HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-06-06, Page 1e.
Single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gerrie. Vidette and Wroxeter News,
Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
Mrs, Legg
The last
the Gofort
day evenin
church wit
After all
quilts. whit
Mrs. T. A.
ing with si
•ed by the
After the
pleasing sol
. panied by
much enjoy
The Seri
Miss Victor
Miss McLa
A piano
given by
followed b
bytery mee
Mrs. W.
of the after
Currie, an
Miss Dorot
A delight.
C. Kingan,
King. The
the Oratori
The Pres
special slue
worth, who
ner, won
gave them
In speak:
dons of R
China, she
profound ii
tinent. Mr
ing of Mr.
• heavenly pe
What do
ive mean?
sus and fe
Why ha
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They kne
Saviour, th
When our
vice is plea
have the he
have child -1
of the Lor
and a love
make Him
seeking aft
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we feel it a
or stay, to
After th
Lloyd close
er, and a s
The Annual
Of The
• Huron will
Chamber,: V
T. A. Cansi
Surprised b,
Mr. and
were grea.tl;
ening when
13th weddir
ing was sp
All report
Mr. and
more years
The opei
season will
at 8.30 p,
have been
winter pre
summer. cot
1, March,
done,," O.
2. Overt
T. B. Boye
3. Serena
G. Sclrerma
4, Waltz,
5. March
6. Overt'.
L. King.
7.A T
8, MaPreh
"Gad G.
r ,
Ise d s Store Also Rae an<
Hyatt and Leavey Arrested.
Good Game Assured.
Died to Her
Mrs: Catherine Dte
was OueSt
tt, Speaker.
Changes in: Education System Dis-
Entered On Sun
Special MeetingWill. Be Held Mon-'
day, June 17th, to Strike Tax Rate:
Early Wednesday morning of last
week, Bernard Leavey, of Ottawa,
was arrested in Listowel' sitting in
Herb. Campbell's car that had been
stolen from his driveway the week be-'
fore, The car was taken to Stratford
Leavey and Archie Hyatt, who .had
escaped from Frontenac Jail, and who
'apparently took the local car, will face
several charges of stealing as Hyatt
was arrested Thursday afternoon
about 20 miles from London asleep in
another stolen car. Hyatt since being
taken to London has been sick and on
his arrest ave up completely, crying
like a baby.
The local' Baseball' Club
Last week we reporte
are going
great guns Having won two games
.home. Lucknow bit the
dust by 5-1 and Clinton 4-1.
Clinton will take on the local In-
diens at the Town Park. at 5 p.m. on
Thursday (this week) and this should.
be a real snappy exhibition. The Hur-
are out to win `this group, so' be
on hand and give the boys - .a cheer,
Colvin will be on the mound. Come
The citizens of Wingharn and V'ic-
inityare deeply_ affected bythe death
of one of our most highly respected
and our oldest resident in the person
of Catherine Linklater, widow of the
late William Young, vtho passed away
at her home, Minnie Street, on Mon-
day, June :3rd, aged 99 years and one
month. Mrs: Young. was born near
meeting of the season of
Auxiliary of St. Andrew'sawayfrom
t Y
n Church was held Theirs-
in the school room of the
i a large number present.
viewed the laYette and
h the auxiliary had made
the: winter the President,ons
Currie, opened the meet-
of hymn 399, follow-
Lord's prayer in unison..
minutes and business, a
Mrs. Brooks accoin-
o by M
Miss Reta Hastie, w as
Lure readingwas taken by
ra Droumbohs, after winch
u hlin led in prayer.
t r "Dann: Boy" was
'lumber Y Y
King. This 'was
Kate R g w
Pre -
the reports .of the s
t Teeswater, read b
:in'a Y
Armstrong.'The report:.;
noon session by Mrs. T. A.
the ,evening session, by
by Lloyd.
ful solo was given by Mrs.
accompanied .by Miss Date
Evening Prayer was from
o Eli.
idem then introduced the
Mrs. Leggatt, Moles-
in her quiet'earnest man-
audience at once and
a great message.
g of the recent martyr-
and Mrs. J. Stam in
said that this had made a
all over the con-
Siam's father, in s eek-
' p
Stam, said that he had the
as this heavenly perspect-
It means looking unto Je-
elfin His presence at all
theythis heavenly per-
esus was very real to them,
Him as their personal
put their trust in Him.
view is Heavenly, our ser-
king in His sight: If we
evenly perspective we will
ike faith in Jesus, the joy
constantly in our%heartstrustees
souls: We will want to
women in the world are
er the peace that is only
in His saving grace—may
privilege, whether we go
give our all for Christ.
final hymn, Mrs. A. E.
d the meeting with pray-
hour was enjoyed by
Addresses Given
and Thompson and Ma
stores were entered by 1
A regular ,meeting of Wingharn
Town Council was held Monday even-
ing of this week.
All members were >tiiesent, •His
Worship Mayor Hanna in the chair.o
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved..
r _
A letter was read from the Sec ep
tar to the Committee of His Honor
Y Bruce,
Dr. Herbert A u , expressing ap-
precration for the cheque for $50:00
received from the Town toward the
King George V. Silver jubilee Cancer
ng Geo g J
A letter was read from W. M.,.,..,
hang Secretary'of the Rall on be-
half of .the City Mission, expressing
thanks for the young people for the
donation of the Town Hall for their
use on May24th.
A letter was read from Hon R.
Weir in regard to the heating of the.
g g
Wingham Armouries.
A letter was read from` Mr. R. M.
Smith advising that he could not ad _
in would'be done
vise when any paving
on No. 4 Highway.
A letter was"read from the Collec-
tor of Listowel Memorial Hospital re-
questing the Town Council to give
favorable consideration to payment of
an account for Mrs. Alf. Robinson,
amounting to 161.00,
8 $
theThe Cleric read the settlement in
case of R. James Douglas where-
by he agrees to pay $300 during 1935
without interest in settlement of the
Town's claim of 872.48, This settle-
ment had Court approval. '
The Finance Committee reported a
number of accounts properly certified
and recommended payment.
Moved by Cotm. Elliott, seconded
Coun. Bishop, that the report of
the Finance Committee be adopted as
read. Carried.
Cann. Bisho reported for the
Streets Committee that gravel and
dust layer had been applied. He
brought up the matter of the condi-
tion of the drain at the corner of John
and Edward Sts., and stated.that he
had inspected this during a heavy rain
and the water was 'backing up'over
the lawn at J. H. McKay's property.
Reeve Davidson stated that he
thought the drain was blocked Furth-
er dawn and he was Navin it opened
to see. Coun. Bishop reported that
temporary repairs were made to some
of the bad steel joints on Josephine
Street and the Reeve explained that
(Contin.ued on Page Five)
Harron County Educational Assoc!
ati n f T _trustees Rae r fine
o o r s and t Paye s t
in annual co ve ti n atClinton Col -
n o C
le rate Saturday, when matters of vii
g Y,
al interest at the present time were
discussed. In view of the proposed
changes to be made by the Depart-
nient of Education in the near future
themeeting: r :
mee i g was of uttermost impo t
ance. A committee of seven members
has been appointed by the Depart
merit of Education for the purpose of
making a survey of the cost of educe
tion, and to. receive suggestions for
a revised curriculum, a committee
composed of the executive of the Hur ,.
on Co. Association with the addition
of W. J. Henderson of Wingham, was
named to co -o erate with the Educe-
tional Committee of the Count Coun-
cil in formulating pro osals to p res-
g proposals P
sent to the Department's Committee
when it wines here.
The following officers were' elect -
ed: President, Frani: H, Powell, Clin-
ton; Vice -Pres., Bert Thompson, Bel-
grave; Sec, -Trees,, Mrs. R. Davidson,
' Frank H. Powell occupied the chair
and introduced the speakers who were
received with hearty applause. Mayor
W. S. R. Hohnes of Clinton, extend -
ed a heartywelcome to the conven-
tion and expressed regret for the ap-
parent apathy towards the adminis-
tration of education at a time when it
is absolutely necessary.
We have been going along for
years in the same routine and an a-
wakening is needed. If the masses
do not assert themselves, then the
Department have to Edu-
this Week we again report
Were entered on Sunday.
Ra an Tho n'
e d meso s st
tered some time on Sun
last week; a pane of glass
ed from a window in the
The thieves, or thief t
through and removed a p
to get irito the office. Th
get into the front store
tare door between the of
front store was barred
door from the back shop
Apparently nothing was
time, but on the previous
a little over $1&AQ was t
During Sunday aftern
Isard and. Co.'s store was
wire mesh over a win
basement of tH
tree e Men's
was torn away and t
smashed. The thief tit
g and aPRarently g
as blood was found i
In this cellar there
e are o
boxes stored.so the hire
door between the cellar
moved which gave the chi
the stairs up to the store.
around the desk, but did
thingHe was hungry
g y
himself to some sweet
some breakfast food and
ed to a light re
g rt grey felt h
Men's Department
Jim Musgrove saw a pe
lane previous to going for
land pr aftesnoon and r
turned about 4 o'clock, he
window in the cellar broke
the alarm.
and see the boy wonder perforin. Car-
rick, who pitches for Clinton isgood,:.,.:
and this should be a real battle. Our'
boys e on `
°y ar o err way: Travel along
with thein.';'
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On Thursday evening following
practice the United Church Choir held
their annual organization meeting.
Elmer Wilkinson was re-elected as
President. Others elected were: Miss
Evelyn Campbell, sercetary; Mrs. 1'
I�ew, con, secretary; Mrs. G. W. How-.
son, treasurer; James Mitchell, librar-
ran; social committee: Mrs. Geo. Wil-
hams convenor; MissJean Christie,
Miss Janet Murray and Mrs. G. L
Raker. Refreshments were served and
asocial time en'o ed.
The follofng changes have been
made in the chargesof M'
Ministers of"'•
the United. Church in this district:
To Auburn, 'Rev. H. C. Wilson of
Oakland; to Belgrave, Rev J. B.
Townend, of Atwood; to Benniiller
and Smiths Hill, Rev. George Wylie,
ordained, to Dungannon, Rev. T. R.
Turner of Staffs; to Exeter James
Street Church, Rev, Arthur Page of
Tharnesville; to Gorrie; F. J. Tydell,
of Riverside; to St. Helens and
Whitechurch Rev. H. M: Wright of
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Sombre; to Thames Road and Roy's,
Rev. Wm. Mair of Toronto Conferen
ce; to Wroxeter Rev. A. M. Grant
Mrs. Catherine Young
Sport Shoes — Comfortable Sport
Shoes in styles you will like to wear,
at Greer's Shoe Store,
of Belgrave.
Rev. W. A. Finlay of Wroxeter to
Comber; Rev. T. C. Wilkinson of St,
Helens to Corinth Rev. Gordon W.
Butt of Gorrie to Harrow, Rev. D. A.
McMillan of Dungannon to Atwood.g
Stromness, Orkney Islands, Scotland,
on May 3rd, 1836, and came to Can=
ada with her parents, 'the late John
and Mrs. Linklater, her brothers and
sisters,eighty yearsgsettling
y ago, in
the neighborhood of Wingham. The
Reeve of Grey Appointed
Reeve Oliver Hemingway of Grey
Township has been a
appointed inspec-
tor for the Agricultural Development
Board of Ontario for North Huron.
Garden IParty June 12th
A Garden Party will be held on the
United Church lawn, Salem, Wednes-
day, J une 12th. Cold meat supper and
a play entitled `sCivil Service" will be
. presented.
Attended Graduation
Mises Louise E. Hanna left this
morning to attend convocation at the
University of Toronto where she will
receive her degree of Bachelor of
Household Science.
Police Make Successful Raid
On Sataurday night, about 10.15,
police raided the home of Robert Bac-
on, Edward Street, and as a result he
will appear in Police Court here on
Thursday charged with the illegal
sale of liquor. Several men were
found to be frequenting the place at
the time of the raid.
Listowel Adopts Works Program
h istowel is planning to adopt a
works program. The plan is to adopt
works and pay the men 25c
an hour fora certain number of hours
each week to work up the amount of
relief and pay for the Mork in cash.
The work will be divided as follows:
park and boulevard improvement,
$700; cleaning alleys and •dtunp $200;
street signs $100; river and bank im-
provement $1,400; painting and repair-
ing bridges $100; ditching, cleaning
and repairing drains $500.
A Real Shoe for Those Who
Suffer from Foot Trouble
We have shoes for Women and for
Men made. with what is knownt as a
"cookie' in the instep arch after the
type and plan suggested by a noted
Y1 g '
doctor, and. iiote the prices, for Wo-
men $4,95 per pair and for Men $8.50
per pair, made practically the same
and of equal quality as far as tipper
stock is concerned. We have these
shoes in the different widths and they
ar "real high grade" footwear. If you'
happen to be one of those afflicted
with foot trouble, especially- in the
"arch" of the foot, it will be to your
advantage to see these shoes: Willis`
Shoe Store; Phone 129, Wingham.
Garden Partyat Bel rave
` A Garden Party will be held on
Th ursday, June 13th, at Knox Unit-
ed Church, Belgrave. Program by the
Blyth Band of music, solos and read-
ings. To be held outside if weather
permits if not, inside. Admission 35c
and 15c.
Liberal Annual Meeting
The joint annual meeting of the rid-
ing of North Huron and Huron -Bruce
will be held in Wingham on Friday,
June 14th, at 1.30 p.m. Dr. George
McQubban of North Wellington, with
C. A. Robertson and 'R. J. Deachman
will address the meetin g
J. J. Robertson, Secy•
French Cabinet Defeater
On Tuesday evening the Fernand
Boitisson Cabinet ofFrancewho had
been in office but a few days, were
Y '
defeated by two votes in the Cham-
bei of, Deputies. France was thus
plunged into an acute political crisis,
The Government was defeated when
it demanded emer enc to
safeguard the franc, •
Preached in Ba tist Church
Dr. George A. Little, Editor of the
Sunday School Publications of the
United Church in Canada, was the
speaker in the John Street Baptist
Church on Sunday evening. Dr, .Lit-
ale's message was of vital import to
g P.
all who are interested in the working
out of tate present system of Govern-
inent sale of liquor.
The Penny Bank
The report of the fenny Bank for
Match and April show�es that the
u pils of the local public school have
en deposit of $2,106.53 as compared
with $2,263.49 for the same period
last year. The report also `shows that
47% of the children here are depos-
hors while the aggregate for all
schools depositing is 36%a. The total
Bank is
Linklater family were ten in number
of which the deceased was the last
surviving member.
In 1862 she was married to William
Young, who for over thirty years was
Reeve of Colborne Township, a man
of sterling qualities who was clearly
beloved by all who knew him. Mr,
Young died in 1896 and three years
later Mrs. Young moved to'Winghain
where she has since resided.
Mr. and Mrs. Young had no child-
ren of their own, but they had one
adopted son, W. J: Young, whom they
educated to be a doctor and who prac-
ticed in Wingham for a few years
prior titto British Columbia
where he. died 42 years ago; also one
adopted. daughter, her neice, Mrs. Pet-
er Gowans,.daughter of the late Peter
Linklater, who has been .looking after
Mrs. Young for the past 17 years,
Ibbs. Young has been a life-long
member of the Presbyterian Church
and was a faithful attendant as long
as her health permitted.
She was a devout Christian and a
favorite with a legion of friends and
relatives, to iGhoni she was an inspir-
,ation. Since she was 80 years of age,
each year on May 3rd she held a
birthday party and the large e numberson
Y g
who called each year to wish her well
was evidence of the deep respect with
which she was held' by all who were
privileged to know her.
The funeral- was held from tier late
residence, Minnie ,Street on Wednes-
day•afternoon, June 5th. The services
were conducted by the Rev. Kenneth
.MacLean, Minister of St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church, assisted by the
Rev. J. F. Anderson, Minister of the
Win ham United Church.
The pallbearers were six. nephews:
John Tervitt
Peter Gowans, Andrew
Currie, John W Hanna, John Link-
later, Teesw'ater, and Gordon Young,
of Goderieh. Interment took place in
Colborne Cemetery,
will act.
cation should be more practical, he.
thought. He deplored the fact that so
many'young teachers are unable to se-
cure emliloyment,and suggested that
a re -arrangement of superannuation
might be a remedy.
E• •C. Beacom, I. P. S. for West
Huron addressed the desire of the De-
Partment to get the view -point of
and others. "Changes are
due,'• he said "and now is our oppor-
tunity to express oruselves."
On Monday, June 10th,
non an old time Spotton
be held. Col. Harry Mu
Manitoba, an early ranche
lantern slides of western p:
Mr. Spotton will• speak
then a double-header dai
street and in the Parish I3
body from everywhere wi
The costs of Secondary Education
was his subject and he explained just
(Continued on Pale Five)
Canadian Corps Reunion
iliembers of the Canad
at Loudon are organizing
Corps Reunion to be held
in August this year. It
that between 5000 and 60
will attend.
`Go Labour on, spend and be spent'
opened the Missionary Society rneet-
ing, held in the United Church par-
lois on Tuesday afternoon. There
was a splendid attendance of ladies,
The president, Mrs ,F. R. Howson,
explained that, The Kingdom of God
Movement, had not been observed this
year but at the Executive Meeting the
members thought it best to continue
this meeting in prayer, following the
Former Resident Killed
It was a great shock 1
of Win tram when word v
that Mrs, Paddy Brown, C
killed on Sunday when li
She was returning from 1
y evening when the ac
pened. Just about one yi
was killed by a train
7nited Farmers of Northemergency
be held in the Council
Tingham, Friday, June 7th,
:ion, A .T: MacKay,
•es. Sec.
y Friends
Mrs. Joseph Montgomery
y surprised on Friday ev-
a number of friends .andT
called to celebrate their
ig anniversary: The' even-
ant in cards and dancing.
tgood time. We all wish
Ars. Montgomery many
of happy wedded life.
annual election of officers of
Wingham AF. & A.M. No. 286 was
held Tuesdayevening in the Masonic
Temple. The following were elected
for the ensuing ea.'r and the
officers g Y
installation will take place at the nett
regular rneetir g.
I. P. M:—Wor Bro. T. A. Currie,
W: `Al.....___ : T. Booth,
S. W.—A. W. Irwin.
J, W.—,i. Gilmour.
S. D. -F. C. Fuller.
J. D:—T. Smith,
I. G.—W. Vanes ck
a �'
Trees.—Won Bro. W. A. Galbraith,
Secy—G. L. Baler, • :
Chaplain—Rev. Kenneth MacLean,
Tyler-H.'L, Sherbondy.
Auditors -Won Bro. Dr. G. H. Ross
and imi•, Bio. O. l -Rt.
Examining Boarcl—Rt. Wor. Bro,
T. H, Gibson, Wor, I3ro. G. H. Ross;
and Wor. Bro, A. Reid.
Installing. Board—Wor. Bro• W J-
Adams, Rt, Wor•. 13ro. T. I. Gibson
and Wor. l3to. G. •EI, Ross.
opening hymn as the Executive
thought it could be made more succes-
fen Mrs, Gemmill, Mrs. Robinson and
Mrs, J. H. Christie, offered the open -
ing prayers, after which the Devot-
ional was taken by hairs. R. A. Cutts,
followed «with prayer by Miss Bolt.
Mrs. C. C. Ramage, Presbyterial
delegate t° the Landon Conference'
Branch Meeting, gave a very delight-
ful account of the Branch meeting,
ltcicl in. St. Malys in May. She told
of the splendid address of nr. nor-
land, `professor in Western University
ivho said "People ai e praying for
peace, are you ready for it?" The sup-
ply. secretary told of a family in the
drought area, where a little baby had
been born under terrible conditions.
nurse who ,happened along a short
time later, gave a layette, the lady
stated, it was the first tune •in years
there had been anything new in her
She also told of the conditions
in China, as told by Mrs. Homer
Brown, missionary on furlough.
Mrs, George Williams read the npini-
uses of the Executive meeting. The
new Literary Secretary, lairs, W. H.
Willis, spoke on the Blue Boot:. The
meeting decided to bold a tea in the
parsonage in the afternoon and even-
ing of Tune 14th to welcome home
their, own missionary, Miss Caroline
Wellwood tiow eau oute from China,
vote of thanks was tendered Mrs:
t�, vat., d
m. e on ,the s.lei i report, she
Ra 1g , :. . p tri d p
presented, d to which the'guest speaker
p e, e tv g t P
.� s p• n de' in a ap ro irate wotcls,
i.e,l o d d few pp p �
The meeting was thein dismissed with
the Lord's Prayer.
Will Be Held at Blyth,
The ninth Annual Hu
rive Stock Judging Com
be held at Blyth an Frida
This competition is open
and young men living in
ty, who are 26 years of a,
Contestants toil be requite
er at the Agricultural Gro
by 8.80 a.m. and an enti•_
is charged each contestan
Ten Classes of live st
Judged, two each of he
beef cattle, dairy cattle,
swine, and oral reason m
on five classes. The prix
ided into two sections,
and Senior, so that boy.
never previously taken
competition may have an
of winning Price inane
mately $40.00 in prize nice
offered and a Shiver Cu,
, p
arcked to the high boy u
ani etition and site sero
o p :
will receive a Silver Med
This competition has b
tended in past years and e
there will be a large Pur
testants on hand for this
petition at Blyth 011 the
An. boy who has not pre.
Y ,
ed may receive a copy of
888 Hints on Judging" ti
. l;
r. 'tie
tion to the Onta to
Agriculture, Clinton.
Lin ' Band Concert of the
be held in the Town Park
on Sunday. The Band
practicing faithfully all
arin for their series of
icerts. The; following fine
11 played on Sunday'ev-
be p ay
" Free- -
Tate. Banner of b nee
"La Petite B,runette,"
de, The of D cams,
" "Certificate
"Sounds from the North,
- "
The Swordsman, L. P.
ire, Iron Count,” T .
one Prctttre "Southern
P. Atherton.
,, ,;
i ,iihi
"The Little Grant Fred
the. king:" - •
A. 8ehxtte Baildriiaster.
on deposit in the Penny
$1,337,337,82 as compared with $1,297,-
796.21 of a year ago.
Enter Weekly Newspaper Field
Mr. J. Herbert Cranston, editor ofA
Those winningcertificates
ficrency in
ern Accounting
the Catiadta
iron are.
Geisr,. A
hand, This
< g
i Win Mary
years. Marvin
an, Elementary
hand, Hoping
vented Theory
" prescribed
mer. as presc
iron Depat•tznent
Won By Wingltarn
College Students
for pro-
a recent Canadian Mod=
examination as set by
n Accountants Asso .ia�
s C
Miss .Dell Wallies Marvin
. it ' Gibbons and . Maurice
Theory has been
Maurice Ceisz for general
i - ' Short-
in Isaac Pitmans S o
i • .pa.
is the fast to be won by
Student in a number of
iStu dwilldeer
Brown: has also won'
ifi . i.
Y Certificate in Short-
compete for an ad-
.. _
Y Certificate `t:h1s .�Stliri-�
.the Examtna-
bed by
i... Pub-
of: ;the Pitman
the Toronto Star Weekly ft•om 1911
n: h staff of
to 1932, and recently o the
Orders issued from Regimental
Headquarter state the Huron Regi-
rnent will carry out ten days train-
in pa:. Training consists of
g with1 Y g
four clays at local headquarters and
Y cl
six clays camp.
Y p ,
, " " m art of the Huron :Regi-
B Co p Y g
meat with Head, Quartets at Wing
the Toronto Globe, has purchased the
.s -home.
l'Itclland. Free Press and took.control
• • will
on June 1st. Associated with him
be his on W. H. Ciatiston, r•ecent
graduate of McMaster University, We
n his son its-
welcome Mr. Cranston and 1 i o
, journalism and
to the wec1c15 field of lora nal s n
wish them success.
Froin time to tune we have had re-
forts of deer seen in this district but
this is the first time we have heard
of a deer inside the town limits.
About 6.15 Saturday morning when
Y g
Mr• Isaac Walker came out of his
1i me on Leopold Street on the way
b p
to work he aw a fine specimen of
de come out from around the old
d down Leopold street,
{lax inial and rain drew
To sec a ricer boundingdown a
; ;1 r.. surprise
street in town was a., great 1
to. Mr. Walker' and, no this
, � ,.
n •� rmat,oti will surprise a groat many
t fo ri g
of bur readers,
Armouriesill hold the first
ham w
parade 'on Friday, Julie 7th; 1935, at
'f:30 P.M. Anyvacancies on the„
strength of the CoiLapany
filled by nett/ recruits.
� 1VfL�rhllers of the. Coin tin . , atLd
., . , P+, ylI
t . s e . .. ..: . i
g �p.
ottn inert wlto wis�L to sin ,on,
Y 'doubt,
.lease be resent on Friday evening,
p present • .
. .
E. A. Corbett, Maloi.
O.C. "I3" Ct7tnpaiiy, Huron Regiment:
The hours for .lawn, garden and
: i
street.watering are from. 6 a.tn, to 9
a,m. and front 6 pen, to 9 tn. on alt
days of the week, The use of hose
for any purpose is $2.00 per gear:
..:Win Rain Utilities
ties i",bnTiiL1SS1°n,
1 Thompson
l that Rae
than Bros.
hieves, and
two stores
ore was en -
day morning
was remove
back shop.
hen crawled
ane of glass
ey could not
however as
Tice and the
as was the
to the front.
taken this
breaking in,,
a ken.
oon H. E.
entered. The.
wind • in the
wear store
he window
Hu • crawled
of cut in the,
n tate, cellar.
my packing
ges on the
s were re-
ef access to,
He hunted
not get any-
so he helped
I and
it is believe
at from the
rson in the
a drive on
hen he re -
noticed the
n and gave
at Dungan -
Rally wiIi
llins, M.P.,
r,- will give
oneer days.
ery briefly
ice on the
all. Every-
Ian Legion
a Canadian
in London
is expected
00 veterans
o residents
'as received
lifford, was
t by a car.
hurch Sun-
cident Itap-
:ar ago her
at Palmer -
June 14th.
Hu: • County
Com] • will
Y, June 14th.
to all boys
Huron Colin-
ge or under.
ed to regist-
unds, Blyth,
v fee of 25c
,ek will be
avy horses,
sheep and
mi be given.
e list is div
both Junior
who have
I • in this
egrtal chance
y. Approxi-
ney is being
will be aw-
n the entire
red high boy
een well at-
e trust that'
ober of con -
year's com-
14t1r of Jtine.
viottsly judg-•
Bulletin No.
pore' applied-
artment of