HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-27, Page 4A XE; F 1J WINGTTA.M ADVANCE -TIMES 0R0 T AD'Sk' RESULTS Ord 0 0 0 1Ty- o LOST - Between Fordwich and CARD OF THANKS Winghain, xnan's leather coat, If found, please phone Wint haat 300 or connznunicate with. Bob, Allen, Fordwich. cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 1 wish to thank all those who so kindly voted for ane in the Recall contest at McKibbon's Drug Store and helped me win second prize. LOST -Set of Tools. Finder please Yours truly, Wafted Seli. leave at Merkley's Garage,: Reward. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families, Write immediately. Rawleigh, Dept. CNI;.-125-SA, Mon- treal, Canada. SAW LOGS WANTED -Soft a ale , birch; cherry, ash and hard maple, :at the Whitechureh Saw Mill. 3, Wilson, phone 612r15. BULK SALES ACT NOTICE ;TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that HARDY OBERLE. formerly of the Town of Wingham, Grocer, has made a sale in Bulk of his stock -in -trade to Edgar 'Merle and I have been appointed Trustee under the Bulk Sales Aet. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons wrho claim to be entitled to share in the proceeds from the ,aid sale are required to fyle their claims, duly verified; with the undersigned an or before the Eleventh day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1935 after which said date the Trustee will distribute the pro- ceeds from the said sale having re- gard only to the Claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED .at Hanover, this Eleventh day of December, A.D. 1934. J. A. PATERSON. Trustee: c(o MILLS & PATERSON, Hanover, Ontario. HIGH SCHOOL XMAS EXAMS (Continued from :Page One). Credit -D. Holrnes, Lorraine Cart- 'er, H. Orvis. Fail -W. Edgar, H. Groves, F. Ed- gar, M. Anderson, W. Breen, M, Bos- nian, G. Anderson, Geography Class 1-D. Armitage, E. Garble, M, Forsythe, J. Crtiik:shank, C. Cant- elon, B. Kaufmann, \V, Davidson, L. Carter, Class 2-J. Lee, E. Falconer, L. Dark, A. Lillow. Class 3-R. Casemore, J. Elliott, L. Elliott, M. Frisby, L. Fuller, G. Jones. Credit -M. Bosman, H. Groves, L. Carter, M. Anderson, W. Edgar, F. Edgar. Fail -D. Holmes, G. Anderson. FORM 1B Algebra Class 1-M. J. Preston, V. Walker, M. Williams, (N. Wheeler, V. Wheel- er), (K. Wheeler, A. Sproal, R. Hur- ray), (H. Posliff, H. McCallum), E. -l[undv (IM Higgins R Wheeler iM SHERIFF'S SALE OF Hopper), 3. Hare , Class 2-J. Lane, M. McMichael, LANDS (M. bane, M. Cinnamon), 1'. McDon- ald. Credit -R. Rae, (E. Mathers, J. Currie. Fail -1?. Waram, 13, MacLean. French Class 1-V. Walker, M. McMichael, M. 3. Preston, V. Wheeler, M. Wil - certain parcel or tract of land and hams, M. Lane, N. Wheeler, W. premises situate, lying and being in Small, H. Posliff, \f. Higgins, H. Mc - the Town of Wingham in the County Callunn, J. Hare, A. Sproal, M. Hop - of Huron, being part of lot Number two onthe West side of Josephine per, M. Sinnamon. Street in Edward Foley's first survey Class 2-E. Mundy, J, MacDonald, in the said Town of Wingham, more J, Lane, R. Wheeler. particularly clescribed as follows, that , Class 3-K. Wheeler - zs to say: Commencing at a point on Credit -R. Murray, B. MacLean. the Western boundary of Josephine Street being the centre of the brick Fail -D. Waram, E. Mathers, R. wall between the southerly two stor- Rae. es and distant nineteen feet nine inch- Agriculture es more or less northerly from the south easterly corner of said Lot Class 1-V. Wheeler, M. Preston, Number two; thence northerly along 1V. Walker, M. Williams. said boundary of Josephine Street; Class 2-K, Wheeler, H. Posliff. twenty-fivefeet and ten and one-quar-' Classs 3-B, MacLean, M. 1[c\fich- ter inches more or less to the centre of the brick wall between the two eel, A. Sproal, N. Wheeler. northerly stores on said lot; thence Credit -J. Currie,' E. Mundy, M. westerly parallel to John Street to a Lane, J. Hare, M. Hopper. paint on the western boundary of Fail -R. Wheeler, H. McCallum, E. said Lot; thence southerly along said Western boundary twenty-five feet ten and one-quarter inches more or less to a paint; thence easterly to the place of beginning'; TOGETHER with a right of way over lot Number Latin twenty-nine on the East side of Ed- Class 1-M. J. Preston, V. Walker, ward Street in the said survey which V. Wheeler, M. Williams, Z. Camer- is particularly described and et on A. McDowell, M. Lane, H. Poe - in a conveyance dated the twelfth day J. \T , tiffHare, H. McCallum, N. Wheel - of March, 1903, beween one George MacKenzie and one Arthur J. Irwin, er, M. McMichael, M. Sinnamon, R. UNDER an execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, direct- ed to me, at the suit of Douglas D. Wetherall, plaintiff, and Charles Bondi, defendant, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction all the right, title and interest of Charles Bondi, the defendant, in and to that Mathers, M. Sinnamon, J. Lane, D. Waram, R. Murray, J, McDonald, R. Rae. being registered as Number 4785 for, Wheeler, M. Turvey, E. Mundy, J. the Town of Wingham, also together i Lanc, J, Currie, R. Murray, E. Ttiorn- ress for persons, animals and vehicles With a right of way, ingress and eg- ton, to the said grantee itis heirs and as-' Class 2-11:, Hopper, signs at all tines hereafter in common Claes 3-K. Wheeler. with all other owners of portions of i Credit -I3, MacLean, D. \Varaaaa, said Lot Number two in tine rear of ;1 the stores erected on the said Lot,; E. Mathers. More particularly described and set ; Failed -R. Rae. out in a conveyrance dated September's Art British History Class 1'-M. J. Preston, V. Walker, V. Wheeler, H. Posliff, 3, McLean.. Class 2-3. Currie, R. Murray, M. Hopper, R. Wheeler, K. Wlieeler. Class 3-D; Waram,'M. Williams, R. Rae, J. Hare, N. Wheeler, E. Mon-. dy, M. Lane, Credit -M, McMichael, E, Mathers, M, Sinnamon, A. Sproal, Fail -H. McCallum, W, Small, J. Lane, 3. MacDonald. Geography Class 1-M. 3. Preston, V. Wheel- er, V. Walker, R. Murray, E. Math- ers, N. Wheeler, M. Williams, 13. Me - Lean, H. Posliff. Class 2-.-E, Mundy, M. McMichael, N. Hopper, J. Hare, R. Wheeler, Class 3-M. Lane,'A. Sproal, H. McCallum, IC. Wheeler, R. Rae. Credit -D• Waram, J.. MacDonald. Fail -M. Si.innamon. FORM II English Composition Class 1 -Mae Coulter, M. 3lfathers, D. McLean, M. Coulter, Class 2-C. Reid, I. Mellor, L. r Kerr, M. Young. Class 3-R. Hammond, Z. Cameron, C. Chittick, R. Coultes, L. Ellacott, E. Weir, R. Dennis, J. 'Wettlaufer, M. Kelly, A. McDowell, L. Hamilton. Credit -N. Blatchford, Z. Cook, J. Coultes, M. Turvey, S. Jeffray, J. Kerr, P. Biggs, E. Arbuckle, D. Rich, E. Thornton, W. Breen, L. Campbell, W. Tiffin, J. Laznb, G. Carr. Fail -H. Orvis, 5. •Fitzpatrick, K. Hastings. Y English Literature Class 1-M. Coulter, D. McLean, Mae Coulter. Class 2-1. Mellor, E. Weir, C. Reid, P. Biggs, Z. Cameron, M. Ma- thers. Class 3-R. Coultes, L. Hamilton, M. Young. Credit -J. Lamb, M. Turvey, E. Ar- buckle, J. Kerr, H. Orvis, R. Dennis, J. Wettlaufer, C. Chittick, K. Hast- ings, E. Thornton, Fail -Z. Cook, S. Jeffray, M. Kel- ley, G. Carr, L. Kerr, A. McDowell, D. Rich, R. Hammond, L. Ellacott, W. Tiffin, J. Fitzpatrick, \V. Breen, N. Blatchford, J. Coultes. English Grammar Class 1-D. McLean, J. Wettlaufer. Class 2-C. Chittick, G. Carter, M. Coulter, M. Mathers. Class 3-E. Arbuckle, S. Jeffray, E. Weir, L Mellor. Credit -M. Turvey, L. Hanilt.ln, R. Dennis, L. Kerr, M. Young, Z. Cameron, P.Bkk:;s, Mac Coulter, R. Coultes, M. Higgins, A. McDowell. Failed -J. Kerr, 3. Fitzpatrick, W. Breen, J. Lamb, H. Orvis, D. Rich, N. Blatchford, R. Hammond. Physiography Class 1-R. Coultes, D. McLean, M. Mathers, G. Carter, 13. Mundy, W. Tiffin, A. McDowell, C. Chittick, S. Jeffray, Z. Cook, V. Johnston, L. Hamilton, G. Carr. Class 2-V'T. Blake, J. Wettlaufer, M. Kelly, J..Kerr, I. Mellor, Z. Cam- eron, J. Lamb, L. Kerr, J. Fitzpatrick, I., Ellacott, R. Hammond, P. Biggs. Class 3-M. Young, D. Hastings, M. Coulter, N. Blatchford, 13. Collar, J. Coultes, 11. Turvey. Credit -R. Dennis, E. Weir, D. Rich, Mae Coulter, E. Thornton. Fail -M. Frisby, \V. Breen, F. Ed- gar. Geometry Class 1-G. Carter, (L. Kerr, E. Ar- buckle), D. MacLean, (M. Kelly, H. :Miller), S. Jeffray, M. Mathers, Class 2-(J. Kerr, W. Tiffin, Z. Cameron, E. Weir), M. Wright. C.. 1 Chittick:),: C. Reid. (R. Baird, E. Dicksonl. Chas, 3-(P. Briggs, J. Lamb), (M. Crtarl shank, I .. C•atxlte'4 i.. Credit -I1 Young. Margare Coen- :a:. it,"I,??,q+t. ''v4 .A",‘,".ayai +I. :.liryrt. `•� elle zi t+t, _.^_..- Brot G.Carr. 1'1.: Hiaaprie, Mair .a; ree eve ,« ..t � I 1 .. •t i ' er tl` 1~�d- t_ eta __.. 1 ,. =i, . ,, •, • ,47 D'4nn .., Z. Cook, K. a .x.ti rtn.2.,. .. _.`, lel ia:,,>i r. , .:L=et 'i la+:rtY', L_vL<:la•:r; i_. t�s'ru:lt, Siete ;;lal• ,v ,.. „ 3.1. Traree ,Y L. r4a:nilt:Jn .�, . •, tl- I '•1 '1,,•:r m . .d t' {• �. .Y'. •r Y J. .. Line, . 'r nars�Fr. ,.r. .. �� r :dSraPi l r •.: , ..l arra ,C. iter e , n. ra2`..Iia 4.r•c; a 1. ,, t1 '-liee: �, .V:.n:ate re Hammond, D. Rich. Latin Class 1-D, McLean, Z. Cook, M. Mathers. Class 2-W, Tiffin, M. Coulter. Class 3 -Margaret Coulter and C. Wellwood, E. Arbuckle, .'(I.' Mellor, C. Reid). Credit -(M. Cruikshank, E, Weir), M. 'Kelly, S. Jeffray, J. Wettlaufer. Fail -K, Hastings, J. Kerr, R. Baird, M. Higgins, L. Hamilton, J. Lamb, G, Greig, I'. Biggs, R. Dennis, J. Fitzpatrick, French Class 1-G. Carter. Class 2-M. Mathers, M. Kelly, D. McLean, M. Coulter, Class 3-E. Arbuckle, W. Tiffin, M. Coulter. Credit -(B. Mundy, I. Mellor), (M. Cruikshank, Z. Cook), Z. Cameron, L. Hamilton, E. Weir, C. Reid. Fail -S. Jeffray, (J. Wettlaufer, R. Baird), L. Kerr, R. Dennis, J. Kerr, A, McDowell, M. Turvey, (H. Orvis, P. Biggs), L, Ellacott, J. Fitzpatrick, K. Hastings, G. Greig, J. Lamb, (E. Thornton, W. Breen), D. Rich. FORM III Geometry Class 1-B. Hamilton. Class 2-A. Underwood. • Class 3-E. Elliott, (D. Reid, V. Johnson). Credit -(M. Ross, E. Field, G. Greig, R. Barnard), I. Habkirk, (R. Mitchell, M. Powell), W. Pickell, R. Howson, O. Shiell, Fail -I. McKinnon, E. , Coutts, F. Coulter, M. Fry, J. Moir, W. Craig, D. Buchanan, K. Rintoul, C. Well - wood, G. Moir, W. Blake, F. Currie, C. Nortrop, J. Preston, B. Mundy, J. Reid, B. Blackwood. Physics Class 1-1). Reid, I. McKinnon, 13. Hamilton, W. Pickell, A. Underwood, I. Habkirk, G. Greig, V. Johnston, 13. Mundy. Class 2-R. Barnard, F. Higgins, E. Field, G. Moir, R. Howson, F. Coulter, E. Elliott, H. Miller, R. Mitchell , Class 3-M. Wright, 13. Brown, J. Moir, D. Buchanan, J. Preston. Credit -M. Powell, M. Fry, 1M. Ross, O. Shiell. Fail -K. Rintoul, B. Blackwoo,l_ G. Carter, J. Reed, J. Jenkins, C. Nor - trop. English Composition Class 1-D. Reid. Class 2-13. Hamilton, I. McKinn'.,tn, E. Field. I. Habkirk, R. Howson, R. Mitchell, 13. Brown, H. Miller. Class 3-13. Mundy, F. Coulter, M. Fry, NI. Cruikshank, 3f. Ross. Credit -V. Johnston, \\ . Pickell, C. Wellwood, G. Greig, K. Rintoul, R. Barnard, J. Reed, G. Moir, 0. ShieiT, J. Jenkins, J. Moir. Fail -J. Preston, R. Baird, W. Blake, G. Carter, E. Dickson. English Literature Class 1-H. Miller, E. Field. Class 2-V. Johnston, D. Reid. ';. Brown, I- Habkirk. Class 3-13, Hamilton." Credit -D. Buchanan, F. Cau.te , M. Ross, 11. Fry, R. Howeon, Mitchell, I. McKinnon, J. Moir, R. Barnard, J. Jenkins, M.M. Craiker;sn;-. G. Muir, E. Mundy. L. Proctor. Fail -G. Carter, G. Greig, K. Pee- toul. W. Pickett, E1', Sitiielf, C'tar n wood, R. Baird, F E. Dickson, W. I.ta1.e, J Peed.. Canadian History Class I-D.Re:id. E. Kinn,.r-, lie Hab'ietri1'.. R. fele ..... Harrill E. 13.nc. Class ;7-F. t.e R. Barnard. tc.. SIu ^x., :;4, tout, Credit -3f. Ross M. 1'4'z'ik;ltt �' V. Johnston, (C', Nortrop, 3f, ;{sti'l'e t , Moir). Fail -j. Moir, M. Fry, J. Preston,. W. Blake, 13. Brown, AV, Pickell, C. Wellwood, T. Reid, J. Jenkins. FORM IV French Composition Class 1-3. Campbell, Class 2-(D. Fortune, I', Higgins). Class 3-(M, Field, A. McMichael). Credit -F. Currie, C. Hetherington, G. Robertson. Fail -(A. Underwood, L. Proctor), E. Coutts, W. Finlay. French .Authors Class 1-3. Campbell, A. McMich- ael. Class 2-3. Fortune. Class 3-D. Fortune, (M. Field, C. Hetherington), Credit -E. Coutts, F. Higgins. Fail -F. Currie, G. Robertson, W. Finlay, L. Proctor. Algebra Class 1-M. Field, J. Campbell, A. McMichael, D. Fortune, F. Higgins, H.Skelding. Class 2-C. Hetherington, G. Rob- ertson, A. Underwood. Credit -J. Preston. Fail -W. Pickell, J. Reid, E. Dick- son, 13. Brown. Trigonometry Class 1-3. Lane, C. McKay, . 3. Campbell. Class 2-G. Brown, M. Robertson, D. Fortune. Class 3-K. Murray, F. Higgins, C. Hetherington. Credit -M. Yuill, W. Craig, P. Jon- es, W. Finlay, A. McMichael Fail -E. Butt, J. Ruttan, J. Mc- Lean, A. Underwood, G. Robertson, E. Coutts. Chemistry Class 1-11. Field, J. Campbell, F. Higgins, D. Fortune. Class 2-C. Hetherington. Class 3-A. McMichael, G. Robert- son, L. Proctor. Latin Authors Class I -J. Campbell, A. McMich- ael, CIa•• II -D. Fortune. J. Fortune, (F Hieeins and E. Pkttt) Claes III -M. Field, y C. Nnrtr+:gyp. Pass -B. Scott. A. L nelerw:'ode E. Coutts,W. Craig. Failed -\V. Finlay, G. R be ts:.: i. B. Blackwood. Ancient History Class I -J. Campbell, 11, Field. A. McMichael. Class H -D. F +rtu' M. r'C be t - earl, C Het:ieringt... „ I. Tweet.. E. Elliott. Class Hi F. H it Pacts -E. Ceu't_. A. � nderw , e.i Faife:d-D'. isuchanan, 1,\+'. Finh,. , 13 J,: ett, :, F-ol,erte n.. - FOR FORM V' Prencle Authors Claes 1-J, Teuehanan, 4T, Kina, J. !.ane. A: Cleir_t.. *c.: C. McKay, If. 11':- c; e 1, (J. ? I . u:'l, J. Fetlock/. Wheeler. 1'). rh.an 1F. Yen rte. J•,r s, 3 . , keldin Claee Ett-T l t '*ori. 1'.. He:nrl, .,,n,. Z•?ir,.l:l=ski, i,irea Thursday, Dec, nth, 1'9,3'4 AVM V-0,10:0400--MVIVP.TAPAM A New Year Dawns May this, the New Year, be a brighter day dawning for all of our friends and pat= sons. We want to thank all for their hearty 'cooperation during the year just coming to' a close. We Wish them all happiness and health for the New Year. We want to assure all that we shall earnestly strive to serve them better during 1935. SCRIM H. h. ISARD & CO. Botany Class 2-M. Mitchell, G. Wheeler, J. McGill, G. King, D. Deans, C. Mc- Lean, A. Chittick, H. Skelding, A. McLean. Class 3-R. MacKay, L. Waller, G. Brown, P. Jones. Credit -J. McLean, M. Robertson. Zoology Class 1-G. King. Class 2-A. McLean, J. McGill, A. Chittick', L. Waller, G'. Wheeler. Class 3-R. MacKay, J. Pollock. Credit -H. Skelding, 1M. Mitchell, G. Brown, C. McLean. Fail -D. Deans, M. Robertson, J. McLean. Chemistry Class 1-3. Fortune, G. Wheeler. Class 2-G. King. Credit -J. McGill, H. Skeldin.g. Fail -B. Scott, R. MacKay, J. Pol- lock, J. McLeod. Physics Class 1-L. Henderson, L. Waller. Class 2-1M. Yuill, C. McKay, G. King, J. Fortune, G. Wheeler. Claes 3-R. MacKay. Credit -J. McLeod, G .Brown, K. Murray. Modern History Class 1-3. Pollock. Class 2-11. Mitchell, (J. Buchanan, G. Wheeler). (A. Chittick, J. Lane), (J Fortune, G. King, J. McGill). Class 3-C. McKay, (L. Henderson, H. Skelding), L. Waller, Pass ---D. Deans, Failed IL Robertson, I. Kelly, J. Ruttan, C. McLean, P. Jones. Latin Authors ,; Claes I-3. Lane, J. Buchanan. Class' 2-G. Wheeler, C. McKay. Class 3,-(L. Henderson, J. McGill), A. Chittick. I'aee-J. Pollock, G. King, M. Mitchell, A. McLean, Fail -P. 'McKay, J. Ruttan, J. Mc- '' Lean,. P. Janes. Latin Composition Classr.ane, J. Buchanan. Clava 3-A. Chittick, G. Wheeler. Fame; -,G. King, C. McKay, A. Mc- Lean, J. Pollock. r mil -f.. F•f€;n re.rsr,n, 5. McGill, M. t'S '4'11°1'Mitchell, ,l'_ Rattan, R. _McKay, J. Me- r.nan„ ai' 1a ,ilr=, r Greek Authors ls .I•..j'.. Bt./rhea/an, 1, :°41: oil p xr�s Oreek Composition }: �.s,:itp>#tr=t t;lst;•t ., .Btu'hanan J. .i'. J Lane. ChL1., : ,_IC. 1ltn. alt,. 13.- ;t ,=s•;, . i r"', ;:• t .r..�4;1=;4si.?;.. Fee: .:17 4:.. t 1t,a' ,a.rt ;'1;. .mesio• f i .. ai: ter, G11•. Small i, :A. Me:Lr„ els. le 110th, 1922 between one Arthur J. Ir- win and the urantors herein. being{ Clan; 1 -'iv-, Whetter, I'. G''alker.l regisercd as Number 7685 for the' If. J. Preston. "own of Wingham also subject to. k•. ' • ,, , \ '"11. ra • S s 1 C M \ ra C Catk . \4'Eweer. R. MacLean, M. t.It\11s t '� KING'S' XMAS All MESSAGE certain reservations and provisions,. `r'" 1 R more parthetilnrly set out and describe ed it/ such last mentioned conveeaance. et"/et.. K. Wheeler., E• /11:1'11.-7.,:t The sale will be held 01m. MONDAY Wheeler.. 1 the seventh day of January, 1935, at (-Erse 3-1E Lane ..1, w;J.aal. 11 1 the hour of 1,30 o'clock in the after- Z~BL'''''''''';' nnooit at the ,County Sheriff's Officee.� s r in the Court Rouse. in the Town of , Credit -D. 'Ga rare: 'H. • Me arum,. Goderich. J. Hare, H. Loeb,,., P:, Rae. II. S'r,ita C. G. MIDDLETON, tin. Sheriff of Huron County. I in', Office,. Goderich. ember 25th, 1934, ^kla En,gtislz Li:teem:tar ' t"las. 1-3':i:. ' Y'- - r-, l;-?'. CARD OF `HAMS 2-1,1 C -sic 3-N i, `I 'I'll's. Bush and family wish to thm k 3.Currat a, 1. all the friends. and neighbors for the \\ 1 e se ki:.ndnees.shown in the long illness. and " s, bereavement 1 t,..eadit-- 1t1. I -r' s...i ;u, ). •.;,".'x t T.d., ::. sad, McLean, 11Lena w' 1 s CARD OF THA1'fllS` f iv- r :- - 1G..,uri ..� ..'.ata.. .;, ..{......, " Ir;at4.. Fafa'-E hath rr'i g f . •„� :lry.l� r1�1 P"a..., z, n.L haleen, l;')rrssalTrbcT.li,� wishes i:o : yy•��,, . na:I : tlnttt*rc1k her ^ fristncic, who heltped her ar p t trt first prize in•. McKibboru's contest. Callum- . CAS OF THA i'l Sg CI(Der pnsiti f aeet Class 1-1r. 'Wheeler, , V. Walker. $ 14fr,. jean Prentice, is Y1[ 3.'Preston, 1`f. . Tt'ostixf: t wishes to tl'nanl•, i :the tatty friends who assisted fiat in ' Class � E•-•wiE, WilIiam:s,, E. Mundy,. witmitut sixth prize at the Rexafl'' U. ate. Drug Store, ,.wy _ _ _ Class 3--M. Hopper, r, M. lleMich'- CARO ;OP'J' NANXS . ;lel, N. Wheeler, D. Waram, 3. Lane. and Ivi'rs;txta .` x'i. Tervitt wish vt'y their tltannT s to 'their grimed frwettel ttrr the many 'voles given :to ¢reticle iiw Itis winning third plata in lltc t 'lwt Mee'4voy's )tats Store. Credit...••R, 'Wheeler, M. Higgins, , .1. i".urriFr , Hare, E. Mathers. R. R , McLe»tt, A, Sproal, k'T., 'McCathunt, R. Murray. fitikAnr. Solid,McDwlla X :lift!• 1. .. 11-.,1.1 Alf$:' *'«tttii`< :�' fi till; .j' ".Icy,+- r •.,e, :t d; 1? ..ifs+.: '1 .31:.. ..x. er".'.a.. :. .y+an4l'"' '..tlrttt ..Yt.'... .i: .i.-:111 t .sit•„ eientizot $>Y. .r'1345 14,1214. ti .i .+i .. it. 8 .'k Mary � ts.@11rxG wi' :'t. anal„ >'rat, ei.. 111. 2'tr'cr'ta;n. C Boat 1-- i"ii s s l t a s..:kfat t: t •a#,!' i• ati+t1:. aataz`.1" iupetsitk,da. 1.:+tat t i' t+t .4`.il .tr l'` .s of sw estttlF,lan r I, 11 1, ,! tr. "`I.ri}ri, J; 't,'Itlaiitere, ft. +f rico Cla.t 2r• -1E Cou laa i f. 1''i gintt. ;I qr •1 ''i E .,i• �!.� !>t!, t' .. Hastings, E. Went, �. A. 'bull w f,'� t'9v' �. . ast s e T C, J a ,. I lvd'.! r .ire , , .1 at : 1:�.- ti�iatt rai•t' I`., lilac + e ' _ � .k4�n s I. Class. 3-L Tfamiltrrn,, 1F.. Youtag,'(! Frooth A. McDowell; L. Ellacott, . N". la1a'teii-• Class 1° '-1;: Hamiitoni L NfeT ru= fond.. ort,. Credit -J. Kerr, T. Kelly, J',. Tan* C., Chittick,, M. Turvey; `G'.. fliyTry'gs.. ' l� Wettihtfer; 1?. II+Cellisr, t lentti.s',: 7. Coultas, G.. Carr„ J. Fitz - 14. E. Thornton, , W. Satan;, It.', Class fi-'.(I. ]thwcll, 1; 1%'a.rttat'd); R. Field; R. Elliott, (Putti Mitchell;: 0. Sitielt),. Cass 3.�»l'), l ultutw;tni, ], T44wttoti,• ('loo Coulter, I. ]f}"tt3kir+li),1 . ]tirtw .l,tir41, r,.',1.11 , ' '1.4414,44 i,aasl: ,'utlajif luta eltel i*ir�rC.r'. ,-'rii1N; 1. Y'italtlr,aen. eiroertlil j: 1#sorts ztt'itt. mist•.. di'i. Mine„'. c. `:e+rhe !3', ,edict, \+It''1',etn(. ;1'r' n:7'11I11); tti lir,, '!s. lltrtf, 1.'. ibl irr.z r,1rt. hf'itw Bell .t.' tic 1,eatt, J! 3Y'attettn. Gentitetr'y Class. 1 •.J 'GrYtC;i11, ( \,'Vlieelttr', C:litss 2-.-1 . 3.feKay, r',. 1•1.1ttdtr+;i,yr Class 9y --I. Wailk+r . C , Iain Crea i lit ... J. Ptrtiatlati: It`ail- Cji TV:eo Vti, 3', 'orto:at,, A. ft - Leon,. Y. teattati,: J. M'r!,eort : li ... kel`r . sig; 1n'. roues,' Thr' i=tep;'*' Broadcast on Christ - ',114.; reef ("a,'ea through clear and i ,t4;r ;mei the (rrllneeir4V wofrts tlre :f 11 .:1:;:41;:t5: 'v i,1A'i'a4 gr 1'P=','t rk the King: '1i5i (a4ri.ti4'I4s finny 1 eestd all ;WI`?1T' i!i:t§;:yArhior1t, rriy (:'li1'itttina!+ Tee: e: du ', ' 'i'r la 1,' lull e ved irn'inr,r• _'. , ,_ tie: i't'l;s,,* d of a fetnily, 1 11,1+1 'ih:+fry :moor 114 1' yr,t1 't.YJlud are i'1- i8.' 11+,'t?r il'1 se4atever pa rt 4 .lie, ;v.,,'1d Veen 4.'I'ifV 1,.ti, x510(1 811 the ;4'°•1,11= e,f k'11i.r ,'^ yl',t'n 51tt'1 1,,ntpirre, a1'e fi+,+ttt+l' s•, ,'ii Itrrl 1'4 eche, another by r#'11. l;tE'A'p fiauli:ly, 1' d dosi,'i'1 a'tul hope is that the same tllf'ii: ,itt•Iv 1'ilice:lite ever stronger in 11,f hold and widelr in its range. 'k'lie ,vt',T'l't is still restless and ta',,,utllCd. 'f14a elotuls are .lifting, but ttr lnta•tse still'' our owls anxieties: to 9a ee:t. 1' arr. convinced that if we meet tliftrti in the spirit of one ' family we �ahr4kl e,vrereftrte,thein, for then private aneVr party interests will be controlled shy are for the whole cornznimity. "1 send special preetings to, the pean- yill-,a ref my Dominions overseas hrrlugh their peoples the famil liar Y becr,me a fellowship of free nations snd they bavc carried into their own mese tttcnlaries and traditions of the Mr,,t1nur Country, If my voice reach. tt t luny rdf the 'Peoples of India let it f'rink; ar55uranc'e of my constant card for Mem and ureic' that they`ti9rr iiia y 0,Yy�,r iitirytrr frilly realize and value their rr own place in the unity of the one fam- ily. May I add very simply and sincere- ly that if I may be regarded as, in. true some a e sens e, head of this great and widespread family, sharing its life' and sustained by its affection, this will be full reward for the long and sometimes anxious labors of my reign; of well-nigh twenty-five years. As 1 sit in my own home, I am thinking' of the great multitudes listening to my voice, whether in British homes or in far-off regions of the world. In conclusion, His Majesty wished' all his listeners a happy Christmas.. and commended them to God. MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER'S REPORT. To the Town Council, Corporation of Wingham. Gentlemen: I have the honor to present my an nual report with regard to the genera! health conditions of the municipality. This year the freedom from con- tagious and infectious diseases has,. been quite exceptional there having been but a number of cases of whoop- ing cough, a small number of cases of tubercular glands and one of para-. typhoid fever. The slaughter houses and dairies. were inspected at different times by the Sanitary Inspector and myself„ and generally speaking, found in a sanitary condition. On the suggest- ions of some of the citizens the Board of Health had the Sanitary En-. gineer from the Provincial Board of` Health up to inspect the dairies in general and the pasteurizing plants ire particular. His report may be seer at the Clerk's Office. Some nuisances have been reported' and investigated by the Sanitary In-. spector. The schools have been in- spected at different times. I address- ed all the public school children in•' regard to the advisability of being - immunized against diphtheria by the use of toxoid. Your obedient servant, (Signed) R. L. Stewart, M.O. PRAYER "They never sought in vain whe• sought the Lord aright." -Burns. * * * "Ye ask and receive not because ye - ask amiss." -Bible, "The * * Thabitual struggle to be always• good is unceasing prayer." -Mary Baker Eddy. * * * * "Ever desire to approach our Pp Y Creator and you will never cease to., pray'." -Ti enelon, * *` * !� "Words without thoughts, never tar heaven go." -Shakespeare. * *.. *. "It's Its excellence does not consist in the multitude of our words; for our Father kno veth ghat things we hav a >,t g a; need of ,before we ask 'hien "-Feleont;. A LAZY LIVER, CAN EASILY RESULT FROM A HEAVY WINTER DIET Don't suffer frotin constant headache, billiousness, constipa- tion, coated tongue, etc. Parke's LIVER TONE is a vegetable correct- ive and will give quick relief. It also aids the stomach in its work of digestion. Sold for over 40 years. $1•00 1 bo �b ns . Drug Store tte 53. Wingham, Ott