HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-11-29, Page 7HOVVICK COUNCIL
Fordwich, Nov, 21, 1934
'Council met in the United Church
Ila.11 according to adjournment; mem-
bers were all present; the Reeve in
the chair.
Minutes of last regular meeting
.also special meeting were read and
on motion of Weir and Lovell were
Moved by Bryans and Demerling
'that the Report of the School attend-
ance officer be .accepted and placed
on file. Carried.
Moved by Weir and Lovell that the
Treasurer be authorized to order ' du-
plicate forms for tax payments for
Collectors. Carried.
Moved by Bryans and Lovell that
the Provincial Highway Department
be hereby respectfully requested to
take over the road between Harriston
and Wingham via the Ninth conces-
sion of the Township of Howick, as a.
Provincial Highway and that said
road be paved in the immediate fut-
ure as the volume of traffic is heavy
it being a direct road from Wing -
ham to Toronto, to Hamilton, etc.
Moved by Bryans and Demerli-ng
that the following bill be paid: (Car-
ried) James Walkorn, amount due to
error in 1932 taxes and to be credited
to 1933 taxes $153.12; Janes Walkom,
"balance of salary, postage, excise, ex-
change, etc., 1933 $60.00; W. C. King,
balance of salary, postage, excise, ex-
change, etc., 1933 $40.00; CarmOn
Bride, wood for Agnes Stewart $10.-
00; Dr. F. K. Bryans, operation on
Lloyd Harrison $15.00; J. R. Wendt,
cedar' for Wroxeter Hall $2.00; W.
E. VanVelsor, relief for Jean Gra-
ham. $9.70; Alex. A. Taylor, three
trips to Hensall with Thos Ellis $13.-
80; Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk
135.00; United Church, Fordwich,
rent of Hall, $1.50; J. H. Rogers, as-
sisting Road Auditor $4.00; G. A.
Gibson, building and. repairing side-
walks in Wroxeter $13.20; Dr. Ross,
anaethetic for Mabel Scott $5.00; B.
L. R. Kelly, M.D., assistance in opera -
'tion on Mebal Scott, mileage and ser-
vice $26.00; Dr. Riddell, operation on
Mabel Scott $37.50; L. N. Whitley,
M.D., med. services for Lloyd Harri-
son $9.50; L. N. Whitley, M.D., med.
services for Watson baby $2.25; Evan
Fallis, repair to Fordwich public shed
$1.50; Sec. Treas., S.S., interest on
delayed payments $132.65; Fordwich
Com. Association, rebate on lighting
rink $5.17; County Treas. Huron,
taxes on Bennett property in Gorrie
$39.00; J. H. Rogers, postage and ex-,
cise $9.00; M. Nash, constable fees
for dance in Twp. Hall, Nov, 9th,
41.00; 3. W. Garnble, trip to Wingharn
also trip to Goderich and Clinton,
$6.00; Stewart Pepper, supplies for
Mrs. Haberlee $5.28; A. C. Hutchison
pt. salary as weed inspector $7,80;
Can. Bank of Commerce, 2,000 cheque
forms $19.00; R. J. Hueston, coal for
clerk's office $15.15; R. J. Hueston,
-coal for Norman Clegg $14.95; Isaac
Gamble, supplies for office $2.10;
Frank Green, milk for Jean Graham
Road Expenditures
Walter Reddon, gravelling $8.40;
.Harvey Reddon, shovelling $2.65;
David Campbell, gravel $1.50; Frank
• Douglas, gravel $2.40; Oliver Stew -
.art, dragging $12.60; Cleve. Vittie,
• culvert $1.40; Thos. Vittie, culvert $1.-
40; Robert Baker, culvert $4.20;
E. G. Denny, dragging $7,70; Harvey
Gibson, dragging $13.15; Thos. Ab -
.ram, ditch and catch basin $9.15; Jos.
Williamson, wire ferme $4.00; Bert
Hubbard, dragging $7.20; Chas. Krell-
er, weeds $2.60; J, W. Hyndman,
power for large grader $85.50; R. F.
Edgar, Supt. salary $11.80; John Holt,
.ditching and road water $11.00; Car-
man Bride, gravel $3.75; Arthur For-
ster, dragging and ditching $6.35;
Harry Simons,,dragging $5.95; C. W.
W. Simmons, dragging and repair to
'culvert $2.90; John Hyndman, oulvert
tile $1.95; Gordon Gibson, bal. on
culvert, Con. A., $92,00; W. E. Pat-
terson, oil for crusher $6.60; William
Caudle, dragging $6.00; John Mont-
gotnery, work with large grader $12,-
80; John Kreller, dragging and patch-
ing $11.55; Lloyd Jacques, patching
11,05; Thos. Day, dragging and gra-
Thursday, Nov. 29th, 1934
vel $11.65; Albert Haskins, moving
stone .50; E. E. Denndy, postage and
excise $6.00.
Moved by Lovell and Weir that
Council do now adjourn to meet in
the Township Hall, Gorrie, 'on the
fifteenth day of December according
to statute. Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Guests .of Mr. and Mrs. 'William
Irwin on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Irwin and daughter, Miss
Lucille of Long Branch; also Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Woodcock and daughters
Misses Marjorie and Marian, of Tor-
Mr. and. Mrs. R. J. Hueston spent
a couple of days last week at their
cottage at Bruce Beach.
Mrs. W. C. King and son, Earle,
visited friends in Brussels on Sunday.
Mrs. Agnes Earls, of near Wroxeter,
accompanied them.
Mrs. James Bell and Marian Clark
spent the week -end at the home of
the former's son, Mr. William Bell,
of Kurtzville.
Mrs. E. Hastie and son, Mr. Wal-
ker Hastie, of Toronto, spent. the
week -end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Hastie.
Miss Mae Watters, of Toronto,
spent the week -end at the home . of
her mother, Mrs. John Watters.
IVIr. Owen Hill who was in Tor-
onto for a few days last week return-
ed home on Sunday, accompanied by
his wife, who has spent the past two
weeks there. Their daughter, Miss
Mary Hill, also spent the week -end
at her home here.
Ultra Modern
Eye Service
• Plintell.,
Phone 118 Harristor
Fawn Worried by Dogs
Rather .an unusual thing happened
in Howick recently when dogs wor-
ried.a young fawn on the farm of Mr,
Melvin Finlay, north of Gorrie. Mr,
Finlay took the injured fawn to his
barn where his efforts to restore the
animal to its former self were un-
successful and when nothing could be
done he notified authorities at God-
erich. Mr. McCoy of Goderich and
Constable M. Nash got the carcass
and gave the ,kiddies of the shelter a
real treat'. They left Mr. Finlay the
hide for his trouble.
Messrs. N. Wade, R. Graham, Geo.
Baker, and John. Warrell were visit-
ors at the Royal Winter Fair last
With the whole Britisli Empire
agog over the coming nuptials of
the beautiful Princess Marina of
Greece and dashing sailor, Prince
George, Duke of Kent; the betroth-
ed couple are going calmly about
Mrs. Spotton of Toronta, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with friends in
the community.
Mr. aid Mrs. Holmes, and Miss
Perkins visited with Toronto friends
last week.
Mr. James Sher a received the sad
news last week of the serious illness
of his sister, Mrs. Wesley Watters,
whose home is at Englehart, Ont. No
hope is held for her recovery.
Dr. and Mrs, W. J. Ross and dart-
ghter, Marilyn of Kitchener, were
guests of the former's mother, Mrs,
M. Ross, and Miss Ross, on Sunday,
Mrs, W. HastiO and sister, Mrs.
Tutrner, visited last Week with Tor-
onto friends.
Miss Jean Steurnol spent the week-
end with her friend, Miss Evelyn
eti t gomery.
making preparations for Europe's
most important social event. ABOVE
we have (1); the future home of the
Duke and Duchess of Kent, in Bel -
grave Sq, London, the former home
of Lady Juliet Duff. (2) the hand-
some royal couple, Princess Marina
by a most exciting time in Act 2
when the audience was awed and,
thrilled by the race at "Lovers' Leap"
and thankfully breathed a sigh of re-
lief when a daring rescue was per-
formed when the heroine's life was
saved. In at 3 the scene changed to
the Courtleigh Place, a plantation
mansion and finally in Act 4 to a
mountain studio, the painters' para-
dise, and the scene of another excit-
ing, moment when the hero filially
had the mystery of his life solved by
the picture produced by the gypsies
and was successful in winning his
heart's desire. Selections presented
between acts consisted of instrument-
al, vocal and guitar solos, by Messrs.
Hiscox, Wraith, Whiteman and Kirk-
land. The play was followed by a
dance under the management of.
Messrs. WM. Parks, Ross and Mac.
Sanderson, while modern and old-
time music was supplied by local tal-
Women's Institute
The November meeting of the W.
I, will be held Thursday, 29th, at 3 -
p.m. at the home of Mrs. B. Martin.
Mrs. J. Lovell will be in charge of
Current Events. Roll Call - Dona-
tions for Christmas Boxes. Topic -
'Value of Teaching Agriculture in the
Rural Schools, by Mrs. Leslie Knight
of Fordwich. Report of Convention
will be given by Mrs. MacLean and
Mrs. MacNaughton. Mrs. Wearring,
Mrs. Martin and Miss Mary Pope are
the Social Committee.
her was chairman.
Following the programthe chairs
were cleared off the floor and dancing
held sway until the wee sana' hours
and those who enjoyed the evening
have their friend George Spotton to
land Prince George. Even a princess
I gets a girlish thrill from picking out
her own trousseau, and by the ex-
pression on Princess Marina's face
in (3) as she selects her wedding
gowns in an exclusive Paris shop, she
is certainly enjoying it.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cathers visit-
ed friends at Cranbrook on Sunday.
Mt:. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg, son
Bruce, and Mrs. R. S. Clegg, visited
with Mr.. and Mrs. Leslie Earl last
Mr. R. G. Dane visited with Wing -
ham friends on Friday afternoon.
Miss Lenora Higgins and Miss
Maude Higgins, of Wingham, were
week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Gallaher.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
Stratford visitors one 'day last week.
Messrs. B. J. Maguire, Burns Stew-
art and Bert Harris were in Kitchen-
er and Baden last week.
Remember the Concert and Dance
at Spotton's meeting Friday night at
Mr, and Mrs. Jack King and dau-
ghter, Miss Jean, of London, spoilt
the week -end with the fortner's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, and
other friends.
Mr, Spencer AShton, of Ha -mitten,
and- .Miss, Mabel , Bell, of Toronto,
*Mt Sunday at the home of the for:.
mer's mother, Mrs. L Ashton.
The L. 0. B. A. Lodge are hold-
ing a Bazaar and Hot Supper Satur;.
day, Dec. 1.5th, in the Orange Hall.
• Mrs. James Musgrove is spending
this Week with her brother and other
friends hi London.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas MacDonald witty remarks. His subjects were in -
of Molesworth visited at the home troduced. by Dunean Sinclair, of N.
of Mr. Kenneth Hastie on M.onclay. Wellington, who touched on tariffs,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman, Mrs, English •marketS, farm loan plans, and
Fred Ilyndman and -daughter, Greta,.
spent a few days last week with the
-former's daughter, Mrs. Dowdell,
in Toronto."
Dr. and Mrs.: j! Armstrong were
Wingliam visitors. an -Monday.
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held at the Parsonage Thurs-
day, Dec. 6th, at 3 sharp. The
Christmas program will include the
roll call on "Christmas Thoughts."
Mr. and Mrs. W. Whitfield and Mr,
Ewart Whitfield, of Myth, spent Sun-
day with friends at Tienfryn.
Mrs. Murray, of Arthur, and Mrs,
Taylor, o fFergus, were guests for
a couple of days last week With Miss-
es Porter.
Mrs. Elmer Fallis, of Fordwich,
was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Dane.
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Moffat and
family,' of Wroxeter, spent Sunday
With Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Cathers,
Political Speeches, Concert and
Dance Enjoyed by Capacity
Miss. Margaret Durst of Seaforth,
spent the.week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Durst.
Mrs. Janet Munro returned Satur-
day from Cleveland, where she has
spent the past couple of months with
her sister, who is ill. We regret that
Mrs. Munro has not been enjoying
the best of health either.
141iss- Elsie Davidson Spent the
week -end with Seaforth friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane and Miss
Margaret Proctor, also Mr. Philip
Durst are spending a few days this
week in Toronto.
The play "Here Comes Charlie" to
be presented by Palmerston talent,
under the auspices of the Ladies'
Guild of the Anglican Church, in the
Town Hall, here, on Friday, Decem-
ber 7th, will be a real treat for the
public. This play comes highly re-
commended and is noted as being
very comical, so be sure to secure a
ticket and enjoy a real treat.
Next Sunday is to be known as
"Bishop Stringer" Sunday in the An-
glican Churches and special mission-
ary hymns and prayers will used and
special tribute will be paid to the
great work done by the late Bishop
Stringer among the Eskimos and In-
dians in the North.
Miss Jessie Johnson, of Clifford,
was the guest of MrS. Mary Edgar
one day last week.
Mr. Mills, Continuation School In-
spector, visited the local school on
Tuesday of last week.
We regret that Mrs. John Morrison
is not enjoying her usual good health
and trust she may soon recover from
her recent illness.
Miss Lenora. Higgins of Turnberry,
called on friends in town on Monday
of last week.
Rev. F. B. Allen of Teeswater was
a visitor in town one day last week.
Mrs. A. J. Sanderson spent Tues-
day of last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Leech, daugh-
ter, Bessie, and son, Ivan, and Mr..
and Mrs. D. A. Leech, of Howick,
were recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. f. MacLaren.
Mrs. G. Small, of Teeswater, was
the guest of Mrs, F. Davey on Wed-
neaday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Sawtell en-
tertained a number of friends at
New Election Act. Regarding the
tariffs, the sneaker said. he was for
free trade, but when others were not
willing to co-operate along these lines
it was impossible to lower them and
have our markets flooded with hn-
ported goods. He appealed strongly
to the younger generation to sttidy,
facts and figures regarding given
statements in the press today.
With reference to the increased
radio license, the speaker informed
his audience he was decidedly against
it, but had lost his vote on that par-
ticular bill.
Speaking on the Farm Loan Act
he said, 'Hepburn and Marshall are
acting as dogs in the manger by mak-
ing Huron farmers and others suffer
when the Federal house has passed
an act whereby they will assist such
farmers as need help. They should
have the decency to call parliament
and pass on it to allow Goverment
Board to function in Ontario as it is
in other provinces of the Dominion.
Regarding the Stevens Probe, he
spoke of Hon. H. H. Stevens. as a
"Good man, honest man, and a man
true to his convictions". The Price
Spreads Committee has not ceased ;bridge on Friday evening.
to function but is still at work and
this has only been a "tempest in a
teapot". Tt's legislature WC want to
correct these things, said the speaker.
George Spotton, M.P., Conservative
member for this district, began a neW
electioneering campaign ih Gorrie on
Friday evening when he addressed a,
crowded house. Mr. Spotton, Who
was born, and received his public
school education not three miles from
here, at-Orangehitl,:delighted his
large audience with his address and
Young People's Society
The Young People's Society of the
United Church met on Monday even-
ing, the program being under the,
Missionary Group. Miss Margaret
Wright, president, presided after the
Opening hymn. Lucille White lead in
prayer and the Scripture reading was
taken by Mable Patterson. During
the business session, it was decided
to ask older members oi the church
to join the young people in their
weekly meetings. Miss Marjorie Paul-
in had charge of the first topic which
was a study of the work in Peace
River District. Miss Isobel Milligan
favored with a piano solo. Miss Dor-
othy Edwards then read a letter from
Mr. Geo. E. Darby of the Bella.-BeIla 4
Missionary field. Kathaleen Durst
told a missionary story. The meeting
closed with a hymn and the Mizpah
Signs of Early Spring
On November 21st, Mr. Laurie
VanVelsor picked at his home a
bunch of beautiful dandelions perfect
in size and. color with stems from 4
to 6 inches long, and! so near the
north pble. lk,
Miss Florence Hupher is spending
some time in Guelph, visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Stanley Elliott, and Mr. El-
A number from here attended the
funeral, on Saturday, of the late Mrs.
Errington, of Turnberry, who died on
Thursday in a London Hospital.
Lantern slides on India, and the
"Citizenship" programme under the
convenorship of Mr. A. Fittlayson, at
the Y.P.S. meeting in the United.
Church. on Monday evening, were in-
teresting features,
On Sunday morning Rev. W. A.
Finlay cliose for his subject "Prayer"
and spoke of the Moderators of the
United Church, especially of the pre-
sent Moderator, Rt. Rev. R. Roberts;
D.D., giving an interesting account of
his life and work.
Mrs. David Moffatt, formerly of
Turnberry, was the guest of Mrs. R.
Hupfer on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft, of
Dashwood, called on friends in town
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wendt and Mr.
N. Hall were Mildmay visitors on
Remember the Concert and Dance
at Spotton's nte,etings Friday evening
at Wingham.
Miss Jessie Strachan, of brussels,
spent the week -end with her cousin,
Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser, Ridge -
town, were week -end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay. Muir, Mrs.
Nokes and Mrs. Chapman were
sonburg visitors on Sunday.
Miss Winnifred Rae of Belgrave,
spent the week -end at ,the home of
her parents, Mr. .and :Mrs. D. W.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, Hensall,
were Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G, Hemphill.
Mrs. P. MacEwen and her guest,
Miss Strachat, Brussels, spent Mott -
day at the home of Mrs. T. A. ,Gib.
son, Vordwich,
Additional Wroxeter on Page Two,.
lPlay Drew Full House
The play "Because Love Von,"
presented in the Town Hall last Wed -
night by Toeswater talent, tin -
yr. Spottort gave great credit to inesday
der the auspices of the Wroxeter Lib -
Premier Bennett for the excellent
'manner in which he has steadied the racy Association, was greeted by a
Finaneial ,Situation in Canada during large audience, the hall ,being filled
concluded by saying a few words onithese trying years of depression• to capacity. The play, a comedY-
the old topic "Depression" as he sees During the evening the :Excelsior drama in four atts, proved quite in -
it, stating that "Canada is Heaven (..)ttartette of Palmerston gave several teresting and amusing, whet in Act
compared to United States". delightful numbers, also Mrs. Vaxi- 1 the "George Washington", an old
Mr. Spotton opened his address by Wyk of Wingbam and Mr. Jack Virginian Tavern, provided the scene
X.Viainittg the "why and how" of theiThyne of Bittevale, Mr, A. E. dalta-
for an, impromptu wedding followe