HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 26''1 GE TWIt:NTY-SIX
Winghaixt Afrivance.Tirnes
Published at
Every Thursday Morning by
i Ise Advance -Tunes Publishing Co.
Subscription Rate — C)ne Year $2,O0.
Six months,, $1.00 in advance.
To U. S. A., $2.50 Per year.
Foreign rate, $3,00 per year;
Advertising rates on application.
body, and material for my home?
"Hasn't my Town furnished ' the
patronage by which l; have succeeded
in my business? Hasn't it furnished
the best friends of My life, ' whose
ideals have b. eeft my inspiration,
whose kind words have been racy
Cheer, and whose helpfulness has car-
ried ine over the greatest difficulties?
"What will 1 give in return? ,Not
siingly, the taxes which cover ao
small a part of ,what 1 have received.
It tomore; 'I want, of my
\t•an l;tvem i• ,' C.
own free will, to give enough that I
THE FIISTORICAL REVIEW OF can rightfully say, 'This is ray Town.,'
so that I can take "pride in any Town,'
so that I can take pride in itspros-
It would be a sad omission on our peritaa tri the honors which come to
part if we did not make mention, iu its citizens, and' all- that makes it bet -
sour columns this week, .of the His-
torical greater'
Review of the Town ofWing,, ecus reo this only by becomin,• a
ham, written by Thomas 1. McLean,
which 'r.�` cc,ntainecl in this issue. part of the Town—by giving to it
We are sure that thepeople of generously of myself, in this way on-
.ly can I, even in small part, pay the
Wingham, also those who were form- great debt "I owe to my Toon,"
* *
ger residents' will be more than pleas-
ed with this splendidly written his-
tory of our town.
From the cover page, which de- THE HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER
This. district has had little exper-
•pieta Edward Farley, the first settler,
ience with the hit, -and -run driver,but
arriving in Lower Wingham Oa a raft recently a young Port Elgin girl tibut
hi the year 1858, to the end of this killed by • a motorist win) failed to stop
24 -page history, is scomplete informa-
tion of tit town since its inception at the scene of the accident. This type
of driver's chance of escaping capture
up to the present .time. Th ere, are•
about 150 reproductions of photo- is small.
graphs. These pictures also tell the The public has no sympathy for the
story of the development of Winghammnto>ist Who causes a fatality and
front the'first house built' in Lower then speeds away, The person who
Wingham. does this sort of thing is deserving
The Author, T, J. McLean, of this of severe punishment. No motorist in-
tends to cause a death or to injure
anyone; The cowardice of the hit-and-
run driver is something that should
not be tolerated and any driver prov-
en guilty of this offence should not
be allowed to continue in charge of
an automobile.
tot = * •• *
The sinking of the Lusitania, 20
years ago, should be a grim reminder
to the nations in their race for su-
premacy of arms, that war is a hor-
rible crime.
* * * yr
"Piccolo Pete" Murray, charged
with being one of the kidnappers of
John Labatt is writing the story of his
life. That is one autobiography that
we can well do without,
• * * *
-most interesting history, has spent
weeks of labor gathering information,
for this issue and we are sure that
-the results of his toil have been well
-worthwhile and that the public will
appreciate this fact beyond doubt,
The author's wife and daughter, El-
eanore, who so ably assisted him in
,cornpiling this Review, are also de-
serving of much credit, They, too,
-worked diligently and burned the mid -
sight oil that this history might be
as complete as possible.
To the Author and his capable as-
sistants we offer our hearty congrat-
A complete history of Wingham has
-never before been published. In 1888
the. Wingham Times published a his-
tory of the businesses of the town and
it Stas informative and well written. I Now the idea has been set forth to
"This is the first real History and ev- regiment our youth into camps. True,
we have a problem to -day in the youth
question but this regimentation idea
is not So good.
* * *
The Dionnes want to celebrate the
"adopt -4 -baby" week by adopting
their own quintuplets. Sounds rather
complicated; but the fact remains that
no babies in this world ever had bet-
ter are receiving.
ter care than the quints
* * * *
Labor Strikes have been a sort of
institution for a number of years. The
striking of unemployed is quite a new
thing and a very serious question,
>ti * * :Ie
Fergus citizens are now planning
toerect a memorial to those who gave'
to erect a memorial to those who gave
their lives in the great war. Fergus is
act in this rase, but we will bet an
oatmeal cookie that this proposed me-
morial will be one of the best,
Woman fliers take a back seat to
no man as is proven by the 2100 -mile
non -stag flight of Amelia Earhart,
from Mexico to New York,
* *
The arms race among the nations
is apparently just getting nicely start-
ery person who is or has been a resi-
dent or is otherwise interested in our
Town should have a copy put away
for future reference,
"My Town owes me nothing. If
accounts were balanced at this date,
would be the debtor. Haven't I, all
these years, lived within the limits of
the Town and shared all its, benefits?
.Haven't I had the benefit of its
schools and churches? Haven't I had
the use of its libraries, parks, and
public places? Haven't I had the pro-
tection of its fire, police, and health
departments? Haven't its people, dur-
ing all this time, been gathering for
sloe, from the four corners of the earth
—Food for my table, clothing for my
47,„ „ill
t 7
t Metal Roofing. Es•
elusive patented
features guarantee
. weather -tightness'
and easy applisa.
ton. rornew•roofs
orre.roofutg. Send
ridge and rafter
lengths for free
estimate, We use
"Council Stan-
dard"for great-
est durability.
i,; PRESTON ONL rarrostark mr,MDt? rm-'.46.Nrtr
ed, although it has reached a pre wa
peak, Not a healthy condition. •
w t1= * *
The Investigation being conducted
tt 1
Ca ad
'n Tormitci regarding
Performing Rights' • Society makes
quite interesting reading. Apparently
the radio has spoiled the sale of sheet
music and records Aand the compos
and authors have formed this Society
to ,protect themselves, No doubt they
have a 'grievance, but who lia.5n't?
l!'t 5.41i
uyers Of
ream,g s
and !r
Then ALL-I31tAN Brought
Welcome Relief
Read this voluntary letter from
Mr. Lecour "I have been troubled
with constipation'` for the past 25
years. I tried cathartic without repractically every
"Recently, I determined to give
Kellogg's ALL-ERAN a fair trial.
Kellogg's ALL -BRAN has not only
helped tie, but I believe it is an
actual relief for chronic constipa-
tion."`—?11r, Henry E. Lecour. Ad-
dress upon request.
"Due to insufficient
Kellogg' s ALL -BRAN provides
"bulk" to aid elimination. It also
furnishes vitamin B and iron.
The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is gen-
tle—and safe for normal individ-
uals. Often more effective than
"bulk" in fruits and vegetables, as it
does not break down within the body.
Isn't this natural food pleasanter
than patent medicines? Just eat
two tablespoonfuls daily.' 'Chronic
cases, with each meal. If not re-
lieved, see your doctor.
Get the red -and -green package at
your g'rocer's. Made by Kellogg in
London, Ontario.
Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
"bulk" in
Thursday, May 1641'9,19353
The evening service at Wroxeter
Anglican Church on Sunday was at-
tended by a large congregation when
the members of the local. Oddfellows
Lodge, and visiting brethren were
'present. The,choir of Trinity Church,
Fordwiclt, kindly assisted and Rev, R.
S. Jones addressed the congregation,
choosing as his, subject "Faith" based
on John 20; 28, 29. "And Thomas an-
swered and Said unto Him; My Lord
and my God.
Jesus saithunto him, Thomas, be-
crtttse thou Bast seen me, thou hast
believed: blessed are they that have
not seen, and yet have believed."
The. chancel was nicely decorated
with spring flowers.
Given a few more rules and regula-
tions and we won't be able to even
attempt to whistle a tune on the street
without having a, license to do so. —
Arthur Enterprise -News.
The editor of a paper recently in-
quired What had become of the old-
fashioned 'merchant who gave you a
cigar when you paid your bill. Next
day a voice called over the telephone:
"I'm still here; come in and pay your
bill."—Listowel 13 a n n.er.
Mrs, Strachan, Jamestown, also Mr.
and Mrs. N. Cardiff,, Brussels, were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. P. S. 1acEwen.
Mr. Norman Hall, of Lakelet, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J.
'R. Wendt.
Fourth Line Circle Meeting
The May meeting of the Fourth
Line group was held on Thursday last
at the home of Mrs. Raymond Elliott
with a good attendance, The Presi-
dent, Miss Fowler, presided, and fol-
lowing the opening hymn Mrs. Jim
Elliott read the Scripture and Mrs.
1'. S. MacEwen led in prayer. During
the business session pians were made
for a social to be held on the evening
'of May 24th in the school. A good
programme is being prepared and
lunch is to be served. Plans were al-
so made for a quilting to be held this
week at the hone of Mrs, J. McTav-
ish. The afternoon was spent in quilt-
ing, and at the close dainty refresh-
ments were served by the, hostess,
Women's Institute
At a meeting of the executive of
North Huron District W. I., held in
Ethel on Friday of last week, plans
were made for the District Annual
meeting which will be held at Brus-
sels in the Library on the afternoon
of May 30th; commencing at 1 p.m.
sharp. It is expected Miss McDer-
Toronto, Superintendent Of
Women's Institutes, will be present,
also, Mrs. McDowell, Milverton. Ow-
ing to the fact that the district an-
nual and local branch meetings both
fall on the same date, our branch
members will please note that our
11ay meeting will be withdrawn.
Topic of W.M.S. was Temperance
The May greeting of the W. M. S.
was held in the basement of the
church no Thursday, flay 9th. Mrs.
Stott was its charge of the-devotioeal
r'aercises and Lias I•la lewood, the
topic for the meeting "Terztperancv,
Mrs. Finlay gave a Most interesting
talk on T'enrperanee and Miss Ha°xle-
wood gave a sketch from one o(Dr.
Viacom - Cs lectures, on this vital roes -
tion. llis• Finlay also gave an inter-
estinrg• report of the Martin Presbyter-
ial recently held in Exeter, The
President, Mrs, Stocks, read a, letter
received from Miss Lovell, who is on
liar way back to Africa .to carry on
visionary work there, Miss Elva
Stocks: favoured the society with a
piano solo. •
13)rtt--In London on Wednesday,
May Stii, lo Mr. and Mrs, Mac Allen
(41.e Sadie Gallaher, Teeswater), a
80 11,
Miss L. Ewing, who tray' beets mak-
ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo,
Allen, returned on Monday rafter a
two weeks' visit with Tcesywatcr
COMPANY. '&l�l ll i` '`i 1w m
+art°. 0
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler of Bel -
grave, spent Sunday with Mrs, 1), H.
,Mr, and Mrs. E. Tamanus of St,
George, Mrs, Alex Smith and dauglr
ter, Agnes,•,also Mr. Wilfred MacEw-
en, of Detroit, and Miss Ora Abbott,
of l3luevale, were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. MacEwen on
Mrs, W. Orr and son„ Jack; spent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Moffat spent
Sunday with Miss Annie Findlater,
Masters 'Clarence, Jim and Glenn
Golley were visitors at Mr. John Ab-
raham's on Sunday.
Mr. Elmer Ireland spent Sunday at
the home of his parents in Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs: Flemming, of Bernie,
and Mr. Geo. Drehman, Teeswater,
attended the Drehman-Aitchison wed-
Miss' Helen Pocock, RN., Toronto,
spent the week -end at the home of
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. David Currie visited
at the home of the former's brother,
John Currie.
Rev. George Simpson of Arno and
his daughter, Tottenham, visited the
Scott family and other friends • here
last week,
Mr. L. Taylor and Mr. Geo. Carter
motored to Niagara on Sunday.
Miss Vera Caseinore visited on Sat-
urday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Well -
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott and
Miss Louis spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs, John Elliott.
Miss Alba Carter, of Wingham, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Carter. "
To the Editur av all thins
\'Vingha:m paypers.
Deer Sur:—
I haven't been afther wroitin yees
fer a wake arr two, fer wid digin the
garden, an hilpin the misses wid the
house clainin, an Dollar Days, whin
I hacl to go down town to grate all
Me ,ould frinds from the counthry, an
Itilpin to r•evoise the voters' lishts to
sec that no Tory names had been lift
aff, shore, it is the busy man intoire-
ly I hev been lately, so 1 hev:
An thin, av coorse, whin lash` Mon-
day was a wake, I had to. be 1isli ten-
in to tate radio all day from foive
o'clock in the marnin till tin at noiglit
hearin time King shpake, an the bands
playin'from wan ind av the wnrruld,
to the other, an all across the Sivin
Says, I bet'me ould brother Matt, out
in Alberta, enjoyed .hirnsilf that day
more than mosht payple, be rayson
av havin thravelled into alinosht iviry
carrier av the IniTioire, befoor lie mar-
ried the war widely an sittled down on
a perarie ranch. '
This wake the Tory Convinshun fer
Nort Huron will be bild here, an. all
as good Tories :amain be prisint. The
Grits had a big crowd on thee -17; nont-
inashun day, s0 let us all turn out an
show the wurruld that theer are some
Tories lift yit in the counthry. We
want all the Binnitt. Tories, an the
Stevens Tories, an the U.F.O. Tories,
and the C.C.F. Tories, and the min
Tories, an the wimmin Tories, an the.
young Tories who are going to poll
theer fursht vote this year, an the ould
Tories, who heve been votin fer fifty
Years arr more. We want thio all to
be here, an, if the Town Hall isn't
big enough to hould the crowd, we
will adjourn to the Arena, arr hould
the ntaytin on the Town park, so we
,1r. and Mrs, Joint Campbell and
little gr=andson, Harold Campbell,
spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr.
Will Campbell and sister, 12th con.,
West Wawanosh.
Miss Mary Thelma Maclntyre, eld-
est daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Duncan
\zaclntyre, near :pintail, was united in
marriage in Knox Presbyterian
Church Manse, Goclerich, on Saturday,
Rev. D, J. Lane, B.A., officiated. We
wish the young couple a long, happy
married life.
Miss Mary Cook, Paramount, is at
present nursing little Frank Alton;
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Alton, who has been real sick with
the cold.
Mr, and Mrs. WiIl Lane and daugh-
ter, Missti. Etta, of Ripley, spent the
holiday with Ivir. and Mrs; Jim Hac-
Shpakin av mesilf, I belong to the
ould guard, so to shpake, an am al-
ways agin the governmint, whin than
Grits do be havin the runnin av tings,
an in favor av it whin the Tories are
in power. Shure, 'tis the only safe
posishun to take, so it is, fer it saves
a 1ellah the trubble av doin army tink
in fer himsilf, an gives him more 'tune
to shmoke, an play checkers, an bate
carpits fer the missus.
Yis, as I said befoor, we want the
convinshun on 'Tursday to be a rick -
BROWN LA r=' EL - 33 1/2ib1a
- 40C .1b:,
ord breaker, so that feriae Shpotton
kin go into the campaign n id :a brave
heart, knowinthat he has the whole
Parthy behoind him from Porter's hill
to Lakelet an. from the Bayfield Riv-
er to the fads av the earth, away be
yant Fordwicb.
Wirt jarge fer our canclydate again;
an foor hundred an fifty-six av as
Tory majority to depind on in Clh-
ton an Goderich Township, it oughttto,
be aisy fer sirs to win, avert if thitn,
Grits hev brought in a shrnart fellalcr
from Ottawa to throy to bate us.
Yours all troo the carnpain;.
Timothy Hay,
Count Curt vbn Haukwitz-Rcvettt-
low, of Denmark, whose name has
been widely mentioned as a candidate
for the hand of Barbara Mutton Mdiv-
ani as soon as she obtains her .Reno
divorce from Alexis i divani, is
shown on board the S,S, Bremen as
he .arrived its New York, Count Haug
vita-Reventlow denial he was com-
ing her to wed the chain -store: heiress,
We feel responsible for your
Stops Motor Leaks
Outer cover im-
pervious to oil
and grease. Rub -
beg lining resists
antifreeze solu-
tions. The best
hose thist money
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Lasts 21/z times longer :by equal
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red colour. Yos
can't buy a batter
Ask for FREE Fain Bolt
Be prepared for puna
tures. This kit,con
tains all needed ma..
terials for repairing
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Let as make your
old cwe
run like new
Here's how we do it
1. Check Spark Plugs
, 2. Adjust Timing
3. Check Carburetot
4. Test Battery
A thorough Tune-up Job.
Gds---biz—Lub ricatios_
TF you've never thought much about lilbwr-outs,,
just watch the papers—see how oftentpeaple aro
killed or injured when tires blow-out. likaroristst
it's fortunate that Goodrich engineers developed die
new Safety Silvertowa with the Life -Saver: Go1desu.
Ply -an amazing invention that resists terrific ifs
ternal heat and prevents blow -outs befoae• they even
So .. we feel responsible for yout';Sire Safety
why not let us equip your car today with Goodrich
Safety Silvertowns? They cost no more than whet
standard tires.
The Life -Server Golden Ply
Today's high speeds
generate terrific heat
inside the tire, where
tubber and fabric are
jointed. A blister is
formed—grows bigger
--until Ban the tire
tt 1
But the Golden Ply is
located at this hot spot
in the tire resists
heat . tubber and
fabric don't separate.
No blister forms. Blow-
outs are prevented be-
fore they start.
Shell Cas, Oils, Air Pressure Greasing
Phone 84