HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-11-22, Page 5Thursday, Nov. 22nd 1934
Thi Greatest Comedy Hit of th Season
Presented by St. Peter's Dramatic
Club, Lucknow
Under Auspices of
-- In The
- At8.15 On
General '• d
ission 25c.
Minutes of Council meeting, •Morris
held in the Township Hall ora :Mon
d' y, avernb r•'12,,.1984,. a ,
' Me. hers all present. The Reeve
presiding, minutes of last meeting
i read and approved. The clerk was in-
structed to make a stateznentof mon-
' eys to be distributed to ratepayers
on the McCall Extension drain..
The . Board. of Health held their
Meeting when the medical health of-
ficer presented his annual report
which showed. 31 births and 22 deaths
in the municipality during the year
I in a population of.2112 the • death rate
i was slightly over 10 per 1000, 3 be-
ing from cancer. There were no
deaths of children under one y'ear, and
1no maternal, deaths.
1 The following accounts were ,paid:
i Wm. Thuell, rep. Nichol Drain: $7.50;
M. H. Officer $20.00; Peter McNab,
the Reeve and Clerk, . B.O.H., each
$3.00; Isabella King, refund of 1933
faxes $9,60; Harold' Buchanan, wrap-
ping cord 35c.
The Council then adjourned to.
meet December 15th for the statutory
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
By Theodore Roosevelt
In this actual world a churchless
corn nimity, a community where linen
have .abandoned and scoffed it or ig-
nored their religious needs, is a ,com-
;nunity on the down -grade.
2. Church work and church attend-
ance mean the cultivation of the Habit
From Walker's
Chesterfied Suite
Studio Couch,
Day Bed. ,
Occasional Chair
Chesterfield Table
End _ Table
Magazine Rack
Book Case
Hall Tree
Floor Lamp
Bridge Lamp
Bed Lamp
Table Lamp
Walnut Chest
Marshall Mattress
Bedroom Suite
Bed Springs
Mirrors for any room
Table Reflectors.
Small Rockers,
High Chair
Toy Table & Chairs
Doll Carriage
Cot Bed
Sl'ART Rd�
�N . ll
We have a big selection and
will beshowr
pleased t
o o Yt
al ke.
• '��
rniture Undertaking -
Car from Wingham Much Appreciat-
ed and Needed.
Pastor, Presbyterian Church,
i Wingham, Ont.
Dear Sir: -
1 Would you please convey to all
those who so kindly dbnated to the
car of fruit and vegetables, shipped to
, .
this point, our Sincerest thanks ,
It is hard to put on paper; words
that will properly express our apprec-
iation after receiving so generous a
donation. The car arrived in splendid
_ condition with only a few cracked
jars of fruit which speaks well • for
the care given to the packing. We
'unloaded this car into the United
Church at this point, where a list was
made of the its contents, a system of
of feeling some responsibility for oth- distribution worked out according to
ere. the size of the families. We distribat-
3. There .are •enough holidays for ' ed these gods to over 230 families,
most of is. ;Sandays :differ from oth- living over an area of 18 square miles.
er holidays, in the fact that there are The average family received one or
fifty-two of :them every year, there- two bags of potatoes, 40 lbs. turnips,
fore oda :Sundays go to church. 20 lbs. beets and carrots, one purnp-
4. Yes, I 'know all the excuses. I : kin or two citrons, two or three head
know that one can worship the Creat- t of cabbage, one 'jar of fruit, or one
or in a 'grove ,of trees, ,or :by is nun can of honey, one jar of pickles or
ning brook, or in a man's own house, canned goods, The larger families
just as well as in a . church. But :I
also know as a matter of cold fact,
that the average span does notthus
received more, and smaller families
or bachelors, less. The flour, sugar
and cereals went to the larger fam-
ilies, also a small sack of apples to
5. He inay not hear a good sermon each family.
at church, He -Will hear a sermon by Everyone was pleased with the
a good man who, with his good wife, quantity received, and, although this
is engaged all week in •Making hardamount may seem small to you folks
lives a little easier. I we can assure you that this was the
6. He will listen to and take part first vegetables in most homes for a
in reading' some beautiful passageslong, long time. You people of Wing -
from the Bible, and if he is not•.fam- ham have done a wonderful thing in
iliar with the Bible, hie has. suffered shipping this car west, and all we, as
a loss.
7. He will take part; in singing some
good hymns. `
8, He will meet and nod to good,
quiet neighbors. He will comeaway
ward all the world, even toward those
feeling a little more charitable to -
excessively foolish young risen who
regard church -going us a soft per-
9 I advocate a
mares jolting ' joittin in
l <
church work, for the sake of show
ing his faith by his works.
After a lingering illness from heart
failure Mr. Alex. Stewart passed away
Friday morning. The funeral was
held this Monday afternoon with bur-
ial in Wroxeter Cemetery.,
Mrs, Johat. Darling, M•r, and Mrs.
Scott Inglis and Robt. Scott were all
in London the past week,
The three -act comedy :"The Littlest
Bridesmaid" presented in the hall on
Thursday evening by local talent un-
der the leadership of Mrs. Tcintyre,,
was the best put on fbr some time,
George Rutherford and .Alex. Corri-
gan kept the audience ill good humor
between -acts with song. This play
was presented Friday night at Car-
Church Opening
The new Presbyterian Church' at
Belmore will be opened on Sunday,
Dee. 2nd, 1934, services at 2.30 pm,
and 7.30 pan, Rev. Dr: Rochester of
Toronto , is expected to conduct the
services, There will also be a fowl
sapper held the followitig Tuesday
evening, Dec. 4th, in the basement of
the church. Stepper served from 5.80
till 8.00 o'clock. A good program will
be given after. "Admission, 85 and 25
ents. Dedication service will be held
on Friday, Nov. 30th, at 3 pin.
Pafietit -"Does a fish 'diet,
en the Brain?" n�k4 ., ..: .
Doctor (frankly) "Perhaps not,
but goiii, 4lshing scents to invigorate
the imagination,"
a local committee, can do, is to ex-
press our sincerest thanks to all don-
The local committee are all Cani d-
ian-born andmostly from the old
Province of Ontario, and we can as-
sure you that we all received a great
deal of satisfaction out of complet-
ing the ,Job you started so well in
Many people drove miles, just to
see the vegetables in the Church, and
Many splendid things were said about
'the quality of the goods slipped, and.
we wish to assure all donors that this
was distributed irrespective of lace
or religion, all shared alike.
People are facing the winter in fair
condition outside ,of clothing, which
isbadly needed, as the Government
relief is hardly sufficient for the larg-
er families: Our best farmers are ,till
with us and we are looking forward
to better times when the rains return,.
This is still a land of hope.
Sincerest thanks, yours
J. A. Boney,
Voluntary Relief Committee,
Trossachs, Sask.
The knowledge,,
and skill
of the
world's most
fambbs Fant Specialist
is embodied in the
The M. W. LOCKE Shoes for men
women and children, of which we are
official distributors, are the only shoes
designed by Dr. Locke and carrying
his approval.
These marvelous shoes support sagging
arches and scientifically assist in restor-
ing the foot to its normal, healthy
position. We urge you to come in and
try on a pair. Skilled fitters will be
here to fit you correctly with the last
that is best suited to your feet.'
The only ahoea designed and approved by
Ont., Canada
Swin E;..Grain and Potato Clubs, - sup-
ety,ise,d by the Ontario Agricultural
Representative Branch, under the dir-
ection ,of
iir-ecton;of the Director, R S, Duncan.
The Cattle Club Competition was
closely contested by 24 teams and the
honour of winning first place was
captrued by Ronald Bagg, Unionville,.
and Lorne P:etch, Milliken, members
of the Markham Dairy Calf Club in
York County. J. E. Alexander and
Arthur Huff of Prince Edward Coun-
ty finished a :close second.
In the Grain Club Competition,
Harry Kennedy, Cavan, and John
Holmes, Newcastle, of the Durham
County Grain Club were successful in
winning the highest' score in the com-
petition with. 16 other teams, while
Billy Johnston, Renfrew, and Harry
Wilson, Pembroke, finished second.
First and second places in the
Swine Club Competition were taken
by representatives of Durham Coun-
ty Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville,
and Wni. Rowland, Newcastle, being
members of the winning team and
John Rickard, Newcastle and George
Werry, Hampton, of second place
The boys interested in Potato Club
Work also featured keen competition,
and Ralph Rowan, Bethany and Gor-
don Fallis, Millbrook, Durham Coun-
ty, were successful in winning fart
place from Duncan Fletcher, Ildertcn
and Winslow Skinner, Strathroy, of
Middlesex County, who finished in
second place.
Following the keenly contested
competitions, the competitors, coach•
es and officials were guests at a din
ner in the O. A. C. cafeteria. Follow-
ing the announcement of the resuli:s,
Dr. G. I, Christie, President of the
college, delivered an inspiring
dress which climaxed an interesting
and enjoyable day for the club mein-
bers wlio had gathered from as far
as Renfrew in the east and Lamb -
ton in the West. Another pleasing
feature at this function was the pre-
sentation of "The Farmer" trophies,
by Editor C. H. Hodge, to the teams
from York and Durham Counties,
winners in the Cattle and Swint -
Competitions respectively.
"The Good Shoe Store"
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir, Mrs. Wm.
Weir and Mr. W. E. Weir attended
the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Wm.
A. Jackson of near Harriston last
A. number from this locality attend-
ed the funeral of the late Alex Stew-
art of the B Line Howick on Mon-
day of this week.
Mr. A. E. Gallaher loaded a car of
turnips:. at Wroxeter last week.
Mr. Ab. Bacon has Ieased the farm
recently occupied by Mr. Stewart
Finlay from Mr. John Weir of Wing -
Miss Myrtle Cathers of Wingham
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers.
Mrs. Wm. Cameron, of Mitchell,
and Mr. Callum Cameron of Detroit,
Were visitors with Mr: and Mrs: Juo.
Mrs. Coiling of Ripley, was a week
end guest of iter daughter, Mrs. T. C.
Wilkinson, at the Manse..
Mr. and Mrs. Geor•e Stuart, Mrs.
D. Todd, Messrs, Stanley and Neely
Todd, visited. at Kitchener and; at
Bloomingdale on Saturday.
Mr. Teel Rice of Eden Grove spent
the week -end with friends here.
Members of the Beef Ring are re-
quested to attend the annual meeting
tonight (Thursday).
lkirs. J. R. Webster is seriously ill
WO pneumonia. Miss Pearl Nixon
u#tl Lttelcn'ovia•ia 'itt• attendance;
'rllAessrs, F, G• and Tom Todd left
on Saturday for the Royal Winter
Fair with their Aberdeen -Angus cat -
Boys' Inter Club Competitions
Teams representing sixty-two Boys'
Agricultural Clubs gathered at the
Ontario Agricultural College on Oc-
tober 19th to vie for the honour of
representing the Province of Ontario
in an Inter Provincial. Boys' and
Girls' Club Competition, to be con-
dutced at the Royal Winter Fair.
Each club competing was represented
by two members between the ages of
16 +Rand 20 years, inclusive,
In Ontario in 1934, there were 2,-
;482 boys enrolled in 133 Cattle,
Gain Weight Quickly
*HAVE Hundreds of men
LOVELY and women have
gained . 4 to 16
SKIN • with 0f0. &eB
Tonic Tablets with amasing, EX-
TRA benefits of clearing up pimply
skin; banishing headaches and indi-
gestion; steadying shaky nerves,
gaining strength. C. C. & B. Tonic
Tablets contain four vital ingredi-
ents—Calcium, Yeast, Blaud's Iron
and Extract of Cod Liver, in Choco-
late coated form. Get new attrac-
tiveness and pep in a few weeks.
Sold at all drug stores.
Get C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets at
McKibbon's Drug. Store
Royal Winter Fair
November 21 to 29, 1934
Leaving Nov. 20 to 29 Inclusive;
Returning up to and including Dec, 3
"The time will come," shouted the
speaker, "when women will get men's
"Yes," "said. a little man in the cor-
ner. "Next Friday night."
Mr. Jack Irwin, of Kapuskasing,
spent a few days here last week.
On Nov. 11th, successful anniver-
sary. services were held at Hackett's
Church, with Rev. Mr. Cumming, of
Walton, as the special speaker. On
Friday night a chicken supper was
held, with a largecrowd present.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis and
son spent the week -end at Tara.
Mr. Herbert Taylor of St. Helens,
visited at Mr. Gilbert Vint's, recently.
Mrs. Sam Sherwood and Mr. Earl
Sherwood spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gaunt, West„ Wawanosh.
Going Nov, 21, Returning Nov, 23.
Going Nova' 28, Returning ingNov, 30.
Pull details from any agetit of G. L.
Baker, Thione 4'1, *Ingham,
i ian Pacific
Witte—Girls are getting, nien's wages
everywhere now.
Bobby—Yes; they only have to take
positions as wives for that.
"Wonder what the ancient iilgyp
titin child called bis mother?"
"Who knows? But if he were alive
' call her mummy today he'd Ca y don't yoq
Now Is the Time to Make Your Xn ids Cake
Our Fruit this year is of exceptionally eine Quality and we
know that you( will be delighted, not only only with quality but
also with our very reasonable prices.
Choice Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for ;, 24c
Large Lexia Raisins, with seeds, 2 for ............. , .,:.,,,, ,.24c
Fancy Bleached Raisins, 1 lb. for 22c
,Fancy Puffed Raisins, (Seeded) 1 ib. for 1 6c
Spanish Raisin's (with Seeds) 1 ib. for 21c
Large 214 size
3 For 25c
3 For 25c
Imported Lemon Peel, 1 ib. for 21c
Fancy Orange Peei, 1 lb. for 23c
Select Citron Peel, 1 lb. for 33c
Fancy Pineapple Rings, 1 lb. for 58c
S, No. 2 tin, reg. 13c 10c J'
Fancy Almonds, 1 lb. for 49c
Fancy Shelled. Walnuts, %z's,-1 Ib. for 48c
Choice Shelled Walnuts Yes, 1 lb. for 39c
Imported (English) Cherries, 1 lb. for . 41c
1 Lb. fog- 1Oc Fresh and Crisp 1 Lb. fon 10c
Imported (French) Cherries, 1 ib. for 39c
Golden Haliowi Dates, 2 lbs. for 19c
Choice Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for 25c
Fancy Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for 25c
Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. for
Choice Mincemeat, 2 lbs. for .25c
ZOc Large 21/2 size, reg. 13c 1Oc
Apples,- 6 qt. baskets, Spy 25c, Snow 30c ,McIntosh Reds 30c
Choice Cranberries, 1 Ib, for ......................................... ._......._:22c
;..t etava!aF.i2. Fkr"a5
Staff-Sergt. Carl C. Long, 32, of
the U.S. Marine Corps, was killed
when his plane crashed into a hillside
1 near San Diego, Calif. Cause of the
crash is unknown. Long is a native
Frustrated in Attempt to Rob Store
Sometime between closing time on
Saturday night and Sunday morning
would-be thieves made an attempt to
gain entrance into W. D. ;Ferguson's
Drug Store, but were frustrated. Pour
marks from a jimmy along the'dnot
frame bore evidence of the attempted''
break-in bat evidently the culprits"
were frightened before they had fin-
ished their plans or coact not force
the door en. --Mitchell Advocate,
of Syracuse, N.Y., and: was ti rown
from the plane when it struck the
ground, reports stated. The wreckage:.
is pictured above.
a, aaasitaa-
AN AUTOMATIC DEVICE that will regulate the draft of your
stove, furnace or boiler and keep your home at an even tempera-
making a big saving
in your fuel bill.
First, it will prevent
the fire from get-
ting out of con-
trol, overheating the
house and wasting
Secondly, it will pre-
vent the fire from
becoming too low,
allowing the house
to become chilly and
calling for a further
waste of fuel before
it can be warmed, up
Thirdly, it will en-
ormously reduce the:
loss of heat up the
chimney * another
frequentsource of
fuel waste.
There are several other reasons why you should' have one
put on your heating system. Call and see this device or phone
and we will gladly send one to your place and explain it to you.
Your Furnace,
Boiler or Stove
5 to 7 In. Stroke Pipe ..,... $12.00 9 In. SMoke pipe $16.00
8 In. 'Smoke Pipe $14.00 10 In. Smoke Pipe ........,.. $18.09, ,
For Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Pleating, give us a call.
• Ph. .58 Ortt.