HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-03-28, Page 6�4. PAGE SIX Thursday, Ma>w'al 2Sth, i,93$' WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES CALIFORNIA FRI NI NT/SITS ' /'ER.MILyt o_ y get,g 1e 'e a defile SYNOPSIS; 'Young Ed. Maitland, tylia made this trawl, to !tun' for up on the steep bthe�brrd Above was m seafaring fanz•> it. Tell therm—to nick up their tools, connecting withthereed a mon of a New England a g it and the hardened ambler, Speed leave her open and'stand clear." a rocky bluff which' Uor and iiiaiid the y. >a on a trip north to the ""I've -..gat an old deer gun back to long view of the canyon „ ;Hess lay Yukon Malone, oldtf fields it 97, when word' canmii, Brent shifteit the quid slowly trail • f , „ along, the •rem. Its weakness g came down ' in his cheek. "She ain't seed no real in a broken ,gulch :that fells front e nit»d• of the rich ores there first d the Pacific coast. Maitland was des -,action settee she fit a string' of hide into theexposurecreek the noth gunfireiside, d tune b ed to e :r back his lost for -thieves from a buffalo wailer away its possible , balls, It Would tune before 'he :returned :home. ' The back in '71. I'd. ruttierahoot at• her out they." ehills on • difficult to -eta: e,��liomvever, on the two -men became partners, Speed than_see: yon called latowlecl �`ement itt stele"facing tate trail. prcimising not,to get tangled with the There was ac g Speed's senile, but he declined the pro- Here, within a rock cdr.ral, somee law if he could help it, and to clear X out from the partnership if ate did..posal, and the old -tuner gloomily goods lay severalstacked;prOvisi ns, est ells Fienclm -the fishernmarr' whose smack withdrew to carry his decision er y 1 were ,till waititiga for it. and- a forty-four Winchester carbine. ring to Maitland es a keepsake; Fat said to his partner, aidl I3urtn�, 1p len, camp leader, resentful of Rose's attention to Maitland; Steiner, the money lender; young Pete and his drunken partner Bill Owens; Brent, old-time prospector; Garnet, Well-to- do traveller who hired Maitland and Speed to take his things over the otumtains—these are the principal took the two Hien north; Lucky Rose, few lien ty r �� z - oi - a "Better trail with him, Bud," Speed The otulaw had evidently foreseen the beautiful girl who had gm� en "and lookup Gar- �a'b was coming. figures in.the story . Malone, Mait- landand Garnet hauled part of his reached that junction, Bud. I'm m - to this play neck deep and I can't quit:' Maitland gave a sober nod of half - comprehension. "It's on'y` rimy hand gallon's callin'," Speed explained earnestly andPwith more emphasis, "He'll head through S ti„ net. We ain't Beit hill for two day' "What are you going to do?"ask- ed Maitland, with a foreboding that Speed had not disclosed his real in- tention.. _ - • "We agreed once," said the outlaw, after a pause, "that I'd warn you and we'd split partners if I ever went up against the Law. Seems like I've stuff froin the canvas camp on" the Skagway beach over the trail to the camp in the hills called Liarsville. The trail was in bad condition. Speed wanted to close it and mend it. .Fal- lon wanted to push on: THE STORY here, first with his shebang, and eith NOW GO ON WITH 1 don't cross this bridge, or I t But he has the The shell dealer, whose eyes had never left Speed's face, dived into the crowd. No one else saw the lightning gesture with which the outlaw jerk- ed his, guns. There was a glint in both his hands a split fraction of a second before the forty-fives flashed and roared and spoke again. Fallon's weapons had hardly shifted when they were wrecked in their holsters. The third shot knocked the cigar from his mouth, and the fourth went sideways at another mark on the near edge of the gambling table, where a man who had drawn at the same trope as Fal- lon, dropped his gun from a nerve- less hand, his wrist streaming blood. Speed backed away, eye raking the crowd, guns heli close and ready. "I told you I wasn't patient, and 1 ain't," he said, in a voice Maitland , never had heard. "But bein' elected camp boss on a platform of cussed- ness, I accept accordin'. Nothin' on legs will cross Porcupine Bridge un- til the trail from here to there is in 1 shape, and in good shape. The trail is barred for four days work. If any- one doubts about my havin' the guts to make that good, they can signify During su er lie was broodingly quiet. A blood -red moon :was rising through the timber. It lighted the mountain headlands, and left vasty deep shadows, made more tenebrous by the occasional howl of a timber wolf, a. lynx's shrill bark or the hoot of an owl. He picked up the carbine, his eyes .on something invisible to Maitland, fare up the trail.' But pre -1 tel These shots sently he set the gun clown. "That's paused irreso tt y fete's mare," he said. from above came as a surprise, throw - A blurred shape movecl:in the dis- ire• a new and disturbing factor into. tont .timber shadows. When it cross- .their plan. `They suspected thatSpeed ed a lane of moonlight, Maitland re- had planted a guard on the hill to cognized the mare and , the. boy. pfotect the -bluff, and they had no *ay Guided by a sight as keen as Speeds of ;guessing its strength. Finally they Pete came. toward tlieni as they des- dropped back into the canyon, to con cendecl the bluff. There was some- salt, it seethed, With their leader. "You haven't any men up on 'that tens out short of the bridge ... Ute- Christian living. less they can dig past binder the near . Hort was Peter turned to Christ 1;o bank, Watch that gully; Bad." I -le receive His call to serveHint? the drew the siX-sliooters from his belt own brother, Andrew, ?t And inspected therm then raised' his Good News that they had found tate head carefully above the rim of the Messiah. Christiane have a Scriptural rock corral to get a steeper view., right to pray, with assurtutce, for the : His eye raked the canyon below salvation of every member.: of. their far a glimpse of Fallon. Suddenly a family. UtzIlet went ,,s, pam, g" over the ram- : When people -say ignorantly, ae t aSk- part; and he slid back with a grunt, they often)bedhat Chr spectrall clac- shaking away the blood that oozed ed men to from a rain sears above his temple. trine; but only to 'be sincere ht fol- Snmoke was swirling 'irlin> out of some lowing Him, let •us remth ember e in. nti b • brush a few, yards below the point trinal examination and test to mt'lmich wlmerethe trail reached the creek bot- he put His disciples. Searchingly, dire ' toil, ectly, He• asked them what their be - :"Nobody lied;' said Speech, as he lief was concerning His own 1zerson. tore a handkerchief. and tied it round Patiently He ha& been training then:. the Wound, "when they said this man for two years in preparation fps this. Fallon; could shoot But I got hint They met the test as Peter answered placed now." ' for thetrm'all: "Thou art the Christ, the Changing his position," he edged Son of the living. God'' The Lord's along the boulders tilt he touched the heart rejoiced in this answer, and He outer rim. A bullet hissed between prunounced'blessing upon :Peter for it. his neck and the rock, with a Blanc- Moreover, Christ made it very plain Mg spark. Speed 'Wheeled out and tlh.at this was no discovery of Peter's, fired ininthe same instant. nor the result of mere humanhumanreason; "Nicked his gunarm,' 'he said, as "for flesh and blood hath not revealed lie whipped back into shelter. "Fal-' it unto thee, but My Father which is lop shoats best left-handed. Watch in heaven." he hardest lcssons'Pet your gulch, Bud," But one of t Wisps of smoke eddied otit from er ever had to leant was :that of lin; various points :high in the timber. mility. It takes true greatness to be The men who hacl started the ascent, truly humble—and, for a long while, Peter was anything but truly •great. He was self-confident, egotistical, boastful; but his Lord was unfailing- ly patient with him as He is with all of us. He taught Peter and the other disciples what true humility is when. He actually knelt at their feet, as a servant, and performed the Menial task of washing their feet and wiping them with the towel with which He had, as a servant, girded Himself. It was also a lisson in their need of the cleansing which He alone could give there by shedding His blood for them on the cross, as He did the next day. The crash came in Peters' experi- ence when, still. boastful and sel-con- fident, and ignoring his Lord's solemn warning, he broke down utterly be- fore the taunts of the servants of the high priest's household and denied that he had ever known Christ. Thus, Sinton Peter, one of the lead- ers of the apostolic band, :sank about as low'as any believer could sink. But he was restored — wonderfully, coM- pletely, gloriously. And how washe. restored? By his own efforts and' de- termination and will power? .No sin, ming fallen believer has even been re- stored that way, nor ever could be. The Lord had forewarned Peter in the words: "Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat." Satan was sifting Peter in a fearful way. But with that very warning the Lord told; Peter's later record showed that he Peter what his protection and rector- 'was obeying this exhortation' of his. ation would be: "But I have prayed' Lord's, Christ's resurrection from the for thee, that thy faith fail not." I dead, and His resurrection message to ' It, was not Peter's recuperative Peter, together with His prayers . for er me n 'gallant and fine, 11rlartlan dont live to see it:1thing as bacicin'.• of the miners' la'w, or will l thought, about that slight, .boyish fig,, have, by sun -up--" tire. "Mob law," Maitland amended. "If On meeting then], Pete gave him you don't see your mm'ay to quit,. Speed, i a reserved nod; glancedfromthe bluff u can't count me,out. On principle, tto the hills across the canyon, and yo their views here and now by saytn , liar and coyote." It was the third evening after the rd_.„ The 'Westerner groaned. "You orn- it by pouring a hot fire into the elect.. barring of the trail. Maitland found Itatid?" his, partner talking alone with Brent ery down -East •S'anks, with your prin- "I got one too many now," Speed Bullets were splalhing like rain near a roughly bridged crossing- at laround a wiry, gray -headed figure the upper end of the road work, which c P i les a.nd proverbs — Listen, Bud. i muttered. 'Whether I ever reach Dawson or not "Then, will you let me go through? iwho was fording the, creek through a landslide that clay had interrupted. don't matter a whole lot; with you I could ford the creek," Pete pleaded a blue smoke haze, toward the bould- bad been pouring into Skagwa3r a mob ers Speed had had in view. CoollY Dnring three da.ys, new steamers it's different. It's what you come for.lsimply. '"fhat wouldn't be "ciossin' ' munching a large tobacco wad, he re- Ass 4 • �C�Cl111'"' Suddenly a bullet went "spang" over the rampart. spoke to Speed. "Need an exter gun hill?" Maitland asked Speed. - Speed's grin was mysterious. "Ain't I, though. I got one, and he's as good as a gang. The little devil had it all figured when he crossed the bridge." "Pete!" Maitland exclaimed. But their attention was now sum- moned • back to the posse. They caught a glirnpse of Fallon with his arm in a bandage, giving orders. Until now Speed had contented himself with making the trail impass- able. Now he shot with a searching intent to kill, hoping the while that Pete would vacate his position. But the gun kept speaking on the hill; the boy was ,standing his ground. After the first few yards of ascent, the tint- Iber on the near bank offered the at- itackers a helpful screen. Speed's eye came back to the boulders on the oth er side of the creek. If he could reach these, he could sweep a wider arc of thill, with no impeding trees 1 He was gathering up the amrnuni- tion to make this desperate nmo•r e !when a sudden din from below stop- ped him. Maitland, fromhis lookout, shouted above the roar, "Look!" The deep voice of a heavy -calibred gun was booming and reverberating through the canyon. It had halted the men on the hill; who now : answered of adventurers — "Sweepingsor the I ve figured Garnet as your chance it on legs.'" turned the broadside as he went, with- pectors Coast towns as well as bona fide pros- of gestin' there - . . Speed's eyes rested on the mares out haste, but with terrible effect. But there is no law, East or West, light saddle pack, and then on tate who knew nothing of the Continued \Textt''Week) cause of the dispute anti cared less. and no tie as strong as that which' boys face, which. looked pale in the Tallon had been packing them in at binds a man to a partner againsthalf-darkness. "I-Ieadin' for Bennett ����o, ,,oma oma,! Liarsville to vote the trail open; had fighting odds, and with Maitland the alone?" he asked. of gunmen inl advance bond. •had been steel -woven by the Pete nodded. "My partner—Bill's THE SUNDAY SCHOOLLESSON. chosen a posse lmemory of a bleak day in the Sound. tclead."among the wildest. f7ofromBefore this orw.moa®..®"pity"'"'''+®ns''''mmm�i"mao+m..� Speed here found himself opposing The wards *ave ivtaitTand a podia- gathcring. threat, most of the trail workers had given way. "They's a short string of us will reuse x• go the limit, if you want to," Brent M glacial ti -as ' saying.The creek had a canyon, Y , Speed shook his head. "It wouldn't 'with smooth rock faces in the bed, be no kind of a break for the boys i and a timber growth that started well somethieg elemental as his own f • l to yield. —41JICKEST METHOD D 0'b'i baa TO RELIEVE A COLD Take 2 Aspirin Tablets. 2. Drink full glass of water. 'Repeat treatment in 2 hours. �+ .n throat is sore, Erush anti • stir s Aspirin 'T'abletS it a third of a gaits r4 ;oaten eed gargle: This erases the set ettc� its Slats throat amort instantly, Follow Directions to Ease Pain and Discomfort Almost Instantly When you have a Bold, remember the simple treatment pictured. here . . prescribed by doctors everywhere to- day as the quick, safe wap. Because of Aspirin's quick -disinte- grating property, Aspirin "takes hold"— almost instantly. Just take Aspirin and drink plenty of water' .. every 2 to 4 hours the first, day—less oftett afterward ... If throat is sore, use the Aspirin gargle. But be sure you get ASPIIArIN. It is made in Canada and all druggists have it. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin Tablet. Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. DOES NOT HARM THE HEART "Of course I love .him, admitted Mrs. Jack Schorr, of Ontario, Cal., who carne from the west coast to visit Harold . Vermilyea, convicted of the hachet murder: of his mother. "What would any woman make a trip like- that ikethat fdr?" she said,. She was quiet and insisted that she was :a "nonen- tity". power; or strong character, or un- daunted optimism, or anything of that sort that brought him back after his awful failure. -It was the. prayers of his Saviour and Lord—the. only way. any Christian is ever restored after falling into sin. For "if any Man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2;1). With His warning, and His .promise of restoring 'Power, the Lord spoke another word to Peter: "And when thou art converted (or, hast teamed back again), strengthen thy brethren." iar shock,. "How?" Speed asked soft- REVIEW: LESSONS FROM THE Ily. LIFE AND LETTERS OF PETER. "He was in a game—in Skagway— Sunday, March 31-1 Peter 5:6-11; with some of Fallon's men. Lost his 2 Peter 3:14-18. outfit, He'd been drinkin'. They found him on the beach, --afterwards Golden Text: G in grace and in the knowledge Speed did not speak for a' moment. of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then he said, "How do yoaim to (2 Peter 3:18.) - make out, kid?" From our three months' studies of "There's a man in the Yukon Bill; one of the great characters of history was to meet 00 the lakes," Pete said we have seen the following twelve hesitantly. "I'm goin' up to find him, outstanding experiences of the apostle If I don't see you boys again—":the Peter: formal tone broke slightly — "I'm : 1. Peter turns to Christ and wishln' you luck. ." His call to lifetime service. He was in the saddle and away.; 2. Peter confesses Christ as The mare shot down the defile at a of. God and the Messiah, headlong gallop, took the full span 3, Peter learns a startling lesson in of the bridge in a beautiful leap, and humility and his need of cleansing, flashed, up the hill on the other side 4. Self-confident Peter discovers his into timber.own conteptibleweakness and hope - 't' fess. sinfuhmtess.. A half mile to the south the.trail 5. Peter discovers the restoring came in view over a timbered moon-. power of the undefeatable love of his. tail shoulder. In the rising sun, the Lord. trees cast long shadows across it, and 6. Peter preaches Christ crucified it was a flickering in the rosy aisles and risen, the Saviour of men, and between them that gave the signal. reaps a great harvest of .souls. A teams of gray mules topped the 'l. Peter shows why good 'Christian,4 rise, hielding the .men behind. Oth- are good citizens. er pack animals followed, and their B. Peter, in Christ's omnipotence, drivers gathered on the vantage works a miracle of healing in a matt ground,, peering down time long vista bora lame.toward'tlte creek crossing. There was , 9. Peter works a miracle' of swift a puff of smoke; a 'bullet screamed capital punishment in jtn1 ptient of over the bluff through the morning sin. silence; then came the sharp rifle 10. 'Peter• preaches;Chri:st as Saviutmt' crack. Out of the blue canyon mist, to Gentiles as well as Jews. a great -winged golden eagle rose and 11. God works a miracle of dello. soared away. ,erante iron.: prison far Peter, "'We're jake so long as they keen 12. Peter describes some of its the cieek," said Speed. "Slee flat- "impossible" Miracles of everygl drowned" row accepts the Son Peter, brought the broken-hearted disciple back. Then Peter became a. leader of the apostles in very truth,. and his sermon on the day of Pente- cost was used of God for the salvation of "about three thousand souls" of the - Jews. Itis interesting to note that Peter worked a great miracle of healing in the name of Christ for a man in great - need; reatneed;' and God worked a great miracle of deliverance for Peter when he was. in need. Peter, in the name of Christ,. enabled a lame man to "walk in new- ness ewness of life" both physically and spir- itually. And when Peter was in dan- ger of his life and imprisoned in a Roman dungeon, God sent an anget to open the prison doors and set him. free. Professional J. W. BUSHFIELD - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. . Money to Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes. H. W. COLBORNE, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND . SURGEON Medical. Representative D. S. C. R. Phone 54. Wingham • TovarommlownevenwaTowassome Directory A.R.&F.E.DU'VAL CHIROPRACTORS CHIROPRACTIC and BLECTIR:O Tashi A.P North Street 'elepho Wingham R. S. HETHERINGTON BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Office - Morton Block. Telephgie No. 66 ��. Ram SICALIMBsO Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND NM.R.C.S. (England) L.R.C.P. ''(London) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated. l'fice adjoining residence next to Anglican. Church on Centre St. Sunday by appointment. 04teopat y Electricity ?1ioir.e 272. ours!, 9 p.m to 8 p.m. ADVERTISE n4 THE ADVANCE.TIMES • J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.. Successor to R. Vanstone. Wingham Ontario DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19. J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY ,. - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT. Hours by Appointment, Phone 191. Wingham s Directory Wallington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. J Itnt)l114110 1840, l' 1 ire 1jt1tdn on 0111: ciasi',os of fusur- 0110 Art rctiironable rates, JJrttd Office., Cluetpb, Ott. A:1t1`tll;TJ CQIPINit, Agent. W1ntluitam, A't301'.1 1:1'I041t i1r :114170?lK1r'I cwltg i knoW10610 id 1{ ria Ile! 2311i 011, to I°Ilave An ATIOT1ONIf,int to comlduot your fords, etc ,.':RM., ENN TT At Tara I oyftl Saivke Stntiort. Phot' t 114Wr HARRY FRY Furlature and Funeral , Service C. L. CLARK Licensed Embalmer and 1 t*eral Director Ambulance Service. sones: Day 117.' Night 1+09. THOMAS E. SMALL LtCJ NSED AUCTIONEER 20 Years" Experience in Farm Stoats and Imp1tnieal Ivl+yderate lPricea. ►#tone 901.