HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-30, Page 7s and G�orrie Vidette
Thursday, May 30th, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. D, Chamney, son•and
daughter, of •I3elgrave, were recent
'guests of Miss Kate Earngey.
Mrs; W. Gamble and two children,
• of Waldemar, were week-ehcl guests
Qf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. el'. O.
. Johnston, '
• Mr., and Mrs. J. H. Wylie and
children, of Wroxeter, also Mrs. Jas.
Wylie, of Turnberryand, 'Mr, and
Mrs. F. Bowker, of Toronto, were
holiday guests of Mrs. John Wylie.
Mrs. G. W. Butt entertained the
Orangeh}11 Ladies 'Aid in the parson-
age on Thursday afternoon.
Mr: and Mrs. E. W. Bolton, child-
ren, and Mrs. Earngey, were in El-
mira one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Imson and son,
' Roland, of Wheatley, were' guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Cathers recently.
Miss R. B, Taylor, of Kitchener, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Knowlson.
Mfrs. Leppington, of Harriston, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Ste-
Miss Kate Earngey spent last Wed-
•nesday in London with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lathers, daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs.. H. M. Hastie and
-daughter, spent the 24th in Mitchell.
Mrs. Ernest Morren, of London,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James
Walker during her stay in Gorrie.
She was a former resident.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradnock visited with
friends at Palmerston on the 24th.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Welsh„ Dray-
ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Shera. Mrs. Henry, of
Harriston, was also a geust at the
same home last week.
Holiday guests of 'Mrs. Strong ,and
Mr, Roy Strong were: Mr .and Mrs.
George Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
'Wolfe, of Tara, and Mrs. W. J.
Strong, Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Pennington and family of Teeswater.
Messrs. A. T. Toner, C. H. Sparling
and F. C. Taylor attended a Fair and
Associations meeting in Clinton one
day last week. They were accompan-
ied by Messrs. W. J. Gallaher and G.
McKee, who after the meeting, all
motored to Goderich, where Messrs.
McKee, Gallaher and Toner had an-
-other business meeting.
Special services are being held in
the Unted Church, here, on June 9
and 16, it being the 10th anniversary
of Church Union.
Morphine Taken from Doctor's Office
On Tuesday last a man, a stranger
in this part, entered Dr. N. L. Whit-
ley's office, and before the doctor
'could get in from his garden where
lie was working and- from which Mrs.
Whitley had summoned him immed-
iately upon learning of the patient's
'entrance, the stranger had left, taking
gall the doctor's morphine tablets but
three. Nothing more has been learn -
td of the case. Following this in-
stance, several have being losing gas
from their cars during the wee small
hours, and tq cap it all, Mr. James
Shera looses his purse on Thursday
might, containing a large sura of mon-
ey. It all looks a bit uncanny.
Mr. James Hastie accompanied his
daughter, Miss Alma, to visit relatives
in Chatsworth for the holiday and
Mrs. E. Hastie, son, Walker, and
'daughter, Jessie, of Toronto, were
holiday and week -end geusts of the
former's son, Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth
Hastie. Mrs. Hastie Sr. remained for
a "week,' while Mrs. Ken Hastie re-
turned to Toronto to visit relatives
for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robinson, Ford-
wich, spent Thursday with Mr, and
Mrs. E,:. King.
Among those from here who at-
tended the races at Mitchell on the
:24th were: Messrs. Reg. Newton, G.
Walker, Ben Maguire, Jack Cathers
and Mr, Palmer. The latter also vis-
ited friends at that place. •
Mr... and Mrs. Jamies Wylie and
'children, of Leaside, Mr. George Wy-
lie, of Kingstoti, and Miss Bessie
Wylie, of Toronto, visited their moth-
er, Mrs. Wylie, over the holiday and
week -end.
Mrs. Arthur Stephens and son, Bob-
bie, spent a few "days. last weer. with
'relatives in Toronto.
Ultra Modern
Eye Service.
Phro.B., R.O.
Phone 118,
Their majesties King Leopold
(wearing cap and sword) and Queen
Astrid of the Belgians are shown Here
smiling an appreciation of the royal
welcome they received on May 12,
when they made a triumphant entry
into Antwerp. This was their first walking across the square after visit -
visit to that city since the ruler's ac- ! ing' the town hall
cession. The king and queen are seen
Miss Eileen Hyndman of Kitchen-
er, spent the Holiday and week -end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Has -
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Perkins spent a day last week
with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade; Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Wade and son, Robert,
spent the holiday and week -end with
relatives in Toronto.`
Miss A. Douglas spent the 24th
with friends in Harriston.
Mrs. R. G. Newton and daughter,
Shirley, left on Monday for Newport,
Washington, (near Spokane), to
spend a month with relatives there.
The Women's Auxiliary of St. Ste-
phen's Church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Norman Wade this Thursday,
May 30th, instead of next week, ow-
ing to the Deanery meeting being
next Wednesday. There will be a
quilt quilted at this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son,
Ronald, of Toronto, spent the 24th
and week -end with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vr Holmes and
Miss E. Perkins accompanied Mr, and
Mrs. Win. Greer of Wingham, to visit
friends at Barrie for a few days the
first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooke and sister-
in-law, Mrs. Cooke, of Crystal Beach,
Cal., also Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dane,
spent the 24th with relatives and.
friends in 'London.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hynd-
man for the holiday and week -end
were: Mrs. F. Dowdell and baby, also
Miss Eleanor Dowdell and Mrs. Pat-
terson and daughter, Eleanor, all of
Toronto. Next Sunday being Conference
Mrs. Wilford C. King and son, Sunday, services will be withdrawn in
Earle, are spending this week with the United Church. Preaching serv-
friends in Toronto, ices in the Presbyterian and Anglican
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman were Churches commence at 2.30 p..rn., at
Wingham visitors on Saturday. which you will be welcome.
Miss Blythe Underwood spent a Mrs. (Dr.) H. A. Mutton and fani-
few days last week at the home of sly, of Mitchell, spent the week -end
her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Un- at tine home of her parents, Mr. and
derwood, on the 12th concession, Mrs. H. Cooke.
Visitors at the home of Mrs. 13e11
on Thursday last week Mrs. Chester
Cook, of Clifford; Mrs, Frank Wright
of Lakelet and Mrs. Wm, Bell and THE LIBRARY
daughter, Lorene, of Kurtzville. •
Mr•. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and Gorrie Public Library placed' on
daughters, Helen and Gwen, of Owen their shelves on Saturday, thirty-sev-
t,d were holiday and week -;end en new books for the ;community to
Sot t follows!
visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Fos -read. They are listed as
mer intends building at Amberley
Among those from here who at-
tended Mitchell races on the 24th of
May were: Sydney Creek, Mr. Chap-
man, Mr. and Mrs. Manford Irwin and
family, Mr., R. McLaughlin and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt and
family of Wroxeter were Sunday
guests of Mr: and Mrs. Anson Thorn-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grey also Miss
Margaret Newton of Listowel, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr,. W.
Miss Beryl Ashton, Seaforth, and
friend, Mr. B. Ainsley of Mitchell,
Spent Sunday with the foimer's mo-
ther, Mrs. Ida Ashton.
Sympathy is extended to the Braw-
ley family in the death of Mr. W. J.
Brawley who died at Grand Valley on
Sunday, May 26th. The funeral was
held Tuesday. Mr. Brawley will be
remembered as station agent here
some years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shortreed and
Miss Mae Shortreed, of near Blyth,
Mrs, H. Young, of Blyth, were recent
guests of Dr. and Mrs. James Arm-
An unfortunate accident happened
last week when Mr. Thos. Bradnock's
cow, which was tethered by a chain.
on a bast street, became tangled and
threw her, breaking her shoulder. It
was necessary to have her killed.
Mr. John Warrell, of Orangeville,
accompanied Rev, G. W. Butt to the
United Church Conference being held
in Stratford this week.
tet'. Pleasure Buyers, Roche; Little
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl and child-
ren, of Ethel, visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Clegg on the
Miss Laura Hicks spent the holi-
day and week -end with her mother,
at Teeswater,.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Goy ,of Tor-
onto, spent the weel.-end at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King.
IVIr, Dave Dane, of Toronto called
here one day . last week.'
an friends
Mr, it 5, Hueston and Mr, Fred
Edgar spent; the 24th surveying the
sites for 15 cottages winch the
White Hay, Beetling,• Traceus, Wads-
ley; Cecelia, Crawford; Miss Bishop,
Aldrich; Protecting Margot, Rosman;
r Wentworth; ,Great
Walk , with Ca e Wciitwvo
W� l
Romance, Barrington; We Ride the
Gate, Loring; King's •Grace, Buchan;
Pride of Palomar, 'Kyne; Nevada,
Grey; Thirty -Nine Steps, Buchan;
Castanets, Reyles; Ann Perenna;
Sims;Jackanapes jacket, Keate; Guns•
,J , ,
Rio Grande, Bennett; Passionate Pur-
r Grande,
Sons, Bucke Kiss Cor-
Coly , S >
Christy Prestcr, John, Buchan;
Pelting Picnic, Bridge; Three Loves,
Cat Screams Downing; For-
bidden Room, Thorndike; Nine Tail-
ors, Sagers; American Beauty, Ferb-
er; Murder of Only Witness, Fletch-
er; Green Judgment, Pedlar; Siamese
Twins Mystery, Queen; Down Garden
Path, Nichols; That Hastings Girl,
Hueston; Old Wine and New, Deep-
ing; Head Tide, Lincoln; Murder by
an Aristocrat, Eberhart; Midst of
Years, Sutherland; Annie Marguerite,
Postmaster Irwin, of Gorrie, was
very much surprised on Thursday of
last week in receiving a large envel-
ope frons' the "District Director of
Postal Service" in which was enclos-
ed a Silver Jubilee Medal awarded by
His Majesty the King for being in
the service. for thirty years or more.
The following communications were
also received,
Buckingham Palace
By command of His Majesty The
King, the accompanying Medal is for-
warded to Wm, A. Irwin, to be worn
in commemoration of Their Majesties'
Silver Jubilee, 6th May, 1935.
Office of District Director of Postal
Service, London, Canada,
May 22nd, 1935
Wm. A. Irwin, Esq.,
Postmaster, Gorrie, Ont.
Mr. Dear Sir:—
I am advisedby the Department
that you, as one who has been in the
service for thirty years or more, have
been awarded the "Silver Jubilee Me-
dal" by His, Majesty the King.
Your medal is herewith, and' while
I regiet that it .is not possible for me
to present it to you personally, I sin-
cerely trust yott may be long spared
to wear this insignia which His Ma-
jesty has been pleased to confer upon
Yours very truly,
W. J. May,
District Director of Postal Service.
Postmaster Irwin, no doubt, values
the medal very highly.
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Young People's Society was held on
Wednesday evening withan excellent
attendance. The meeting opened with
quiet music, which was followed by a
hymn, Work for the Night is Corning.
Miss Janet Watson then lead in pray-
er, after which Harold Robinson obinson read
the Scripture lesson. This was fol-
lowed by the hymn, Rise u'p 0 Men of
Gott. The theme of the worship per-
iod being "Service" an excellent read-
ing on this subject was given by Le-
land Ashton. It was pointed out that
each letter- of the word "Service has
a sec ai message for us, 'S stands for
Saerfice,-E for ;Efficiency, R for Re-
liability, V for Vision, I for Individ-
uality, C. for Christ -like and E for
The remainder of the program was
under the direction of Miss V. Len-
nox, assisted by members of the Re-
creation Group. A piano duet by Miss
E. Stephens and Miss Bernice Day,
and a guitar duet by Harold and
Lorne Robinson, were very much en-
joyed. The "Journal" edited by Miss
L. Hicks and Miss V. Lennox, was
read by Harold Robinson. Following
a number of games and contests, the
meeting was .broguht to a close by
singing Abide with Me, and repeating
the Mizpah Penediction.
The softball teams engaged in two
strenuous games last week. The Tig-
ers defeated the Maple Leafs by 26-
20, and the Genadiers were merciless
to the Cyclones 40-14. Heavy hitting
featured both contests. If a couple
more innings could have been added
to the first game, the Leafs might
have won, for they were just getting
their feet solid and were overhauling
the Benagls when the gong sounded.
The Cyclones found the going
heavy on Thursday, Reg, Watson's
magic arm was not in form, while Le-
land Ashton twirled a real game for
the village team. The Cyclones should
improve with practice. Home runs
were made by Hec. Hamilton, Mer-
vyn Stephens, Sid Creek and Carson
Watson. The latter also did nice work
in the field.
The standing of the teams:
Won Lost P. C.
2 0 1000
1 1 .500
0 1 .000
0 1 .000
Tigers ,
Maple Leafs
Games this week: Tuesday, Gren-
adiers vs. Maple Leafs; Thursday, Cy-
clones vs. Tigers.
Miss Vera Piercy of London and
Miss Anne Munro of St. Catharines,
were week -end guests with the latter's
mother, Mrs. Janet Munro.
Miss Rona VanVclsor of .Weston,
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto visited with the latter's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Sellers, this
week -end. Mrs. Sellers who has been
spending the past few weeks in Tor-
onto accompanied them here.
Dr. W, A. and Mrs. Spence, of
routo visited with Mi. and Mrs.
R. J.
Rann during the week -end.
Mr. Harold Peters, of London, was
a guestat the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Robt. Stocks on Sunday.
Mr. John Henneberg has been con-
fined to the house through illness dur-
ing the past couple of weeks. We
trust he will ''soon be able to be oat
Mr, Robt.
Hislop, aT of TUrnberry,
who has been in Buffalo for' thep ast
four weeks taking treatments, has re -
,turned hoine, and we are glad to know
. his health is much unproved,
Miss Anne Little, of Teeswater,
called on friends in town one day last
Mr, and. Mrs, Sheldon Mann and
Mrs. S. Johnson, of Forclwich, visited
during the week -end with Messrs.
Roy and Bert Marna and families, '
A number of the local Y.P.S, at-
tendend .the Young People's 'Rally
held' at Fordwich on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
daughter, Eleanor, of. Toronto, were.
week -end guests at the home of Mr,
Thos, Ritchie.
Mr. Lloyd McMichael, of Toronto,
visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. McMichael, during the week-
' Miss Helen Gibson, of Toronto,.
visited recently at the home of her
sister, Mrs. G. A. Wearying.
Mr. and Mrs, Walton of Palmers-
ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. James
Hembly on'e days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and
little son; Floyd, of Guelph, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A.
J, Hooper.
Mr. and - Mrs. Hugh Mercer and
son, Donald, of Markdale, were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.
D. Sanderson, and Mr. and Mrs. San-
derson accompanied them to London
where they visited friends.
Miss M. Snaith visited on Sunday
with. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hubbard, of
near Lakelet. ,
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Finlay and
Mr, Wm. Mines, of Salem, are at
Stratford this week attending Confer-
Mr. Norman Hall spent Friday in
The semi-annual meeting of the
Deanery of Huron is being held in
Goderich on Wednesday, June 5th.
Mr. Robt. Wenger of Mitchell call-
ed on friends in town on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie White, also
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of Harriston,
spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs.
Neil White. •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson and
daughter, of Toronto were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jeanette Ritchie, Miss
Ritchie returning to Toronto with
themt o visit friends for a week.
Miss Elma Leggett is enjoying a
holiday with friends at Locust Hill,
MIr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent
Friday afternoon with Hensall friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny and family
spent Sunday afternoon with friends
at Fordwich. ,
Social Evening a Success
The Fourth Line Auxiliary were
responsible for a very successful soc-
ial event, when a splendid number
gathered in the school on Friday ev-
ening. A good programme was given
with Rev. Mr. Gregg as the chairman.
Miss L. Holmes, of Newton, contrib-
uted solos, including such oldfavor-
ites as "The Song that Reached My
Heart" and the "Braes 0' Mar"; Miss
Holmes and Mr. MacPherson, also of
Newton, sang a duet. Rev. IVIr. Gregg
contributed "The Wedding of Jock
McPhie" and "Roamin' in the Gloam-
in' ". A humorous dialogue was giv-
en by Miss Casemore, Miss Jean Mc-
Burney and Mr. Henning. Mrs. D. S.
MacNaughton gave several readings,
including "Canadian Born" by Pauline
Johnston arid "Grandpa's Aversion to
Slang." Violin and organ music was
contributed by Mr. and Mrs. L. Bolt.
Two contests were car'r'ied out with
Mrs. E. Nichol in charge, and refresh-
ments served by the members brought
an enjoyable evening to a close.
An Excellent (Play
"Jerry the Tramp", a gripping
drama in four acts, presented in the
Town Hall here on Wednesday even-
ing of last week, by Teeswater talent,
under the auspices of the Wroxeter
Library Association, proved a splen-
did evening's entertainment. The
story depicted was that of how the
treachery of James Blackburn, neph-
ew of Colonel Lee, and rival of Jack
Worthington for the hand of Colon-
el's daughter, Frances, brought about
circumstances which finally solved the
mystery of Frances' trtte parentage.
The cast which was well chosen, act-
ed their parts splendidly, and the play
was well worth seeing,
Mr. Alfred Agar spent the week-
end in Toronto.:
c o o.
Miss L. Holmes, Mr. Ale:.. Holmes,
Mr. MacPherson, alt of Newton, also
Mr. Kenneth Robinson, of Minneapol-
is, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldred Nichol last week,
Mr. and Mrs.Harney Timm spent
the holiday with Listowel friends.
Mrs. 5. Lovell ,and Mrs. D. Fraser
were Seaforth visitors on Saturday,
Mrs. Hay` who spent tsie past week
at the Lovellhome, returned to her
Kellogg's Corn Flakes.
save time, work and
money. Because they
come to you crisp and
ready -to -serve, there are
no fires to light—no pots
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These crunchy golden
flakes are nourishing and
easy to digest. You can
serve Kellogg's Corn. f
Flakes with milk or
cream at any time of the
day. Many servings for
only a few cents. At gro-
cers everywhere. Quality
guaranteed. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ont.
home the same day.
Miss E. Davidson spent the week-
end at her home at Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichol, of,
Mildmay, were Sunday guests of Mrs,
IVIr. and Mrs. A. R. Wells and dau
ghter, Jean, Toronto, were week -end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Wearring.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann were I3rus-
sets visitors on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Heinbly and little
daughter spent Sunday with Palmers
ton friends,
Mr. Ted Hucks spent the week -end
at his home in Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, Moles-
worth, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jai„es Sangster.
Miss Jean Graham spent the week-
end with friends at Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, Gorrie,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Wylie.
Mrs. Ross and Miss Ross, Gorrie,
were holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs.
J. J. Allen.
Mrs. George Faulkner, of T orotito,
was a week -end visitor with i'. and
grs. Cla.r ni White,
et re
Mr. Gordon Gibson was an 0% en
Sound visitor last week.
Mrs. Erie Sproule visited friends at
Milverton and Stratford last week:
Mr, and Mrs. Pox and -family, of
Brussels, were Friday guests at the'
honie of Mr. and Mrs, Jacklin,
Miss Mary Sanderson,' of Toronto
was a week -end guest of the Misses
Additional- Wroxeter on Page Vous,