The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-20, Page 15er News
�•—•�-�,•.,_... 1111.:...
Twelve members of the Gorrie Wo-
men's Instittue met on Thursday ev-
ening and filled 4711 bagswith can
• dies, nuts and pop -corn balls for the
. Sports- Committee, this being their
share in' making Santa Claus Day a
`success. Mr. Geo. McKee, chairman
• of the committee, also assisted.
The Christmas dance which was to
be held on Christmas Eve, will be
-held on Christmas night as usual, Mc
Dernh,it's Orchestra of Mt..Forest will
again be on hand,
Mr. R. G. Newton and Mr. E. Doig
were Kitchener visitors on Saturday.
Parents and friend of Gorrie Pubs
lie School are invited to the Christ -
Inas meeting of the Junior Red Cross
which they are holding in the school-
rooms on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m.
Santa Visits Gorrie
Santa Claus accompanied by Mrs.
Santa Claus, made a flying visit to
gown on Saturday afternoon when
they were greeted by a much larger
•crowd than on former occasions. Af-
ter the children marched from the
Township Hall to the village square,
'where a large decorated Christmas
Tree was centred,they filed around
the decorated sleigh, to which were
hitched two fine white horses, and in
-which were the Interesting visitors,
they sang Christmas carols. Rev. R.
S. ;'Jones and Rev. G. W. Butt each
,gave a short address as did Mrs.
Santa Claus, after which the goner-
•ous bags were handed to each child
as they marched by. Members of the
Institute and members of the Coun-
cil were also given a bag by these
perry visitors, after which they hes--
vied away.
Mrs. McMillan and daughter, Mina,
sof' Listowel, were week -end guests of
-the former's parents, Mr. and 1VIrs.
2. Magrath:
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid held
a very successful meeting on Wed-
lnesday afternoon at the home of Miss
Janet Murray. •
Mr. and' Mrs. M. T. Abram of Lis=
towel called on Gorried friends on
We are glad to report Mr. R. J.
Bueston who has been laid up with
a sprained knee is improving as well
as can be expected.
Mrs. F. Lynn, of Fordwich, spent
Monday with her sister, Mrs. R. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook and
Miss Jean Wright, of Clifford, were
guests of Mrs. James Bell on Sunday.
Mr. and • Mrs. James Wylie and
children, of Leaside, were guests'' of
the former's mother, Mrs. John Wy-
lie, for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Austin and son,
Glen, of Listowel, ,spent Saturday
with friends in Gorrie..
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Hastie and
daughter, Edith, •spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald, of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bai•ers, Miss
Velma Balers and Miss Reita -Gall-
away attended the Christmas enter-
tainment in Millbank on Friday night
'last and stayed until next day at the
dome of the former's son, Mr., and
Mrs. Leslie Balers.
Miss Isabel Earls of near Wroscet
cer, spent' Saturday with her sister,
Mrs. W.' C. King.
Mr. 'end Mrs. Jack King and dau-
ghter,;Miss Jean, of London, spent
the week -end at the home of the for-
aner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
King, and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fleet and
Miss, 'Myra Plant visited friends in
.Mildmay, on Monday, and attended
the funeral of the
farmer's aunt, Mrs.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ArthurStephens on Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Clare 'Farr 'and slaughter,
1111_.... ••••••••••••••••••••
Thursday, Dec. ,20th, 1934
A nice fall of snow would bring out
costumes like. the one pictured above
in (1). It is an imported navy bine
engadine model of a belted ski suit
with patch pockets. The white knitted
accessories have. a brightly :olored
Norwegian design. (2) Here', Max -
ine Doyle's new jumper of red jersey
with white lacing. It is not unlike
the canvas vests of the old -tune foot-
ball uniforms. (3) The "El Greco", a
new hat of red velvet with a long
black silk tassel, designed especially
in honor of the Duchess of Kent.
Ling held in the United Church on
Sunday next, and special music is be-
ing provided by the choir' under the
leadership of Mr. L. F. Ashton. The
pastor, Rev. G. W. Butt, will bring
a Christmas message, both morning
and 'evening.
An executive meeting of the Young
People's League was held at the home
of the President, Miss,, Marjorie Bak-
er, on Monday evening; and tentative
plans were made for the new year, af-
ter which the hostess served a dainty
Special Christmas Services Will be
held in all Anglican Church of the
parish on Sunday next. There will
also be a short service and celebration
of Holy Communion on Christmas
Day, the service in Gorrie being held
' at 9 o'clock in the morning,
Miss Alma Shier and Mr. Smillie
of Teeswater, were geusts of Mr. arid
Mrs. Irving Toner on Sunday.
I Mrs. Pratt of Teeswater spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mr. Carroll Gregg spent Monday
in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Gamble and two
children of Waldemar, were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. Gamble's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield anti
Ewart, also Mr. John Sperling, visit-
ed on Sunday with the latter's daugh-
ter, Mrs. W. Balfour and Mr, Balfour,
2nd of Grey.
Lois; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson
and daughter, Georgia, all of Toron-
also Mrs. Leppington, Miss An-
Leppington and Mr.. W. Fawcett
'of Harriston.
' spon-
Hot Supper S
The Bazaar and i p ]
sored by the ladies of the L.O.B.A.
held on Saturday afternoon in the Or-
ange Hall, was very much of a suc-
Special Christmas services are be -
Ultra Modern
Eye Service
F, I()MUT[
Phone ht�x>Qe .n. 11 �8 - Harristojnl
The annual meeting of the Wom-
an's Association of the United Church
in Gorrie, was held in the parsonage
on December 13th, Mrs. Sperling,
president, presiding. 'The tneeting op-
ened withhyring 299, Rev. .Butt lead
in prayer. Soritur•.e lesson, Matt. 2,
was °read responsively. Minutes were
adopted as read. Business and tele-
ports of various officers were taken.
Election of officers resulted as fol-
President—Mrs. Kafue,
Vice Pres.—Mrs, H. Sperling,
Rec. Sec'y—Mrs. Gregg.
Fin. Sec'y--Mrs. J . (lathers.
Treastu'er--Mrs. 5, Tclwvards.
Press Secy—Mrs, Whitfcict.
Pianist—Mrs.' R. Ashton.
Parsonage—Mrs. R. Ashton, Mrs.
Whitfield, Mrs. Gregg.
Flower; Coln.—Mrs., Sp g, Mrs.
Pyke, Mrs, H. Plastic.
Refreshment Coni. ---Mrs, 'Gregg,
Mrs, Edwards.
Quilt Coin. ---Mrs, Toner, Mrs.
Ashton, Mrs. E. Hyndman, Mrs. R.
Ashton, Mrs. Strong.
Attclitors—Mrs. Whitfield, Mrs. R.
Mrs. J. Cathers invited the ladies
to her home fur January meeting and
the invitation was accepted.
The meeting closed with prayer by
Rev. Butt, followed by a social half
hour in which refreshments were ser-
ved by Mrs. Thornton, Mrs. Edward:;
and the hostess.
Following is the election of officers
of the Gorrie 'Women's Missionary
Society for the coming year:
Ilorl. Pres.—Mrs. Johnston, Mrs.
Pres,—Airs. Ramage.
Vice Pres.—Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Car-
Rec. Sec'y—Mrs. R. Ashton.
Cor. Sec'y—Mrs, Alex. Edgar Sr.
Treas.—Mrs. Hamilton.
Christian Stewardship Sec'y—Mrs.
Strangers' 'Sec'y—Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Supply Sec'y.—Mres. Stephens.
Assoc. Helpers Sec',—Mrs. Galla-
her, Mrs. Gamble.
Spirt. Mission Band—Mrs. Butt.
Temperance Sec'y—Mrs. H. Ash-
Literature Sec'y—Mrs. Wylie,
Envelope See'y—Ms. J. Hyndman.
Missionary Monthly Sec'y—MI's. J.
Press Sec'y—Mrs. H. Spading.
Pianist—Mrs. Whitley.
Auditors Mrs. Gallaher, Mrs. Sim -
-Finance • Cont. — Mrs. Whitfield,
Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs, H. Spading,
Mrs. Douglas, Miss Edgar.
Born—In Simcoe, (Ontario, on Sun-
day, December 16th. 1034, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Pope, a son.
Presentation To Biride And Grom
On Wednesday evening of last
week, a large number of friends of
Mr .and Mrs. Philip Durst (nee Merle
•Campbell' of Harrison) gathered in
the Towyn Hall, to enjoy a social
time at dancing and cards, and show-
'er thewith bride and Broth nrarly
various gifts, among whichwas a
lovely breakfast or kitchen shite. io.
ivory and green, as well as many
otter beauiful and useful articles.
A very fitting address, read by Miss
Lily Walter, and signed en ,behalf of
the crowd by Mrs. 11. Walter and
Andy Gibson, expressed lie sentiment
and good wishes of all present. To
this the groom fittingly replied.
A dainty ketch was also served.
The United Church Sunday School
are holding their annual "A Home"
in the Sunday School room on Friday
evening, December 28th. A good pro-
gram is being prepared and everyone
is urged to attend.
A number of children from his vic-
inity were at Gorrie on Saurday to
see Santa Claus.
Mr. Ted Hucks spent Sunday at
his home in Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst are get-
ting settled his week in their home
on Howie.k street.
tviiss Leitia Robertson, who has
been the guest of her neice, Mrs.
Howard Wylie during the past few
clays, returned to Wingham on Sat-
County Constable Jahn and Mrs.
Ferguson, formerly of lilyl.h, now of ;
Goderich, were visitors last Wednes- 1
day with Mr. and Mrs. 1.7; C. .Pope.
Mrs. Ray Smith of Detroit, spent
a few days last week with her father,
A+Ir. George Town, who is ender the
Doctor's care. •
The many "friends of Miss Kathleen
Armstrong, daughter of Rev. D. A.
Armstrong a former pastor in the
United Church here, will regret to
hear that she recently underwent an.
operation for appendicitis.
Miss Aileen Schaal) visited with
Wingham friends on Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Seigler and 13i1 -
lie of Ethel spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, C J. Maclaren. ,
Mr. J. T.. MacEwen has purchased
tate Misses Hazlewood property 'on
Aerie.. Street.
Mr, Kenneth Edgar attended the
Frank of the. late I Baulk Tialfour of
Grey, on Saturday,
Mr. Joint •McT3ur•ney has been
spending several days recently with
This datt_ghtcr, Mrs. Bert Martin.
Miss Verde Newton of 1•danulton,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Newton.
The faun of the late Wnt. Erring.
" rn s i ti h ct
tots of "1 tt r berry has been pt, rel ?sec
by his son.
Mrs J. MacE rcher is leaving this
week for Parkhill where she intends
spending the winter with her sister.
Mr. Wm. Patterson left on Tucs-
day of last week for Owen Sound
where he has secured work on the
C. P. R. section.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring
entertained a number of the younger
set at a bridge supper in their home
'on Wednesday evening.
Mr. T. G. Hemphill has purchased
!the house on Howick St. recently
owned by Mr. Wm. P,00th, and oc-
cupied by Mr. Bob Cunningham. Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Gibson will now re-
side in the hoose.
Rev. E. A. Shaw, a former pastor
in the Methodist Church at VVroxeter,
Salem and Belmore died'recently at
. Mr. and Mrs. Howvard Wylie en-
tertained a number of friends at their
home on Weclnesclay evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Vin. Austin of List-
owel were visitors in town last Wed=
Messrs G. A, Gibson and Archie
Edgar are to be in charge of the
skating; rink for the coming winter.
We wish then- a successful season.
Mrs. A. Leech, who has been spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs:
MacLaren, left on Friday for Ethel
where she will visit with friends.
Mrs. Sandy McDougall left on
'lrhursday to wird' the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. Alex Sander•soti
in Owen Sound.
Mr. Billy Booth of Kitchener called
on friends in town on Friday.
Miss Eva Sangster returned horse
'otl Tuesday after spending.the past.
two weeks with Moles-
worth, tine wl ttl fricilds 'at Molr.
T. G. and Mrs. '1"Icrnphill spent
Sirnclay evening with friends in
Mr. and , MrsArchiecit.c
ti M'G
spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas McMichael of Salem.
Mrs. Will Telkei', I(irrtzville, is a
guest, at the house of Mi'. and Mrs.
Henry' Timm.
Mr. and Mrs. D. 5. MacNaug hton
were Thursday guests at the lronte;of
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Hainstock, I'ord-
A wood -bee was held at the home
of Mrs. 'Wm. Orr cm Afonday :after
Mr. and Mrs, j, H:embly and dau-
ghter, Virginia, were'Palrnerston vis-
itors on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I3, Alien, Brussels,
were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. N.
Allen on Sunday.
Mr,' and Mrs, Gordon Gibson were
Stratford visitors on Saturday.
Mrs. Wilford Mellis, Kippen, was
a visitor" last week at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Gib-
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mrs.
J. N: Allen and Mrs. J. J. Allen' were
Toronto visitors on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Erie Sproule and Mrs.
Charles Sproule motored to Burling-
tori and spent 'the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. D. Haskins, Mrs. C. Sproule
will remain there for the winter.
Women's Institute
The December meeting of the Wo
Men's Institute will be held on Dec.
27th in the Orange Hall when Miss
E. P. Hazlewood will be the hostess.
Current Events are in charge of Miss
Ellen MacEwen. The Roll Call -- A
Laundry Hint. An all members .pro-
gramme will be carried out, each
member to contribute something of
interest, Mrs. Alex. Wright will give
a demonstration on "Mat Making".
The social committee are: Mrs. Wall-
er, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs. T. Meahan.
Christmas Tree and Concert
Mr. Finlayson and Miss Wright of
the Public School, Wroxeter, invite
everyone, and especially parents, to
the annual Christmas Tree .and Con-
cert on Friday afternoon at 1.45, De-
cember 12st, in the school rooms. An
interesting programme of dialogues,
choruses, recitations and music, has
been planned, and a good attendance
is hoped for.
Special Chrismas Services
United Church will hold Special
Christmas Services on Sunday, Dec.
23rd. The services will be in charge
of Rev. W. A. Finlay who will have
a Chritmas message and the choir will
have special music for the day.
Young People Hold Social
The Y. P. S. of the United Church.
met on Monday evening and held a
social evening in charge of Miss L.
Newton, convenor of the losing side
of a recent membership contest. An
interesting programme was given,
among the numbers being, piano solos
by Misses Edythe Martin and Isobel
Milligan, solo by Marjorie Waller,
Clifford Denny sang, playing his own
accompaniment on the guitar. The
Society Weekly was read by Miss M.
Paulin and was most interesting.
Crokinole was enjoyed and refresh-
ments served at the close.
Miss Marjory Waller opened her
home to' the members of the Wrox-
eter Girls' Mission Circle for their
December meeting on Friday evening
when about twelve girls were pres-
ent. This being the last meeting of
the year, the slate of officers was pre-
sented by the Nominating Committee
and the list of officers for the corn-
ing year is as follows:
Advisory Pres,—Mrs. W. A. Finlay.
President—Mary Pope.
Vice Pres.—Eva Musgrove.
Recording Sect'y—M. Davey
Corresponding Sect'v -- Mar;oi'ie
,Treasurer—Airs. Harvey Timm. •
Sect'y of Christian Stewardship—
Agnes Durst.
Sect'y of 'l`rntperanee—Mabel Pat-
Pianist—Edythe Alantin.
Heralds—Canada, Minerva Higgins;
China and. Japan, Marjorie Paulin;
India, Lenore Higgins.
Lunch Convenor—Lily Waller.
Membership Drive Captains—Ag-
nes Direst and Isobel Milligan.
The December meeting of the.
Wroxeter W. M. S. was held in the
schoolroom of the United Church on
Thursday afternoon,with the presi-
dent, Mrs. R. Stocks, in the. chair.
The Christmas theme was carried
through. the devotional exercises,'• in
charge of 'Mrs, 'W. S. MoKercher,
who opened the rneetrng, with , the
hymn "As With. Gladness, Men of
Old, Diel the Guiding Sar Telold" and
t story, a found in
react Clic Christmas . t. y s foiled
Matt, 2: 11.2,
This was followed will it respons-
ive Christmas service, entitled "Good.
Will Toward Man."
Irs. MtK.ercber gave an article on
Love, based .on the ,verse "By this..
shall all limen know ye are My discipe
les, if ye love one another," conclud-
ing with a poem "'Where shall I
work?" and a prayer:
During a brief business session re-
ports were receved and accepted from
the treasurer and nominating commit-
The roll call was responded to by
cverurses in which the word "Gifts" oc
Litfle Miss Agnes Wearring sang
very sweetly "Away in a Manger."
Mrs. Finlay gave an interesting re-
sume of the 4th chapter of the Study
Book "To . the Jews as a Jew" after
which the , meeting closed with the
hymn "Silent Night" and a ,prayer by
Mrs. Stacks.
The new year will begin, with the
following executive:
Hon. Pres.—Mrs. J. K. Rae.
President -Mrs, R. Stocks.
1st Vice .Pres,—Mrs. T. Gibson.
2nd Vice Pres. -Mrs. J. Stutt.
Secretary: Mrs. A. Wearring•,
Treasurer—Mrs. W. S. McI(erchcr.
Christian Stewardship and Finance.
Secretary—Mrs. Finlay.
Assoc. Helpers Sec.—Mrs. G. Al-
Missionary Monthly ,Sec.—Mrs. T.
Strangers Sec—Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Temperance Sec.—Miss E. P. Haz-.
Sept, of Mission Circle—Mrs. Fin-
Supt. of Mission 13ancl-3i+Irs.. T..
Supt. of Baby Band—Mrs. ` A. J.
Pianist—Mrs. A. Meahan.
Auditors—Mrs. A .Munro, Mrs. J.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. P. S.
Milligan was the scene of a happy
gathering on Thursday evening' of
last week, when about thirty girl
friends met for a social time, and pre-
sened Mrs. Pack Gibson (nee Jean
Milligan) with a miscellaneous slloev
er of gifts. After a few hours enjoy-
ed at cards, a huge basket, decorated.
in white and pink was brought into
the room, and Miss Vera Durst read
a very appropriate address:
Dear Jean:—
We, your friends, have gathered
here this evening to spend a social
time together, and to extend to you
our best wishes for your future hap-
piness, and ask to accept these gifts
as tokens of our esteem. '
Here's to the Bride—In your life may
there lurk
Just as much pleasure as there is of
Bright as a pin be your future, my
Small as its point may your sorrows
May your horizon with rose tints be.
Some clouds are crow shades, may
yours be "nit."
Here are some hints which I'd just;
like to name:
Darning hub's socks save his darning
the same.
This is no yarn I'm trying to spirt;
'Twixt you and hubby have none but-
ton in.
Love's like a needle—true steel, and
bright -shined;
Needles have one eye, and love is.
Here, then is luck! Mayyour joy
ever grow!
Don't have things sew -sew, but all
things just. sew.
Gracious! Oil's bodilkins! Shiver ni.y ".
When a girl's married, her life just
Signed on behalf of the girls,
Daisy Timm and Velma Higgins,
The bride then Unwrapped the
many various and useful gifts, for
which; she graciously expressed her
appreciation. A civility Tunis was sere
ved by Mrs. Harvey "Timm and Miss
Velma Higgins; assisted by Miss
Maude Milligan.:
Y tIrl►E
Wake up your Liver Bile
—Without Calomel
You are "feeling spunk"iarnply because; yetis
liver isn't pouring its daily two„tsoundo of liquid.
bile into your bowels. Digestion' and eliminations,
are both ,nehampered, and your entire gestate .he
Wet you need is a liver stimulant, Some.,
thing that goes farther than ealta, mineral testes*
oil, iakative candy oi' ahewieg gene or 'rough
*Isiah only mo'�e' the neenet- oring tee
cause to treelike yydtu lives,
Take, Carter's Little Liver Pills. Purely awe
table, lives-
hand), calomel (metuut 7). 5$ o. sur*
Ask for, thous by name, IWe* �aibld tutee
25s, at ail lcug� untie. t .