HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-04-04, Page 7roxeter GORRI>IE Have Pine Meeting The regular meeting of the Y. 1'. was held on Wednesday evening; March 27th, with 18 members pies- int. The business was in charge of the Vine -President, Lloyd Ashton. A- solo was given by Bernice Day, a guitar solo by Gerald Galbraith, and were much enjoyed.. The recreation. convenor," Miss Velma Lennox and her committe, had charge of there- ntaiinder of the meeting, when a nun., ber of contests and games were en- joyed. . The meeting .closed with the hymn "Abide with me" and the Lord's ':Pray er. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Earl, and fain- ' fly of Ethel were Sunday guests of IVIr. and' Mrs. R. 5. Clegg. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook of Clif- tford, Mr. and Mrs. Wright and fam- ily, pf Lakelet, were guests of Mrs. Jas. 'Bell, on Sunday, • Mr.:and Mrs. George Mines and daughter, also Mr. Stewart Lovell, ' Itave moved to Tara where they will "`be engaged in farming, We are pleased to report that Miss Marjorie Baker, wlio underwent an -operation in Wingham Hospital on Tuesday last, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards, •13etty ,and Billie were guests of Mr. and IVtis. 1V. Austin, Listowel on Satur- sday, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Icing and Miss . Jean. of London spent the week -end in. town. • Mr, and 'Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and Mr. James Hastie 'were guests of Miss A.lnta Plastic in Kitchener un Satur- day. Mr:' and Mrs. Charles 1iiack visited with frit;nds in B uevale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rnowlson Hueston :and son Donald, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hueston's parents in 'Wingram. Mrs. C. Edgar spent Sunday in London. Her another who has been in the hospital there was able to re- turn home with her. The Annual meeting of the Gorrie Woinen's Institute will meet on Wed- nesday, April 10th, at the home of Mrs. William Earngey. Meeting at 3 o'clock sharp. Miss Doris Sample of Teeswater is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Jas. Arm- with a very, painful knee. Mr, ' Harry Jennings of Huron College, London,. spent the week -end at the •home of 112r, and Mrs. Chas, Lawrence, • Miss 1i. McLaughlin taughtthe school at No, 4 'Ilotvicl ` last week, owing• to• the illness of Miss Laura. Hicks, Mr, and hfrs. David Dane of Tor- onto were recent guests : of Mr. and. Mrs, Isaac Wade and other relatives: Mr, and Mrs. II .Cook spent Sun- day With relatives in Mitchell. Special inter church and community services will be held in the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Monday, 'Tuesday; Wednesday and Thursday evehings, April 15th to 18th. The programme' of these Holy week services will be published next week. Married—On Monday, April lst, at the parsonage, Gorrie, by Rev. G. W. Butt, Miss Norma -King,' of Fordwich to Mr. Clifford Holt, soft of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holt, near Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles spent last week With friends and relatives in. Wingharm Mr. and, Mrs. Ward .Sheefer, Ford- wich, spent Sunday at 'the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. •Frank Coles, We are pleased to report that Mr. Jack .Strong who has been seriously ill with infection of the: throat, is able to be out of bed again, although still feeling rather weak. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Mi- chael an Wednesday last were, the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zirninerntan and son, Jack, of Milver- ton, also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Muss- elman and son, Clare of Kitchener. Mr. Richard McGrath is at present: on the sick list. Mr. and tl-frs. Fred Hynclman and daughter Geta, also Mrs. John Hyncl man, spent a few days the first of this week with relatives in Toronto. The latter remained far a longer period with her slaughter, Mrs. Dowdell. Mr. Gordon Underwood purchased the property of Mr, John Hyndman, lately occupied by Mr. Jesse Harri- son. Mrs, Ira MacLean and baby Mar- ilyn, of Brussels, are guests of the former's sisters, Mrs. K. Hastie and Mrs, W. C. Ring, for a few clays this - week. - Mr, Cleve Stafford, who has. been strong. confined to itis home for some time Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Stephen ager was able to take a drive to Winghattt Bobby spent Sunday with the latter's on Monday. lLr, and Mrs. George roster spent Mother in • Harriston, little Miss Sunday with Mr. and Mis. George Eleanore who has been spending a Balser at Orange Hill. -couple of weeks with :her grandmother Mr. George Wall;er spent Sunday returned Itome with her parents. I • with iris brother in Brussels. Mrs. J. Bingham was a Sunday guest of Mrs. T. Shearer in Turnber: Mr, Joe Magrath visirted a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Mc- Millan in Listowel. Little:Miss Edith Plastic spent the ry' week -end with. heir aunt and uncle, Ma' G' S. Thug was a Toronto vis - Mr, and Mrs, Thos. McDonald at 'tor one day this week. Molesworth. Mrs, vallis, Miss Helen Ellis and Mr. Harold Cockburn, of Guelph Mr, Norman Wade attended the were Tuesday visitors of the former's Swine Producers Convention held in daughter, Mrs, Victor Shera. Clinton on Monday, March 25th, which was addressed by Mr.' 1V, P. Watson, Government Official Mr. Robert Deachman of. Ottawa, visited friends in Gorrie and Orange WROXETER Mr. Norman Patterson of London, Hill during tate past week. spent a few days last week with Mr. Harry King spent the week- friends here. Rev. W. A, Finlay met with an end in. Toronto. with his sister and unfortunate accident on Monday of other friends. last week while driving on the ninth Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Taylor were of Howick, the steering gear of his guests of the latter's sister in Clinton car broke, causing the car to turn' on. Monday of last week, over in the ditch. Fortunately Mr. Rev. G. W. and MrsButt spent a Finlay eacaped unhurt except for a few days in Detroit last week. The Severe shaking up: former's - mother, Mrs. Butt Sr, re- t Mr, Duncan Cartwright of the staff turned to Gerrie with them for a of the 13rtissets Post, called on friends Visit, �in town on Tuesday of last week. A very enjoyable time was spent by Mr, Robt. Deachman of Ottawa is the 4th line Club and friends at thewith his cousins, Messrs D. home of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Ashton visiting on Friday night last. ID. and A,. J. Sanderson. Miss Eleanor Douglas of ':.ebanon. Mr, and Mrs, Cloyne Michael mov sl5ertt the tveelc-enol at her home here, i ' household effects on Pr'iday lastto the their ho We are sorry to report that Mr. G. In1lottse .lately occupied by A Weaning was on the sick list for Mr, and Mrs: Arthur Stephens. , a few days last week suffering from Mt. and Mrs. James Hubbard and "flu'' family of Harriston were Sunday Mrs. David Breckenridge was taken t Bell. 1 M . guests of 5, s. 'James to a London Hospital on Thursday of Rev. R, S, Jones. ,held the weekly Lenton Prayer Service ate the home last ry last week where she �underettt act of Mrs. Susan Munro on Wednesday lattaj*m n Mends its ibis vicinity eveninglast with a good attendance .Che a y b of Miss Marjorie .Baker will be sorry present, to hear that she underwent an oper- We are sorry to report that Mr. ation for apj>enctieitis on Tuesday of • Leonard Rattan is laid up. at present last week, and is a patient it Wing- ham hospital.. Miss Mary Mealien 'entertained a rnnber of girl ft'iends ata birthday Ultra Ma. Service ernEye � F. Tell. 118. �. Phnl,,8., 4O Phonerrxkton � n party on Saturday afternoon when her eighth irtiiday, She celebrated i7•hth b i;tr. and Mrs. Tlert Martin and family Were London visitors this week -end. , Mr. Walter Bush of New Ontario is visiting at the home of his aurtt; Mrs, John Bush. Messrs W. S. Sanderson and Rich. aver Griffith of Howick are exchange ing farm§ again and each is moving back this week to' the farm prcviotisly ews and Gerrie Thursday, April 4th 1935 A PRENIIER AND HIS GOALKEEPING "]CWII°•1 Bessie Lovell, on her work in Kenya Colony Africa, where she has :been to the Ivflssion fields for number ,of years. Miss Lovell is leaving this week to begin her return trip to Africa, after spending the past year on furlough in. this country, Up around Kitchener•, Out., ]tome -'was on the job. Take a look and see town of George Hainsworth, the folks "Mitch" ; how much you think they look alike. . • . f Toth have round heads, 'high rounded call hint ch and see a great re- semblance between the battling peens- •1 foreheads, large aggressive -looking r noses, wide mouths full of white teeth ler and the "Human Icicle," who is the and both deeply cleft chins. The last line of defence for the mighty photo at the top shows the premier Leafs, A .meeting was arranged be- las he walked into the room, threw his tweets the two and a photographer i•arnt around the goalkeeper's should - owned by .him. ers and said, "Hello, George, you're going great, niy boy." And the lower one is their parting handshake as they wished each other luck in the battling in front of them. They both have to catch plenty — only the St. Thomas fanner has a chance to pitch back at the foe — and he always has plenty of smoke on the pill. 3• Mr. Clifford Denny spent Saturday with friends near Fordwich. Mr ,and Mrs. Mac Allen of London were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Allen. Mr. and I'ylrs. Russell Rae spent last week with friends at Waterloo. Mt. john Koch who has spent the past year in British Coltnnbia, where he was" employed in the mines, re- turned here on Saturday, and has re- engaged with Mr. Chad, Hennings of Turnberry for the summer. Mr. S, J, Btirke has purchased a was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stocks on Wednesday of last week. Mr. John MacNatighton, London, is a visitor at the home of his son, Mr. D. S. 1\facNanghton, Garage Burned Our sympathy is extended to Mr, Geo. Merkley, of .l3elmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley, Salem, who lost his garage by fire, and who Was quite seriously burned on the face and hands, M.[r. Merkley had a fite in the stove and ran across to the store of Mr. Balers on an erranrl, vas not gone new Pontiac car which be brought more than five minutes, On his res turn the place was a mass of flames. Mr. IVLerkley dashed into the building to try to save two cars and in doing hoarse front Oshawa one day last week Mr, and iVfrs, R, Griffith of Howick entertained a number of friends on so received serious burns.,.,Unfortune- Fr'iday evening of last week, ately he carried no insurance. Miss W. J. Rae of l;elgrave spent: the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Rae The members of the keel Y. Pe S. have been invited to give their play "The Lucky Emerald" in Gorrie, and the caste are again rehearsing in pre- paration of presenting .the play there on Friday evening of this Week, The Weekly. Lenton Prayer Meet- ing. conducted by Itev. I2, S. Jones is being held this 'week at the home of Mrs, Thos, ;act:lin'oh Friday even- ing, Miss Evelyn Gantble•orf'Thanresford called on :friends :in town pp Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher and cart ,Billy, spent Sunday unclay :afternoon with • Mr, and Mrs. P'. Kitchen. A number in town are confined to their homes with "flu. Mr. Tony Mealien has started the county road work with the grader, Mr. 1ifalccthn 'ftagtte spent the week -enol with Clifford friends, Mr, and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John spent the week -end with. London friends. Mr. Norman Brandon, of London Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen and Donna Jean, London, were week -end guests of Mrs. Rasmussen Sr, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hetnbley and dau- ghter, Virginia, were Sunday guests of Palmerston friends. Mr, John Barnard .alae) Miss Mar.. garet Gibson, both of London, were week -end guests of Mrs. John Gibson, itfr. Norman. Hall, Lalkelet, was a week -end ;guest of M', and Mrs. J. R. Wendt. Mr. A. `tlrearring has been' ill for. ;several days'with an attack of the „flit." Miss Dorothy Conninghatn, Walk - spent the ton , it r t t tc week -end tviElr Mr, and mites, Henry Met•Icley, 5tinday guests at the sante home were, Mr, and Mrs.: Ezra Merkley and Mr. and Mrs, Percy Merkley, T..ondort; Mr. and Mrs, 7-Iarry Merkley, Win-lhani, Mr, aird Mrs, 5. C..Ctinnieghana anti ddu- ghter, Clarke. and sort, Gerald, Walk - erten. Mr. and ilias. Jack Macintosh, of Molesworth, Were •Stntday gncsts of Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Wright, Women's Institute Mrs. Thomas Brown opened her home for the March meeting of the W. I., which was held on Thursday afternoon, March 28th, with a good WAS CONSTIPATED FOR 30 YEARS Woman's Long Searchfor a Remedy The trouble with most remedies for constipation, as this woman found, is that they give only temporary relief. Having at last found a permanent cor- rective, she writes: to tell .us about "For upwards of 30 years I was a victim of acute constipation. I tried practically everything that it was pos- sible to try. I admit I was a chronic case, and every .new remedy I tried helped ,for a day or two—after that I was jttst.as bad as ever. Three months ago I took any first taste of Kruschen Salts, and every morning since, and every morning so long as 'I live, my first duty upon rising is my Kruschen, I honestly feel a different woman. My bowels act to the clock, and my friends remark how well I am looking.: My only regret is that I didn't try Kru- schen Salts years ago." --(Mrs.) A. M. Kruschen Salts is Nature's recipe for maintaining a condition of inter- nal cleanliness. The six salts in Kru- schen stimulate your internal organs to smooth, regular action. Your sys- tem is thus kept clear of those impur- ities which, allowed to . accumulate, lower the. whole tone of the system. Kentish Scouts to Tour Greece The political situation in that coun- try permitting, Greece will be the ob- jective of the annual Easter tour of. the Scouts of Kent this year, An Indoor Camp Charged with the guardianship of hobby show exhibits filling the Ridge- way, Ont., High School 'auditorium, Scouts slept all night in their arti- ficial camp on the platform. Are Scouts Interested in Animals? Six Bay Scouts attended the first of a series of classes in the care of ani- mals conducted by the Edmonton Hu- mane Society. By the fourth meet- ing the attendance lead grown to 70, attendance. The president, Mrs. Wm. Bonfire for Fredericton's Birthday MacLean presided and during the bus Plans for the celebration this $1tm- iness there was a discussion on Short rater of the 150th anniversary of Fred - Courses and it is expected Wroxeter ericton as the capital of New Bruns - Branch will sponsor a 3 -day course wick include a huge bonfire to be to which every woman in the corn- supervised by firemen and Boy munity will be welconxe. The new Scouts, programme committee for 1935-1936 '—• were appointed, Mrs. A. Munroe and 15,000 Polish Scouts to Celebrate Miss M. J. Pope, The topic for the Scouts from other countries are in - day was "Edgar Guest" anti was tali-1vited to the 25th Anniversary Jans- en by Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton, Mrs. lboree of the Scouts of Poland, to be H, Wallerave a humorous reading, 1 held in the forest of Simla in July. g Suggestions for next year's program Some 15,000 Polish Scouts are ex - were given by each member. Coin- petted to participate. rottnity songs were an added feature. At the close refreshments were serv- ed: by the hostess assisted by kfrs. P.' S. MacEwen, Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin and Mrs. H. Waller. Y. P. Society Miss Mfildred Dane, Convenor of 1 Christian Fellowship group, was in charge of the YoungPeople's meeting on Monday night, 'Follo`tr•ing the op- ening hymn Isobel Mulligan lead in prayer and •Lucclle White read the Scripture Lesson chosen front Ms,tt. 18: 1044. The first topic was it charge of Margaret Thirst, and the subject was "Religion the Tracie -Bone of War." Miss Edythe Martin favor- ed with a piano 8610:. ,ktr, Allan Fin- layson gave an address on "How to Seedy': 'A hymn and the benediction closed the meet ng. SUNDAY SCHOOL GIVEN TINE TALK ' A large attcridance was resent at l~ p the t,?nited Church Sunday School on Sunday morning to hear the interest - i ; and inspiring talk given by Miss Two Famous Flyers Were Scouts It may not be generally known that tvvo famous western flyers, C. H. "Punch" Dickens .and W. R. "Wop" May, who were honoured :iri the King's last New Year list, were once Boy Scouts. Both were members of the old 1st Edmonton Troop. A Thousand Mile Land' Cruise A "Thousand Mile Land Cruise," by special train from London to Edin- burgh:, and dinburgh:,and .return, touching at York and other historic points, is a novel. Scout project being carried out dur- ing the 'Easter holidays, Tlie Scout tourists will be served breakfast and supper :on the train, and for 'midday a "haversack lunch," to facilitate sightseeing, Regina's Scout Orators Feer the second year a Boy Scottt has wort the Regina T.C).l7.Ts, contest its oratory. The winner for 1935 was Gordon Blair of the Wolf Patrol of the 22nd Regina Troop, 13rit%slt Seouis to Camp with Danes The Danish, Y,M.C.A, Scouts have MAY BE ,MVMERCSPUL President Antanas Smetona. of Lithuania, may show mercy to four, alleged Nazi leaders sentenced to face. the firing squad at Memel because of anti -Lithuanian activities. The death. sentence has aroused the whole Ger man nation which .demands govern- rttent intervention. invited a party of 25 English and: '26; Scottish Scduts to their national camp near Copenhagen in July. Sea Scout Firemen The Sea Scouts of Lymington, En- gland, will in future assist the local. fire brigade by providing orderlies' for. the Fire Chief, by running out hose,,, keeping back crowds and doing salvage work. Giving Small Skaters a "Break" The operation of free public skat- ing rinks was a widespread Boy Scout service activity this. winter. In New Glasgow the Scouts gave snrtll skat- ers a "break" by reserving tit ice to them each afternoon until 4.15 parts_ : Hungary Again Invites English Boy Scouts The :Scouts Of Somogy County Hungary; have again invited a party of "GO British Sconts and leaders to pay them a three weeks' visit in Au gust, part of the time as guest camp- ers, and the balance as guests in Hun garian Scout hones. Scouts Demonstrate Life Saving Following their winning of the Clouston Cup, emblematic of the Scout life saving championship of Quebec, the swimming team of .the Weredale House Scout Troop, Mont- real, gave a rescue demonstration at . a life saving clinic sponsored by the Royal Life Sevipg Society. It Was a Papoose of Course! Amongst the gifts sent by the Red Deer, Alta., Boy Scout toy shop at Christmas to Cree Indian children near Rocky Mountain House were some cloIls. Recently a very small Indian maiden was seen on the street at Rocky Mountain House with a large toy shop doll carefully wrapped in a rabbit skin and slung over her bad: in the traditional squab manner. VICTORY "The smile of God is victo 'Whittier. 4 * * * "God on our side, doubt not vic- tory."—Shakespeare, * * * * "We can meet every struggle with, the joyous assurance that it will do us good .. . . Our spiritual progress is measured in terms of victories wan, of discouragement routed, of error ov- ercome." — The Christian Science Journal, "The.great highroad of Inman wel- fare lies along the old highway of steadfast well -doing; and they whet- are hoare the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will invariably be the most successful, success treads on the heels of every. right effort,—Samuel Smiles. "No broken chocolate? Man, how can you expect to keep--yoltr clients if you do not study their require- +r. l3' a 1 C7 r ttientst� 'iri%orlte r tt . rlc, ,rte t,