HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1935-01-24, Page 4THESE ANT AD'S cents a wod per insertion, with mlid1murn charge co 25c-. ci):-=oc;so==z==zo=to or=oro=n2 shank These teams are evenly mat- ched and only one point separa,tes them M the league standing. e-Woolleen Blanket, Grey trim- med with red. Please leave at Ad- musie-Tlines•Offite NEW DI:el:VT.1'1:S AND CHAUF- FEURS when needing examination call at third residence west of Gal- iraith's Groctery Store, Slain Whighant, E j. Hill, Vistoria St., Es.aminee lt'OUNG GIRI. WANTS Position ,at housework, Apply at Advanee- WIN GlIA1111 AD VANC -T 11.11101.1.0, Nivins, Referee-Thornilyke, 'Clinton. First Period Goalie-Mar:ley, Penalties -E. Robinson, X. Mitch- ell, W. McDonald, Rae.. Second Period ; Gee's -Somers. :; Penalties-Pltelan, Third, Periced Goals -Me Kay'. 2, Allison. Penalties -L. -McDonald 2, W. Robin son. The Outlaws were minus the ser- eices Zniauf, their goal -tender, but the work of Casenictre, who took his place, was highly satisfactory. Linesups; Tigers: Goal, N. Elliott; def., M. „Smith, H. Groves; centre, Withers; wings, Bola M. Groves; Subs, Scott, Times. Haselgrove, Stone. Outlaws: Goal, Casemore; def. A. 'Scott, Harrison; Centre, T. Cruik- shank; wings. Carr, Williamson; subs. CARD OF THANK" We wish to thank our friends ami neighbours for their kiudnees and ,expressions of sympathy le the death cif the late Allen 'R. Scott. The Scott Family, WANTED Taman, Stewart, Johnston. The second feature on Tuesday ev- ening provided plenty of scoring, as Gurneys took thic-Macs into ertme by 7 goals to 1. MiesMars have trot as yet won a game, but they will be heard from before the season is CANADIAN BOND QUO- TATIONS Furnished by Isard, Robertson & Co., Ltd., Huron & Erie Bldg., London, Ontario. Local Representative -A. M. Bishop Approximate Quotations, January ist, 1935. Reliable and sole representative to • over. Gurney's have, earned 3 points handle high grade dairy products for . Winecham and riciulty. For further Iso tar and only two Points separate oesescelve aedeese. Box: Adeeanees !them from the leading Tigers. For Times. iGurneeds the scorers were: Mellor 2, Baker 3, Sturdy 2, For the Mic-Macs IN MEMORIAM Robertson got the lone tally, hem. of Can. Dora. of Cate Dom, of C.an. Dom. of Can. Dom. of Can. Dom. of Can. Dona of Can. Dorn. of Can. Dom. of Can. Dom. of Can. Dona Of Can. Dom. of Can. Dom. of Can, Dom, of Can. C.N.R. C.N.R. I Line-upsz t ---- Alberta ISAPTIST--In loving luemory ot Coltr i G , urneys; Goal, Douglas, def. Mell- I Alberta dear Mother, Ruth'Ilaptist, who Pas! As we loved her so we miss her, en Griffin; subs, Anderson, Leper& Br. Columbia ways, Skelding; wings, Br. Columbia Loved, remembered, thought of al- ies, weishi centre, Ellacott, Rae; subie, Robertson, Fin- teing many a silent tear. Sleep on dear mother, your stares are lay. ended, 'Rest in peace your -work is done. YOU are gone where those who loved you Will tneet you one by one. Tigers Sadly missed by the family. sea may, Jan. 20th, asege, ' or, Smith; -centre, Sturdy, wings, Bak- Alberta Ist our Memory' .she is dear, t „Nlics•Macs: Goal, Groves; def., Led -113r. Columbia Bid Asked 51:36 105.05 106.05 5;37 107.40 108.401 51137 110.50 111.50 ' 4139 106.75 107.75 41,40 109.75 110.75 5,41 112.50 113.50 41144 110.50 111.601 445 106:75 107.751 5148 113.50 114.50 aS part of comprehensive plan design - 41146 110.50 111.501 to be told that acne seldom persists Chester of Illinois, in his race, shot race and second in acrobatic contest. ed to remedy the social and economic ES ms` The peolde here tap the trees for tur- pentine. Many Crees -carried new tin cups hung below newly notched trees. If. You want a hot fire just pet two email eticks of Georgia pine in a Florida is a, land of flowers.. We are so impressed •with ;the ,flowers, palsies, beautiful .flowering !shrubs, or- ange and 'grapesfruit plantations that we Would :love to stag here.' They have new; crops of vegetables every Isin Weeks. St. Augustine we vis- ited the first Spanish colony ie Am- erica and drank water -frit= the Foun- tain of Youth. Here also is an In- dian burial ground unearthed in April; 1933. Oyer the dry hones is erected an Indian villaste. Nearby is the first Christian ehapel of 1565 and Baptie- tera (a sulphur spring walled in) in which the Indians were baptized. On Anastasia Island is an alligator farm. I shall huriedlYpase on to our des - illation, Miami. We spent the after- noon at the air field, where 15,000 peo- ple had gathered on grandstand to see the 7th Annual All American Air Ra- ces. Civilian flyers, men and women, both had. their place in the sun yes- terday, Edna Gardner nava l nurse of Washington, D.C. was star among her sex winning first in the handicap Equip Your Car F r Winter Drivmg DEFROSTERS HOT WATER HEAT- ERS FIRESTONE and GUTTA PERCHA TIRES WINTER GRADE Marathon Blue Gas Johnson& Wain Dodge and DeSoto Cars and Dodge Trucks. PHONE Day 62 234 Night Thursday, January 24, 1935; And thteorec,oenvsiot1:1;the kiddies I'd lovel I'd teach tbem that water, though el - ways quits wet, Is the best kiiid of tonic, they can get, So, hurrah once again for the Poe) , so enticing, There's profit for Wingham, in Pod adnertising; We'll furnish one then, of the very best hincls And how will we pay for it, NEVER you mind. P.S.-After ,the Pool is established,' and the question is propounded "why kids leave home," the correct answer will be, "because 'You can't bathe in a bath tub." So that's that, and a real good that, at that. Yours truly, Jas. G. Webster. favorite resort, ver MAIN ITEMS IN SPEECH FROM THE THRONE Highlights of the 1935 Legislative program in the Speech from the Throne are:' Reform measures wil be submitted 849 102,25 108.25 4152 106.25 107.25 41156 109.75 110.75 4159 110.25 111.25 5154 116.00 117,50 is only. one sound approach to this 4156 113,00 114,50 condition, and that is through im- monstration o ( . 5:69 115.00 116.50 Proving the Personal health of the ier in the afternoon had made the 6147 105.75 108.25 Use plain food, making sure that Roscoe Turner was there with crowd delirious, was second. Co] be used to direct the better utilization hie lof credit resources of Canada. 466 .98,25 100,25 sufferer. 105 100.75 10125 milk, fresh fruits and green vegetables twin-engineci transport in which he Better provision for security of the sick Gold Quartz Used at 5,145 99.75 10225 appear regularly in the diet; drink raced from London to -Melbourne, workers during unemployment, Railway Rock Drill 6:47 102.75 10525 plenty of water between meals; avoid The parachute juniper defied death ness and old age - 5;53 96.75 99.25 fried and greasy foods; give up pies by taking off from the plane at height Legislation extending existing fa- ered many interesting stories Bite Manitoba 51155 104.25 106.70 land cakes for a time.. Secure regular of about 8000 feet and waiting until c iate credits. ilities for long-term and interned- When a new gold comp is discoro out of its area, which go to show thatr Ontario 4162 105.75 107.25 habit, diet and exercise. Keep the the pulled the rip cord that opened the Action o ameli r tecon n t o a the ditio s New Brunswiek 51.150 1.14.75 116,75 elimination through regularity of ;within 600 feet of the ground the precious yellow metal was TO Lea League Standing Ontario 1 of labor, to provide a better standard ing discovery had but the "right man' G, W. L. T. Pts. Ontario ' 1 18 Arinv Corp Planes and 28 f living for the worker, to secure 8 2 0 1 5 Ontario after the early twenties. injustices now prevailing. The skin which has large pores and aver than-,0"-ohinniguesliinien abtonar,ratotewomf Amendments will be proposed by which tends to -be oily the Government extending the scope liable to be troubled withsaeceiltiels. TIT:I:Tree tti:oepilly5 anntidle,srsaocoeinfonrioteey1.senezuelan of the Natural Products Marketing Michigan, whene de_ Act and the Farmers' Creditors Ar - Don Rae of _ rangement Act. • ileitis,- earl Mechanism of Bank of Canada will Isard9s It tin jIHjJI Sale 00 Is still going on and Will continue until Sat- urday Night, January 26 Do your buying here now where prices are the lowest. Our Stock of Winter Goods is unusually, large and must be reduced con siderable before Invent- ory is taken. So here is a Great Saving Event for all who take advan- tage of these Low -Prices Save a Quarter -- a Third or a Half by buy- ing here now. Goods exchanged or money refunded if goods are not satisfactory. ILE.Isard&Co. 4S,50 109.50 111.00 slon clean by frequent baths, n 1 e 5114.8 114.25 115,76 not touch the face with the hands. 'Marines demoustrated in NIMI 5i46 116.25 116.25 117.75 Release blackheads by squeezing them toeuvres, swoopine down and bomb - 31X>, 100.00 101.50 out very gentle- after having bathedliin,g a, e 11 ris in the field. To the 4153 87.75 89.75 the part in hot water, Pimples con-tMarines went the honor of casting a field. ly conform to to pay. 5158 97,25 99,25 min pus, and proper care 'mist he •.thick gray smoke -screen over Measures to safeguard the consume 51152 100.00 102.00 taken when thee are opened or the :Slowly it drifted towards the stand • - - - - ;anti disappeared in thin air. !unfair trading practices, and toncen- er and the printery producer against minimum wages and a maximum wor- king week, and to alter the incidence of taxadion so that it will more direct - 1 0 2 4 Ontario Hydro come along. It is the same with the Outlaws Gurneys ....... 3 1 1 1 3 Saskatchewan IN MEMcIRIAM Mic-Macs ... . of our . 3 0 3 0 0 ORVIS - loving memory ni dear wife and mother, who passed ,SEAFORTH WON • dP2 Sinet that BY LARGE SCORE Two yeate hare passed had The dav onc-'re kvrd was called away, i Seaforth defeated Winghara 134 in God took her home; it was His win, an intermediate 0. H. A. nature at But in our hearts .She liveth till. 1Seaforth Tuesday night, The Seaforth Sadie- missed by her husband and! taui showed top form and had the larnibe game well in hand from the start ex - GOOD GAMES IN trent for a general fight which took !place in the first period with players a he se IN A.A. ZA rT.,L4 land epeetators taking part, the game erecntsgret ° ' was fafrly clean. Tigers Beat MiceMacs Tiutrzelar's Seaforth Doig, goal, G. Rennie, Fiztate, GttraeVa !C)atlawa Tie. land Trott defence; Hildebrand. con - :Ire; Holmes, „Meir, winget; enbs, ( F. The two toekey ams played in Rennin Foster. Flannery, G. Heide_ Town eatine on Thiersday talight oseand. provided . oi good hockey with I -enough spite -paying thrown in to :as entertain the most ardent fans. :TS In the first game Goree2de and the1wenas. • noes N. roster, A. rotten Ootlaws. earned a Point haelt as they ;Cruickshank, Somers. played a 2 -all tie. Onflaws eta:1.10;11 Referte-McEnnes Clinton. out with a bang. Only three rni'notes , had peened -alien Neil Carr eesored. c The teams battled on even terms for while when Jae": .htunly notched one ; dor Gurney's asith -the period ;lost he'd over. Stiorneeds went to the fent af- ter five minntes of flay hi the ecnsend period, bet the Ontlasse---t •to be \\Ingham - Browne, ecaal; H. itchell, B. it chell, defence ; from snow-drifed country to the land .1 school; ronne, eentre; Thompeon, SashatcheWall Sa.skatchewan Abitibi t yo ep here 0 4000 in ec nd ottage assaying at from $4. to $7. per ton. Measures to provide investing pub - Of course, the fill was built many 41•,44 95.o0 98;00 -will he answered pereonally by letter. for a summer home. The windows tans to protect itself e - V:54 102,00 1'05.00 re all screened and hare shutters. lir with ln Beauharnois wi 503 101.50 108.50 Questions concerning Health, ad. -1 We have a very nice r trations (mergers) in production a 51153 37.0 Calgary Power 5160 101.00 103.50 dressed to the Canadian Medical .As- Ti,is, suitable for four persons, and now -famous Sturgeon Lake gold area,. lying on the Canadian National Rail- ways line between Long Lac and. Port Arthur. When an inquisitive geolo- gist took •a notion. to examine the rock fills on the roadbed,. heofoond that the quartz used contained gold. distribution regulated. Canada Cement 5,147 102.00 104,50 sociation, 184 C-ollege Torouto• „ has all the conveniences necessary C. P. R. C. P. R. Can. Nor. PON Duke Price years before such a development as a *49 93.50 96.00 A LETTER are were over to Miami Beach 3 -ester- gainst ex.ploitation. ,roomiugebouses, cottages, etc., are . trial concerns against unfair practices perienced prospector •identified with news nom I r. , adieu patents. the eoristruction gang. It might have been possible that a new gold camp on the part of foreign owners of Can - 1 Penitentiary reform with respect to •ear-ounlielahltia.ve sprung into existence ov- 'juvenile offenders and their /mercer - "gold camp" was even remotely con - W' to amend and consoli- es jecturing what might have happened: !inventions to protect Canadian indu templated; but one cannot help con- er 5'58 100.50 102.50 FROM FLORHJA, date the acts relating to patents and ern e day morning. There the bote s. 6166 99.00 101.50 Gatineau Power 566 98.00 100.00 Gatineao Power 641 97.50 10000 Gyp Lime & 5•148 87.00 91.00 Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Webster Having a Wonderful Time. MacLaren-Qttebeh 5S161 102.00 104.00 115 N.E., 71st hoe Mania, OUR. SWIMMING POO :magnificent to say the least. Hopiog- 'to read the f borne soon, we remain, Elwell and Grace Webste had there been a geologist or an ex- 1.MeColl-Fron. 61:49 104.00 105.00 Cottage 9, Hi -and -Dry Camp, t 10 ta Valley 670 105.60 106.60 jam. 131h, 1936. 4-S170 96.00 98:75 Editor Advance -Times, Shawinigan; 1 et :Cimpson's led. 64•9 102.00 105:00 Dear ger; Pool, After travelling -two thousand miles just make a bee line, straight L lation in Federal prisons with harden- ed offenders it heing considered. Reorganization of the Civil Service "How is everything at,your house?: S1 awini -an 5`70 102.10 104.50 Vdingliam, Ont. . , Hurrah; Hurrah; for he Swinunin,g I °f fl°wers• We feel we 7:0"1a like 10 'Over the 'meadows swiftly fly, asl,t,e0dh,thsheefsrineinidrigolift,t„herest,broidnedgredoolbnie. planned. from Government contemplates constitu- ,tion an Economic Council. young husband happily. 1, -now something about Wingham, 't 'Von from the Low School, you. froie Inge has been a delightful trio and one lot, lite High. be long remembered. We .etayed in Canada over :Sunday :strip s,fs yoor garments with easy and crossed the border about noon t AILORS WON 'THE. CANAD I AN MEDICAL And hang them ;up in the proper HOME GIME H4ALTH os- last 'Monday, front then ;until Toes - ASZDC I ATIDN AND Li ocal Crew Played Well for First 31.NSURANCt C..0141Pikiv I ES N CANADA Two P,eirods. • oaniaa oos e,ele ecsen nonene,e, laser The Goderich Sailors won a 4-1 de- n.hen aoase asileeen hanged one in. sieien over the local 'Indians in an 0. The human ,..boely ie cosere.d by 18 gine climb alone- mountainside was ; With the .eame all tied up heth 14•R• Intermediate r, fixture at God-- stlinape le" 01 skin, but ninth more .2864 feet in height, followed by a de- "Forth to the Pool now, tSIus tried hard hoe entered the third erith last ThursdaY ohnine, altention is gi'ssn to the Square fool scent for 7 miles. Long View Lode I: oe go, period etill even. The third perioa Th, lir:4 period we:s a real battle 'Which tosst1re the tee(' 11an ts all tht te se miles up. The coal field- were 'Nc,ne of yen, truly, aTe lazy or ;neer; ane was a stanza of penalties with no hith neither eiSe having any great ael- rest • Several millions• of swet both new and itersting to us. In Look at the boy 'who failed in his nos gosh scanse. hessini„ three sops (-colleen deepie tl,t inct that hiurney glands 1Or111 Dart of the shin. It is one instance the mine WAS in the eel- •, spelling, 11,10 *bc:, ae f.,..-Aloskik. ,Outialvss A, csi Gs•dericli se..•red te thie stiensia af- thisse sweat glasa!as 1011ch '''eCrg.:Itper- lar arid ;they dug it up as etc:paired. How be is lane-hing, how be is yelling. It.liteliell 2, Cliff. Tansan; Gortiev's, ter 18 minutes of sesc,i htnkne, Poe :shiratitm to tl1e skin. The tosalsol'a- PMctically every farm had is own', gste. Baker, Crttiaeharde Teglestoraaa. Ilditeliell was :deo to the cc,(..,kr and itistn of Perspiration flostri the elsio re- coal rnine, ' :Pest wat.ch that girl Who doesn't lihe Tigers 5, miasmata 2 dIssic; followed suit. Goderich -with a gniates the temPerature of the body. The winding roads; . of Maryland, ' French, The etoshtd gams' wee the most sltso men adhltntage 11 -.ed hard and ' "Ci;!''°c1 e'''''mPlexit'lls ci.nr-e ii 111 a Which svere SO AVi:11 inarktal by Gnif Ain't she a trichy, bewitching 3'01111 , t...scofing ,hat at,. 14 c., 't1aSd. ': 1MA:iv isitirtnes broke away, stud et 'heitithY bodY 'tinder is IlealthY skint.---(as. eigne impreeeed tie faarably odd. i wench; • I'C With Tigers 'on the loess end ,:,,f thr.• enS of the rink and ektitc•d in Sor t ',night be said that there taanno1 Ilk' thin company. ' She can't epa-lei vole' but that's, no 1 ittSe rebound givire Brohne no cliante• , a isealthY akin unless 1-11e body ie From here we went on .and visited 1 ' great failure, , .arly in t est (dl 'd Peek put . to sal e• 114.'althY bCa'Lls't 'ale skin is a Mirr''r Wahhinglon. D.C. Her aim's with the water, to get gaits 'de i -1.-cliicti reflecte the ,seneral health 1,,f p . ,s'••• • • w 1 . Iva- ' ' 'V Til;c7.,,,s Qm ic,r, a,c; ti vra, not Tlf,t• esesond Nri41t1 else itTCA1 .w. , . ^ , . ' ..,3 .t.ne tnne, epring eat io e in 1 tanuoar. mire:toe et' eiay 1.1a.1 ittinsed -before ' gd•el l'.,,,k!!,,y!. The husk was Vil and thenwl'''le It'd -Y. - evidence. 11 one !collie warm in 11'en- 1 Mir -lines e.tethe ted tsecre, a -hen H.' down the rink with neither side able i he 4-111 c'f the face is more e"s" asivannie, -with "n6 snow en highways I'm ont goling t0. say., for l'in tc, :scorn nun Sdere es fina, e , hosed 10 1110 01011101114' 6511 it. 11,1V S•onie could 'he seen oti mountain aid- 1 , ' quite a loot tale pet-ids:1 at late eon lime lite skin .whieb dot et's '1 -;her Parts of the es, but when IN t., trartiled there it.es-ae That an hoar in the' Pool. is 1\ ort I 'raced to the d& ie seeteeed 1,Sn:ee1, bod1 . with the Possible, tozterdion ef very foggy and distant -views wens two in thessehool; :and rettiel tlie puck . the hilinds, The hand's are usually impossible. . tric, the Pool. is important, 0 r or the firet lie e h s; to tm tc e c, f th c' rt. ' n,t112.11Y washed triall.h :t l'IlQS t,, eh The seal tb s, re ere admit they age 1 there's Do !doubt, COMPLEXIONS day night was Spent in New York and i place; among the mountains of rennsYran- ,Hie to the shower, mid wash yourself Ma.. Here the railWays and roade fol- ; lowed the zonnee of the rivers wind- !So yoncilelanb'e -pleasant to look at, I ing along, the eides of the mountaine. mean, 'r re Skeirline .benieed ;die Steele. The Tigers; went the sc sicid with meth determination, rovcs. eace-ecl ;et a Ic•rese; stis.t ltVithere added :another fer the! sup, - that • ihis pertan, before, the 1e )lt 1do I S. -gein elsyed hadh but 1110s1 PeoPle give their faces slow of epeerh and In work, but one ,And 0.. good plate to sport in, just Sed ended Tigers. were leading 4-3, terms:. then Don ecoresl, a dagh of neater in ruornitliS• and waauld rest need telling If he cIrcsde 1 !after schcoAss out. stheeves rioted enether, :ha; 0115 ate later he so,red egain, let it 1.44, at that, ,t. !trough the Carolinas. Here the nen A gored seenplosicda motes healihs erees eid oroups on door stepe. After school's out, in T!':(- thii'a pi riod had erdy nizely then, Allieee banged elle into end 1 -,e, reed elien Flek eht 1.15 ;secondho goal Is It e. ., (.. . , . eight to pet tto: Tigers up 5-1. , their Pees:lion in this last periods and it ts to be lesalthY. Despite the denote. . ,, , !ithv Nliz,:-!,40,...s 1,v,t on the steam end .Goderiels eoz many eraring a -Se -vices. of nranY F.Pecialilets, there is no bet -!!Tx,:,, -.A. sharks so tip on stones. Here tried 4.-t :.!Q!!Illit...: they lova- to :reOeee, !bat Flrewne again Played Wel in the ter waY 0,1 ridding lite face ed dirt we wondered how life could eXist in ' red but th-co velud too overcome nog that -through the regular and freoutao such filthy surneunding. Corn fields , the lerge lead As else perio,1 typ., nu., inaian, played nim,h bcitur. Lli+C! CIi soap aro! water, A blend soap and cotton fields of last season were ins. oboes osier 0. Welsh scored the ;hockey in this game and will Ott a eholliel be, used so as not to remove: see.n along the roade. Mules carried! . 1' ' o kine it -6-2 !,00ell arount • of thonstivcs in flume too nuteh of the natural oils of the • 1_ ortn. iold skin. The skin Inuet be held dean lf stere entrances or anywhere, basking way, ' -id Their homes were inet ge,110'd ta 1110' first pe 55 .s. , s 'ireiam--Goal. Browne: defe:rest, !then a matter of -taste ,as -to whether to ,place.. 11. Mithi1, „Somers; 'centre, Mit- ; thrill.; winos, 7.1liott. .arts1 Thompson; lterhetes:, A. 'Potter., N. Potter, Rae and ;Cruiehelectils. Gocierieb-Goal; 'J'hoe11.(sh; ohinson and! Minh est; All) - 1: M!eKey and W. kin Mug the fate is cleaned, it these pecgale end the email loads of. is :cottons, tobacco or wood from Place ; talternat s Phelan, MeDo ot not erearns are to be used. The lives el many young peeple Are made miserable dor tlae.m because f ;pimples or 'Meal -leads (ame) that he.'in 19 :aptc.r etsan Af;t' when buys a.giris are giving some attcn- to onal apptaranre.nd s ith Ntaisfacticm for !them As e' -e. went !farthe • ikeoes ploughing in preparation f sowing. Georgia the road was elevated 12 to 18 feet above marebeeon ther side. Here there are no fenees but ;cattle grazed 11 to heing the ear -mark of its owner. 1 versoldn't keep kids in tlie erho,o1 , • the slay; , I'd .staidevieli their studies, have p1a in "their tort, Ana so prevent studies beecoriing leore.„ ! ra Marshall the kiddies in sumrner for strolls, And show them the plates wberc once stood the hells; leigh them in vsi and o'er fen, AnsI thcn take them, bask o stttilies again. of 1. 0,07 61 tvcuid be A THREE ACT PLAY :THE CRIMSON EYEBROWS A FANTASTIC ROMANCE OF OLD CHINA in the T WN HALL, IKHAm at 8 P.M, on an 29th - By the - The Teeswater Dramatic Club Under the auspices of The Wingham Hockey Club SPLENDID 'COSTUMES FINE 'CHOIZAL SINGING MOST AMUSING on