HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-23, Page 8117 Call EIGHT WINGITAM ADVANCE -TIMI S Thursday, May 234 19 Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 23rd, 24th 25th SPECIAL The Sweethearts of "State Fair" Together Again. Also Silly Symphony in Color "THE GRASSHOPPER AND ;THE ;ANTS" And FOX NEWS� Admission: Adults 35c,, Children 20c. NEXT WEEK — "PECK'S,B,D BOY" BLUEVALE Play Well Received 'The Forester? Hall was filled .to -capacity on. Friday evening when the ::?lay "The Road to the City" was pre- sented by .the Young People of the United Church.. The play opened with .a, scene at :the Sanderson Farm house, .acts 2 and 3 were in the city home, .,act 4 in the country_ The characters •:ere well fitted for the different• parts, special mention nt eel not be made of any one in particular as all -played their respective parts extreme- ly well. Rev. A. V. Robb gave .a syn- opsis of the play and introduced the rolloving caste: Robert Darnell, a 'Country Physician, 'W. J. Peacock; Richard James, a City Man, Carp Johnston; Jud Judkins, a young farm. •er•,'Chas. Johnston; John James, Rich - 'aril's Invalid Father, George Hether- ti �rrgl:on; Duke, a Man of Mystery, til W . 'Thornton; Jet Sanderson, at the crossroads„ Mai•ie Wettlaufer; Goto Lee, her Cousit,^ Isabel'Watson; Lilly Morton, a City Girl, Alice Thornton; Mrs. Sanderson, Jet',s widowed moth- er„lv[rs. Jno. Sparks,+'1\2arie, A Lady's Maid,>�Eurniee• Thornton. Between acts vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Jno. Wickstead_and Rev. A. V. Robb; a duet `ItT Melville and Chas: Mathers, with .Miss• Donna Smith as accompanist; piano solos by Miss D. Aitkin•an1:Lloyd,Wettlaufer were all enjoyed. The •play was presented un- der the direction of Miss Emma John- ston. Following the evening's enter- tainment the caste and all . who had assisted withthe programme were in- vited to the parsonage where refresh- ments were served by Ry. A. V. Robb and Mrs. Robb. Attended Memorial Service A number of residents attended the memorial service in honor of the late Rev. A. E. Mann, former past or of We have just put into stock a complete line of OLD COLONY PAINT Made by the makers of frra;gr.2e Quick Drying Enamels ........... •. 99c er quart p 57c per pint; 19c for 1/4 pint. Flat Paint, Outside Paint and Floor Paint ..89c qt. 49c per pint. Other Values as Low as•59c er quart. P If you must use cheap paint, be sure is it GOOD and CHEAP. THE WALLPAPER . SHOP ELMER WILKINSON - DECORATOR CUT.- RATE `PRICES Quality Groceries, where Quality does. Count= -when you buy Can- ned or. Package Good here, they are not put up`to lower the stand- • and for Lower Prices. We buy the Best and Sell for Less. Reapath Granulated SUGAR, 10 Lbs. with a ;Grocery Order $1.00 not including Sugar . . JOC lest Icing .Sugar for ........ 8c lb.. Pineapple Sliced for 10e tin Best Apricots for only 26c ib. Choice Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25'c Best Tapioca for only 9c lb. Best Coiee Rice 2 lbs. 13c' Blue Rose Rice .................. 2 lb. 15c Greets Japan Tea %2 lb. 24c Peach Sandwich Cakes 13e. lb, Feed Oatmeal ..;!::., 1 lbs. 23c Shelled' Walnuts for .., 34c ib. McLaten's Invincible Bulk Coffee, our Special for 24c lb. Sliced. Breakfast Bacon Yz lb 15c Fresh Tomatoes'...:.. 2 lbs for 25c New' Cabbage for only .,,.., 6c lb. Choice Lernons for'. 190 doz. Pineapple Special . 1.5e and 20c Best Potatoes for ............ 8c peck Pure Lard 2 lbs. 25c Manitoba Rose Bread! Flour our Special for 98 lb.... $2,49. Howson's tread Flour 98 lb 2.25 Huron 'pastry Flour 24 lbs. 55c Pat -a -Pan Pastry 24 lb. 69c 13 est Ginger Snaps for ... 10c lb. P. & G: Soap 4 bars 15c Unwrapped Soap ....,5 bars 13c ,Soda 33}stttits . . 1. lb. pkg. 10c. cptatters for Sweet Pickle Sugar-Cured1Vf... `, tag& l , '. 11� � ns,,,0oo1�d,�3atns, sausage, Bq C9 g , i st Summ e��' 5a tt9- J ttf` . Lba Corned 13+e yf �jnd Et J,': c .td' rites are lowest one,The g.n,R gdpn r{ ul; the. .Past--�to be'the, 17ttsie"st rte the Suture. Bhteyale "(hilted Church. The service was heldin Wellborn Church Sunday afternoon, Rev, Mr. Rayeraft, of Cen- tr ani United Church, Stratford, spoke feelingly' of Mr.' Mantes faithfulness through many years. Rev, Mr. Wal- den, Chairman of 'the Middlesex Pres- bytery, unveiled a bronze, memorial' tablet, placed in the church by the members of the Wellborn charge. The tablet was inscribed with a sentence from Mr. Mann's last sermon. Min- ister's from neighboring churches as- sisted i.nthe service. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and little daughter, of .Eelgra're; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Miss E, Johnston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 4.rthur Shaw. J. Wesley Beattie, Seaford], and Misses Ethel and Florence were Son - day viistors with their ocusins, Mac and Olive Scott. Mr, and Mrs: George , Thompson, George and Helen; ; Miss Mary ,Duff, Mrs.:Alice-Aitkin, `Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0, Thornton and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. D. Smith attended the memorial service in .thernor•y of the late Rev. A. E. Mann at Wellborn on Sunday after- noon. • Miss Margaret Campbell, of Wing- ham, was a'week-end visitor with Mr: and 'Mrs. J. C. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Elliott and Miss Lois Elliott spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H; Gar- niss in.Brussels. D. J. Falconer underwent a serious operation in Toronto on Saturday.. Mrs. Falconer and two brothers, John. and Will, were in the city also. Both brother gave a blood transfusion. . BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Berna spent. the week -end in London. Mrs. C. R. Coultcs and Jim attend- ed the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Geo. Webb, at St. Helens on Friday af- ternoon. Mr. Story, a former Missionary in South America, gave an illustrated ad- dress in Knox United Church Tues- day night when there was a good at- tendance present to enjoy the talk and pictures. \It-: Sarre Young is visiting with his• . brother, Jas. Young, of the village. , Mr, 13. Wilkinson of Blyth is spend- ing a .few days' withhis brother, C. B. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs: P. Henry and son, William, and Mrs. Fox, of White- church, visited Mr. and Mrs. Brandon one day this week. Mrs. Sutton *of Liman spent a cots ple of days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met on May. Toth with all the members present. J. D. Beecroft, who was recently elected Councillor in place of Stuart McBurney, now Road Supt., after subscribing to the declaration :of office, was cordially re- ceived and welcomed by the Reeve and fellow members of Council Minutes of previous meeting were then read and approved, on motion of Couns. Reid and Robertson, Communications were received and read from the H. E. P. Commission, the Sawyer -Massey Co., the Highways Dept., and the Prov. Treas. Dept. and were ordered filed. R. Redmond addressed the Council stating that recently through .the de- predations of a couple of dogs whose ownership had since been established, several lambs ofhis sheep flock had been destroyed, and a few had sue -- combed later and that the said own- ers had consented to reimburse him for the loss sustained. Mr. Redmond was advised to secure the services of a sheep valuer, for valuation purposes andto institute proceedings against the dog owners for a settlement of this natter, The Collector was present and stat- ed that between $900 and $1000 of 1934 taxes were still uncollected. • It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Beecroft, that the roil of 1.934 as nov returned, be accepted, and that, the balance of taxes outstanding be forwarded' in due time to the County Treasurer for collection, Carried.' The Court of Revision on the Grain Drain By -Law, was opened, accord- ing. to notice. No appeals being reg- ceived against the several assessments the by-law in connection therewith was finally read and passed. The following accounts were raid: l3elgr•ave School foi nomination meet- ing $4,00, The Advance -Times, adver- tising $3.60; Lorne Scott, work on crusher $2,00; 5. A. Geddes, grease .40; Freight on crusher repair's .50, A. Pat tison, balance of salary as Collector $20.00; S, McBurney, work on Road No.i 8, $36.10, on Road No, 10, $16,50; eBurney; Road 'sttpt:, $10,20; W, Straughan, work on, GOA, 2,-$18.90, for s ravel $225; • "Frank Campbell, work on Con. 4 $1.6,80; Orval, M:eGowatt, work on Corr. 2 $24:00. Next meetingy of Council will be held on Wednesday, June 12th. Court imimiamsommi Shop At King's for The 24th r 1 Friday - Saturday - Sunday - will make a lovely week -end Holiday. Are you ready for it? We've planned for just such a holiday. With the widest variety of smart merchandise' and such consistently good values, you'll find "KING'S” is the best place to shop. Ladies! It may be; a new Coat or Suit. It may be a new Dress or Knit- ted Suit; or probably:a new Hat -You'll find in our show rooms a big choice of the smartest spring garments to addcharm to your figure, and so much real pleasure to your outing. Coats Suits -' Ensembles May 24th Special - 10 and 15% reductions. Accessories Kayser Gloves, Orient Stockings,. Pretty Scarfs, Velvasuede Lingerie New Hand Bags Foundation Garments Nemo Flex . - Gossard A good foundation garment is a real necessity for your': figure control: Be properly, fitted with one of the new styles from these well known makers. Individual fittings at.no, extra cost. Our Men's Section Always a good place to buy a Suit or Top Coat. Top Coat Sale Less 20%; As a leader in our Men's Wear Department for the week-end.of May 24th, we will allow a dis- count of 20% on all Men's fine Top Coats. ' Our advice is to shop early.: Hats by Brock The balance of spring ship- ments at a bargain price. All $3.75 and $4,.00 lines to clear at. $2.98. New Belts - Summer Neckwear New Braces New Garters Forsyth,Shiits . - Holeproof Socks. KING BROS. 1 of Revision' on Assessment Roll on sante date 'at' onb,''o'clock. .;� [?oi•terfield, Clerk. WHITECHURC'H` Mr. George' Ross, of Winghaai spent the week -end, at .his, home it Kinloss. •Mr. and Mrs. Jasper I tcBrien of Lighters g Of all descriptions from 15c up. Omar Haselgrove Tobacconist Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert Eye Service is Avail- able in Wingham at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by R. A. EID. Stratford's Leading Oplonne'trist for SementegLY•e„al;s. Mr. Reid leaf Williams' Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday. M'Fsrnmg;• 9 to 12.00. Geta'. Wiltiams �.�•JEWELLER+'r., . Official •C ,R. Watch' n . ,N I apeafor Wirtgham Auburn, spent Sunday with his mo-' thee, Mrs. Marren. Mrs, George Garton is visiting with her" son at Leamington and with MivS,'" Wm, Simpson of Detroit. Mr, and Mrs, Eli Jacques visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Clarke; of.<Ani- herstburg', spent the week -end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert,MacDonald and son of Holy rood visited one day last week with. Miss Catharine Ross. When Mr, lien McClenaghan look- ed. out the kitchen window last Wed- nesday morning he thought by the smoke that was hanging around that someone must have been havin'a fire, treatment on her injured leg. Mrs. - Gibson Gillespie was - among the delegates who motored last Tues- day to St. Marys to attend, the meet- ings of the , London Conference Branch, 'She reports very interesting meetings, ` ivir• Chas. ; Gillespie and Mr, Jack Hodgins started out ort Monday with the ditcher for Black Horse, where they have considerable work to do. and on going out discovered that his colony house and three hundred chick- ens had all gone up ,in smoke :during the night. 'We sympathize with him in his unfortunate loss. A . reception was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall of Kinloss for their dau- ghter, Fanny, who was married on Monday. to Mr. John Wraith, son of Mr. Wrn. Wraith and the late Mrs. Wraith. The baseball team are playing the Dunganonn team here on Saturday afternon . at 5.30. The community is asked to attend. • Miss Catharine Ross is making a trip to London Hospital this week for. Mr. Tony Winflotz and Mr. Jack Gillespie, who are working on the crusher at Little Egypt, spent the eek -end_ with the latter's parents hwere. Mr. Glen Cameron 'arid Mr. Billie Kelly left last week for North Bay, where they will work. The neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. J. Aitcheson met in Fordyce School on n Friday evening, had a good program and then presented 'the newly-weds with a beautiful mantle clock. Then all enjoyd dancing for a few hours. This community extends sympathy to the 'family of the late Mrs. George Webb,, who passed away so unexpect- edly last Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Moore of Hensall. She leaves another daughter, also Mrs., sons, Lorne of Blyth and Harvey at Lawrence of Fort "William, an d two home. All were present for the fun- eral. Mr. O'Hallahan of E. Wawanosh has been moving his crusher outfit to the road in front of Mr. T. Moores home this week, and Kinlos% roads will be supplied with gravel from here this summer. Special Purchase -of sub -standard Men's Hose from one . h ofthe leading d g manufacturers. Regular values 50c and $1.00, in Pure Silk, Si1k1Lisle, Si1k�Wool., On Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday 35c 3 pair for $1.04 Watch Our Windows. Hanna •' & Co., Ltd. FINE FOOD SERVICE PHONE 76 QUALITY NATURE'S BEST CORN 2 for 18c. CHOICE DATES 2 lbs. for 19c CHOICE PRUNES : 2 lbs. for 25c FANC APRICOTS 1 ib. for 28c s.s ORANGE MARMALADE 32 Oz. Jar 25c 25c TOMATOES (Choice 2%2 Size) 3 For ..... 25c CHOICE SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. for 25c • 5 for 19c 5 for 19c SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. for 25c BULK ROLLED OATS 6 lbs. for 25c CHOICE RICE 4 lbs. for 25c FANCY RICE 3 lbs. for 25c PEARL SOAP, • P. & G. SOAP 1 LARGE LUX, Reg 25c , UNWRAPPED SOAP Small Lux Reg. 10c Total Reg. Value.......... ........ 3'5c All For • ... 22c ' 10 For ........... 28c BRUNSWICK SARDINES .- 5c ROYAL PINEAPPLE (Large Tins) 10c TOMATO JUICE 5c IPEAS (Large Tins),............. ...... ........ ......_-........ 2 for 25c ALYMER GOLDEN; CORN 2 for 25c CHOICE PUMPKIN` (Large Tin) 10c PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLES This is the week for the best in IPineapiples — The larger sizes are. scarce so get yours early and avoid being disappointed. FRESH TOMATOES 1 lb. 15c LEAF LETTUCE, NEW CABBAGE; CUCUMBERS, CELERY, FRESH SPIN4CII, CARROTS BANANAS 1 Doz. 23c Special P GRAPEFRUIT Good Sizes) 4 For 25c P. Quick Delivery ORANGES New ( 32c to 52c Dozen. R. BIGGS Wingham Courteous Service Mrs. Thomas Gaunt received word that her sister, Miss Catharine Mc- Kenzie, Reg.N,, district welfare nurse at North Bay, received one of the Sil- ver Jubilee medal. This community extends sympathy to Miss Annie Clow in the death of her sisaer, Isabel. Mr. and Mrs, liVaterwo.rth who have been visiting at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. Robt. 'McClenaghan, return- ed to their home hi Toronto 'Cm Thurs- day last. Ivtiss Bridgetta O'Malley, R.N., of eats here. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Gilmour of Turnberry, visited\on Sunday at° the home of her brother, Mr. Lance Grain. Mr. Russel Ross' got a severe gash in his left leg ' n Monday last when his axe slipped off a block he was chopping. Several stitches were ne- cessary to close' the wound. Mrs, Robt, Pardon and children vis- ited on Thursday last at the hone of Mr. and Mrs,,,Joe Anderson of St. Helens. Mr, and Mrs. John Falconer spent last week in Wingham at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, who were in Toronto with his brother, Dan of llnevale, who was in the hospital having blood transfusions in an effort to better his condition. Miss Maggie Sutherland was brought from the home of her sister in London, last Thursday and is now very low at the ltotue of her Sister, Mrs, George Wilson. Mrs, Ben McClenaghan and Fay spent Friday with her 'mother, Mrs. Jas, Barbour, of Fordyce.. The 'United Church are holding their Anniversary services on Sunday, June 9th, 'with ,Rev, Anderson of Wingbarn, taking the services, and are planning to have 'a social on the fol- lowing Tuesday evening. Preparatory Service will be. held this Thursday ev- cniii, and Cointnunion Service will be held on Sunday. Mrs;' Halg,"bf.,'SSda'fbiti'0 Y6l''+isildi4it ,.. R. nt.�thelio'i4ic lsf' h'er dathgli,tet•, Mrs.R. J 'Rods: The regular monthly meeting of the 'W. M. S. of Cltalnier`s Church was held on Thursday afternoon with the 1?resident, Mrs. (,.bodkin hi charge of the meeting. Mrs, Robt. Mowbray and Miss •Hughes read the Scripture lessons and Mrs, Craig and Miss Mc- Quoid read from the study book. Ar- rangements were being Made for. the social to be held on Tuesday, June 16, following the anniversary services on June 16, Mrs. Davidson led in pray- er. Mr. John McGee is 'driving a new Plymouth car. Mrs. Jas. Corrielitis, , Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius and. Joe Kelly visited on Sunday at the home of the form- -er's granddaughter, Mrs„ Wrn. Red- mond of St. Augustine. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M, S. of the United Church was held on Wednesday afternoon with the ,President, Mrs,,.. Emerson, in charge. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Emerson. The ,temperance clip-. Pings were read and.then Mrs. Walter Lott gave a splendid report of the Presbyterial meeting at Exeter. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. T. H. Moore. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Henry and Mrs: Fox visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe 'Brandon of Belgrave. Miss Margaret Ritchie of Lucknow, spent the week -end at the: home of Mr. George Garton, Took 111 Tuesday Evening Mr. J. A. Currie took ill very sud- denly on Tuesday evening. His many friends will wish hien a speedy recoy- cr,y Brandran� -Henderson` Paints And Varnishes B. -H. "English" Paint is made from the best paint materials obtainable and includes a suitable product for every purposed The only white lead us- ed in its manufacture is the world's standard -- Brandram's Genuine B.B. A formula label a ears onB.-H. pp each can of "English" paint, showing that the white base con- sists of 70% Pure White Lead and 30% Puri White Zinc.'The The base is mixed ready for use with Pure Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine and 'Dryer, Dryer, Pure Tinting Colors. We ars n hate iii stock a h Hil Quality .... g � ty Cheaper Grade of Paint. Stoves 'aii� Phone 58 CHAN urnace,$ ;� .. �.. Plunibin ;anal, eating R y i>rgham Ont.