HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-11-29, Page 8ilc P... h G..n.1 EIGHT GHT SHOW STARTS AT 8 P,M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 29, 30, Dec. lst ZASU PITTS SALLY EILERS HENRIETTA CROSMAN In "Three On A Honeymoon'' Also Two Reel Comedy - "TWIN SCREWS" Single Reel - "Man's Mania for Speed" and News Reel. NEXT WEEK "STAND UP AND CHEER" WHITECHURCH Mr. James Ross spent a few days last week at his Borne at Holyrood. Mrs. Russel Reid who has been vis- iting with Mrs. Alec Reid, returned to her home in Brantford on Sunday,. with Mr. Reid. Mrs. Wesley Leggatt spent a few NIMMINNEEMENEMBEENESEIREE Honest Weight Best of Service Store Opposite Merkley's Garage days last week at Bluevale, at the home of her brother, Mr. Alec Mow- bray. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore visited on Sunday at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Duncan MacGregor of Teeswater. Mr. Bert Cullimore spent a few days last week with friends in Tor- onto. The then of the United Church and others who were interested in fixing up the • grounds of the cemetery on the farm of Mt i3en McClenaghan, met on Wednesday and erected a new wire fence around it and cut down the brush and trimmed the shade trees, Mrs. Jerry Brayford returned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday last. The Mildmay orchestra drew a large crowd to the Institute Hall on I Wednesday last. This Thursday the I Directors of the Agricultural Society I are having Arthur's Orchestra, with Mr, Roy McCreight as. manager, ptu on a dance, in aid of the society, and the directors are serving lunch, Mrs, Will Naylor is nursing Miss Maria Campbell at present. Mr. Will Henderson, also Miss Miss Henderson, Misses Mary and Sara Sharpe of Teeswater, visited on Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Henderson and with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross and Miss Catharine Ross, Miss Ross is walking now with the aid of a cane. Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Nivins of Au- burn, who were married in Blyth on Saturday last, spent the week -end at the home of her brother, Mr. Ezra Scholtz. Lantern slides will be shown 'in the United Church here on Thursday ev- ening .under the auspices of the Y. P. S. They are views of Korea. f3 YA L bT A\ tfl. I. 1 i1 J' The House of Plenty Merkley's Garage Store Opposite Be it known that this store is not Connected, Linked nor Controlled by any chain organiza- tion, nor do we approach any manufacturer to lower the standard of any product to cheapen the price, we buy the Best Brands and sell them for Lowest Prices Possible. WilemilisegrafiraliasnaMmassaalvak Best Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. ....................... ... ..... ..... .... ..... 24c Best Raisins with Seeds 2 lbs. _...... ........-....... 24c Best Bleached Raisins 19c lb Shredded Cocoanut, best 18c lb Xmas. Walnuts, Shelled 45c 1b Cooking Figs, new and fresh, best 9c ib Fresh Dates, Spec. 2 lbs. for 18c Crown Blend Tea 12 oz pkg 35c SOAP SPECIAL P. &. G. Soap, Pearl Soap (5 bars to customer) 3c cake Phone 17. ..: ,h s;rr.. saVressell Lard Special - Coleman's, Ma- Xmas Candied Cherries and ple Leaf and Sclmeider's in 1 Pineapple, Orange, Lemon lb. cartons, 2 cartons for ... 25c and Citron (Peel ,at Very Special Prices Christie's Royal Cream Soda Biscuits, crisp, fresh, 1 ib.. pkg. for 10c Golden Blend Tea, reg. 60c Lb 43c H. P. Sauce, cut price 25c bot. Best Breakfast Cocoa ...... llc ib. Tomato Special, No. 2 tins, Tip-, top, Pride of Valley and Maple Leaf Brands, Cut Price 10c tin 10 lb. Granulated Sugar ...._ 52c Huron Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 58c Pat -a -Pan Pastry, 24 lb.:...- 69c Quality Bread Flour 98 lb. $2.38 Manitoba Rose Flour 981b $2.49 PEAS Special, No. 2 Size Tins, Pride of Valley ,Maple Leaf Brands 11c tin "WE KEEP DOWN THE UPKEEP" We Deliver. .44 zeearleeenerk 4 ,..,.,rax-+ Gua^, ..,zlz b, rtBtM:'.r- ;r{ C4 IST IAS OOp o•e Is Still Four Weeks Away (dating from Tuesday o this week) but its time we were thinking of CH STS :UYJNG This week we have placed in stock FINAL SHIPMENT of CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR -- Candidly we can say that never before in the history of our store in the Town of Wingham have we shown such a variety of CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR AND AT PRICES THAT ARE WONDERFULLY LOW, IN FACT WE ARE MAKING PREPARTIONS FOR A REAL BIG CHRISTMAS TRADE • We are showing in this ad, SEVERAL LINES OF CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS THAT HAVE JUST BEEN PLACED IN STOCK and, WE WISH TO IMPRESS UPON OUR MANY CUSTOMERS THIS FACT, that Moress Now, while ger it stock ol i- its best,tis the good time to make Christrnas Selections. p eliminate the Last Minute Christmas Rush ---h is always a good thing "to have a reserve" and there is no greater asset `Phan a Reserve of Thne" for according to the old saying (and its as true to -day as the day it was first uttered) "TIME IS MONEY " WE SHALL BE GLAIR TO SHOW YOU ;: OUR EXCELLENT SELECT. ION, AND YOU ARE .POSITIVIELY UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO BUY WIL IS SIIOE THE LEADING SH. ORE OF THESEPARTS WIN GI AM .ADVANCE -TIMI• S Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Kenndy mov- ed to their new home on Josephine St, Wingl lam, last week and this week Mr. and Mr's. Carl Lott are tak- ing .over their work at the poultry farm. Mr. and Mrs, Herron Irwin enter- tained a number of their friends and neighbors at their home on Wednes- day evening last. All report a good time, A ' very interesting program was given in the Hall on Friday night, The first three directors of the In- stitute were leaders in a contest. against the other three. Each direc- tor irectfor was in charge of three numbers, The judges, Miss Logan, Miss Hugh- es and Mr. Henderson, decided that Mrs. Naylor, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. G. Gillespie, had the winning side. After the program the young folks danced until closing time, Mr. Milan Moore is attending the Royal Fair in Toronto this week. Mr. Robt. Thompson motored from Toronto last week and Mrs, George Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tif- fin returned with him to attend the Royal Fair. Miss Evelyn Pennel of Kinlough is. visiting with Mrs. Herb. Pettapiece. Mrs. John Campbell visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Win. Wil- son and Mrs. Finnan of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Taylor and baby Eleanor, moved to their hone in the village last week. Mr, Jas. Richardson visited last week with Mr. Elliott Pennel of Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin are at Mr. 1Nesley Tiffin's while they are in To- ronto. Mr. Robt. Mowbray and Mr. Alec Mowbray of Bluevale, spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Garton spent a few days last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Holland of Kitchener. Mrs. Emerson and son, James, and Bert Cullimore, spent Sunday with 1MMr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson of Kin - The The young folks of the United Church started to practise on Satur- day for their Christmas Concert on December 14t4. Miss May Wightman was among those from this district who attended the Officers' Congress in Wesley Church, London, on Saturday even- ing. Every Presbytery in the London Conference was represented. Dr. My- ers of Toronto, was the special speak- er for the evening. Mr. Stanley Todd of St. Helens, Messrs. Gilbert Bee- croft and George Taylor of Brick Church also ,attended the meeting.` Remember the concert and dance at the Spotton,meeting in Wingham on Friday night. BELGRAVE Institute Meeting The Belgrave Branch of the Wo- men's Institute held its November meeting at the hone of Mrs. James Taylor on Tuesday afternoon when there was a good attendance present. Mrs. F. McCallum, vice pres., con- ducted the meeting which was open- ed in the usual manner. Several mat- ters were dealt With during the busi- ness period when Mrs. Taylorreport- ed- the sale of the street lights; Mrs. McCallum had secured articles neces- sary to replenish the First Aid Kits furnished by the institute to the three schools. The two quilts which had been quilted since the previous meet- ing were displayed, committees were appointed to look after the disposal of these quilts. The roll call was res- ponded to by naming the 'Quality I admire most in a Man." A splendid discussion on current events, was led Perrna,1`' ent Waves Specials on Permanents DECEMBER lst to 31st. $7.00 for...... ..$4.50 $5.00 for . . $3.50 $4.00 for .$2,50 An Extra Special for $2.00. Croquingnole Ends ..1.50 All Small Work now, .25c A Permanent makes an "Ideal Xmas Gift". . Helen's h h a u y Dieppe PHONE 133. eatinuesserrapIMENINESPasleartain ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GIFT FOR HIM? If so, drop in to Omar Hasel rave Cigar Store by. Mrs, Jesse Wheeler. The address, The Qualities of a True Canadian, was given by Mrs, C, R. Coultes. A very pleasing duet was sung by Mrs. G. Jordan and Mrs. C, Wade, which. was enjoyed, A splendid''pap.er was given by Mrs. W. VanCarnp on the motto "Truth all round is the most fortifying thing in the world." The singing, of the National Anthem brought a very ,interesting, meeting to a close. - Lunch was 'served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Jno. Van - Camp and Mrs, Wm. VanCamp, and a social time was enjoyed, Mr. Jno. McGuire hs purchased the McGee property -in the village, Mr, Harry McQuire and family will oc- cupy the house. A very pleasant evening was spent in the Foresters' Hall on. Friday ev- ening when a Euchre and Dance was held. Prizes were won by Miss Is- obel Leitch and Ernest Noble. Jack- son's Orchestra °:supplied the music. An interesting shi!pnient left Bel - grave station one morning last week when a large carload of rock elm logs left for China via Vancouver and the same morning Mr. Shiells shipped a carload of cattle to England. Rev. A. M. Grant spent a few days in Toronto last week. The Woman's Association of Knox United,, Church held a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Alex. Manning on Wednesday. Mr. W. J. Geddes visited for a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Joe Lit- tle at Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and `Mrs. Brooks, of Centralia, and Mr, and Mrs« A. Proctor and children, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Julia Scandrett. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brandon spent a clay with friends at Zurich and Hen - sail.. Mrs. J. A. Geddes is -spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mr. P. W, Scott addressed the Y. P. S. of Knox United Church last Wednesday evening on the challenge of expansion or "The Responsibility of Prosperity". The citizenship group were in charge and there was a splen- did attendance. Mrs. Norman Keat- ing conducted the meeting and Miss Helen Grasby read the lesson. Ar- rangements were made to have the play "The Nappy Vagabond" present- ed in the Foresters' Heel on Tuesday night, December 4th. This play com- es well recommended by those who have seen it, See posters for partic- ulars. Remember the concert and Dance at Spotton's meeting in Wingham on Friday night. Mrs, Bride: "I'm getting ice from a new man, clear." Husband: "What was wrong with the old one?" Mrs. Bride: "The new man says he will give tis colder ice for the same' money." .ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Bowles and lit- tle daughter, Doris, motored up from London on Sunday and spent the day with relatives here. Mr. Cyril Campbellattended the Temperance meeting hall in Clinton on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Emma Richardson, Mr. Fos- ter Moffatt, and daughter, Margaret, of Langside, called on Mr. and Mrs: Robert Nelson, on Friday afternoon.. Miss Kennedy,, of Whitechurch, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Lena Hackett. Mrs. Erving Zinn spent Wednes- day afternoon in Clinton with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb and children, 12th con. West Wawanosh, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. David Little, near Courey's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and grandson, Harold Campbell, Mr. and Mrs; Jacob Hunter and children spent Tuesday with Mrs. Campbell's: sister, Mrs. Jim Bird and Mr. Bird, of Brus- sels: Sorry to hear of the passing away of Mrs, S. R. Webster, of St, Helens, formerly of Belfast, on Wednesday, The funeral was held from her home on Friday afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery. We extend our sympathy to her'now bereaved husband. Messrs. Gordon Johnstone, Wtn, Warren and Keith Cai'neron returned from a two weeks' motor trip . to Perth County, Keith visiting with his, parents and relatives there. We extend our best wishes to Mr, and Mrs. John McDonagh of Zion, who before her marriage was' Miss Norma Anderson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Anderson, near Zion. Mr. Floyd Carrrp1iell returned to North Bay with a team of horses. 'l -Ie was accon7'panied by his brother- in-law, Ur, Robert Helm. Sorry to hear that Mr. James Satin- dors," near Maitetting, ii,ad-,a.,'pavalytt l stroke lust week, . His condition is scrions. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Alton, also Mtn, Thursday, Nov. 29th, 1934 This k At King's Of Special Interest To Women We beg to announce the visitto our store on Friday, Nov, 30th and Satur- day, December lst, . of Miss Mai tyn, "New York Trained Corsetiere'7. This is the first opportunity for the ladies of Wingham and surrounding territory to consult with a figure stylist who has had her training right in the fashion metropolis of America. Therefore, we urge all ladies who . possibly can, to come and Imeet Miss Martyn this Friday and Saturday, Corsets - Girdles Combinations Brassieres - - Twin Sets by NEMO-FLEX 'Stylish Coats for Women December weather willhelp you make the choice of .a warm coat, and KING'S have an elegant stock "Of the very best values". All the good shades including Black: $19.00 - $27:50 $50.00' Christmas In Just Four Weeks "Buy a gift a day" and when possible come] to KING'S to do Christmas shopping. You're always sure of a good choice here. Department Store 'Phone 71. .H+life *iPt7i=:. and Mrs. Walter Alton motored to London on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Raynard of Lucknow, spent the first part of ,the week with their daughter, Mrs. Wal- ter Alton and Mr. Alton. as S my "23" Sh ppL gays Left® Men's Dressing Gowns Fine wool, plains and checks Special $5.75 t� $9.50 New Badminton Sweaters Excellent for Sports. Special $1.25 CRAVATS Newest Designs Plains, Stripes and Checks. Prices 45c to 95c. New Forbelt Pyjamas ' Plain and Stripes,•good "choi- ce of colors. Special $1.75 to $2.25 Flannelettes and Broadcloths MUFFLERS New all wool check designs $1.75 to $2.25 Fancy Silks, colored and plain, Special $1,00 to $2.25. HAN A Suits and Overcoats See our Complete Stock Latest designs and models. Reasonably Priced Smart New House Coats Fancies and Plains. $6.50 to $9.50 GLOVES Lined and Unlined Greys, Blacks, Browns • and Creams Prices $1.00 ` to $3.50 Men's and Boys' Caps • Fine Tweeds and Plains. 98c to $1.49 Heavy. Winter weight, with ear lugs $1.25. Men's Fine Shirts Plains, Stripes and Checks, also Whites. Special $1.00 to $2.50 Make Excellent Gifts.. CO. LTD. esuraummemplegompasammanrilussmosgamesmo EYES EXAMINED F ASSES FITTED .R, A. REID, Leading Eyesight Specialist of Stratford for 1$ years, comes to Williams' jewelry Store, optical Department, EACII WEDNESDAY MORNING front 9,00 until 12.00. Have your eyes examined by an expert and be sure of -satisfaction. Glasses adjusted without charge. Quick service on all; repairs. ..sh..... wa s. jewellerystore New Location -- 5 Doors North of Lyteutn.7f'llueatre, OPTICAL DEPT., i12. A. REID, ,:REG, OPTOMETRIST.