HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 32Watch Repairs For Real High Class Watch Repairs, bring your watch to Williams, The Jeweller. Noth- ing but genuine material used, and all work done on the prem-, ises. EACH MONTH WE REPAIR ONE WATCH FREE Bring Yours in, it may be the lucky one. Moderate Prices and Satisfac- tion Guaranteed. • Y1Hla ns' JEWELLERY STORE4111111111111111111111111. PACE THIRTY-TWO HISTORICAL R:1VIi W OF THE TOWN OF WINGHAM Thursday, May 16th, 1935. Show Starts at 8 p.m. Thursday,Friday, S R 8 , aturd18th ay, May 16th; 17th, . �r RONALD COLEMAN LORETTA YOUNG WARNER O:AND UNA MERKEL 1n "Bulldog Drumond Strikes Back" A Mystery Story with Plenty of Comedy. Also Single Reel Cartoon "HILLBILLIES" and FOX NEWS. NEXT WEEK "Servants Entrance" JANET GAYNOR WHITECHURCH 'Born—On Sunday, May 12, in Kin- 1kass, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Smith (nee Florence Caskinet), a daughter. Mrs. Orval Newby and son, Lon- don, .Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott, of Brussels, spent the weekend with .their .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr. and Mrs.. Raymond Finnegan and children, of Crewe, spent ' Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs, J. £hamney. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and daughter, of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and family, of Morris, Mrs. John Kilpatrick and babe, of rewe, spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson. Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Ripley, - and Miss Olive of Dungannon, spent the week -end. with their parents, Mr. and •Mrs. W..4. Farrier. Mr, and. Mrs. Andrew Kirk; of Sea - forth,. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gavick, of Detroit, M. , and Mrs, Oliver 'Kirk of Birmingham, visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bee- croft.. „ Mr. Joseph Wellwood, of Wingham, passed away 'lin Thursday last at the home of his. daughter, Mrs. John Fal- coner. His funeral was held on Sat- urady 'to Wingham cemetery. His wife was buried there last Saturday. Both had bee%• -'ill for over a year. Mr. Elgin Wellwood and his mother, of Caledon, attended the funeral and spent . the week -end. with relatives here. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Ezra Wellwood in his double bereave - We have just put into stock a complete line of OLD COLONY PAINT Made by the makers of 7o1'ai.e Quick Drying Enamels 99c per quart 57c per pint; 19c for1/4 pint. Flat Paint, Outside Paint and Floor Paint. .89c qt. 49c per pint. Other Values as Low as 59c per quart. If you must use cheap paint, be sure is it GOOD and CHEAP. THE WALLPAPER SHOP ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR SCOT'T'IES In the Spotton Hour of Monday last Mr. George Spotton, M.P,, referred to the "somewhat distressing fact" that "new mach- inery" and: "new inventions", the products of the inventive mind of man, are gradually and surely "displacing man power" and as a consequence where ten men were required for a certain opera- tion, in many cases "one man can now do the job" and in the face of this fact we shudder to think of what the industrial situation of this old world may be 100 years hence, but upon second thought, we find there is not need for worry for "we" shall not be here. ' There is one phase of the question, however, which is EN- COURAGING, and that is "with the, improvement in machin- ery there has come at the same time an improvement in the pro- duct" and we know of no type of FOOTWEAR in which there has been such pronounced advance than THE COMFORT SHOE KNOWN AS "SCOTTIES". We do not know why they are called SCOTTIES but we do know that this Class of footwear (Summer Footwear) combines two .qualities that are outstanding, namely QUALITY AND (COMFORT and as a consequence SCOTTIES are THE •MOST: POPULAR ;Eine of footwear known to the Shoe Trade of this great Dominion we are pleased to call our own Canada. Iade, as you will observe by the illustration, for Men, Boys, Girls and Children, and sold only in,'Wingham at wr W 117 1S The Leading Shoe torp e of These Parts. rite nt. Mr, .caul Mrs. Thos. Moore and Miss Eileen- Henderson motored to Meaford .on Satt\rday and Mrs Har- old Snarling, Douglas and Marie re- turned. with them, Mr. end 12rs, Aldin. Pardon and. son Billie, spent Sunday with 'Mr,' and Mrs, Geo, Tiffin, r rt 'r of • hadthe Well - drillers , \� t , iia b ttv drillers last week and after drilling for 125'feet, they struck good water. that came up' within nineteen feet of the top of the well, . Mr. and Mrs• Roy Patton, of Lucan, spent Sunday .with their mother, Mrs. Fox; Mr. and Mrs: Angus Mackay, Tor- onto, and Miss. Mae Williamson, are all speaking at the 20th anniversary services of the W.M.S. of the Tees - water Presbyteiiian Church on Tues- day evening. Mr, Robt. ,Mowbray and Mr. Price Scott, who are working at Paisley, constructing a bridge, spent theweek- end at their homes here. Almost all the. young men from here have left With Mr. Mobray to . work on the: bridge. While :there, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson are boarding them. An unfortunate accident happened at Langside on. Monday morning when Mr. Ben McCleneghan was driving his car ant the lane on the farm of Mr. Walter Scott. He didn't notice an approaching log -truck, driv- en by Mr. Barnard, accompanied by his wife. The truck and tear met head- on, and Mrs. Barnard was thrown through the wind -shield, Although the truck and car -had to go to the gar- age for' repairs, the three people were not seriously, injured. Mr. Wm. Garton, of Leamington, spent the week -end with his parents here. A splendid Mother's Day service was held in the United. Church Sun- day afternoon with the Sunday School and Church holding a joint service. Mr. Robert Laidlaw, Supt. of the S. S., was in charge of the meeting and the Mothers sat together in the centre of- the church. Bert Cullitnore sang a solo "Cling to the Bible, My Boy," while hiss Lettie Fox took the solo part of the choir anthem. Miss Gene- vieve Watt gave a splendid talk on "Big Business and Rev. T. C. Wil- kinson gave a splendid address for the occasion. A great many cattle in the district changed owners this week, add the farmers have been much relieved to get them out in the fields, after the winter of short rations. Many will be sorry to hear that Miss Maggie Sutherland, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mc- Ewan, of London, is very low at pre- sent. Her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilson, of \Vinghain, is with her, bat she is (too low tobe brought home. Top Coat Special For May 24th Clearing of Topcoats, in all our smart Young Men's and Men's Models, Regular $15.00 coats to clear $1.1.50 $18,00 Coats to clear at $1.4.75 New Spring Suits, smart Tweeds and Worsteds • $18.00, $20.00 and $22.50 Two Pairs Trousers 1\'Iade-to-Measure Suits, large range of samples to Choose from $21.00 Suit and txtra Trousers ;$26.50 Hanna & Co ed on Saturday at the home' of Mr. and Ivfrs. Jack Richardson, of Kinloss. •Mr. . and Mrs. Will Wellwood and daughter, of Bolton, attended the kin eral of his uncle, Mr. Jos. Wellwood; in Wingham on Saturday and 'spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and The annual meeting of the Wom- ' en's Institute was held in the Hall on Friday with the President, Ivirs. T. Gaunt in charge of the meeting. The. ladies decided to have a concert and dance on Tuesday, May 21, and they are having their •piano tuned this week. They had sent out 38 boxes of fruit or flowers to sick folks daring the past week. The financial state - trent was read and the year finished with a balance of $4,00 and an account still standing on the piano. "The Ma- ple Leaf" was sung, Mrs. Frank Hen- Iry read an interesting paper on "Vis - iting with the Children," and Miss M. ' Vightman gave a piano solo; Mrs. W. 5. Coulter read a paper on Women's Institute Answers, and all 'sang "0 Canada." Mrs. V. Emerson then took the chair, with Mrs. Lott as 'Secretary cr tar and the following officers were duly elect ed for the next year: Past P,res,, Mrs.. T. Gaunt; President, Mrs. Rtobt. Ross; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Russel Gaunt; 2nd \%i'ce Pres., Mrs. Gibson Gillespie; Sec.Treas,, Miss Grace Richardson; Directors, Mrs.' Cecil Falconer, Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mrs, • Chas, Martin, Mrs. Ab. McQuillan, Mrs, T. H. Moore, Mrs. Phos. Gaunt; Press Re- porters, Mrs Emerson, Mrs. Bee- croft; Pianists, hiss May 'VVightnian, •Mrs. Farrier, Miss Lela Leggatt; Aud- itors, Mrs. Emerson; Mrs. C. Gilles- pie; Program Cont., Mrs; Johne Gaunt, Mrs, W. J• Coulter,: Mrs. Beecroft, Mrs. Leggatt, Mrs, Farrier..,Mrs. I3.. Reed was. appointed caretaker again,. with a set salary., Many in this community will Vel- come Mr, and Mrs; Jas. Aitchison. of W. Wawaoosh to their new home, When they return from their honey- moon oneymoon trip. They were quietly married at the manse, by Rev. J.Pollocicon Saturday morning,. The bride, who is a neice of Mrs. Wellings, of, E: Wa- wanosh, is wel'lknown in these parts. Preparatory service will be held in Chalmers Church this Friday even- ing. Mrs. Leask McGee returned on Sat- urday froth Kansas City where site Was attending thefuneral of her mo-+, thee. lIer fattier, Mr, Taylor, fell and broke his leg at the hip arid has been taker to the Hospital there, ivt r, acrd, Mrs. MCKinney and Mr. soorge /0dhardson of Guelph, visit - 1 GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR and 1 Blue Blade Only 25c Omar Haselgrove Tobacconist. 11111101111111111116. Are You Having EYE TROUBLE Headache, Dizziness or Failing Vision? Expert. tye Servit:e is. Avail- able in Winghatn at Mod- erate Prices. Eyes examined, glasses fitted by. R. A. REID Stratford's Leading Optometrist for Seventeen Years, Mr. Reid is at Williams' Jewell- ery Store each Wednesday Morning, 9 to 12,00. Geo.�j/� b^ Willi 3RW LLEI Official C.bT. . Wat`ch Inspeeter Wi tgha3n Mrs. Ezra Wellwood, Mrs. Craig, of London, spent the week -end whir Mrs, Jas. Falconer. Mr, and Mrs.'Nelson.,Piekell, .Cul- ros's, and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Enter- son visited on Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie of St. Helens, Mr.. Blake Gaunt visited on Sunday with Mr. Wendell Taylor, Mr. and Mts, Thos. Widdis of To- ronto and Mrs, Penned and Chester of Culross, visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs:; John Richardson, "The shrill, contintious''blast of an engine whistle alarmed the. country- side.on Friday evening. We are not yet sure whether it was to draw at- tention to the newly-weds or to an- pounce that the well -drillers had suc- ceeded in penetrating the rack and had finished their job. BELGRAVE, Institute to Elect Officers The May meeting of the Belgrave Branch of the Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday May 21st at the home of Mrs. R. McCrae at 2.30 p.m. sharp. This is Grandmothers' Day, and the Roll Call is An Exhibition of Antiques, The Motto, To reach the: port of Heaven we must sometimes sail with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail and not drift, nor be at anchor, by Mrs. N. Keating. Music ,by girth Cole. Cur rent Events, Edith Procter. Im- promptu program. The election of of- ficers will also take place. It was de- cided we would have a .pot=luck lunch this at •m ieeln g and each member is asked to bring something for it. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies and particularly the Grand- mothers, to attend the meeting. The members of the Institute and their families are invited to attend the Silver Anniversary of the Blyth Branch on Friday evening, May 17. This is an open meeting and will be held in Memorial Hall at 8 o'clock and all are welcoane. Farmers' Club to Meet Next Week The 13elgrave Farmers Club will hold. their May meeting at the hone of Mr. S. Procter on Tuesday evening, May 21, at 8 p,m.; when it is hoped there will be a good `attendance pre- sent, Please bring sandwiches. Charlie Scott is recovering after an operation for appendicitis in Wing - ham Hospital last week. A large number of cattle have n'ov- ed during the, past week. J. Miller and C. Shields lifted theirs on Thurs- day, M. Ferguson on Friday, C. R. Coultes on Saturday and also shipped two carloads to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wightnian and Phylis of Listowel, spent Sunday with relatives ;jiere. Mother's Day Observed There was a good attendancepres- ent at Knox United Church ,Sunday School on Sunday morning in honor of Mother's Day. The special form of service, taking the thence "'ihe Great Church Family" was followed with the different readings being taken by K. Wheeler, Barbara Michie and Jack Higins. A splendid address was 'giv- en by Edwin Martin Who 'gave Many ways in which we can help and honor our Mothers. An interesting feature was the presenting of flowering plants to Mrs. Harold Procter, the mother who had the youngest child present, and to Mrs. C. R. Coultes, the mother, the highest Sunday tivith t o chool et S tendance since last Mother's Day. The service in the United :Church al- so honored Mother as Rev. A. M. Grant spoke on the subject "Mother" and the choir sang a number approp-' riate for the service and a duet by Mrs. J. Michie and Mrs. G. Jdrdan was also sung, Mrs. 5, Burke, of Port McNichol is with her parents, Ivir, and Mrs, Jas, Anderson, 5th Morris, DONNYBROOK:.; The annual meeting of the St. Aug- ustine'Womett's institute 'Was held on. Wednesday, May lst, at the tome of Miss Elva ' .Kearney, Mrs. Bert Thompson was elected President for the coming year and Mrs. Will Red- mond., 'Sec.-Treas., The W.M.S. 'met last Thursday af- ternoon at the ;hone of Mrs. -Norman Thont'pson. Tlie.meeting was led by Mrs. Charlie Jefferson, the'bpsiness part of the Meeting being presided ov- er' by the President, Mrs. A. Cant.pi bell. Jean Robinson took the chapter in the study book and+ Mrs: Robert Chatnney gave the report of the Pres- byterial meeting which was held . at Exeter. Mrs, Gear Naylor and Miss Eupheraia Chareney sang, At the close of the meeting_a bale .:of quilts and second-hand clothing was packed and a social time enjoyed, assisting hostesses being Mrs, Naylor and Mrs. Moss. Miss Olive Jefferson, R.N., Wood- stook, is enjoying a couple of weeks' t Flowers �j �. _ And Potted -Plants a rF, t ' n: 4. All Kinds of Boxed Plantsy ;for Garden or Plower R Beds. FLORAL DESIGNS— ' A Specialty for All Occasions. J. M. GRAHAM FLORIST Phone 101. - Wingham holidays at het hone here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Doerr were1Vir. Sunday' visitors with the tatter's par-; ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney, Miss Jessie Moss is spending this week in Goderich with.her sister, Mrs. Charlie Mills. 'Mr. and Mrs, Raymond. Finnigan and; children and Ms's. John11ilpatrick end' daughter, sP'ent Sunday with' friends on the 9th ,lnle; , Mr. and Mrs. Fred.lLoss were Sun- day visitors with Lo.ndesboro friends. ; . , .. iced friends visited, afternoon, Mrs. itecl for Mr. and 3rd line. Miss end with Mr. family day with in Bluevale. and,Mrs. Art Wheeler and baby with. l• ter parents on Thursday Burns Moffat and children vis- a few days with her parents, Mrs. John Garniss on the , Anne Dobie spent the week- parents at .Auburn. her b and Mrs. Will Johnston and of Wingham, visited on Sun- her parents on the 1st line. MORRIS , Mr, Sperling and 'Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and son, Mrs. Geo. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Dobie and son spent Sunday at Bolton with friends. Mr. Robt.. Masters of Toronto vis Mathers, Harold Saturday. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harris and son of Fergus, on •:. 12.... ARE WORTH ' Mt MORy SILVER ire =•Eli• :EicE-�`•'L`0ii:I]ii >41. �•Esi•L _ • ' i� 1>;t a • i ::r.•r : ;F;IEFux -�x1.•v� :.v SEFcEEIF:=ES"=i'.fSC S i • 7'� -iii: 'ii �f. , _ a• ii �l ..tr •1. y iE! -. � . :. � E E..,', .,FE., f iii E .;� : •F � �•� Et tj _ ,Yi :,i,E: "E [ . _ u:aT €i:y = �P�:r•� I E :F is E i 11 GUARANTEED WiLl 3 -Pc. SET MONAX TABLEWARE - 12.PLATINUM BAND CHIP -PROOF TUMBLERS. .. ,. ' .. 5 -Pc. LUNCHEON SET You may have your choice of any piete of - Memory tfor 12 entries inserted Plateat our store Pattern Genessee p in Put -A Penny Coins: One Put A -Penny Coin is given FREE with each 25 cent purchase. Each piece of Memory pattern is°wrapped in a Satisfaction Guarantee Slip. The first two persons to obtain 50 of these' guarantee slips re- ceives the beautiful gifts listed above. Visit our store and see these beautiful gifts displayed. 1 McKibbon's 2.3,..ceD Sion, Al1 AMP Brandram - Henderson Paints And Varnishes B. -H. "English" Paint is made from the best paint materials obtainable and includes a suitable product for every purpose. The only white lead us. ed in its manufacture is the world's standard •-'• Brandram's Genuia' B.B. A formula label appears on each can of B. -H. "il$n .g fish"paint, showing that the white base con- .,� sits of 70% Pure White Lead and 30% Pure White Zinc. The 'base is mixed ready for use with. Pure Linseed Oil, Pure Turpentine and Dryer, Pure Tinting `Colors: We also have in stock a High Quality Cheaper Grade of Paint. ' I` ACHAN BROS .Moves and Furnaces PXumbing andI-leatin g Phone 58 ' Win liiam OM,'