HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-06, Page 6'?.AGE POUR, TETE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Clip This AtIvt. Now! SAVE MONEY! LADIES' SPECIAL Thurs, Frid. and Sat. Only For and 29C this advt. You will receive a beau- tiful $1.00 value gift package of Gardenia Face Powder and a bot- tle of Gardenia Perfume Manufacturers' Introductory Offer y� MEN'S SPECIAL Thurs, Frid, and Sat. Only' For and ,9,e this advt. You will receive 5 Blue Steel Razor Blad- es, 1 Tube High Grade Shaving Cream, 1 Styp- tic Pencil, 1 Instant Blade Sharpener. Reg. 95c value Advertising campaign McKibbon's McKibbon's.DrugStore Phone 53 2f. Wingharn iffammaggianninSIIMIIIL A RAM STRAYED on to my proper- ty recently. Owner please.. apply to Edward Barnard, Bluevale FARM FOR RENT -99%. acres; Lot No. 1, Con. 2, : Grey Township On- ly those with sufficient "implements and power need apply. Box A,Ad- vance-Times. FOR SALE -4 year old MCow with rs. Fred calf at foot. Apply Churchill, Bluevale. FOR SALE—Good house and stable with several acres of land, all in good condition. ' No reasonable of- fer refused. Apply Box B, Advan- ce -Times. MORRIS On Tuesday afternoon ,of last week Mr. Henry Bosman was cutting wood in, the bush when a large chip flew from the axe, striking him in the eye. The eye was cut but, at the time, it was thoughtly only . slightly hurt. However, Dr. Redmond was called, and found it necessary to take Mr, Bosman to Victoria. Hospital, ' Lon- don. At present, he is getting along. cession of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario containing one-fourth of an acre be the same more or less. On this property is said to be a seven -roomed one and one-half stor- ey red brick house in fair state of re- pair, with a well and cistern; also ::a frame barn 28 fit. by 32 ft. with cem- ent stabling. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days thereafter. The property will be of- fered subject to a' reserved bid, Further particulars and- conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on applica- tion to, the undersigned. FOR SALE -4 Auto Tires 30x31, 4 DATED eth day at Wiof ngham, Ontario, (this inner tubes all nearly new, for sale x934 D. cheap or will exchange for wool. T. R. BENNETT, Inquire at Advance -Times. Wingham,Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD,.. Wirtgharn, Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor as well as can be expected and it is not feared that he will lose the sight of the eye, Mr. Charles Bosman and Mr, Harry. Goll were in the bush when the accident oceured. We all wish him a speedy, recovery. On Thursday of last. week, Mr. Charles Bosman and Mr: Lewis Jew- itt were in London. They spent the day with Mr. Henry Bosman and Rev. George Jewitt who are both confined to the hospital there. A shower is being held at the home of R. J. McLennan on Thursday ev- ening in honour of Mr. and Mrs: K. Aitcheson of 'Ripley, who were re- cently married. Miss Olive :Shiells, of Turnberry, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Margaret Turvey. The young folks of Browntown are busy practicing for a Christmas Tree to be held on Friday, Dec. 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Ney and Miss Mar- ion Ney, of Fordwich, and Mrs. Dar- row, of Clifford ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Smith. A large number from these parts attended the Spotton rally in Wing - ham Friday night. Mr. Jack Thynne was one of the entertainers. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnstone have moved to their new home at Bluevale. Mr. Donald Robertson spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mrs. W. Orr and son, Jackie, also Miss Sarah Orr spent ,Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. J. C. Case - more. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLennan also Mrs. Will Abraham attended the Aitchison-McLay wedding at Ripley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacEwen spent. -GIRL. WANTS .HOUSEWORK — Apply Advance -Times. STRAYED STEER — , 2 year old, red and white, owner apply to Wes ley Yeo, Con. 4, Turnberry. WANTED—Reliable men to act as Agents. Must have car, and know- ledge of Live Stock feeding. We will train you. Canada Mineral Products Limited, London, Ontario. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Farm, Stock and Implements of the Estate of the Late William Er- rington at East`Yz Lot 11, Con. C, Turnberry,, at one o'clock, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th The following: Stock -1' Horse, age, 9 years; 3 Cows, one just freshened; b Bead of young cattle; 1 Brood Sow; - Implements -1 wagon .with rack; 1 mower, 5 foot cut, Frost & Wood; 1 Walking Plow; 1 10 -Hoe Drill; 1 Gang Plow; 1 Set Harrows Viking Cream Separator, nearly new; 1 bug- gy; 1 root pulper; 1. set double har- ness; 1 sugar kettle; grindstone; bar- row; forks, shovels, tools, etc. Furn- itnre and household effects. 18 hens 2 year old. Terms, Cash — The farm will be offered subject to a reserved bid, the terms announced at sale. Wm. C. Errington, Edward J. Erring- ton, Administrators. T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the banruptcy of JAMES FREDERICK HOOP - ER of the Township of Turnberry, in the Province of Ontario, Farm- er, Authorized Assignor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that James Frederick Hooper made an authorized assignment under the Farmers' Creditors' Arrangement Act on the 23rd day of November, 1934, and the first meeting of creditors will be held on Tuesday, the 18th day of December, 1934, at the hour of two - lateen o'clock in the afternoon in the Town Hall, Wingham. To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the es- tate must file the same with the Cus- todian or the Trustee when appointed 'before distribution is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be dis tributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such claims. Dated at Wingham, this 5th day o December, 1934. E. A. CORBETT, Official Hon County. MORTGAGE SALE ALL -BRAN RELIEVED HIS CONSTIPATION. Delicious Cereal Brought New Health to Mr. Bartholomew We quote from his voluntary let- ter: "I had considerable trouble with my stomach. Digestion was out of the question. I got medicine which gave me only temporary relief. ' "Then I thought of taking ALL BRAN. I started eating . a cereal dishful two or three times a day. "It has been over a year now since I ate that first dish of bran, but from that day to this I have had the pleasure of enjoying the proper functioning of the digestive organs. "Thanks to ALL-BRAN.I still eat it regularly and like it better all the time."—.Lester Bartholomew (ad- dress furnished upon request). Constipation is usually due to lack of "bulk" to exercise the intes- tines, and vitamin B to promote elimination. ALL -BRAN supplies both, as well as iron for the blood. The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is much. like that of leafy vegetables. Cer- tainly this food is more natural than taking harmful patent medi- • eines. Two tablespoonfuls daily will usually . overcome most types of constipation. With each meal in chronic cases. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Get the red -and -green package at • your grocer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. taffeta with tray frills and quaint puf- fed sleeves Her bat was also pink. She carried ,yellow and,i(llite: elitys-, anthemunis. Horace 1V1eLay, llrother' of the bride was best man. A recept- ion was held after the ceremony, the bride's 'mother recieving in a gown of black flatte crepe and black and white satin trimming. One hundred guests attended a dinner at six. o'clock. For travelling the bride don- ned a dress of brown flatte crepe and brown coat with accessories in brown shade. They will reside in Ripley, Guests were present at the wedding from Port Colborne, Guelph, Fort Erie, Bluevale, Stratford, Lucknow and ?.ions Head. A. Y. P. A. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the basement of St. Paul's Church on Monday evening, Dec. 3rd, when the members of the A. Y. P. A. stag- ed, tog-ed a "Newspaper Night." Following the usual .opening exer- cises the society was divided into three groups with an editor at the head of each group: a society depart-. ment, with Miss Doris Fells as editor, a news department with Herb. Fuller as• editor, and an advertising depart- ment with Joe Ellacott at editor. A few lively games were then in- troduced in which all joined heartily: Between each game reports were made to the editors in charge of the various departments. At, the end of the evening the re- ports of the various departments were collected and put together under the title of "The A.Y.P.A. Babble". After the serving of a cheese and cracker lunch this very interesting and amusing journal was read by Mr. Spittal. The meeting closed with the singing of "Gad Save the King". The programme for November 10th is of a religious nature and will con- sist of. a talk given by Mr. Roberts. Thursday, Deceiubeir 0, 1930 a few days in Detroit last week. Mrs. James Cleghorn and daugh- ter, Pauline, of Port Colborne, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Will Abraham. Miss Viola Goll is visiting friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. John Walmsley and. daughter, Margaret, of Clinton, were calling on old friends in this vicinity last week. situate, lying and being in the Town lot of Wingham in the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and being composed of Lots numbers 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365 and 366 in the said Townplotof Wingham, Government Survey, also Block "A" Government Survey, in the said Town ,plot of Wingham, contain- ing together thirty-seven and one-half acres of land more or less. This ,property was formerly used as a Fair grounds and is especially suitable for pasture. TERMS' of Sale: Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The (property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the clay of sale or may be had on appli- cation to the undersigned. DATED at. Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-sixth day of November, A.D. 1934: THOS. FELLS, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor. Of Valuable Property in the Villag of Bela -lore in, the County of Huron Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain the will gage which will be produced odurrat for time of sale thereab thee offered aerece or sale by public auction J. H. Crawford, Wingham, onSatur- day, Dectmber 8th, at three o'clock A the afternoon the following. property Auctioneer, nainel : All and singular that certain parcel ter• tract of land at piernises situate, ,Lyng and being in,.the,Vfllare of 'del-; more to the County of .Tttren,, and be- ittg composed of 'Village Lot number 1Meety-one in Irwin's Survey' of the *laid Village of Pelnwore acid being kart of farm lot Onc in the ""C" Con-. WEDDINGS Aitchison -. McLay The marriage of Edna Christine, daughter of Mrs. McLay and the late Mr. Malcolm McLay to Kenneth Geo- rge Aitchison formerly of Bluevale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitchison, took place at :the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Matheson, in Ripley, at four -thirty o'clock Wednesday after- noon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. M. Hannah, and the wed- ding music was played by Miss Marg- aret McLay cousin of the bride. The bridal couple took their place before an arch of evergreens interspersed with flowers in pink and white shades. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Angus McLay, wore a gown of white flatte crepe and white sat- in shoes and her bridal veil of tulle was caught with orange blossoms. She carried pink and white chrysanthem- ums with fern. Miss Doris Aitchison, sister of the bridegroom, was brides- maid, wearing a frock of pale pink CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Erring- ton wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to them in their recent sad bereavement, and also for the, beautiful floral tri- bute of School Section No. 13. CARD OF THANKS To The Electors of the Town of Wingham; Please accept my sincere thanks for the splendid vote accorded me on Monday in electing me as Reeve for 1935._: I shall endeavor to the best of my ability to justify the faith you have placed : in ine, and will, at all tithes, have the interests of the Town and County at heart. Wishing you the compliments of the season; FRED L. DAVIDSON. MORTGAGE,. SALE Of Valuable Property in the Town Plot of Wingham in the Township of Turnberry in the County 'of Intron. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in., certain. ,ural,- gage which will be produced at ite time of ,ale there will be offered dr sale by" public auction at the office of J ht.'.Craw, ord, Wingham, on Sat- urdayDecember 15th, A.D. 1934 at two o'clock h the afteittoon by Tilos. 'party, nrely Auctioneer, Al the t1 osfollowing r iparr eels or tracts of lan l aftd premises CARD OF THANKS To The Electors of Wingham: I take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Wingham for re-elect- ing me Commissioner. For fourteen years I have served on this Commis- sion and I assure you that I will con- tinue to serve you faithfully, as I have in the past. Yours sincerely, W. H. GURNEY. CARD OF THANKS SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of Bel - grave Public School for the Fall term. V—Ross Anderson 78. Sr. IV—Thelma McGuire 82, Edith McClenaghan '76. Jr. IV—Mabel Coultes 87, Annie Cook 69, Alvin Higgins 58. Sr. III—Lois McGuire 86, Ralph McCrea *75, Gibson Armstrong 59. Jr.' III—Berna Yule 84,, Elsie Cook 70, William McClenaghan 70, Harry Stewart 57, Russel Kelly, absent. II—Phyllis Wightrnan *92, (Lois Kelly 87, Elizabeth Grant *87), Jack Armstrong 78, William Manning *69, Norman Cook 64, Shirley Nethery *59, Beth Brydges absent, Dorothy Wade, absent, Elizabeth Young, ab- sent. I—Sybil Grant 80, Harold Pocock 80, Ruth McGuire 77, Jane Armstrong 60. Sr. Pr.—Mary Wheeler, Charlie Cook. Jr. Pr.—John Manning, Forrest Young, Winnifred j• Rae, Teacher. and[Baked Goods GIBSON'S BAKERY "Always the Best" Phone 145, Wingham hnimmennonnoonsmingint Dainty Gifts A ?agnificent 'array from which to choose. They are exquisite gifts the painstaking work of skilled needlewomen; la- vish with lace and em- broidery. $1.00 to $3.95 Step -Ins and Vests $1.00 Gowns and Slips $1.95 Bloomers and Brassiers $1.50 Gowns, de -luxe models $3.95 Slips, de -luxe models. $2.95 FLE.Isard(Co. Hubby—"The bank has returned Wafe—"Isn't that splendid! What. that cheque." I can we buy with it this time?" I wish to extend to the electors of Wingham my most sincere appreeia,-: tion of their hearty support on Mort - day, December 3rd, 1934, It is my� hope that the town of Winghatn shalt have good sound administration for the coming' year of 1935. I trust I shall..have ;the hearty co-operation of all citizens throughout my term tf office, Again thanking you, I remain Cordially and sincerely yours, JOHN W. HANNA. NEW STYLE CONSOLE CHEST A Beautiful, Uuseful and: Lasting Gift for Mother, Sister or Sweetheart. Solid Walnut Chests with Moth Proof Cedar lining at $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $21.00, $25.00. A. J. Walker Furniture and Undertaking P,S.—See Our LINE OF GIFTS For CHILDREN WOK Where Santa Divulges Secrets Williams' Jewellery Store is simply THE place for unusualthe gift. We've searched and searched, and we're proud of o suly stock of unusual things. Prices 25c to 550.00. ANNOUNCEMENT On Dec. lst. I' :will be open for business in the Wellington Produce building. A full line of Poult ry 'Supplies and Feeds will be on hand, Beef Scrap, Bone Meal, rish Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Concen- trates, Cod Liver Oil, Charcoal, Minerals, Roup Cure, Black Leaf `r40", ete. Also Cattle Minerals and Hog concentrates. I have Corn on hand,kiln-dried and natural at reasonable rices. Give our hens a treat feed- p your by ing some corn, They will treat you in return, with lots o1 egs.. Let me solve your feeding problems. 'Ski ;?b Duncan Kenned Phone 38. • tPn-. Wingham, Ont.