HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 13'.Tilt lrsclay,. May 16h, 1935 IIISTOR4CAL REVD W OF TIIE TowN OF WINGHAM. PAO kJ..A1u�1;k'!Lr��iu�Rill:l Wingham's Pioneer Insurance Office General Insurance Underwriting. Carried on Since 1880 Life, Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Bonds - Real Estate - Rentals District Representatives of Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada Cosens QUEEN'S HOTEL BUILDING WINGHAM 'Phones: Office 165; Res. A. Cosens 112; Res. W. T. Booth 190. MR. ABNER COSENS COSENS AND BOOTH Mr. Abner Cosens, the Senior Part- ner of thisl firm, has been a resident of the Town for about forty years. .Coming here from Egmondville, Mr. Cosens took over the Real Estate businesses of the late Messrs. Samuel Youhill and Alexander Ross, and Mr, James Chisholm, of Toronto. Six years after Mr. Cosens moved to town he formeda partnership with the late Mr, John Ritchie Jr., in the Real Estate and Insurance Business. This firm carried on until the time of Mr. Ritchie's death. Later on, Mr. Cosens and Mr. William Booth formed a partnership. Mr. Booth is a young man, well versed in Insurance, and is well liked by .all. He is the Secre- tary of the Chamber of Commerce, and of the School Board. Mr.. Cosens has always been a booster for any- thing that might prove benefiical to the Town. Messrs, Cosens and Booth carry on their Insurance and Real Estate busi- ness, in offices in the Queen's Hotel Building. . MANUFACTURERS OF TO -DAY The following are the Manufactur- ers of to -day; The Wingham Glove Works, (W. H. Gurney); The West- ern Foundry,' (Huron Stove, Ranges and Furnaces); Fry & Blackball (Up- holstered Furniture); Stewart Glove Works (Glove Manufacturers); .Wing - MR. W. T. BOOTH Chicks); MacLean Lumber and Goal Co. (Shingles, Lath, etc.); United Farmers' Co -Operative Co. (Butter and Eggs); Bluevale Creamery (But- ter and eggs); Howson & Howson (Flour Mills); Charles Lloyd & Sons ham Manufacturing Company (Chas, (Doors); they latter company is among Cook); Brown Bros. & Co. (Novelty the oldest firms and manufactures Works); Kennedy Hatchery (Baby large quantities of lumber into doors 3 - Tr4Y ' oifi0'i�• Qlp: INGRAM COUI TYpr real RuSN 71 S1A]°i Td;rs. OrM nd 1�4�m: ft.an..l;w..y� rs MAP OF THE TOWN OF WINGHAM that are shipped East and West, Mr. A. E, Lloyd, the senior partner in the. firm, is one of the oldest continuous residents of Wingham, His father, the late Charles Lloyd, built the first school in Wingham on the ground where Mr. A. E. Lloyd resides, Fry & Blackhall The firm of Fry & Blackhall was established in 1919 with the taking ov- er of the Walker and Clegg. Factory, In 1919 the factory was sold out to the Gunn -Son -Ola Company, and the Fry & Blackhall Co. continued- their work in part of the plant. Due to the growth of their trade, they felt they, must .move to larger quarters and in 1930 purchased: the property known as the Union Furniture Fac tory. This site, on the corner of Di- agonal Road and Victoria Street, ap- posite the Arena, has up-to-the-minute machinery and equipment. Fry & Blackhall have been enjoying a con- tinually expanding trade in their line of high grade upholsteredfurniture. Their trade marked "X -Rayed Furni- ture" has won many honors in com- petition with older firms in the same line. The partners in this Company are: Messrs. B. Porter, E. S. Cope- land, Norman Fry, Walter VanWyck Charles Lloyd & Son This company is a mong the oldest firms and manufactures lar- ge quantities of lumber into doors This factory was established in 1866 by the late Charles. Lloyd and his three sons, Albert and the late Walt- er and Charles. This factory was in the building across the lane from the present •extensive plant which now employs 30 hands, and handles up- wards of 2,040,000 feet of lumber .a year in its operations. Two of the third generation, Richard H, and Charles, sons of Mr, A. E, Lloyd are parnters in this enterprise. THE WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., LTD. This Company was: founded Jime 1001, 1902, the Company pur-ehasing the property of the late National Iron Works ,in Wingham, Ontario, from F. J, Taylor and Company. The pro- visional Directors of the Company, named at this time, were: Dr. Norman Alien, F. J. Taylor, J. J. Cunningham, H. W. Taylor, D. A. Forster, and Williarti Varey. The Charter was received Septemb- er 14th, 1902, and the Permanent BEISSB ESE3®°OBf fi6RVI@ilitiMI Oj B0®S®MSESSSEIMB9A139 20 13 8 le BROWN BROS. FACT ORY AT WINGHAM and Harcourt Mundy. Each man con- ;Board of Directors elected: fleeted with this business is experienc- + President—Dr.. Norman Allen, ed in this line of work. ;fir. Porter, 1! Vice Pres.—Mr. J. Taylor. President, is Supervisor of the Fac -1 Sec.-Treas.—Mr. J. J. Cunningham. tory and Equipment; Mr. Fry is in I. They commenced the manufacture charge of the Covering and Cutting; of stoves, ranges and furnaces, and as Dept.; Mr. VanWyck has charge of trade increased, they were compelled the. Upholstering; Mr. Copeland is ; to build additions to the original General Manager and Mr. Mundy at- !plant. Pusiness still increased, with tends strictly to the selling end of i the staff of skilled workmen it was - the business and is kept continually I neecs.ary to employ. In 1912 they on the road. 'erected more buildings, and employ• - 1 ed as high as 150 men Brown Eros. & Co., Limited Dr. Allen retired as President in This business was taken over by 11909, and was succeeded by Mr. J. J. two of our Wingham boys—Abraham ' Cunningham, which position he held and Moses Brown, about four yearsuntil the time of his death in 1922, ago. They' later took into partnership it He was succeeded as President by his in hi with them three other Wfnghaen, son,,Mr, H. C. MacLean. Through Such depressing times, this; Mr. MacLean deserves high praise institution has managed to keep their jfor keeping this institution operating factory running, having only, at inter- lin these strenuous times, Upwards of • vats, to shut down, The factory was '2200 furnaces and 12,000 stoves and formerly the Walker and Clegg Fac- ranges are turned out in a year and tory and is fully equippetd with mots- I the pay roll runs well over the six 1 ern machinery for the manufacture of 'figure mark, possibly as high as furniture and the lines at present $105,000.00. This means a great deal HIGHLAND CHIEFTAIN Fitz -Roy Donald. MacLean, who Island' of Mull, Argylshire. The au - will be one hundred years old on May thor and other. McLeans are decen- 18th, 1935. This noted Scotcbman isdants• from this fatuous Isle of Mull Chief of the Clan of MacLean and land areproud of this Grand Old resides in. Tobcrmory Castle an the , Chieftain. two years. Mr. Gurney has been a member of the Hydro Commission for the past fourteen years, and Hydro is one of his hobbies. He is actively associated with several lines of sport.. Wingham Glove Works is an asset to Winghani and the citizens extend best wishes to Mr. Gurney and Son for I years he was in business with his bro- ther, Mr. John Galbraith, Not lung ago he opened up what is known as the Red Front Grocery, on the site of one of aur first business places. of 1860. This was a very successful cor- ner for many years, but later the bus- iness section was springing up, forth - future prosperity. er up the street, Business places seem Ito go in cycles, as fax the past two years we see the -old familiar stand making a fair bid to be as busy as in the early days. Wingham is pleased to have Mr. Galbraith numbered with its many other places of business. MR. ROBT. GA.LBRAITH F Mr, Galbraith is one of Winghani's 'energetic business men, and has lived 1 here nearly all his life. For many I THE LATE THOMAS ABRAM One of the early pioneers of Wingham. turned out. They manufacture small furniture novelties, radio cabinets and toilet seats . When the factory is op- erating at full capacity, a staff of for- ty-five men could be employed, We hope that Brown Bros. may be able to extend their trade so as to operate continually. Winghania Manufacturing Co. This business has been operating for the ,past four years in what was known as the Button and Fessaiit Factory, just over On. Canadian Na- tional Railway tracks on Josephine Street North. Small wood specialties are inannfactured here, and the Com- pany has an extensive trade in toilet seats. Mr. Cook, who is the Superin- tendent, employs a good staff of workmen, It is such men as Mr. Cook and his associates who make Wing - ham as prosperous as it is to -day. We wish this industry every : success for many years to conte. to Wingham and it is to be hoped that it will continue for many years. A. photograph of the Western Foun- dry .tivill be found in this paper, Hur- on Stoves and Ranges and Red Hot Furnaces are used all over Canada,,:es- pecially in the West and in North- ern Ontario—where they are required. the year round to keep out the cold. Over 95% of the employees of the Company learned their trade here, ,and many are still employed and are resi- dents of the Municipality, THE WINGHAM GLOVE. WORKS (W. H. Gurney & Son) Mr, W. Gurney, owner of the Winghatn Glove Works, is a real live business mad, very enterprising, and. owner of considerable real estate, He served on the Town Council as Alder- Man, and was Mayor of the town for • 1 vie OF A worth while investment that you will enjoy from start to finish. There are photos of many • of our old time Townsmen, and also Historical places of business SECURE ONE OR MORE COPIES OF THIS REVIEW. SEND ONE TO SOME OLD TIMER. Single Copy Sac. 5 Copies for $2.25 10 Copies for $4.00. You may secure your copies from any of the local news dealers, this office, or the author, THOMAS J. MCLEAN