The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-03-28, Page 8,•••,111 WINGHAM ADVANCV-VMV,8 Thursday, March28th, 1935 • Presentin the Spring Fashi Real ar ains at 4 n S ring Coats SMART IN EVER DETAIL $16.75 to $19.75 Authentic 1935 styling and materials that step you out with the feeling you are up-to-the-minute in every detail, and what a satisfaction. See this special grouping, outstanding value, every one, at $16.75 to $19.75 SPRING COATS PRIICED $9.75 to $11.95 You will find wide choice in the price grouping, excellent materials and youthful Misses stylings and colors, grouped $9.75 to $11.95 Showing also a large range of two and three- piece Suits, also Knitted Suits. EW 1 LOUSES THESE NEW, BLOUSES WILL PEP UP YOUR OLD SKIRT, GIVING IT NEW LIFE These new blouses show the fashionable tail- ored style, other styles also shown in this special price grouping. Each 1°65 Another oustanding group price 259 Each ELASTIC GIRDLES A widely acclaimed girdle for the youthful figure, allows complete freedom, giving that sleek figure so necessary to the new Spring apparel. Sizes, small, medium, large. Have four hose sunnorts. Each .....98c Sale Of Lingerie 69c Regular Values to $1.50 Consisting of Brassiere and iPantie Sets, Vest and Bloom- er sets, also separate pieces, panties and bloomers; all re- present excellent wearing quality, silk -like rayon; every piece trimmed with lace or appliques. 41•1011(811•611118/116VMMIIIIIIMMI TAILORED PANTIES ,Reg. 49c Pair 37c Fine quality rayon with banded cuff leg bottom; col- or, white and tea rose. Sizes meliurn and large. 041=101.011.1.T ns Including Some portune Time Style, Detail Stamp These Dresses Priced $1.59 YOUR EASTER HAT These hats show the new styling featured for Spring, both in Misses' and Matrons'. Specially priced for spring 1.59 opening. Regular values to $2.95. Each Others Priced to $4.50. JAUNTY NEW NECK SCARFS - 79c No outfit is complete without one of these neck scarfs and •shown in every style available; three -cornered Ascots, full length, etc., in ;particularly smart colorings. We have also included some of our regular to $1.50 scarfs; which makes these outsanding values at •-.J '40 alowavalmermommosInsoos 10•11111111101311111. FRESH IMPORTED KID GLOVES Outstanding Easter value show- ing newest in decorated flared cuffs, new spring colors. Pair 1.59 A Spring Outfit well planned in- cludes gloves such as these. Large showing includes sizes 6 to 7. Also large showing at $1.98 Pair. Accessories That, Complete k ny Outfit Flowers set the pace, dainty white flowers such as gardenia, etc.; grouped in single or two's, with green leaves, also violet i in a wealth of color running from deep to light shades. 25c to 65c 1120.01101,94.1.VIMONSIIIIIM ....11=t1•149.. OUTSTANDING GLOVE SPECIAL WHICH IN- CLUDES SILK AND FABRIC GLOVES PRICED, PAIR 49c Regular Values to $1.00 Included in Lot. These gloves will move fast at this price; the variety is large and cov- ers sizes '6 to 7-i. As we have mentioned the emphasis this year is placed from the waist up, particularly at .the neck line, ftissy little bows, lace, etc. You will find these dresses to your liking, besides stressing style and value. STRESSING STYLE AND OUTSTANDING DRESS VALUE PRICED, EACH 3 95 Large choice both in Misses' and Women's Sizes. Regular Values to $7.50, Serviceable materials,' smart styles in plain and print fabrics. Sizes 16 to 20, 38 to 52. . AINMININEI••••••Ml. NEW HAND BAGS 2.35 Showing new pouch styles in fine grained leather, in- side zipper fasteners, com- pletely fitted. Others at $2.95 and $3.95 Silk Satin Slips Lace Trimmed Each $1.89 First tirne offered at this special price perfect fitting in every detail, topped off with fine quality lace, top and bot - ton; color, white and tea 1 89 rose, sizes 34 to 44. LADIES' SLIPS SHOW- ING DEEP LACE TRIM $1.39 These come in white only, show lace trimmed top with adjustable strap, bias cut, with 10 inch lace trimmed bottom, sizes 34 to 44. Each ...==••01119NY Choice of Foundation Garment suit- ed to the individual figure is a main requis- ite when planning that New Easter Out- fit. We recommend you seeing these three outstanding makes, "NATURE'S RIVAL" "NU -BACK" D.&A." Each make outstanding in ,its par- ticular field. A wide range of choice in each make, showing the latest creations for 1935 styling. • LADIES' HOUSE FROCKS Equal to any $1.95 House Frock sord, fine quality, hard wearing prints, with those extra touches that statnp them out of the general run of 'Dresses offered atthis low price. Misses' and Women's sizes • 1 45 umwsmiummummememomesimionnanmammommiamimmos 411311=1:11M.111116.1112=1111111103C•99•11111101114 A Silk Hose Senstion Firsts and dependable quality, medium service weight, 5 Pair Silk Hose at the right price and time, cizes 81/2 to 101/2 in the new Spring cblors. Real value hose at a big saving. LUCKY SEVENS STEP OUT WITH NEW COLORS FOR SPRING People tell us what wear the 3i get from these hose - they have the style, the fresh lively, tough wearing pure silk to a lisle top in the Service weight, silk to picot top in the 89c chiffon weight. Priced, per pair Suede Fabric Slips BIAS CUT, EACH 73c A satisfactory ladies' slip, in sizes small, medium and large, good weight angle skin material, cut on full size in white op)... and flesh. Each LADIES' CELANESE HOSE Sub standards of our 39c Hose and suitabte for wear around the house, 'in full range of colors and sizes. Per Pair 19c • BLUEVALE -United Church Y. P. S. The regular meeting was held. Fri- day night, March 22nd, with Miss Is - abet Watson. in charge, The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Miss Alice Thornton, A very pleasing solo, "Beautiful Isle of Somel,vbere" was rendered by Melville Aliathers, Mr, Will Johnston was the speaker for the evening, dealing very well with the topic "How the Kingdom Comes" emphasizing the thought that if the Kingdom of God is to come univers- ally, each one of tis have our contri- . . . • •,.•,• bution to , tnake, namely by doing God's will arid helping others- by liv- ing in the .atinosphereof prayer, United Church W. M. S, The W.M.S. ,of the United Church held their regular meeting- in the chootrooms on Tuesday, the 19th, Mrs, Jos. :Breckenridge, presiding. Meeting opened with hymn 500 "Take time to be holy" and the call to wor- ship, After singing hymn 314 "Talk with us Lord, 'Thyself reveal," the President read for Seriptitre-lessorti John 16 2848, and then led in pray- er. The devotional leaflet "A.mbitious Friends" was read by Mrs A. Shaw, then hymn 831 "O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in mc," was: sung. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, and the, financial statement given. Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge led in the sy- nopsis of the 7th chapter of the Study Book, the various speakers being, Mrs, Geo. Thornton, Mrs, J. Scott, Mrs, J. Curtis, Mrs. E. Johnston, Mrs, R. Shaw and Mrs. A. Shaw. Mrs. 3. Wettlaufer takes the Study 'Book for the next meeting. Mrs. Geo, Thorn- ton gave a paper ort:the work of our schools and.colleges.in, India, Mrs. J. Scott: one on Christian' Stewardship and Finance, and Mrs. Jos. Brecken- ridge one on Temperance. ,.After the offering, hymn 246 "See how great a flame aspires" was sung, and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs: A, V. Robb. Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Spier of Mor- ris spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Peter D. King, J; Falconer spent the week -end with 'friends at Stratford. Pearson Rolph of Hespeler is a vis- itor with Mrs. Margaret Rolph and Mrs, Laura kirton ih Turnberry, Mr. and Mts. R. P. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, H. Garniss at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiekstead, of Morris, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith. Mr, and Mrs. S. N. Gallaher and son, Billy, were Sunday visitors with their aunt, Miss Acla Gallaher. Spring' is bringing about the usual changes in property. Mr. Joseph Cur- tis has sold his farm on the Bound-, ary East to William Nicholion. Ed- ward Barnard has purchasedthe acre farm adjoining the Station hail George Thotnpson Mr. Thotnpsort in- tends moving into the dwelling house connected with his creamery. John Mundell has brought the farm on the 2nd concession of Turnberry, be- longing to the late James MacEwen estate, TURNI3ERRY COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in Town Hall, Wingham, March 28rd, 1935. Metbers alt present. Moved by Porter and Breckenridge 'amemminwoomon, that we have those who are receiving relief accept any work the Relief Commission can !procure for them in lieu of assistance given them, at the wage of 171 cents per hour, all work to be commenced at once. Carried. Moved by Moffatt and Wilton that all relief be discontinued on the 15th of April, 1935. Carried, Moved by Breckenridge and Mof- fatt that we adjourn to meet Monday, April 8th, 1985, in Bklevale at 1 p.m. Carried. W. R, Cruikshank, R. Grain, Clerk, ROCV6A,