HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 27Thtusda'y, May pith, 1935
7,1411 111 11
'19 letjEO
:lben spring is in the air :axl'd your -thoughts'
turn7 to fishing . . and all your .tackle :is
"It's onnly a matter of minutes :to :round cup LLa
;levy, Kindred Spirits ... via. LongDistance.
®.W.hether it's socialsortimeiness:contacts,
the telephone makes ;item :quicker and
easier. See the list of,rates;inrtbeifront
pages of your directory; you ,..can, :;rads
100 mills or so for as ,little as 30 -cents,
,. ,^_..,� ,n
....,..at.�„n.,,, ,�,- _ -.vim
Way ld ' ide News
t anada @Wealth CIosely Held functaraaa,s ;and ,ttonferted with „
Be.cauee,the dozen men who, con= prince iiristers.cif :the 'E • edgier
Tirol: oneihalf of all Canada's :0 7a0 bil- mpire.
1i 7
s of ;commercial and ix daretrial U. S. Tendaeak^greententIProgressing
-.wealth ha'rvse'fa;iled during the past five Ottawa—: otwithstanding a recog-
;years ,to ea;oJve a policy benef ciizl to nition of Affile.tittiesestillrreniaitaing.to
tCeeaada's evelfare, the country .ttsiday be surn:eetnte particilati frome th
;faces Fascism a controlled by ;these United States viewof t. -e tYade oi'ac-
:men, or, tia'raistn established by ta'•± de- ials of the !Federal tGeat ernrnent here
:struetive revolt" of the people, 'Rim. ,it, express themselves a's Inaarei than ever
21-1..:H. Stevens : stated. hopeful now :that :the
tr�c:e?procity ne-'
gotiations 'between !the it rcoumtries
Trestiier'Betinett'-in Better Health are headed towards a meeesoliably sat-
Vtime'Minist(ere.R. B. Bennett, llaetl;- o-.isfactory comteheeide.
Sing 'better 'than *hen he arrived lien
:England, sailed 'Friday en route to: lar'ewfoundlanit'L'iaietnpiuyeil
Novi r+ealraboarillithe Duchess of Y,ai'lti 1 }entonstrate
,after ;two mem,nable weeks duinng et:t. Johns, lillgth_,.�-T,Tcibs -smashed!
.tkv!Iii17 F'berattenrletl, any royal jubslii$:e,;�trlatel.ows and htaotad ;stares iin street,
The :Sensational Cars of the p"ear'l
HiidSMIS Terraplanes;
.See the local file. er
C N. .'erk1ey r Ingham
co:•not• v4t1-.,+ rib M:,,., ,;•:,..r.0?:lr�., '•.f..`e7,:.j,
" The .done Life Lampe'
wad u�r_or.a , ed
44"aathAnota� Iabu�L,:c
' d
Wingham gham Utlltxes Commission
Crawford Block. Phone 156
,tom #4rtt
Pr` INO )44°
i4eMs%a a
fightUXtg when several 41ltt,ttsa91d: on -
employed marched on the Colonial.
Building to clemand work. Scores
were injured. Ten thousand persons
were on the streets at a, late hour. Es-
timates of the actual number of riot-
ors varied from ,2,'000 to 5,000 at diff-
erent butes during the night,
New Brunswick to Vote June 27th
Fi;edericton—Tleursd,ay,June 27, ya
the date set for the New 13runswiek
provincial election; :According to 1 t v,
nomination clay wi11 be on Thursday,
June 20, The last provincial election
was held on June 19, 1930. Standing
of the parties at Dec. 21, 1934, was; 1
Conservatives 27, Liberals 15, vacan- !
des 6, total 48,
Life of N.R.A. Less' Than a Year
Washington=President Roosevelt's
hopes of extending the N.R.A. two•
more years were shattered after. Sea -
ate Democrats agreed to support •tl'ae•
Clark resolution which would contin-
ue the recovery proj'ect only until Ape
ril 1, 1936.
Duke Goe to ,Jail
London—,The portly Duke of Mame
Chester gloomily paced a jail .c:ell af-
ter being sentenced to nine months"
imprisonment for fraud in pawning
the jewels of his late mother.
To Extend Rural Use of Hydro
Ottawa—Developments •of major
importance in the .use of electricity
and the extension of Hydro-E'Iectek
benefits to all parts of rural Ontario
as a measure of social -amelioration,
were forecast by T. StewartLyotx, ,
Chairman of the Onrtaiio Bydro-Ele -
tric Power Commission, following the
formal opening of 'Ottawa's 'handsome
new Hydro Building.
Farmers Remove ZeoadIrorerean
Massey, Ont.—T.en farmers of .this
district appeared before Magistrate
E. Arthurs, charged. ;with ,descending
upon a :Government! oad'job;and:fnr-
cibly removing Joseph :Fortin, :the
foreman, in an .asttoreabl'le.
Plot Against mist ,MIP.. TZevea,teli
P'eterleoro—A ;frlut ,.pass a $5,000;
forgied'daerlue bearin •:tire. si ature of:
E is and A. Pacla XLC„ :neither of the
House of Commons :.for .Pete•rbor6''
West, and to use rforce, if necessary,-
. Y,
to comp -ell Mr. leek taro ,:ap;prysve the
cheque .apt The bank, eexas retested, in
court here
-11,atilanno. tovernmeratto(Overhaul
Tax 'S_ystem,
The ,Baine systean, :elftta,atiere in. the:
Pr,ovince of Ontario 'is ito ,:be , over-
hauled by itahe He turn f oversnanent,
\*ith $20,1000,000 aetltlitinnel • revenue
tentatively ,expected Irene ca ;1?rieyinc-
ai=1',izlcome tax.
Bltitaitx to Increase ;ltiir Moue
&London—Drafting ellansrv\>Hieh may
:eat dpubfimg the llsumerstrengtlr.df
the Royal Air Force, ;at ;a eco:tt ,,of
$40.;000,000 s score than the Increased
air a•astiniates ;xiready lsaretught dQ�vti.,
tlaaeelir Ministry. advised! Itiiaiitish
eral;t;g;;tanufactemers not to aseept,for
eign „;orders wiittliout 'commit -611g ttlte,
Miii recto y.
WheattfAcreage r2\ cin Redeteeil
Ottawa—,For the third ;adnate- iv
year the .farmers ,a,f Canada \v\illl ,re
duce *elle- it spring cheat acreage af ,th
forecast y the Dominion Borate ,.
Statistiio , 'issued to,itay, prove: «or
rect. A .8eper cent. re?;3uction this: leica
was predicted, or 751e;ii00 acres less
a!han lase ;year,
� or WING.RA` .M
PA'G,r::t T I t N YI y" S:1
(at is price . ti 117 and 124 -inch wheelbase ..113 or 124 horsepower
Srn.i1"Car Economy' (see sworn statements from 'local owners) .. Canada's ONLY
Bodies ALL of Steil , . Hudson Rotary -Equalized Brakes .. The Electric Hand (op-
tional)... Read balance (from exclusive Hudson'd sign) .. World Record Performance.
See .Your Nearest Hudson Dealer Today
of ,.the.
e. barley.
Workingman Injured
Leaf Brand Malt produced 11 7,0111 seI- i :tfitchell, in her 78th year, after six • all delivered within six weeks. Work
ected Ontario
weeI:s' illness. The. daughter of the will continence next week to put in
late John Jones and Susanna Dark. the bases of the standards and ' it is
and up. Retail at Factory,.
Tilbury, Ont., including full
factory equipment, spare
wheel and tire, all taxes paid.
:freight and license only
extra. Electric hand stand-
ard on custom models.
e la
cl lived almost all her- life in
le Auburn—George Schultz- whose #this locality, with the exception of ten
home is near Guelph suffered .a pain- `years in Kelfield, Sask. She leaves
accident at Wn7. Watson's gravel;`.to mourn their Ioss two sons, William
11 pit near Nile. The crusher ctuck and of •Grey. Township and Percy, l3rus-
• he tried to loosen the stones with a cels; two daughters, Mrs.Bi I
J.e by
Luckneovo Man Charged with Robbery
Lucknove--Fo1leaying investigatioass
'.made by
Constables 'S
.. \Tc
Clovis and
!Ferguson im connection with two re-
cent robberies here,:tke first one three
aereeks ago at ,Silvere good's plant, and
cue , a week ago at .;roe .1fcMillan
lautcher shop, .Caseae�Fll Hackett, at
resent residing ,in vete village, . has
been arrested..
Pour ur. Goderi�h Men::, Jd
i Less than .� hours ;sitter .break-ins
were reported at Abe .1P.edford 'Hotel
aaasl , illcLearf'..s fipur, ,.fed• and groc-
exy . store, police arresniel four ,Ge�cl-
eriidh men, Jon 'Weiss, !Fred Little-
chillti., Wilfred it�rtlaam rvund.:.Harvey
Beatty, chargiing ,them \oilf h :breaking
and eintering.
.New'l;;eafortb !!Plata rO�pea d
' Sea , rth—ltlr ;1 '..A.. G. r,Penny'ley- I
eon, . orf Toronto, has moved 'into Tris ; Inent priv leY es have been let to ll-ir,
office 'in the post,i ce ;buiitling'here ,i1 aack,cvi !Elmira, who its a real artist
, I having sheen appointee -permanent ex -lin this Baine. There will also be a
t-ise dffiaer here in ailtrcrge•of'the malt Isgood band in attendance and it is hop -
Louse -at the plant ,ref V. \tt,Varren fed to have (other sports for the after -
Thompson which began ,operations ,noon and evening. The proceeds are
this week. Since pu•re'hasing •thee mill ;40 'be ;used 4t'a 'help pay off :the grand-
ps')perty enr Railway :street some time !stand debt. ---Listowel Standard.
age' \Tr.•Tb.anlpson has coinpietebi ea-
ten..;ive alterrations in r..,rdel 'to 'fit :the j�Gasl7,es Foot While Sptitting Wood
plant for the manufacture of .Made While splitting wood at less home
ion Thursday afternoon, Watt Me -
Chesney had the misfortune to inflict
a deep gash in his heft foot When the
':axe in some unknown manner an"rssed
'•i,te rnark. He was immediateiy rushed
'to 1')r. Ridclell's office where it took
•*ix stitches to close the wound.—Pal-_l
niersten Observer.
crow bar th Ian
- no :er wor au., not and Mrs. Jennie Givens, of Kelfield,
algin >
this, �., M,
started the � Lab
N -.172e
1\ til
and three nee sisters, Mrs. Jennie
e res i
u t that lla• 5-Innit Bateman, Ethel; Mrs. John Johnston;
Kissinnee, Floiida and ...Mrs. Duncan
McKay, Garden City, South Dakota.
The funeral was held Friday after-
noon avith interment in. the family
plat in Brussels cemetery.
.Decree Nisi Granted
.A decree nisi Loa, granted- William
'Neill, Gorric, who sought divorce
from his wife, Margaret Eva Dennis
'Neill, now of Wingham• The one
child was left \vitli the mother at the
thrown about 10 feet and received :a
ibad: mouth iajnry.
Fractured Leg Playing Footiaall.
While playing football 1Tr, Alex.'
:Chian of Moancrief, had elle misfer-
rtatne to fracture his right leg. He was
removed to the Memorial Hospital,
nvlrere he is reported to be doing nice -IF. F'•
l'': -^-Listowel Banner. i
Listowel Races June 5th
Less than one month until Listo- 1 est.
wet".,i big day—the Horse Races. Last
yenta's success was proof that the Exeter to Light Up Main Street
Committee in charge was capable of The Priblic Utilities Commission
putting on an event of this kind and
this:ycar it is hoped to make it even
better. The track is now being put in
1shape'aa;icl already seateral entries have
been received. The booth and refresh -
et>kgesarears ,Operation Is
I?txrforzned .Qtr Cat
IBeainsvili - lIn this dimiai ct there is
a ltgrebred i lege ian kitten \which holtds
the iunique atei tction of `tiering born.
on Iftabilee Day ;ley means col a Caes-
arean ,operationb„ performed ilay,a medi-
cal do 'tor.
China Irifissi'onar-atgir Evacuate
English' missionaries in Ncaintih' and
Northeastern Seeeb i an Province, in
Western China, have ,had to evaettate
their stations, owing Ito the advance
of Comntuniust forces.
Legislation frzn Price 'Spreads
Ottawa—Legislation "ia iplenieoting 1
he recoinineircl;itions of the .Price
Spreads Commission is being drafted
its the Department of 'Justice, and will
be satbmitte:d to Parliament after the
resumption of the session on May 20.
There will -be eight or ten bilk alto-
gether, the principle one providing for
the creation of a Federal Trade and
Industry a3oard to regulate trade and
Schoolmaster: "Now, Willie if the
earth's axis is an imaginary line, tan
you hatig elothcs on it?"
Willie: "Yes, sir."
Schoolmaster, "Ha, hal That's good
* And *hat sort of clothes, Willie?"
Wi11rt : "iina ;iia y clothes, sir"
Good Producer
A production of 22,452 pounds of
mill. and 784 pounds of fat in 365
days on strictly twice a day milking
has just been officially recorded by
Meadowbrae Patsy Spot, a six year
old Holstein cow bred and owned by
Quincy D. Whale, of Alma, Ontario.
She proved a tremendous and consis-
tent .producer, giving over a ton of
anilk for five months and 1221 pounds
in .tier lowest month,
Factory for Soya Bean Processing
Stratford may shortly become the
centre of a new agricultural industry,
A Toronto firth, interested in the pro-
cessing of the soya bean, has trade
an offer for the old ilcLeod flour mill
and the Council has instructed the
City Solicitor to prepare an agree-
i2e£rec11.cl after a king Sleep, fol meat. • Certain angles of the deal re
tovvieg 11,s;reticecssfu1 '000-sttii9 flight main to be ironed out between the two
from !Mexico City to New York, Am- parties but it is expected the agree
olio 1 arli;.irt Putnam met the prow in ment will be placed before the City`
Tier- hotel stilte in NM York and Council in the near future for: endor-
stxilte freely on the subject which is satiate
nearest to her heart—aviation„ She
frankly 'admitted one good: reason for
making the flight was because there
was money in it --»froth 1ectttritlg and
Aged Erttssels Lady Passes
There passed away at het home in
Brussels on Wednesday of last week,
Elizabeth. Jones, 'widow of Richard
pusehased from the Canadian Line
Equipment thirty standards complete
for the new lighting system on Main
St.. The new standards are to be 13.
ft, t ins, to the light centre. They
tvi11 be placed approximately 132 ft.
apart on either side of the street. The
representative promised to have them
expected ;the Bell Telephone Co. will:
start transferring their wires to new
poles at the rear of the business sec-
tion next week. The Hydro Will use
the' sante poles. —Exeter Times -Ad -
1 yocate.
Awarded $600
Because he had driven on the
wrong .side of the road approaching.
the crest of a hill, his Lordship Judge
Makins, held that Ross Cardiff, de-
fendant, was responsible for a motor,
crash on highway No. 8, near Sea -
forth, on November 9th last and
awarded G. C. Middleton, Clintott; f"o>-,
finer county sheriff, $600 with costs.
peeve J .E. Cardiff, of Morris Tarp..
father of Ross, was enjoined in thee -
suit. Mr. Middleton asked $1,000. It
developed that Ross Cardiff had tak-
en the car without his father's con-:
sent and although he had been:driving
an automobile or truck for five,years,,
he had never had an operator's per..
mit. � t
I Satisfied Guest—"Well,. wailer,
that was a tip-top dinner. You know
what that means, don't you?"
d Waiter—"Yes, es, soh. It's one
I that' you top off with a tip,"
Over CF1RB Toronto
( 690 Kilocycles)
12:30 pamt (Standard Time)
Every day except Saturday and Sunday
give authentic market reports
tomorrow's weather, etc*
Wingium, Ont. e'hoe 1.74W