HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-05-02, Page 1-'Single Copies Five Cents
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News,.
Shot Exceedingly Well at Guelph Poi -
ice Revolver Tourney,
Constable T. W. Platt made a name
for himself at the Annual Guelph Re-
volver Tourney on Wednesday of last
week when he won fourth: prize.
The picic of the revolver shots of
Canada attended this annual snatch,
'and, in taking fourth place against
such competition on his first try, is
a feat that few who have attended
this match can boast.
Constable Platt scored 175 points
out of a possible 200. The winner
was R. G. Pickreli, of Winnipeg, who
is International Champion. He. and.
J. H. B. ;-MacDonald, , C.I .R, Police,
Toronto, tied with 191 points. D. H.
Darby of 13eamsville, carne third with
185 points.
The scores ranged all the way from
191: to 63, so it can be readily seen
that our constable did e ceeding
ly well. Congratulations, Constable
The farm house of Jambs Deacon,
on the 12th Concession of East Wa-
wanosh, was completely destroyed by
fire, on •Monday evening between 8
and 9 :o'clock. The fire was first dis=
covered near the chimney at the roof.
Despite the efforts of neighbors, the
fire spread. quickly and it was not
long until the structure was a mass
of sntoulclering ashes. Most of the
furnishings were removed.
The reflection of the fire was very.
noticable in town and for miles
around, and. a large crowd went to
see and help. 13y the time most peo-
ple arrived nothing could be clone to
save the building.
Minstrel Show May 13th
The Baseball Club are presenting
the Hen'saI1 Minstrels in the Town
Ball,'Afaj' 13th. This is the outstand-
ing Minstrel Show of this year in
Western Ontario. 45 male voices,
good acting, fine singing, plenty of
Itunnourr. Keep this date open.,
13luevale to Have Chain. Store
Having joined the Superior Stores,
Mr, A. D.. Smith brings to .13luevaie
a branch of the largest independent
:grocery chain in Ontario. Modern e-
quipment has been installed in the
store and the interior and exterior re-
decorated. This store is also head -
•quarters for Royal Ice Cream and
Shell Oil and Gasoline, and is open
-evenings during the s'urnmer months.
Fell From Roof • Not Injured
On friday, Jack McDonald was
-working on the roof at Lawrence Mc-
Lean's .when a support board gave
away and he fell to the ground, He
-was shaken up but believe it or not
he, was back at work in 15 niinutes.
In the fall from the roof Mr, Mc-
Donald landed on some hydro wir-
ing, and it is believed if they had not
broken his fall he could have been
severely injured,
Maitland Presbyterial to Meet
The twenty-first annual meeting of
IVlaitland Presbyterial Society W. M.
S. of the Presbyterian Church in Can
:ada, will be held in Knox. Church,
Teeswater, on Tuesday, 'May 14th,
1935, with sessions at 10 a.1n,, 1.30 p.
.m,, and at 7.30 .pan. Guest speakers
will be Mr. .and Mrs. A. McKay of
,Jhansi, India; Miss C. Campbell; Miss
.M.. Williamson of t\mhlcnt, India; and
Miss Dorothy Douglas of .Tamsui,
Formosa, Miss P, B. Lamont,, Field
Secretary, will bring greetings frons'
the Provincial Society. , A full execu-
tive board ,meeting will. be held at 1
p.m.' and will be addressed by. Miss,
The Winghatn Midget Softball
team wort two games from Lucknow
last week. On Wednesday they de-
feated the Sepoy kids 1.1 to 9 in a
eIose 10 -inning game at Lucknow.
The game was exciting affair, but the
local dwarfs carne through in the ex-
tra stanza.
On Friday Lucknow played here
but the local gang ran away front
them by a score of 23-16.
The local team ist A. Small, L. Car-
ter,J• Fraser
J• Ross, P. :Biggs, D.
Biggs, 5, Wilson, D. Murray, 13. For-
syth, B. Scott, D: Adams.: Manager,
P. R. Biggs. 8 ,
Kenneth Weaver Re -Elected Pres-
' dent.
Much Benevolent Work Done During
the Year,
The annual meeting of Vlfingliain
Post No, 180, Canadian :Legion B;E.
S•L., was held: in the Legion rooms
on Wednesday evening last week with
a splendid attendance.
The reports for the year were most
encouraging. .During the year the in-
vestigation committee had been very
active. and had been most successful
in, their efforts in 'aidingiinany veter-
ans re pensions, hospital 'treatment,
etc, Service is the motto of this or
ganization and the local branch has
done much for the veterans of this
The following are the officials and
committees elected:
President—Kenneth Weaver.
lst Vice-Pres.—Frank Sturdy.
2nd Vice-Pres.—George Williams.
Treasurer—W. W. Armstrong.
Secretary -=H. Browne.
Investigation Committee—A. • M.
Forbes, Chairman; two. to be select-
Visiting Committee—W. VanWyek,
Bert Isard, T. Y. Smith, Percy Har-
ris, Dr. G. W. Howson, Harry Towner
Social Committee—T. Y. Smith;
chairman, P.. Harris, .G. Williams, H.
Browne, J. W, .Snaith.
House :Committee—H. C. MacLean,
chairman, Dr. Howson, W. VanWyck,
H. Browne, J. W. Smith, J. Currie,
D, Kennedy.
1VMAY 6th IS A
In commemoration of the 25th An-
niversary of the accession of King
George V. and Queen Mary to the
Throne, Mayor John W. Hanna has
declared next Monday, May 6th, a
public holiday.
The colored lights will be turned
on for Saturday, Sunday and Monday
nights and the merchants are asked
to co-operate by displaying flags over
the week -end.
James A. Wiley
Another. of \'Vinghant's older resi-
dents has passed away in the person
of James Aruaziah Wiley in his 77th
year. The deceased had not been, in
good health for the past fifteen years
but was only -seriously ill for two
weeks prior to his death on Friday,
April 26th. Born at •Tilisonbtirg, he
came -to Lower Wingham as a child
of ten and has been a continuous resi-
-dent'itere sin`cie, except for eight years
spent in l3elggrave. On May • 24th,
1884, he was Married:to Margaret Mc -
K niiey, at `l''eesweter.
Surviving besides his widow are
three sons and two daughters, Thom-
as ..Albert and Edward Franklin, at
home; William James of Swift Cur-
rent, Sask.; Esther of Toronto and
Annie of. London.
The funeral was held from the fam-
ily residence, Victoria Street, on Sun-
day afternoon. A private service was
c6tiducted Sy Rev, E :L. Roberts, rec.
for St. Paul's Anglican Church, under
the auspices of Wingham L,O.1., 794
of -which he was a member;
The pallbearers were: Percy .Hogg,..
Robert Golley,' Wm. ' John Campbell,
Frank Sturdy, Samuel Tyndall and
W. T. 112i11er, -
Interment was -?rade in Wingham
W.• R, Hamilton's Mother Passes
Mr, W, R, Hamilton received the
word that his mother, Mrs, R,
'Hamilton, of Grand Valley, had pass-
ed away Friday -morning, April 26th,
The funeral will be heldthis after-
noon (Wednesday), °Mr. and Mrs.
T-lamilton left for Grand Valley at
once on receiving this .sad news,
Boy Scouts to Greet Their Leader
,The local Boy Scoots and Cubs will
have an Opportunity. to greet their
leader, General Baden-Powell, on
Tuesday, May 14th, as the Scottt.
Conucil are snaking arrangements to
take them to Loudon. General Baden-
adenPowell will be in London that day.
Their venerable leader is ort the home
strcteh of a trip around the World and
this is a splendid opportunity for• the
local troop to greet their leader.
Mr, and Ms's. Hugh Carmichael
spent the week -end with relatives, in
Subscriptions •$2,Q0 Per Year
_ e / J �s'i
.fl/ba, /I/�
/ ✓/PJ.46000,
r ) )
On the 6th of May His Majesty and breadth of the Empire, His Ma- strations will notconfined i
be co Peel to the
King George V., our much beloved jesty's subjects will unite its celebrat- British Empire alone, as other. n
Sovereign, will have completed twen ing the joyous occasion and' in testi- tions will desire to ive expression
ty-five years on the Throne as the fying to the unbounded love and res- to their admiration for ,a Monarch.
ruler of our great Empire. pest with which the Ding and Queen whose qualities are an asset to the
Everywhere, throughout the length are regarded by all. These demon- whole comity of nations.
MAY 3i -d AND 4th
The Sale Event Of The Year Will Was Six -Year -Old Son of Mr. a
Be held Friday And Saturday Mrs. E. H. Cross, Formerly
This Week of Wingham,
All Roads Lead To' Wingham Wilfred Cross, six-year-old son
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cross, Kincardin
$35.00 In Cash Prizes was drowned Friday morning wh
he fell from the north pier at Kine
The great sale event "Twin Dollar dine, into 16 feet of water.
Days" will be held by the merchants Mr. and Mrs, Cross are former re
of Wingham, Friday and Saturday idents of Wing -ham. Mr. Cross w
this week. The merchants of Wing -employed by Gibsons Bakery an
ham in anticipation of the sale have about seven years ago moved to Kit
their stocks complete with right up- sardine.
to -the -minute nierchandize and at The fatality happened while the la
prices that will satisfy tate most thrif- was fishing from the pier. No one
ty shoppers. - . else was on the north side when the
Shop Where Penants Displayed boy tripped over a piece of driftwood
The stores.that are participating in on the dock. Children on the south
this great selling event will display pier, Fred Sanders and Lorne S -hew-.
Dollar Day.,pennants on their win- felt, noticed the'young bay fall in and
Stows. Shop in these stores and re- shouted for help. William Riggin,
ceive Lucky Draw tickets with every who was passing by on the bridge,
dollar you spend. also saw what. happened. He ran to
$35.00 In Cash Prizes - the home of Dr. J. Ferguson who was
There will be $35.00 in cash prizes. on the scene immediately. So was
You get a ticket for every dollar you Frank Jeffcott, who located the body
spend at the stores that display the in about 16 feet of water by using a
Dollar Days pennants, Write your strong line and hook. When recover -
name and address plainly on these ed the body had been in the water
tickets and deposit them in the ballott about 15 minutes. Despite resuscita
box in the store where you snake your tion efforts, life could not be restor
The draw will be made at ed.
ilo'clock at the Advance -Times office
and no tickets will be given out after
10.15 p. in. Saturday night. The
prizes are: 1st, prizes $5.00; 2nd.
prize $4.00; 3rd. prize $3.00; 2 prizes
at ,$2.50; 4 prizes at $2.00; 2 Prizes
at $1.50; 7 prizes at $L00. Who will
be the lucky shoppers.
nd Huron County Work Board Met at
40 Attended From Here.
e, The Huron County girls' and boys'
en work board conference held in Clinton
ar- on Thursday last, attracted an attend-
ance of 115 girls and 64 boys from all
s- sections of the county.
as Following registration the opening
d worship periods were held in Ontario
t- Street United Church for the boys
and in Wesley Willis Church for the
d girls with Mrs, N.. W. Trewartha,
president of the girls' work board,
and Rev. 5. F. Anderson, president of
the Boys' Work Board, presiding over
their respective gatherings., Addresses
of welcome were given by Rev, F. G.
Farrell and Rev, C. W. Cosens,
"In quest of the best" was the topic
of inspirational talks given by Mrs.
C. W. Cosens and Rev, J. B. Moore.'
The following grand officers were
installed by Mrs. F. G. Farrell, grand
president, Miss Caroline Wellwood,
Winghant; grand secretary, Miss
Florence Price, Goderich; grand
treasurer, Miss Evelyn Lever, Clin-
- ton.,
r- Following dinner served in Ontario
Street Church, a period was spent at
each gathering in music :and, a sing
song led by Rev. C. W. Cosens and
Miss Elnora Mcinness. The open for-
um which followed evoked a spirited
discussion on various phases of young
people's work. A joint recreation per-
iod in the park where sports and rac-
es were enjoyed wound up the after-
noon session,
In the evening a joint gathering in
Wesley Willis Church heard an in-
teresting report on the boys' parlia-'
meat given by Jack Bennett, Auburn,
and a camp fire vesper service was
conducted by Rev, J. F. Anderson, of
Next Sunday is Blossom Sunday .
We have had several inquiries at
this office as to when Blossom Sun-
day in the Niagara District would be.
According to the latest information,
next Sunday, May 5th, will be Blos-
som Sunday.•
Symphony Orchestra Organized
A new orchestra has been organiz-
ed here under the direction of G. A.
Schautte. It will be called Winghant
Symphony Orchestra and will snake
its first appearance at the Patriotic
Concert which will be held in the
Town Hall, Sunday night.
Dance Went Over Big
The Wingham Baseball Club dance
held in the Armouries on Friday even-
ing was one of the most successful
dances held here in quite some time.
Ozzie Williams' ten -piece orchestra
of Guelph, made a big hit with the
crowd. All told there were 115 coup-
les in attendance, many being present
from outside points. • The baseball
club are to be congratulated on stag-
ing this successful affair.
The Special Historical Review o f
the Town of Wingham, by T. 3. Mc-
Lean, is nearing completion, and you
will miss an o1portunity- of a'life-time
if you do not order your copy and
some for your friends In distant lands,
The printers at' the Advance -Tines
are working hard to .snake this very
attractive paper worth every cent it
Will cont you,
Single copy 50c, five copies $2.25;
ten copies $400.
3. McLean.
No Half -Holiday Next. Week
As next Monday will be a public
holiday the stores of Wingham will
close that day but will be open Wed-
nesday afternoon as any week in
`which a public Holiday ,occurs the
-Weekly half -holiday is not observed.
Special Institute Meeting
A special meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held in the Council
Chamber, Saturday evening, May 4th,
at 8 pini., for the purpose of prepar-
ing the program for the coming year.
It is urgently. requested that all tnem-
bers be present.
Under the Auspices of the'Wingham
Ministerial Association
A Jubilee Service of Prayer and
Thanksgiving in comelndioration of.
the accession of Ilis Majesty King
George V. to the Throne, will be held
in the Town Hall, Wingham, at 8.30
lam, next Sunday, May 5th. The pro-
ceeds of the silver collection will be
given to the Cancer Fund of Canada,"
The service of praise will be led
by Massed Choirs' and by the Wing -
ham Symphony Orchestra.
The program is as follows:
National' Anthem, lst and 2ncl xvers-
1'i•ayer. Rev. E. L. Roberts,.
Scripture Reading. Miss' Hostetler,
Hymn. "Praise my Sottl the King
of Heaven;;'; tune "Praise niy Soul."
Responsive :Reading,: Rev, :T, J..
Hymn, Spedial, Tune Saiidon.
Prayer. Captain Kealing.
Hytrin, "0 God, our help in ages
past." Tune "St. Ami."
Address. Rev. Kenneth MacLean.
Offertory Solo. Mrs, C. Kitrgan,
Closing Prayer. Rev, y. F. Ander-
r'0 Canada."
*Benediction, ' R.ev. E. L. Roberts,
Opened. Swimming Season
-Mrs. George Williams and her data
gder, Muriel, opened the swimming
season here on Wednesday afternoon
last week when they hacl a dip in the
Maitland River, They said the water
was fine, April 24th is real early for
such sport in' these parts.
Government Takes Over Part
of Bluewater Highway
it has been announced that the
Government has taken into the Pro-
vincial Highway system that part of
the I3luewater Highway front: Goder-
ich to Owen Sound. The road sotith
of Goderich had been previously tak-
en over.
Silver Jubilee Sunday
A special service of Prayer and
Thanksgiving to Almighty ,God; for
the - protection afforded. The. King's
Majesty during the twenty-five years
of his auspicious reign, will be held
at 11 a.nt.
Members of the Wingham Branch
Of the Canadian Legion and all re-
turned inen, together with the First
Winghatn Tr'ool> of Boy; .Scouts, are
cordially invited to attend.,
The form of service as used in St.
Patil:'s Cathedral, London, England,
will be used.
Dr. Wm. Allen, of Toronto, Gave Ir1-
structi.ve Humorous, Lecture.
The Westminster Guild of St..And-
rew's Presbyterian Church held its
closing meeting of the year on Mon-
day evening when the church was well
filled with an appreciative audience
to hear the guest speaker of the ev-
ening, Dr, Win. Allen, Minister , of
Dovercourt Rd.' Presbyterian Church,
and who broadcasts over CERA', every
Monday, ' Wednesday and Friday
The meeting opened with the Na-
Anthem and two delightful
solos by George Henderson "In A
Monestary Garden and "Bonnie
Mary of Argyle,"" accompanied by.
Miss June Buchanan at the piano.
Rev. Kenneth MacLean then intro-
duced the speaker, who took his and
ience on a pilgrimage through Scot-
land by way of Glasgow, the Tros-
sacks, the Rob Roy country, wtvhere
the hills are purple with heather, up
to the Hebrides. Here we visited
Mull Iona where St. Columba landed
in the year 500, and first brought
Christianity to a land where now it is
everything. The beautiful isle of
Skye was shown with its rugged land-
scape softened with mist.
Going down' the east coast over ex-
cellent highways through the. beauti-
ful valley of Gencoe, we finally reach
Robert Burns' birthplace, then Dum-
fries, where he attended church. Max-
-wellton Braes was shown and a pic-
ture of Annie Laurie, whom Dr. Al-
len met, .and a direct descendant of
the original Annie Laurie, immortal-
ized by Robert I3•urns.
We visited Edinburgh and viewed
Princes Street, Sir Walter Scott's
monument, Edinburgh Castle, Grey
Friars' Church yard where the cov-
enant was -signed in blood. •
We now visited the places hallow-
ed by the memory of Mary, Queen of
Scots, Lock Nevan, Jedborough Cas-
tle and many other places dear to
the heart. of every time Scot.
A beautiful slide of Stirling Castle
was shown, from which. six famous
battle fields could be seen. Every
inch of. the ,ground is rich in histor-
ical associations and well known to
the speaker, who in his droll humor-
ous way, gave lt,is audience a real
treat, and. a renewed desire to visit
Anniversary Services
Will be held in Calvin Presbyterian
Church, East \Vawanosh, on Sunday,
June 2nd. Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Tor-
onto, will take charge of the services
at 11 a.m.. and 7.30 p.m.
You will enjoy danicng to Arthur's
Radio Jesters in Brussels Town Hall,
Wednesday, May 8th. just a nice
drive and you will be greeted by the
many. patrons who attend. Admission
25 cents.
To Repair Town Clock
\I he Town Clock will undergo re-
pairs starting Tuesday, May 7th. The
clock will be stopped for a few days
starting that date so do not rely on
this time -piece to check your time for
a few days,
Local Conservatives Take Notice
t\ meeting- of` the \Vin ,ham Con-
servative Association will be held in
the Council Chamber at 8 p.m., Fri-
May 3rd, Officers for the ensu-
ing year will-be.elected and other im-
portant business transacted.
Cancer Fund Dance
On Monday evening, May 6th a
dance will be held in the WinghamArmouries, The proceedss will be don-
ated to the Ring George V. Jubilee
Cancer Fund for Canada, The dance
is sponsored by "l " Company, Huron
Regiment, and is under the auspices
of the Winghant Branch of the Can-
adian Legion, Old and New Dancing.
ission `25c, Ineb served, Arth-
ur's Radio Orchestra,
25 Years Married
Mr, -'and Mrs, Herbert Campbell
were twenty-five years married cin.
Saturday, April 27th, and itt celebra-
tion of the -day they held a dinner
party nn Friday night, Oa Satin -day
Mr, • and. Mrs.' Campbell received
hearty eongratulations from -many of
their friends, Before her rnarrlage
Mrs. Campbell was Miss Edna Strait-
on, and their happy rnarr]age trtok.
place it Goderich.
141 -BP IS NOW `
Wave Length Remains 250 Metres,
1200 Kilocycles,
The local radio station 10131' is no
more but to take its place is now
Station C'KNK which operates on a
basis of •50 watts instead, of 25 as pre-
viously. The wave length remains the
same, 250 metres, 1200 kilocycles.,
On Friday night this change was
made when a continuous program was;
given from 7.30 to 11.30, and with this
new added power the local station
cane in clear and the results of the -
broadcast were most gratifying to Mr_
W. T. Cruikshank, who operates this
Mr .A. L, Posliff gave a history of
the station since its inception ten
years ago, when it first went on the
au, when it was a two -watt station,
but for the past few years has been
operating at 25 watts.
• Mayor John W. Hanna officially
opened the station` and Mr. George
Spottoti, M1'., also gave a short ad-
On Monday evening, the regular
meeting of the Y. P. S. of the Unit-
ed Church was held itt the Sunday
School room, when there was a `splen-
did attendance and the ;president,
Miss Yvonne McPherson, occupied
the chair.
The Devotional Period was in
charge of the Mariner Group, the
Scripture reading being taken by Miss
Rollo Sanderson, after which the com-
ments were made by Miss Muriel'
Williams and Miss Rosella Gallagher
er offered. prayer. Miss oMargaret
Mundell rendered a piano solo which
was much enjoyed.
The Sanhedrin Gropu was in charge
of the discussion period, ivhicli was
on the subject of Art.The president
explained the different classes of art,
but said that painting would be the
Only one dealt with. Painting first
originated in the 13th century, and
landscape had only been used as back-
ground until the 17th century. A
screen had been devised, upon which
was flashed a spot light, showing a
number of scenes, representing the
following paintings, by the members
of the. society: "The Gleaners" "An-
gelus" "Man with The Hoe" `The
Boy and The Rabbit" "Whistler's
Mother"_ "An Indian Girl" "Signing
of the Magna Chaeta" and "Laura Se-
ord". The scenes were well depict -
d, and the president gave a synopsis
1 the bid'graphy of the various paint-
Charades were participated in for -
he recreational period, with four of
he groups acting out the following
words, jardineiere, corroborate, Eat-
n's catalogue and mosquito. This
rovidect a great deal of thought, for
lthough they were well acted, it was
ether difficult to find out what each
roup were trying to illustrate. Re-
eshments were then served and the
eeting dismissed with the benedic-
Conservative Rally
On Thursday afternoon, May 16th,
the Conservatives of the new Federal
Riding of Huron North will hold their •
annual meeting and 11 mninating con-
vention in:Wing-ham Town Nall. Ev-
erybody welcome.
Rain Most Welcome
. The rain which fel! on Sattu-da
Sunday night and Monday, was truly
welcome as April has beep an unusu-
ally di -y month,. The ground was get-
ting into a very clry state and the
pastures also needed this moisture.
With warns weather and more 'mitts:
we. should ]rare first-class carol's 41
this district. •
%Oit Friday,Gibson
Ca b, on . � :,ititirrtl had
tlte 01' more .ribs
broken and was
otherwise badly shaken up when he
fell from the roof of H. C, Maclean's
residence a distance of 22 feet, He .
and his brother Norman, were work-
orking at this job but Gibson was alone
011 the roof when he slipped and
crashed to the ground, 'Norman who
was'` on the other side of the Itottse
heard the noise, rushed around and -.
found Gibson rutconscious.
We are pleased to report that he
is flow- progressing favoitrarbly,