The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-27, Page 7roxeter
:s and Corrie
Thursday, •Dec. 27th, 1934
Mrs. Justine Steinmiller
The funeral of a former well known
resident of this vicinity, Mrs. Justine
:Steintniller, tool: place to the Walk-
erton Cemetery on Sunday December
16, Services were conducted by Rev.
Mr. Fischer, pastor of the Luth'rran
Death occurred in Saskatchewan,
the remains were brought to Walker
ton by train, arriving Saturday noon.
- Mrs. Steinmiller was born in Car-
rick township • near - Otter Creek, 62
years ago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Adam, Seigmiller, pioneer farmers of
that vicinity. She married Justine
Steinmiller whose father was propri-
etor of the old Red Mill at Otter
Creek, The ;;mill became famous for
its products having won many gold
medals at world's fairs. Some 20
years ago Mr. Steinmiller disposed
of the mill and with his wife and fam-
ily moved to Gorrie where heagain
operated the mill for some yearssel-
ling to Mr. B. J. Maguire. For a
number of years following this they
run the Alboin Hotel, until it was
consumed by fire in 1927. Mr. and
Mrs, Steinmiller then moved to Sask-
Besides her husband, deceased a?
survived by two sons, Justine Jr., anct
Orval, also two daughters, Mrs. Mel-
vin Hammond, (Permelda) and Vera.
whose married name we are unable
to obtain.
Miss Bessie Wylie of. Toronto, and
Mr. George Wylie of Kingston are
holidaying with their mother, Mrs.
J. Wylie.
Mr. John Laine of Windemere is
spending the Christmas holidays with
his mother, Mrs. P. Kaine.
_ Mr. and Mrs. Stanely Dane and
'slaughter Betty of Toronto are spend-
ing the`, Christmas holidays with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 12, G.
Mr. Harvey King of London arriv-
ed home' on Saturday to spend a short
time at his home here.
Miss Monto Earngey of Wingham
spent the week -end. at her home here
Miss Evelyn Hastie who is attend-
ing high school in Kitchener is 'spend-
ing her Christmas vacation with her! Mr, and Mrs. Jack King and daugh-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hastie. ter Jean of London spent the Christ -
Mr. and Mrs. Telford 1Vlontgomery mas week -end at the home of the for -
.and family of Kitchener are spending mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clias.
the holidays with friends in this coni- King and other relatives.
xnunity. I A good number attended the beaut-
Miss Rose B. Taylor of Kitchener iful Christmas Service held in St.
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Knowl- Stephen's Anglican Church on Sun-
. son.t clay, when the rector, Rev. R. S. Jones
Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Johnston of took as his text, St. Luke, 2nd chap'
Lucan visited with the former's par- ter, verse 14, "Glory to God in the
' ,ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston on highest, and on earth, peace, good-
Tuesday last. will toward men",. The choir, also
Miss, Velma Lennox is spending the rendered a very appropriate Christ-
holidays with her mother in Wing- mas anthem "Sweetest music softly
harri. Miss Laura Hicks at her home stealing". Also a very fitting Conn=
in Teeswater and Miss Dorothy Fearmunion Service was conducted by the
in Ethel.. ` ! rector on. Christmas morning at 9
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Earl were o'clock.
Wingham visitors on Saturday. i An enjoyable afternoon was spent
Many passers-by are stopping to in the public school on Friday after -
admire the beautiful poinsettia plant noon last when the teachers and pu-
-which is in full bloom in Mrs. Kain's ;pils entertained their ;parents and
window on Main Street, and which friends in a Christmas and Red Cross
she kindly lent the decoration cornentertainment of songs, Christmas-
mittee of the Evening Auxiliary for Carols, duets, dialogues, recitations
• the. Christmas Services in the United . and drills. Santa Claus also delighted
Church here.1 the children with a big orange for
Mrs. Thomas .Short left on Satur- each child there, and also candies.
day for Toronto and will spendThe teachers deserve much praise for
Christmas with her daughter,. Miss the time and expense in making this
delivered in all three Churches here
on Sunday by the pastor's of each
Church. Also special Christmas music
was prepared by the choir's and ad-
ded much to the Services.
We hope you all had a happy
Christmas, and may we wish you one
and all a happy and prosperous 1935.
Mrs. Wenzell and Mr. and Mrs. G.
Zurbrigg of the 2nd line of Howick
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Hienmiller one day last week.
Miss Olive Lawrence and Miss Ed-
no Lawrence of Toronto, spent the
week -end .and Christmas Day with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Lawrence. Miss Edna also remained
until after New Years.
Miss Joyce Wray of Toronto, is
spending the holiday season with her
mother, Mrs, John Wray.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto are, enjoying., the Xmas
vacation with the latter's parents Mr.
and Mrs. M. Sellars.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin and
daughter Eleanor of Toronto, spent
Xmas with Mrs. John Douglas. Miss
Eleanor Douglas of Lebanon is also
spending the vacation with her moth-
Misses Hazel and Minnie Weir of I gue,at of her friend, Miss Anne Munro
Toronto are with their parents, Mal at her home here,
and Mrs. D. L. Weir of Howick, for. Mr. Jack Adams has returned from
the holidays. . Kincardine where he has been em -
Miss Irene Wright of near Brace- played during the past few days.
bridge is holidaying with her parents, Mr. James Rae of the School of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wright of Turn- Education, Toronto, is spending Xmas
berry. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Miss Anne Munro of St. Catherines Rae.
These riders in a Paris limousine 'against air gas attacks of the future, in the anti -gas attack demonstration sided over the National French Union
practice the wearing of gas masks I Every citizen of the city took part after President Doumergue had pre- against air defense.
Miss Alma. Fitch of Toronto is McTavish. •
spending the Xmas holidays with her Mr. Andrew Shearer, 13,A,, Sault
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitch of Ste. Marie, is spending the vacation
Howick. at the home of his mother, Mrs, T.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen spent Shearer.
Christmas with the latter's mother, . Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mercer and son
Mrs. Ross at Gorrie. Donald, Markdale, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Elva Hupfer of Sudbury is Stuart Sanderson and daughter, Cath -
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. arine, London, spent Christmas with
Hupfer of Turnberry for the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
Miss Edith Weir of Muskoka Falls Christmas guests at the home of
is holidaying with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin were
and Mrs. W. Weir of Howick. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hutchison, Ford -
Miss Vera Piercy R. N. of London wich, and Miss Nell Hutchison, Tor -
is spending the Xmas vacation as the onto, also Mr. Art McLaughlin of
Myrtle at. Weston.annual event a success.
The annual Sunday School concert The annual Christmas Tree and
of the United Church is being held in Concert of St. Stephen's Anglican
the schoolroom of the Church this Sunday School was held on Wednes-
Friday evening. Everyone welcome. day evening last m the Orange Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield of Gor- when the children of the Sunday
rie, 'Mr. Ewart. Whitfield of Blyth, School gave a very pleasing number
Mr, and Mrs. H. Ferguson and family of dialogues, songs, duets and recit-
of Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ations,also a Christmas anthem "Car-
Sparling, Miss Jean and Mr; Clarence ol, sweetly Carol" was sung by St..
were among the Christmas guests of Stephens' choir. Santa Claus arrived
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling• at the closing of the concert and gave
Mr. Jack Toner of Toronto -spenteach of the scholars a present, and a
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and generous bag of candies to each child
Mrs. A. E. Tonerr'. : there. The 'Sunday School Teachers
Miss Clara King of Toronto spent also presented gifts to the scholars
the week -end and Christmas with her
who attended Sunday School the most.
parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Earnest King.
regular during the year.
We are glad to report that Mr. Dr, ames Hutchison of New York
Robert Wade who has been real Sick spent a few days at the home of his.
is improving very nicely. 'mother, Mrs. H. Hutchison and oth-
Stirring Christmas Messages were
er relatives this week.
Mrs. Bell and Marian Clark are
spending this weep with friends near
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth
Ultra Modern Hastie and
daughter, Edith, spent Christmas Day
•e home at. the of Mr Frank Earls near
F41(4! Service
Phone 118. Harriston
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera and Mr.
Emerson Shera spent Christmas Day
.at the home of Mrs, Slt ra's mother,
Mrs. Ellis, in Guelph.
Mr. Gordon Barton of To
spent Christmas with his wife an
daughter, Marlene, and other rela
is spending the Xmas vacation with Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin is unfort-
her mother, Mrs. Janet Munro. unately suffering from a severely
Mr. and Mrs. Mac, Allen of Lon- sprained foot at present.
don spent Christmas with the form- Mr. Norman Hall of Lakelet is
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George spending the Xmas holidays at his
Allen. hone here.
Mrs. A. Robertson who has •been Rev. W. A. Finlay chose for his
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mac- subjects for the Sunday Services; at
Donald of Howick during the past the morning service, "The Real Mean-
weeks, returned home last week. ing of Christmas", and at the even -
Miss Edna Lawrence of Toronto, ing service, "The Explanation of the
who is spending the vacation at her dates B. C. and A. D•, which proved
home in Gorrie, was a Wroxeter vis- quite interesting and appropriate sub-
itor on Friday. jects.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Burk of Tor- At the Anglican Church on Sunday
onto spent Christmas with the latter's evening Rev. R. S. Jones chose as his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gibson. text "Glory to God in the Highest,
Miss 'Margaret Durst of Seaforth, and on earth peace good -will toward
spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. men," This being the Christmas serv-
and Mrs. L S. Durst. ice Communion was served, and the
The .home of Mr. and Mrs. John service next Snuday evening will take
Gibson (Sr.) was the scene of a hap- the form of Evening Prayer.
py gathering on Friday evening of The funeral of the late Mrs. Holm -
last week, when a large crowd of es, wife of Rev. A. A. Holmes, a form -
neighbors and friends gathered to er Methodist Minister here, who died
honor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson (Jr) in Toronto on Tuesday of last week,
with a shower, following their mar- was held in Clinton on Thursday. Mr.
riage a 'few weeks ago. A very en- and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill attempted
joyable evening was spent in dancing to attend the funeral, but due to the
and cards, and the bride and groom bad condition of the roads were un -
were the recipients of a number of able to go farther than Walton.
useful and attractive gifts, which in- Mr. Russell Rae of Waterloo is
chided two lovely, wicker chairs and spending the Christmas vacation with
fernery, as well as other various gifts. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Rae.
The school concert held in the
Public School rooms on 'Thursday
afternoon was greatly enjoyed by a
large crowd, and proved quite a .suc-
cess. An interesting programme of
choruses, recitations, dialogues and
musical numbers was presented by the
pupils, ,and Santa Claus and the Xmas
'tree was a source of great exeltenleiit.
and fun for the children. Great cred-
it is due to Miss Wright and Mr. Fin
layson in the training of their ptipils
for the entertainment.
The It c o J
•a t r at L. 1blacEwen .
chopping Mill is at present being
overhauled, new, rings are being put
iin, but it is hoped the chopper will be
in running order immediately after
Don't forget tate Sunday School At
Hoene on Friday evening in the
school room of the United Church.
Everyone is .welcome and an interest-
ing programme is being prepared for
yottr entertainment.
Jiss Florence Hooper returned
s week from Guelph, where she liar
1 during the past month.
Miss W. Rae, Belgrave, Mr. Jim
Rae, Toronto, Russel Rae, Waterloo,
Mrs. Strachan and Miss M. Strachan,
Toronto, were Xmas guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ra•e.
Miss Margaret Edgar, nurse -in -
training, Woodstock, is spending a
few days with her mother, Mrs. H.
Miss Margaret Gibson and Mr. Jno.
Barnard, London, are holidaying at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gib-
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Martin, Tor-
onto, are guests of Mrs. Jno, Doug-
las. Miss Eleanor Douglas of Leban-
non is also a visitor at her home.
Mr, Ruskin Finlay of Toronto Uni-
versity, is a holiday visitor at the
home of his parents, Rev. W. A. and
Mrs, Finlay.
Mrs. W. S. McKercher left for
Parkhill last week to spend the win-
ter season with her sister, Mrs. And-
rew McIntosh.
Mr. Frank Smyth, Vancouver, is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. G. Hemphill,
Mr, Ted Tucks spent the week -end
with his mother in Harriston.
Mr, and Mrs. B. Martin, Edythe
and Billie, spent the week -end and
Xmas Day with friends at Hamilton.
Miss Alice Meahen and Mr. Harry
Elliott, Wingham, were guests Xmas
Day of Mr. and Mrs. A, IVleahen.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chamberlin
spent Christmas with Wingham
member to contribute something of
Letter from the West
The following letter of appreciation
was" received. by Mr. Frank Green,
from Vanguard, Sask,:
Mr. Frank Green, Wroxeter, Ont,
Dear Friend:
You certainly proved a friend in
need with your maple syrup to the
very old and sick in this municipality
Whiska Creek, No. 106, In the car
was 9 gallons maple syrup and a large
pail of apple butter In this munici-
pality there are 9 townships and
villages. A township is 6 miles square.
A population of about 2000 people
With fully 1600 in need and fully 500
people right up against extreme need.
The maple syrup was divided among
very old and those sick and 2 gallons
to a hospital serving the district.
There are hundreds calling you people
blessed and thanlcing God for the
On behalf of Distributing Commit-
tee, Mrs. W. 5. Coleman,
Young !People's Society
of lel is The Young - People of the United
Miss Winnifred Rae g :Church held their usual meeting on
also. spending her vacation at home, Monday, The president, Miss Mar -
Miss Aileen Schaab left Saturday,
for her home in Elmwood to spend
Christmas with her parents there.
Miss Eva McMichael of Pt. Bur-
well is spending Xmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. IvtcMichael
garet Wright, presided. Following
the opening hymn Isobel Milligan led
in :prayer, Agnes Durst read the les
son. Ivtr. Jim Sanderson was appoint-
ed Literary Convenor and Joe Hig-
gins will be assistant secretary for the
John Bush
On the morning of Wednesday, De-
cember 19, Mr. John Bush of Wrox
eter passed peacefully to the Great
Beyond, after 17 months of declin-
ing health and strength, which he
bore cheerful and without complaint,
and his memory will be long cherish-
ed as a kind neighbor and o loving
and devoted husband and father, he
was in his 85th year.
The' deceased was born near Co-
bourg in 1850 where he spent his boy-
hood days, coming to Culross wile
a young man, he bought a. farm north
of Teeswater and in 1880 married
Sarah Edgar and resided there aiitil
1905 when they moved to 8th con. of
Turnberry. After living there 15 years
he retired from farm work and moved
to Wroxeter, where he resided until
his death. Mr. Bush was a member of.
Wroxeter United Church, and served
on the church board. He attended all
services regular as long as he was
Surviving are his widow and four
daughters, Mrs. Ed. Palmer, Turn -
berry; Mrs. W. E. Weir and Mrs. W.
H. Dane, Howick, and Gertie at home,
and one sister, Miss M. A. Bush who
lives with Mrs. Ed. Palmer, also six
The funeral to Wroxeter Cemetery
was on Friday, December 21, Rev.
W. A. Finlay conducting the service.
The pallbearers were: Mr. James
Wylie, Mr. Peter McDougal, Mr. Fred
Kitchen, Mr. Gavin Muir, Mr. Thos.
Ritchie and Mr. Johnn Henneberg.
of Howick, balance of the year Two interesting
Miss Beatrice Howe of Leamington'! topics were given by Miss Lenora
is the guest of her sister, Miss Mary'
Howe for the holidays.
Mr, Ruskin Finlay of Toronto is
vacation at 1115
home at
spending the
the Manse.
The local teachers are spending
Christmas at their respective homes.
Miss Elsie Davidson at Newton, Mr.
H. Knight at Ethel,. and Ma A Fin-
layson at Lochalsh,
Miss Rona V'anVclsor of Weston
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W. E. VanVelsor.
Miss Cassie Harris of Toronto
spent the holiday with her sister, Miss
Mary Harris,
Miss Margaret McTavish, Toronto,
is staying with her Mother, Mrs. P,
Higgins and Miss Jessie Paulin on
Christmas symbols. Miss Mamie
Gibson contributed a piano solo while
Miss Lucille White gave a Christmas
recitation, A period of games was en-
joyed and the meeting closed with the
Mizpah benediction.
Women's Institute
The December meeting of the W.
T. will be held on Thursday afternoon
of this week in the Orange Hall when
Miss E. P. Hazlewood will be the
hostess. Current events will be In
charge of Miss E. MacEwen. Roll
call; Laundryntry Hint. An all 'members
Gorrie, Dec. Lyth, '1934
Council met in the Township Hall
according to statute, members all
present, the Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting
were read and on motion of Weir and
Demerling, were adopted.
Moved by Bryans and Lovel that
School Attendance Officer's report be
accepted and placed on file. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Demerling that
13y -law No. '7 of the year 1934 as
read the third time be filially passed.
Moved by Weir and Bryans that
Mrs. Ida Hastie be given a refund of
taxes on $200.00 assessment due to
error, on Lot 2, Con. 5. Carried.
Moved by Lovell and Bryans that
13y -law No. 8 of the year 1934 as read
the third tima be finally passed. Car-
Moved by Bryans and Lovell that
time for return of Collectors' Rolls
be extended to the January meeting
of Council. Carried.
Moved by Demerling and Weir that
the following bills be paid; Norman
Wade, bonds for James V'Vallcom,
$12.15; Chas. King, pt. salary as care-
taker Twp. hall, $15.00; Isaac Gam-
ble, bal. salary as clerk 1934 $65.00; '
J. W. Gamble, salary as reeve 1934, 1
$90.00; L. Demerling, salary as de-
puty reeve 1934, $70.00 J. A. Bryans,
salary as councillor 1934 $70,00; Thos,
Lovell, salary as councillor 1934, $70.-
00; D. L. Weir, salary as councillor
1934, $70.00; Ta N. Whitley, M.D.,
salary as M.O,H, 1934 $75.00; I. W.
Gamble, salary. as rnernber. I3.0.H. .
1934 $5.00; Milton Hastie, salary as':
member B.O.H. 1934 $5.00 Isaac i
Gamble, salary as secretary 13,0,I -L1
1934 $12.00; Mrs. M. C. Knight, bal.
salary as School At. Officer 1934 $25,-
Neter $66.00; M. Nash, fees as con-
stable at dances Nov. 23 and Nov. 215,.
$2:00; Wm, Dodds, refund of clog tax
due to error $2,00 Delbert Clegg,
milk for G. Simons family $L50; C.
King, bal. salary as caretalcer Twp.
Hall ,$25,00 Ernest King,,l sheep in-
jured by dogs $2,00; Isaiah Gedeke,
repairing .drain Mun, Drain No. 10,
$8.00; Stephens and Ashton, relief for
N. Clegg $8,03; W. 1. VanVclsor, re-
lief for Jean Graham $3,99; George
Griffith, wood for Jean Graham $9.00;
John Henneberg, caretaking Wro;ret-
cr. Hall, salary and postage to Dec.
31, 1934 $15,35; Milton Hastie, sheep
killed or injured by dogs $25:00; Bert
Sage, refund of dog tax due to error,
$2.00; E. Shera, repair to light Gorrie
public shed, .25; James Douglas, fees
as sheep valuator 1934 $36.30; Car-
man Bride, wood for Agnes Stewart,
$15.75; H.E.P,. Com., lighting Wrox-
eter rink $30.00; H.E.P. Com., , light
ing Fordwich rink $30.00; T. A. Rob-
erts, forms for direct relief $4.00; De
A. McLeod, med. services for Jean
Graham $12.50, med. services : for
Lloyd Harrison $7.50; A. F. Thaler,
M.D., med. services for Haberlee r'am-
ily $26.37; A. McLeod, M.D., med.
services for Hobbs baby $7.00;
Owing to'some'error we received
only part of the council. minutes, the
balance will be published next week.
Fish Meals and Live Stock
In the field of ' live stock feeding,
fish meal has proven a rich source of
nutrients_ It is fed particularly for
its protein and mineral content, and
the percentage of these ingredients
determines its value. There are three •
factors which have retarded the more
widespread use of fish •ieal, says the
Fish Meal and Oils bulletin, just is-
sued by the Dominion Department of
Agriculture. First, there is its rath-
er high price in comparison with the
price of other feeds; second, the lack
of definite information regarding its'
use; and third,• a variability in the
The feeding of fish meal has been
confined largely to swine, but it has
also been used successfully for dairy
cattle, and in a limited way' for .oth-
er live stock. Growing market ani-
mals and milking cows seem best
adapted to utilize fish meal and other
high protein feeds combined with
carbonaceous grains. Fish meal is re-
tenance ration of breeding animals,
but the percentage used should he
lower than that normally used in the
growing ration.
Facts About Cheese
Cheese has been used as a food for
man from prehistoric times and its
manufacture is one of the oldest tech-
nical arts. In Canada the early
French settlers brought the art of
making cheese from. France, a surviv-
al of this early industry being found
at the present day in the Fromage
Raffine which is made in the Isle
of Orleans. Over 100 years ago the
United Empire Loyalists brought
with them to various parts of On-
tario a knowledge of the manufacture
of the Cheddar type of cheese. This
type is practically the only kind now
made :in Canadian cheese factories.
All Canadian cheese was made our
farms until the year 1864, when the
first cheese factory was started in
Oxford County, Ontario. In the fol-
lowing year another factory was op-
ened in Missisquoi County, Quebec.
The factory system had so. many ad-
vantages that it was quickly adopted.
There are now cheese factories in
every province of Canada, but the
greater part of Canadian ' factory^
cheese is produced in Ontario 'and'
00; James Waikom, pt, salary ass
E. Div. 1934 $60,00; W. C.
King, pt, salary as collector W. Div,
1984 $80.00; J, W, Gamble, telephone
calls 1934 .90; Wm. Whitfield, bulb
for Gorrie public shed .55; David
rant will be carried out each Robinson, servicing street lights Wro-
Frederick E. Peeler, Rochester,
dealer in Canadian mining stocks
Whom police are seeking, following
his disappearance after doubt tui4d,.
been cast on his story that five meta
hed heli him in a hotel roost;, tilt-
'firing him in a $'7,000 ertortion plot,,