HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 10PA( rJ'? TIM �.iSTC)RICA1.,e T.. ' Ii TOWN -\'ii WINGLAA'M A GENERAL REVIEW OF OUR TOWN IN THE PRESENT CENTURY �l t 1" 2 ti 1 d is It i e kt i I\Tany changes have tatted place erring the; last thirty-five years, in the xa lrenreeee� of the 'fuw•n arts! the pro - : gross: it tae made, Compere this per.' r oil With the previous :review' Of. the �.ighties and Nineties. ),A'itt;, h,t1 has an tip•t�� rl:art '1). ui- fire." \Vitta'r System, w Bich. is civ ria•cd` zom au ,\rtesiun well, et a ilkptl; r.f 4{a i`c c+t, flea\ inn 101) e;tll„n; per mitt t.r. TheTheeyett`nt traa installed in )1)), and i elertrit•ally pumpedpumpedinto i' ecryoirs with a ralmeity of half a raillitait „rill .•ns, 't'hery :are eteeu hen - red and twenty-4ive water services t tourn, \Vinellani has always been f, ortnnate ti> hats" water of the ltigheet rarity, lieskl this Dein eetic. 1\ -titer: Service, there are separate �pttntps for ire protection. These pumps were nstalled .in the year 1879 and have been kept in good winging order ev- r. :since, The lumps rive a direct ressttre 'trf one htutdrecl :u (1 slaty p ounds, Wingham has its owe sugar» eel fire department, Fire Chief A. E. ,ottttit and ttvclve> men.. They have 2.500 ft; of hose, cltentical appartus, hook and ladder, and carts. As Wing-: haat is well prulected from fire it WILBERT' PLATT Night Policeman for Our `t'own for the past two years, is a capable man for the position he fills. Mr. Platt can be seen any horn' of the night patrolling our streets while we, as Cltiain' are enioying titer sleeps, Jost laee ently, "Bert" gave a good account of himself at the Revolver Target Shoot at Guelph, 'corning fourth, eeor- iug 182 points out i'f a possible 2001 Some 50 policemen entered the cc\m- pe.titic?il, THE WINGHAM TOWN COUNCILOF 1935 Top Row • Coun. 5 J . H. Crawford ;Como. A. M. Bishop, Co till H. T. Thomson, Cohn: 5. ,A. Wilson. Bottom Row Reeve F. W. - Galbraith,Town Clerk and Treasurer, Coun.'D. Geddes.. I, Davidson, Coun. H. B. l.,lllott, Mayor J. \1 . IIaniaa W. consequently has a low rate of fire insurance. There are fifty-four hy- drants in the Town and 15 miles of water mains. 'Che Sewer System is also another credit to \Vingltant. It was installed some twenty -fire years ago. Almost every public and private building: is connerteei to this system. Tlie dispos- al beds are large enough to accommo- date a Town n twice the size of ours, There are twenty miles of sidewalks in Wittgltam, Every street in town Itas cement walks, in fact some of these stave. been in use for nearly for- ty years. They have been kept in good repair and are laid in uniforms distance front the street tine, This ;gives a nice boulevard. \\ e have five miles of paved streets here. Our Main Street was paved twenty-two year ago, and \\'inghant was one of the first towns towns in Western Ontario to adopt iCtttierete pavements. The first Electric Light plant was installed by Walter Green, a former resident of \\`inrhaut, now residing in _Rainey River, Ontario. It seems im- possible to imagine how our ancestors worked by candle light and later with lamps. The first electric plant was op - crated from tete old 1;'nioe Factory in 1890. Mr, Green, ivitlt foresight, pur- tchased the olid water privileges used by the Lower \\Ingham Mills. This i was after the Flour Mill, owned by Hutton, Price and Carr. had been des - • troyed by tire in 1888 and the Saw- rnaill owned by 1\1c Lean and Son had been turn down ire 1889. Mr. Green We are prepared to furnish you with Govern- ruent Approved Baby Chicks Baby Chicks, White e or s Barred Rocks and White Rocks • ALBERT LOUTTIT Chief of tete Fire Department of \\'inhant, has been a citizen of the Town for a good number of years. He has been Chief of the Dept. for eight wears"and is a capable man. proceeded to install new and up-to- date electrical machinery, in a new bringing Hydro • into Vs'inghant. lie- • bentures were sold for a forty years period. Mr. Herbert Campbell, who e had been engaged after Mr. Green sold the plant is still the Manager. Tieing of a persistent Scotch nature, day. Our streets are all 'u e l 1 g tec especially . Main Street, which pres- nts a pleasing appearance at night. Compare the difference of a few years he gives of his very best to the whole system. Besides 400 horsepower w•itich was contracted for by the Town, there a is an auxiliary plant of 240 b.p: main- tained. Mr. Campbell has besides this, charge of thirty-five utiles of lines,• which serve four villages, Bluevale, Wroxeter, Fordwich and Gorrie. There are quite a number of farms 1 which have electr.icit} also. The pcnv- er isalways on at any hour of the back, when the ironing and cooling was done over a red hot stove on a I ot summer day. The power is deriv- ed .on a general hook-up from Eugenia nd Niagara Falls. .Year Before Hydro Power' was produced 1921 end' while the Town was operating w 1922 With its own poiver, the cost per 1.w. 1923 Boer was thirteen cents. Since De- 1924 cember, 1920, which is the date of our 1925 irst Hydro Tower, the following 1926 table will gine the reader the correct 19279 rate, actual cost, and credit: 1928 1.92 1922 1933 1930 GEORGE ALLEN Chief of Police Allen has been a resident of Wirigham for many years, in fact, he should be classed as one of the older 'boys. Chief Allen was 'hur sday, May,16th, 193,5 engaged in railway work for many years but :was forced to give it tap on, account of an accident, II.e• is now entering upon his twenty-ninth year as Chief of.police. He has given of his best days in the service of our town. His duties, are many and his hours are every hour of 'the day, The Town of Wing -ham has been fortunate to have had a man like Chief Allen to guard the wayward and help the unfortunate who are always in our. midst. •The writer has known Chief Alien andhis wife for over half a century and wishes them through this Historical Review, many more years of health and 'happiness in Wingham, Total Consumers ».. ....,.„.,..»,»..».....».»...».. 560, 671 '1931 \t e rage Horsepower used . ...» ..... _.......».. 263.5 261.1 1932 Total Revenue - all sources _..»».,..» $ 80,509.83 $ 32,798.26 !3933 Revenue, Lighting, Dom. & Com only .»....:14, 721.22 19,446.55 1 Killowatt hours sold - Lighting ......».......... ......»157,969 - 594,057 1 Average cost to Lighting Consumers ...»»»...................» 9.32c 3.27c Plant Capital ..............»..................»...,.......»..»»» 95,6553,67 119,660.36 Reserves and Surplus Reserve for Equity in Hydro System- - - 18,287.75 Depreciation on Local Plant » ' 4,272.00 22,444.34 Other Reeerves » Local Sinking Fund ,-,.'... . Debentures paid......»....:....»....»..»,24,066.26 60,952.43. 14 70.94 Operating Surphis ......,..»..,.._....» 970.94 ,384.45 Total - Reserves and Surplus _........»_,...»..» $29,309.20 $116.068.97 WINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL OF 1915 Ten Row - j. Morgan, Taw Collector; Comas. a. M, Crawford, ' . R VanNorman, W. A. Currie, W. t; 1'attersoot. lt,attoni Row - Reeve 5. ifattltsti Mayor A. 3'. Irwin, i. G. Stewart, Trees, Coun. L. F. Binkley. 1\. 1'.011 w•a' alst, a ('ounciili\r, but rw tug to alnr> •was tunable to attend. brick building on the site �.f the old iryt'ur Mill. The plant was well equip ped with steam and water power and ; eawe first c1aes service. • l'i'ar •Mr; Greet sa>k1 the entire plant and :1921 water privile ee w the C corporation 1992 for 830.000.00 in 1903: 't'lte Town op- .1923 erated with this system until the year '1924 ,1920, when it came e under the Hydro 1925 Electri:; Commission. The slim of ;1926 !$40,000.00 was the }trice rontraeted for 1927. Operating Surplus ',1928 41929 Accumulated 11930 Current Year To Date 1931 $ 938.03 deficit 1932 970,94 1933 • Net Chick Starter, Po ltry Feed Corm aid Poultry Supplies Cattle and Hog Mineral a and Concentrates 2,101 29 2,004.04 3,461.91 2,712.08 1928.19 2,174.18. • 1,664.21 4,004.70 2,547.69 2,614.28 1,976.23 426.91 2,71'.02, y d Rebates made tri' Consumers: 6155.02 8,391.74 11931 Approximately $ 2, 700.00 10,493.13 11933 Approximately ....., 2,300.00 10,252.14 }1934 Approximately ». 2,700,00 10,916.95 14,921.65 17,428.99 17,182.45 1 16,954.81; 14,384.45 1 Year 11922 .11923 1924 11925 1926 11927 '1928 %19.29 11930 1931 1932 1933 Interim Average H, P. Period 284.4 $45.00 263.5 45.00 312:7 55.00 315.3 59.00 275.0 59;00 252.4 71.00 281.2 71.00 300.2 71.00 368.4 65,00 332.5 60.00 299.4 60.00 251.6 60.00 261.1 60.00 Domestic No. Cone. 384 410 425 452 474 495 507 535 553 552 523 504 Actual 64.60 57.56 Cost Credit 'Charge $ 5,576.72 3,310:53 58.75 1,690.42 52.42 1,305.64 70.75 due heavy exp, on syst. 3;225.89 68.04 265.33 64.41 1,850.42 60.32 8,205.88 53.74 4,499.63 58.81 691.92 58.55 430.98. 63.51 109.06 61.38 299.95 Commercial Rev. No. Kw. hr. Cons. 8.1 6.0 5.1 4.7 4.8 156 4.2 160 4.0 160 4.1 160 3.6 161 3.4 161 3,2 154 3.1' 143 156 156 151 153 Rev. Kw. rh. 10.8 7.1 6.2 6.3 5.5 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.0 3,5 3.6 3.6 Power No. Cons, 20 23 23 24 25 25 26 • 26 25 29 25 24 Av. Rev. per H.P. 28.58 29.54 29.87 32.48 29.64 29.55 28:45 29.05 28.89 25.65. 23.03 24.29 Total Cons 560 589 599 630 655 680 693 721 739 742 702 671 .i,^+.' `:`tin WINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL OF 1919 ...:Top of xlii1cbeia, i I` 0 r4 -t, W , , Chief :'bi 1 e Beet Id+tti Wb'gha Fruit ..: uart ESTABLISHED IN 1913 We Are Here to Serve You Everything possible to obtain in the Fruit line we secure Strictly Fresh Every Week. OUR SPECIALTY -- BANANAS We Purchase in Carload Lots: BANANAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, ,PINE-; APPLES, GRAPE -FRUIT AND ALL POMEGRANATES. In Car Lots: TOMATOES, CELERY, LETTUCE, CAB- BAGE, APPLES AND ONIONS. Give us a Trial -if a can't please you tell us. I3ONDI FRUIT CO. CHAS. BONDI, SUPERINTENDENT.