HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 28PAG'
We are Sole Agents in this vicinity forHtunan Hair Braids
to match your own hair, The newest style of hairdressing -- held
to theb y in differentt way
er Attractive. attached
to our head .s,, Some have 'curls
eels V y
Try REYAM OIL Treatmentswhich will cure eczema, dan-
druff, itching scalp, etc, — Absolutely Guaranteed.
Permanent Waves $2,00 to $7.00
Shampoo and Finger Wave .35
All Small Work .25
Helen's Beauty hoppe
1j- cents a word per insertion, with a, minimum. charge of 25c.
0..1=0=01 0 =f0 0=20 01:2
BARGAIN for quick sale -2 Frame
Houses, good barn, double garage
and four lots of good garden soil..
Apply to Harry Town, Phone 351.
FOR SALE -1 good Durham cow,
freshened about eight weeks. Ap-
ply to Mrs, Norman Baker, Lower
orated house on Scott Street, elec-
tric lights and water. Good garden
and barn. Apply H. Ross or Ad-
vance -Times.
FOR SALE—One Universal Electric
Range with 3 closed units and open
and broiler, as good as new and
looks new. One Atwater -Kent 9 -
tube radio, run on 60 cycles, in first
class condition, not a mar on it, an
ornament in any home. Cheap for
quick. sale. Would exchange on a
good work horse. L, Addie, R. R.
2, Brussels, Ont,; phone 42-15. 2?fa
rniles south of Brussels, one anile
Thursday, May 16th, 1935
Institute to Help Care of Cemetery
Although rain made weather caiidi-
tions most unfavorable, there was a
good attendance at the Women's In-
stitute meeting on Thursday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. Alex. Moff-
att. The president, Mrs. E. S. Gall-,
,ahar presided and conducted business'
1 regarding the District Executive and
District Annual 'meeting to be held in
Br-tt'ssels? on May 30th. The Institute;
is planning to devote special attention
to the caring of the cemetery and
keeping the grass cut during the ear-
ly summer- Mrs., Alex. Mowbray gave
afine ta11, on the motto "Worry kills
more people than does Work," point-
ing out that worry affects`the digest,'
O ive system and makes the person phy-
sically unfit, fills the body with pais-
® on and 'prevents sleep, while honest
toil makes tired rnsucles but also pro-
motes sleep. A paper on Current Ev-
ents prepared by Mrs. Alice Aitkin,
was thoroughly enjoyed by all. It
O touched on all the important topics of
O the day. The King's Jubilee, Condi-
tions in Great Britain, Germany,
China, Japan, Italy, Russia, United
States and Canada; Questions under
discussion in the Federal and Pro-
vincial Parliament; Education, Musi-
cal Festivals and the Dionne Babies.
Tenders will be received up to 12
a.m., June 10th, for the cleaning out
of the River, known sas the "Kinburn
Swamp Drain".
Plans and profile may be seen at
the Clerk's Office, Londesboro, by
contractors wishing to tender on this
Scheme. Lowest or any Tender not
neeeasarily accepted.
Jas. W. McCool, Clerk,
In the matter of the estate of
Frances V. Helps, deceased.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Frances V. Helps late
of the town of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Widow, who died
on or about the 15th day of April, A.
D. 1935,, are hereby notified to send
their claims verified by statutory dec-
laration to the undersigned Solicitor,
on or before the 25th, day of May,
1935, immediately after which, dis-
FOR SALE — Registered Aryshire tribution will be made having regard
Bull, 2 years old from R. 0. P. only to those claims properly filed.
dam. Alex Rintoul, R. R. No. 3 DATED at Wingham; Ont., this Third
Wingham, day of May, 1935.
R. S. Hetherington,
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executor.
FUR STORAGE—Excellent facilities
for storing your Fur Coat for the
summer months; also your winter
cloth coat. Guard against moths, it
costs so little. Free information.—
Ring Bros.
seed potatoes, Dooley, 35c per bag.
James Gannett, Bluevale.
son's, Barriston. Hole right through
tire, 1 to 3 inches long, as low as
WANTED—A good used Pandora
Range. Must be cheap for cash.
Homiuth & Bennett.
IN THE MATTER of Jeremiah
Brydges, late of the Township of
Morris in the County of Huron,
Farmer, deceased,
ant to the Trustee Act, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Jere-
miah Brydges, are required to send
particulars of their claims, duly veri-
fied, to the undersigned, being the
solicitor, for the Executors of the last
Will and Testament of the said de-
ceased, on or before the 25th. day
of May, A. D. 1935, and that after
such date, the executors will proceed
to distribute the said estate, having
UNDER and by virtue of the Pow- regard only to the claims of which
ers of Sale contained in a certain
mortgage which will be produced at
the time of sale, there will be offer-
ed for sale \by Thomas Fells, Auc-
tioneer, at Public Auction, on .
MONDAY, MAY 20th, 1935
at the hour of two o'clock in the af-
ternoon, ternoo
n at the farm of Mrs. Olive
Corbett, near Belgrave, Ontario, the
following_ property, namely:
ALL and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises,
situate, lying and being in the Town-
ship of Morris, in the County of Hur-
on and Province of Ontario and be-
ing composed of FIRSTLY: the
North Half of Lot 'number Three in
the Fifth Concession of the aforesaid
Township of Morris, saving and ex-
cepting thereout the lands forming
the right of way of the Canadian. Na-
tional Railway, formerly the Grand
Trunk Railway, and also excepting
that part of the said lot lying west of
the said Railway lands.. SECONDLY
All that part of Lot number Two in
the Fifth: Concession of the said,
Toweship- 9fi Morris, lying tei the
East, of the lands of the Canadian'
National Railway.
On the said farm there is said to be
erected a dwelling house with suitable
farm ,buildings
The lands will be sold subject to
a reserve bid.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of
the purchase money to be paid down
at the time of sale and the baiatnce
within thirty days.
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale, apply to
Harry W. Page, Esq.,
East .:Block, Parliament Bldgs.,
Toronto, Ontario,
Solicitor to the Mortgagee.
Dated at Toronto, April 23rd, 1935.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executors.
Barred Rocks and S. C. White
Leghotrt Chicks.
Stiperior grads, Lint 3red froth!
R.O.P. and Registered stock, from
25 to 30 oz. eggs, at $10.00 per 100.
ordets for 300 or over delivered.
May chicks one cent less.
roods Crit
they shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
seventh • day of May, A. D. 1935.
J. W. Bushfield,
cD N_D—In
loving memory
Mother, Mrs. .
es. J.1.McDon-
dear 1�Io
who passed away May 17, 1933.
Death leaves a heart -ache no one can
• heal,
Memories are treasures no one can
-_.:Remembered by Husband and Fam-
Government Approved
White Leghorns, Barred
Rocks, White Rocks.
Custom Hatching done at 2e
per egg.
Chick' Starter, Poultry
Feeds, Corn and Poultry
Cattle and Hog Minerals
and Concentrates.
Duncan Kennedy
Wellington Produce Bid
Wingham, Ont.
Phone 38 Wingham -
:Annual Meeting of Maitland W. M. S.
Wilford McEwen and Mrs. Alex.
Smith, of Detroit were week -end vis-
itors with their father, Mr. A. Mc-
Ewen and Mrs. McEwen.
Visitors at the home of Thomas
Stewart on Sunday were: Robt. and
Mrs. Masters and family, of Toronto,
Regret was expressed that Dr. Con- Jas. and Mrs: Masters and family of
nell, of Wingham, who was expected
as guest speaker, was unable to be
present. At the close of the -meeting
the hostess served. refreshments. as-
sisted by Mrs. R. H. McKinnon.
Mother's Day Service
The order of service for Mother's.
Day as prepared by the Board of Sun-
day Schools of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, was observed at
the regular morning service in Knox
Church. The Pastor, Rev. J. R. Greig
conducted the service, and gave a fine
talk on "Mother's Faith." A suitable
anthem was rendered by the choir,
solo and duet parts being taken by
Mrs .Alex. Moffatt and Mrs. A. Mow-
bray. A basket of white hyacinths in
memory of dedparted mothers and a
basket of colored flowers in honor of
mothers, were verypretty. During the
service Betty Ann Falconer was pre-
sented with two certificates, one for
memorizing Scripture and one for re-
peating the catechism. Miss Jean -El-
liott received the red seal on her dip-
loma for memory work.
Mother's. Day was observed in the
United Church at the morning serv-
vice. The Church was decorated with
beautiful plants and cut flowers. Mr.
R. Shaw, Assistant Supt. of the Sun-
llay School, led the • service. A wo-
man's chair, with Miss Donna Smith
as organist,' sang, and Mrs. R. Shaw
and Miss Alice Thornton contributed
solos". Readings were given by Misses
Elizabeth Mathers and Dorthy Ait-
ken. The minister, Rev. A. V. Robb,
in a thoughtful address, ,;poke of the
mother's position in the home and the
value of her instruction . A baptismal
SMITH—In loving memory of Emily
Amanda Srrtith,, who entered into
rest three years ago,,. May 16, 1932,.
beloved; wife of. John H. Smith.
Time takes away the edge of grief
But memory turns back every leaf;
There is a link death cannot, sever
.Lave and, remembrance last forever.
-Ever. rerriembered by Husband and
Big Reductions In
Top N®tch Chicks
For May
Day old Leghorn Chicks 8c
Barred Rocks and White Rocks 9c
Started Chicks, one weeks 2e per
chick more; ten -days 3c; 2 weeks
4c; 3 weeks 6c more,
Leghorn Pullets, day olds .,... ,...1St
week old. 20c, 2 weeks 22c,
3 weeks 24c,
Leghorn. Cockerels, days old 2c
week old 3e, 2 weeks 4c, 3 weeks 5c
R.O.P. sired, Govt, Approved, frons
blood -tested breeders.
30 Ontario st, Phone 1257
S' RATPOR, owr.
Parkhill, M: s. A. Procter and Verde
and Harold, of Morris, Mrs. Sarah
Masters and Mrs, Olive Gallaher, of
Brussel se
the wee,. -end with 'Mr, and Mrs., T.
Miss Annie Campbellssof Shelburne
silent the holiday at her Home Here.,
The many friends of Mr, Thomas
Haugh,. 9th line, will be pleased to
hear that he is recovering nicely af-
ter his recent heart attack. •
Mr. Will Dunkin and son of• Tor
onto visited over Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Dunkin.
Mrs. Howard Wylie, Frances and
Jimmie, of .Wroxeter, spent the week-
end with Mr; and Mrs. John Metcalfe.
The baseball team have been hold-
ing practices but due to the wet wea-
ther, could not get on the diamond:
last week. The diamond, is now in
good shape. New players are request-
ed to turn out to practice and get in-
to condition.
* * * *
Our team this year should win their
group against Lucknow, Kincardine
and •. Goderich. Goderich is an un-
known quantity and Kincardine have
now just one pitcher, Cox.
* : t�
It is doubtful whether Peterson will
be able to play this year as he is still
on the sick list. He will be missed.
* * 1, *
With John Colvin, who has made
a name for himself as a pitcher at
Hanover, Bob. Chalmers and Joe Tif-
fin, we have a. good pitching staff.
* * * *
• Teeswater has lined up in the Cent-
ral Baseball League. The teams in
this league are:, Listowel, Mount For-
est, Drew, Palmerston and Teeswat-
er. The first game' at Teeswater is
on May 30th with Mount Forest.
* * * *
Commenting on the "13" series the
Southampton Beacon gives a very
good summary of the situation. The
race for '13' honors will be a close
one, with Wingham appearing to have
the edge, on paper. Colvin, the Han-
over boy, has been added to their
pitching staff and should win plenty
of games. Lucknow was 'in there' last
year and can't be overlooked. In fact
anything may hapen.
The young people of the 'United
Church are preparing for a Box Soc-
ial to be held in the Community Hall
on Friday May 17th. Ladies bring
boxes. A good programme.
Belmore Women's Institute .met at
the home of Mrs. Albert Haskins,on
Wednesday, May 8th. This was the
anual meeting and the following of-
ficers were elected: Pres., Mrs. Dav-
id Eadie; vice Pres., Mrs. Alex. Cor-
rigan, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Geo. Inglis.
The district officers were present and
Mr's. Ackert, of Holyrood, presided
for the election. Mrs, Clark and Mrs.
Andrews of Lucknow were also pre-
sent. Afterwards a chorus was sung
by Mrs. Ring, Gladys Fitch, Evelyn
Lincoln and Lily Edwards. As this
was Jubilee week the theme of the
Meeting was the Royal Family. Ev-
elyn' Lincoln gave a reading, An In-
cident in the Life of the Ring. Mrs,
Tom Abraham, gave a very. interest-
ing talk on the life of the Ring and
Queen. The coronation liymn' was
sung and after a contest about the
Royal Family a very bountiful lunch
was served:
Mrs. T. . Abraham attended the
meeting of<i resbyterial at Paisley on
Tuesday, May 7tb.
Rev. and Mrs. Thompson and Mar-
jorie Herd and Gladys Fitch were at
service preceded the address, when the Young People's Rally at Port El -
Kenneth ,Edward, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Sperling Johnston, was re-
ceived into the church.
Bride and Groom Entertained
A real social time was enjoyed at
Black's Hall on Friday evening when
a large number of friends and neigh-
bors gathered in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Goll, who were recently
married. The young couple were the
recipients of many useful gifts. The
evening was spent dancing. Refresh-
ments were served after which the
young couple left for their home on
the lst concession of Morris, amid the
good wishes of a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dobie and son,
Jimmie, spent Mother's Day with Mrs.
Dobie's parents at Acton.
Mr. and Mrs, Jamieson and little
daughter, of Elora, were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson,' of Tees-
water, spent Sunday with 'Mr. and
Mrs. S. N. Gallaher.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garttiss and
Miss Olive Scott spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Nei( B, McEachern, at
Mount Forest.,
Mrs. Jno. Wickstead, Mrs. S. N.
Gallaher and Miss Olive Soctt, at-
tended the executive meeting of the,
East Huron 'Women's Institute held
at Ethel on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. J. R. Greig .accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. E. 5. Sutton, spent
last week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Falconer are in
Toronto this week. Mr. Falconer is
not enjoying good health of late. His
friends hope for a speedy, recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Isbister and son
of Onaway, Miclt., visited this., week
with his sister, Mrs. E. 13. Jenkins,
B1uevale Road, arid other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMichael . of
Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, McMichael.
Rev. 3. R. Greig attended the meat -
big, of Maitland Presbytery at Tees-
water on Tuesday.
Mfrs. J. it. Greig, Mrs, Alex. Mow-
bray and Miss Olive Seott were at
Teeswater on 'Tuesday attending elle
gin, Friday, May 10th.
" Those on the. Library Board, Gor-
rie, Wroxeter, Fordwich, Lakelet, met
at Miss Hakney's, Wednesday even-
Mr. Henry Johann and Miss Mary
Stokes, are confined to the house
through illness.
Miss Louise Ewing of Wroxeter,
weeks with. Mrs...
spent the past two
Peter Hakney.
Mother's Day was fittingly observ-
ed in United Church Sunday. A pro-
fusion of bloom added- much to the
service. Mrs. Will Irwin was present-
ed with a beautiful "rose, she being
the oldest mother.
Mrs. Duncan and twin daughters,
of Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Haskins.
Miss Margaret Mundell and friend
of Wingham, were Sunday visitors at
George Mundell's. •
Minnie Jeffrey spent the holiday.
with Mrs. A, Meahan and Miss Linton
at Wroxeter. • •
Miss Luella Miller visited at her
home at Logan, Sunday.
"And, gentlemen, if you could see
what this wonderful hair restorer has
done for me—you'd be surprised."
Smith's Weekly, Sydney.
(Too Late for Last Week)
Miss Elda 'Bennett, also Mr. Cecil
Walpole, of Wingham, visited recent•
ly with Mr, and Mfrs, 0. Stokes.
Mr's. Adana Johnston of Wingham,
and Mrs. Harkness of Hamilton, spent
Film Producer: "At this moment
the inother stoops a ndyiniprints a kiss
on the forehead of her young son."
Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm.
Colortul Cottons
THEY'RE gay, colorful, washable and cool. And
they're in all misses' sizes. You'll fine, them in the
Dress Department --,Second Floor. .. There are
stripes and checks, of course, and Mexican printed
piques, printed batistes and printed lawns in dozens
and dozens of color combinations. In addition to
the group at $3.75 there are many at $2.95 ai-id
E. Isard O. Co.
Seaforth will probably have a base-
ball team this year if present plans
materialize. The executive of the Ath-
letic Association have been working
on the matter during the week and
officers have attended a number of
district meetings,. The. proposed lea-
gue includes Seaforth, Mitchell, St.
Marys and Exeter.
With Meaford and Goderich added
to the Bruce League, it now embraces
as much, if not more, than any other
league in the province, northern On-
tario loops excepted. Entry of these
two clubs made it impossible to op-
erate in a single group.
Boy—"I've lost ten cents."
Kind Lady—"When did you lose it?
Boy—"This afternoon, and mother
has sent me out again to look for it.
She says if I can't find it five cents
would do." -
"What do you know about Col-
ogne?" the teacher asked the class.
For a moment there was silence.
Then a hand shot up and a small voice
said, "Please, miss, that's -where the
odor comes from."
Polish Dictator Passes
Poland is preparing for .the State
funeral at 'Krakow on Saturday of
Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, Polish dic-
tator for the last nine years. The na•
tion's immediate future will witness a
logical pursuit of the aims laid down
by Pilsudski, authorities said.. Prem-
ier Waleryan Slawek, the late Mar-
shal's right-hand man will succeed the
dead statesman.
Farm For
Quick Sale
Good Buildings
Well Watered
Near School
CASH. - ..
Cosens & Booth
Office 165. Nights 190 or 112.
Special Offer
TO ...
°e will send The Advance•Times to •newsub-
rib ers in Canada • from no
se h. w until
January lst, 1936, for
and will include with each new subscription
a copy of
Tie Historical Review.
Written by Thomas J. McLean,
This offer only ....good While we are able to secure
copies ot this excellent Review.