The Wingham Advance Times, 1935-03-14, Page 3Thursday, March i4tb, 1:035. W,INCHA111 ADVAI CE-TIMU,S ilEdwo rd ru si B ORN SYRIJ ' tR No ROOD THAT H48. HED AMORE CANADIAN CH i`LDREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRUP \ A product of The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited ( ' 'RIh®0.10M1NiO421i1l51gn11.ORIW04.M041.04►0.q.06SJO.W1.0.190.....o...,.......I ......... i ...0....a.,.....0."' World Wide News In rief Form May Cancel Power Contracts IfQuebec power company repre- sentatives, at the forthcoming confer- ence with the Government; refuse- to accept the offer of the Hepburn Gov- ernment for revision of " the power contracts, the contracts will be can- celled by act of the legislatidn with- out any test of their legality. This is the :attitude of the Hepburn, Cabinet towards the much-discussed power contracts, it is reported. To Stand Trial for •Murder St. Thomas—Ernest Cornelius, .27 - year -old Indian, must stand trial for the murder of Daniel Elijah, his .un- cle by marriage. The committal was made by Magistrate E, S. Livermore. Cornelius attacked Elijah on the night of .February 16 in a -shack near Dut- tonand indicted knife wounds in his abdomen and chest, it is. alleged. Death followed a week later in Mem- orial Hospital, St. Thomas, China to Borrow Money ' Shanghai -- Government financial experts and bankers have conferred frequently the :Past few days, and it is believed here that they are prepar- ing concrete proposals on, China's financial needs for the consideration of Great Britain, the United States, Japan, and pe+ssibly France, Quints to Have Guardians until 18 Oliva 1)x.r.ne as a -ptcratur in the Ontario 1 crislativt. Chamber, witness- ed the introduction of a bill which, declares that for the next seventeen years his famous quintuplet clatte td'rs shall be \yards of his majesty the King, tln•untgh the ()ntaridi 'Minister rmf 1'ublie. Wel Fare. The bill, 'Unique n Legislative islative hi:.tury, empowers the Cabinet to appoint a permanent hoard of Guardians, including the father of the five babies, with •t nnplete power. over the finances, education and well- being of the children until they reach the age of 18 years, and stipulates that the children shall -be reared as Roman Catholics—the faith of their father. - Smaller Bank Bills Concurrent with the opening of the Bank of Canada On Monday, the chartered banks of Canada will corn- ineimce the issue of a new size of bank notes, similar iii dimensions to the bills to be used by the. Bank of Can- ada, and narrower and fraetiorially shorter than the old-style Dominion and bank bills now in use. Border Cities to Amalgamate Soon \'Valkerville-An opinion ' that the bill to amalgamate the Border Cities will be brought down in the Ontario L egislatre soon was expressed . by Mayor Russell A. Farrow upon his return from Toronto. 'His Worship spent several days in the Provincial Capital acquainting himself with de- velopments concerning; the legislation which will unite Windsor, East Wind- sor, Sandwich and Walkerville. Hepburn to Study Municipal Govt. . A complete study of the present system of municipal government, toe gether with the system, of taxation,; with a view to executing "an over- hauling -which is long overdue", is the intention of the Government at Queen's Park, Premier . Mitchell F. Hepburn announced recently. Stevens Will Not Re -Enter Cabinet Ottawa -Reconciliation of Hon. H. H. Stevens and the Dominion Cab- inet is definitely off—at least until af- ter the election. Efforts Havebeen made, with a large number of Con-- servative members supporting the move, to bring the erstwhile Minister. of Trade and Commerce back into the Cabinet fold, but Mr. Stevens feels that he can better fight for the "un- der -deg" by remaining a free lance, f..rr the present. Cured of Paralysis t lli� Ali ht i,i the year's nv+rrk of the Meafttrd Welfare Meted wa,. the are t ;ngenient by the: board. t,,; 't'nd a cc ..'ung girl ofthe .t• -,din, nrho for year. had ,.tifferetl from infantile paralysis to the Hospital for- Side Children at Toronto, where she \t as aired. She 'MI5 reported "getting ahing fine." be.in the city, and for ,their .acco,inno- dation billets in 'private 'houses have been arranged, so that all visitors will be looked after Who cannot get hotel accommodaliotm. a ic, narrowly 'escaped drowning in the d Maitland River, While playing on the main street, the youth went over an iron railing into :the river wluelr had risen considerably owving to the recent mild spell. The youth's cries for help were heard by CharlesBatesof Har- riston, who rushed to the boy's aid and by nmeatns of a long handled shov- el, succeeded in assisting the boy out to safety. Brussels Lady Passes There passed away at her home in Brussels on Thursday, Catherine Minns, beloved wife of Thomas And- erson' in her 69th )rear•. She leaves to mourn their loss four sisters, Mrs. John Little,Morris Twp:; Mrs. Will 'Wright, Pathlow, Sask.; Mrs. Will Montgomery, Arcola, Sask„ Mrs. Mc- Neilly, Provost,, Alta.; and three bro- thers, John, Bluevale; James, Carlyle, Sask.; and Dan of Saskatoon; also her aged husband. The funeral, private, was held Friday afternoon with inter- ment in Bluevale cemetery., No Relief So Dynamited Bridge Sturgeon. Falls—George l,emaire told Justice of the Peace W. L. For- tier he or-tierhe dynamited a road bridge in the Sturgeon Falls district' because relief authoritiesueglectecl his wife and four children. Lernaire ` was remanded in custody until March 15th. Archbishop Diaz of Mexico Arrested The private secretary of Archbishop Pascual Diaz, Roman Catholic Prim- ate of Mexico, said that the Archbish- op was arrested while on his way to the Town of Tlauepantla, in Mexico Federal • District, • To Confer with Russia and Poland London—The Government said the hitch in arrangements for an Anglo- German conference on European sec- urity proposals will not unduly delay talk on the same subjects with the Government of Russia and Poland. It is expected that a conference with Hitler will be held about the end of March. To Consider State Medicine Regina—lfunicipality leaders of Saskatchewan will be asked to vote shortly for or. against State medicine. G. H. Hummel; M.I'.I'., and Past Pre- sident of the Saskatchewan Rural Municipalities' Association, announced he would place a proposal for. State medicine before the association's an- nual convention. Protest British Cattle Grades Montreal—Protests to the Domin- ion Government and Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, High Commissioner for Canada in England, against "discrim inatory tactics" of British officials in. condemning as "unfit" more than half of 'a shipment of forty-four breeding cows, were made by Donald Sliu ro, Montreal cattle exporter. Pirates' Gold May Enrich Toronto Man Tnvo million dollars in pirate gold, buried centuries ago in the sands of a Southern Pacific .Island, in thc'•,lay: tsf fretbootin,. and piracy, may brit._; wealth to two '.Toronto men. Fr,,ru San Diego, Cal., carne a news . des- patch relating that a bay l,lavitrg on the beach of Sarna- Margarita •island, off the roast of 1 wer California,. had. se,a,J , d from [her sands a rusty iron chest, filled to the lid witli pieces lir' eight and gold debli.e,ns. Charles J. Colville of 2001 i3]r r r St. AVest, pres ident of a "petroleum company, which Nova Scotia Has Large Deficit !Halifax—Premier Angus 1... 'Mac- e1 nialdl announcing a Provincial de- ficit of $1,292,332, told the Legislature he was con:Vinced Nava Sri iia Aird reached "pretty near the limit" of taxation and, with other small Can- adian Provinces,' nut look to Dom- inion action for incre ed revenue. Black Knights ito Meet at St. Catharines St, Catharines—The Grand .Lodge - of Ontario West, the Royal . Black Knights of Ireland and the Orange Ladies' Benevolent Association will) bold their annual :convention in St, Catharines the week of March 18. It is expected about 1,400 degelates will �f The Long Life Lamps" W'iangham Utilities Commission is sole owner of the island, read the cleepatch ie :a local paper and -prcnnpt- ly wired his lawyers in New York and Mexico city to lay claim to the gild. llr. Colville asserts thnt he and hie partner, J;' Henry' C.ullin:i., also of •l'u- ronto, own all ofthe stock in time company, except for a few qualifying shares. The firth is a holding` com- pany,tvhiclt bought the island for: whatever oil . and mineral wealth it may possess. fn,,,,,u",, au„tte,Rt„Ht,t et"q,en ttuUtu"net aMutteuu NEWS S oft e DISTRICT Fire Destroys Home Listowel -'.lite house of Blake ides hitt, boundary west, was cotvpletely destroyed by fire despite efforts made by the Listowel fire brigade who rushed their chemical truck to 'the scene of the blaze. Mrs. Nesbitt said site smelted smoke just as the faniiiy Were about to sit down to the noon meal, Mr,' Nesbitt investigated' up-, stairs but apparently could sec noth- ing, Later the sunel'.of smoke became mere.,intense. Upon his second trip tip the stairs he found that part of the house in flames.. The Wind Was very. high, blowing the flames into great tongues which encircled the op- polite side of the house, a small frame dwelling. Sonne of the furniture was removed from the downstairs but 'ev- erything upstairs including all the pid- dling of the family of four children was destroyed. Falls off Slip, Went Through Ice Goderich—When Con. Stapleton, 18, stepped off a slip onto the ice t,t the harbor, the ice gave way and -the youth went down to his armpits, fret he managed to crawl out smartly. He is the holder. of a live -saving cetrtifi- cate of the Royal Canadian Humane Society, an award he Merited' for the saving of t ei . lives at 'Toronto two years ago. Harristen Boy Rescued From Maitland! River Ifar•ristien --Harold Currie, seven- 1 year-old $011 of Mt'. and Mfrs. W, Cur= Flu,' Bad at Dungannon Owing to the prevailing epidemic -of "flu" and also to badroad condi- tions, the social evening which was to have been held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening was postponed indef- initely. The regular monthly meeting of the directors andofficers of the 1 West Waevanosk Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co, which should have been held on Tuesday, was'.also postponed.. Kincardine Projects ti Kincardine—Two plans of consider- able .interest and: import to residents of this town are being considered by special, committees from the Town Council, and decisions are expected at an'early date. One is to inaugur- ate a municipal garbage ' collection and disposal system, with thecost be- ing paid by the municipality instead , of individuals, as at present exists. Paving of streets which are still grav- elled is also being considered. Sup- porters claim it would cost but little more to do this than to pay for up- keep and laying dust in the summer month, Ponniirg Canadian CIub An effort is Beit.e made for the formation of a Canedien Club in hlar- ri.ston and already numerous resident.. pave Sienificd their i'.inenC s to ;if- filiate theni,eive, with an or'eaniza- lion of ibis kind, Pea -wiled Ce k . nt the high sehu,�l, is giving amuch .,f hi ; i time to the formation Of the club and j lis mcetine with etweesa, Goes to Mildmay i llarristcrn—Jr.hir 3lrandt, a het ite sort of 1-1arriston, who commenced 'hie creamery a itprentitoship in The Wel- lington produce Company plant here i. under the supervision . of llarnry Whitmore and who since has been! employed with s,uue of tier it:"ei''-.t ereanteriet, ain Ontario, has accepted - the management r,f the creamery al Mildmay where Ite will renrnve from Toronto with his family as soon as he can tie MIT housing accommoda- tion. J'.vC,1,.: '1'1 PRICED FROM • $722 (for the Starxlard 2 -Passenger Coupe) Delivered, fully equipped, at fac- tory, Oshawa, Ont. Freight and Government license only extra. (Prices subject to change without notice.). 'ta THE STANDARD SIX is Canada's lowest -priced, fully -equipped car --and it is a Chevrolet through and through! Its leading features include: Improved Blue Flame Engine, for increased dower and acceleration, 23 per cent. more horse- power than last year. Lowest cost for gaso- line, oil and upkeep. Streamlined bodies by -Fisher,.with mohair velvet -upholstery and appointments. attractive Fisher More »., Model illustrated is the Standard 5 -Passenger. Sedan powerful, smoother brakes. Built-in, all- weather No -Draft Ventilation. Safety glass in windshield and ventilators. X -braced frame. New "long life" oiling system. Air- cooled ircooled generator with voltage control. Improved clutch. Come in and inspect the 1935 Chevrolet Standard. Sig today. Drive it— try the. performance and the ride! You'll find it's a big, roomy quality car--eyrery inch a dependable, ec l Chevrolet! 0,65C economical C alet, asC LAL MOTORS VALUE W I NGHAM • GARAGE ONTARIO Well Produces Lithium . Goderich--l.ithiurn has been clic- covered mi the property of ,Albert r. SCug,t oColborne. rd, in Township, a 1it- tle over a, anile northeast of this town and only a stone's throw from the spot where salt wells at Seltford were the scenes of much activity 40, to 50 years ,ago. The presence 'of lithium, a light metal, is confirmed by a report on a sample Of water sent from the Mugford Well to the government lab- oratory at Toronto. The discovery of lithium is of unknown cernnm.ercial value for the !present, Read Gashed When Struck. by Pick While James English, section alai: of the C. N. R., .was assisting to un- load cinders from a car in the. C. N. R. Yards, a fellow employee struck hint on the head 'with a pick he was using in loosening the frozen cinder's. The unfortunate man received a deep ;'ash on the head and he was rushed to .the local hospital, where three stitchs were required ' to close the Ound.—Palmerston Observer, Fergus to Vote on Beer Sale At the meeting of tine Fergus Coun- cil it was decided that Fergus is to vote on the sale of Wine and beer on April 10th, The •situation is similar to the one in Mount Forest, except that the vote is removed Front the municipal elections. Fet-gus now has a beverage room. Fire in Bus Passengers on the bus fr•otn Guelph hada rather thrilling experience one evening last week. The bus had turn- ed onto the Elora Road and was pro- ceeding to that village when it was suddenly filled with smoke. Thiol~,naps the machine was on lire, the passeng- ers tumbled out as best they could. One lady narrowly escaped having her cgs broken. 1*ortuttately, however, the bus itself was not on firer belt the cements of two large paper shopping bags were.—Artlmur Enterprise -New-.. Workman Hurt When - Mitt Caught By Saw Exeter—William 13rickwoi,d, 74- ycaruld resident of the northend, Exeeter, when operating; a circular says ith',aght ti' he broken, a delrt..r•, who Was emu/melt-a, 2 ill,.winn the •t • , ., arrival 1''in e.r the injured t w:••rnan, c,t.d that, while there was n•, evidence of ,e 'alecture,c t ih 1 ligaments rt.,umrnt rand Pru - •lesiv re a most � badly yarl• t o rtr, and .n >Si patu- iulrrluVii.u. a ' ued.-\ulkcrtrrHer- talit-1 i rues. had •t painful aceident. In attcemptini. I to brush Baty dttst away fraitt the blade; lVfrs. Counter. of Clinton, Itis mitt was caught by the saw and Passes, from Heart Attack se, of Clinton. There is dnu ; raitdson. "Billy" aged 12 years. :great lose. \flet their marriage 31'. Counter established :t jewelry buei •ne'ss in :Scaferth. }n lt9O r he o n nc•.' :up busint,'i in Chair and they ]nater ;resided there sinethat t' e-. Sur\t iv r, ing besides her husband there ate te,,. brothers, Alfred T. V t lk r, Chicape. and (merge \\. Biller, San I'rancisee' two eons, G. M. 4otinter, pe eneastee, and Norman t'e,mrirr, al.. a ,four -inch gash was inflicted in the brick of hiss hand, Lucknow to Have Secondary Well 'file 1.ucknow Dorneetic Water Sas- tent is tohave a -secondary well and pumping equipment at no expense to the village, 'rhe completed $ce+.andary water 'simply system tt•ill be turned over to the village upon completion, quite likely early this spring, by the Canadian Surety Co. in fulfillment of the hoed they assumed in guarantee- ing; .the water supply of the present well, and which has dropped in vol- ume over 40 gallons a minute from the original flow.--L-ucknovv Sentinel, • No Relief in Lucknow After April` 1 Relief will be cut off the end of :March was the announcement :et .the Council 'Board'. on Tuesday night, when the perusual'' of -a sheaf of re- lief accounts occupied the greater part of a 31 hour session. A close scrutiny of'the bilis and vouchers, led to the opinion that in some cases re- Cipients cif relief were `'living filed. icings",-l:,ucknow Sentinel. Badly Injured in Fall Mrs.' Alex. McCarter, Sr., an old resident of Walkerton, who is well pastthe allotted span of 'three score. years and ten, met with a painful ac- cident, when site tripped over an up- heaved portion of the cement side- walk alongside the town, hall to the market room. In the fall Mes, Mc- Carter lit hmvily on het right art ,; and. ,'althouglm at first this limb was The sudden) passim el Emma 'Louise Stiller•, beloved wife of W. R. Counter, which occurred at noon on Friday of heart failure, was a big sheet: to her friends. While not in robust health for some months she l had been really ill for little more than One Clay and nd Dnurme:x lsected. Mrs.tlw Coeunter• ,teas wasiabeorn u- Sincere in Augnst, 1868, and was in her 62nd year•., lLer parents Were the late William Miller and Louise \Vat- ers, She was married February 12t1n, 1890, in Toledo, Ohio, to W. R Counter, who sureives to rnutu•n his • Foreman; "lei, what are you dein . Jinni'" Brick ; i'Sharpenin' a bit u" Foreman; "You'll have the tnnine after you, me lad. 'That's a carpenter's job, that is," Her father; "Young .man, are 3'dtlr . intentions serious?" Ferdy: "No -no, sir!" Her Father; "Well, I'm sorry, but I admire a young chap .with so much common sense! ARE YOU BUIL •'SPG or REMODELLING Don't commit yourself until you get all the facts about E. S. P. Barna—Steel Truss, Plank Truss or Cantilever types. Make full use of our twenty years' experience in Barn Building t Let the Engineers in our Farm. Build- ings Department advise you. Their service$ are absolutely free to farmers who are building or tereedelliag, Write today Guelph 5t., • - Preston, Ont. aemtotiets also at Toronto awl 1V1'attresl.