HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-02-28, Page 3Thursday, March 2Sth, 1935 The Lona Life A Lamps" or rvice ..ad. guaranteed "repo Osphrat of Jhr Ldmpa kr lAs Mowsi win -hham. Utilities es Commissian Crawford Block. Phone 156. LOOS.4r 144 LwMI World Wide News In Brief Form Treasury . Official Suspended Toronto=Two senior officials - of the treasury department have been suspended by the Hepburn Govern- ,ment pending an investigation of al- leged money shortages, it was learn- ed at Queen's Park on Saturday. The matter was the subject of discussion in cabinet council. Chester S. Wal- ters, controller of finances, has been instructed to undertake the inve"stiga- tion of the accounts andit is under- stood he has already started his probe. African 'Sextuplets born 30 Years Ago :New Orleans -It appeared that the story of the African sextuplets is bet- ter than it was 30 years ago. The six babies, .publicized by Dr. Edward Schumann of eke University of Penn- sylvania and heralded by newspapers all over the world, are no hoax. Skep- tics may see Dr. Schumann's picture for proof. Or they may look up the files of the New York newspapers for 1908 and see the same Picture. They. -will discover also that all of the bab- ies -were reported to have died within eight days. The doctor was in no af- fable mood when newspapermen cor- nered hint for explanations. Mussoliiii Sends Troops to Africa Rome—Mussolini gave new indica- tion of his intention to deal firmly with . Ethopia, as Italian officials ass- sorted that peace negotiations at Ad= dis Ababa were limping badly. The Vulcania sailed from Naples. with nearly 2,000 men of the Engin- eers, Artillery and Sanitary Corps, She tool: aboard several thousand more soldiers of the 29th Division, mobilized at Messina. At Genoa the 8,000 ton ship Nazario Sauro sailed with 1,300 mechanics, roadbuilders and other experts. • • Germany and Britain to Discuss Plans London—Direct conversations be- tween Great Britain and Germany, not only on the proposed Western European defensive air pact, but on the whole field covered in the Anglo- French accord of Feb. 3, were declar- ed certain take place in the near fut- ure. Dionnes Want Control of Quintuplets. Irked by what they claim is brusque treatment accorded them at the Da foe Hospital, where their quintuplet daughters are being cared for, Mr. and Mrs. Oliva Dionne have taken definite steps to obtain parental con- trol of their babies, and also a share of the money held in trust for them. Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn was considerably aroused over a report from•Windsor that, Mr. and.Mrs. 0. Dionne had retained Paul Martin, a Windsor lawyer, in an effort to regain their parental control of the five bab- ies, and also to have a share ofmon- ey accruing frontm test.inm,onia.ls,.. news- papers and the like. "The babies are not going to be put on exhibition to the detriment of their health if this Government has anything to say about it," the Premier declared. Bill Passed to .Refund C.N. Securities Ottawa—A bill to authorize refund- ing of Canadian National Railways' securities aggregating $200,000,000 re - WHERE SPEED .RECORDS. ARE MADE An ttitusual air view of Daytona Beach, Pla,, where Sir Malcolm Campbell avill attempt to drive liis giant Bluebird racer at a speed ,better than his present world record ef. 2/2 iii. p, b. WtNGHAM ADV% NC,j-TIME 'AGI, T P E ceived second and third readings the House of Commons, and it considered in Committee of Whole, The bill will permit the Gov- ernment to meet certain bond issues maturing in the next year and to re- fund some callable securities by re- placing then with new issues at lower interest'• rates, in . "They have also demonstrated that was nothing should be taken for granted; the that .equally as much thought, .care, information and supervision is needed in connection with the purchase of municipal obligations, as with tiny other ,form of_security. To Organize National Chamber of Agriculture Ottawa—Representatives of agricul- tural interest throughout Canada la the ground work 'for a Nation Chamber of Agriculture, to functi in much the same manner as the Ca adian lifanufacturers' Association, They decided to meet next Novel ber at the Royal Winter Fair in T ronto and organize the Chamber. Rejected Lloyd George's Plans Manchester—David Lloyd Georg in a speech here, declared the Go ernment had ' rejected his plans f restoring prosperity in' Britain, an had never even asked for details the proposals which he made pubs in a speech at Bangor last mont although Neville Chamberlain, Cha cellor of the Exchequer, previous] had promised to study the sugges g ions carefully. Conservative Ranks Split in Englan London—Stanley Baldwin, Lead of the Conservative Party and forme Prime Minister, said Conservative could win no. clear majority .shout any general election be:held' now b cause of splits within its ranks ove various questions. Ontario Hospital Head Relieved e ed of Duties Dr. J. J. Williams, Superintenden of the Ontario Hospital at Hamilton has been relieved of his duties an superannuated, according to a state meat from Hon. Dr. J. A. Faulkne Minister of Health: The action, it i understood, is the result of allege irregularities discovered at the Ham ilton institution during a general in vestigation of the Ontario Hospita situation in the province. Hepburn Refuses Beer Referendum There will be no liquor advertis ing in Ontario. There will be no sal of beer and wine in restaurants There will be no Province -wide re 'erendum on the. beer law. These prin ciples—laid down on many occasions as the _Hepburn Government liquo policy --were repeated when an On tario Temperance -Federation deputa- tion called at Queen's Park. Two Girls Plunge to Death - From Aeroplane Upminster, Eng, .Two heart -brok- en American girls, whose Royal Air Force fiances crashed to death last week in the girls' adopted land of Italy, plunged hand in hand from an aeroplane to die on English soil. The two -Elizabeth, 23, and Jane, 20, beautiful daughters •of Coert du Bois, United States consul at Naple—fell from, a height of perhaps 3,000. feet. Workmen found their broken bodies half buried. by the impact. Stevens Has Huge Housing Scheme Toronto—Failing action by execu- tives of mortgage, Gust and loan cor- porations, the federal government should form its own.corporation to Mance a nationwide housing pro- gram, Hon. H. H. Stevens, former Minister of Tracie and Commerce and hairman of the Price Spreads Com- nission, told the Ontario Retail Lum ermen's Association, By the sale of onds, and, if necessary, by guaran- eeing them, such a government -con - rolled body:would do for the people what those at present in control are ailing to do, that is; provide decent rinsing for the people," Mr. Stevens eclared. The former cabinet minist- r presented figures to indicate the amazing" increase in the assets of ie mortgage loan and trust compan- s during the depression period. He- ated there had been a decline of 600,000,000 to $900,000,000 in "nor - al" building in the past four years, nesting a diversion of funds from ttilding to other investments. radshaw Issues Warning Investors A warning to investors that the unicipal debenture must be. selected ith the sante care as any other bond, an that a revision of the public at- ude to such forms of investment: as necessary, was uttered by Thos, radshaw, President of the North ilierican Life Assurance Company; an address to the Insurance Tnsti- te at the Royal York Hotel, Speak - g of de:fattlts "approximating 10,2 r cont of municipal debentures -in nada, Mr. Bradshaw said: "These faults have involved serious financ- loss to the holders of these bonds, d have also entailed loss of credit the inttnicipalities. They have, how - r•, served the purpose of breaking wn our misconceptions that muni - al obligations represented the acute safety and security. Fear Too lvJuch Govt. Control • Fear that the Provincial Govern- ment had under consideration a com- prehensive plan to centralize all au- thority in Toronto and assume sone id sort of a "dictatorship" at Queen's al Park over all municipalities and town - on ships, was expressed at the thirty - nn third annual meeting of the,Ontario Good Roads Association at the Roy- al- al York Hotel. The Government's 0- stated.intention of assuming the cost of county road. construction and a hint front Queen's Park that.the pre- sent 40 per cent, subsidy granted'on e township road construction might he v_ dropped, roused -members of the As- or sociation to heated protest. d of Brutal Murder in Norfolk County is Simcoe—Dawson Maracle, 19 -year- n old Indian of the Six Nations Re- Chat serve, is held on a charge of vagrancy y as a suspect in the slaying of George t_ 13ilton, Norfolk- County farmer, killed with an axe Thursday. Thee young Indian was arrested. by Provincial Po- d lice as he walked along a road in the e, Reserve, about two miles from the ✓ . little shack' in which Bilton was bat- s r tered to death. Bilton was left to d ; bleed to death with three axe wounds e_.!in the head and others in one wrist, ✓ the latter evidently from trying to ward off blows while the murderer started a fire with a strawberry -crate and some potato bags in the cellar of thethree-room th ee room shack. The intention, t police say, was to destroy evidence. d r, s d. 1 NEWS of the. DISTRICT ii Walkerton Expects New Industries While Mayor Grant is carrying on e communications with a large silk company, employing over 400 hands, f_ in an endeavor tot have them move _ their plant from an American city to Walkerton, word was received in ✓ town this week that a large packing company from Toronto is contemplat- ing the opening of a branch plant in Walkerton. While most towns are clamoring for new industries, it would seem fortunate for the capital of Bruce County to lead the way and secure both:of these proposed com- panies. Strangled by Wheel of Truck Harry Miller, 21, of Dashwood, was 'killed Thursday through strangulation `by a truck he had been. driving.. While there -were no eye -witnesses to the mishap, it is believed the truck wason a slippery placeand that, with s PP y the engine still running and the truck in gear, he had attempted to put some rags in front of one wheel and to feed a chain under the other. The young man wore heavy mitts and it appears as if his arm had been caught and pulled under the revolving wheel. When found, the wheel was pressing between his head and shoulders and his face forced into the snow, while the opposite wheel was still spinning. In this condition he was found by Bruce Walker, a nearby farmer. The accident took place between Zurich and Hensali. f - c b b f h d e tl ie st $ rn su bt to it1 w. an tit tit in tit in ptt Ca de. ial. all to eve do cip of Death BIamed on Icy Road Listowel—"We believe that the driver of the car may have lost con- trol owing to the icy condition of the highway," declared a Coroner's jury which, in Listowel, held an inquest on Robert Armstrong of Toronto. Arm- strong was killed when a motor car driven by his' brother, James- Arm- strong, was wrecked on King's High- way No. 23, near Palmerston, on Feb. 12, The victim's brother testified at length, and other testimony showed that the curve where the accident oc- curred had been sanded by the De- partment of Highways. Secures Wiring Contract We are pleased to note that Mr. Bruce Vogan of Carrick, has been awarded the electric wiring contract of the new post office, which is be- ing erected at Brussels, this summer. Bruce has had considerable experien- ce, having worked at Wingham and other places.—Mildmay Gazette, Will Manufacture )Peat Tri Hay Township A new industry has located in the Township of Hay and is known as the Hillsgreen Fuel and Peat Works. The persons interested have purchas- ed outright 50 acres in the big swamp on the north boundary from Mr, Al- bert Keys and have leased, another 175 acres from the Canada 'Company located 1y/ runes south of the b it il- ary in the swamp, 'Much work has already been done on .the land, cut- ting brush, poplars and removing roots, and it is expected that peat will be, produced by spring. It is ex- pented,the price will be $6.00 per ton at .the" Plant,,--Seaforth Huron .Ex- positor. Deer Visits Listowel Listowel was visited on Saturday by a full-grown deer,'eviclently chased by hounds, which was seen on . Elate street. Citizens in the neighborhood of the United church parsonage saw the deer on some of the lawns there and it disappeared in the direction of the Golf. Club.—Listowel. Banner, Bass Frozen In Ice Blocks A nice, big black bass free with every block of ice! This is what. Elmira housewives might receive of necessity when they buy ice next summer from certain quarters. A man who has been cutting ice on a pond near Elinira states that many of the ice blocks he has cut so far have a fair-sized black bass frozen stiff in the block. He"cannot explain how it is So many of then managed to get frozen into the ice this year unless it is that something in the water in fall killed them.—The Signet. Building At Seaforth Damaged By Flames Fire broke out in the frame build- ing at the rear of the Northside Un- ited Church, property' of the church, The blaze, the origin of which is not known, started in a woodpile at the back ,of the house and, gutted the in- terior. The fire brigade were promp- tly on hand and soon had the fire under control. o trot. The building, d ng, which had been used. for meetings of the Tunis Club in connection with the church, had not been in use for some time,, Problems Discussed by Huron, Bruce. Farmers Druce and Huron County farmers met in Lucknow to discuss problems peculiar to the agricultural producer. W. A. Amos, of Palmerston, presi- dent of the United. Farmers' Co -Op- erative Company; R. J. Scott, of Bel - grave, president of the U.F.O., and R. Snyder, official receiver for Bruce County, and others addressed the ga- thering, Methods by which the farm- ers' debt burdens can be relieved by 0 0 0 0 q 0] q O fi O p O 11 0 ARE YOU BUILDING or REMODELLING ? Don't commit yourself until you get all the fasts about E. S. P. Barns ---Steel Truss, Plank Truss or Cantilever types. Make full use of aur twenty years' experience in, Barn Building! Let the Engineers in our Farm Build- ingsDepartrnent advise you, Their services axe absolutely free to farmers who are building or remodelling. Write today Easitmi edboducts mated Guelph St., - Preston, Ont. Factories also at Toronto and Montreal. Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act were discussed. Former Fordwich Woman Passes .Seaforth—The funeral of Elizabeth McivIinn, a highly estemed resident of Seaforth and widow of Robert Frais er,-whose death occurred. Feb. 18th at the home of her son-in-law, AIexand er Lowery, took place Wednesday last week, interment being made in the Maitland Bank Cemetery, her pastor, Rev. T. A. Carmichael, conducting the Services. Mrs. Fraiser, who was in her 73rd year, was born at Fordivich where she lived until after her marriage. They resided for a time in Walton before corning to Seaforth about 30 years ago.r husband Her predeceased her in 1913. She is survived by three dau- ghters, Mrs. Alexander Lowery and Mrs. George Lowery, Seaforth and Mrs. John Vrooinan,Goderich and one son, Grant Fraiser, Seaforth, also three sisters, Mrs. James Matthews and ))firs. C. McClay, Fordwich, Mrs. Willis, Powasson, and one brother, Joseph McMinn, Toronto. Suffers Unusual Ailment David Petrie, seven-year-old son of Adjutant George Petrie and Mrs. Petrie of Hanover, has been taken to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- to, suffering from a peculiar malady which is affecting the marrow in the bone of his left leg and is causing the leg to swell and is painful The boy, up to this time, has been healthy. Car Wrecked, Farmer Escapes Alex. Sterling, middle-aged farmer of. Goderich township, miraculously escaped injury Thursday, when his car struck a truck driven and owned by Gordon. Johnston, salt dealer of Goderich. The two vehicles were traveling south' on the Huron Road (No. 8 highway) when. Johnston., who was ahead of Sterling, turned left to go up Oxford Street. Sterling's car, a light roadster, struck the left front fender of the truck and then careen- ed off into a telephone pole, cutting it off close to the base, and finally came to a stop at the footof a tree. The car was totally wrecked and the '' fender of the truck was slightly dam- aged. Injured Lucknow Woman Lies Helpless in Yard To lie helpless for more than half an hour, severely injured from a fall upon the ice at the rear of her home in Lucknow, was the unpleasant ex- perience of Mrs. Jarnes Alton, on Wednesday of last week. She was found in this condition by a member of her family and removed into her home where medical assistance was soon obtained. She was found to have several broken ribs and back injuries, which will confine her to her bed for some time - ---_— _ - —d► 1=1 �-i i 11 0 t 1===1OL70O=0�'-11 — Commercial Printing WE CAN GIVE YOU PROMPT AND SATISFAC- TORY SERVICE IN Financial Statements Booklets Pamphlets Reports Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forms Factory Forms Business Forms Blotters Cheques Receipts Envelopes (all kinds) Tickets Business Cards Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral Folders Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Windows Cards Auction Sale Bills PRINTED FORMS SAVE TIME AND SIMPLIFY MANY OTHERWISE TEDIOUS TASKS BETTER PRINTING IS OUR AIM. PRICES REASONABLE. e PHONE 34. Sao 01it1Cbri V. =I Imes' JOSEPHINE ST. 0I 0 bC# 1 O 0 4Y 11