HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-12-06, Page 5Thursday, December 6, 1934 WIN-GHAM ADVANCE-TIMg 3. =3:=3223133::: s "."s: gine az— r = — Ttt ii e• YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT is Invited founded in 1871 this Bank has Li the course of over 60 years developed intimate association 'With very many successful Car'.,dial busine§s enterprises. This experience is embodied in the services we make available to you. These services include Canada -wide collection facilities, close contact with our own offices in L,dndon and' New York, and ready access at any time to our executives for consultation. THE OEC ION s: AK ESTABLISHED 1871 J. R. M. SPITTAL - - MANAGER WINGHAM BRANCH 377R iD`irect'wires.cormnectsour •Head•Office in Toronto with Montreal and New York 111tOlGli11eOpUMSlllllMUM llllnCnocenpueYeewY1ellalaiEiuC1go1G5C1e1eaaefee1161LI Ce7:eweaeloodili IDUMMICIM ja.a.o.ar.oan.0a00c0a0e000a0 rkl Wide News Sent up . or Trial Belleville -Harald W. Verrnilyea, charged with the murder of his mo- ther on Oct. 4th last; was committed for trial at the nexa Court of Compe- tent Jurisdiction by Magistrate E, J. Butler, K.C., late Saturday afternoon, :after :a preliminary ihsaring that '.had extended for four Saturdays, and a large number of witnesses had been called, including those from Ontario, California, :Chicago and Toronto. Big Business :Real Government, :Says .Stevens Toronto—"The manipulators of Big Business are the meal ;government of Canada," ,declared Hon. H. H. Stev- ens rbefone University of Toronto stu- dents .at Hart House. "Now, don't ;get me wrong," .he continued. "I do not :say, .nor would if admit, that lead- ers ,of Biig Bnsiineee, as defined in the 'resolution, ,exerts an economic Influ- ence 'which .supplies economic con- trol? Fairbanks Named Ca -Respondent. • London—Lord Ashley was granted. a divorcee decree nisi from Lady 9:sh- ley and costs of the actioaa were awarded against Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., named as co-respondent. New Liberal Whip Harold J. Kirby, member for Tor- onto -Eglinton, is the new Whip of the Ontario Liberal party. He was elected at the Queen's Park caucus by 10 votes over Dr. George A. Mc- Quibban, North Wellington, the house leader at the 1933 session. Sorsoleil Re -Instated M., A. Sorsoleil, suspended Deputy Minister of Welfare in the Hepburn. Government, 'over charges he -made against school children's morals, was re -instated by the Hepburn Cabinet. The re -instatement was announced by In .®..®.®oma.. °ref F 1 Bon. D. A. Cron, Minister of Wel- fare, after the Cabinet had been in session nearly three hours. NTo indi- cation was given as to whether op- position to the re -instatement was ex- pressed. Hold -Up in Toronto Frustrated Two .armed men, William Sidway; alias Barlow, aged 28, of Harvard Avenue, and Charles O'Leary, 28, of M.oCau1'Street, Torouato, came to grief, shortly before 3 o'clock Friday .aft.er-1 noon, when, it is alleged, they were planning to stage a hold-up at the Imperial Bank, at Pape and ,Sammon Avenues, Toronto. Their plans were frustrated through the alertness of citizens, and, after a brief chase, both men, who threw away their :guns, were:eppnehended, whale a third, said to be seated at the wheel of a wait- ing car in front of the Kitchener School grounds, manager. to elude capture. Investigate Girl's Death An investigation into the death ten days ago from a hemorrhagic condi- tion of a 'teen-age Alliston girl is be- ing conducted by Ontario Provincial Police. 'Taken suddenly ill in the home where she was employed as a domestic, the young woman is alleg- ed to have died early the following day. She had just returned two days previous from an extended holiday on the Paicfic 'Coast, it was revealed. Export Wheat Quotas May Be Changed Budapest—Adoption of an entirely new method of determining world wheat export quotas by Canada, the. United States, Argentina and Aus- tralia, was predicted by a. delegate. He said that an agreement had been reached on the principle of dotting quotas on the basis of world demand over a six-year period. This would. Anntmetwatimontennon HYDRO LAMPS The Loa .Life Lamps" or vice and t ariui o *HP* Cilhop of t£a#nps !Mils. Wingh'ain Utilities Commission Crawford Block. Phone 156. al‘ • mean the scrapping :of the London Wheat Pact of 1933, which used the average 1990.33 acreage given over to wheat production as a basis for determining the export quota of a country, Morro Costle Officere Arrested New York—The Acting Captain and Chief Engineer of the Morro Cas- tle, which burned at sea with a loss of 134 lives, were arrested and ar- rainged before a United States. Com- missioner .on charge of negligence,. misconduct and inattention to duty. Issues Warning to Germany Paris Germany was warned by. France that in remaining away from international parleys she was should- ering hould ering the "moral responsibility" for events that might trouble the .peace of Europe. The; warning came from Foreign Minister Pierre Laval in an explanation of French foreign policy, given to the Chamber of Deputies. Demand Former Hydro Officials Pap Upl In, a formal "demand" made upon two former Commissioners and two former Hydro officials for t$e pay- ment to Hydi-o ,of .$4,553.73, alleged to have been illegally paid out for "detective" services, the new Ontario Hydro -Electric Power Commission is understood to be taking definite steps toward action for the recovery of the amount. May Establish Police School A police school which would be utilized to increase the efficiency of the Ontario Provincial Pdlice :and po- lice forces throughotu the Province is predicted in a.letter sent by At- torney -General Arthur Roebuck to Brig. -General D. C. Draper, Chief Constable of Toronto. Mr. Roebuck expressed 'his whole=hearted concurr- ence in the Tatter's proposal to estab- lish such a school in 'Toronto. Holt Retires as 'President Of Royal Batik Sir Herbert Holt, Irish 'immigrant, who has attained 'the ,peaks of Canad- ian .financial life, relinquished the po- sition in which he was best known to the world—the Presidency of the Royal Bank of 'Canada=and is suc- ceeded by a son of the Maritimes, Morris W. Wilson. Sir Herbert's association with the bank, which has 'lasted. since 1905, when he became a director, will be continued as he becomes 'Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Exectuive Committee. Escaping Inmate Shot Alfred Ertel, an inmate of the On- tario Brick Works at Mir/Ace, was in- stantly killed when shot thnough the heart by 'Guard Moran 'Thursday night, ,during an attempt of four in- mates of the institution to ,effect an escape. It appears that the four had made their way out of their ,dornii- tories after overpowering the guard stationed there, and •on their way to the main' doorway to freedom were confronted by another guard, whom they beat into unconsciousness with pieces of a chair. Just then Guard. Moran appeared on the scene and, aiming his rifle, warned the prisoners to return to their dormitory. Instead of obeying they made open defianec. Protest Hepburn "Spoils System" Grimsby — Grimsby citizens who packed the Council Chambers at a public meeting here opposed a resolu- tion endorsing theactions of the Hepburn Government in favor of a second resolution protesting against the Premier's use of the "spoils sys- tem" and thereby breaking his elec- tion pledges "that small Government office -holders had nothing to fear if he were elected, provided they took no part in the election and were ef- ficient." New Chairman for T. & N. O. The chairmanship o fthe Timiskam- ing and Northern Ontario Railway Commission is to be filled by Colonel Malcolm ..Lang of Haileybury, Hon. Mitchell Hepburn announced that Colonel Lang hadbeen appointed to take his place in that office. Lloyds Get Ontario License Lloyds of London have been li- censed by the Provincial Government to do insurance business in Ontario, Finding made by Attorney -General Arthro W. Roebuck after a protracted hearing were considered by the Gov- ernment. The Attorney -General's 're- commendation was accepted by the Lieutenant -Govern -in -Council, and he was authorized to issue a license for all classes of insurance business, ex- cept' life insurance. , He was one of those people who always imagine they are ill. "And how are you today, John?" asked an old friend: "I'rnr not at all myself," be said. "Congratulations," said the friend ."it's probably a change for the bet- ter," MEXICO'S NEXT A new portrait of Gen. Lazaro Gar tlenas, '38, Mexico's youngest consti- tutional president, who succeeds Pres- ident Rodriguez upon his retirement from office. uerne nSSSS +eIle; NEWS of the IS IC i Severely Injured in Car Accident Miss Thelma McIntyre, age 22, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McIntyre, Kintail, is in Alexandria Hospital, Goderich, with severe injur- ies sustained Friday night in a motor car accident on the Blue Water High- way, north of Goderich. Her injuries include a double fracture of the right arm, possible fracture of the pelvis and other injuries. Married 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Miller, es- teemed resident of Clifford, celebrat- ed the 50th anniversary of their mar- riage on Sunday at their home. They were both born in Carrick Township in the vicinity of Mildmay. When a young man Mr. Miller came to Clif- ford and learned shoemaking at Graef's Shoe Store and for many years has been shoe merchant, and al- so a member of ` the Continuation School Board. Fifty years ago he and Katie Miller were . married in the Evangelical Church on the 4th con- cession of Carrick. Boys 8 and 6 Years Credited with Robbery Goderich—Twelve robberies have have been credited by police to two brothers, 8 and 6 years of age. The elder boy is now in an institution, and a psychiatrist stated his brain had developed far beyond his years. The robberies displayedsigns of con- siderable cleverness. The loot was mostly cash, and the robberies were carried out while the places of busi- ness were open. Paints on Grain of Rice Meaford--M. H. Huss, Meaford watchmaker, printed five words and four figures on an ordinary grain of rice. The printing was done with a fine paint brush, The printing can be plainly seen with a magnifying glass. A few months ago Huss bored a hole through an ordinary pin from one end to the other. He also built a small steam engine out of scrap iron which runs. Took Stroke While Driving Car Listowel—While •en route to Mil- verton on business, Roger Martin, well known local resident; was seized with a stroke and is now in a serious condition in the Memorial Hospital here. Mr, Martin was driving along the 7.0th concession of Elma when he was overcome and his car went into the ditch, but was not damaged. Mr. Martin was found by passersby and brought to Listowel Hospital in a semi-conscious condition. Deer `Caught in 'Fence When a team of horses driven by Kelso McNay, near Lucknow, took fright the driver's attention was drawn to a young deer caught in a wire fence nearby. The animal was caught by the back( leg and had evi- dently been there some time as the ground was pawed and the deer was stiff in the limbs when released. As Mr. McNay approached the animal was wild with fear but soon appeared 'to sense that its helper was a friend and becatne quite docile as Kelso worked to release the foot which was torn and cut by the wire. Lticknow Girl Passes The heath occurred at eleven o'clock Thursday evening in Wing - ham Hospital of Donalda Thompson, 1$ -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Lucknow. The yol rig lady had been ill about five weeps, but was taken critically ..111 on Wednesday at which time site was rushed: to Winghant Hospital and an oiperation was performed. Peritonitis set in, which ;proved fatal, Besides her sorrowing parents, who have the sympathy of the entire community, she is survived by 'three sisters, Mrs, Price Naylor, Toronto; Helen, of Hanover and Frances, at home, and fain- brothers, L. C. Thompson, Luck - now, Robert, Harold and Willard, all of Lucknow. Boy Suffers Injury Clare Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Kennedy, met with a serious ac- cident and one which at first looked as if it might end fatally. However, his condition has improved somewhat and while he is still in a serious state it is hoped he will ultimately recover. Clare was acting as water -boy with a gang of road construction men on No. 4, was riding on the running - board of a truck, when it was sud- denly stopped and he was thrown vi- olently to the pavement, striking his head with such force that he suffered severe injuries. — Clinton News -Re- cord. Porker Scores Knockout— A farmer residing near St. Clem- ents was unloading a group of hogs at the village scales one day last, week. They were no exception to the hog reputation for stubbornness. While driving them up the runway after weighing them, one pig proved very slow. The farmer grabbed one hind leg to prod Mr. Porker along but the pig had other ideas. He let go with a 60 -yard ptu and the fasrn- er blocked the kick—with his face. The ultimate result is a hole in the line—of his front teeth. Three mol- ars are missing,—Milverton Sun. Men Get Ducking at Howick Twp. Sale While attending the farm stock and implement sale of Mrs. Sarah Knight in Howick Twp, four men standing on a cistern received the surprise of their lives when the platform gave way causing an icy bath, in four feet of water for the unfortunate men. When the men were fished out one at a time, Reeve William Murdock of this town, was one of the baiptized. candidates.—Palmerston Obesrver. 91st, Birthday J. W. Browning observed his 91st birthday recently. Dr. Browning is to be found every day at his office and on Wednesday last a number of visitors called to extend congratula- 19913 PAG -4s TH BRJDE AND GROOM LEAVE ABBEY The Duke of Kent, youngest son of the King and. Queen, and. Princess Marina of Greece, are shown here just after their marriage by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. in ' historic Westminster Abbey. This , photo- graph was rushed from London by radio. "...So "If we are we must 1 nothing a ...Let i that it wil. them to Rt. Ej dian Canada's tourj which everybody bet Prime Minister has c such a vital factor in b Tor both these r portance of showing country? Let us all d when one travels in We have a beauti to travel highways f are orderly and clean spot to rest. Canadi work of preparing for cAs a nation, we holiday land. We mus happiest recollections Not should we f beauties to discover at iskaming Game and Fish Protective Association held at Haileybury, Mr. George Lettner of town was awarded the Northern Canada Power Com- pany's trophy for catching the larg- est pickerel in Teniiskaming waters in 1934. The fish weighed 8% lbs. The next largest entry weighed 63 lbs.—Walkerton Herald -Times. Leave" :ountry, sy costs t assets it gates sant for leave." o the Cam- ber 6, 2934. t industry from create what the liners" which is amily of nations. Canada the im- to guests of our ' unt for so much ant our visitors is of cities that avel an inviting' o the important of Canada as a e with only the gain and again. that there are. *hbo ng inces. We live in otic-ui; gr a v , must glorious playgrounds os — playgrounds us learn to know better the rich variety of its travel attractions; CN►Ci,'1 Matntrant or RAILJAYs.414b GAiOALI L BUREAU Ottawa, Canada A