Electric Rail-
way right of way may be utilized in
improving the highway. J. J. Robert-
son of Colborne township has been
appointed superintendent of the road
between Goderich and Kincardine.
(Continued from Page two)
single to the same region, sending
13i11 to third and taking second him-
self on the throw-in. Lediet then
1 scored while McDonald was throwing
out Carmichael.
Again in the sixth the Hurons drove
a ,run across. Al Finlayson got a life
on Glue's error and was sacrificed
along to third by Groves after making
a clean steal of second. Lediet lined
out. to Carrick in centre but Al. elect-
ed to hold third. Gray then came
through with a timely single scoring
Fin., only to be forced out at second
by Joe Tiffin's roller to short. Mike
ended the inning by bounding out to
The Huron's final pair of runs came
in the eighth, Groves opening with a
long double to left and Lediet sing-
ling to right. This ended Mr. Brandt's
toil for the day, Carrick taking up the
mound duties. The big left-hander
had too nuich on the ball for his cat-
cher, both Groves and Lediet scoring
on passed balls by McEwen before
the Colts could retire the side.
The Clintonites got their lone tally
in the eighth with the aid of only ane
hit. After Johnston had struck out,
McEwen got a life on Gray's two -
base error, and reached third when
Mike made a bad peg to the hot cor-
ner. Honey also struck out but Haw-
kins produced a single to score Mc -1
Ewan. Carrick then strtfck out for the
third time in this game.
The Colts threatened again in the
ninth, Pickett leading off with a dou-
ble and McDonald drawing a walk,
The local management decided things
had gone far enough and Bob depart-
ed in favor of Jack' Colvin, who then
proceeded to strike out the next three
mea although the runners already on
moved tip a base as a result of a balk
by Jack.
4, * * *
• Short Flies
The HUCa1t, look like a real pow-
erful club so far, all the boys getting
their share of hits except Al. Finl
who has been hitting in tough
* *
The Hurons' base -running is some-
thing to marvel at, but unfortunately,
Why take chances with
blow -outs when Goodrich
Safety Silvertowns will give
you Life -Saver Golden Ply
blow-out protection—and.
months more mileage at no
extra cost? Let us show you
the Safety Silvertown today,
Why buy single -cured tires when
the price of double -cured Cava-
liers is so low? "Double -Curing"
makes Cavaliers tough all the
way through! They will still be
0 "Burning up the Miles" long
after single -cured tires have been
thrown on the junk heap.
Why buy cheap, unreliabletires
when you can get Goodrich
Commanders? They're tough,
long -wearing, honestly built.
Protect your tire
investment. In-
sist on Goodrich
and save money.
This sign identifies us as a Goodrich Tire dealer
where you can buy the Goodrich Safety Silvertown
with Life -Saver Golden Ply.
Jr; fetc,
Shell Gas, Oils, Air Pressure Greasing
Phone 84
at the Chalmers country estate (?) at
Acton. These two gents pretty near-
ly drew a fine for appearing at the
park almost an hour ahead of game
time. This isn't being done this year,
* * *W *
Sweet Music
A.13. R. H, Po A. E.
W. Tiffin, 2b 5 0 1 2 5 0
Somers, cf 4 0 1 1 0 0
Finlayson, rf 5 1 '0 1 0 0
Groves, lb 3 1 1 5 0 1
Lediet, 3b 4 2 2 0 1 1
Gray, if 4 0 2 0 0 1
t 0 0
Smith,i 9t} 0 0 0 0
J. Tiffin,f ss 4 0 1 8 1 1
Carmichael, c 4 0 1 14 1 1
Chalmers, p 8 0 1 1 1 0
Colvin, p 0 0 0 0 "0 0
Totals 86 4 10 27 8 5
nothing to, write home about. It's
likely to send some of their support- McEwan, e
ers home half crazy if it doesn't nn :Holmes, rf
* * * *
Social Note: Messrs. Chalmers and
Colvin, two of the brightest (?)
stars on the local pitching staff, and
their lady friends, spent the week -end
A.11. R. H. Po A. E.
4 1 0 4 2 2
2 0 0 0 0 0
Honey, rf 2 0 0 0 0 0
Maivkins, 2b .....,4 0 2 5 2 0
Carrick, cf, p ... 4 0 2 9 0 0
McDonald, Sb 8 0 0 1 t2 8
Wagg, if 4 0 1 1 0 0
Glue, ss , 4 '0 0 8 4 2
Brandt, p 2 0 0 0 4 0,
Johnston, cf 2 0 0 0 0 0.
Totals 35 1 7 27 14 "7
R. H.
Win;g'ham 010 '001 020-4 10
Clinton ................ 000 000 010-1 7
Batteries: Chalmers, Colvin and Car-
michael; Brandt, Carrick and llcEw
Runs batted in, Carmichael. Two
base hits, Somers, Groves, Pickett.
,Stolen bases, Finlayson, Wagg. Sac-
I rifice, Somers, Groves, Chalnlers.
Double play, Gine,. Hawkins to Pick-
ett. Left onbases,
ton 7. Balk ball
Clntt -.
Colvin, Bases onu
balls, off Chalmers 1. Struck opt, by
Chalmers 11, Colvin 3, Carrick.itnd'-'
Brandt 1. Hits, off Chalmers 7 in &.
innings, off Brandt 10 in '7 mni ngs
Winning; pitcher, Chalmers, losing pit-
cher, Brandt. Umpires, McCartney
and Agnew (Lucke ow). Time: 2.04.
"Why are you moping there, Vele.'
"I'vo.no one to play with,"
• "Well, go 'and fetch Prcddie n1nct
"1 played with him yesterday, and
1 dont' suppose he's well enough to
conic out yet,"