HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-10-18, Page 7G,ORRIE Rev. W. G. and Mrs. Bugler and son, Vernon, of Bayfield, were guests of Mrs, R. S, Jones and Dick on Sun- day, Mr. Janies Basile accompanied Miss Alma Hastis of Kitchener to Chats- worth where they spent the week -end. Rev. W. G. Bugler of Bayfield, con- ducted the services in the Anglican Churches of the .parish on Sunday. He took as his text, Acts 4:19••'20. Born—On Monday, October 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. (Ted.) Newton, a dau- ghter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day of Wingham called for Mr. and Mrs. F. Coles on Sunday and all visited friends in Ford- wich, Guests at the home of Mrs. Jas. Bell on Sunady were: Mrs. Willis and daughter Miss Irene, also Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Willis, all of Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wright and son Eldon, and Mrs. Frank Wright of Lakelet; Mr. and Mrs. Linsay Clegg of Harriston; also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and daughter Lorene of ,Kurtz- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald cf Molesworth and Miss Isabel Earls of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ring and attende the Presbyterian Anniversary. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fre Hyndman were: Mrs. John Darrock Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Darrock an daughter Shirely of Clifford; Mrs. J. Hynan (nee Eva Nay) of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. James Hyndman -of Kitchener. Mrs. McMillan and Blake of Lis- towel ,spent the week -end with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ma- .rath. Mrs. Mercer and son of Markdale, .called on Gorrie friends on Thursday .last. Friends of Mr. Bert Cooke will be pleased to learn he is improving very nicely, Miss Catherine Warrell has return- ed' home after visiting with friends in Wheatley. Monday guests c¢ Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor were: Mr. and Mrs. War- -wick, of Morris, Mrs. McCutcheon of Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Mrs. W. Wal- lace and Miss Esther Hyndman of Crandall, Man. Rev. and Mrs. Butt are visiting with friends in Detroit also his mother who is not enjoying as good health as her =any Gorrie friends would wish her. Mr. and Mrs,• Jas. Shera spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill at Moorefield. Mr. Spencer Ashton, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with his mother. Mrs. Gordon Barton and daughter, Marlene, spent'a few days in Fergus last week. Mr. Robt. Stinson spent a few days in Hamilton last week. Miss Dorothy Taylor of Cheboygan, Mich., is visiting friends in and around Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whitfield and on, Ewart, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harris in Fergus. Those from here who attended the Women's Institute Convention in Stratford •on' Tuesday were: Mrs. C. C. Ramage, Mrs, Jno. Hyndman, Mrs. E.Bolton, Mrs. V. Shera and Mrs. W. King. Mr. and Mrs. IVtc$endie and dau- ghter, Miss Kathleen, of Mitchell, vis- ited the former's daughter, Mrs. and Dr. Ramage on Friday last. Mrs. Stanley Wheeler of Brussels, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Dane. Dr, and Mrs. C. C. Ramage and con Jim, spent Sunday with friends in Durham. Mr. Douglas Stares of Hamilton was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Foster on Thursday last. orrie South Huron District, Mr, Jefferson has promised to"visit his mother lodge on this unique occasion, Car' for the West - Travellers who have passed through the Middle West say that it is no idle tale with regard to the necessity of bringing relief to that stricken area.. A. car for Western relief will' be load- ed at C.P.R. station, Gorrie, on Wed- nesday, Oct. 24th. This is an inter- church and community effort, so all are requested to their best in the mat- ter of contributions of vegetables, can- ned goods, cereals, clothing, etc. Any assistance that can be given in loading the car will be greatly appreciated. For any further information please phone Rev. G. W. Butt, chairman of the Central Committee, Children's Day will be celebrated in Anglican Churches of this Parish on Sunday with a special service for the' children. The St. Stephen's Church Club are planning a Box Social to be held at the home of Mr. Richard Bennett, north of Gorrie, on Friday, October 26th. Everyone wil be made welcome, and a truck will leave the residence of Mrs. Geo. King at a quarter to d eight for anyone wishing to go. The Women's Missionary Society of d theUnited Church are holding their Autumn Thank -Offering service next d Sunday morning, Oct. 21st, at 11 o'- clock. Miss Bessie Lovell who has spent many years in Africa, wil be the guest speaker, and will have an interesting story to tell. The choir will be composed of fathers and sons; and the mothers and daughters are specially invited to be present. Any lady without a mother or daughter is asked to bring another lady friend. s D.D,G.M. to Visit Fordwich Lodge The annual visit of the District De- puty Grand Master to Fordwich Mas- onic Lodge takes place this Thursday evening, and the occasion will be a most fraternal one as Worshipful Bro- ther Bowman of Brussels is popular in Masonic circles. Added interest will be given to this gathering by the pre- sence of. Mr. George Jefferson, Clin- ton, recently honored to the elevation. of District Deputy Grand Master, of terearsImasserwmtmo Ultra Modern r n Eye Service ice F. HO M s rhni s,, R.O. 'hone 118 Harriston FRIENDS SHOWER BRIDE AND GROOM Friends and neighbors numbering about fifty gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling on Friday evening and presented the newly-weds with a Miscellaneous Shower and to welcome the,bride, for- merly Miss Beatrice Ferguson of Clif- ford, to their community. Mr. A. E. Toner presided very ably overthe well arranged musical pro- gramme, interspersed 'with addresses. At a most opportune time the bride and groom were called forward and the following address was read by Miss Agnes Edgar, Mr. Earl Toner and Mr. Andrew Edgar making the presentation, to which both bride and groom made suitable replies, Dear Beatrice and Everett It is with deep feeling and great pleasure that we your friends and neighbors have gathered at your home this evening to extend to you our heartiest wishes for a long pleasant successful married life. Beatrice, we would like at this time to welcome you as a friend and neigh- bour. Our hope is that your life here among us will be a happy one. 'Everett, we are glad that you have chosen to make your home here and may God's bountiful blessing be with both you and your wife. As tokens of our sincere thoughts we ask you to accept these gifts and in your home may they be .constant and happy reminders of your many friends who wish you much happiness and prosperity. Signed on behalf of your friends. Miss Mabel Wood of Clifford was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ring and slaughter Miss Jean of London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. King. Members and their friend's of the ,Presbyterian Church here are looking forward to the illustrated lecture en- titled, "Palestine Today," which will be given in aid of Foreign Missions in the church on Wednesday evening October 24, Rev, Leggatt, pastor will give the lecture, Refreshments ' are being served. ORANGEHILL ANNI- VERSARY SERVICES 9rangehill Anniversary Services were held on Sunday; with Rev. Stuart B.A., of Centralia; as the special min- ister, with Gorrie's 'United Church Choir assisting the choir, The speakers morning text was, "Religion an Extra," being found in Luke 14, 18, "And they all with one t began to make conSen excuses," also, Mathew 6, 33 "But seek ye first the allthings s shall KingdomKingdomof God, and d g be added unto you." The speaker said, l in manycases who profess to people , be Christains, make excuses for not attending ndin worship, just, going when there is something special to attend, Thursday, October 18th, 19:34 oxe� LADY FURNESS ARRIVES TO AID SISTER The sister of Gloria Morgan Van- derbilt, who is fighting in Manhattan supreme court for custody of her 10- year-olcl daughter, also named Gloria, is shown here arriving at Grand Cen- tral Station, New York, after a hur- ried trip from England, Lady Furness is shown in the CENTRE. At the :er RIGHT is her brother, Harry Mor- gan, and Mrs. Morgan. making it an "Extra" in life. But Christ said, "Seek ye first the King- dom of God. The evening text, Matt- hew 26, 39, "And He went a little far- ther." Mr. Stuart spoke of Jesus go- ing always a little farther than His disciples in order to extend his Fath- er's Kingdon, and he pleaded to church members and others to go a little farther a$ Christ did, that His Kingdom might be extended and His name Glorified. The choir under the direction of Mr. L. F. Ashton and Miss Janet Rut - tan as organist rendered the following anthems, with fine interpretation, "Sound Christs Praise," "My Father's Hand'," and a duett, "Jesus is all the world to me," by Mr. Harvey Sparl- ing and daughter Miss Jean. Mr. L. Taylor of Clifford gave two flute solos at both services and in the evening he sang a baritone solo. "Nearer My God to Thee" The evening anthems being, "Father in Heaven, and Wait on the Lord." The church was filled to capacity for both services, and the Orange- hill congregation are to be congrat- ulated on the success of their an- niversary. PLAN THANK - OFFERING MEETING The October meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the Un- ited Church was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gamble, Gorrie, on Oct. 11, when a good attendance was present, with Mrs. W. Douglas presiding. The meeting which had as its sub- ject "Thanksgiving" opened by sing-, ing two verses of "0 Worship the King't, followed by prayer by Mrs. Butt, after which Psalm 23 was re- peated in unison. Mrs. Whitfield tben gave a reading entitled "Mrs. Pick- ett's Missionary Box", telling how a woman who thought she had no ben- efits . and was proud of it, but when she started to count, realized $3.60 in three months at a cent apiece, and the great change it made in her life. "Blest be the Tie that Binds" was then sung, after which Mrs. Douglas gave a reading "Mine and William's Thank -Offering" telling how a hus- band who did not believe in Foreign Missions, though a Deacon in the Church, did the family washings for his wife, and she gave the money she might pay to have it done to Missions thereby earning stars for his crown. A dialogue was then given by Mrs, R. Ashton and Mrs. Jas, Anger, en- titled "The Stewardship of Thank -Of- fering", showing how a lady was so happy at the good fortunes befalling her, but never thought of returning thanks to God, until it was revealed unto her from whom those blessings came. Two Angels set out to gather g the prayers, and the one basket with the petitions was very heavily laden; the one with the thanks very light, Mr. Butt then spoke words of apprec- iation to the Program Committee, and also reminded them all 'to live up to theirrivile ges, and 'be thankful,, The 1 g. Lord knows each one's circumstances and how' much: they have to spare. The President, Mrs. Ramage, tl.en took charge of the business meeting; Roll Call being answered with a verse with the word Thanksgiving in it. Plans were made for the Autumn Thank -Offering Meeting, which is to be addressed by Miss Lovell, of Af- rica, to make it a real success and in which it was decided that a men's choir would furnish the music. A com- mittee was appointed to undertake plans for relief work to the West. The President then closed the meeting with prayer. CHURCH CLUB HOLD FIRST MEEING The first meeting of St. Stephen's Church Club was held on Wednesday evening, October 10th, at the home of Mr. F. C. Taylor, with Mrs, Nor- man Wade as convenor. A good num- ber were present, and enjoyed very much the different musical numbers, it being a musical program. The meeting opened with Rev. R. S. Junes conducting the opening exercises, and Mrs. N. 'Wade presiding for the pro- gram, which consisted of a guitar sel- ection, comic song, solos, mouth or- gan selections, piano duet, also read- ings on the lives of such renowned musical composers as Handel, Strauss, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendellsohn and others, after which of each, Mrs. Wade played one of their must, noted compositions. Mr. Jones also read the life of Rev. John Newton, who was the author of the lovely hymn "Glor- ious Things of Thee are spoken." Af- ter closing the meeting by all joining hands and singing "Auld Lang Syne" games were indulged in, after which Mrs. Wade and Mrs Jones served lunch, assisted by the hostess, Mrs. Taylor. INSTITUTE HOLD FINE SESSION The October meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Carroll Gregg on Tues- day last, October 9th,, when twenty some members and friends, as well as a number of children, were present. Mrs, Wm. Eargney presided in the absence of the President, and opened the meeting in the usual manner with th Ode and Lord's Prayer in unison, after which the Minutes of last meet- ing were read and adopted, and the Roll Call answered by "What I. Do for Cuts and Burns" which revealed various and helpful answers. Business was then discussed in which plans were made for those attending the annual Institute Convention, which is being held in Stratford, ,October 16th and 17th. Mrs, Newton, who had a talk on the motto, read a poem written by Jeart Blewett "For He was Scotch and so 'Was She." Mrs. W. King then gave a reading on the different seeds of annuals which inay be planted now. Mrs. R. Hastie also favored with a piano instrumental, A letter was read front Mr, Putnam, telling of his resig- nation from office, and sus good wish- es for the Institute. Lunch was then served by Mrs. John Cathers and Mrs. Carroll Gregg. WROXETER Mr. Robt. Westlake, of Moosejaw, Sask., who has been spending the past few weeks with friends in this vicin- ity, left on Monday for his home. Mrs. Alex, McLeod is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harkness, of Carrick, were guests on Friday of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dane. The local dairy business recently' owned by Mr. Frank Green, changed. hands on Wednesday of last week, Mr. John Gibson being the new proprietor. We wish Mr. Gibson every success in his new venture. Dies of Spinal Menginitis Harriston, Oct, 8th—There passed away at her hone here in Minto Township, of spinal :tnenginits, Mrs. John Richardson, who before her mar- riage was Gladys Hutchison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchison, Flora Road north. Besides her husband she leaves one little girl three years old. The late Mrs. Richardson is a sister of Miss Hazel Hutchison who teaches in Turnberry (at the school known as Douglas' School), The sympathy of this community is extended to 1VIiss Hutchison in the sad loss of her sis- ter. A number of the local students who are this year attending Wingham High School, attended the School Field Meet held at Listowel on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly enter- tained a number of friends to a fowl dinner on Saturday, on the occasion of the latter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westlake and children of Listowel visited friends here on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Sanderson and family, of Detroit, were week• end guests with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mr. Hugh Mercer of Markdale was also a guest at the Sanderson home and Mrs. Mer- cer and little son, Donald, who have been visiting here for the past couple of weeks, returned hone with ]nim, Children's Day :is being observed next Sunday in St. James' Anglican Church when all children are request- ed to be present. Miss Margaret Durst of Listowel spent the week end with her parents here. The members of the Girls' Mission Circle are holding their monthly meet - Mg at the home of Mrs. Harvey Tirnnx on Thursday evening of this week. Miss Merle Campbell of Harriston spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst. The Ladies' Guild- of the Anglican Church held their regular monthly meeting and quilting at the home of Mrs. Harry Waller on Wednesday at- ternootx, Silver Wedding Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs, ;William Cornwall, of Durham, celebrated their silver wedding quietly at their home 1 bere,,,They formerly lived in Wroxe er, and Mr, Cornwall was one of th eye -witnesses of the Caledou Vvrec of 1907. Mr, and Mrs. Cornwall ha been residents, of Durham for to years.—Toronto Star. Mr. John Muir of Stratford, wa the guest of his brother, George, las week, . Mr. Dennie and. Fannily of Ford wick, section foreman of the CPR is expected to move:into Mrs. Mc Dougal's hoose on Wednesday of thi week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Pleasance of Pt Elgin, arrived in town 'Saturday nigh and left for Detroit Sunday mornin accompanied by Mrs. Neil White wh will visit her sister who is ill.m A number frohere attended th anniversary services at the Sale Church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell an son, Harris, of Morirs Twp., wer, Sunday guests at the home. of Mr. an Mrs. Archie McMichael. The W. A. of the United Church will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday afternoon in the scheol- room of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Faulkner, Tor- onto. spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and Mr. J. Henn eberg. Mr. and Mrs. James Riddell ' and daughter, Florence, New Hamburg, also Mr. Robt. Lang, of Shakespeare, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryans, of Ford- wich, were Sunday guests,of Mr. and Mrs, Norman McLaughlin. Mr. Wilford Leeson, Toronto was a guest one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warnick, 'of Morris, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hooper. Mrs. Fleming, who spent the sum- mer months with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Brown, returned to her home in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Meahan were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Henning. Mr. John' Bardnard and Mr, Joe Barnard, also Miss Margaret Gibson, all of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, over the week -end. Mrs: Henry MacLean, Hannah, N. D., was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovell. A large number of United Churs.h members attended the Anniversary Services at Salem on Sunday last when Rev. Mr. Monteith of Teeswater was in charge. The Wroxeter choir led in the service of song at the even- ing service, contributing two anthems "Great is the Lord" by Lorenz, and "I, Come to Thee," by Croll. Mrs. W. MacLean, Mrs. J. Lovell and Mrs. D. S. MacNauglxton were in Stratford on Tuesday attending the convention of Women's Institute. Mr. Robt. Hyslop is able to be around again after his serious illness. Mr. Robt, Wenger and Miss Doris Simpson, of Mitchell, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Davey on Monday. Mr. Denny, C.P.R. foreman, is mov- ing his household effects this week from Fordwich to Mrs. Alex. Mc- Dougall's house on Hawick St. We welcome Mr. Denny and family to our town. t e k ve n s t s t g 0 m d• e d WEDDINGS Hubbard - Smith A wedding of interest to many in this community took place on Satur- day, at Caledonia, when Miss Bertha Smith of Wroxeter, became the bride of Mr. Bertram Hubbard of Howick. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Jacques, uncle of the groom, The best wishes of the community are ex= tended to the happy couple. WROXETER W. M. S. HELD MEETING The October meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. R. Stocks Thurs- day afternoon. A vote of thanksgiving was express- ed throughout the devotional period which was led by Mrs. G. A. Wearr- ing, who opened the meeting with the hymn "Almighty Father, Who Dost Give." In an article "Necessity for Thanks- giving;" she stressed the fact that it is not only a religious duty but a priv- ile give to g vc thanks. The reading of the 91st Psalm which is full of hope and security for those who walk in close communion with God, followed, also a prayer. Mrs. Il.. Stocks presided during the remainder of the meeting, The Treasurer's report was receiv- ed and a few business items disposed of, including the appointment of Mrs, W. S. McKercher to represent the W. M. S. in preparing the bales for the West, In the absence of Miss B. Lovell, Miss Catharine Campbell, returned missionary from India, will give an: address at the Thank -Offering eerviee to be held Nov: 4th, Ms. R, Stocks introduced the rico: Study Book "Builders of the Indian Church" and Mrs. J. R. Wendt out- lined the second chapter, dealing, with the Thomas Christians in Southern India.: Mrs. Finlay gave some resolutions of a Dominion Board executive meet- ing which were taken from the annual report. These proved most interest- ing. The Doxology was sung and the roll call answered by a Scripture verse, containing the word "Praise_' The meeting was brought to a close, with the singing of the W. M. S. hymn "Spirit of God, descend upon my heart" and a prayer by Mrs. Henry Timm. BELMORE Capacity congregations marked the uccessfui harvest home services in the United Church, Sunday Oct. 7th. The Minister, Rev, Dr.` Martin of St. Thomas delivered appropriate ser- mons at the morning service. He took for his theme, the game of life, 1 Cora 9:24 "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all—but one receiv- eth the prize—so run that ye may ob- tain. In the evening, Contentment, Phil, 4:11 "For I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith tOE be content," Beautiful flowers adorn- ed the front of the church and bright appropriate music was sung by a large choir, the soloist being Miss. Alberta Wolfe of Clifford. A duet by the Misses Wolfe In the evening, "Misses Foster of Newbridge sang "Rock of Ages." The anthems by the choir were under the leadership of George Ruth- erford, Mrs. Alex Corrigan, organist, and were exceptionally well rendered. The festival was concluded with a fowl supper in the Community Hall More; day evening when over four hundred sat down to supper—none was turned empty away. The programme proved to be a little short but sweet, TM com- mittee being appointed. It composed of a drama "Eyes that See"; a solo by Mildred Ballagh "The Wasted Crust"; a solo by the Rev. Butt of Gorrie; address by Rev. Allen, Tees - water and Rev. Thompson, when all joined in singing "God Save the King." Rev. and Mrs. Thompson were in Brantford Wednesday. The Lord's Supper was observed in. the United Church Sunday morning. Mrs. Herd and Jack motored to Ow- en Sound Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Hall is visiting in Tees water and Miss Emma Newby in. Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Peterman, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Eleanor and Minnie Jeffray. Miss Marjorie Herd is on the sick list. ;'.w < i GLENANNAN (Too Late for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Willits and. family, of Salem, also Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright of Jamestown,viisted ott Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mks,, W. H. Marshall, Mr. Elmer Aitken of Toronto also Mr. Clark Elliott, visited over Thanks- giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Elliott. Mrs. Rae Little of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Metcalfe, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir also Nor- man. Muir of Toronto, spent Thanks- giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Wallace. Mr. atxd Mrs. Samuel Marshall vis' fted with friends in London recently, IVXr, and Mrs. John Cathers and Kathleen, Gorrie, also Mr, Harry. Brown, of Thornbury; visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Mr. Arthur Dance of London,: spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. I3. Marshall. 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