HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-23, Page 7l
s and Corrie
Thursday, May 23rd, 1935
"Jack O'Meara, former U.S. glider
'champion; called at the capitol, in Ha-
vana, Cuba, May 16th—landing at the
very foot of ,the Capitol steps. His
glider was cut loose from a plane high
above the city, and he made a• perfect
landing in the street, while Cuban
throngs cheered. Ole glider was one
of two in the "sky train" which flew
front Miami, Fla„ to Havana, May 14.
Fordwich, May 16th, 1935
Council met in the United Church lunch was served by Mrs. H. Sperling
trail according, to adjournment, the and Mrs. ;f. Cathers, assisted by the
Reeve in the chair; members were all hostess.
Minutes of last 'regular meeting Mrs, John Wylie has returned home
were read and on motion of :Lovell from Toronto.' and. Kingston. While
.and Weir were adopted. in Kingston slie attended the gradua
Moved •by Lovell and Baker that a tion of her son, W. George, who re-
• .grant of $25.00 'be given Redgrave ceived his Honor B,A. degree also
!Cemetery Board. Carried., his B.D. degree. His many 'friends
Moved by Weir and Toner that the extend congratulations.
School Attendance Officer's Report Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hueston, Mrs.
'be accepted and placed on file. Car Carroll Gregg and daughter, Erland,
Tied. spent Saturday in Toronto.
Moved by Weir and Toner that the Mrs. Mink, sons Vernon and Don -
time . for . the return of Collector's ald, and daughter, Beverley of St.
Rolls be extended to the June meet- Pauls, Minn., were recent guests of
ing. Carried. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton.
Moved b3= Toner. and Lovell that Mr. James . Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.
the following bills be paid. Carried. R. G. Dane, spent Sunday with Mr.
United Church, Fordwich, rent of hall and Mrs, M. T. Abram, in Listowel.
$1.50; Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Elora,
'Clerk $35.00; Clifford White, repair spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
to sidewalk in Wroxeter $1.00; R. G. L. F. Ashton.
Gibson,. 3 cords wood for Town Hall Mrs. and Miss Ross spent the
in Wroxeter $6.00; Dr. Fraser, taking week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 5. J. Al-'
Peggy Porter to I.ondon Sanitarium len in Wroxeter.
• $10.48; Prov. Treas., anritsement tax
tickets for Gorrie and Wroxeter halls
.461.00; Fordwich Com. Association,
refund on lighting rink, Fordwich for
1934-5 $7.18; Edgar & Gibson, refund
on lighting rink, Wroxeter, 1934-5
:$6.14; J. H. Rogers, Cash Book, ex-
press and postage $8.37; County of
'Huron, Hospital expenses for Steve
King $29.75; County of Huron, hos-
pital. expenses for Mrs. Geo. Ruther-
ford $40.25; County of Huron, hos-
pital expenses for Gile boy $11.35;
W. 'Stewart, cleaning Fordwich Pub-
tic shed $2.50; A. Heibein, cleaning
Gorrie public shed $2.00; Relief $71,-
Road •Expenditures
Ben Hislop, dragging $7.00 John
McCutcheon, dragging $7.00; Wm.
McElwain, dragging $3.50; Geo. Leon-
: ard, making fill $9.75; John Mont-
gornery, dragging $22.50; C. W. Sim
mons, ,snow and dragging $11.10; 5.
Ridley, ditching .70; H. Ridley, ditch -
in .70; R. H, Carson, belt and bolt
' $22.75; Richard Milligan, snow road
$2.00; Earl Johnston, leveling road
- side $8.00; James Stevenson,' leveling
road side $8.00; E. E. Denny, postage
and excise $6.00; R. F. Edgar, Supt.
salary $15.00,.
o- Moved by Lovell and Baker that
'Council do now adjourn to- meet in
the Town Hall; Wroxeter, on the third
'''Wednesday .in June. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Letters of thanks were read for.flow- REPORT OF GIRLS'
ors sent to patients in hospitals. A
social time was enjoyed- when a tasty
The : regular meeting of the Gorrie
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs.. Frank Cole on Wednes-
day afternoon last week with 26 pres-
ent The meeting opened with the In-
stitute :Ode and Lord'sPrayer in uni-
son. The president, Mrs, L. F. Ash-
ton, presided. Minutes were approved
as read and roll call was responded, to
'by payment of fees.
Several items of business were dis_
cussed, among them being the decis-
ion that all members possible would
attend the district annual, being held
in Brussels on May 30th. Cars will
be provided, each member who can
go to report to the secretary.
Misses Audrene Pyke and Blythe
Underwood, the girls sent to the
Girls' Conference, at Guelph May I-
li, as delegates from the local branch,
gave splendid reports of their confer-
ence, giving briefly many of the sub-
jects that were discussed there. The
members also enjoyed two humorous
readings "Wonsan" given by Mrs. E.
\fir. Bolton, and "The Institute" by
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman and son, of Airs. Laine.
Palmerston, were Sunday guests of The meeting closed with the Na -
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner, also Mr. tional Anthem. Re freshinents were
and Mrs, T. Earls. I served by Mesdames Gregg and Cath -
Mr. and Mrs. Butchard, of Gtielph, ers assisted by the hostess.
were guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. E. , Following lunch an exchange. of
Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. flower, seeds, plants and rciots, creat -
Gregg last week. ed much interest.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Warwick and
Mr. \Vm. J. Scott, of 1\Iorris, wereo TIGERS WIN
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. `say OPENING GAME
on Sunday..
1'[r. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel spent
the week -end in Milverton.
Miss Frances Eaton of Toronto.
spent a couple of days last week with
her friend, Miss Margaret Foster.
Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Newton spent
last Sunday with Mr. and iblrs. Carl
Mayberry at 13iitton.
Mrs. R. S. Jones and son, Dick, al-
so Leland Ashton, spent Saturday
were friends at Baden and Stratford.
Mrs. L. F. Ashton adn Billie ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Wright to visit friends in. Fordwich
on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest King visited
friends in Fordwich. on Thursday last.
Mr. Richard Bennett left last week
to take charge of his lumber camp
near Sundridge where he has accept-
ed a contract for. lumber -sawing.
Mrs, F. Wright and son, Kenneth
Woman's Association Plan Garden
• Party
The May meeting of the W. A. was White of Bornholm, were
held at Mrs. G. 'l;otvn'send's borne on 'Miss Louise ucal at the lrome'o'f Dr, and
recent guests
Mrs. Whitely.,
Mrs. T. l3radnock accompanied
ivtrs. G. W, Butt:and sons to London
on. Saturday. Miss Voting, of'"rLondon
who has recently returned' from visit-
ing her brother in "British Columbia,.
returned ']some with them and is vis-
iting her sister at tllc parsonage;
Tennis Club Elect Offieers'
The annual meeting, of the Gorrie
Tennis Club was 'held •at the Tennis
court on Friday evening, May 17th.
Officers elected for the year are:
President, Dr. C. C. Ramage, vice
Pres., J•Iector 'Hamilton; Sec. -Tress,
Rev, R. S. Jones; Conmtittee, Miss
Stephens, MisS Alexandra
• f.
and the � rest o -
bers, New ground tapes have beets
purchased, the ground and back stops
unproved, so a good year is prosnis.
to all members Please ,see' the
secretary about joittin'g.
The Anglican Tigers walloped the
Genadiers by a 20-5 score in the op=
ening ball name one Thursday even-
ing last. It was a good game outside
of two innings and in those two the
Grenadiers made a specialty of fumb-
liitg the ball. Harold King and Leland
Ashton pitched nice ball for their res-
pective teams, but the former receiv-
ed much better support in the field.
• Musgrove, Short and 'King did some
lieary batting for the Tigers, but with
more -practice the United Church team
promise to show real action.
This Tuesday' the Tigers meet the
Husky Nine from 'Gorrie South. This
promises to be a 'heavy hitting game.
On Thursday, the •Genadiers with a
re -vamped line -tap, face the music with
Cyclones, a `snappy aggregation from
Gorrie North. Ganes start at 6.30
\votional meeting after which Robert
Wade, who was convenor, took
charge of the program, the subject of
which was ,'Invention and Travel.
Dick Jones gave.,a very interesting
paper on Marconi, Ida Ritchie telling
about Edison, Alec Wray gave pap-
er on James Watt'and Leonard Sand-
erson a history of Sir Francis Drake,
Piano and banjo Anisic by Mrs.
Frank King and Mr. Harry King, was
also. enjoyed as were several contests
in which was, one of inventions. Rev.
R, S. Jones conducted a Biblical base-
ball game which was very instructive
and interesting.
The hostess ,assisted by Mrs. W.
King, served lunch `after which the
meeting closed with "Auld , Lang
of :lakelet, spent Sunday at the horns• o'clock.
of Mrs. Bell.
Mrs. Flynn of Collingwood and bro. DIOCESAN REPORT
ther, Rev, Johnston, of, Millbank, vis -
ttecl their uncle, Mrs. T. 0.J
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary, St. Stephen's Church,
Gorrie, was held at the home 'of Mrs.
i'hair on. Wednesday afternoon last,
'when a good number were present,
'The meeting opened with prayer by
the President ,also roll call and min-
utes of last meeting. Mrs, George
Ding and .Mrs. Jones gave splendid
reports on. the 48th annual ineetinig of
the Diocesan Women's At:r.ili•ary held
in Cronyn Hall, London, the week
before. Miss Perkins read the Scrip-
'ture lesson, after which Mrs, Norman
Wavle led in the prayers:. During the
business: discussioi1 it was deci'iled
to hold their annual Garden Party on
Junie' 26th. The ladies worked at pies-
ing a quilt during part of the after-
noon, after which site hostess served
a dainty lunch,
on Thursday.
Mr, George Walker was a Listowel
visitor on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. F, A. Wessman and
May' 16th. The president, Mrs. I(aiiie,
resided. Meeting opened with sing-
iii "Take Time to be Holy". g
Presidentled in prayer, followed by'
the Lord's Prayer in unison. Scripture
reading John 3: 1-21, was read by
Mrs. J. Catiters. It was decided to
hold a Garden Party on June 19, and
committees 'put in for the sante, The
afterti.00n was spent piecing quilts.
Eye Service
Phina.B., R
Phone 118. Harriston
Mrs. A. Meahen was a Toronto vis-
itor this week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. T. W. Henry of Ches-
ley were Sunday visitors in town.
The W. M. S. are holding a quilting:
in the school -room of the church on
Tuesday afternoon when they expect
to quilt four quilts for their Mission-
ary bale.
Congratulations to Mr. Ruskin Fin-
lay, son of Rev. W. A. and' Mrs. Fin-
lay, who received honors in his• final
year in Electrical Engineering at Tor-
onto University.
Mr. R. J. Deachman and son of Ot-
tawa, visited with Mr, and Mrs. D.
D. Sanderson on :Sunday.
Mr. Austin Morrison, train des-
patcher on the C.N.R., left on Mon-
day for Hudson Bay, after spending
a few days with his mother, Mrs. J.
Mesrs. Wrn. Parks, Ross and Mac
Sanderson spent Thursday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae and child-
ren, Joyce and Jack, of Waterloo,
were week -end visitors with the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Mrs. Rae returned with theta to \Vat-
erloo to spend a week.
Mr. Chas. 'Robertson, M.P.F., call-
ed on friends in tate village on Satur-
Edward Lowry
There passed away at his home•in
Exeter, on Monday of test week, a
former well-known resident of this
village in the person of Mr. Edward
Lowry. .Death followed several years
of suffering as the result of a stroke
in 1932. The funeral was held in
Brussels on Wednesday afternoon. He
,is survived by his wife, formerly Miss
Margaret Williamson, one slaughter,
Miss Velma, and two sons,. Edgar, of
Toronto, and Fred at home,.
Master John Harrison received a
badly fractured shoulder when he was
tripped on the playground at school
last Wednesday.
Miss Aileen Schaal) ,pent the week-
end with Wingham friends.
Mr. Robt. McDonald of Grey, is at
present assisting Mr. Wm. Parks at
the Service Station.
Mr. Laurie VanVclsor spent a few
days last week in Midland.
Messrs. Roy and Bert Mann and
families, of Biuevale, moved last week
to the Edgar property; on Mill St.
Mrs. R. Pye, and Mrs,, Robt. Black
of Owen Sound, called on friends here
on Tuesday of last week, and Mrs.
Black remained 'and will visit friends
in and around town.
Miss D. McQuirter of Midland is
a guest at the home u:f Mrr. and Mrs.
W. E. VanVelsor'�
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Howick spent
a few days hast week with her friend,
Mrs. B. Wade.
We are glad to know that Mrs.
;Mary Edgar is recovering after an
operation 'which she underwent in the
Listowel. Hospital last week.
The service in the United Church
next Sunday will be in eiiarge of Rev.
R. 5. Stewart of Centralia, while Rev,
W. A. Finlay will be at Centralia of-
ficiating at Anniversary services there.
Service of. Unitech Church will be
withdrawn next Sunday night, on ac-
conut of the Young People's rally of
the district which is being held at
Mr. Norman Branston 'of London,
was a week -enc] guest at the 'some of
Mr. and ,Mrs-Robt, Stoci's, and Mrs.
Brandon and Nortna, who have spent
the past week here, returned home
with hint
We are sorry to know that Mrs,.
Nciolces. has been ill tt
her' brother;. Mr. Geo, Muir. We trust
she will soon be well again.
Mr. John Rutledge, of Brampton
called on friends in town on Priday.
Mier s�rend'rng a wee]: wr 1
Port Elgin, Mrs. White
�r at g ,
daughtc <
returned home ort Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. McAllister and
Miss Doris of Grey l p., :spent Sun.
Sa•. Stephen's Anglican Church Club
suet at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Nor-
mart: Wade on Friday night last with
a good number in attendance,
Rev. P., S'. Jones conducted the ,de -
The new French liner Normandie,
largest of the world's ships, is leav-
ing St. Nazaire on its nine -day shake-
down cruise. Tens of thousands gath-
ered on shore to watch the 79,000 -ton
sea palace move majestically out of
the Loire river. She was tinder her
own power attaining a record speed
of 32 knots in heavy seas. rhe Nor-
mandie will.' arrive in New York earl -3r
in June and will clock at pier 88,.
North river.
Mr. and Mrs. Mollis, Kippen, Mr.
and Mrs..Burke, Toronto, Miss Mar-
garet Gibson and Mn. John Barnard,
London, were week -end guests'rof Mr.
and Mrs. John Gibson.
Mrs. MacDonald, of Molesworth,
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. James Sangster.
Miss Elsie Davidson spent the
week -end with Seaforth friends,
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring ,and
daughters, Agnes and Margaret, spent
the week -end with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gibson, at
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hembley and dau-
ghter, Virginia, were Sunday guests
of Palmerston friends.
Mrs, Neil White is a visitor at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Pleasance
at Port Elgin.
Miss Louise White, Mitchell, was
Psalm 23, which. was repeated in uni-
son. by all present.
The business of the meeting pre-
ceeded the topic, based on the chap- ti islt that,I hey in; me heart fer thim,
theer pasht rnishtakes, if they shtay'
wid us this toime.
'Tis the forgivin shpirrit av the Ir -
ter "Women of Rural Asia," from. the Yours till I come agin,
study book, which was given in an in-
teresting Manner by Miss Elva Stocks.
After the singing of "To Every Maid
there Openeth a Highway and a Low"
an interesting .report of the Huron
Presbyterial was given by Miss Mary
Pope who had been apointed .as a
delegate frons the Circle.
The devotional part of the meeting
was brought to a close by the singing
of "Oh When We Get Together," and
repeating the Mizpah benediction.
Completed donations to the layette
were received and all articles to date
were displayed. It was suggested. that ed ran his uncle and aunt, Mr. and.
Mrs: John Gowdy one day recent] .
the work aright be put on display lv
somewhere so that everyone interest- The funeral of the late Mr, Rich,
a nest las* week of Mt and Mrs. J. might have a chance to ser the and Fortune was held last Saturday
Men. cd c before theywere sent away in to the Wroxeter ecynetery. The
J article. b £ friends have the sympathy of the nes-
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wylie were in June.
Guelph on Wednesday last 'attending A social half-hour was sports dor nei-
the Nurses' Graduation there. Mrs. ing which the, hostess served lunch.
Wyiie's sister, Miss Elva Metcalfe,
was one of the graduates. Miss Met-
calfe is to be congrat'ul'ated on having
won the Gold Medal for General Pro-
ficiency.Mrs, Wylie, with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Metcalfe, of Glenannan, and
a sister from Toronto, remained until
the following day and attended a re- Deer Sur:—
ception given in honor of the grad- Here it is party near the twinty-
nates. fort av May,an ate wid me pertatics
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. AikenItead, of not planted yit. Av course I.hev been
London, spent the week -end at the purse busy wid pollyticklc business
borne of 1). S. and Mrs. MaeNaugh- since we wits afther nominatin the
ton. ould war harse agin lasht Tursday.
'The members of the Fourth Line The campaign slitarted wid inc that
Circle held a successful quilting on very noight, whin I had an argymint
Wednesday afternoon at the home of wid the tnissus, who wus lishtenin to
Mrs, James McTavish. They are hold- some av thim fellahs sayin over the
ing a social evening on Friday even- radio that Tories are no betther than
ing of this week at the school, for Grits, an that we nade a new earthy
which a good programme is being pre- intoirely so we do.
oared. Refreshments will be servetl. At' worse it isn't much use to argy
wid a, tvumluan, only ter ixercoise,
but 1 'won the war at lasht be sayin .
that if the '.Tories shunt twin the elick-
their monthly meeting on Wednesday shun that I wud loikely be appinted
afternoon in the church basement, to the Sinnit, an thin we cud thravel
with a good attendance. The presi- ant to Alberta on a free pass, to see
dent, Mrs. Kitchen, presided over the our girruls, whinivir we filt loike
business period, at which time plans takin the thrip, an iviry whither she
were made for a quilting on Tuesday
of this week Several quilt have been
donated for the bale. Two quilts were
quilted ancl, tea was served at the big min shpake.
eters i. . Pollyticks is loike money — a vote
saved is a vote gained, so to shpake,
Mr. Recson, Toronto, was a week- an if we want to elickt, Jar,e we
end guest at the home of Mr. and musht wurrnk herald, an not neglickt
Mrs. Leggatt: to .rape the hone foires burnin, as
Miss Robertson, of Wingham, is a we used to say in the war tnitne.
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Av worse our Con.Vinshun on 'Tura -
J. Wylie. day. was not quoite so big a wan as
Mr, and Mrs. James Hay, also Mrs. ixpickted, an mebby not as big as
Tames Hav Sr., were Sunday guests the Ivan the. Grits Mild, but it is qual-
et the home of Mr, and Mrs.). Lovell, itv an not quantity that counts, in
Mrs. Hay Sr.,, remaining for a longer pollyticks, the same as wid a lot at -
visit, otter tings, an if we allow thin Grits
Miss L. Holmes, Newton, is a vis- tc, twin Nort Huron afther the way it
itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cl- has been fixed up fer the binifit av
drecl Nichol. the Tory parthy,, we shad be ashamed
av oursilt•cs, so we slate].
Institute Meeting Withdrawn ,\notlter raysun tvhoy I stn later
()Witt s,* to the District Annual meet- than I loike to be wid me gstrclrn is
ing being held in Brussels on Thnrs- that 1 hcv been afther shpindin quoite
day, May 80th, the May greeting of a lot arr toinie raiclin Tam ..11 cl.ean's
the local branch will be withdrawn Tiishtory av the Town av Wingham,
Members are urged to be present at an the airly '.illlrt,lil,t ay l.irwrr
the district'annual which commences Town. Ii is a c,00d payper an a faint
at 1 l7,tn• ting' to hey in the house, bike a full
Mrs. John. Gowdy attended the Mis-
sionary convention. in St. Marys a.
couple of days last week.
Mrs. Joseph •Sanderson, from near
Gorrie spent one day recently with
her sister, Mrs. Edwin Bennett:,
Mrs. Wm. Weir spent one day last
week with Mr. and Mrs, George Dane
north of Gorrie. -
Ivir. Harry Vegan of Mildmay call
To the Editul• av all thins
Wingham paypers.
Woman's Association
The W. A., 'United Church, held
cud come wid the to Ottawa, an boord
at Chateau Laurier, arr Rideau Hall,
arr attind parleymint an hear all the
coal bin whin whither shtarts, but 1
GIRLS' MISSION Ido see no rayscm at all, at all, fe,-
CIRCLE MEET' Partin so nanny plckters av Grits in
it. This is a Tory town; an always
The regular monthly meeting of the has voted Tory, harr•in leaner for Dr.
Circle was held on Wednesday even- Macdonald, in the ould days, an agin
ince, May 15th, at the home of the fer Charley 'Robertson on the booze
president, Miss M. Pope, Wroxeter. quistion, Tt is 1larrud to kapc thim
During the evening the Mission Mithodists it the 'Tory parthy whir
Circle Song Sheets were used, and the they wad liev to give up tiers titnpir-
meeting' opened by singing "There,'s ince oideas in ordher to 3lttay wid us.
a Long, T.ging Trail,,' after which the .I wits pttrty mad at some av thim fer'
Lord's grayer was retreated in unison. votiti agin Mishter Ferguson an Mish-
ter• Hinry, but will f er"g'it all about
day afternoon with friends in town. The Scriptttre :'passage chosen was
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