HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-16, Page 61? Gz, SIX TIISTORICAI., R•.xWILOW OI T ll+, TOWN Cir WINCH .M Thursday, May 16th, 1935 HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF WINGHAIVI (Continued !rout Pate Five) twelve years. Hix speitialty is horse - shoeing and this he does proficiently. Inc is a .sltr::n 1 an,1 active citizen and served three years consecutively en' the Council 1,c•:rid. His intelligent service in chis respect was well d.. - served :sir, Gan, t has a reeFe (elm_ petent el it- petent 'helper in ahs perwui u: .lir • Andrew 'lthrray, a pian of long ex- perience." a Clark H. Clark hus carried on the Puunp factory in Wingham for eight years. He supplies almost entirely a very 'derc radius of country around 'fi'ithghatn, with pumpe, force and lift. 31r. Clark has an excellent trade and ;pepe several hands employed." Scott Bros. Scott R cy ' ''irk Packing l stab - 1 hinent i •iea :i . n \ i to is Street, and is a n:; . nnn1 car i*s structure revo st,ret. The b 3 ih a s Mone here is late.c anal is rapidly increas- Mercantile Houses Gorden n at McIntyre -This r r r , iC,Tillea quite tvy ? years .._ Mee den has been in basineeteii _ am for. abet -a Ekren year_. This .... THE FRY & BLACKHALL FACTORY, WINGHAM dress goclds, groceries, boots and shoes'. "Mr. Mr. J. B. Cummings J. B. Cummings, dealer in sewing malicines organs and pianos, 14 i. H. McIndoo is familiar With the early 'history of "Fear nearly two years, Mr. M. H. - Wineham and vicinity. His father Mclndoo has tarried on business in was one of the first ettlers of Last the Beaver Block, and for two years \rawarosh." before That he was associated with Mr. E. C. Clark one of the fistlargest 1 '3,1r. E. C. Clark's'shop is in the Mr. 11 M. Gordon in the Mercantile b e nz . He keeps and mast popular mercantile business -101d Royal Hotel building. He ern- s in Tc*wn. Mr. Mclndoo'has an ex ;ploys a large staff in his tailor shop, es:=,llcai and yvtrustc-+rthy staff in his 'which is sufficient evidence that his ,custom already is very 'arae." en:gl. y. Fowles and Hiscocks The Canadian Pacific Railway 'carries fluff =fines :.f r ? ernisrar "A branch of this great Transcon- Messes.i itis and Hiscocks have great itnental road entered Wingham some 'been in business for the past year iav-°fitteen months ago and its epinin. 'itb to bu enc �,f Mr. Rob - 70 :marked an epoch in the Town -a Rise l - The Station is situated •on John int mega.' in a eaerai mercantile tory. Esch as dry goeiiit boots and Street, west Of the old Agricultural Grounds. A lamm e aount of traffic rte e•ss, and. erect-ries." ;passes over this road, the shipments fre+ttt the Salt Block, situated near the Naho has been a continuous Smith and Pethick station, being one very heavy item dent of \V•in hani for over sixty years. ham Skating Rink is an all -the -year- -, Smith and Pethick capened Mr, J. H. Beenier, the Agent, hooks Her late husband was one of Wing- round institution. it is one of the • Me s. t..__ "eaedware in win ham about after the interest_ of alto Company l i Manufacturers le the se's and largest, finest, and most substantial th- twelve yea _+. and their exte the and the public." weth stocked and tastily arranged • steee the Beaver Bleck' is the re- Mediae/ '.establishment is carried on in Wing - skating in the summer; ice skating and sat _ f careful management and faith- ' .•The Medical I'rc�iession here is re r curlingin the Winter, i�skat hours n1 catering :.e public require- :presented by Dr. P MacDonald, M. ;harm by Mr. R. M. Robinson.'` meets: . P.; Dr. Towler; Dr, Tamblyn; Dr. • are whiled away at the rink." Chisholm; Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Mc- Marbie Works J. H. Vanstone Kenzie."' , lir. Wm. S Lyth carie: on the t Jewellry Stores Etc. '- ,'fr T. H. Van_-c.ne t,-�c'k charge tombstone bu.irc...a in \Vingham, on "Messrs. E. F. Gerster and Ed. Din- ,; Mr. H. Parti: Jewelry s?crre about Legal Men Josephine Street. • sley both carry on fine Jeweliry bus- 'ir. Vanrtone has "\Vineham has three law offices. • finesses in Town and we wish them six months ago. z Flouring Mills -every .success." already a very profitable trade." r ,nducred respec:ive,y by Mr.A. • Morton, Reeve of the Town, Messrs. "Messrs. Hutto 5: Carr's •fine roll - D. Sutherland Meyer ,S: Dickinson. and Mr. R. Van- er Flour Mill: in Lower Wingham "A .,i` s n 57'-'' .., s1'i"":, -=.0 .. Mr. S. G. McGill." �•1:•slesa.e and cordis :�;e a o tinware bus ries leas been ,r•, u..ed Dental. Surgeons here by Mr. D. Sutherland the past three years. He keeps a large There are two dental offices in staff at tinsanithing. eaye_tree .:ng. \'ingha:n thecae s_ Mr. \,V. H. Mac - etc.'" "Donald and Mr. J. S Jerome:' MRS. CATHARINE YOUNG Who is one of the early-pi...nee- women of this district, Navin; lived in Huron. County for eighty-one years. Mrs. \.-Dung is to be congratulated on having attained her 99th birthday, on May 3rd last. MRS. OLIVER GILCHRIST were destroyed by fire .some months ago, but they ,carry on business in the Upper \\Vingham Mill, where grinding is done by the stone alone. Real Estate "The, dealers in Real Estate in Wingham are: Messrs. S. Youhill, R. McIndoo, H. Davis, T. Holmes, R. Cornyn, P. N cKibbon, T. Coreyn and S. R. Webb." Merchant Tailoring, Boots and Shoes "Messrs. Honiuth and Buchanan, Thomas Leslie, D. McCormicic and Company and R H. Roderus repre- sent these lines in Winghaiii" general Grocery business, art Joseph- ine. Street." •Ifardwares J. A, Cline. and Co. About six years ago, Mr, J. A. Cline began business here rind four years ago took into partnership John Nee- lands. Mr•. Cline is a 'Member of the Town Council and Was' for several. years Chief of ,the Fire Brigade, Mr. Neelands is,, a member of the Town Council also and occupied the Mayor's chair very acceptably," Butchers "The Butcher trade is representee' by Thomas Drummond, J. J. Field, George Shaw, William Diamond.. In earlier days the butchers were. Jack. Dopp, Jiro. Davidson and Joe Crow- son,' (End of (.)notations from the late Mr. Elliott's Retrosipective.) (Continued on Page Seven) Druggists and Chemists "Our present Druggists and Chem- ists are represented by Air. C. E. Wil liams, Dr. Towler and Dr. Chisholm." "Place• of Amusement in 1888 resi- "As an amusement resort the Wing - ,90's, rinks in the West and is under the attentive management of Mr. Win. Armour, the Proprietor., With roller t,Pr a{ n'i'^•,Fx'TFk'e!" ti :'4.+. •,.8 T.see ;'. 'V. ;'ftd'05,7,-'44316"4 EL gra&hos The Canadian Bank of Commerce con- gratulates the Ti n of \\-ingham and Vicin- ity. And the Bank is happy to have this oppor- tunity of bearing tribute to, the -early pioneers of the Town and surf ounding country. This institution has been intimately con- nected with the development and the progress of the community for over a quarter of a cen- tury. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has ever been ready to encourage sound enterprise in A;riculture and Industry., and has maintain- ed this attitude throughout varying conditions. Canatian t of Commerce R. BLACKWOOD, Manager ha >txr B1"a'nch. 1 Veterinary Surgeons "This line is represented by ''Messrs. Wm. Ridd and John Wilson, both regular graduates and reliable and successful practitioners." Insurance Agents "In Fire Insurance we have John Ritchie, H. Davis and S. Yc,uhill, arid in Life, A. Dawson and Jas. Mc- Creight." Boots and Shoes "Besides those briefly written up in the boot and shoe line, Messrs: T. Abram and J. Morrison conduct cus- tom and repair shops." Foundry "A general foundry and implement MRS, JOHN LOUGHEED Who is ane of Wingharn's fine old: ladies, Restaurants The Star Restaurant "The Star Restaurant, under Mr. Jas. McKelvie's • Management is the oldest establishment of its kind in Wingham." The Eclipse Restaurant "The Eclipse was 'established by Mr. John Kerr and is a well equipped and well managed restaurant. Mr. John Kerr is an energetic business. man" THE LATE MR. AND Among Winohani's early pioneers was the late Mr. and Mrs. Ansley. Mr. Ansley was born in Napanee, and at the age of 31, came to Wingham. This was in the year 1862. Two years later he built a Foundry and Mach- ine Shop, on the corner of Victoria and Minnie Streets. His brother, the late Mr. Charles Ansley, was assoc- iated with him. After operating this business for several years he sold out t� the late Mr. R. M. Robinson. Mr. Ansley then engaged in. Bridge Build- ing and other construction work, and in -1883 was appointed Huron County Engineer, which 'position he held un - ti his resignation in 1906. Mr. Ansley limed retired during the remainder of his life. The late Mrs. Ansley was born in Devonshire, England, and • The. City Restaurant "Mr. Robert Hill is ;proprietor of the City Restaurant, in Green's Block. His parlors approach very closely the alatial in • tidiness and comfort." Booksellers and Stationers George Mason "The Mason Block, on the corner of Josephine and John Streets, was erected by John Mason, of London, THE LATE JOHN QUIRK father of George Mason, in the year Conductor of the Canadian National .1870. Mr, George Mason has carried Railway for many years. on a stationery business here for the. past nine years and has a heavy well chosen, nicely .kept and fairly -mark- t' ed stock." ip MRS. JOHN •ANSLEY carne to Canada, with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walters, when she was seven years of age. Af- ter living in Port Hope for a few years, they moved to Colborne Town- ship, later purchasing the farm on the 12th concession of East' Wawanosh, in 1860. In the year 1876 she was married to the late Mr. Ansley. This fine old couple, though they have passed on, will be well remem- bered by many readers. Their daugh- ter, Laura, (now Mrs. Lindsay), and two of their sons, Fred and Harry, all taught school in Lower Wingham. Mrs. Lindsay also taught in Wing - ham Public School. Another son, "Wes" is Principal of a school in the city of Toronto. George, a fourth son, holds a responsible position with the General Motors, in Oshawa. NN �ifYQN ry '�1F' The Canadian Bank of Conner at Wingha*n A. Ross "Mr, A. Ross, of the Popular Boole ,Stere, took charge of the bttsiriess• here about a year ago. 'FIe carries a choice and complete stock." Flour and Peed Mr, A. H. Carr "The , City Mout. and Fecd Store v,•as opened by Arthur H. Carr some months arcs, tt being previously carried. nn by Messrs. Hutton and Carr." eSeetneeeeereleeeti- Peter, Deans "For, this ]c'a'st five years, Mr. Peter ')carni lia,, catered successfully to the 7,iibHe requirements in the flour and feed lnt,irrt a. TIJs store is situated ir1 the Stone: Block." Grocers., kite, "W '1' 'I cz afee, Grant' herr two years ago from C:ir,,dcrich and opened the China 'Toltec. Ile :specializes in Chinaand g1ac.n f+,r,r,elas' unit also carries the choicest and finest, of groceries," oceries," Tian" I-Iiacock@ "Mr. T1', I•1iseocity, four years ago opened tits City Grocery, The C. P. R. Telegraph Office is located here also and receives most remitting at,. tent.ion," Mr C, N'. Griffin, "Ilia, C, N, Griffith alsot,o:Admits a ON THE AIR Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30 to 9 p.m. '