The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-18, Page 8!A PAG Z�L IT PAYS TO SHIP AT KING'S For EASTER NEEDS MORE NEW COATS SUITS AND SPRING DRESSES are just to hand. ORIENT CREPE AND KAYSER CHIFFON HOSE 69c, 89c, $1.00 are big values. PRETTY COLLARS - NEW LINGERIE are sure to be wanted. Nemo -Flex Gossa rd Foundation Garments $1:95, $3.50 to $8.00 'for the best figure control: Millinery 200 Smart Hats from which to choose New styles - New Colors. SPECIAL Girls' Coags "- $5.00. 7 only in the lot - principally , Navy and Skipper Blues - sizes are 8, 12 and 14 years. Bargain ,each $5.00.. Misses' Coats -'$5.00 12 only in this group - Good spring colors, Sands, Blues, Greys. Sizes for short figures. Bargain each $5.00. Boys' Easter Suits $9.85 Smartly tailored Tweeds, are these good Iooking boys' suits, all sizes 25 to 32, and each has two pants. Extra value at $9.85 Gold Hose 59c. Blouses 89c Belts 39c. Headquarters for Men's Good Suits, Top Coats and Haberdashery. Come to King's and :`let then help you to buy Smart Clothes for. Easter! Easter Groceries at King's The best Honey 50c 65c Black Tea, fine flavor..,49c Forest City Baking Powder 25c Large. bottle Queen Olives .23c' Excellent Cheese, 2 lbs. ..... M29e Ridea uHa11 Coffee 49c McCormick's Soda Biscuits10c Extra large Peanut Butter 25c Infants' Delight. Soap 4 bars 23s New Molasses, 3' for .._.-.... ...... .29c Easter Eggs Fresh Butter! Fret Delivery WING. -IAM ADVANCE -TIMES Mrs. Walter Lott: Mr. and Airs. Roy Patton of. Lu spent the week -end with her moth Mrs. A. Fox. Mr, 5; D. Beecroft is unloading ear, load tat Scottish ,Fertilizer ut nation this week, Mrs. A. Emerson spent a few da test week in.Wingham with her da Ritter, N[lss Lila Emerson, Mr. Robt. Mowbray 'received t job of building a long bridge throu Paisley and will commence work ti week, Miss Gladys Garton and 1V[r, .13 Simpson of London visited on Su day at the home of her parents, l and Mrs. George Garton. Messrs. Chas. Gillespie and iV[il Moore attended a meeting of the bas ball enthusiasts at ,Auburn last We nesday evening, and they are havin , meeting here this week organize' a local team. All who a interested are invited to attend. Miss Clara. P'tnrdon 'of 'Wingha spent the Week -end with her sist. Mrs. Cecil 'Falconer. • Ilrs. Wm. Garton and daught Jean of Leamington, spent last' wee here at the home of his parents, M and Mrs. ,Geo.. Garton. A pleasant time was .spent at th Hall on Wednesday night at the In titute Home. Group games were play cd, and contests, after which lune was served and the young folks da ced until closing time. The Mission Band of the Unite Church are holding their Social even ing on Monday, April 22., Mrs. Tey Dr. Grierson, retbarite missionary from Korea will address meeting in the Unitech Church • her on Wednesday, April 24. The ladie of the :Presbyterian Church have bee invited to attend. All are Welcome. I is expected that !many old friends wil be present to welcome Mrs. Grierson as she spoke .here on her former• fur lough. Mrs. Norrish and Ivir. and Mrs Walter Robson ofVlralkerton, visited at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Wm, Barbour on Sunday. Mrs. C. Borthwick of, Hamilton, spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Chas. .Gillespie. I Mr.' and, Mrs. J. K. Shook and slaughter Patsy of London, spent'Sun- day at the home of Mrs. A. Fox, Miss .ettie Fox who has been visiting in -onclon returned home- with them. Mr. and Mrs. r d ir. Duncan Kennedy of 1Vinghani visited with Mrs. Murray on Sunday. Miss Lorna McClenaghan of Wing- hani.spent tite week -end with her. par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Ren McClenaghan. Miss Elsie Lang side, � - . e He cl�lcy of spent a. few days last week with Mrs• Eddie Moore. Mr, I3 rice Moore • of. Palmerston spent the past week at the home of his. uncle, M•. Arthur Moore. The Culross young people are putt- ing on their play, "The Antics of Andrew" in the Hall• On Thursday night and the young people of Brick church are putting on their play that night in the church. The'play is "Civil Service". Those Who have commenced seed- ing operations have had .a rest from their labors' on arannnt of the snow and frost. lir. WilfredRobinson had his ton- nils removed in the General Hospital, Toronto, last week. Mrs. Win. Young of .Langside is r isiting wit,hher daughter, Mrs. Eddie Moore. Mr. and Mrs, Petrie Pennington and .family of Culross spent Sunday at the home of her brother,: Mr. Wet1-. dell Taylor. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harkness of Toronto Visited over the week -end n'ith. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 'Hark- iiess. Mrs. Leask McGee has` been in Independence, Mo., attending the fun- eral of her mother, Mrs, Geo. A. Tay- lor, who dried on Arpil 7th in :the ' hos'pital there. Besides Mr. Taylor and Mrs. McGee, two sons sttrvive, Mel- vin, of Regina, and Arthur of Inde- pendence, The funeral on Tuesday, was conducted by Pastor' Sheehy. Her many friends of East Wawanash •ex- tend sympathy in her bereavement, can; er, a, the tys u - he t; it 11,5 ill n- fr. an ng to re 10 cr, er r. e s, - h n- cl d e s n 1 .. ..:Ni`4•':�tA'4U-�i ''�,ia WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison, of London and her mother, Mrs. Bell of Winghant visited with Miss Catherine Ross on Sunday last., About twenty ladies of the Won1- en's Institut ntotored`to Lueknow on Friday day last and attended the nleetingg. there, held at the home of Mrs. Net - son Bushel. The ladies from here mere in the charge o fthe program, with tate President, \frs.Gattnt in the chair. Mrs, Grain gave the paper on the topic,and six young ladies demon- -strated bandaging of the head, arm and finger, The ladies of the Lucknow Institute then put on a contest which was won by the Whitechurch ladies'. Lunch was, served and a social ;haif- hour Was spent, lir. and Mrs. Orval Newby and little 'son of London visited over the Week -end with her parents, Mr. and HOW MANY TIMES A DAY AND: EACH TIME YANK DOWN THE CORSET. nu'backENos THAT GESTURE titt'6ct,ck PERMITS FREEDOM OF ACTION AT ALL TIMES., 7► bdcCooee Nc5,• STRAIN GARTSkS• ENDS STOCKING RUNS. SKILLED CORSETIERES WILL SELECt 71.1E. PROPER' STYLE FOR YOU. YOU WILL NEVER WANT YOUR OLb GARMENT AGAIN! MAKERS 12 Paris. London, i Te r York, welcome Nu -Hack as the supreme creation in moder.^n :foundation gar- ments. meats. ,Imagine - •':firm figure control, incredible comfort blended in one glor°iotlsly smart garment,, t'r NU -BACK SOLD IN WINGHAM ,AT ASHFIELD Mr, Wilfred Farrisil, of Courey's' Corners, has tented the 800 -acre Mac- Intyre farm, 12th con. near Lothain, and is busy getting in the spring grain. Sorry to hear of ` Mr, Win. Sher - wood's sickness. The family were alt home for the week-cnd, Mrs. Watson of Nile, Mrs. Jim McWhinney, Dun- gannon, Mrs, Bob IVIcGinni , near Teeswatet•, and Mrs. Adair Johnston, near Courcy's Corners, • We trope to see Mr. Sherwoodaround again soon. 112r: and. 'Mrs. rs. Steve St6thers, of Ar- thur, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Henry Horton and 1eir. Horton, near Ma,feking. Mr., and Mrs, Cyril Camphpll and Ytily st>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roulstc n, of C)IiVc:t, Mrs. Sato Sherwood silent Sunday with her slaughter, Mrs, Andy Gaunt, 12tH eon, West Wawanosk. losations k.i Smart Warrendale Easter Shirts tea. ..,.,,.,..,sta.,® Just Arrived Separate collars and collar attached, geniune broadcloths, new spring patterns, best shirt value known. Plain white, fan- cy checks,neat patterns and stripes. Priced at 1 Sizes 14 to 171/2. anna & Co. Ltd ra IMIESISTASSffil Smokeless Ash Tray 35c Zipper Pouches 25c and u. Pipes, Lighters and everything in the line of Smokers' Sundries, Omar Haselgrove's Tobacconist. tt CUT RATE WATCH REPAIRS ARE SELDOM SATISFACTORY Inferior r r ma "r' to gals and parts are very often used, with the re- sult that : in a short time the watch' is probably worse than it was before. If you want a real good job bring your watch to WILLIAMS The. JEWELLER. Only genuine material used. High class workmanship and satisfaction guaranteed, at very moderate prices. George Williams For Watch Repairs Official C.N.R. Watch. Inspector Wingham Phone 5. dusnammmeanimmeassmamm4 BELGRAVE To Give Prizes at School Fair The April meeting of the Iielgrave Farmers' Club was, held at the .home of Mr, Carl Pr r.ter' 5711 Tuesttajr., :cvve;i ' ing last week when there was a :good attendance present. The president, Cecil Wheeler, conducted the meeting, A report on the mixing of fertilizer showed that a large amount was be- ing mixed. It was decided to give prizes at the Belgrave School Fair• An invitation to hold •the May meet- ing at the home of Stcw':trt Procter - was accepted At the conclusion of the•i1ieeting'lulidli' was served and a social time enjoyed. Master Forrest Young who has been under thio doctor's care:was tak- en to the Children's Hospital in Lon- don on Tuesday for further treatment. Mr.' and Mrs. Stewart McBurney spent \\rednesday at London. Miss ;hear!. Jamieson of the village is under the doctor's care at present. C. R. Coultes spent Monday in To- ronto. Norman Stonehouse and daughter, Shirley, spent a few days with his Parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs. R. Yule and Miss Bern; and Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ged- des visited with 11Ia. and Mrs,. Joe :GiY-• tle, of Winthrop, on Sunday. Miss Sara, Cole, of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cole, Presented Play A very enjoyable evening was spent on Friday night urhen the Young Peo- ple of Knox Presbyterian Church pre- sented: their play ;`Eyes of Love." The play was of splendid character and moral. The actors alltook their parts well. Between acts a reading by Mrs. C. W. Scott, a solo by Doris Scott, solos by Clifford Logan, violin num- bers by Jas. Young, Were much en- joyed. First Caddie; "What's your man like, Charlie?" • Second Caddie: "Left-handed, and keeps his change in his right-hand pocket." ST. HELENS The 'meeting of the Y. P. S. on Sunday evening was in charge of(4.je citizenship conmmittee with Mr. \Vib..- lace Miller, convenor. 'Kathleen Thoni read the Scripture lesson and com- ments, and Charles McDonald gave the Bible'character of Daniel, The topic "What is Peace, and Why .do we hate War?" was taken by Jean Thorn. Miss Greta Webb is a visitor with friends at Grand Valley.• Mrs. Wilkinson spent the week -end-.. with her mother, llrs. Coiling, at Ripley. 4,,;;,w ., IT IS SAID THAT YOUNG LADIES Pay Little �•4�r rte 'Hon Pay TO ADVERTISEMENTS AS A RULE they are much inol-e likely to notice a' nice Window Display, and we do not criticize than for that BUT WE HOPE TO ATTRACT THEIR AT- TENTION To THE MOST UP-TO-DATE LINE OF SNAPPY FOOTWEAR MADE BY ANY CANADIAN MAKER, NAMELY: Sir Wit; .,. - CI , t l i ng Sc oggilns make it a point to scour the Shoe Styles of the North Am.er-ican Continent for the very lat.. est in Shoedoin and as a consequence they rank first, when 'it comes to producing THE VERY LATEST IN FEMININE FOOTWEAR CREATIONS This illustration shows one of the very newest. Young Ladies like tohave the latest as a rule, and there is no question in our claim that SCROGGINS - CHATELAINE TAKE FIRST PLACE IN THE REALM OF Footwear Sold ONLY at e -,Store. The Leading !Shue Store of These Parts, Phone 129 Wh ghall Thursday, April 18th 1935 Arp SHOW STARTS AT 8 P.M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 18th, 19th, 20th SPECIAL ----r Story by DOROTHY SPEARS iiI't hQrytt°�i [abtii and CHPiRLP.s. BEAHAN [�? !�i,,•l; Screen play by S. K. LAUREN e +"`?pl1rsret?tyyrVter x nt James Gow Edmund North A COLUMBIA, PICTURE A 'Charming Entertaining Picture for the Entire • Family — Grace Moore's singing from "Madame Butterfly" is something you will long retnernber. Also "LOVE AND HISSES" A Clark and McCullough Comedy And FOX NEWS. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. NEXT WEEK "IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT" Vvr.4' 4's,..a .:::,'m '1+;1 .4"41;.r'..k.r- ,.,py,.e �4.`.>.•s., .r ., Mr. J. R. Webster and Mr. Wilkin- sonSr.,S visited friends s a d near Ripley on Thursday. The Easter Thank -Offering of the .t. Harris Mission Band will be held in the church on Monday afternoon when h the' ,' speaker ce 1 rxtll 1 be Miss W. D. I s t Rutherford, of Kirkland Lake. FOU W ednes., April 24th Thursday, April 25th G SALE DAYS Friday, April 26th .Saturday April 27th Phone or Mail Orders receive careful and prompt attention. McKibbo' s urug Store Phone 53, 24 stzejapiski,,, Wing ha iT1 .q* CUT - RATE - PRICES The Store Where to Buy Your Groceries and. Pot -visions at Less 1Vfoney than Elsewhere. Extra Granulated SUGAR . , .. 10 Lb. Bag 49c (With a Grocery Order of $1..00, Sugar Included) Select Cooking Onions, 5 lbs, 7c Fresh Milled Oatmeal, 72 Sweet Spanish, Onions for 3c lb. Corn Syrup, 5 lb. tin for 35c Thistle Baking Powder 1 lb. 15c - ,Brooms 34c, 42c, 49c and 69c Livingstone's Quick Oats .,. 18c Bulk Coffee, McLaren's Invinc- Horne's Breakfast Cup Coffee, ible Special Blend, cut price (3 blends) 1/2 lb. pkg, ......... 15c ib, 24c 1 Ib. pkg. for 29c Huron Toilet Tissue, 3 for 12c Horne's Sun-Dryd Pure Coffee Blue Bird Toilet Tissue 3 for 21c ✓z lb. tin 23c; 1, 1b. tin 45c Fancy Apricots 26c; Peaches 19c Aunt Jainima Pancake Flour , 20 oz. net Pkg.'14c HoEraieach,'s Bluebird Jelly iPowder5ces Eest peanut T3 utter 2 lbs. ,..'25c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 2 ...i5c Salad Tea 'Yellow pkg, �• i1�. 27c Fresh Dates 2 lb. 17c and 19c Howson Bread Flour' 98 Ib $2.25 Pure Breakfast Cocoa for il,c lb Manitoba Rose, 98 lb. for $2,49 Broken Walnuts, Special 34e ib. Huron Pastry 'Flour 24 5 . c Aylmer Choice Corn no. 1 tin 6c' Best Blue Rose Rice 2 lbs.1515c Sliced Breakfast Bacon 1b, 14c Choice Rice, Special 2 ib, 13c' 19e db:.. Fresh LEMONS, Large Size, Special.. "x.Cr�le,tnaix's and Sehneider's Sausages, Weiner.,, Bolognas;: Bacons, Cottage Rolls, head C rheese, els., at very ly'ocial 'P;ices.. You Get ere, W !' I OWN THEIJI►* W Deliver.' Weight Here, 1��1a1�