HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 31Thursday, May 9th, 1935 THEIR MAJESTIES INSPECT SITE OF NEW PARK The, King and •Queen visited the site of an old Windsor brewery, which has just been demolished in order that it may become a garden of recreation. The ground has been given to their majesties• by an anonymous donor as a jubilee gift. Their majesties, who are seen during their inspection of the site, had to walk through the hole in the wall, seen in •the picture, Also seen are Sir Clive Wig -rain, Lady Minto, and Canon Anthony Dean, chatting to the King, GORRIE Kicked .by Horse On Wednesday evening, 3 -year-old Jim iYliller, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Miller of the 9th Concession, was kicked on the mouth by a horse which also injured his shoulder. Although this might have proven most serious, ° he is getting along as well as can be expected, and is able to be fed some nourishment. Mrs, H. E. Ashton; Lloyd ancj Clif- ford., Pyke, spent Saturday in Guelph. Misses Audrene Pyke and Blythe Underwood attended the Girls' Con- ference held at the O.A.C. in Guelph last week. Mrs. Russel Grainger and Mrs. V. Shera spent a couple of days in Guelph`last week. , A number from here attended the two -act" musical comedy presented by Wingham DraMatic Club at Wroxet- er on Friday night, and all enjoyed, the program very touch. Mrs. Raine,. District Secretary and Mrs. J. Cathers, District Representa- tive for the local W. L Branch, at- tended the .District Executive held in Ethel'on Friday last. Mr. Aaron Heinmiller spent Tues- day last iti• St. Catharines. Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Shera spent Sun day with friends in London. Some Cat If anyone has a larger blue Persian cat than Mrs. T. Hutchison, we would like to hear about it. Her cat weighed over 10 lbs., 1 oz., on Saturday, and as all cat lovers realize this is not the time of year they are at their best. This -one has tipped the scales at 11% lbs., and is five years old: Mr. and 'Mrs. Irving Toner and. daughtdrs, were Mitchellvisitors on Saturday. Mrs. S. L. Cooke, of Long Beach, Ca,1,,, is the guest of Mr,: and Mrs. 13, Cooke. Dr, ancl. Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Jackson., of Brussels, and Mr. Xra,Hamilton of Toronto, were guests of 'Mrs. C. Hamilton, on Sunday. The W. A: of the United Church meet this Thursday at Mrs. George Townsend's, home. • Mr, and Iw(Ss. Carol Gregg and fam- .ily spent Sunday with Mr. 'George Cruickshank, of Wingham, Miss M. V. Wood of Clifford, and Mr. E. Toner, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,' Riddell at Lebannon. briss Mc3wan of Clifford, *as the guest last wecic of M,•, and Mrs: F. Hyndxnan. Mr, and Mrs. •Sotltern; and daught- ers, of Fordwich; were Sunday guests of Dr, and Mrs, C. C, Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, King and son, Ultra Modern Eye Service F F. 110MUTH Phinal:a», ILO. Phone 10. .illi Earl, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T. McDonald at Molesworth. Miss Monto Earngey, of Wingham, spent the week -end at her home here. Messrs. G. S. King; Harold •King, Jack Musgrove and Mrs: C. Ring, spent a couple of days with Mr. and .Mrs. J. H. Ring in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Finlay . and family have moved t� the Hall prop- erty. Impressed With Cemetery Mr. Jas Huff, of Montreal, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Huff, who was one t of .the first Methodist Ministers here, called on. Gorrie friends Friday last, While here he 'also visited his another's grave and was delighted with the shape of the local cemetery. We feel sure that all visitors to our cem- etery will agree with`Mr, Huff,when he expressed his appreciation of the appearance of the Last Resting Place of their Loved Ones. During the last few years a decided change has been made and Gorrie Cemetery has been turned into a place of beauty and peacefulness, through the untiring ef- forts of the Cemetery Board and the efficient caretaker, Mr. Jas. Anger. Mr. and Mrs. .Bricker, and family of Clifford, called on their brother, Mr. E. Bricker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wn7. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Wartman, of Kurtzville„ were guests of Mrs, James Bell on Wed- nesday last. Mr. James • Edgar of Wingham spent a day last week with -relatives here. Mrs. R. S. Jones and Mrs, George King were delegates to the 48th an- nual. Convention of the Diocesan Wo- men's Auxiliary held in Cronyn Mem- orial Hall, London, on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday of last week, Mr. George King and son, Harold, Mrs. Charles Ring, also Mr. Jack Musgrove, spent Friday and Saturday with relatives in London. Gracie Harper accompanied Mrs. Jones to London last week, where she went for treatment, Mr. Sandy Hastic and Miss. Jean Walker, also little Miss Margaret Walker, of Toronto, spent the week- end with the former's brother, Mr, K. Hastie, and also accompanied them on Sunday to visit friends near Moles- worth, • Mr, and Mrs. Walter Sinpsott spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bricker trf. hordW:icn. Mr•. Ed. laird and son;. Robert; of Erie, Pa., ,were Week -end guests at the same lioMe. Mr. and Mrs, H, R Hall, of Tor,' onto, were guests of Mt•, and Mrs. G, Foster on Sunday.. Mr, and Miss Cooper, of Hanover,. spent a few days last wccl: at the home of Miss E. .and Mrs, Ross.' Guests of :Mr.' andl Mrs, Robe rt°Ca- i:hers on Sunday were: Mr, and Ivirs. Jaynes Wardell and children, of Brit- ton; Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Alexander of Listowel; also Mr, and 1Virs;: Aus- tin, Hawthorne and daughter of Lis- towel. Those attending the Ge -neral. Synod of the Anglican Church held in Lon- don on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, ard; Tliev. R 5. Jones, Mr, F: C. Taylor, Mi Robert Graham of Gcirrie s,ndlso Mr. � Isaac Gamble of Fold tieh, -Rant interfered with the opening softball game last week, but the Tig- ers and Genadiers meet this Thursday evening (weather permitting) at the same time and place. of God Movement Mrs, Gallaher read part of the book . "The Kingdom. in Every Life," by Jean Gordon, Her- ald, Mrs. L. Rattan, ; reported for Trinidad. Mr, Butt then outlined the seventh chapter of the study book.. The subject was. "Beginning of Wis- dom," and it dealt with the work of Alexander Duff in college work in In- dia. IVIrs. Cooke presided for the busi- ness and brought some of the high lights of the Presbyterial at Exeter to the home society. :Several items of business were tran- sacted and Mr. Butt closed the meet- ing with prayer, MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE HELD An impressive Mother's Day serv- ice was held Sunday morning in the Gorrie United Church. The choir ren- dered an anthem bearing a IVlother's Day message, 'The Minister, Rev. G. Butt, introdcued the theme by sing- ing a solo "A Hymn to Mother" to the tune of "Mother ilfaCree', assist- ed by Miss Evelyn Stephens at the organ. After reading a paper "The Other. Mother," Mr. Butt spoke tt`poh "Horne Life as a Character Builder," CIVIC RECEPTION FOR CHIEF SCOUT AND 'CHIEF GiUI DE • Pointing out the value of spiritual tin- ty. The speakermade a plea for sex Three "chiefs" pose together fol - education as a vital need in home lowing the civic receptionat the city training today, drawing attention to hall, Toronto, Ont, Lord 13aden-Pow- literature from'a Christian viewpoint, y a en- owe s chi that is available forell is founder and chief scout of the guide of the Girl Guides' Associatio parents, He also Bo -v Scouts' Association; Mayor Jas, The distinguished visitors and, their Simpson is chief magistrate of Tor- tiwa dau;ltte,s were given the £r'ee- dont of the city. They then 'attended of .a monster rally of 13,000 scouts and n. guides at the Coliseum, drew attention to the fact that selfish Diocese of Hess and mrsundersanding is the cause ery, when he turned the switch on the and Mrs, John Gowdy. of much difficulty in Horne Life: This mixer, which he immediately turned The W. A. of the' Church had however, can be cured.by overshadow- off again and placed his left hand on quilting bee on Tuesday afternoon i ing "Love" and giving God central the machine in order to stop it, when the church. Dr, and Mrs. C. C. Ramage and Place in the home. it drew his hand in, taking off the A large congregation was present first finger and badly mangling two to pay tribute to Mother's God. more Jack is badly shaken up over Mr, and Mrs, H. V. Holmes attended the Canadian Club banquet in Harris - ton on Friday night last. Mrs. Jaines Edward visited her sis- ter in Harriston last week. Mrs. C. C. Ratnage attended the Women's Missionary Society Conven- tion in St, ,Marys on Tuesday and Wednesday, as delegate of the North Huron District. Dr. and Mrs. Jas, Armstrong were Blyth visitors on Friday last, guests of Mt. and Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar spent Sunday with the latter's parents ih Wroxeter. Mr. John Butt, of Toronto, was 'a recent guest at the parsonage. W. M. S. HELD. FINE MEETING The regular meeting of the W. M. S. of the Gorrie United Church was held in the Church on Thursday, May 2nd, when Mrs. Dane presided. A program, the theme of which was "Helpfulness" began by till repeating 'The Lord's Prayer, after which they sang hymn "When immortal souls are dying." Mrs: Nash read the Scripture lesson, Matt. 25: 31-46, After singing hymn "0 Master, let me walk with Thee" Mrs. H. E. Ashton read a poem "Some ,One Had Prayed." Several ladies led in sentence prayers. Hymn "You may help a load to lighten as you go," was followed by a reacting "My Small Sacrifice," by Mrs. Sint - son. Mrs. R. Dane gave a splendid paper on "Helpfulness." In devoting • ' WRO? E ^ ER ..'eat [the accident, but is getting along nice '� 1Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson re WINGHAM BIBLE CLASS. y' CONDUCT SERVICE A large congregation was present at the evening service .in the United Church, Gorrie, when Rev? J. F. And- erson and his class "Tire Triple V", gave an impressive service. The class occupiedthe choir and with Mr. Jack Herd as organist, and also president of the class, gave a fine service of song; Mr. Jaek. Reavie and Mr. Geo. Henderson favoured with two solos. The speaker, Rev. Anderson, gave a .splendid address on "Building To- gether" basing his text on 1 Cor. 3:9, when he pointed out some of the problems which will be passed on to the growing generations unsolved by their fore -fathers. The solution will be resting with their faith and trust in God and man. The Scripture less- ons were read 'by Messrs, H. Garlick and.D. 1ii11er. Following the service tite class were entertained in the schoolrooms of the church where all enjoyed a sing -song, and refreshments wvere ser- ved. TWO. ACCIDENTS. IN ONE DAY Gorrie had two accidents on Satur- day, accidents which, though bad en- ough, might have been much worse, On Saturday morning Jack Newton, son of Mr. and Mrs: Reg. Newton, at leastfive minutes to the Kingdomwas assisting in Mr, C. Michael's bale - In the afternoon Earl Ring, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King, was get- ting' a thrill out of throwing rocks over the dant when he got one a bit too large and which didn't go in but sent him in. While the water was very deep, he had the presence of mind to grab a floating log and crawl along until he reached the edge where he crawled out. Earl is none the worse of his ducting. We -understand he was the first to fall into the wat- er at the darn, and it is hoped this lesson wil be sufficient to stop these accidents. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Walkey, of Harristort visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Gow- dy last Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Ezra MerkIey, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Merkley last Sunday, brother's Day was observed in the church here last Sunday. Mr. and firs. Edwin Palmer spent last Sunday with relatives in Wrox- eter. Mr. Walter Willits along with a number of boys from near Delmore, left on •a motor trip north where they hope to secure work, Miss Lenora Higgins, of Brussels, spent Sunday with her. parents, Mr`. 'and IV[rs. Chester Higgins. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Gowdy from near Orange Hill, spent one day re- cently with the former's parents, Mr BLOSSOM TIME IN NIAGARA PENINSULA C It's blossontime ill .Canada. , a Ca t;� � s fruit •tc, cicl,gltt the c.yc of travclicts be- , Cason thrs •, r ,)ear, sc tine l>te t:y Ixttle gard'n,'the Ntag'uti"a,pctisinsttla, where ..:.._ twee n Iaini. lton, Ont, and Niagara lad was out carry to r e vel itthe pink- , eller y, pe and t1petr treesbloom b.a11,Experts Say itwtI1 be a ,port41'14_White cvttttr side i. turned to Oshawa on Sunday of spending the past week with frie here, I Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and son Jack of Toronto, were guests of Mr, a Mrs. Philip Durst, for a few days r Gently, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hubbard, of ne Lakelet visited with Miss M. Srni on Sunday. We are glad to see Master Don- ald Milligan who has been confin to the house fur several weeks, ab to be out again, Miss M. Proctor, who has been poor health, event to London la weelte tv1tere she twill remain for trey Menta, Mr. and Mrs. Walton, of Palmerton, spent the week -end with Mr, an Mra. James Hentbly. Miss Marjory Waller of Toi'cmt was a week -end visitor as her bout here, IVlrs. Alan Munrois at present su fering from an attack of "flu". 11' hope she will soon be well again. JIlr, Barrie Wenger, of Mitchel called on friends in town on Satur day. Mrs, A, Robertson, who has been visiting friends in Howick for some time, returned to her home here last week. The play "A, Dumb \'•Vaiter" • pre- sented here by Winghamtalent Fri; day evening, was well t:eceived by a large audience. The acting, musicalcontributions and costumes were much appreciated. 'Mrs. J. I., McEwen who has been in for a couple of weeks, is slowly improving. N'Ve trust she will soon be out again, Miss l3reita Peterson and Mr, North of Rothsay, visited at the hone 7f Miss Mae Davidson on Sunday. Mr, and mfrs. Norman Brandon and anghter, Norma, of London, were unday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. tucks, Mrs. Brandon remained for week's visit. 'l' Miss Dorothy McTavish, of „r- ntu, iti visiting this week with her rather, Mrs. 1). McTavish, ArborDay was observed at the loc- school here on Friday afternoon. The Girls' Mission Circle are. holcl- g their May meeting at the home f llis, kf. Pape r,n \'Veduesday cv- iungr of this wweck.. "Jerry, the Tramp,"aft interesting' usir.al comedy is being presented in e 'Towyn Hall here on '\4rednesday, lay 22nd, -by Teestt•ater talent, under e 'auspices of the Wroxeter Library ssOsciaticin, Don't fail to see it. The Anglican i;;adies' Guild are siding; theirmonthly Hier ting and liltingon Wednesday afternoon at o home of Miss A. Saunders, 1)r. Thos. Gibson, of Hamilton, and t, Edward Gibson, of Watford, werecent visitors 10 tower, Miss . Hill is at presetrt visiting; at e borne of her sister, Mrs, Georgeewtott. - Cieoi ..e Paulin as 'cl r elul;ate 'of 1'arnos `Cl t(rch, is tl is wwcek Huron a Mr. and Mrs. John McNaughton o£ n London are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.• McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mercer and son, Donald, of Ma.rkdale, spent Sunday with friends here. • « F Mrs. N. White was called to Port Elgin on Sunday, to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Pleasance, whu with Mr. Pleasance and. their son, Alan, were the unfortunate victims of a mo- for accident quite recently. Mrs: Pleasance was badly cut by :flying glass, while Alan required a number of stitches to close a severe gash on the head. We trust they will soon be completely recovered. Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Rang and two,. children, of Brussels, visited with Mr_ and Mrs. R. J. Rann on Sunday. We are glad to see that Mr, Cooper ' who has been in at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. Ball, is able to be out again. Miss Robertson, of Wingham, is a guest of her neice, Mrs, Howard Wy lie, and Mr. Wylie. iv[r. and Mrs. H. 11. Allen, Brussels, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Sangster spent Sunday with Hensall friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. \Vearring and daughters, Agnes and Margaret, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.. A. Gibson at Fordwich. Mr. Bill Durst was a London visit- or one day last week. Miss \Vinnifred Rae, of lielgrave, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1). W. Rae. Miss Margaret Gibson and Mr. Jun. Barnard, both of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rasmussen and daughter, Donna Jean, London, also i1ir. and Mrs. Wm. Austin and sn, Glen, Listowel, spent the week -end with Mr's. Rasmussen in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen returned home on Monday after spending a couple of weeks in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade were Sunday guests at the home of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. Additional Wroxeter on Page 26. ter gds ie, nd e- ar th ed le its tit 5- f- 1, - f -1, d S a n In 1al fru 50 th lti t l) A he qt th Pc tlr St p v �►;, r ,i Et 110 S TO ALL STATIONS IN. WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily May 15 to 28 Return Limit: 30 Days. ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches Only SLEEPING C RI'VILEGES Passage Tickets also sale good in:— (a) tourist sleeping cars at approxi-, mately 11/4c per mile, plus refit lar berth fare, (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 11/4c per mnile,. plus regular seat or berth fare. Stopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont. and all stations west tliercof. Full particulars front any agli:trt; or Ci, 1',. Baker, phone 47. LoEdon .attitiidit'tethe 5, ,tin'c'l _rn, I..t:ho _.Canal i' n ' f i� ,.. , s