The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-20, Page 9it
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vedette and Wroxeter News.
`Single "sCgpie
,Five Cents•
Proceeds Will Swell the Christmas
Tree sand Santa Claus Fund.
The Chamber of Commerce Annual
:Sacred Concert held Sundays evening
in the:: Town Hall, drewa large aud-
ience and .the committee in charge of
this activity are indeed grateful to the
- people for their splendid co-operation
and also wish to express their apprec-
iia'eion to .those who took part in the
Mayor John W. Hanna was chair-
man, and introduced the following
Hymn, "Hard the Herald Angels
Prayer, Rev: Kenneth MacLean.
Solo, : George Henderson, accom-
panied by Mr, Millis.
Trio, Messrs. Norton, Campbell
and Templeman, accompanied by R.
-Hymn, "Silent Night"
Solo, Miss Myra MacDonald, ac-
companied by, Mr. Willis.
Violin Duet; Messrs. M. Christie
and Les. Clarke, accompanied by Miss
M. Gibson.
-.Selection by the Presbyterian Sun-
day School Orchestra.
Instrumental Trio,Mr. Schatte, G.
Rintoul and Billy Burgman.
Hymn "Away in a Manger."
Piano Duet, "Misses Marjorie Gib-
son and Tena Reid.
Selection, by Presbyterian Sunday
School Orchestra.
Violin Duet, Messrs. M. Christie
and Les.; Clarke, accompanied by Miss
M. Gibson,
Instrumental Duet, G. A. Schatte
and Billy Burgman..
Solo A. Nor
trop, accompanied
by Roy Mundy.
Hymri "Joy to the World."
Dr. Redmond gave a short talk and
stxplained the uses to which the rnon
ey collented for the Xmas Tree and
Santa Claus Fund was put and urged
all who could to aid this worthy cause
by subscribing at either of the banks.
The concert was brought to a close
by the singing of "God Save the
Ming" and Rev. Mi Roberts: proms
siouncing 'the Benediction.
The proceeds of the silver collec-
tion taken at the door were $25.06.
Always a leader of value and qual-
ity in Diamonds, Hamilton's Xmas
' showing $15,00 to $'75.00. •
The .Lyceum Theatre is fortunate
in securing the picture "Little Wo-
men" for showing at Christinas time,
'The book "Little Women" written -by
Louisa M. Alcott has been read by
rmillions and the scene laid way down
east in a New England home, never
grows old. This is good clean enter-
tainment for young and old, and the
Christmas scenes in the picture are
particularly appropriate at this sea-
son. Tlie Lyceum Theatre will be op -
len every night during Xmas and New
Year's weeks,
!Christmas` Tree Concert
Christmas Tree and Entertainment
at Browntown on Friday evening,
Dec. 21st. One -act play ` in addition
to usual program.
St. Paul's Sunday 'School Concert
The annual Sunday School Concert
sof .St. Paul's Anglican Church will be
held in the basement of the church on
;Thursday evening, Dec. 20th, com-
mencing at 8 o'clock. A splendid pro-
gramme has been provided. Every-
body welcome. A silver collection
,will be taken at the door,
Join the pleased customers that are
•takin'g advantage of reasonably pric-
'ed goods at Hamilton's Jewelry Store
--now located iii The Wallpaper
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.C.T.U.- was 'held at the home of
Mrs. A H. Musgrove, Centre Street,
on Thursday afternoon, December 13,
'Tile President, Mrs, R. Tindall, was
in the chair, Those taking part in the
opening exercises were; Miss I•Tostet-
er, Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson, The Cap-
tain of the Salvation Arany and Mrs,
Sarjcnt. A paper on Citizenship was
read by Mrs. A, H, Musgrove, fol.-
ol-hawed by recitations by Lilu Evans
and Mary Droumbolis which -were
greatly appreciated. The business cit"
the tneeting being finished, the meet-
ing closed with prayer by Mrs. Stone,
Subscription s $2,00 Per Year
Children *Presented Fine Coneert
There was a large gathering pres-
ent on Tuesday evening when ,the an-
nual Sunday School Christmas Enter-
tai nof
n to St. Andrew's Presbyter-
ian• Church was held in the Sunday
, School room.
Mr. W. H. Rainey, Superintendent
of 'the Sunday School, was chairman
and following the singing of a hymn
and prayer by Rev.' Kenneth Mac-
Lean, the minister, introduced the
following program:
Chorus, "Away in a Manger', Miss
Baker's class.
Chorus "Good King Wencelas", by.
boys of Miss Wilson's and Miss Hen-
derson's class.
Group Recitation, "Xmas Candles",
girls of Miss Greir's class.
Orchestra selection.
Drill, "Xmas Presents", Miss Reid's
class. e1
Dialogue, "Our Lovliest Xmas," by
Mrs. Lloyd's class.
Solo, Eddie Carter.
Recitation, Raymond Bell.
Piano Duet, Mary McKibbon and
Betty Rae.
Distribution of Prizes,
Recitation, Mary Droumbolis.
Instrumental selection by members
of Mrs Lloyd's class.
Recitation, Ruby Casemore.
Orchestra selection.
Dialogue, "A Xmas Party", girl;; of
Mrs. Fells' class.
Recitation, "The Three Kings", by
Sylvia Droumbolis.
Orchestra selection.
Santa Claus arrived much 'to the
enjoyment of all.
Gift Slippers and Shoes, at prices
to please.—Greer's Shoe Store.
Chas. A. Robertson, M.L.A.,
Is Much Better
Mr. Chas. A. Robertson, M.L.A.,
was in town on .-Monday and we are
pleased to report that he is much im-
proved in health. He stated that he
not only was feeling better but that
he was able to take part in the Lib-
eral caucus. in, Toronto and that this
activity rather than tiring hint out,
was a stimuhis to him. His harry
friends in this community will be very
happy that he has made such splendid
progress following the stroke he suf-
fered during the summer.
The W. M. S. of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church 'held its annual meet-
ing in the basement of the church on
Wednesday afternoon. Devotional
exercises were led by Mrs. E. Harri-
son, Mrs. Tervitt, Mrs. Hammond and
Mrs. Mitchell,
Mrs. H. MacLean gave a paper on
the day's topic "Formosa's Jubilee"
and "Looking. Forward:"
Mrs. McKibbon was given a life
membership, the presentation being
made by Mrs. W. Henderson,
Reports of the different secretaries
showed a successful year.
After the regular meeting, Mrs:
(Rev.) MacLean took the chair and
called for the report of the nominat-
ing committee, The officers nomin-
ated were then elected to office and
Mrs, MacLean conducted an impress-
ive installation service.
Those elected were:
Hon, Pres, -=Mrs: K. MacLean,
President --Mrs, H, McGee,
1st Vice Pres.—Nits. A. E. Lloyd.
2nd Vice Pres -Miss' M. Anderson.
Secretary -.Mrs. T. C. King. •
Treasurer -Mrs. Jno. Fells.
Glad Tidings Sec, --Mrs. W. Mitch-
Press Sec.Miss C. Mc1+3urney.'
Welcome and Welfare -Mrs. Jno.
Currie,' Mrs, Hammond.
Literary andLibrary—Miss M.
Supply --Mrs. J. W. McKibbon.
Houle Helpers—Mrs. D. Rae, Mrs..
W. J. Henderson,
Organist—Mrs. IK,. MacLean,
Assist. Organist—Mrs. F. Cartel;.
Nont Com. --Mrs. Olver and yrs.
G. Wilson,
Social Sec.—Mrs. J. Nicholson.
Mission Band Pres,—Miss F. Wit-
Assistants—Mrs. H. Campbell, Mrs,
T. Currie, Mrs. E. Harrison.
Auditors—Miss E. Gilchrist, Miss
Last Sunday afternon: the Triple V
Bible Class held its election of offic-
ers for the ensuing year . Mr. E. S.
Copeland and the Rev. J, F. Ander-
son were in charge and thesfollowing.
is the result; '
President—Jack Herd.
Pres.—DeWitt Miller,
Secretary—Dan. Gillies.
Treasurer—Harold Wild,
The following committees.were sel-
ected by the Executive to be pre-
sented for approval at class next Sun-
Social—Joe Tiffin, Alvin Procter
and Ken, -Lott.
Literary: and Broadcasting—DeWitt
Miller and J; Clarke.
Publicity and Transportation-I(en.
Lee and Ernie Bolt: •
Sports Convenor—Bert Mitchell.
Music Convenor—Wilber Tiffin.
Pianists -Les. Clark, N. Davidson.
After the election Mr. Copeland
gave a short talk on "The Spirit of
See '.Lyceum Theatre ' Advt. • for
Special Holiday Attractions.
The first game of the season will
be played on Thursday, Dec. 27th,
when the Seaforth Highlanders will
be here to meet the local Indians.
This should be a right bang-up game
of hockey. Come along and cheer the
boys along in this opening O,H.A In-
termediate game.
Special attractions traictions at Lyceum The-
atre for Christmas.
With Apologies to Sir Walter Scott
Breathes there a Reeve with soul so
Who never to himself hath said
I really want to be the head
Of Huron County Council?
Whose heart has ne'er within Bien
To preside o'er the wise and learned
and get a cane when it is earned
From Huron County Council.
If such there be, he's not the best
And ought to go and take a rest
And never more again address
The Huron County Council.
Make Greer's Shoe Stbre your
headquarters for Christmas Footwear.
Liberal Executive Met Monday
The Liberal Executive of North
Huron held a meeting in the Council
Chamber here on Monday afternoon.
Although they were in session for
some time we understand that little
business of importance' was transact-
ed. According to reports no immed-
iate nomination bonvention will be
called, this being left till spring. The
following telegram was sent to Hon.
W. L. Mackenzie King:
To the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King,
Ottawa, Ont.
The Liberal 'Executive of North
Huron today assembled in Wingharn
de"sire to extend to you our felicita-
tions on this your birthday and wish
you many more years of health and
happiness and service to our country.
Hugh Hill, Pres.
Dr. Shaw, Sec. pro tem.
This is .an Urgent Appeal to Sub-
scribe Now to the Xmas Tree and
Santa Claus Fund.
The Christmas Tree and Santa
Claus Fund needs ,our subscription
at once. Last year at this time this
fund had a good deal more subscrib-
ed, than at present..
This is an urgent appeal to all citi-
zens who have not as yet subscribed
to do so at once. No amount too
small, but be as generous as you can.
Subscriptions lists at both Banks for
your convenience.
The Free Christmas Concert and
gifts' for the kiddies will take place in
the Town Hall at 7.30 Friday evening
this week, •
Lovely Gift Slippers for each mem-
ber of the family. See thein at Greer's
Shoe Store.
Glenannan School Concert
Don't forget the concert at Glen
annan .School, Thursday, December
20th, at 8.15 p.m. Admission, adults
10c, children 5c.
Editor's Wife Injured
Mrs. Chas. Hynds, wife of the edit-
or of the Lumsden News -Record,
who visited with her neice, Mrs. W.
W. Armstrong, last summer, fell as
she was ascending the cellar stairway
at her home and suffered a fractured
Extra special value, a Community
Plate, Adams pattern, silver tea ser-
vice, regular $25.00 value, for only
$15.00, at Hamilton. Jewelry Store.
He Told of What Department are Do-
ing for the Boys and Girls.
The ladies of the l,Wo>tnen's Insti-
tute held their regular meeting in the
Council Chamber on Thursday after-
noon, with a splendid - attendance.
Mrs. 5, J. Elliott and Mrs. Geo. Case -
more were responsible for the pro-
gram. Following the opening exercis-
es, Mrs. Elliott? gave a paper on
"What Christmas should mean to us"
which was much .appreciated, A sal-
ection on the piano and mouth organ
by Arnold Vint; was much enjoyed.
The guest speaker for the occasion
was, Ian McLeod, Agricultural Re-
presentative from. Clinton, who told
of what they are doing for the teen-
age boys and girls. There were twen-
ty senior and four junior institutes in
the County of Huron. They were en-
gaged principally, in . organization
work, such as Schools Fairs, Calf
Clubs, Public Speaking. Contests' and
Hoene Economics for girls, Through-
out the county, they had given fifteen
special courses, and there had been an
average attendance of 30 boys and 34`
girls. :In connection with the school
fairs, there was the Judging Compe-
tition, which was an excellent 'thing
for the boy or girl. Belgrave had the
best fair in the county, there having
been 1400 entries.
Mrs. W. ; H. Fraser presented a
Scottish program, which she had re-
ceived from ScoIand, in which the lo-
cal organizatioln' was very much in-
The relief program, for the Gorrie
Women's Institute was in charge of
Group 2, when they met at Mrs. E.
W. Bolton's home on Wednesday .af-
ternoon. Mrs; John Cathersconduct-
ed the program which opened in the
usual manner.. Mrs, Carroll Gregg
gave the topic "A Christmas Story"
in which she gave "Christmas in Leg-
end and History" "The Great Holiday
of the Western World is an enduring.
link in a long and beautiful chain of
tradition." Mrs. J. Cathers gave some
fine thoughts on the motto "The
Power of Kindness." Mrs. Kaine read
a .short
poem in keepingwith the
Christmas Spirit,
While there was no demonstration
cn home decofations, Mrs. Gregg
gave some worthwhile suggestions on
the subject, after which.the president
took charge of the business period.
Plans were made to send Christmas
cheer to needy families. Mrs.. Kaine
reported 22 gifts were received for a
recent Sunshine Bag which was tak-
en to a shut-in. The"Institute decid-
ed to have a three-day short course
in the Spring on "House Pla.nnini and
Home 'Decoration." Following the
business, roll call was responded to
when ` each one present, both little
and big, palled a "fish" from the
Plans were made for Family Night
to be ''held in the evening_ of the reg-
ular Institute Day in January, when a
debate entitled "Is Modern Civiliza-
tion a Failure?" will form part of the
The meeting closed with the Na-
tional Anthem. During the social per-
iod, lunch was served by Mesdames
Kaine and Earngey assisted by the
Here's News for the Boys and Girls
Capt. Adams, proprietor of the Ly-
ceum Theatreis again this year don-
ating a free show for the boys and
girls of this community. The Party
will take place at the theatre at 8 p.m.
on Saturday afternoon and he has a
dandy program for you.
Christmas Concert
Don't forget the Christmas Concert
at Cur.rie's School, Friday evening,
Dec. 21st. Admission e and 10c,
Recovering from, Flu
We are pleased to report that
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mts.
Stanley Hare, is recovering from an
attack of the flu,
Please Assist .Us
Over the Xmas holidays many
citizens will have relatives and friends
visit them. Kindly send in the navies
of your visitors to this office as early
as possible. Phone 34. Thank you.
Special on Fox Furs
Two only—one Silver and Red of
this season's Fax Scarfs remain.
These are first quality and guaranteed
perfect. Offered at 30% reduction dur-
ing Xmas season only. A most beau-
tiful gift, Laidlaw Fur Fartn, Phone
Appointed Car License Issuer
Mr. Alfred Carr has been appointed
car license issuer replacing Mr. David
MacDonald who has held this posi-
tion for some years; We understand
xh. that Mr. Carr will take. over his ne`v
���"��`3rG`�: ditties an the first of the New Year.
Subscription received at both Banks. Free Concert
in Town Hall at 7.30 p.m., on Friday, bec. 21st.
Help provide baskets of provisions and a bag of
ooclies for the children.
cicr auspices of the Chamber of 'Commerce.
Colored Lights Look Fine
The strings of colored lights which
were strung across Josephine Street
on Monday by the Utilities Commis-
sion add greatly to the appearance- of
our main street, Together with the
lighted Xmas tree at the Bank of
Commerce corner, the town presents.
a very gala appearance.
Black Preceptory Elect Officers
A meeting of the Royal Black Pre-
cept6ry 126, was held Tuesday even-
ing' when the following officers were
elected: W. P., H. L. Stewart; D. P.,
P, .Hogg; Chap.,: W,' J.' Campbell;
Reg., Thos. Wheeler; Treas., George
Shrigley; " lst Lect, H. Moffat; 2nd
Lect., B. Brown; 1st Con,, F. Hogg;
2nd Con., R. McBurney; lst Bearer,
R. Vint; 2nd Bearer, Thos. Stewart;
Per., W. Mines..
Peet were a mess before she used
Cress Corn Salve, It's good, Recom-
mended bythousands, McKi „'.
bbon s
Drug Store.
Mayor Arranging for Hill on which
Children Can Sleigh -Ride..
Reeve Davidson Has Found Home
For Baby.
A Statutory Meeting of Wingham
Town Council was held on Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock.
All members were present except
Courts. Baker and Geddes. .
His Worship Mayor Hanna in the
chair. •
Minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
In the matter of having unemploy-
ed work out their relief His Worship
suggested that it might be a good idea
to have one good hill in town where
children could safely use their sleighs.
Any labor required would be avail-
able to make a good slide. Council
was favorable to this plan and it was
left over until January for action.
His Worship reported that the Util-
ities Commission had decided to erect
eight strings of colored lights across
Josephine . Street until after New
Years'. The Clerk was instructed to
arrange to have some lights placed
in front of the Town Hall.
The Clerk reported that in response
to the letter sent after last meeting
of the. Council, Messrs. Fry & Black-
lackhall, Ltd, had paid up all their ar-
rears of principal and interest up • to.
the date of settlement. ` Council dir-
ected the. Clerk to express to Fry 8.
Blackhall, Ltd., their appreciation of
this payment.
A letter e was read from the Deputy i
Minister of Hospitals in ,reference to
the placing of Mrs. Jane buttery in
London Hospital and making the
Town of Wingham liable. The Clerk
was instructed to write opposing this.
His Worship reported that he had
the C.P.R. scales and the scales at
the Town Hall tested with the same
load and both were found to be ;very
Reeve Davidson reported that the
Bruce County Council had passed a
(Continued from Page Nine)
Dr. Howson was Lucky
In the Legion Draw at Listowel
last week one prize at least came to
Wingham. It was a box of chocolates
won by Dr, Howson.
C.C.M. Skates and Shoe outfits—
The choice of leading Pros, and Am-
ateurs, at prices to please— Greer's
Shoe Store.
The members of the Y.P.S. of the
United Church had a most enjoyable
time on Monday evening, when the
entire program centred on the Christ-
mas season. The "Go -Getters" in
keeping with their name, were res-
ponsible for getting a X'ii'las tree and
decorating it for the occasion. Every
member brought a small parcel, upon
which was written their name, the
"Mariners" removing the outside
wrapper, and writing the Baine of an-
other member of the society.
Miss Yvonne McPherson, president,
hccupied the chair, and following the
opening hymn, and the reading of the
minutes of the last meeting by the
secretary, Miss Marjorie Gibson, call-
ed upon Miss Doris Buchanan, • the
convenor of the "Tnvincibles" who
had charge of :the. Devotional period.
The Scripture reading was,,takeu by
Creighton Reid, and the Discussion
period by G, L. Baker. Some of the
points brought out in the discussion
\Vere: "Why Xmas is held inrever-
ante" "The mannerin which it should
be celebrated" "Has Christianity fail-
ed in the world today" and "What
Xmas mean to the children and par-
The Sanhedrin group took charge
for the singing of the Christmas Car-
ols, led by Rev. J. F. Anderson.
Tlie drstribtition of the parcels was
then made by Wilbur Tiffin, which
createda great deal of fun for the.
gathering, each' member leaving to
demonstrate the present they had re-
ceived before the society.
The meeting then broke tip, and the
members went into their respective
groups, toy arrange for the. next meet-
ing, -during which time, new members
were chosen, by drawing the names
of the groups. The Piditis group
passedd around candy, which wee tied
up in Xmas wrapping. The i''riend-
ship circle was then formed and the
benediction pronounced.
Will (Play in Intermediate 0, H. A.
First Game Here Dec. 27th,
At an enthusiastic 'sheeting held in
Council � h
fiberThursday I hursda�
Y ev-
ening, the Wingham Hockey Club
was organized, The club this year has
entered the Q.H.A. Intermediate sere
ies and are grouped with Seaforth,
Mitchell, Clinton and Goderich, This.
should make a very interesting group
and the people of this community
should turn out in mass to see these
The officers of the club are:
President—W. R. Gurney.
lst Vice Pres.—Alf. Lackridge.
2nd Vice Pres. -Jack Reavie.
Sec'y-Treas,—W. W. Armstrong_
Executive Com.—Murray, Johnson,
H. Browne and Herb. Campbell.
Murray Johnson attended a meeting.
of thie group in Seaforth. on Wednes-
day evening of last week when the
following schedule was drawn up.
Dec. 27—Seaforth at Wingham.
28—Clinton at Goderich.
Jan. 3—Goderich at Seaforth.
4 -Mitchell at Clinton .
7----Wingham at Mitchell.
10 --Clinton at Seaforth.
11—Mitchell at Goderich.
14—Clinton at Wingham.
15—Seaforth at Mitchell.
17—Wingham at Gpderich.
18—Seaforth at Clinton.
21. Goderich atMichte.11,
22--Wingham at Seaforth.
24—Mitchell at Wingham.
25—Goderich at Clinton.
28—Clinton at Mitchell.
29—Seaforth at Goderich.
31-Goderich at Wingham.
31—Mitchell at Seaforth.
Feb. 4—Wingham, at Clinton. -
The play-offs The first three
teams to be in the play-offs. First
team has option of a . bye or to play
third place team, goal to count on
round. Team with highest standing
has choice of first game at home or
away. .
Referees are: From Goderich,
Murney, Norman Wark, D. McKay;,
Seaforth, Gordon Muir,J. Hart, R
Bullard, Rus. Holmes, Gordon Ren-
nie; Wingham, K. Somers, A. Lock -
ridge, T. D. Fields; Mitchell, C.
Stoneman, Dave Eiserman, L. Saw-
yer; Clinton, D. Thorndyke, J.-Nedi-
At a meeting of the Executive on
Monday night, Murray Johnsonwas
appointed Manager and All. Lock.
ridge, Coach.
Pen and Pencil sets selling 20% off
at Hamilton's the Jeweller, now lo-
cated in the Wallpaper. Shop. Also
Rolls Razors $6.25 and up.
Attended Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford were
in Caledonia on Monday attending the
funeral of . their brother-in-law, the
late Hugh Anderson who passed away-
waySaturday morning.
Cribbage Winners
The Legion rooms were crowded
on Monday night when thirteen tables.
took part in the cribbage tournament,
Ten boards were played with total
score to count. The winners were:
Frank Edgar 1202, Jim Seli 1189, J.
O. Habkirk 1175, J. Wilkinson 1183.
lst prize, turkey, 2nd, 3rd and4th
prizes, geese.
Hosiery -The ideal gift, Crepe,
Chiffon and Service weights, 69c to
$1.00, at Greer's Shoe Store.
Literary Society
The Literary programme, to be held
at W.H.S. in the Assembly Hall next
Friday at 10.30 a,m,, will be in charge
of` the Glee Club. For this meeting
they are preparing fine musical sel-
ections, `• the , majority • of which are
Christmas carols. The members of
the society would welcome any who
relight consider it worthwhile attend-
ing at this early hour.
Radio Broadcast
The Glee. Club will broadcast part
of this Christmas programme aver
10BP next Thursday at 6 p.m.
The Prom,
Ex -students will be interested to
know that the school is again the
heart of Christmas activities. These
will be brought to a close by the
Christmas Prone. next Friday evens