HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-11-29, Page 4PAGE POT.;'
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(:Continued Froni Page One)
ecet a small part. Other depart-
ments'"in the town were in good
shape. There is still owing on sew-
ew-pers x85,000, Hydro $85,000, Water-
, , r a l works $65,000.
0 He said the ratepayers, were warn-
edlast year that the taxes could not
` be reduced as there was an overdraft
la cents a: word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. of $8300. The new roof for the Town
Hall cost $700, and relief cost 14
dnt o�¢o O1'�i8tsr�cs. mills. These items, made it necessary
FARM FOR RENT-99ai;, acres, Lot
No. 1, Con. 2, Grey Township. ')n-
ly those with sufficient implements
and power need apply. Box A, Ad-
vance -Times.
FARM FOR SALE -1.20 acres, Hur-
on County, large bank barn, frame
house; thriving village, station, one
mile; close estate — Thirty -Eight
Hundred. Mr. Joseph H. Taylor,
Science Hill, Ont.
of Ontario containing one-fourth of
to raise the rate 5 mills this year. He
an acre be the same more or less. gave the estimates of the various
On this property is said to be a council committees stating all under
I seven -roomed one and one-half ster- their estimates, and'asked for anoth-.
ey red brick �. tate or re ,
: house in fa
it s
1 pair with a well and cistern; also a er year as Mayor.
FOR SALE—One general purpose
Marc, six years old, weight 1200
lbs., price reasonable for cash. Ap-
ply to T. C. Dunkin, Glenannan.
FOR SALE -50 Barred Rock Pullets,
Blood Tested stock. W. Joseph
Henderson, Bluevale Road, Phone
frame barn 28 ft. by 32 ft, with cern- Coun. G. L. Baker, the next speak-
j ent stabling.
er, was chairman of the Street Cora -
1 TERMS OF SALE; 10 per cent. mittee this year. Ehe estimates for
1 of the purchase money on the day
!h sale and the balance within 30 dans his department were $3000 and up to
thereafter. The property will be of- November 13th had spent $2760. He
• fered subject to a reserved bid. spoke hiehly= of the others on this
Further particulars and conditions committeeReve Davidson and Coun.
1 of sale will be made known on the Geddes. He explained the work done
day of sale or may be had on applica
,tion to the undersigned. by his committee. Tile had been at
DATED at Wineharre Ontario, tine a cost of $145 but were still inside
twentieth day of November, A.D.
1934 their estimate. The gravel used was
T. R. BENNETT bought from the County except for a
608x5. Wingham,Ontario, little for patching. He was on the
FOR RENT -Furnished comfortable Auctioneer. Executive Committee and stated in
dealing with relief had tried to be
fair. He stated he was in the field for
Ex -Mayor Willis, who -was also
nominated for Mayor, gave a long ad-
dress. He stated that he had always
taken a keen interest in the town,
hd served as Councillor and Mayor.
He disagreed with Mayor Hanna that
the tax rate should not have been re-
duced in 1933. He said
he wanted
the reduction in the rate so that the
benefit could be passed on to the peo-
ple. He said that in'1933 the Town
gave summer relief in work and the
Torun had to pay for it all. $872 was
paid out of Current Account (re
Douglas mortgage) which he claimed. J Walker
should have come out of the sinking
fund. The sewers became plugged Furniture Undertaking
and it was necessary to spend $426.
Cemetery fund received $200 less than,
Thome, all conveniences, reas,4neele
to responsible persons Apply to ,
Wingham Advance -Time,.
Wingham, Ontario,
Vendor's Solicitor.
FOR RENT -100 acre arm. Apply MORTGAGE SALE
at Advance -Times for particulars.
FOR SALE -100 May Hatched Bar-
red Rock Pulletts, started to lay.
Harry Vogan, Mildmay P.O. Phone
Belmore 3 ring 1-3.
MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route
of 800 families. Write immediate-
ly. Rawleigh, Dept. CNK -125 -SA,
Montreal, Canada.
NOTICE -3 calves strayed on to my
property, Lot 26, Con. 12, West
Wawanosh, on or about Oct. 10th.
Owner may have same by paying
expenses and proving property. J.
W. Laidlaw, RR. 1, Lucknow.
ONE RED STEER, not dehorned,
has strayed on my premiees. Owner
may have same by proving -prop-
erty and paying expenses. W. J.
Henderson,Wingham Jct, phone
Of Valuable Property of the Town
of Wingham in the County
of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort-
gage which will be produced at the
time of sale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction at the office
of J. H. Craford, Wingham, on Satur-
day the 8th day of December, . A.D.
1934, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon by
Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the follow-
ing property, namely:
All and singular those certain par-
cels or tracts of land and premises
situate, lying and being in the Town
of Wingham in the County of Hur-
on, and being composed of FIRSTLY
All that part of Farrn Lot Uumber
Three (formerly in the 1st Concession
of the Township of Turnberry and
County of Huron and now in the said
Town of Wingham) lying .between
PULLETS FOR SALE -50 Early the production easterly in a straight
Hatch Barred Rock Pullets. Bert line of the southerly limit of Charles
Thompson, 617r21.
Street in James Angus' Survey in the
said Town of Wingham on the south
STRAYED HEIFER -2 year old, and the Maitland River on the north,
red and white, owner apply to Wes- and containing twenty-one acres of
ley Yeo, Con. 4, Turnberry, land more or less, and Secondly: All
WANTED—One or two men or wo that portion of Farm Lot number
men to act as .agents for Family Two (formerly in the said First Con -
Herald and Weekly Star in County cession .of the Township of Turnberry
of Huron, full or part time. For •and now in the said Town of Wing-
further information write, Family
Herald, Crew Mgr., Arthur, Ont.
WANTED—Reliable men to act as the easterly limit of Shuter Street in
Agents. Must have car, and know- on the north by the southerly limit
ledge of Live Stock feeding. We . of Wilfred Street in said Survey, and
will train you. Canada Mineral on the east by the easterly limit of
Products Limited, London, Ontario. !said farm lot number Two, including
'lots number Nine to Fourteen, both
CARD OF THANKS ± inclusive, in James Angus' Survey in
i the Said Town of Wireeham and lots
1 numbers Fifteenthe
north side of Charles Street in said many departments, such as Old Age
James Angus Survey in the said Torun Pensions, Municipal Government, Re
of Wingham, save and except lots
gistry Office and administration of
Re -
Thirteen, ForteenFiftee, Sixteen justice. $2000 was saved on bank
;and Forty -Seven. loans, and a reduction in cost to the
county of high and continuation
schools was also effected. He was a
member of the property committee
and considerable work on the county
passed away Nov 28th, 1932 i the purchaseS SALE 10 per cervi of buildings had been done without in -
The flowers we place upon your grave money on the day of 1
sale and the balance within en, days I creased budget. During the year the
May wither and decay, thereafter. The property will be off- county adopted the provincial unem-
tut.'the love for you who sleeps be-' p p
neath ;Bred subject to a reserved bid. ployment plan and as many as;450
Will never fade away. ; Further particulars and conditions
Sisters and Brothers. , of sale will be made known on the
day of sale or may be had on appli-
cation to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario. this
A court of Revision for the Voters seventeenth day of November, A. D. Re •indigent patients the reeve stated
List for the :Town of Wingham' for
ham) bounded on the south by the
northerly limit of Charles Street .in
James Angus' Survey, on the west by
Mrs. W. Orr and Miss. Sarah Orr
wish to thank their friends and nei-
ghbors for the many kindnesses and
expressions of sympathy during their
recent sad bereavement, also to thank
the Rev. J R. Greig and the staff o£
the Wingham General Hospital.
s P p P Y e
IN MEMORIAM ;for pasture. It is well located in the
1 Corporation of Wingham and the
FIELD—In ,.loving memory of our; Maitland River runs through the pro -
Dear Sister, Ida Maud Rush, who perty.OF
and Sixteen on
From Walker's::
Chesterfied Suite -
Studio Couch
Day Bed
Occasional Chair
Chesterfield Table
End Table
Magazine Rack
Book Case
Hall Tree
Floor Lamp
Bridge Lamp
Bed Lamp
Table Lamp
Walnut Chest
Marshall Mattress
Bedroom Suite
Bed Springs
Mirrors for any room
Table Reflectors.
Small Rockers
High Chair
Toy Table & Chairs
Doll Carriage
Cot Bed
We have a big selection and
will be pleased to " show our
expected. These unexpected expendi-
tures arpountd to $2'700. He went in-
to a long discussion on 'the sale of
fresh meats here and took the present
council to task for their handlino- of
of a fire truck.
Others,\v*ho spoke briefly were:
'Coun. 'H. B. Elliott, Coun. A. M.
Bishop, Coun, J. H. Crawford, Ex -
Reeve J. W. McKibbon,
Trustee T. C. King, chairman of the
High School Board, gave a splendid
report on the High School work, and
tide 'following _High
for 1933.
Balance from 1932 $350,69
some improvements to the front of
the cemetery, levelling it off so that
of could be kept cut and more fence
had been erected. More work could
this matter. He also'stated he was have been done but they had not the
in favor of.fair law enforcement. money to spend. He said Shuter St.
Reeve Davidson, who isseeking re- would be finished similar to.Centre
election, speaking of County affairs, St, in the spring. He asked the elect -
said at the first of the year there was ors to give him a second. year as
a carry-over of $40,000 in addition to Reeve.
Fells,who was nominal
$5000 unpaid bills. This would all ed for Reeve, said he had been press
be paid off without increasing the ed by many ratepayers re' qualify for
county mill rate. All accounts were Reeve and if at did he a`sk'ed' for the
operated this year within the budget,
support and thatedi would do his best.
The county is in the best financial Commissioner Gurney Who is seek -
situation in many years and a lower in re-election to the Utilities Com -
mill rate will be set in the near fut- rasion and has been a member of it
ere, f since its inception, said the present
Administration costs are down in ..
water rates just carried this' business.
During the dry spell the wells had
stood up well, which wasIa great sat-
Speaking of the electrical part of
this business,. he said it was in very
satisfactory position. He gave a very
interesting history of the Hydro 'bus-
iness. He told that in 1903 the debt
was $30,000 and after operating 18
years the debt was $35,000 and the
rate 8 to 10c per kilowatt hour. The
rate in 1922 for Domestic ttse was
8.1 while to -day 3.1 and in 19:.2 com-
mercial rate was 10,8 while today it
was 3.6. The capital had been increas-
ed from $655,63 in 1922. to $119,660:
today and the operating surplus is
$14,384.45. He told: of the rebate of
100 given users this last three years,
numbers Nine,Ten, Eleven,Twelve g y
Thi ro erty is es eciall suitabl
men were employed at one time.
There are 688 on old age pension.
This cost the county between $13,000
and $14,000, 10 per cent. of the cost.
that this cost was now paid 50-50 by
the year 1934 will be held by his Hon- Wingham,Ontario, the municipality and the county. Mo-
or, the County Judge,
at the Town
Bruce County ... 12288.20
Entrance Exam. Fees -.. ".... 52.00
Dept. Exam, Fees 242.90
Provincial Grant ._.. 1049.98
County Grant '7417.81
Town Levy 5280.79
Town Loan .. 5419.21
Breakage Fees 73.00
Cheque (3, M. Field) 7.70
Teachers' Salaries
Caretaker's Salary
Other Salaries .,......... _••••••••-.,
Water and Light
I Library
Advt., Telephone, Postage ...,-
Breakage Fees ...... ........
.- ...»._._ ....
1 Repairs
Town Loan Repaid,
Balance Dec. 31, 1933
67.12 '
Hall,ti'Vingham; on Friday, 1Vovem-J Auctioneer their' Allowance was paid 50-50 by and said the rates before long wt uld
, ;;
ber 23rd, 1934, at 2.30 o'clock in the
OntarH. CRAWFORD titers'
the County and Government, and cost be equal to any rates in this district.
Vendor's S the county $11000 He told of the advantage the town
W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk.
oxs olicitor.had by generating their own power
In speaking of the town affairs he
CHATTEL said that the Cemetery committee, of to control the peak load.
MEETING OF HURON • MORTGAGE SALE which he was chairman, had kept in
COUNTY COUNCII, z . side their estimate. They bad mad
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
County Council Chambers, Court
House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock an the
afternoon of December 4th, 1934.
All accounts, notices of deputations
or applications and other important
business requiring attention at this
meeting of the Council should be in
the hands of the Clerk not later than
the Monday previous to the meeting
of the Council.
Dated at Goderrc tis
'November, 1984.
3. Vf. Roberts, County Clerk
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in two, separate
Chattel Mortgages, which will be pro-
duced at time of sale, there will be
offered for sale by public auction, by
the, undersigned Auctioneer, on. Tues-
day, December 4th, A,D, 1984, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on
the premises known as Lot No. 12,
in the "A" Concession of the Town-
ship of Howick, the following live
sale by public auction at the office
of J. H. Crawford,'Wingham, on Sat-
letrday, December 15th„ A.D. 1934 at
• two o'clock in the afternoon by Thos.
Fells, Auctioneer, the following, pro- last for years.
perty, namely: All those` certain. par- Coun.' Wilkinson,, chairman of the
cels or tracts of land and premises Fire committee, said that '200 feet of:
saved money on the 'purchase. He
Coun. Geddes, chairman of the
property committee, said. 232 cords of
wood were used last year, that the
Clerk's office and Council Chamber
had be' redecorated, a new roof built
on town hall, and the: fire hose tower
fixed, all permanent work and will
Public School Trustee J. M. Gra-
ham, chairman of the' Public School
Board, gave the following report for
Jan: 1, Balance from 1933 $ 553.81
Town Levy 7500.00
1 Non -Resident Fees .. 21.00
Schol Concert 177.40
Mar. 10, Balance 1933 Levy 17.41
May 31, lost Cheque, Ut. Com 4.25
Oct, 31, Dept. Cheque 1410.89
pot situate!. lying and bong, to the Town hose had been purchased' and they had
plat of %`ingharein the Township o£
stock: Turnberry in the County of Huron
1 part Arabian mare, aged; 1 I"1riy-land being comps, ed of :1 ots numbers, again repeated as he did last year that
h h" 8th day of Hol- 857,_358 359'' 360, 36i 362,368,:864
ing horse, six years old;; 1 part' +✓•: q / N Y 1
stein and Hereford cow, ;due to fresh. 365 and 866 in the staid Townpiot of
en; 2 Durham cows, aged, 1 Durham Wingham, Government Survey, also
cow, 9 years old, 1 Durham cow about Blick "A` Govrrnrnent:Survey, in the
10' years old, 2 Holstein cows about said Town plot r,i Wingham, contain
Of Valuable Property in the: Village
of Edmore in, the County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mort-
gage which' will be produced at the
iitne of sale there will be offered for
sale by public auction at the office of
3. ':f-1. Crawford, Wingham, on Satur-
day, Dectmber 8th, at three o'clock
in the afternoon by Thos. ;R.'Bennett,
Auctioneer, the following property
All and sitigular that certain parcel
or, tract of land and premises situate,'
"'Lyng and being in the Village of 13e1-
% tore hi the Counof Huron, and be-
ing composed of , itlage Lot number
'fwentv.on.e in It ,fit's Survey of the
said Village of 1niore and being
part of farm lot e in the "C" 'Con
ession of the '1"owrrliship of Turnberry
rti the County of Huron ari<d;Provin
8 years old, 1 Durham Helfer, 1 Poll.
ed Angus cow 4 years old, 1 Durham
Heifer. and 1 Jersey Heifer 4 years
old, all supposed to be in calf.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
21st day of November, A,D, 1934.
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
t `
Of Vaiva'Cyle Property inthe Town
Plot of Wingham in the,T, l„shi,9xw
of Turnberry in the County of
dby'v � ii'tu cif` the Dowers
tartted in a 'certain mort-
wlticl -will be produced at the
of sale there, ' will be offered, for
1n! tofether thirty-seven and one-half
acres of land more or less,
This property was formerly used
a6' a Fair rrounrls and is especially
writable for pasture.
TERMS of Sate: Ten per cent. of
the purchase money on the day of
sale and the balance within thirty
days thereafter. Theproperty will be
offered Subject to a reserved bid.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be rnade known on the
day of sale or may be had on appli-
cation to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
twenty-sixth day of November, A.D.
Wingham..; Ontario,
Winghatn, Ontario,
Vetrdol s Solicitor,
the lack of water pressure on the hill
was a sreious thing and the cheapest
way to remedy this was the purchase
You, Want When Your Liver is
Not Functioning Properly
paNi N-'
is guaranteed to give
satisfaction. It tones
up those lazy livers
and makes thein per-
forni naturally.:: It .is
also a great hid to the
$1.00 per bottle,
Trial Size 50 Cents
IVIcKibbolixs' Drug Store
l hour:. 03, "Wirtgltatii,, (int
Total receipts to Oct. 31, 34 $ 9684.76
Teachers' Salaries $ 6719.28
Other Salaries 628.52
Misc. Expenditures 1679.50
Total Expenditures
Total Receipts
Expenditures ...,.,,.
O.S. Cheque 1933
.:....... _.,..-$ 9027.50
$ `9684.76
$ 9029.50
To the Electors of the
Town of Wingham:
Having decided to offer my serv-
ices for a second term as Mayor of
the Town of Wingham, I solicit your
vote and influence.
I have been a resident of the Town
all my life and have served you faith-
fully as Mayor during 1934. I feel
1 am entitled to another term in this
office as it has been customary in
the past. Soliciting your support, I
Yours faithfully,
To The Electors:
For the past three years
served you on the Town Council, two
as chairman of the Property Commit-
tee and one as chairman of the Street
This year I am a candidate for
Mayor, and as, a taxpayer and tenant,
I humbly solicit the same splendid
support you have given me in the
I have.
Sincerely yours,
Your. Vote and Influence res-
pectfully solicited to elect
For a Second Term.
Thursday, Nov'. 29th, x934
A huge variety of novelty styles in glace glov-
es. Tailored Styles. Pull -ons. One clasp styles.
Punched patterns. Embroidered backs. Tailored
backs. Sizes 5/ to 7%%. Black, brown, beige.
E. Is , rd Co.
ask for your
Irespectfully Y
of " nd influence for Reeve.
Your Vote and Influence
res ectfull solicited to Re-
Commissioner for 1935.
O.S. Cheque No, 134, 1934
Net Expenditures $
Oct. 31, Total Receipts ...
Net Expenditures _....... . ....:w
Balance as at Oct. 31, 1934 ...$ .825.83
Request from Town by Fin-
ance Committee $ 9000.00
Received to date 7500.00
Balance due $ 1500.00
Estimate of Year's Balance
Estimated 'Receipts
Nov. lst, Balance in Bank ...$ 825.89
Balance due from town. ` 1500.00
Non -Res. Fees 6,00
Total Receipts ............$ 2331.89
Teachers' Sal. Nov., Dec. ...$ 1666.50
Elect tt New Man
Your Vote and, Support' res.
ectfullJ solicited
Other salaries
Estimated expenses( other) ,,,
0.4S. Cheque 134 .... ,,
Total Expenditures $ 2072.13.
Estimated Balance 1934 $ 259.76.
"Don't give me such wordy reports.
when you make them out in future,"
said the railway inspector to the line
overseer. "Just put down the condi-
tion of the track as you find it: Leave
out everything that isn't to the point..
I want a business letter, not a novel.
The overseer .replied that he saw
the idea. A few days later the line.
was badly flooded, and the overseer
wrote his report to the inspector in
the new style. I read:
"Where the railway was the river
V •-u
'there Santa
Divulges Secrets
Williams' Jewellery Store is simply TIIE place for
the unusual gift. We've searched and searched, and
we're proud of our stock of unusual things. Prices
25c to $50.00.
Phone 5.
On Dec. lst. I will be, open for business in the,
Wellington Produce building, A full line of Poult-
ry Supplies and Peecls will be on hand, Beef Scrap,
Bone Meal, rish Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Concen-
trates, Cod Liver Oil, Charcoal, Minerals, Roup
Cure, Black Leaf "40",etc. Also Cattle Minerals
and flog concentrates.
I have Corn on hand kiln -dried and natural
reasonable prices. Give your hens a treat by feed-
ing some corn. They will treaty ou in return with
lots of eggs.
Let 'enc solve your feeding problems.
, ncan Kenned
Phone 38: