The Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-13, Page 4IJ WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TxM.IS d th r' , anketsilts q .f nderwe.r9 Hootsi s Shoes. Provisions or Furniture OR ANY OTHER ARTICLES or Men, Women And Childre The above are required for distribution in our town, and I hereby request that all citizens that can spare any of the above will leave same at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, on Friday or Sat- urday of this week or next week. The distribution of these goods will be made under the supervision of the Women's Institute. If you can not send your parcel call the Towyn, Clerk, phone 24, or Miss M. Anderson, phone 324w. JOHN W. HANNA, Mayor. AUCTION SALE—Of Furniture, at 3 o'clock and 8 o'clock, on Satur- day, Dec. 15th, in the store former- ly occupied by Geo. Williams, jew- eller. No second-hand goods. No false bids. T. R. Bennett, Auction- eer; A. J. 'Walker, Proprietor. A. RAM STRAYED on to my proper- ty recently. Owner please apply to Edward Barnard, Bluevale. FOR SALE -114 horsepower Motor and 116 horsepower motor for hy- dro; also 1% horsepower motor for Delco and Delco generator. Apply Murray Johnson. GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK — Apply Advance -Times. MAN'S Black Fur Coat, nearly new. Bargain. Also a cutter. Apply Ad- vance -Times. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 families. Write immediately. Rawleigh, Dept, CNL-125-SA, Mon- treal, Canada. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to i the people are Wholesale Prices on all our lines of novelty furniture with Jardinere stands at 50c, Smok- ers $1,50, Extra Special. Also see our complete lines of bathroom toil- I et Seats, in various finishes. At our factory. Brown Bros, & Co., Lim- ited. PIANO FOR SALE—Upright, good. as new. Cheap for cash. Apply Advance -Times. REFINISHING and REPAIRING Filename, Hardwood Floors, inter- ior Decorating. Pianos a specialty. Country trade solicited. O. Ludwig, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Mar- garet Underwood wish to express their appreciation to their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sym- pathy extended to them in their re- cent bereavement. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town Plot of Wingham in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the office of J. H. Crawford, Wingham, on Sat- urday,. December 15th, A.D. 1934 at two o'clock in the afternoon by Thos, Fells, Auctioneer, the following pro- perty, namely: All those certain par- cels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town plot of Wingham in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and being composed of Lots numbers 357, 358, 859, 360, 361, 362, 863, 364 855 and 866 in the said Tnwnplot of Wingham, Government Survey, also Block "A" Government Survey, in the c said Town plot of Wingham, contain- in ing together thirty-seven and one-half e acres of land more or less. This property was formerly used tit a,s a Pair grounds and is especially ti suitable for pasture. TERMS of Sale: Ten per cent, of a n I Trustee under the Bulk Sales Act. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons who claim to .be entitled to share in the proceeds from the said sale are required- to fyle their claims, duly verified, with the undersigned on or before the Eleventh day of January A.D. 1935 after which said date the Trustee will distribute the proceeds from the said sale having regard on- ly to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Hanover, this Eleventh day of December A.D. 1934. J, A. PATERSON, Trustee, cjo MILLS & PATERSON, Hanover, Ontario. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER an execution issued out of the Supreme'Court of Ontario, direct- ed to me, at the suit of Douglas D. Wetherall, plaintiff, and Charles Bondi, defendant, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction all the right, title and interest of Charles Bondi, the defendant, in and to that certain parcel or .tract of land .and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, being part of lot Number two on the West side of Josephine Street in Edward Fo1ey's first survey with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt on Sunday last. We are glad to, hear that Mrs, D; K. Alton has recovered sufficiently to be" brought •to the home of her dim - liter, Mrs. Same Morrison, where she will remain for some time; Mrs. Hunter has returned .to her home after spending the last two months with her daughters' here. ST, HELENS The sudden illness and death of Mr, Souter Taylor carne as a great shock to his many friends in this commun- ity and much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Taylor : and Gordon, Friday evenin, December 21.st, is the date chosen for the St. Helen's School .Concert to be given in.the community hall. MORRIS Mr. Henry M. Bosman arrived. home from London on Saturday where he underwent treatment for his eye. We are pleased to hear that he is hopeful of regaining the sigh of his eye again. Mr. Jim Johnston, Mr. 'Wm. Pea- cock, ea cock, Mr. Campbell Robertson and Mr. Carl Johnston took in' the Winter Fair at Guelph, which they enjoyed very much. Miss Craig of Blyth has resigned from the teaching staff of S. S. No. 8, Morris. The Secretary advertised fora teacher and has received over five hundred applications. Ebenezer United Church Sabbath School held its annual meeting on Monday afternoon when various re- ports were read and adopted. The election of officers resulted as_fol- lows: Supt., Mr. Ernest Dennis; As- sistant Supt., Mr. Bert Garniss; Sec.- Treas., Miss Etta Agar; Assist. Sec., Mr. Charlie Mathers; Organist, Miss Margaret Turvey, Assist, Organist, Mrss Mary Scott, Mrs. Mildred Stew- art; Primary, Mrs. L. Jewitt; Junior, Mrs. J. J. Sellers; Intermediate, Miss Etta Agar; boys' class, Mr. L. Jewitt. Young Men's Bible Class and the adult Bible class will chose their tea- cher from Sunday to Sunday. Mission- ary, Mrs. L. Jewitt; assist. Mission- ary, Mrs. C. Bosnian; Temperance, Mrs. J. J. Sllers. Don't forget the date of Brown - town Xmas Tree Friday, Dec. 21st. The young people will present a play. A musical treat in store, a full house. is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Wil Johnston, Wing - ham, spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wheeler. in the said Town of Wingham, more DONNYBROOK to say: Commencing at a point o the Western boundary of Josephin Street being the centre of the brie particularly described as follows, that The W. M. S. meets in the base - k ment of the church on Thursday 'af- - ternoon of this week. Miss Elaine Bamford will have charge of the Sudy Book and the annual election of officers will be held.4 The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. will be held on Friday evening of this week and will be in charge of Miss Marjorie Campbell. Officers will be elected for the coming year. Mr. Goldwin Harrison, of Goder- ich, was a recent visitor with • his cou- sin, Mr. W. A. Campbell and other friends. 'Miss Myrtle Leishman, of Dungan- non, 'is visiting with Mr..and Mrs. John Thompson. Mr. Herman Chamney and daugh- ter, Virginia, of Goderich, spent a couple. of days last week at his home :here. The annual meeting of the Beef Ring was held on Tuesday afternoon of this week, in the St. Augustine Hall, wall between the southerly two _stor es and distant nineteen feet nine inch- es more or less northerly from the south easterly corner of said Lot Number two; thence northerly along said boundary of Josephine Street twenty-five feet and ten and one-quar- ter inches more or less to the centre. of the brick wall between the two northerly stores on said lot; thence westerly parallel to John Street to a point on the western boundary of said Lot; thence southerly along said Western boundary twenty-five feet ten and one-quarter inches more or less to a point; thence easterly to the place of beginning; TOGETHER with a right of way over lot Number twenty-nine on the East side of Ed- ward Street in the said survey which is particularly described. and set out in a conveyance dated the twelfth day of March, 1903, beween one George MacKenzie and one Arthur J.Irwin, being registered as Number 4785 for. the Town of Wingham, also together with a right of way, ingress and eg- ress for persons, animals and vehicles to the said grantee his heirs and as- signs at all times hereafter in common with all: other owners of portions of said Lot Number' two in the rear of the stores erected on the said Lot, more particularly described and set out in a conveyance dated September 30th, 1922 between one Arthur :J. Ir- win and the grantors herein. being regisered as Number 7685 for the Town of Wingham., also subject to ertain reservations and provisions, ore particularly set out and describ. t1 in such last mentioned conveyance. The sale will be held on MONDAY e seventh clay of January, 1935, at ie hour of 1.30 o'clock in the after- oon at the County Sheriff's Office n the Court House in the Town of God erich. C, G MI'ODLETON, Sheriff' of Huron County. Sheriffs Office, Gorler•ich. September 25th, 1984, the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Farther particulars and conditions of sate will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. DATED"J. at Winglrarn, Ontario, this. twenty-sixth day of November,, A.D. 1934. THOS. FELLS, Wingliam, Onfario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWPORD, Wingham, Ontario,,, Solicitor, .BMX SALES ACT NOTICE TO CREDITORS TIKE NOTICE that PI:ARI V OBERf.E for•inetly of the Town of Wingham Grocer, has made a sale in Bulk of his stock -in -trade ter Edgar °berte and .i have been =appointed BELFAST Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Reid, Goderich, spent Sunday at Mr, Jas. Hackett's, Miss Olive Kennedy of White- churc, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs, Davis, Mr, and Mrs, Water Alton motor. ed to London one day Last week. .11r. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson spent the week -end at Bluevale, Misses Lena Hackett, Virginian MacDonald, Messrs, Wilfred Hackett and E a.rl Sherwood spent a few days in Detroit recently. Mrs. Sherwood and Earl visited BELGRAVE C. R. Coultes shipped two cars of cattle to Toronto on Saturday rand was in Toronto over the week-encl. Mr. Cecil Wheeler is attending the U. F. O, convention in Toronto this week. Schools and churches are busy pre- paring for their Christmas entertain- ments which will be held just before Christmas, Old Man Zero called here during the week -end and reminded us again of last .February, but we hope he will, not have to be so severe this winter. "The Happy Vagabond" which was presented in, the Foresters' Hall on Dec, 4th, under the auspices of the Y.P S: of tire' United Church, was wall received. The frequent applause of the audience showed their appreciation of the splendid acting. The Dramatic Club of Union Unit- ed Church and their director, Mr, G. Wheeler, are to be congratulated on the splendid success of the, play. The Y.P.S. were delighted with the attend. ance and proceeds considering the stormy night. Mouth organ and guitar selections were enjoyed between acts. Mrs, Doss, Gallagher: and daughter Give Car a~3 ccessone Fi,r, X as DEFROSTERS HOT WATER HEAT- ERS FIRESTONE and ° GUTTA PERCHA TIRES WINTER GRADE Marathon Blue Gas Johnson Wain — FORD GARAGE — PHONE Day E2 234 Night xa• FOR HER SOJOURNS X4.50 to 9.t0 What would make a more ac- ceptable Xmas Gift for your Lady Friend, than a Mirapack. Every dress carried on a separ- ate hanger ,or maybe she would like a snappy week -end Bag. Club Bags and Suit Cases make splendid gifts for men. See our well assorted stock. CLOSE !RICES ON ALL LEATHER:GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS Dorothy of Kindersley, Sask., are spending the winter with the form- er's mother, Mrs. John Nethery. Mrs. Norman Keating spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. J. Leaver, of Wingham. Arthur's Orchestra provided music for one of the largest crowds of the season at the dance on Friday even- ing. 1vIr. and, Mrs. M. Pearson, of God- erich, visited with Mr. -and Mrs. J. A. Brandon one day last week. HURON OLD BOYS ELECT OFFICERS Toronto Organization Biggest of its Kind. The 32nd annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of To- ronto was held Tuesday night, Dec. 4th, in the Central Y.M.C.A, Auditor - him. : As usual, a large attendance of members from all parts of Huron County attestedto the strength of the organization, which is the largest of its kind in Canada and is the only one that has run continuously for more than ten years. Its present membership is more than twelve hun- dred. For the first time in the history of, the organization the genial secime tay,;Ed. Floody, was absent, He has. been confined . to : his home with pneumonia for some time brit is now progressing rapidly. The following officers were elected for 1935- Hon. Pres. --Hon, R. A. Weir, Mr. T. A. Russell, Mr. A. ' C. McVicar, k[r. '5: A. McLaren, Dr, H. J. Hod- gins. Hon. Vice Pres, -Mrs.. 11.j. Hod- gins, Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Miss F. Patterson, Mrs. W. A. Campbell,"l,Irs, Jno. Moon, Mrs. E. Floody, Mrs:' B. H. McCreath,' Mrs, H. B. Stowe, Mrs, R. Brooks, Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mrs, (Dr..) Ferguson, Mrs, D. Robertson,< Mrs, W. A. Buchanan. Hon. Advisory Con, --Mrs.' W. Mc- Creath, Mrs, Jos. Heck, Mrs, R. Holmes, Mrs: S. L. Scott, Mrs. M. Sanderson, setsPres. ...Mr. G. E, Campbell, Brus Vice Pres. --Mr, W. A. Campbell. Mr. W. A° Buchanan, Mr. R. Brooks, Mr. Hy, Martin, Mr. G. R. Dane, Mi: 4 E. Ding, Miss M. Mtirrish,, Miss E. Bryans, Miss Anne Crittenden, Mrs, A, E. Forbes, Mrs, D. D. Wilson Mrs, Chesney, r Hon. ' Secretary—Ur, E. Flood,. Secretary-W.Mr. Ral h Sheppard, p pp i Asstst.� 5ee,-M �: rss S. Walker. e Treasurer Ur. Wits Powell, Fin. Secy.—Mr. R. S, Sheppard, Chaplain—Rev, R. C. McDerniid. Organist—Mrs, Hy Martin, Auditor s --Mr. H. 1.- I4 orrish, and Mr, S. M. Wickens, Convenors of Committees-- Reception—Mrs. ommittees--Reception-Mrs. G. E. Ferguson. Refreshments—Mrs. D. Thompson, Mrs, H. B. Stowe, Mrs, G. C. Young. Program --Mr. W. A. Campbell. Publicity --Mr, A. G, Smith. Property—Mr, G. N, Newton, Visiting—Mrs. H. I, Brown. Special Representatives— Bayfield—Mr. 5, A. Cameron. Bluevale—Mr. H. B. Stowe, Blyth -Mr. W. J. Tamblyn. Brucefield—Mr. T. Mustard. Brussels -Dr. J, G. Ferguson, Clinton—Mr: W. F. Cantelon, Egmondville-Mr. D. D. Wilson. Exeter—Mr. S. J. Hicks. Goderich—Mr. Athol. McQuarrie. Gorrie—Mr. R. A. Greer, Hensall—Dr. Byron Campbell. Londesboro--Mr. John Moon. Saltford—Mr. R. C. King. Seaforth—Mr. A. E, Forbes. Wingham—Mr. W. H. Pearson. Zurich—Mrs, A. Becker. Little Johnny, aged seven, had been taken to the zoo. He stood before the leopard's cage for a few minutes star- ing intently. Then, turning to his mo- ther, he asked: "Mother, is that the dotted lion that everyone wants Dad to sign on?" BELMORE (Too Late for Last Week) The Young People of Belmore and McIntosh have presented their play, "The Littlest Bridesmaid" five times, the last being at Drew on Friday, Nov. 30th to a large and appreciative audience. After the play was over and the members of the cast were partaking of a generous lunch provid- ed by the Drew Y. P. S. an interest- ing event took place when Mrs. Rus- sel Nickel (nee Helen Wynn) was presented with a silver breay tray with the best wishes of the other players. Master Bob Abram is confined to his bed since Thursday last, the re- sult of climbing a tree after chip - monks. The limb broke and down came Bob. We hope to see him about again soon. I'he W. M. S. of the 'United Church met Wednesday afternoon. at Miss Hakney's with a good attendance. Robert Sinclair, student, with two student friends, took dinner at Tom Abraham's on Saturday. Those who attended the Winter Fair were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mun- dell, Miss Margaret Mundell, Irene Curl, Harry Mulvey, Ivan Haskins, Carl Fitch and Norman Newans. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Jack Reid had to undergo an opera- tion in Wingham Hospital Thursday morning. The untiring efforts of Mrs. McIn- tyre who drilled the cast in the play, were recognized Thursday evening when hey met at her home and: pre- a xW Thursday, Dec, 13th, 1 934 LADIES' WEAR AND MEN'S WEAR STORES are well stocked with all kinds of wearabie.s for all members of the family. You will find here a huge choice of Merchandise at Prices in keeping : with Economy and Better Values. Make these stores your Shopping Centre for your CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYING WOMEN,S WEAR STORE Ready -to -Wear on Second Floor. For big choice in Women's and Misses' Coats, Dresess, Suits, Pullovers, Sweaters, Blouses and Skirts. Bargain in Pullovers and Sweaters 1.50, 1.95 to 2.95 Sale of Dresses at 1 95, 2.95, 3.95, 4.95 Choice Kimonas ori sale at ..2.50, 2.95, 3.95 to 6.50 Sale of all our Winter Coats, selling at 20 to 25 per cent. off regular prices. Ladies' Handkerchiefs ingreat variety, see our specials at 5c, 1Oc, 15c, 25c Also in .Fancy Boxes at 25c, 35c, 50c to 95c Gloves—Big choice in Kid and Fabrics, Lined Kid at 1.00 to 1.49; Imoprted Kid Gloves, best colors, bargain at $1.95 to 2.25 HOSIERY --Buy Supersilk Guaranteed Hose for Gifts, leading colors in Crepe, Chiffon and Ser- vice weight, specials at $1.00 Scarfs in latest styles, new designs 69c, 79c 98c, 1.95 Drapery Goods and Linens ' in Table Cloths, Lun- cheon Sets, Lace Draperies, Fancy Mats and Table Runners. Children's Knitted Wool Suits, Pullovers, Chincilla Coats`and Pullovers, Cameline Suits, Mitts, Gloves. MEN'S WEAR STORE Large Range,.of Practical Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys. Large range of Fancy Ties at these special pric- es of 39c, 50c, 69c to $1.00 Gloves, fine quality Kid Gloves, selling at . $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 to 250 Scarfs in Silk and All Wool ... 75c, 1.00, 1.50, 195 Socks in large variety in all wool, silk and silk and wool ..... ........ 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c, 69c Shirts in great variety, new patterns,p rints and white broadcloth, values at 98c, 1.19, 1.50 to 2.50 Sweaters, Pullovers, Skating Jackets, Bath Robes, Pyjamas, Night Gowns, Suits, Overcoats, U'wear. Store Open Evenings from Thursday Until' Christmas. H. E. IsardCBZ Co. sented her with a chair. I Liston the past week where he has, see. Mr. Sterling Haskins moved to Al- !cured work, CNISTMAS You evil; need a Gift for someone and we feel that you cannot do better than visit our store and make your selection. This is our first Christmas in our new location, and we have made an extra effort to make it a memorable one. Our Stock is the best yet,c the and the prices es are surprisingly low for quality of goods on display -- Rogers Silver, Community Parker Pens, Westciox Products, Rolls Raz Plate ors, Bulova, Cyma and Montrose Watches, European and American Clocks, English and Canadian Dinner Ware. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS - Beads ,...,:' ...... ........................ 10c. to ,$1510.00 Diamond Rings $1.5.00 to $50.00, Bracelet Sets $3.25 to $ .00 VClatches ' $1.25 to $37.50 Book Ends 60c to $7.50 l?ress Rings' 50c to Breakfast Sets " g 2.00 to $17 50 $.50 to $7.75 Mens Rings $ $15,00 Compacts 50c to $5,00 Silver Tea Services0 Clocks Necklets 25t: $1.:7,5 to $27.50 $10 Bracelets 40c to $6.75' 5c5°00 to $1' to $75,00 This is but a few of the, Hundreds of Bar 'ai yourself. g Acs on, daspl�rlr,_ Visit our store and see for y You will be under no obligation to — our Dollar Table, for Value it. is hard buy. Don't miss seeing to beat. Remember our New Location -5 Doors North of the Lyceum Theatre. illiam98 Jewellery The Hoene of Better Gifts" —. Phone 5, Wingham, Ont, • Official C.N.R. Watch' Inspector — First Class Watch lu Rep air ' g Eyesight ' s Y ght `�e ted each Wednesday Morning by a Specialist, R. A. Reid, Stratford