The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-30, Page 4PAG) roU ..
Thursday, May 30th, 1935
p ,charge of 25e.
1+) cents a word pen insertion with a. minimum
1iooa toxgc> (Oa to o=m== ox11
Apply to Arthur Field, Box 185, ph.
FOR SALE—Dairy Cow in good con-
dition, splendid milker, Apply Ad,-.
vatice-Times. "
FOR SALE—Cedar pasts, also some
good anchor posts, priced, reason-
able, Finlay McCallum, Third line.
FOR SALE—Second-hand Quebec
Cook Stove, Florence Coal Oil
Stove; Electric Washing Machine;
Taylor -Forbes Lawn Mower, all in
Good condition. Buchanan Hard-
JOHN KEESO,_Sr. has for sale a
quantity of standing timber, also
tree tops of hardwood and cedar,
also softwood, which hewillsell in
lots at the bush on the Alex. Mc-
Kinnon farm. There will be some-
one there to sell on June 12th at
ten o'clock a.m,
ter, lasts longer; will not discolor
white pattern in linoleum. Sold by
Buchanan Hardware.
Tenders will be received up to 12
a.rn., June. 10th, for the cleaning out
of the River, known as the "Kinburn
Swamp Drain"
Plans and profile, may be seen at
the Clerk's 'Office, Londesboro, by
contractors wishing to tender on this
Scheme, Lowest or any Tender not
necessarily accepted.
Jas. W. McCool, Clerk,
STRAYED from the farm of John
Brooks, 4th line Morris, five year-
ling cattle, three red, one grey, one
roan. Anyone knowing of their
whereabouts please notify Herman
Nethery, phone 3240, Brussels; R.
R. 5, Brussels.
Take notice that a Court of Revis-
ion on the Assessment Roll for 1935
will be held in the Foresters' Hall,
Belgrave, on Wednesday, June 12th,
at 1 p.m.
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
SEE T. Fells if in the market for a
good home. Several excellent prop-
erties for sale, with hardwood
'Boors, and all conveniences, at bar-
gain prices.
SEALED TENDERS will be received
by the undersigned up to June 1st,
1935, for the painting of the -hose
tower and fireball with two coats
tower and firehall with three coats
of good red paint.
W. A. Galbraith,
Town Clerk,, Wingham.
TENDERS for all amusement and
booth privileges for July 12 demon-
stration by Orangemen at Wingham
-will be received by F. Sturdy, Wing -
ham, up to June lst.
who purchased the Hub Clothing
Business at a rate on the dollar, will.
accept in trade or for cash, wool,
horsehair and feathers during the
sale. Sale starts Thursday, 9 a.m.
WANTED—A second-hand coal oil
stove, in good condition, must be
cheap. Apply at the Advance -Tim-
Mr, and Mrs, H. J. Wylie were
Gorrie visitors on Vriday last, , Kral garet Gibson and Mr. Jiro,
Barnard, of London, were week -end
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
John Gibson, ,
Mr. Bob. Paulin is a London visitor
this week.
Mr. and. Mrs. Whitman, Glen and
Beryl, Clifford, were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. Milli-
Miss Winnifred' Rae, of Belgrave,.
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alkin Rann and sons,
Brussels, were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Rahn.
Mrs. Adams and daughter, of
Stoughton, Sask., are visiting at the
home of Mrs, Rasmussen . Mrs. Ad-
ams is the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Smith, formerly of
Wroxeter, and this is her first .visit
home after an absence of twenty-nine
The family of the late Robert Ged-
des, also Mr. Dan Geddes and his oth-
er brothers and sisters, wish to thank
their many friends for their kindness
and expressions of sympathy during
their recent sad bereavement, also to
Rev. J. F. Anderson, whose kindly and
sympathetic attendance was greatly
Tenders for Coal and Coke
Sealed Tenders addressed to the un-
dersigned and endorsed "Tenders for
Coal" will be received until 12 o'clock
noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June
4, 1935, for the supply of coal and
coke for the Dominion Buildings
throughout the Province of Ontario.
Forms of tender with specifications
and conditions attached can be obtain-
ed. from the Purchasing Agent, Dept.
of Public Works, Ottawa; and the
Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St,
East, Toronto, Ont.
Tenders will not the considered un-
less made on the forms supplied by
WADE—In loving memory of Ben
Wade, Wroxeter, who passed away
May 20th, 1934.
Peacefully sleeping, resting at last,
The world's weary troubles and trials
are past.
We miss you at a thousand turns
Along life's weary. way,
For life to us is not the same
Since you were called away.
-Sadly missed by Wife and Children.
Miss Mary Wallace, Mr. and Mrs
Hines, Miss Ulah Hines and Mr. Wil-
lis Henstein, of Walkerton, were re-
cent visitors with the former's neph-
ew, Mr. 'Wallace Miller and Mrs. Mil-
ler, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom.
Mrs. 'Murdie, of Toronto, Miss Ir-
ene Woods and Mr. Schlenker, Wat-
erloo, were visitors over the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods.
Mr. George McQuillin has gone to.
Kapiiskasing where he will spend the
summer a member of the staff of the
Experimental Farm there.
Mrs. Allister Hughes of Holyrood,
Mr. Dan and Miss Annie McKenzie
and Mr. McKenzie Webb attended the
funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Clark, at
Moffat, on Friday.
Messrs. Stanley Todd, Ted Hoare,
Dick Weatherhead and Charles Mc-
Donald attended Young People's Ral-
lies at Goderich, Blyth and Gorrie on
The Literary Group had charge of
the meeting of the Y. P. S. on Sun-
day evening when Mr. Wilson Woods
presided. The Scripture lesson was
read by Miss Helen Miller and the
topic "Reading for Personality" was
taken by Miss Mary Irwin.
Holiday visitors at their homes here
included Miss Vera Todd of Bloom-
ingdale, Miss Isabel Miller of Strat-
ford Normal, Miss Anna Stuart of
Toronto, Miss Dorothy Webster of
London, Miss Dorine Webster of Car-
low and Mr. Charlie McQuiilin of
A pleasant time was spent Thurs-
day afternoon when over one hundred
neighbors and relatives gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mill-
er. During the evening, Mr. Harold
Gaunt read an address and Mr. Elms
Pritchard presented the newly-weds
'with a cabinet of silver and a silver
casserole. Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller
although taken by surprise, made fit -
May 30th to June 6th
All Chicks R.O.P. Sired from Govt.
Approved Breeders
Day old Leghorns $5.95 per 100; Bar-
red and White Rocks $6.95; Heavy
Breed Cockerels $3.95; Leghorn Cock-
erels $2.00. Also ,day old pullets and
started chicks — All Bargains.
Usual Top Notch Quality.
Top Notch Chick Hatchery
29 Ontario St. Ph. 1257 Stratford
Mrs. Wisner is visiting in Hamil-
Miss Margaret Partushek spent the
week -end at her home in London.
Miss Mary Lepard spent the week-
end with relatives in Orangeville.
Miss Alice Williamson, of Kitchen-
er, spent Sunday at her home here.
Miss Ena Currie, of Toronto, visit-
ed over the week -end at her home
here. -
Dr. G .H. and Mrs. Ross, Barbara
and Mary, spent the holiday in Tor-
Miss Lina Barber•,.of Toronto, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas.
the Department , and in accordance : Mr, Charles Inglis of Dundas, vis-
with departmental specifications and ited at the home of Mr. and 14Irs. E.
The right to demand front the sur- J. Nash.
cessftl tenderer a deposit, not exceed- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finlay and
ing 10 per cent. of the amount of the daughters spent the' week -end in
tender, to secure the proper fulfilment Ridgetown
of the contract, is reserved.
By order, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Currie, also Mr.
N. DESJARDINS, land Mrs. Elwood Armitage spent the
Secretary,,;. I week -end in Detroit.
, i.
Department of Public Works, Mrs. R. H; Deacon and little dau=
Ottawa, May 14, 1935. •ghter, of Guelph," spent a few days
with Mr. W. G. Salter.
Mr. Harry Coutts, of Toronto, is
visiting with his brother, Mr. R. A.
Coutts and Mrs, Coutts.
Mrs. J. W. McKibbon and son Jack,
motored to Toronto on Sunday, and
Charles returned with then.
Mrs, D. H. Finlay visited over the
week -end :with her son, Harold, of
Ridgetown and other friends.
Mrs. 3. H. Crawford spent a few
days last week the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Anderson, at Caledonia.
Mrs. Ernest Greenwood of Orange-
ville, spent the weelc-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Government • Approved
At Reduced Prices for
the Balance of the '
White Legh ens on•.. 7e each
Barred Rocks 8c each
White Rocks ,„. „..•.. 8c each
Eight unrelated chicks free
with each hundred ordered, Af-
ter June 15th one cent per chick
less than above prices. Started
chicks twocents per week old,
over baby chick price.
Order now before it is too late.
Chick Starter, Poultry Feeds,
Corn and , Poultry Supplies
Cattle and Hog Concentrates
and Minerals,
Duncan Kennedy
Wellington Produce Building
Phone 38. Wingham, Ont.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
County Council Chambers, Court
House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock on the
afternoon of Tuesday, June 4th, 1935.
All accounts, notices of deputations,
applications and other important busi-
ness requiring attention at the meet-
ing should be in the hands of the
Clerk not later than Saturday, June
DATED at Goderich this sixth day of
May, 1935.
County Clerk.
J, Wheeler, Mrs. W. Pocock; Outlook
Committee, Mrs. M, A. Wheeler, Mrs,
N, Higgins, Mrs, Jas, Taylor, Mrs. H.
Wheeler; Program Com., Mrs.
Wheeler, ,Mrs.'JSsse ,,Nineeler, Edith
Procter, Mrs, N. Keating The sing
ing of the National Anthem brought
the meeting to a close after which a
pot luck supperwas enjoyed.
The Belgrave' Farmers' Club held
its May meeting at the home of Stew-
art Procter Tuesday evening of last
week, Cecil Wheeler, the president,
having charge.
Stapleton Bros., just west of the
village, had the misfortune to lose
their colony house and 200 chickens
Tuesday fornoon when tire' Beating
equipment set fire tao the building
and, all was completely destroyed.
C. R. Coultes spent Monday in Tor-
Miss Lifla Taylor of Wellesley
spent the holiday week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor.
The Women's Association have set
Thursday evening, June :13th as the
night of their Garden Party. Further
announcement will be made later.
Institute Doing Good Work
On Tuesday afternoon last week the
Belgrave Branch of the Women's In-
stitute held its meeting at the hone
of Mrs. R. McCrea, Belgrave. The
president, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, conducted
the meeting. The meeting was open-
ed int he usual manner by all sing-
ing "0 Canada" and repeating The
Lord's Prayer. Several items of busi-
ness were dealt with. It was decided
to hold a bee at the cemetery on June
5th, when it is hoped that the work
at the corner will be completed. Mrs.
N. Keating, Mrs. R. McCrea and Mrs.
W. PanCant were appointed to re-
present the branch at the District An-
nual in Clinton on Wednesday, May
30th. A donation of $15.00 was also
made to the Cemetery Board towards
paying for pitting grass during the
summer. The work of the past year
was also reviewed. The Branch gave
money to the King's Jubilee Cancer
Fund and also a donation to the Bel-
grave School Fair. It also paid for
cutting the grass at the cemetery. The
first aid kits at the three schools were
also replenished.
The motto was taken by Mrs. N.
Keating who had a paper on the sub-
ject, To reach the port of Heaven, we
must sometimes sail with the wind,
and sometimes against it, but we must
sail and not drift nor lie at anchor.
Current Events discussion was led by
Edith Procter. Mrs. N. Keating fav-
ored with a...solo whihc was much en-
Mrs. Jas. Taylor, the retiring pres-
ident, thanked all for their co-opera-
tion and help during the two years,
she was president and asked Mrs. N.
Keating to ocnduct the election of of -
ting replies. firers, which resulted as follows: —
Misses Loretta and Myra Boles and Pres.,' Mrs. N. Keating; lst Vice, Mrs.
Mr. Barr, of St. Catharines, were re -1 W. VanCamp; 2nd Vice, Edith Proc-
cent guests of Mr. and. Mrs. John
Webster and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Thompson
and little son, Donald Campbell, of
Lucknow, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom.
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson and Mr. D.
Todd are at Stratford this week at-
tending the London Conference.
Mr Harrison Taylor has gone to
:,...:s... :.....a. ,,. Lenard.
*ter Mr, and Mrs. Les. Young, of Tor-
onto, also Mrs. McMaster, of Toron-
to, spent the week -end with Mrs, P.
S. Linklater.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Alderson, of
Hamilton, and Mrs. H. .Kerr of Tor-
onto, spent the week end with rela-
tives in town r ,•,;c, , , . ., ,.
He kissed 'her on her ruby lips,
wss a liar
Although he kissed her only once,
He died—of painter's cholic.
Barred Rocks and S. C. White
Leghorias' at $8 per 100; Leghorn Pullets at $16 per. 100, line
bred from registered stock.
Br 'ssei� ()nth
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Haskins, Mrs.,
Duncan and children, George Johnson,:
motored to Mansfield I1Touday«as d
spent the day with Sterling Haskins.
The Missionary Society' gathered at
Miss Hakney's on Wednesday after-
noon and quilted two quilts,
Mrs, Thom. Abraham returned from
Toronto Tuesday. -
Mr, and Mrs.. Clare Edwards and
babe, Margaret Abram and John,
were in London Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, George Curie motor-
ed up froln Toronto recently to visit
his brother Will.
Mr, and Mri. George Mundell,
Madeline and Mrs. Casemore were
Seaforth visitors. Mrs. Mundell _ re-
turned the week -end after visiting her
uncle and other friends.
Cemetery Bee June 5th
The Women's Institute and Cemet-
ery Board are planning a bee at the
cemetery on Wednesday afternoon,
June 5th, when it is hoped that all
interested will attend and complete
the work of filling in and levelling the
corner andthus improve the appear-
ance of the cemetery.
Messrs. Cameron and -Norman Ged-
des, of Toronto, spent the week -end
at their homes here.
Mr. Dan Ferguson of London spent
the holiday with relatives here.
Mr :and Mrs. J. A. Brandon
spent the week -end with friends in
Drayton, Hamilton;' Fergus and
Northern Ontario.
Mr. George Mitchell spent the holi-
day week -end at his home in Toronto.
Mr. G. S. McIntyre,. B.A., was a
visitor at his home at Paisley for the
At a pleasant evening spent at the
Fordyce School recently Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Aitcheson were therecipients of
a beautiful clock in honor of their re-
cent marriage.''
Mrs. A. Havens and Mrs. W. Lyodd
visited last week with friends at Lon-
don. J.
Mrs, Wallace Black and Luella of
Goderich, visited over the week -end
with Lucknow friends.
Mr. J. McCash has moved to Mr.
Peter; Johnston's house on the North
Gravel and Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips
and family have moved into the house
lately occupied by Mr. McCash.
Mrs. Fred Graham of Mt. Forest,
visited last week with friends here,
Mr. Albert Carter of Clinton is at
present working in our burg sharpen-
ing and repairing lawn mowers.
Mr, Peter Carter and G. A. McKen-
zie attended Kinlough L. O. L. 1139
last week where the Royal Blue de-
gree was exemplified.
Mr, Wally Howe and Miss Eva
Craig, of Windsor, visited with friends
here over the week -end.,
Wro�,d lr is .been received of the
death "of Willia;m O'Neili, aged 72, of
Carter, Sask. Mr' O'Neill was a resi-
dent of 'Saskatoon and Elstow for 30
years prior to which he lived in Ash-
field and Wawanosh Townships.
ter; Sec. and Press Reporter, Mrs. C.
R. Coultes; Assistant, Nora Van -
Camp; Treas., Mrs. J. M. Coultes;
Pianists, Mrs. W. VanCanp and Mrs.
Jas. Taylor; Branch Directors, Mrs.
G. Higgins, Mrs. R. McCrea, Mrs. S.
Procter, Mrs. C. Procter; District Dir-
ector, Mrs. R. McCrea; Auditors, Mrs.
The Young People of Brick Unit-
ed Church had as their speaker on.
Tuesday, May 21st, Mr. Stanley Todd,
Christian Citizenship Convenor for
the Huron Presbytery. Mr. Todd had
as his subject "Causes of War and a
Possible Solution" and it was well.
given, and a rather interesting dis-
cussion took place during the. address.
A number of the young people of.
the Brick Church took in the meet-
ings at Blyth and Fordwich on Sun-
day, to hear Mr. Aubrey Oldham of
Mr. James Perdue, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with ,,jais parents,
Mr. and htrs. H. T. Perdue.
Miss Emma MacDonagh, of Lon-
don, spent the week -end with her par-
ents,M r. and Mrs. Charlie MacDon-
agh, of Zion.
Mrs. Dynes Campbell, 10th con.,
spent Tuesday afternoon with her
cousin, Mrs. Sanderspn, of Goderich.
Mr. Richard Twamley, who had
spent the winter with his sister, Mrs.
Sam Sherwood, 10th con., moved back
to Dungannon last week.
We are very sorry to hear that Mrs.
Wilson .Irwin, 10th con., was so un-
fortninate as to break a bone in her
wrist last Wednesday.
Mr.•,and Mrs. Allen Alton, Isabel,
Jim. and Marion, of Toronto, spent the
week -end with their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin, near Bel-
Mr. Jim Hackett spent a few days
recently with his brothers, in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alton, 10th con.,
are visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
Percy Graham and Mr. Graham, near
Mrs. Jane Nelaon spent Tuesday af-
ternoon with Mrs. Sarah Saunders of
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie' MacDonagh,
near Zion, left on Tuesday for a trip
out west, to attend the marriage of
her neice, Miss Gill.
For The Round Trip
Between all points in Canada and to
certaindestinations in the United
Tickets good going from noon, Fri-
day, May 31, until 2 p.m., Monday,
June 3:
Return Limit to leave destination not
later than midnight, Tuesday, June 4.
Adults 50c Children - 25c
Full information from G. L. Baker,
Phone 47, or any agent,
Canadian Pacific
Mr. and MIrs. Art Field of Wing -
ham visited with her parents on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and
son, of Toronto, spent the week -end
with. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton and
other friends.
This community was shocked to
hear that Mr. Daniel Falconer had
passed away on Saturday in Toronto.
We extend sympathy to his wife and
Mr. and Mrs. 'Lewis Jewitt nad
grandchildren, of Lucknow , spent the
24th of May at Newton with Mr. and
Mrs, Thos. Waddel,
Mrs. Jas. Watson, of Gladstone,
Man., arrived on Froday to visit her,
father and daughter and other friends
around Bluevale.
Miss Ethel Johnston was home for
the week -end.
Mrs. Harold Harris and baby spent
a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ed. Johnston, of the 1st line.
Miss. Jean Wheeler spent the week-
end with her ,parents on the lst line.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Wilbert Mathers of
Hepworth spent the week
with, his
parents in Bluevale.,
Mr. Harold Harris, of Fergus, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Johnston.
Mrs. Brooks, from near Teeswater,
spent a few days recently' with her
sister, Mrs. John Gowdy. -
Mrs. Milton Leonard and son, Ar-
nold, from near Fordwich, spent one
day last week with their aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Weir.
Mr. David Dane and son, Whitney,
of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Weir and other friends one day
Mr. James Wylie spent a couple of
days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Martin, of Wroxeter.
Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Centralia, who
exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Fin-
lay last Sunday, preached a fine ser-
mon which was . appreciated. by all
those present.
For Sale
To. Close an Estate
Double House on John
Street, with Three -Car
Bargain for Quick Sale.
J. H. Crawford
Witigham Ont.
SUTHERLAND—In Wingham, at
the home of her brother-in-law, Mr.
George Wilson, on Wednesday,
May 29th,:1935,,Miss Margaret Ann
Sutherland, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wrn, Sutherland, of East
Wawanosh. Funeral arrangements
had not been completed at the time
• of going to press.
Dr. G. H. Jose, Conservative
Candidate for !Perth
Dr. J. H. Jose, Kirkton, Reeve of
Blanshard Township, was the unani-
mous choice of the convention to con-
test the riding of Perth County
against Fred. G. Sanderson, M.P. for
South Perth, who will stand again as
a Liberal candidate.
Rev. and Mrs. Thompson will at-
tend Conference at Guelph this week,
Mr. Otto Johann and family, Owen
'Sound, spent the 24th with friends,
Miss Eunice Hackney, of Toronto,
and Miss Jean Herd, of Clinton, were
home fast week.
The Box Social "held in the Com-
munity Hall Friday evening was a
night of fun, A splendid program was
put on.
$80,000,000 'Available for Farm Loans
Eighty million dollars is available
for new loans to Canadian farmers on
first mortgages bearing interest at 5
per cent., it was announced by the
Department, of Finance in a state-
ment explaining the new Farm Loan
Act to be administered under the
chairmanship of Major John Barnett,
formerly of the Soldier Settlement
The 5 per cent. interest rate is the
lowest ever offered to farmers iy the
Federal Government under the pro-
visions of the Farni Loan Act. Loans'
are to be made only wher the board
can hold security by way of 'first
mortgages on farm lands, and these
loans cannot exceed 50 per cent. of,
utstandingValue ._
in Juniors', Misses'
and Women's
Hundreds of Up -to -the -
Minute to Dress in Stock.
for you to choose from.
A choice collection of
varied styles in Suits,
Dresses, Blouses, Skirts
and Separate Summer
See our Sport and
Street Wear Dresses
Comprising Voiles, Seersuckers,
Piques and Ginghams. Real
Values at
$1.95, $2.95, $3.95
Pastels, Prints, Novelties and
Swagers in Sizes 14 to 20 and ..
36 to 44.
Smart Styles in
Swagger Suits
See our values at
$6.95, $8.95, $10,50
A smart display in Satins, Lac-
es, Crepes and Novelty 'Prints.
Choice at
$1.95 and $2.95
Summer Millinery
Featuring the new shapes in
Felt, Crepe and Straw, the styl-
es and qualities are here at the
price you want to pay.
Sale of Spring Coats
and Suits
A good choice of garments are
still in stock. Make your selec-
tion of a New Coat or Suit now
at a saving of 20 to 40%.
the actual value of the land and the
buildings thereon. The maximum
loan on this basis is to be be $5,000
and the proceeds may be used to pur-
chase land, buy fertilizers, seed, live
stock, tools, machinery, etc., to erect
farm buildings or make other im-
First mortgage loans are payable
within twenty-five years and on the
terns the Farm Loan Board may pre-
scriber Second mortgages may be
taken by the board only when it has
a first mortgage on the farm prop-
erty, and. the hate of interest on se- ,
cond mortgages probably will be 6
per cent.
Farm For
Quick Sale
Good Buildings
Well Watered
1 Near School
osens & Booth
Office 165. Nights 190 or 112.
1 wish to announce the recent sale of my
Dairy Business and equipment to';Mr. Jos.`E. Smith
of the 9th Concession, Turnberry. 1 wish to take
this opportunity to: thank my customers for their
faithful support tof my business and ask for your
continued patronage with Mr. Smith when he takes
possession on June 1st.
Mr. Smith lives less than three miles from
town and motor transport brings hien match closer.
With an up-to-date cooling system and clean sur-
rounditt s.. the milk will come to you in a' sanitary
condition. The herd also comes under the law of