HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-27, Page 3Thursday, Dec. 27th, 1934 WINCI^IAM ADVANCE -TIMES -Iap�Y.and...a. rc�s�erous New Year .H., Chords of happiness and hopes for greater achievement ring out in welcome to the new year dawning... . It is our sincere wish that it usher in a. new happiness for you and yours . and begins a long series of prosperous years. ., -a YDRO S,,•'.G WINGHAM UTILITIES COMMISSION Phone 156 ee Crawford Block. World Wide News in Brief Fore Hon. H. H. Stevens' Daughter Dies Montreal—Miss Sylvia Stevens, ag- ed 22, daughter of the Hon. H. H. Stevens, former Minister of Trade and Commerce, died at Montreal 'Gen- eral Hospital, where she had been a patient for almost ten weeks, and where she underwent a very serious dual operation on Oct. 15. She had been ill for three years, and, after consultations with .leading physicians, it was decided to operate as a last possiblity of saving her life. Britain to Probe Sale of Arms London—Prime Minister • Ramsay MacDonald announced briefly that a Royal Commission would be appoint- ed ppointed to investigate activities of British armament -making firms. .He made the announcement before the House of Commons recessed for Christmas, but said he was unable at the moment to elaborate on it. Grief Stricken Lad Shoots Himself Sudbury—Bitter remorse led 15 - year -old Sula Banta to shoot himself through the head after he had acci- dentally killed his sister near `Creigh- ton Mine. West Approves Poultry Marketing An order -in -Council was passed ap- proving the scheme of the 'Thr•.ee. Prairie Provinces to control the mar- keting of poultry under the Natural Products Marketing Act. During the last two years, the Canadian Poultry Pool has been able to market iii Eng- land one and a half million pounds of poultry annually, mostly turkeys, and it is stated that fanners throughout Canada have 'benefited financially by reason of that amount being removed from the domestic market. Woman Lawyer Among New KC.'a A patent of King's Counsel was •ex tended to an Ontario woman, first of her sex—as far as could be learned— to receive the British Empire's legal honor of "the silks." The name of Miss Helen Kinnear, :Osgoode Hall graduate and Port Colborne barrister, featured a list of eighty-two new "K. C.'s" announced by Attorney -General Hon. Arthur Roebuck, Martin Instill Acquitted Chicago -Martin Instill was acquit- ted on embezzlement charges. The jury filed into the crowded court chamber after 6 hours. and 45 minutes of formal deliberation,' Amid a tease ., 3 y5. A ( $$ L kcal ,tl Thousands of moil and women. have discovered that C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets bring back lost strength and vitality when nothing else will. 13y supplying an abund- ance of 'rich, red blood, they build up the system, steady the nerves, banish the blues, bring bath -strength and vitality., If you are Rundown, suffering with Anaemia, Stomach Trouble Indigestion, Coated 'Tongue, headaches Poor Appetite, Nerves, Can't Sleep, Thinness, Pimples, Weakness, Melancholy-- yort surely need C. C. & : B. Tonle Tablets. light away, All stores. t7et G. & B. Thane `t'atrlets or McKbbon'x Drug Store silence they announced that they found the rdefendant not guilty of. stealing $344,720 from the Middle West Utilities Company he headed to carry on his private stock -market op- erations. He will appear on another charge on Jan. 15th. Reports Political Unrest in Geramny Paris—Intense troop and police ac- tivity around the Nazi Ministry of National Defense, and wholesale ar- rests in all quarters of the German Capital, were reported by the Berlin correspondent ' of Le Journal. In a 'despatch the correspondent said dip- lomatic circles, as well as political quarters, were the source of his in- formation regarding the sudden ac- tivity. substantially widened, Lloyd George to Announce Policy London—Former Premier- David Lloyd George will shortly announce a new deal program calculated to lift hire above politics and invest him with the balance of power after the next. elections. To be pttblislted in full in early January, the independent Liberal Leader's five point project will urge improvements in sluni elim- ination, relief works,. swamp reclama- tion and reforestation, and will repeat the demand for State control of the Bank of England. "Four X Spike" Threatens London. Lawyer London, Ont. Crown Attorney Norman F. Newton admitted that he has received a threatening letter from "Four X Spike" mailed; from Toron- to, and that in the missive was en- closed a hacksaw, with the request that it be passed along to Vincent T. Foley, local barrister, now serving a, four-year term in Kingston Peniten- tiary for theft of funds from clients. Snatch' $1000 in Bank Hold-up . Two .armed robbers walked into the Canadian Bank of Commerce branch. at 324 Broadview Avenue, Toronto., shortly after the bank opened Friday morning, and herding the manager and three of the office staff into the vault scooped about $1,000 in bills and change into a canvas bag and fled. Raid Nazis in Vienna Vienna— Raids by police in Upper Austria were reported to have reveal- ed plans to reorganize. the Nazi party banned after the July "putsch" in which Chancellor Dollfuss was slain, on a completely military basis. A number of arrests were made and sev- eral cachesof arms and hand gren- ades were confiscated, Anti-Soviet Men. Arrested Moscow—Leonid Nicolaieff, the .ac- cused assassin of Sergei Kiroff, and thirteen other alleged members of an :anti-Soviet group, were handed over to the military collegium of the Sup- reme Court, marking the end of the police investigation of the assassina- tion of the Soviet official on Dec, 1 and paving the way for an early trial. Edward. Johnson Honored at Guelph Guelph—Dr, Edward Johnson, the world. famous tenor, was signally hon- ored when a handsome portrait of himself was unveiled before a large audience in the collegiate institute auditorium. The occasion was the re- cognition of Dr. Johnson's presenta- tion to the schools of Guelph, of $25,•• 000 for musical instruction. Would Wipe Out Internal Debt Montreal—A plan for rehabilitation of Canada's finances for calling in a huge amount of internal debt, to be. replaced by : paper money, was ex- plained by Mayor Canirllien tToude before the Montreal City Council. The plan was outlined during discus- sion of Montreal's financial position and proposed new taxes for this city. Expect Better Trade With Australia Ottawa—Canada's trade with Aus- tralia should be further improved by the changes in the tariff made in the Budget recently brought down in the'. Australian Parliament: A study of the revisions by tariff experts of the De- iartrnent of Trade and Commerce shows' that on many iterns the pr"ef- erenee to British countries has been May Market Feed Grain in U.S. Ottawa -Plans to enable Canada to find a market for some 50,000,000 bus- hels of feed grain by sending it to the drought -stricken districts of the United States moved forward today when a meeting was held in the office of Minister of Railways, R. J. Man- ion. Lower freight rates will be ne- cessary to take advantage of this mar- ket, and the discussion was between members of the Governmentand of- ficials of the railway companies with this end in view. Naval Race on Again London—The expected Japanese denunciation of the Washington Nav- al Limitation Treaty leaves the world. powers without international barriers to a building race after Dec. 31, 1936. It was the continuance of just such a race which led to the treaty nego- tiations in 1922, a year after the five principal naval powers spent a total of $1,605,814,000 on marine arma- ment. New Si perintendent Walkerton—Miss O. Langstaff has been appointed Superintendent of the Bruce County Hospital, to succeed Miss Edna Campbell, who resigned the post after fourteen years' service, to take a similar position at Alliston General Hospital. Langstaff has been Assistant Superintendent since 1919, Another Arrest in Cargill Bank Case—Throe Sentenced Walkerton—Police made a fourth arrest in connection with the $2,000 Royal Bank robbery at Cargill, Aug. 14, when they took John Diebold, 45 - year -old bachelor farmer, into cus- tody. Diebold, who resides west of Walkerton, is charged with receiving a portion of the money obtained in the armed holdup, perpetrated by five men. John Swick of Buffalo was sentenced to six years; Frank Adam- zyck of Buffalo to four years, and Anthony 'Diebold, native of Greenock Township, where Cargill is located, received six years. They will serve their terms in Kingston penitentiary. Fire at Blyth Woollen Mills Blyth—Fire swept, the interior of the Blyth Woollen Mills here and destroyed a Iarge stock of goods. The flames originated in a dry -kiln, and spread rapidly, despite vigorous ef- forts of the local fire department. The village willfeel the loss of the mill, as plans had been aid to increase production and envoy additional help. Ten men worked at the plant, which is owned by F. T. Bainton. To Investigate "Mystery Race" at Vancouver Vancouver — Further investigation of the origin and complete disappear- ance of a "mystery" race of men, who inhabited Canada's West coast 2,000. years before the white settlement of what is now British Columbia, de- pended upon the acquisition of funds for excavation of middens buried in practically unexplored inlets. Careful study of skeletons excavated from the Great Fraser Midden at Marpole, a suburb of Vancouver, on the Fras- er River, has convinced anthropolo- gists such a race existed. Bank Bandits Sentenced Toronto—Albert Dorland of Toron- to, John Valkoff of Montreal and Ray Alderman of Detroit, were sentenced to 12 years in Kingston penitentiary for participation last summer in the $23,034 armed robbery of the Union Stockyards Branch of the Bank of Montreal, Toronto. In addition Dor- land was sentenced to five years for theft of an autmobile used in the hold-up and Valkoff to three years for receiving and retaining the car. The sentences will be concurrent with the major terms. NEWS of the DISTRICT Drives Car Into Train Harriston—J. H. Jones, Ripley, nar- rowly escaped ,death here when a car in which he was driving crashed into a standing Canadian National Rail- way freight train, The front of the car was badly demolished but lttekily Mr. Jones was travelling at a low rate of speed owing to the blinding snow- stortns and escaped serious injury. Child's Leg Fractured When Hit by Car Little Marjory Bateman, age four years, •her brother,. Robert, children of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bateman, of Ethel, were playing on Tuesday last week in the:,, centre of the road when a car driven by Mr. Wiegil, .a traveler from Kitchener, carte' down the hill en route to Kitchener. On seeing the children he applied the brakes but the car skidded. Both children ran brit the car sideswiped the girl fracturing her leg between .the knee and the hip. No blame is attached to the driver as he did not see the children in time. Celebrated 90th Birthday Goderich-•-Mrs. Martha Ann Fergu- son, South street, quietly celebrated her 90th birthday with her, sister-in- law, Mrs, Robert Young, aged $8. Mrs: Ferguson is a remarkably active woman and in spite of the icy, treach- erous streets, walked a half i rile to,' the business section to do her Xtatas shopping. New Teacher for Teeswater The School Board have chosen Miss Grace Fuller of St. Marys, and Miss Honey, as the teachers , to fill the vacancies on the Continuation Staff, and Mr. Melvin McLennan, •of Teeswater, as principal of the Public School, to take the place of Miss Alexander.—Teeswater News. Christmas Geese Stolen at Ospringe Eleven Christmas geese, fattened for the Yuletide table, were stolen from Mrs. Cooke, of Ospringe. The birds, fine fat specimens, were taken just as they were from a chicken house on Mrs. Cooke's premises. Provincial Constable A. L. Mennie is investigating the theft.—Palmerston Observer. Miss McPherson, New Registrar Miss Lillian McPherson has been appointed registrar of deeds for Hur- on county, replacing A. H. Neeb, who has held the position since June, 1932. Miss 'McPherson has been deputy re- gistrar under Mr. Neeb and also was for years deputy under the late Alex- ander Coates, and it not only exper- ienced but thoroughly capable. The announcement of the appointment by Hon. A. W. Roebuck, Attorney -Gen- eral of Ontario, states that Miss Mc- Pherson received a salary of $1,500 a year as deputy, and that her salary as registrar will be $2,000. There will be no addition to the office staff. It is estimated that the change means a saving of $2,800 a year to Huron.— Goderich Signal. Bossie Does Her Best Colin McLeish of R. R. 2, Turn- ers, has a cow that is more than do- ing her bit to end the depression. Last week she brought forth her 4th pair of twin calves, in succession. Both calves are larger than an ordin- ary calf. Cow and calves are doing 0 0 0 0 III 111'l, II III IIl1A1 () If ,Ilill lllllil 9 rott Nth 14 I:p Classified .` ant A in nce®u es Will Sell It F r You! Don't think that Buyers are as hard to find as the proverb- ial ".needle in the hay stack". Not if you ADVERTISE! People, these days, are "Bargain Hunters", and, nearly 2000 Families in this district are constant readers of this paper, and make it a prac- tice to watch the Classified Want Ad. Column for the "Buying Op- portunities" listed C~ere. RATES 11,./2 CENTS PER WORD WITH A MINIMUM OF 25c. Telew lie 3 well—Port Elgin Times. Caught Jack With Bare Hands One day- recently as Mr. Jim Blanc was driving some cattle along a lane on a farm on the 14th concession of Minto, he saw a large jack rabbit in a fence corner and, sneaking up on it, grabbed it by the head and ears. It had. been dozing but was quickly Wide awake and did some real kicking; out- ing and squirming to get away. Jim held on. and succeeded in getting it home alive. This is probably the first time on record that a man has been able to catch a jack of this size in his bare hands.—Harriston Review. Lucky' Wellington In the matter of debenture debt, Wellington is certainly lucky as the county is free absolutely of debenture obligations. In Peel County the de - eminent as Division Court Clerk for Walkerton and district, as successor to the veteran J. A. McGill, who well on in his 80's is being retired on ac- count of advancing age. Mr. John McCool, who was first slated for the appointment and declined, has been doing the work for Mr. McGill until terrific head-on crash.—Lucknow Sen- a permanent successor be appointed. tinel. —Walkerton Herald -Times. Escape Serious Crash by Takin to Ditch Mr. J. R. McNab and "Wat" Ham- ilton are both going about their work this week, "strapped up" as a result of injuries they received when they were forced to take to a ditch as their only chance of avoiding a head-on collision with an approaching motor- ist.. The accident occurred east of Riversdale the end of the week, when a tire traveller carne over the top of a grade at a fast rate, it is said, tried to miss a buggy which he found in his path and in so doing clipped the rear of the McNab car which had benture debt now totals $531,519.96. Interest payments on such a debt of over half a million dollars must be no small burden.—Artlfur Enterprise - News. Appointed' Division Court Clerk Mr. Frank Rennie, ex41.P.P., has been appointed by the Hepburn Gov - been turned into the ditch to avert a Sleighing Accident Kincardine—Bill McCreath, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreath is in Kincardine General Hospital with a fractured leg sustained when his sleigh overturned and threw him to the icy roadway. It is the first ac- cident of its kind in several years. Bank Appeals Decision The Royal Bank of Canada has ap- pealed the judgment handed down on Friday at Osgoode Hall by Mr. Jaus- tice J. C. Makins, who, in dismissing the suit instituted by the bank against six Kincardine Township farmers, rul- ed they did not have to pay $6,000 which the bank claimed they had guaranteed on behalf of the now de- funct United Farmers' Shipping As- sociation of Kincardine. Stay of ex- eoution for fifteen days was granted in the judgment. This case was tried at the Bruce Fall Assizes.—Ifildnay Gazette. HIGHLIGHTS FROM FASHION CENTRES OF PARIS ti Above are a selection of the latest t in Paris styles. (1) Dress in simple flowing lines of pale rose crepe. The 1coat is of Lyons velvet in beige.(2) It looks especially. : well on the you ng The charming blackhorse-hair fisc1, r miss. (3) Here is an attractive dark sets off this ale green tvetting dress: brrc- red etitted: wool suit.Thecol- lar is of white pique.