HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-11-01, Page 7Thursday, November 1, 1934 GORRIE 'BORN—In Harriston, on Saturday, 'October 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens, a daughter.. Sunday guests of Mrs, Wm. Hastie. were Mr. and Mrs. Tretheway of London. Mrs. Turner, who has been. visiting in London for the past cou- ple'. of weeks, returned home with them. Mrs. W. C. King spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. MacDonald at Molesworth. Mrs. K. }Iastie, baby Edith, and Earle King, also spent the week -end at the same :home. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Cook returned tome on Thursday last. Mr. Cook looks remarkably well after his re- -cent operation for goitre in Toronto, and we :trust his heart condition will also be helped by same. Miss Jean Sangster of Wroxeter, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Dorothy Edwards. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. 'Wm. Hastie were: Mrs. Thornton Mustard and Mrs. Hill, of Toronto, also at the same home, Mr. Roger Mathewson, and the Misses Ruby and Euphemia Mathewson, of Toronto, nephew and nieces of Mrs. Haste Young. People Enjoy Box -Social Mr. and Mrs, Richard Bennett on Friday evening entertained the mem- 'hers of the Anglican Young People's Society, in their spacious home. Af- ter anevening of song, readings, mus- ical selections, and contests, the en- joyable evening was brought a pleas- ant close by a real old-time box soc- ial. The boxes were auctioned by Mr. Dinsmore, when considerable ex- citement was in evidence. After the owners found their partners for lunch and it had been eaten, Mr. Norman Wade moved a vote of thanks to the host and hostess for the enjoyable •evening. Mr. and Mrs. arvey Sparking spent Sunday with friends in Palmer- ston. Mrs. R. G. Dane visited with friends in and around Brussels last •week. Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong visited over the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Ritchie, in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Abram and son Vern,, of Listowel, were Sunday vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs. V. Shera. The regular meeting of the Wo- rnen's Missionary Society will be held at the home of Mrs. R. A. Ashton on Thursday, Nov. 1st, at 3 o'clock. Mr. Spencer Ashton, of Hamilton, spent Sunday at this home here. Miss Jennie McKee, of Whitby, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. John Wylie. Mrs. Mitchell Leibler and Mrs. Ur- 'quhart, of Mitchell, were Wednesday guests of• Mrs. Victor Shera. Mrs. R. S. Clegg spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. F. Lynn, in Ford- wich. Mr, and Mrs. Spence, of Moles- -worth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davis and -son,. Jack, of Otterville, Mr. and Mrs. 'David Walker and. granddaughter, Jean, were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker. The people of this community have responded very nobly to the call for help in the West. Besides generous sized bcndles of clothing and boxes of cannedgods, there has gone one -car load of vegetables, and it is ex- pected that another car which is ov- er half loaded on the tracks, will be completed before it is closed and sent on Tuesday.' Reeve and Mrs. W. J. Gamble vis- ited with friends in and around Cites - ley over the week -end. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil -Grainger on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grainger, of Detroit, Mich., Mr., and Mrs, William Graing ur,, of Jamestown, and Mr, and Mrs. Albert H-eibine and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cooke have re- turned home from Toronto where Mr. -Cooke -underwent an operation and is improving so well he was able to re- turn hone one day last week. Gorrie Y. P. S. The regular meeting of. the Y.P.S. Ultra Modern Eye Service FF .... HOMUT r ��11ilOt. � R.O. Phone 118. Harriston BRIDESMAIDS TO PRINCESS MARIN,t • was held on .Wednesday evening at the usual hour with a good attend - ante, almost forty being preesnt. The progratn carne under the Literary Department with Miss Laura Hicks as convenor. The worship 'service was conducted by Bill Butt, it was bas- ed on the theme "Love, the greatest thing in the world" by George Drum- mond. Leland Ashton assisted in the service also, Miss Hicks introduced the work of the . Literary department in a most interesting way. The value of good reading to young people was strong- ly emphasized, and in order to en- courage this, this department is start- ing a lending Library conducted after the same manner as the public lib- rary. It received great praise on its great selection of good reading mat- ter. During the business, conducted by the president, the Officer's Con- gress for this section of Huron Pres- bytery, was announced. Further plans were made for the Y. P. supper on Hallowe'en night. The meeting clos- ed with singing and the presid.ent led in the closing prayer. The Gunpowder Plot Was Nov. 5th "Cranberry Corndrs" is also Nov. 5th. It it a good play? Well, Clifford folk tell us it is, and Brussels people say so. And you will say so too, af- ter you se it in the Township Hall, Gorrie, on Monday evening at .8 p.m. Admission 25c and 15c. Missionary Institute Held in Ford - wick, • A missionary institute under the leadership of Rev. F. W. Craik. of Goderich, was held in Fordwich Un- ited Church on Monday. This In- stitute was for a number of pastoral charges'in the Northern part of Hur- on. 'Missionary addresses were given by local ministers and by Rev. Mc- Neill of the Peace River District; and Dr. Gilchrist, of Aifirca. A number from Gorrie attended. • Mrs, G. P. Nash and grandson, Garth Scott, of Echo Bay, Ont., spent a. few days during the past week with Mrs. T. Nash and other friends, and. attended the funeral of her brother in-law. Miss Alma . Nash, R.N., of Engle- hart, and Mr. Roland Nash, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Tltos, Nash, Miss Jean Underwood of near Wingham, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Foster, last week. Mr, and Mars, Ralph Thompson and son of Henfryn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Whitfield. The many friends of Mrs. George Anger will regret to know she under- went an operation for appendicitis in Wingham Hospital on Sunday even- ing. The last word received was she was doing as well as could be •ex- pected. :Miss Edith Ballagh, of Whitby, was: a !Stu-1day guest of Miss Annie Doug- las. Mrs. Johnston and son, of Whitby, were week -end guests withfriends in town. Mrs, Chaney, of Detroit, Mirk;, is 'visiting her tteice, Mrs. R. N, Car- son, and Mr, Carson. The sympathy of the conttnunit v is extendedto t Mrs. Nash and family in the death of her husband, Thomas Nash, who passed away early.'Churs- day morning. The funeral was ° held on Saturday afternoon,,,interment be-' big made in Gorrie Cetietery. With the marriage of Prince George, given the title of Duke of Dent, to charming Princess Marina of Greece, but a month away, comes the announcement of''the names of some, of those who will be brides- maids at the impressive marriage cer- emonies to be helot in the hostoric Westminster Abbey. In the .layout r are: No. 1, Lady Mary Cambridge; No. 3, Princess Elizabeth, lovely eld- I er daughter of the Duke and Duchess 1 of York; No. 5, Grand Duchess Kera of Russia, and No. 4, Princess Irene of Greece, all of whom have been chosen as bridesmaids to Princess ;Marina. The chaining bride-to-be, rPrincess Marina of Greece, is seen in No. 2. Y, P. CONGRESS WILL, MEET Mrs. Silas Smith sang very sweetly "Because" accompanied by. Mrs. A. Leggett on the piano. Three Officers' Congresses will be'' After the ceremony the bride and held in Huron :Presbytery for local socities—in Gorrie, Holnesville and Exeter, The one for the north sec- tion will be held in Gorrie on Nov- ember 7th. Supper will be served at 6.30 o'clock. Sing -song led by Rev. Gordon Butt. Worship at 7.30 in charge of one of the local societies. Groups will meet at 7.45. The ad- dress will be given by Rev. J. F. An- derson of Wingham. The vice-presi- dent of the Presbytery Union, Miss Evelyn. Dane, who has charge of this Congress, asks and will sincerely ap- preciate the co-operation of every minister and every officer in making a full attendance. The meeting has been thrown open to all members as well as officers or their proxies. It will be most helpful to our young People's work in the coming year if this congress receives full support. WEDDINGS Mayburry - MacDonald A very pretty wedding took place at high noon on Saturday, Oct. 27, at the home of Thomas MacDonald Jr,, near Molesworth, when Rev. A. Leggatt, assisted by Rev. H. Johns- ton, ohnston, united in marriage Jean l3eekc, daughter of Mr, Thomas 'MacDonald and the late Mrs, MacDonald, Moles- worth, and Carl Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex: Mayberry of :Britton. The bride looked lovely in a wine transparent velvet gown, with rhine- stone trimmings. She wore a "Queen Christina hat with veil of shoulder length and satin shoes to match, also gloves of crean•i lace. She carried a bouquet n'f'Talisman roses, lily of the valley and fern, andentered tite liv- ing room on the arni. of her father, to the strains • of "Bridal Chorus" from T,ohengrin, played by the groom's sister, Mrs. Silas Smith. The bridal party took thcir•,place beneath an arch banked with floiages and ev- ergreens, , Miss Nellie Doig, cousin of.the bride, as ,bridesmaid, wore a p ast 1 bita crepe dress, embr id ercd Ttpink tth adut hat„ shoes and c lov- es ,to thatch, and carrieda bouquet of prettier roses and fern, 'I' he groomsman was Mr, L ylc Mayburry, cousin of the groom. During the signing of the register, ' groom led the way to the dining room which' was prettily decorated in pink Viand 'white, while the' bride's table I was centred with a four -storey wed- ) ding cake, and dinner was served to thirty gttests. Immediately afterdinner the bride and groom left on a motor trip to Grimsby, Niagara Falls and other points. For travelling, the bride wore ' a brown crepe ensemble with pink taf- feta collar and cuffs with eyelet em- broidery. Her coat was nigger brown tree bark cloth and sable collar, with hat, shoes, purse and gloves to match. The groom's gift to the bride was a brash, comb and mirror in Key- stone rose pearl on amber; 'to the bridesmaid and soloist, a silver init- ialed bracelet; and to the groomsman a leather bill fold. ATTENDED Y. P. UNION MEETING A number of young people of the Gorrie United Church Young People attended the Perth Presbytery Y. P. Union held in 14lonkton on Saturday, aniortg theta being, Miss Evelyn Dane, Miss Evelyn Stephens, lir. Mervyn Stephens, Mr. Elmer and' Mr. Billie Bntt. Some of the officers and Young People's Leaders returned to Gorrie with thew. Mr. Aubrey Oldham of• Sarnia, President of the London Con- ference Young People, and Miss M. Jenson, 'of Grand lend, were enter- tained on Saturday night at the house of Miss Evelyn Dane, and Miss Flor- ence Edwards of Watford, Christian fellowship Convenor of Louden Con- fcrence, was the guest of Miss Ev- elyn Stephens. These are outstand- ing leaders in young people's work. MISSIONARY GAVE SPLENDID ADDRESS Lecture an 'Palestine Was Dlustrated ". "'Palestine as the name Iaie.tne Today w . c n e of the interesting illustrated lecture given in . the Presbyterian Church, Gorrie., on Wednesday night. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, returned Mis- sionary from Ncenittch, India, and who some eight years ago toured Palestine, gave the lecture. As the slides were flashed upon the screen by Mr. Neill, Miss Campbell told of how she found them when she was there, also telling her interested aud- ience many historical and Biblical things regarding same. She also told how the Jews were flocking back to their country and have taken up agri- culture and what a success they were making Of it. "But" said the speak- er, "they are commercializing Pales- tine, not by the Jewish people, who have only a small section of land, but 'the Mohammedans." Following the lecture a social time was enjoyed at which lunch was serv- ed. Mr. Leggatt, pastor, who was to have given a lecture, was unable to attend, being layed up with a bad cold. WROXETER Messrs. T. G. Hemphill, I. S. Durst and Robt. Gibson were at Lon- don, Woodstock and Sarnia, on a business trip for a few days last week. Mr. Sam Pope, who was ill recent- ly, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ranh were London visitors this week -end. Miss Margaret Durst who has spent the past few weeks in Listowel returned to her home here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hembly and daughter, are at present enjoying a few' weeks' vacation. Dr. and Mrs, Roy Smith and child- ren, Jane and Stanley, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mr. G. Town. We are glad to know Mr, George Anger is able to be out again after being laid up with a slight. injury to his foot. Mr. T. G. Hemphill is at present installing a new boiler at the March- mont Mills. Mr. Ward Sharpin mot- ored • to Sarnia on Saturday and broguht the bailer up by truck. Miss Bessie Lovell intends leaving this week for British Columbia where she will spend the winter months. A number of the Anglican Young People were entertained at a Hallow- e'en Party, given by the Young Peo- ple's of St. Stephen's. Church, Gorrie, in the Orange Hall there, Tuesday evening. .Mrs. Leech, who has been spending the past few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. J. McLaren, is spending a few days at her home in Brussels at present. A number of new books have been received at the local Library and are now ready for public use. This is the first assortment received from the Howicic Township Library and con- tains books by prominent popular au- thors, such as Grace Livingstone Hill, Frank L. Packard, Warwick beep- ing, Kathleen Norris, Peter B. Kyrie, S. Ertz and many others which will provide good reading. There are also a number of old books which are be- ing offered for sale at quite low pric- es, These are copies of very good books which are past using for lib- rary purposes, and also some copies which are chiplicates and are in very good condition; Mr. and Mrs, Mac Allen, London, were week -end guests with Mr, and Mrs. George Allen. Miss Evelyn Gamble of Thames- foed, < Sunday visitor• at the c, w •as 't tote ofMrs, Mary Edgar.. Mr, and Mrs. Russ. Moffatt and dattghter, Muriel, of Toronto, were week -end guests of friends in and around Bluevale. Mrs. R, Rye and..daughter of Owen Sound, was the guest of Mrs. Sandy McDougall on Thursday, returning to Owen Sound Thursday evening ac- companied by her another, Mrs, R. Black, who has been visiting friends for the past few weeks, Mrs, Alex, Sanderson and. children, of Owen Sound, were visitors on Thursday at the same home. Mrs. Neil White returned home on Monday evening from Detroit after visiting the past week with friends. Mr. and. Mrs, Alex. Pleasance of Owen Sound, visited friends in town a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Haskins, Audrey and Kenneth, of Burlington, were week -end guests of, Mrs Chatles Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. Hembiey and: daugh- ter, Virginia, are spending two weeks vacation at Toronto, and Palmerston. Mr. Schilling, Southampton, is re- lieving in the bank office during Mr. Hembley's absence on holidays. Mrs. Erie Sproule spent part of last week with her parents, near Brussels, Mr. John Heneberg spent the week- end with London friends. Mrs. W. A. Spence, Toronto, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rahn. Mr. P. Milligan reecived thesad news of the death of a sister, Mrs. Lyon, of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and daughters, Jean and Maud, left on Monday to attend the funeral. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to to the sorrow- ing friends. Mr. Earls Ball was a Toronto vis- itor last week. Miss Jean Sangster spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Dorothy Edwards, at Gorrie. Mr. Ted Hicks spent the week -end at his home in Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John spent the week -end in Lon- don. On their return they were ac- companied by Mr. John lvfacNaugh- ton of London. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rasmussen and Donna Jean, London, spent Sunday with the fornier's mother in town. Mrs. Geo. Anger was taken to the Wingham Hospital on Sunday even- ing where an operation for appendi- citis was performed. We are pleased to know her condition is favorable. Mrs. A, C. Hutchison, Fordwich, spent .part of lastweek with her dau- ghter, Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. Messrs. Albert Phillips, Joe Myco, J. Breckenridge, Jinn Chandler (of Brantford), were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. S. Mac- Ewen. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chandler, Miss Nell Chandler, also Messrs, Jim and Ted, all of Brantford, spent the week- end at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. J. Breckenridge. Mr. William Yeo, Mr. Alfred Agar, and Master Wendell Stamper, were Friday guests of Mrs. Arthur Mc- Gee, Wingham Mr. John L. MacEwen held at his farm on Tuesday of last week a suc- cessful sale of farm stock and feed. The MacEwen family intend moving to the village where Mr. Iv.tacEwen operates a chopping mill. Women's Institute Banquet The banquet which was planned for last Friday evening, was postponed and will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 2nd, at 7 p.ni. in the basement of United Church. Each member is asked to bring her husband or a friends. Members are reminded that articles for the bale should be sent in as soon as possible. Thank -Offering Service The Autumn Thank -Offering ser- vice of the W. M. S. will be held in the United Church on Sunday morn- ing, November 4th. The special speaker for the day will be Miss Ca- tharine Campbell, of Molesworth, who only recently retired after many years as a Missionary in India. Mrs. Wilmot of Burlington, is at present the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. McLeod. We are sorry to learn that Mr, Jack lI# ciu've never heard a woman or a McLeod is not enjoying the best of Y little child proclaim health and hope he will soon he A blessing on your bounty, around again. Your a poor hand at the game. A number from this vicinity attend IMMORAL DRAMA Rt, Rev. James E, Freeman, bishop of Washington, who in addressing the bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church at their Atlantic City confer- ence, denounced the "menace of Reno," drama and literature that are "immoral and licentious," and an ec- onomic order of "lamentable made quacy." Waves MISS HELEN BEATTIE Will Be. At EDGAR'S BARBER SHOP Gorrie, on WED., NOV. 7th SPECIALS: $7.00 Permanent $5.00 $5.00 'Permanent $4.00 $4.00 Permanent $2.50 Marcel or Finger Wave 35c arassonzwagasmiressamorgarmetaassmansamamt Master Jack Milligan is at present confined to bed being seriously ill with heart trouble. We wish him a speedy recovery. BELMORE All roads led to Salem Tuesday ev- ening vening last week, it being the evening of their annual fowl supper and as in former years it came to the mark. All returned home happy and greatly satisfied with the evening's entertain- ment. The play "The Little Bridesmaid"'' will bep tit on in the community hall some time in the near future by lo- cal talent. The unexpected fall of snow .Sun- day is just a reminder that winter is around the corner. Miss Eleanor Jeffray spent the past, week with Mrs. Reuben Stokes at the.. Glen, u` Mr. Braurs is confined to the house wit ha heavy cold. The Bible Class had for its teach- er Sunday, Mr. Hayes of Howick. This class has become a very live and energetic organization of the church What goes to the snaking of an "en- ergetic class, it is not the number of silent listeners, it is a disputing class —putting intelligence into its work. The United Church Bible Class are grateful to Mr. Hayes and others who have taught. , tee • What are you here for?:r, If you've never trade another have a happier time in life, If you've never helped a brothes through his struggle and his strife, If you've never been a comfort to the weary and the worn— Will you: tell me what you're here for In this lovely land of morn. If you've never made the pathway of some neighbor plow with sun, If you've never brought a bubble to some fellow's heart with fun, If you've never cheered a toiler that you tried to help along, Will you tell me. what you're here for In this lovely land of song, If you've never made a comrade feel the world's a sweeter place, Because you lived within it andserv- ed it with your grace, ted the fttueral of the late Tilos, Nast: at Gorrie on Saturday. Mr.` and Mrs. I. S. Durst were at. Kitchener on Tuesday attending the funeral of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. Morrison and son, Donald, of St. Catharines, were guests this week -end of the former's mother, Mrs. John Morrison. Mr. George Allen is having some �" g l repairs put on his new hone on Mill St. Mrs, and d Mr. Mr, and Mt. , . R. Wendt t M, c J Nor�tttail }Tall were visitors in Guelph on Sunday. OFF COLOUR? HO IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile Without Calomel Your liver's a very small organ, but it tainly oar Put• your digestive and elutvn t{,. organs out of kilter by refusing to yo u it daily two poundsolliquid bile into your out You won't Completely ebrirat such a notaditiou by taking salts, oil, mineral water, lnkativa candy or oltowtnggum, or roughage. when t ey'n moved your bowels they're through—an you need a liver stimulant. in cask Carter's T.ittlo Liver Pilis will 0000 bring the sunshine into your Itfo. /they're Purdy vege" table. Sato. $tire. Ask for deem by mum. flsfw o substitutes. 550 at allldrain: ta. 43