The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-03-14, Page 6PA
SYNOi SIS:•On the old side-wheel-
er "George E. Starr," on its way to
the Yukon gold fields in the first rush
of '97,Speed Malone, experienced
gold -camp full OWel' and gambler, and
Maung Ed, Maitland, on his first trip,
trying to recoup tris ' lost fancily for-
tune, struck up a strange friendship.
Maitland left Speed playing Solo with
two other men and wandered• for-
ward, to be sharply, recalled by the
report of a Pistol and the news that
his partner had been shot and bad
gone overboard. Ed jumped in after
him,: without second thought. But the
cold Waters got him, and in the end
it was .Speed who did the rescuing,
holding Ed's head above water until
they were taken aboard a little boat
by a French fisherman from Seattle.
Maitland, knowing the sea, took
charge of the little boat when they
persuaded I±ren•ehy to take tltern to
Skagway. After a bard journey they
reached Skagway where they find a
ship unloading miners and horses.
Speed merely nodded when told of
the failure of his quest.
"What happened at Steiner's?"
Maitland asked. '
It seemed that Frenchy and the
Jew had formed a partnership, to
etart a hauling business from Skag-
waY with the horses and boat for
With a glance at the clouds Speed ,
suggested that it was going to rain,
and he would do a "sketch round"
"Whether I would or r
"my partner wouldn't,
'He doesn't know what the stake
Ruse countered: ".01,11e goingoing
North to look fur gold. 1 can put
it •in your way in erne throw. There's
n fool in camp who's due to lose a
gold mine—one that isn't his to Iose.
I can't tell you any•more • just tow,
except that the genie is worth the
risk. You're running some risks any-
way as drifters in a camp where you
have made an enemy of the range
He -could slake little of that, ex-
cept to wonder if Tallon was involv-
ed in the mysterious ,gcu1d secret she
spoke of. And, while their hands were
tangled, she drew a'ring front ane of
hers and: slipped it mischievously on
the tip of his little finger.
At that moment a thud oe the
wharf above then iroie •them both.
A dark figure loomed with a bulky
menace in the dark. Maitland first
thought of ballon, but a flare from
the fire revealed an apparition much
Blore disturbing to hint just then.
Speed's apparent size was due to a
roll of blankets on his shoulder.
The outlaw came down the sand.
and dropped his burden near the fire,
still regarding the girl. After a nto-
nient he walked over to the horse and
held the stirrup for her, with a ges-
ture that was polite but implacable.
She waited before mounting, return-
ing- his stare with a look of interest.
tot," he said
, curious about a wothan means flirtin'
twirls the ,rlt.urzles of pair of 'forty -
fours, Which is the bore of -the guns
that start talkie.' when you ramble in-
to Failon's private ;grove, and make it
'Lady,' he said, pointing north, "up
there is All -Alaska and the Yukon
Territory. If that ain't a big enoull
three -handed,"
Maitland- Wakened shivering in. the
half-darkness: Tile- gulf was smudg-
ed in a fine rain that steamed dis-
mally over the riffled sands left bare
by the ebb tide. Speed's blankets
were rolled up, and 'a pile of drift-
wood lay :ready for their breakfast
fire. Annoyed at -.himself -for having
slept while his partner was hunting a
job, Ed, washed ie a tide pool, and
went up to look for Itin2, •J
He learned that Steiner had offered
to sell Garnet his pintos. Garnet
promptly closed with hitt' at the price
of four hundred dollars for the :leant,
and engaged the two partners to haul
for Itilu at the wages Speed had first.
This swift adjustment had all the
effect of a rnircle to Maitland, but the I
'Westerner accepted it as a simple;.
caprice of the goddess who presides s
been hearingg source bad rumors abut.
His misgivings did not weigh, o
their first, They set out'o
this excursion in the light-liearte
mood conferred by a scrubbing,
shave, at good breakfast and niornin
sunii ht,
Avoiding the camp, they crossed
river: bridge, and fruni titer e, by
steep and broken track which th
Pack animalsof earlier comer ha
t phut, an
scarred out, climbed into some moun-
tain ravines that hegan to reek with
a mephitic' odor of death. The sham-
bles became more ghastly as they
In the dips of the :so-called "trail",
a series of quagmires had been e••nlarg-
cd to small thud lakes by the wear
of successive hooves around the rim.
The swollen carcasses of dead horses
in muskegs and sloughs. On sheer
mountain sides the trail dwindled in
places to a cattle, track, and its haz-
ards to burdened horses and men,
were grinlly'proved by the relics that
lay in the canyon troughs.,
.Some travelers who appeared til
have lost their horses, were strug-
gling to. hand -haul ' their packs
through a wallow not 11101'e than a
stile above Liarsville. It was all the
progress they had been able to snake
ince morning•. Others, incredibly
over mining camps. Nor was Steiner
visibly troubled by the change in his
"Gold is where you find it, ain't
it? If they put it in my hands, I don't.
need a shovel, do I? Let the saps dig
for it."
"Reckon that isn't so foolish neith-
er," Speed concurred.
* k *
The pack train had been tugging,
cursing, halting and sliding for hours
in a disjointed snake -line up the gray -
for some blankets While his partner eled river canyon, through a drizzling
humin range for you and me and my
was drying out. rain that soaked the lashings and sl
, pardner to keels untangled in, its too
shoulder straps,crit flesh to the raw,
Plot an hour of so after he had daulnu1 bats. slut v\lien I ass a t
plastered with mud, and bearing the,
wan stamp of defeat in their faces,
were backtrailing toward camp. These
were trail veterans who took ordinary
hardship with a :smile.
Plainly, ane look at it would be
enough for Garnet.
As they stood considering the dis-
nal 'prospect, they were joined by a
Tan whom they recognized through
isguising mud' smears as the old -
time prospector, Brent.
"Pretty, ain't it," Brent conunc'nt-
ed, spitting tobacco juice into the
ought, P
"It would loch a here better " said
gone; Maitland sat pondering over the yet the Hell out of our campT meanchanted gravel to thud, and With the Speed, thoughtfully, "if the camp got
fire. From this abstraction he was_ray aur." churn of hundreds of hooves among ;together and graded a trail, A few
roused by a slight crunching sound in , Her laugh was a rip Jlle e;f si)..)ntttrl-
the' gravel, and glanced up almost ab-
sently at the shape of 0 horse lined
in fiery lines again the dark. An up-
ward alt tt front the fire lighted a
woman",s face. tt'llieh- 10.1 SWIM.' t.' re-
nienlber. 1'hen a low., musical laugh
ave body to lac vision.
•i•.,,d up, still halt i' canning, aB
ale pulled herr horse tinder the ,ha,l-
a,tw ..f the v, hart'. Her dark ects mask-
ed with a Nit er:rot Iiulrt . ',out,. caprice
3,e could not fiat;, tit. A' . ert ;1.•e seat -
ad a;(rse if on a fallen Mout' timber,
leaving 0 space tiesi,h t,er in word-
itres-1 s, invitation, Ate obeyed, without
knot -tile. that lie diel so.
"Meet lady Luck," elle said, and
til his ce,utpl •:e Stiil,eftctl, n, tn:'10
his head Pteerd stet and kis-eel 1111
lit lits} o0' tite mouth •'V..n !ea,
1001Ie, ,utiles", ltoitc.lering 1cP,1i i like,'
he`I~ahlaiired. "1)f 1r31c1llg �:r,tnrr!sir.
cous music. She mounted easily, and
blotting back at Maitland, touched her 11 to her lips. The horse hove- t
es e.ri,und softly in the sant. and she
Slmc'd titraw a fresh log on the Fire, i
kali!. after kicking: it into flame, he
'drew from his pocket 0 net, bag- ,of
Durham, rolled a cigarette and lit it
with a brand rr"nt the fire.
•'`Centa like alaie halt (tartlet '110'.
t.� Bate lde," nbaereed at last, ``incl 1
; tt hi.t he don't knew about eeliin' a
,.pant „f ,leuet•-' ekes ns the 1onehos
and stite+kel�•':
Maitland. scare, ly heard tait, I Ie
halt:-e'•pe7Teel his hand to Ivok at Rose's.
1 i rink:, inn slim it again <Itlittle-I3, as if
' .h,, ue•re holding it twitch's bond.
•�+' .' e,4¢..
I' It ware not until they turned in that `
Bisects alluded to the :subjeet that i
troubled hire. -From where 1 eel
that ke ete; iriftits;; away. l.nck's been
Bassin!;. y'n, t.,,,, so 1't•e ,lCcis[ed t,!
give yt yet a break--- if a altos tl.
1)o you?" -11re murmured, with 13 melt-
ing fall in her is1ire that drained iii'
bia»i• Her lips le-va:red cleat: to this;
tier hair almost i,reshetl hie face with
a tingling lure that took his breath.
Appalled at t hat he hard almost
done, he held her eruslleci fingers be-
tween Itis hand, till he, could win bark
some tleeree of sense, "1 think it
tVouli. be safer," he .pleaders, "1,be
She looked at him with an tnoddly
shadowed, reflective senile, as if the
scruple intricued her, or be had
brushed slue rltord of memory.
a` uppal,Cthe yue and
your parleer an .attflt, a jt,b and a
big stake in the 1 tllcnn, 1weeld you
trust your heck?"
'f0Wnaethd plan; atl meb-
by a sheore av others, if annybody
cud tutdherslttand titian, but the faith
i 111)t very. starting in unity rev thillt
new fallgled iloshttlls, 11ie Own .rets+
P01'ee to young ]lh'ie1 is fer Odin to
wurl'uk barred, - 1411 save theer 01011ey,.
an vote wid the Tory parthy,, an. not
be afther hilpin thim Grits to git the
rennin' rev rings fer thin, iftoimes
shud improve, they will be afther tak-
in all the cridit to lhllnitilves.
111033(111 as well say that the crows
bring the sbprint;-vtweather, an shtai-t
the sap rennin, as to say that thins
Grits bring the good toimes that al-
ways same to come whinlvir they git
into power.
'Tia iI� an iinproveilzint in the huildin
tirades the bade to shtart tings groin
agin. Whin we wus bufidin railroads,
an. banks, an inshtuance awfices, an
armories, an Posht Awfices, an bar -
runs an houses all over .the country,
ivirybody who wanted wurruk cud git
it, an us Gold retairect gintlemin cud
lied out our money at a good rate av
intrust, but now the 'oidea sanies to
be to ;pail delve bundles, an rejuce
the rate av'intrust, Avid the result that
theer is very little wurr'uk. arr motley
fer annybody.
Av coorse toimss will improve some
toinne, but I wudden't adyooise Mish
ter 13innitt an Mishter Guthrie to say
whin, fer,, shure, they made a bad
guess lasht toinie. If ye don't prawm-
ise annyting the Grits can't trow it
up to ye whin tings don't turn out
as ye ixpickted,
Yours till afther St. `Pathrick's Day,
Timothy Hay
Proposed jam Marketing Scheme •
A proposed scheme for the regula-
tion of the marketing of, jams, jellies
and .niarnialades produced and rear
keted Within' the Dominion of Canada,
has; been -submitted to the Dominion
Marketing 13.oard and is still subject
to amendment. Copies of the scheme
Inay be obtained from the Secretary,
Dominion Marketing .:Board, Ottawa,
to'whom representations niay be made
concerning it.
A, the situation with respect to the
.rf jam is one that requires
immediate action, ally representations
will have to be made without delay.
64th Wedding Anniversary
Surrounded •by several score of
children, ;grandchildren and great-
grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
rook, of leburn, three utile.; north of
Godcrich, observed the sixty-fourth
anniversary of their wedding. ilott? in
their eighties, they have lived for fif-
ty-two years on the h10011teatd in Col-
borne Township, 071. the Lake Shore
Road. Both are natives of G dericli
Township, -however, and were lnarriecl
at Clinton, Mr. Cook's parents came
from from Edinburgh, Scotland, anti
Thursday, March 14th, I9J
David Meisner, off for Kingston to john S. Labatt, takes his breakfast',
serve 15 years for the kidnapping. of handcuffed, during a halt of theft traia,
Mrs. Cook, formerly Matilda Potter, jail his life. There are eight children
from England. Both are pioneer fam- no fewer than seventy grandchildren.
ilies. lir. Cook has farmed virtuall , and fifteen -grE
, Meat h2.tndchildi'en.•
Chevrolet's truck Iine for 193,5 T1ro_
vides their half -tin and ,ane -and -a -half
tort models witha more po\ti'erful en=
gine deevIcljring greater torque, 'In-
t creasing the horsepower to 70 and the
mastiluiun torque sustained from 800
to 1800 r„p.m. to 152 feet pounds', pr•i1-
vides power .plant reserve' rapablt of
maintaining efficient and prompt ,le -
livery service in urban area:, grits at
the ;ante tithe ineet5 every=Coln1
tire Stralin of speedy inter -City hinnil-
, i rl .
The 1935 maple Leal two -ton "truck
;in addition to more powerful engirt
!has hydraulic brakes throughout th
entire line. A neve impressive: radiatetr
,'grill is surmounted by. the new Maple
, Leaf emblem and. trade mark. Tlhe:.
two wheeibasc lengths have 'beers
revised to 141 MO and 165 aitch:.
Freedom fretnl rear end ;train are off -
;sea by aye inctrrporatirnt of a iuAr
:floating rear axle:
the 11 este reer observed musingly, :: = ,?: .. ° • D;� M.. _. -
"which is l skin' at the sky—this roan
hall•,n listens like four good ares to I
!heat, if not fit's'. Idis ltavitt' traces of
catarn•,u131 and t'urly wolf in his pea -
!arta:, 1 don't question. 13ut he's gut
iltnc•thin' else that makes a bunch 01
'hard -rock, hard -in, u.1.h miners answer
his jerk line, A. quick stand, a cool
head, and enough ornery guts to
'swing a span of Nevada mules thru
the gates of Hell, if hint and Satan
had a feted. Offhand, I'd reckon that
crossin' that man in any gatrte - was
i a kind of Bair -line play,'
"What's his sequence with the tvo-
tman 1 don't just -.get. Maybe none,
;you think. But it looks to me like a
young buck, say front Boston, would
`kind of regret haviu' his grave dug
for him this side of the ' summit,
t11r+,ugh not suspectin' \t'heil gettin'
Asp arr
n Tablets
1 Drink full glass of water.
Repeat treatment in 2 hours.,
df throat is sore, crush and stir
3 Aspirin Tablets in a third of a mass of
water and gargle..'fhis east's the soreness in
your throat iflmst instantly. ,
Ache and Discomfort Eased
Almost Instantly Now
When you have a cold, remember the
simple treatment pictured here'
prescribed by doctors everywhere to-
day as the quick, safe way.
Because of Aspirin's quick -disinte-
grating property, Aspirin "Lakes
hold"- almost instantly.
Just take Aspirin and drink plenty
of water . .'. every 2 to 4 hours t11e
first day --:less often afterward :. , If
throat is sore, use the Aspirin gargle.
But be sure you get ASPIRIN, It
is made in Canada and all druggists
have it. Look for the name Bayer in
the form of a cross on every Aspirin
Tablet. ,Aspirin is the trade mark of
the Bayer Company, Litnited,
An upward glow from the
'tree slippery wrack of cotton -wood.
made footing almost impossible.
By the order of the trail, prospect
ors ntove4 their outfits in relays, In
diad file, travelling as far uptrail a
they could between Midnight and 0n
.in the afternoon, there to Bache ihei
parks and return, during the remain
in0 hours, for other loads,
Csarnct's outfit was an odd vita, un-
encumbered by mining tools nr iristru
merits, ts, r by any special equipmentthat. might give a due to his purpose
in the: :worth, It was rather like the
outfit a rich mart might have chosen
ra long camping tour, 31301/07 this
was not a journey which anyone
would be likely to undertake for ins
pleasure or health. Two J, 410e' rifles
arils rods, however, "showed that 111
hoped for some diversion by the way.
At last a ring of axes, pans and
voices floated up from a mountain
hollow through the rain. The trail
dipped down toward a camp, which
was pleasantly announced by the ar-
oma of coffee and of wet pine burn-
111 g.
Tethering the horses under some
dripping boughs,' where the needles
spread a carpet free froi'n nlnd, Speed
unmade the; packs. "Belly tip to tare
bar for some close ,harmony, co
wpanels," he sang out cheerily. "We've
Int 'the camp of L ia:raville."
Garnet stood bowed under his load
and asked in a spent. voice bow far
they had come.
Speed swallowed his chuckles, The
distance was said to be five miles."Maybe," he added as an encourage-
ment, "they call it `Liarsvill
ore' in nienl-
y of whoever said it was five miles?
Garnet showed so little interest in
continuing his travels after iunch
that they left -him . it camp to rest,
and brought up another load on the
night ,trail from Skagway, for the.
moral effect of getting the outfit welt
Garnet was in his blankets when
they returned, "Tari going to sleep
till noon, bays," he said, next morn.
big, "if you feel so energetic, have
a bras at Iho trail above here. I've
fire lighted a woman's face.
�, few days' work v 0111 rurdurcn t11e11
"Just what f told '011)," Brevet
- nodded.
s "Who's. against it?"
c "hallon's outfit: He claims we
r.can't reach Bennett before the freeze-
- up if we strop to make e trail. .It's
tough on the boy, who're Short of
horses. The wayy he sees 11, It titc'ir
_ hard tuck. ?\ stampede is 0 'stampede,
says the trail boss."'
"FaI1on's got guts but I don't steep
to like: 'ens, someway; said Speed.
(Continued Next Week)
the :hiditut rev all thin)_
Winglttiln payp0rs.
Deer Saga--
1 hate to be always growlin, set I
do, but, shute, a fella]] wits a lance
balk can't always look on the broight
soide rev- tings, but mebby it is a good
()idea fer some 31011 t0 shtir tings up,
wa1iee in a whoile, arr notlli11 twee be
done whin tines go wrong.
Y is, matthcrs are not afther showin
much inlprovenlint in the 'cotulthry,
vvtd thim klipburnoites havin tings ale
111001' own way down m . oronto, alt
Mishter .i3innitt at home sick, an
IVIislrter Stevens throyin to shlving the
Tory ;earthy further an further to the
lift, all targe Shpotton bean called.
down be the Moi1trcal Witness fer his
Toronto Spaieh, an tousanda av min
out av wurruk, reit naosllt ivirybody
out av money, barrin paypte : olid sal -
erica arr pinshuns.
Some fcllahs do be throyin to make
thimsilves belave that the eleprisl1un
will, s0011 be oven, but I can't figger
it ottt that way m:esitf, iatcipt be ray -
son rev the fact that the ;eouldest
hours av the noight are bcfoor
Av coorse a tot av fellahs hew plans
tought out to ind tlhe-prisint shtate:
av affairs' in short 01•dfler, but they
don't agree atnong'thithsilves. Them -
Is the Douglas plana an the Hallett
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Money to Loan.
Office -- Meyer Block, Wingham
Successor to Dudley Holmes.
Medical Representative D. S. C. R.
Phone 54. Wingbam
Office Morton Block.
Telephone Na. 66
Dr. Robt. C. REDMOND
M.R.C.S. (England)
L.R.C.P. (London)
44,4444444.4444.4..4.4.44444.44444444444444.4.4.41444444.4...a .44.4.444N..444,..44.4.4,-,444,44.*.*4.4044.444.4.4.44444444444414444444.•
1' A.R.&F.E.DUV°AL
North Street . -- Wingham
Telephone 300.
. All Diseases 'Treated.
Office .adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre St.
Sunday by appointment.
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272, Hours, 9 a,m. to 8,
Barrister, 5o1icitor, Notary, Stir.
Successor to R. Vanstone.
Phone 19.
Licensed "Drugless •Practitione('
Hours by -Appointment.
Phone 191. Winghs:'fn
usiness Directory
A Thorough knowledge of Vann
Phone 231, Wingham,
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co,
Established 1840.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
It Wiil Pay Stou to Have An
'to conduct pant sale,
At The Royal Service Station,
Phone 174W.
Furniture and
Funeral Service
Licensed Embalmer aild '
P,Herai Director
Ambulance Service,
� ...honeat Day 117." Night «19.
20 'Years' Experience Ata Parti
Stock and i'ntpiettiex tti.
Moderate kPrices.
Pltotte 9311.