HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-23, Page 4AC S i OUR .r pxIW ijW xp Wwp, • WINGIT,\MVt ADVANCB-TI] fl S Thut'sday, May 23rd, 1935 'oc0i0lrr20t00 .... 0 r Sill=[ o 0 1} cents a word per+ insertion, With a minium -charge of 25c. O =ior===otmluomoi====cortooc,==ot:102 o FUR. STORAGE—Excellent facilities for storing your Fur Coat for the summer months; also your winter cloth coat. Guard against moths, it costs so little. Free information,— King Bros. FOR SALE OR RENT—Oakmount and Cedarmere Cottages at Kincar- dine dine Beach. Apply Williams Res- taurant. FOR SALE -1929 Model A Forel Truck in good condition, dual wheels. Merkley's Garage. FOR SALE -1 oak extension table, 1 oak buffet, 1 stone barrel churn, 4 chairs. Mrs. ,'Howard' Finley. STRAYED—From lot 27, Con, B,, Turnberry, about May 14 7 two- year-old. cattle, 5 heifers and 2 steers, hole in left ear. Finder not- ify John Webb,,. R. R. 3, Wingham, SEE T. Fells if in the market for a good home. •Several excellent prop- erties for sale, ' with hardwood floors, and all conveniences, at bar- gain prices. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to June 1st, 1935, for the painting of the hose tower and firehall with two coats tower and firehall with three coats of good red paint. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham. TENDERS for all amusement and booth privileges for July 12 demon- stration by Orangemen at Wingham will be received by F. Sturdy, Wing - ham, up to June lst. TIRES VULCANIZED at Hutchin- son's, Harriston. Hole right through tire, 1 to 3 inches long, as low as $1.00. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to 12 a.m., June 1Qth, for the cleaning ,out of the River, known as the "Kinburn Swamp Drain". Plans and profile niay be seen at the, Clerk's ,office, Londesboro, by contractors wishing to tender on this Scheme. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. • Das: W. McCool, Clerk, Londesboro. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of Jeremiah Brydges, late of the Township of Morris., in ` the .,County of Huron, Farmer, deceased NOTICE :I$ HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to.. the Trustee Act, that all creditors and ; others having claims against the Estate of the 'late Jere- miah Brydges,; are required .to send particulars of their claims, duly veri- fied, to the > ndersigned, being the solicitor for the, Executors of the last Will and Testament,:of the said de- ceased, on :or before the 25th. day of May, A. D. 1935, and that after such date, the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this seventh day of May, A. D. 1935. ' J. W. Bushfield, TOP NOTCH CHICKS AT BARGAIN PRICES Day olds, Leghorns 8c, Barred and White Rocks 9c, Leghorn Pullets 18c Barred ,and White Rock Pullets 14c, Barred and White Rock Cockerels 6c. Leghorn cockerels 2c. Started chicks 2c per chick per week more than day - olds. Lower prices for June. TOP NOTCH CHICK HATCHERY 29 Ontario St. Phone 1257 Stratford. Tenders for Coal and Coke SPOTTON AMAIN. Sealed Tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tenders for CHOSEN CANDIDATE Coal" will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June (Continued from Page One) 4, 1935, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings 2nd Vice Pres.—Albert Goldthorpe, throughout the Province of Ontario. Colborne Twp. • Forms of tender with specifications 3rd Vice Pres. -Reeve. George El- and conditions attached can be obtain- 1]ott Clinton. ed from the Purchasing Agent, Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Treasurer—J. W. McKibbon, Wing Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. ham. East, Toronto, Ont. Secretary—Elmer• D. Bell, Brussels. Tenders will not be considered un Townships to Organize less made on the forme supplied by the Department and in accordance A motion was passed that each with departmental specifications and Township in the riding elect a Pres conditions. ident, Sec-Treas. and Chairman of The tight to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not exceed- ing 10 per cent. of the amount of the Possible. and report to the Secretary tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the riding. of the "contrast, is reserved. No Opposition to Spotton By order, The nomination procedure was. N. DESJARDINS, Secretary: l rnore or less just a formality as.Mr. ' Department of Public Works, , the only one put e waso tion s nam S oY P Ottawa, May 14, 1935. Jbefore the convention. He was nom - ma ted by George Elliott, Reeve of MEETING OF HURON COUNTY Clinton, and Wilmot Haake, Reeve of COUNCIL Goderich Township.' When Mr. Spot - The neat mectin g * of the Huron i ton came on•the platform, he received County Council will be held in the la great ovationand there was no County Council Chamber; Court ;dank but that he was the unanimous House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock on the choice of thedelegates. afternoon of Tuesday, June 4th, 1935. i All accounts, o of deputations, Vil Start Fight Now applications adother impotant btsi- Ir. _Will thanked the convention vention ness requiring attention at the meet- most heartily for their unanimous ex- ing should be in the hands of the pression of confidence of his 8 years Clerk not later than Saturday, June as 'the ! ember of this riding. "1 ac - 1st cept the nomination and no fooling, DATED at Goderich this sixth day of M:ay, 1935. I will start fighting now" he declar- J. M. ROBERTS, ed. He said he had been asked why. County Clerk. he had not visited. Clinton and God- erieli°Township, which is. now a ;part NOTICE TO CREDITORS North, Huron brit felt he., should not until he was riotriiifated, but `they In the platter of the estate of tii,oul'd' now see 'ao'much of him that Frances. V. Helps, deceased. All persons' having claims against the Estate of Frances V. Helps late of the town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, who died or about the 15th • dayo fAr April, A. on t P � D. 1935, are hereby notified to send their claims verified by statutory dee- lavation to the undersigned Solicitor, on or before the 25th, day of May, 1935, immediately after which, dis- they -aloud he sick of seeing hint. ° He ygave no light as to the date of the election stating that it would be velien 'Mr. Bennett felt it was best for the country, He claimed the Lib- eral Government went to the counrty when. they did as they knew things would be worse a year hence and now tributiou will, be made having regard that things are on the up -turn the only to those claims properly filed. Liberals want an early election. DATED at Wingham, Ont, this Third Want Youths to Vote" day of May, 1935. R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, —a added "It has been stated from this platform that youth was against me" hut, he declared youth voted for 13en- nettand had always been with him in Huron North and he would see that everynne who has attained the age of 21 years in this riding will have a vote. Bennett 3s Boss They call Mr, Bennett a dictator, which he is not. He calls his rneniw 'hers together more, often gin y other 'cadet bort he is the ban oss. It cal tist svong lea.& rship, stich as Mr. Bennett gives, 3 i a time like this. If the election had been held early this year over 206,000 youths would have been deprived of •a vote and he BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghorns at $8 per 100; Leghorn Baby Pullets at $16 per 100, lime bred • from registered stock. WALTER ROSE tssels Ont Beiruet 3n chargee will not be stam- peded and this is vital against many ideas advanced today. Bennett has steadied the financial structure of Canada, not ` a fieancial institution in Canada has been closed, At the 'beginning of the depression Canada was the Gth' trading nation of the world, while now despite the de- pression she held 5th place and is leading the cations of the world back to prosperitu. • Speaking of the Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Act he explained, how it was 'put in force to protect the farm- er and told of many cases' where the farmer would have lost his farm had it not been for this act. He describ- ed this act as one which has teeth in it, an act to keep farmers who love farming, on their farnfs. He stated, however, a man who had worked hard and saved and put his money into mortgages must be protected and will. be protected. He expressed the wish that Mr. R. 13. Bennett will be able to lead the party in the corning campaign. Spoke of Slush Funds In a previous election he. charged the Liberal slush fund carne from the liquor interests and at the last elec- tion from Beauharnois and that the Liberals in this election would get this fund from the Big Interests of Canada.` " Speaking 'of Mr. H. H. Stevens, he What we will' have to fight in this said, that Mr. Stevens has not left election are the Big Interests. Ben- the Conservative party, he' is still a nett was the first leader to attack the Conservative, which party he has slip, Big Interests. I made charges, Mr, ported for the last 25 years. Spotton emphasized, 8 years ago in In 1897 preference with England the House of Commons, against the was given but all through the years Canada Packers and Departmental no preference was given Canada until Stores and now due to the Stevens Mr. Bennett got it at the 1932 Imper- Investigation "we know they are fin- iaLConference. Governtnelt ,Approved White Legliprns, Barred RockS;, White Rocks. Custoitt Hatching done et ;2c: per egg. Chick Starter, ,FPj try Feeds, Corn and jgultry Supplies. Cattle and Hog Minerals and Concentrates. ,Duncan Kennedy Wellington Produce Bld Wingham, Ont. Phone 38 Wingham legislation has been passed since 1930 than by all 'other parties since con- federation. He said the Liberals were the friends of the big interests and that the funds of this party will come from St. James St., I4ontr.eal. Stevens::a Conservative dif- ferent This Beiurett reform is not a racket ancial gangsters and robbers", no to a thug on the streets of the city of Chicago. help bring back prosperity that has Predicts, Rowe as Leader already started in. In closing Mr. Spotton stated he He urged all to Support l+Ir, Spot-. expected Earl Rowe, the speaker of ton, he was wanted ]n Parliament be - the afternoon, to be leader of the cause he was useful there. Beware, Conservative Party in this province inside of a year. Mr. Earl Rowe Mr. Rowe said he was supporting Mr. Spotton because he was the one who gained a name for Huron North, a place more prominent in Canadaian interest than it has had for some years. Mr. Spotton, he stated, was highly regarded for his ability on the floor of the House and for the great interest he took in caucus and the party in general and that he was one of the ablest representatives of any riding in Canada. He said the Liberals would cry Bard times and Bennett, or Bennett and de- pression; but it is a case •of depres- sion and Bennett, as Mr, Bennett fol- lowed the depression into office. Mr. Rowe stated that tile loss of trade in the last year of the Liberal Government was $244,000, that there were at this time 140,000 unemployed. but labor claimed thin_ figure: to be 200,000. In 1929 there was' an un- favorable trade balance and that for the calendar year of 1930 they were $159,000,000 in the red, proving con- clusively that the depression was well under way under the Liberal Govern- ment. The people chose Mr. Bennett to lead as a man of ability and ex- perience. No Markets Closed by Bennett • Liberals claim high tariffs close the markets but they put the cart before the horse. It was closed markets that made it necessary for Mr. Bennett to raise tariffs and save our country. Mr. Rowe said `nen one market in the world has been closed by Mr, Ben- nett" and he issued a challenge to Mr. Mr. Kiag to name one country. All countries have raised their tariffs— Canada is the only country that has, lowered her tariffs. The status that Mr. King and Mr. Lapoirite claiined they won in 1926 for Canada was made by the boys in France between 1914 and 1918 and to them this credit should go. Mr. King ,said that Mr. Bennett's speech in 1931 was hum -bug but Mr. Rowe said it was not'hum-bug. 'Six rnonths after or since the British rais- cd their tariffs and gaveSCanada pref- erence. " • Canada is leading the world back to 'prosperity, stated -Mr. Rowe, ac- cording to the Babsoti report avid oth- er statistics. The Opposition say Mr. :Bennett is a richman but' any money Mr. Ben- net has he got before he got into' Par- liament and any money Mr, King has he made since he went to Parliament. If Mr, Bennett is a'friend of the big interest why would.be crit the in- terest rate, create the Bank of Can- ada, bring' financial structure of. big interests before the Price Spreads Comrni.ssion,, he asked. A man who has an income of $10,000 to $1110,000 must now pay twice as meal is they ever paid before, He classed Mr. Bennett as a friend: of the poor man because he passed? the 8 -hour day, 48-hour week, the,un- employment policy aiid housing scheme. Bennett, Ice ,stated', was a man of , vision, kept the geld standard and the country -'paid 100 cents on the dollar and that more constructive advanced or tricic lie declared but a reform to Delicious: any time A BIG BOWL of Kellogg's Corn Flakes in milk . or cream is appetizing and de- licious at - any time of the day. And they're, extra good with fruits or berries added. Ideal for breakfast. Re- freshing for luncheon. Chil- dren love them for supper. They encourage sound sleep, because they ditgest so easily. The crispness. of Keg- logg's Corn Flakes is •pro- teeted' by a heat -sealed WAXTITE inner bag. Grocers g everywhere sell Kellogg's. Quality guaranteed. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. 1011404if CORN FLAKES he said of the slogans of the Huey' Longs, the .Ilepburns, the Tim Bucks, nlie Roebuclt and the let-ups. 'aware, he 'warned, ,of those men \AIlta gime to Hut on Comity to get a seahatldtaTTi'ent yt.b ,have never had oi'laia air.�'�'k' i� r '' Retu00!¥4l 1 13'etts nrla,, and' get safe security by honest • ant,, carefully arranged reform by t\fr. Ben- nett's Government. 4' The resolution committee composed oa Mr. E. ' Dell, Brussels; 'Geo. W. Schaefer, of Goderich and Reeve Geo. Elliott of Clinton, brought in the fol- lowing resolutions which carried un- animously. 1. Resolved that this convention do place itself on record as endors- ing the leadership of our leader, Hon, R. 13, Bennett, and as expressing its full confidence in his ability to lead the. Conservative Party once more to victory and the Dominion of Canada to ;prosperity. 2. Be it resolved that this conven- tion do pledge 'its loyalty and support to our candidate George Spotton, M. P., whose record needs no comment but must male its appeal to the in- telligent electors of North Huron. 3. Be it farther resolved that this convention do extend its hearty greet- ings to the electors of the municipal- ities of the Town of Clinton and the. Township of Goderich, recent addi- tions to our riding', and ask a con- tinuance' of the splendid support they have in the past accorded the Con- servative party. Col. H. 13. Coombs of Clinton, Mr.. E. B. Bell, of Goderich and Mayor H. J. A. McEwan of Goderich, the newly elected President, 'spoke brief- ly: NEW CLUB IN BRUCE •`B" GROUP Clinton Entry Necessitates a New Schedule. Owing to the belated entry of a club from Clintbn., a new schedule for the Southern Bruce "33" section had to be drawn up at Lucknow*.. Monday. Representatives from Clinton, Goder- ich, Lucknow and Wingham were present, but no one from Kincardine put in an appearance, so' the Salt, Munchers will have to take such dates as the rest could fix up for them. The five clubs will play a double schedtile of sixteen games each and this should provide plenty of ball for the boys. Other Scribes Mistaken The Lucknow and Kincardine pap- ers got all het up over an article that appeared in the Advance -Times of two weeks ago, which seemed to thein to knock their clubs unduly. Such was not the intention of the writer, he merely claiming that the new group wouldn't providethe attraction to the fails as last year. Nothing was said about the playing merits of the clubs, as the Hurons' record with the .Sepoys and Saltboys last year would not support any high-hatting by the local .club. However, for the edifica- tion of the aforementioned papers, we. may say the Huron club has decided to make the best of existing condi- tions and concentrate on winning the Southern group, which will be all the 'Hurons wort in the line of opposition. The loss of Hal. Peterson has weak- tined the locals considerably for'relief' pitching, but the boys are hopeful that increased batting power and addition of Jack Colvin to the mound, staff will help offset the loss of the popular "Pete," * . * VNingharn at Home May 27—Goderich. June 6—Clinton. 11—Lucknow. 15—Kincardine. July 4—Lucknow. 10-Kindardine. 23—Goderich. 27—Clinton. • Wingham" 'Away:, 21=`Lucknbw 3—Clinton 21•—Goderich 1 -Kin pad hie 15—Lucknow 17' -Goderich 31.—Kincardine Aug. 2—Clinton 'Schedule: May 24—Lucknow at Goderich 27•—Clinton at Kincardine 27—Goderich at Wingham 30--Goderich at Kincardine • 31—Wingham at Lucknow 8—Wingham at Clinton (a.m.) 3—Goderich at Lucknow (pan. 6—Clinton at Wine -fain, 7—Kincardine at Lucknow 10-Kinca}dine at Goderich 1I—Lucknow at,Wingham 12—Kinrarcliie at Clinton 14—Goderich at Clinton 15-Kincar•cline at Wingham 17—Clinton at Lucknow 20—Lucknow at Clinton 21—Wingham at Goderich 24 -Clinton at Kincardine 25 Clinton at Goderich 2;7 4.,{t l now a Ki e dine 0.9, #*n. ,lf.�.:� iU 4, ni.. 1.. Wingriatn at` kincardine '1•- Goderich at Lucknow t4� iidTtfrdty at Winghain May. June July June T5 omy Spec Wash Fabrics,' Silknit Lingerie, Hosiery, \Gloves, Neckwear, Wash Dresses, Curtains, Rugs, Lino. eums,: Oilcloths, Men's and Boys' Wear at MONEY SAVING PRICES English. Prints, color-. Gloves, clearing line of 39 c fast, our price 15 C Women's Gloves, now a , Factory Cotton, yard r 1 OC wide, our special price... Cretonnes, new patterns, tub fast, go at 2 yards' • 25c' for Children's Cotton Hose, good wearing quality ..,' Girls' Ankle Sox all siz-i es, best colors, sale 1U C Women's Silk Crepe Hose, pop- ular shades, Bargain 59c Bloomers, a range of 49 c colors, special value....:... `1 a7 House Dresses, `.Good Patterns' colorfast, on sale • 1x19 at Gowns, Women's and Misses' Crepe Night Gowns at 7 98c Girls' All Wool Pullovers in new weaves, a bar- 9Qe gain At , . Children's Print Romp -.7.9 C ers, variety'of paterns. Towels large Bath Tow-A.5c els 25c each, or 2 for .,. `# Linen Table Cloth, 1.25 special at Curtains, a range of new pat- tern Lace Curtains at cut prices $L25, 1.50, 1.75 Fancy Frilled Curtains in as- sortment of colors, special • values at a pair 49c, 69c, 98c New Curtain Net in new pat- terns, white, cream. or Ecru See values at 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c - A range of Over Curtain Dra- peries, good patterns and colors, now at ..... ....-....35c, 50c Isar,..,ta JIMIRCESESIIIMISEEY Aug. 5—Kincardine at Goderich • 8—Goderich at Clinton 10—Kincai dine at Wingham 10—Clinton at Lucknow 12—Clinton at Goderich 15—Wingham at Lucknow 15—Kincardine at Clinton 17—Wingham at Goderich 18—Lucknow at Kincardine 22—Kincardine at Lucknow 23—Goderich at Wingham 25—Lucknow at Clinton 26—Goderich at Kincardine 27—Clinton at Wingham , 31—Wingham at Kincardine 1—Lucknow at Goderich 2—Wingham at Clinton Large Soviet Plane Crashed The world's largest land plane, the Maxim Gorky, pride of Soviet Russia, crashedto earth Sunday after a col- lision with a small stunting plane and all the 48 persons aboard the mon- ster, along with 'Pilot Blagin of the other machine, were. killed. The giant and the smaller one collided and the former broke iri mid-air and crashed to the ground. It was the worst dis- aster evr to befall a passenger plane. "LAWRENCE OF ARABIA" DEAD Wool, Dorsetshire, Eng.—','Lawren- ce of Arabia," one of the most roman- tic yet enigmatic personalit.i"es ofniod- ern times, died Sunday. He hat lain unconscious in a little military hospital in' the coinitryside for 142 hours following a motorcycle collision, Since the crash late Monday, of last week they had waited constantly for an opportunity to operate in an at- tem`pt to save the one-time "uncrown- ed'King of; Arabia" bat Lawrence died without, regaining- consciousness. A postmortem disclosed Lawrence's brain was so badly damaged that had he recovered he would have regained 'onlyartial use of his speech and eye- sight. e - P Y sight. His funeral was held Tuesday. My Farm For Quick Sale Good Buildings Well Watered Near School CASH. Cosens & Booth Phones Office 165. Nights 190 or 112. Watch Repairs For Real High Class Watch Repairs, bring your ' watch to Williams, The Jeweller. Noth- ing but genuine material used, and'all work done on the prem- ises. EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE, Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. r �• 11l1, . s JEWELLERY 'STORE FREE PAINT YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR A CAN OF PAINT FREE Until the end of the week we will give absolutely Free with a purchase of 50c or over, either a quarter pint of.cors- Four -Hour Enamel or 1/2 pint of 2gdes.,, gg Paint. You may not .have used before. This is your opportunity for a Free Trial,. , Amer :.Wilkinson DECORATOR . z , nae wr .•, • WINGHAIVI