HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 19Thursday, May 16th 1935 HISTORY OF THE ' BELL TELEPHONE IN WINGHAM (Continued from Page Eighteen) Goderich. The Wingham-Stratford talking . channels passed southward through, Bluevale and Brussels, to a point near Listowel, thence via New- Ybn, Milverton, Poole and Gad's Hill. Wingham calls to St, Marys could be conventiently routed via either Lon- don or Stratford, Visitors Welcomed The Bell Telephone Historical Mus- eum contains upwards of one thous- and exhibits of telephone apparatus, pictures, documents, etc., dating back to 1877. Visitors are glade welcome there and are conducted by a compe- tent guide in a systematic tour of the various displays. During the summer season, particularly, the Curator, Mr.. F.' A. Field, a telephone pioneer, is host to a large number of out-of-town visitors every afternoon. Residents of Wingham and vicinity are cordially invited to avail themselves of this op- portunity when in Montreal. * * * * The foregoing narrative regarding the Bell Telephone's advent to Wing - ham, gives a very minute description of what improvements have been made, since its beginning. However, FUSTORTCAI RI VIEW Or THE TOWN Ole WINGHAM there are 940 subscribers, served by the Wingham Branch, and there are one hundred and fifty-three miles. -of rural lines to Crake the hook-up. Mr. lames Seo-tt is the very efficient Ivian- ager and Miss Agnes Scott is Chief Operator. Both deser•vepr'aise for the way in which the affairs of 'the Com- pany are handled. At times there are as ,many as ten "Hello Girls" employ- ed here The Win ;hart Branch of the Bell I wish to go further, and say that Telephone has its office next door to the 'Wingham Advance -.rimes Print- ing office. THE OLD BOYS' BASEBALL TEAM IN THEIR NEW UNIF FORMS, JULY 1st, 1922, Top Row -- E. Pettigrew, V. R. VanNorman, A. M. Crawford, A. H. Musgrove, R. M. McKay, D. Holmes, Dr. A. J. Irwin, A. L. Posliff, R. A. Dinsle D. E. MacD onald. Bottom Row — A.McIntyre, S. Young,H. W. ,S Shane, Johnston,W. A. Currie,H. B. . onier s,H. McKay; F. 'fin Lockeridge. i JElliott,� S J.y� Angus, J. ..ock.ei dge, it WINGHAM it INCOR\ A ED 1879 c Wingham Citizens may well be proud of the advancement of their Town since its Incorporation in 1878. It is the recognized Commercial centre of Huron County. Winghamts development in growth, in its commercial importance, in its Civic services, in the high standard of its educational institutions, and in many other essentials are matters of just Civic pride. Modern stores and. Manufacturing plants, beautifully treed and well kept streets, residential sections" in which homes and public buildings are surrounded by eye -gladdening flowers, Maple trees and gardens, greet the eye. Wingham is a pleasant place in which to live, with train and bus service daily. No. 4 Provincial High- way runs North and South through the Town. inducements .are offered to Manufacturers wishing to Locate in Wingham. PAC=1:M IN Tx :I,;i A G. SMITH Provincial 111'anager of Investors' Syndicate,' One of the ; outstanding figures in the field of sales managership, in •On- tario, at the present time, is a form- er Wingham resident, Mr, A. G. Smith. Ivtr, Smith is the former Edit- or and publisher of the Wingham Ad - trance -Times. After living in Wing - ham for over twelve years, Ur. Srnith and his family moved toToronto, where in 1927, he beeame associated with the Investors' Syndicate, who. were at time extending their services into this province. Ontario has prov- en a receptive field,' and the growth of this internationally popular com- pany has been rapid. Mr. Smith is to be congratulated, for he was rapidly advanced from a Sales Representative to City Manager, then to District Manager, and in August of .1982, he was appointed Provincial Manager, Last year, 1934, he won the Presi- dent's man power competition for Canada, ,and the Canadian personal. sales production prize. The investors' Syndicate have a re- markable record of advancement, starting in a small way.. in 1894 with Assets of only $2600, they have con- stantly progressed, until at the pres ent time they are international in scope, and have received favorable mention in every financial newspaper printed in the United States and Can- ada, as well as Al references Irani MRS. THOMAS. L. JOBB One of the early settlers of Wing- barn. Minns and Bradstreets. People who in 1927 advised friends against the. building up of Living Protection with • Investors' Syndicate, are now actually boosting for this 41 -year-old organi- zation, which continues to offer 5 per cent. compound interest; on the ac - ,cumulative installment plan. In On tario, they number among their thou- sands of certificate holders, business and professional igen, insurance brok- ers, lawyers, bank managers, etc., etc. To give some idea of the progress of this Company we quote the follow- ing interesting figures. At December 1930, they had total assets of $33,810,- 115.81, and at December 1934, these Assets increased to $61,905,167.22. During this five-year period of severe depression, they paid ii,ut in Matur- ities a total of $40,112,082.95. This is a record truly worthy of notice among financial houses. During the month of February, 1935, this Company sod over twenty-two million dollars worth of new business. -\Ve are proud to. know that Mr. Smith is at the head. of such- a popular company in On- tario, and wish him continued suc- THE LATE J. A. MORTON Mr. Morton was a :Barrister and one of Wingham's Ex -Mayors. cess. Read the Investors' Syndicate advertisement appearing in this .;Spec- ial Historical Review. CHARLES BONDI Wholesale Fruit .Merchant One of the best wholesale fruit merchants in Western Ontario, is a citizen of Wingham, in the person of Charles Bondi. Coming to Wingham about twenty years ago, he started business in a small way, which in the last few years has grown extensively. Charlie buys al] his fruit and vege- tables in carload lots, and delivers daily to the surrounding Towns:, and Villages, with his fleet of trucks. His place of business, which he owns, is opposite the Brunswick Hotel. You can buy choice fresh fruits, at any time in his retail store. 'A photo of his Fruit :Store will be found in this Issue. Here's wishing the Bondi: Fruit Company, every success. ROBERT A. CURRIE Mr. Robert A. Currie, is one of Wingham's outstanding business men. He was born in this vicinity, and is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Currie. He entered the Undertaking business with the late \Ir. Sarnuel Gracey, and after Mr. Gracey's pass- ing he purchased the business, and moved up the street to the Wilson Block. "Bob" is a citizen of good re- pute, and is known for his efficiency in business. He has served as a mem- ber of the Town Council, and a mem- ber of the Public School Board. We wish him many years of prosperity. He carries a complete line of furni- ture in his store opposite the Hydro • Shop. THE LATE MRS. JOHN HARDIE The late Mrs. John Hardie, Sr,, was ;one of the Pioneer's of this District. STEWART GLOVE AND LEATHER WORKS This business, situated on the'ear- gloves and mitts, and sold all over ner of Victoria and William Streets, 'Ontario. The balance of these tnariu is the origittal site of the W.' J. Chap-factured hides are shipped to other man Tannery, Mr, Chapman, sold out glove and eoat ntantifactr•uing con- to the late Mr. W. p. Pringle. The cerns. Mr. Stewart has been in this plant was burned nut in 1909, and Mr. hairiness, for the past twelve years„ Pringle built the present substantial and employs quite a number of :,glove•• building. He carried on husiness here makers; 11r. -Stewart was in the Ltiin- until the time of his death, bering and Building business in Wes Mr, Wm. M. Stewart purchased the tern Canada, before entering into his, plant in 1923 and has aft extensive present line of business. Being of 'a trade ih Tanning, Upwards of two very genial; 'honest, Scotch disposi-• hundred .dozen 'hides tan be tanned tion, he is liked .by allwho know 1s iirt;. daily. Part of these Riches are fnanu- Wingham Citizens appreciate igen of'. factnred on tlie preniises into workthe stamp of '11i11" Stewart.