HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 25With Which Is Ama1 arnated The Goalie Vidette and Wroxeter News. a,
Demand for Copies Has Been Great.
The Historical Review of Wingham
written by T. j. McLean, is `off the
press with this issue of the Advance-
Times. It is full of interesting news
from the time the first settler landed
here, It is -splendidly illustrated and
the author has produced an edition
that in itself will hake history in this
The demand for copies of this His-
torical Edition have been great and
to those who wish copies we advise
them to place their order at once and•
.avoid being disappointed. There will'
be just one issue—no reprint, There
-are plenty of copies still available tq
meet a normal demand, sq, send one
to your friends and relatives who are
away from home and file an extra
copyat home for future use.
Single copies 50c; 5 copies '$2.25;
1.0 copies .$4.00.
Simpson - Garton
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized on Friday evening at 7.30, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
"Garton, when their daughter, Gladys
Durella, R.N., was united in marriage
with Mr, William Simpson, • of De-.
'troit, son of the Iate Mr. Simpson and
:Mrs. Louise Simpson of Detroit. Miss
Florence Clarke, of London, and John
'Garton, brother of the bride, were the
attendants, and her Pastor, Rev, J.
Pollock, officiated. The bride was
;prettily gowned in pale blue crepe and
:carried a corsage bouquet of roses and
sweet peas. After the buffet luncheon
the happy couple motored to Hensall
to the home of his. grandmother, Mrs.
Bonthron, leaving the next day for
their home in Detroit. The bride's
travelling writ was of Harris gray
tweed,. with gray hat and accessories,
The groom is an accountant in Briggs
Manufacturing Co., in Detroit.
Among those from a distance who
attended. the wedding were: his moth -
r, from Detroit, and his grandmother.
from Hensall; an aunt, Mrs. Bair, of
Toronto; and the bride's sister, Mrs.
Arthur Holland, from Kitchener, and
Mrs. Wm. Garton, from Leamington;
Mr. and Mrs, John McGee of East
Wawanosh. The bride's many friends
in these parts extend to them best
wishes for a long and happy wedded
Goll - McCrackin
A pretty May wedding was solem-
nized at Wingham United Parsonage,
on Saturday, May 4th, at 2 p.m., by
Rev, "J. F. Anderson, when Lila Ger-
trude, eldest daughter of Alex.. and
Mrs. MeCrackin, Bluevale, was united
in marriage to Harry Alexander Goll,
son of }4r. and Mrs. Conrad Goll, al-
so of Bluevale. The bride looked win-
some, gowned in figured sand chiffon,
made on princess lines with shoes,
coat and hat to match, and was at-
tended by Miss Eileen Hislop, Wrox
•eter, who wore an ankle length dress
of Marina blue pebble crepe. The
groom was supported, by Mr. Jaines
Campbell, of Wingham. Immediately
after the ceremony, the happly couple
left by motor for Centralia and other
points. On their return they will take
up ,housekeeping on the 1st line of.
Triple V Class at Gorrie
The service in the: United Church,
Gorrie, on Sunday evening was in
charge of the Triple V Class of the
local 'CYtitecl Church. Rev. 3. F. And-
nd-erso ; "leader of the class, preached
the sermon'' and the members of the
class occupied the choir loft and led
in the'selvice of praise with Jack
Herd at. the piano. Solos were rend-
ered 17S%jack . Reavie and George Hen-
No person whose name is not on.
the official list of electors wil be al-
lowed to vote at the coming general
elections,. There is no provision for
persons coming of age after June 30,
arid between that date and the day
hlection, The old order of D
athe e
(puty eReturning Officers allowing per -
sans to vote who present a sworn dee-
r g prevails.'
laration no longer re ails.
Up until April 80, names could be
added to the lists without personal
appearance. If your name is not now
tie list cin st' t'ha -eitput o.
.ora 1 l youit v on
by applying personally.
Very' • Rev, C. E'. Jeakin of London,
Spoke to St. Paul's Men's Club
At the closing meeting of St, Paul's
Men's Club held in the Sunday School
room on Friday evening the Ladies'
Guild of the Church provided an ex-
cellent banquet. There was an attend-
ance of 35. members and guests:
The Very Rev, C; E, Deakin, Rector
of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, and
Dean of, : Huron, who twenty-eight
years ago was Rector of St. Paul's.
Church here, was the guest speaker,.
He gave a` most vivid and interesting',
stalk on a trip to Europe that he and
Mrs. Jeakin made, His description of.
the Cathedrals of England Belgium,
France and Germany,was excellent,
and his remarks on his many exper-
iences while on this trip were most
interesting. While in Germany he had
the pleasure of visiting the fatuous
village of Oberamergau where he wit-
nessed the Passion Play. /
A splendid program was d'ontribut-
ed by Miss Cora Phair, Mrs. E. Armi-
tage, Miss Ann Irwin and Roy Mun-
In county court, Goderich, on Mon.
day, Judge Costello dismissed with,
costs the $500 damage action of W.
l Roy Jones against W. Stephenson,
both of town. His honor held that
the sale of the property, in the for-
mer skating rink, in March 1933; by
Stephenson, to Murray Johnson, was
bona ficle.and that the price. was not
exorbitant, and that therefore, darn -
ages asked on the score of attempted
illegal eviction, were not substantiat-
ed. The lease from Stephenson to one
Weatherall, who assigned it to Jones,
' bore a clause ti at in event of sale, the
lessee was ;to vacate within 45 days,
The judge further held that Jones
knew the condition of tite property
when he took over in September, 1930
and therefore, could not claim dainag-
es for failure of the landlord to repair
• the building. .
The action was dismissed with
costs and the counterclaim of Steph-
ciis ri
c , o was also dismissed, but without
Institute Members Note
Change of Date
A meeting of. the Women's Insti-
tute will be held in the Council Chani-.
ber at 3 p.m. on Thursday, May 23rd.
A good ;program is being arranged.
Members will kindly keep this change.
of date in mind.
United States Willilng to Stabilize
Notice that "Washington will not
be an obstacle" to inte'rnatibnal cur-
rency stabilization was coupled by
Treasury Secretary Henry Morgen
thau with a warning that the United
States will not act singly to peg the
Attending Conference
Mrs. W. 3.- Greer and Mrs, Wilbert
Wellwood left on Tuesday morning
for St. Marys to attend the confer-
ence Branch of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society of the United Church
which is being held on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Presbytery ,artd Presbyterial Meet
The Presbytery of Maitland and
Maitland Presbyterial W, M. S. of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada was
held on Tuesday in Knox Church, in
Teeswater. A full account of these
meetings will appear in next week's
Fairs, Churches Exempt
Certain exemp1tionsfrom the new
taxation are provided. The new regu-
lations donot apply tcientertainments
held bychurch organizations where
the gross receipts are devoted to
church work, nor in the case of fairs
and exhibitons operating annttally,ue-
der the Agricultural Societies Act,
Will Italy Etheopia Etheo is War?
t Cation was expressed it Eth-
w s t t
Government circles at a report
that Italy had ordered mobilization
of 200 000 more troops.
A Govern-
over -io t spoyesrnari ettid Emperor Haile
Selassie will return to the Capital in -
mediately from his inspection trip
through the Provinces, and probably
wilt sutnrnon a war council of tribal
chiefs. Mussolini'ss action in calling
out rte new, co. ti rt'� I diet 1
au t V n nge t of$d � 5,
was. regarded here ars an indication of
inletdrng 'hostilities as soon as the
raidy season' is ended.
Large' Appreciative Audience Present.
The Hensall Minstrels, under the
auspices of the Wingham Baseball
Club, staged a most pleasing enter-
tainment to .a large appreciative aud-
ience in the Town Hall on Monday
This Minstrel Show had been billed
as one of the best shows of its kind
that has been produced. in Western
Ontario and, it fully lived up to this
reputation. The only criticism that
one could have was the length of the
The cast was composed entirely of
nien, 40 in all, and their singing was
well rendered. The orchestra which
accompanied the show was splendid.
Lorna Zeufle, who gave two specialty
numbers of tap dancing, was an ad-
ditional feature and she received a
good hand from the audience.
The end men did well, their jokes
were good but the wise -cracks pulled
on local people went over particluarly
The show is directed by Dr. T. G.
Smillie and his success in training the
chorus was most marked. The solos,
duets and quartettes were well rend-
ered ands as was said before, it was
a good show.
The programme:
Act I-
1. Opening Chorus (a) "Happy
Days," (b) "\'Pinter Wonderland."
2. Cornfield Medley (a). "Carry me
back to Old. Virginia," solosist A. Mc-
Donell (b) "Massa's in de Cold, Cold
Ground," (c) "Old Folks at Home.'
3; "My Hero," T. Sherritt and
-4. "All I Do is Dream of You,"
L, Elder and Chorus.
5. "March of the Guards," Har-
mony -Quartette.
6, "Bill in the Lighthouse," W. B.
Cross. •
7. "Alexander's Rag Time Band,"
End Men.
' 8. "Larboard Watch," duet, Rev.
Young and Dr, Smillie.
9. `:Finale, "Walking My Baby
Sack Home."
Act II—
1. "Missouri Waltz."
2. "Old Fashioned Town," Har-
mony Qt,7artette.'
3. • (a) ."The Farmer Takes a Wife"
W. A. l a cLaren n Chorus. and Cha us. (b)
"Horne,", J. Buckholt and Chorus.
4. (a) "Old Man River," Dr, Sind -
lie. (b) "Mammy," Chorus.
.5. "One more River," End Men,
6. Lorna Zeufle, tap dancer.
7. "Gold Slippers:"
8. "No, No, a Thousand Times
No," four End Men.
9. (a) "Only a Rose," Rev. Young.
(b1 "Love in :Bloom," Chorus.
10. Finale, "Sitting on op of the
World," and "Alexander's Rag -Tune
Rectors and Choirs Exchanged
Rev. E. L. R8berts,' R.D., Rector
of St.' Paul's' Church anti St, Paul's
Choir, had charge of the service in
Christ Anglican Church, Listowel, on
Sunday evening. Rev. H. Naylor and
the Choir of Christ Church, had
charge of the service here.
Play Friday, May 17th
A four -act drama "The Road to the
city" will be presented by theYoung
People's Society of .Bluevale United
Church 'iii the Foresters' Hall, Blue
vale, on•Friday, May 17th. Addition-
al program is being prepared. Come
and, bring your friends, Admission---
Adults 25c, ,Children 15c.
"Here Comes Charlie"
The play you have all been want-
ing to see, will be presented itt the
Fgresters' Hall, i elgrave, on Thurs-
day evening, May 28rd, by the Young
People of Brussels, 'sponsored by the
Y. P, S, of Knot United Church, Bele
grave. Musical rtunibers between acts.
Adnii.ssion 25c and 15c, Keep the
date in mind and conte"
The district annual meeting of both
the West Huron Women's Institstte
and the East Huron Women's Insti-
tute will beh ld the last week in May,
The West uton District will meet
in Wesley Willis Church, Clinton, on
Wednesday, May, 29th, and; the East
Huron District will meet in Brussels
on Thttrsday, May 30th.
Miss a Mcterrnand, of Toronto,
Superintendent of 'Women's Institut-
es, will id<I.ress both ttteetings,..
Five Children Baptized at This Ser
The order of service far Mother's
Day as prepared by the Presbyter-
ian Sunday Schools, was followed at'
St. Andrew's Sunday School on Sun-
day afternoon, Rev. Kenneth Mac-
Lean gave the address on "Mother's
An interesting part of this service
was the baptismal service conducted
by Rev. Kenneth MacLean' when five
children were baptized. The following
were those baptized: Margaret `jean
Bain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
G. Bain; James Peter Campbell and
Mary Isabel Campbell, son and dau-
ghter'of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Camp-
bell, 1st line Morris; Elizabeth An-
geline Calvert, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Calvert.
Mrs. P. M. Cook
There passed away in Hastings,
Ont., May 5th, at. the home of her
daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) E. Wilson, Mrs.
P. M .Cook. The deceased was in her
78th year. , Born near Elora where she
resided until marriage, then moving to
East Wawanosh where her husband
predeceased her a, number of years
ago, since which the deceased resided
in Elora until 15 years ago, afterwards
living with her daughter. Surviving
are six' daughters: Mrs. W. A. Varey,
Scotland; Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan, of
Whitechurch; Mrs. (D.) W. E. Wil-
son, Hastings; Mrs. F. AI. Ebner, and
Mrs. 3. Waterworth, Toronto, and
Mrs. W. Gowsell, Kenora, also two
sisters and three brothers.
Interment was made in Wingham
cemetery, IV[ay 7th, service being tak-
en by Rev. T. C. Wilkinson.
Aitchison - Drehman'
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Presbyterian Manse, \SThitechurch,
when Ethel, oldest daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. H. Drelnan., Bay-
field, becan'te .the Bride of James Ait-
chison, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Aitchison, West Wawanosh.
Rev. John Pollock officiated.
The bride was attended by Miss
Gertrude Aitchison and Mr. George
Drchinan was groomsman. The bride;
wore a powder blue crepe ensemble
with a shoulcierette of roses and ac-
cessories to match.
After the ceremony a wedding din-
ner was served at the hone of the
bride's aunt, Mrs. Wellings, E. Wawa -
nosh. Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison left on
a wedding trip to Niagara Falls.
Held Sale of Baking
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held a sale of home made baking and
afternoon tea in the vacant store next
to Machan Bros. on Saturday after-
noon which was most successful. .
Threshers Must Clean Separators
An ainendm.ent to •. the, Noxious
Weeds Acts, passed at the recent ses-
sion of legislature, makes it compul-
sory for threshers to clean their sep-
arator of all 'weeds before moving
from one 'farm to another.
Receives King Jubilee Medal
Among the several thousands to re-
ceive the Jubilee Medal was E. W,
Bradwin, Principal of Frontier Col-
lege, son ol, the late Joseph Braclwin
and Mrs, 'Bradwin, life -thee residents
of : Wingham. For More than thirty
ears Dr. Braclnn rn has promoted the
cause of education for camprnen ac-
ross Canada, and we are glad to know
that his: efforts; as a Pioneer in adult
education have'tlitis been recognized.
When the strings ,of colored lights
on Josephine' Street were lighted last
December they improved the appear-
ance of our town so greatly :that many
favorable comments were made. When
they were turned ' on again for the
King's jubilee week -end the town
again took on a gala appearance.
Would, it not be a good idea to
have these . lights' an every Saturday
night during the summer months, Mr.
W. IT. Willis,. at the Mayor and
Reeve's banquet last January, suggest-
ed this an 1,foci it would C weC be a
splendid .idea.
Presentation of Jewels and Gifts'
At the regular meeting of Huron
Chapter No. 89, O,E,S,, on Tuesday
evening the officers. for 1935 were
installed, the ceremony being con-
ducted by Sis, Gertrude Miller, as-
sisted by Sis. Fox as Marshall. The
officers for the coming year are:
Worthy Matron—Mrs, J. M. Mc-
Worthy Patron—Mr. T. Gilmour.
Assoc. Matron—Mrs, E. Harrison,
Assoc, Patron—Mr. T. Y. Smith.
Secretary—Miss E. McKay.
Treasurer—Mrs. E. Armitage.
Conductress—Moss B. Joynt,
Assoc. Conductress—Mrs: D. Bene-
Chaplain—Mrs. F. Watson.
Organist—Mrs. D. Geddes.
Assist. Organist—Mrs. G. Williams.
Adali-Mrs. Jas, Gilmour,
Ruth -Mrs. F. Fuller.
Esther—Mrs. M. Johnson.
Martha—Mrs. T. Currie..
Electa—Mrs. T. Gilmour.
Warder—Mrs. T. Y. Smith.
Sentinel—Mrs. W. H. Willis.
The retiring Worthy Matron, Mrs.
O. Habkirk, and retiring Worthy Pat-
ron, Mr. Roy McGee, were present-
ed with jewels by the chapter. The
retiring Treasurer, Miss M. Pattison,
was presented with a gift by the chap-
ter in appreciation of her services.
The Worthy Matron, Mrs. 3. H. Mc-
Kay, presented her installing officers
with gifts of appreciation, and- also
presented all her officers with roses.
At the close of the chapter lunch
was served and a social hour enjoyed
by all.
Music by Harold Brodhagen and His
8 -Piece Band, of Torento
The Wingham Citizens' Band are
sponsoring a dance in the Armouries
here Wednesday evening, May 22nd.
They have been fortunate in securing
Harold Brodhagen and his 8 -piece
Band, direct from Toronto. There will
also be a floor show featuring Aud-
rey Clegg.,, Toronto's most popular
and sensational ensatddi7ad contortion dancer.
Harold Brodhagen and his Band
have been engaged by one of Ontar-
io's popular summer resorts for this
season, following. a most successful
winter in Toronto, Do not miss this
dance. Admission, gentlemen 50c, lad-
ies 25c.
Large Gathering Expected
Interest is running high in Conserv-
ative Circles in this riding due to the
Rally and nomination meeting which
will be held at 2 p.ut. Thursday this
week in the Town Hall here.
Although it is a foregone conclusion
that George Spotton,M.P., will be the
choice of the convention, interest is
being .displayed as Earl Rowe, M.P.,
for Dufferin-Simcoe, who is promin-
ently mentioned for the leadership of
the Conservative Party in Ontario,
will address the meeting.
The organization of the riding for
the coining election will also take
place .at this meeting.
Dance, Brussels, May 22nd
Voir will enjoy dancing to jack Er-
uest's 5 -piece Harmony Band in Brits-
sels Town Hall, Wednesday, ,May 22.
Just a nice drive and you will be
by many any nat
rans who attend,
Admission 25 cents.
Played in Bridge Tourney
J. H. Crawford and W. W. Arm-
strong played in the Woodstock
Bridge' Tournament on Saturday. In
the open event on Saturday night' they
came second in North and South
pai rs.
•71 in of Strat-
Magistrate . A. M< t s a
ford disposed of three cases in police
court held here Iasi Thursday. Charg-
ed with theft of wood, Fratik Irwin,
of Blyth, was given suspended sen-
tence on snaking restitution, 3. F. El-
liott, of Kiliettrdine was also given
suspended sentence. He was charged
with false pretense for issuing checks.
He promised to male good. Parker
Campbell was assessed $10 and costs
for reckless driving,
Lord Baden-Pd°well, Scout Founder,
Reviewed Scouts and Girl Guides
at London.
The Winghani troop of Boy Scouts
and Cubs; motored to London on
Tuesday when Lord Baden-Powell,
ChiefScout, Scout Founder and or-.
ganizer, held a review of the Scouts
of Western Ontario: Twenty-six
Western Ontario centres were repre-
sented. About five thousand Boy
Scouts and Girl Guides were present.
This opportunity of being reviewed,
by their Chief Scout was greatly ap
precia.ted by the local scouts. Forty
made the trip to London,
3. R. M. Spittal, Scoutmaster, is in-
deed grateful to the citizens who so
kindly used their cars in transporting
the Scouts to London.
Miss Alice Williamson, of .Kitchen-
er,spent the 'weekend at her home
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Heim spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. J. M.Gra-
han7. .
Mr: Currie Wilson, of Kitchener,
spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs,
John Wilson.
Mrs. M. Beckwith has returned to
town after spending the past six
weeks in Goderich,
Mrs. J. D. McKenzie and Mac, of
Kincardine, visited on Sunday at the
home of Mr. 3. M. Graham.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Isbister and son,
of Onaway, Mich., visited last week
with the former's sister, Miss. C. Is-
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Adams and son,
Alton, spent the week -end at Clarks-
burg, with Mrs. Adams' sister and
Miss Ella Rae, of MacDonald Hall,
Guelph, accompanied by Miss Grace
Virtue, spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. •D'onald Rae.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Crawford and
Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong spent
the week -end in \'Voodstucls the guests
of Mrs.Crawford parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Brown.
$0,00 Lost by
4 0 Western Ontario
Farmers in Cattle Dealings.
'The three -and -a -half-day trial, at
London,• of Samuel Rieharcisme and
James MacDonell, of Montreal, for=
mer officers ctf the Richelieu Corpor-
ation, on charges of conspiring to de-
fraud Western Ontario farriers and
cattle shippers, ended Monday after-
noon in their acquittal. Judge Joseph
Wearing, tvho tried the case, did not
require defense evidence, and gave im-
mediate judgment in favor of the de-
fendants..The Crown had conducted
a prolonged inquiry into allegations
that farmers in five counties of Wes-
tern Ontario, in eluding Huron, had
lost upward of $40,000 on the Ricl7-
liieu Company's operations.
Sneak Thieves Were Busy
One night last week thieves broke
into T. 3. McLean's garage on John
Street and took all the wheels and
tires off his Ford coupe. Mr. 3,, A.
Currie on the sante night had five gal-
lons of motor oil stolen, W. J. Greer's
garage was also entered but luckily
his ear was itt a downtown garage.
Mrs. R, Tyndall Re -Elected President
The regular meeting of the Wi77ge'
ham 'Branch of the W.C.T.U, was held
at the home of Miss Isard. on Thurs-
day, May 9th, Mrs. R. Tyndall oc-
cupying the chair. The meeting open-
ed with a hymn and prayer by .Mrs.
Jno, Anderson. The Scripture .lessort
was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson,
The Clip Sheet, which was conducted
by'. the President, was unusually in
structive. Miss: Jean Zurbrigg sang .a
solo accompanied by Mrs. (Rev.) An-
derson, which was very much enjoy-
The following officers were elected:
President—Mrs, R. Tyndall.
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. Jno. Anderson.
2nd Vice Pres.—Miss Ruth Lewis.
3rd Vice Pres.—Mrs. (Rev.) Smith..
Cor. Sec.—Mrs. A. Cosens.
Rec. Stec. -Mrs.' Jno. Kelly.
Treas.—Mrs. H. Thomson,
Evangelistic—Mrs. Jno, Anderson,
Miss R. Lewis, Mrs. Stone.
L. W. R. -Miss Belt, Miss Lewis,
Mothers' Meetings -Mrs. Geo. Ma-
son, Mrs. T. Kew.
Citizenship—Mrs.' Gemmil, Mrs.
Scientific Temperance—Mrs. W.
Field, Miss Balt.
Flowers and Delicacies—Miss •Is-
aro, Miss B. Joynt.
Travellers' Aid—Mrs. WelIwood.
Press—Mrs. Musgrove, 117rs. IL
Thomson. • a
Station Box Literature—Mrs. S.
Tyndall, Miss Bolt.
Medal Contest—The Union.
Joseph P. Wellwood
A pioneer of this district, Joseph P.
Wellwood, who has been a resident
of Wingham for the past twenty-five
years, passed away Wednesday nightie..
May 8th, at the residence of his son-
in-law, John Falconer, in his ninety-
second year. The deceased was born
in Liverpool, England, and came to
Canada with his parents when a child,
the family settling near Bolton. When
1 a young: man he took up farming in
East Wawanosh, which at that time
lwas all bush. Sixty-one years ago he
married Susannah Holmes in Luck-
ino7v, who predeceased him by only
one week. He was a Baptist in re-
He is survived by four sons and
j two daughters, Richard and Frederick
of WinniPeg; Ira, of Carman, Man.;
land Ezra, of East Wawanosh, and
Mrs. Garnet Wellwood, Entwistle„
Alta., and Mrs, Falconer, Wingham;
also one brother, William, of Bolton:;
The funeral was held froiii the resi-
dence of his son-in-law, John Falcon-
er, Josephine Street north, on Satur-
day afternoon, the service being con-
ducted by the Rev,. H. H. Chipchase
of Guelph.
Interment took place in Wingham
Cemetery. .
John B. Elliott
Word has been received of 'the
death of Mr. John Beattie Elliott who
passed away at Superior, Wis., U.S.A.,
May lath in his 67th year. Mr. Elliott
• was born in Turnberry, the son of .the
late Thomas Elliott, and attended
school at l.owerWinghani, He learn -
the telegraph 'operating at the G.
T. R. depot here. He worked hint-
self up from operator to Chief Train
Dispatcher on St. Paul; Min77eapolis.
and Omaha Railway. Mr. Elliott was
a man of sterling qualities and wase
held in high esteem by a large e circle
of friends. He is survived by his wr-
dow. • His sister, Mrs. 3. Nichol, died
Solve years ago. :Miss. 1:,. O. Elliott,.
of Water Street, town, is a ctrusin of
Boys' Colt Club.
The Turnberry
Agricultural Society
have been asked to start a Colt Club
this year, ender the supervision of the
Agrictrlttrrad' Representative of the
County, Boys desirous of entering 1
this colt club will please send their
names to the Seeretary of the Society,
W. 3. Greer, before June 1, 1935,
Headed Class at Toronto •
Fortner school chums of \Viti'nifred
Smith will be pleased to learn that,
despite the handicap of entering a new
school half way through the first term
of the year, the results of the Easter
Exams. at the Humberside Collegiate,
Toronto, recently 'published, show she
carne first in her class. The Browing
matte by Winnifred is' attributed in a
largo measure to the training she re-
ceived in the 'Wingham schools which
brings home to us once more: the real-'
isatiori of haw fortunate we are in
Wingham to have schools that are
second to nolle in the Prov'inc'e in thesit of tme`hiii ,
The Triple \' Bible Class held its
annual election of officers,last Sunday
afternoon. "The Rev. Mr. Anderson,
Mr. E. S. Copeland and Jack Herd
were in charge and the election re-
sulted as follows:,
Leader -Rev. 5. V". Anderson.
Assist Leader ---f. Garlick,
Past Pres.—Jack Herd.
President—Kenneth Lee,
Voce PresBer'. Mitebe 1.
t 1
Secretary—Joe Tiffin,
The nets afficet.a Will take of owe er
their duties when the class al:arts next