HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1934-10-18, Page 2PAGE TWO The Wingham Advance -Tinges, Published at WINGHAM ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning by The Advance -Times Publishing Co. t�ubscription Rate - One Year PM Six months, $1,00 in advance To U. S. A. $2.50 per year. Foreign. rate, $3,00 per year. Advertising rates on application. THE WAR AGAINST CANCER Dr. J. W. S. McCullough, Chief In- spector of Health for the Province of Ontario will give an illusirated lecture in the Town Hall this Thursday even- ing at 8 p.m. on The Prevention of Cancer, The subject is a vitally im- portant one as cancer takes its toll of life in large numbers every year. The knowledge to be gained <t this flecture will be well' worthwhile. Pre- vention is better than cure. The inns - sage that Dr. McCullough will give his audience has been told to many groups throughout Ontario and the re- ports that we have seen of these meet- ings prove conclusively that all should. be present that possibly can do so. The Ontario Department of Health .is doing a great work in enlightening the public on this subject but we are. of the opinion that they should go much further and take up other mat- ters as well. We suggest talks on .he Pasteurization of Milk, Toxoid" Treat- ent for the prevention of Diphtheria and lectures on all contagious diseas- es.If our people are to enjoy proper Health regulations they should be shown why these regulations are ne- cessary. The Health Department at Toronto has all the available statistics from places that are much ahead of us in many matters pertaining to Health Work-. We are sure that this informa- tion would astound many people here as to the beneficial results obtained in these places. * * REALITIES ARE FEW Most of us live in a dream world, in which we think that there is some -magic process, if only we could find ;;t, which will make us happy and prosperous. When something unpleas- ant happens we are prone to attribute it to malicious fate which can only be t overcome by finding some new in- t cantation which will work the right. magic to set everything straight again. vv Many of us are not sufficiently ia to face realities. The real- in /ties of life are terrifying to those d •who have been brought up to believe that "somebody" is always going to E Took out for them. They are not at ail frightful to those who realize that -the most essential things for our hap- -piness are food and shelter. We try to be tolerant of everybody else's foibles and frailities, but we lose patience with people who think they are being badly used merely be- cause they can't have everything they desire at the rnomnt they desire it. 'We believe this desire is one of the great troubles in the world to -day. 'People are so anxious to grasp things -that are not necessities that they ev- entually go wrong in their attempt.. For the last few weeks the papers lhave almost daily carried news of con - spiracles, extortion, theft of public funds and until our people stop that false search for happiness these things will continue, * ,.._ The season of Fowl Suppers is now in full swing and it is one season that all look forward to with pleasure,. * * * Now that the Fall Fairs are all r.v- er one can pull the carrots and the beets and place the snow shovel where. it will be handy. * * $: * The recent frosts have stripped the trees of their autumn glory, It will not be long now till Old Man Winter comes a -calling, * * * * There is a big deficit at Queen's Park for the year which is just end- ing. Premier Hepburn was quick to blame this on the previous Govern- ment. He need ont have bothered. He will be judged by the balance sheet of the next few years. * * * * The Dionne quintuplets have now a healthy tan. So far we have not seen a cosmetic company advertising "This gives the healthy appearance to the quintuplets." * * * * In 1921 Canadian people consumed 624,000,000 lbs. of beef and in 1931 23,000;000 pounds less, yet the popu- lation had increased nearly 700,000. These figures were reported, rio doubt, to supply food for thought. * * * * The National Hockey League will get under way in Toronto on No- vember Sth. Hockey fans will once more be sitting close to the radio to hear Foster Hewitt yell "He shoots! He scores11" * * * * Poor little 11 -year-old Peter II, King of Jugoslavia. Our sympathy goes out to a child who has such res- ponsibilities thrust on him. * * When you drive up to a corner nev- er forget that someone may be ap- proaching from the other direction. * * * * L. A. Parmelee, "Santa Claus Forg- er" who forged cheques all .Dver Can- ada and the 'United States for the pact 14 years to the amount of $50,000, was caught at Sausalite, Cal. What is hat we used to hear about going to he well too often. * * * * The Dominion 1934 Refunding Loan ent over with a bang. That Canad- napeople and institutions have faith the future of this country was evi- enced in a practical manner. eli eved, Often in hot weather and occasion- ally at other times, little stomachs turn sour and acid. "When I notice any sign of sick stomach," Bays Mrs.J AlphonousBrown, Bayside, P.E.I., "I always give a Baby's Own Tablet," They quickly set things right, are very easy to take and quite eafe. All common ail- ments of childhood including teeth- ing are promptly relieved with :Baby's Own Tablets. 25c a pack- age at drug stores. las "Dr.Wi111arns' :'BABY` OWN! TABLETS WINGHAM FALL FAIR PRIZE -WINNERS HEAVY HORSES General Purpose Team in Harness, Wm. Decker. Agricultural Brood Mare, L. G. Bryce, Fred urchill, Alex. McDonald. Spring al, Wm. McAllister, L. G. Bryce, ex. McDonald. 1 -year-old Filly or lding, Alex. McDonald, F. Church - Percy J. Davidson. 2 -year-old Fil- or Gelding, Alex. McDonald, Thos. Bolger, Fred Churchill. Team in rness, Fred Colquhoun, Duncan Gra • Peter Walters. Heavy Draft rood Mare, David M. Grant. ing Foal, David M. Grant, Peter Iters. 1 -year-old Filly or Gelding, H. Vollick; Geo. Kennedy. 2 -year - Filly or Gelding, Geo. Kennedy, . G. Keith. Team in harness, Jno. den, Andrew McKague,. Aler. Mc- ald. 3 -year-old Heavy Draft or /cultural, Win. Urquhart, Fred quhoun. LIGHT HORSES Carriage pring Foal, Jas. Forrester, W. G. th. 1 -year-old Filly or Gelding, C. Felker. 2 -year-old Filly or Geld Jack Deans. Single Driver, S .J. er, S. J. Miller. Team in Harness, . Miller. Ch Fo Al Ge ill, ly H. Ha Gr 13 Spr p Wa M. old Wm Vod Don Agr Col S Kei H. ing, Mill S. J 111111111111112111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ■ Maitland reamer ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Phoflc 271 S. Cowan, Douglas Bros. Saw, aged, Jas. S. 'Cowan, Douglas Tiros., Nor- ua■ilI11>ItE1I■1NSrnan Wade, Sow, under 3 months, Buyers Of Cream and Eggs Call Us For Prices ESE ■ ■.and 3. Ewe Lamb, Orvil McGowan, PAFrank Mack, Orvil McGowan. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Roadsters Brood Mare, Jack Deans, W Keith, ,Jas. Forrester, Spring Jack Deans, Geo., McEwen. 1- old Filly or Gelding,. Archie Mc ald, M. H. Vollick, Peter \Valter year-old Filly or Gelding, Per Davidson, Peter Walters. . Single 1 er (lit prize donated by Acly; Times and J. H. Crawford), J, 3. fogle, Percy J. Davidson, J. L. Wr S. J. Miller, J. J. Fryfog.le. Tea harness, 5, J. Fryfogle, J. L. Wr S. J. Miller, Consolation for non- ners (prizes donated by J, A. 13 don), S. J, Miller, A. R. Campbel CATTLE Shorthorns Breeding Cow, W. G. Gerrie, McKenzie. 2 -year-old Heifer, R Smith and Son, W. G. Gerrie, W F, Oestracher. 1 -year-old Heifer H. Smith and Son, W. G. Gerrie, E. F, Oestracher. Heifer, unde months, Wm. McKenzie, W. Oestracher,. Win. McKenzie. Bull, der 12 months, W. E. F..Oestrac Wm. McKenzie, W. E. F. Oestr er. Bull, over 1 and under 2, W F. Oestracher, R. H. Smith and R. H. Smith and Son. Aged Bull, E. F. Oestracher, Wm. McKenzie McEwen, Herefords Breeding Cow, O'Neill Bros., H and Wright. 2 -year-old Heifer, Neill Bros., Howard Wright. 1 -year- old Heifer, O'Neill Bros., Howard Wright. Heifer, under 12 months, O'- Neill Bros., How.rd Wright 2 and 3. Bull, under 12 months, O'Neill Eros., Howard Wright, Geo. Kennedy. Bull, over 1 and under 2, Geo. Kennedy, Andrew McKague. Aged Bull, How- ard Wright, O'Neill Bros. Polled Angus Breeding Cow, F. G. Todd. 2 -year old Heifer, F. G. Todd. 1-year-ol' Heifer, F. G. Todd. Heifer, under 1 month, F. G, Todd. Bull, under 1 months, Robt. Yuill. Bull, over 1 an under 2, F. G. Todd. Aged Bull, F G. Todd. Ayrshires Breeding Cow, Lorne 13. Weber Alex. Rintoul, Lorne Weber. 2 -year• old Heifer, Lorne Weber, Lorne Vire ber. 1 -year-old Heifer, Lorne Weber W. F. Beirnes. Heifer, under 12 months, Lorne Weber, W. F. Beirnes Bull, under 2 years, Lorne Weber, W F. Beirnes.. Holsteins or their Grades Breeding Cow, R. J. Currie, Geo. Kennedy, Percy J. Davidson. Grade Beef Type Breeding Cow, W. M. Henry. 2- year-old Heifer, R. and R. Proctor. 1 -year-old Heifer, R. and R. Proctor. Heifer Calf -,F. G. Todd, W. G. Gerrie. Steer Calf, O'Neill Bros., F. G. Todd. Steer 1 -year-old, W. G. Gerrie, F. G. Todd. Steer 2 -year-old, F. G. Todd. Fat Cattle Fat Steer or Heifer, Strong Bros., F. G. Todd. Thursday, October 19th 1934 , lr. Foal, year- Don- s, ear-Don-s, 2- cy 5. )riv- once- Fry- ight, m in ight, vin-' r an - h Wm. , H. E, , R. W. r 12 E. F. un her, ach- 1r, Son, , G. ow- 0'- WINGHAM w-O' ROCKFELLER IN FLORIDA Wearing dark glasses to shade his eyes against the bright sun, John D. Rockfeller, Sr., posed for cameramen upon arriving in Ormond Beach, Fla., his winter home. The 95 -year-old mul- ti -millionaire was carried from his pri- vate railway car in a chair to his auto- mobile. Jas. S. Cowan 1 and 2, Douglas Bros. Pen Market Hogs, John S. Cowan 1,. 2 and 3. POULTRY Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, Doug- las Bros., W. I. Miller. Ducks, any other, Douglas Bros., Clarence Clark. Geese, Toulouse, Douglas Bros., Ken- neth Rintoul. Geese, any other, 3. 13. Maitland 1 and 2. Turkeys, bronze, - Clarence Clarke. Turkeys,any other, d Douglas Bros. Bantams, ornamental, 2 W. I. Miller 1 and 2. Bantams, game, 2 Douglas Bros., Frank Angus: Game, d any other, Kenneth Rintoul 1 and 2. Pigeons, Clarence CanteIon, Charles Danbrook. Leghorns, white, male, Douglas Bros., Mennie and Clarke. Leghorns, white, female, Douglas - Bros. 1 and 2. Leghorns, buff, male, - Kenneth RintouI 1 and 2. Leghorns, , buff, female, Kenneth Rintoul 1 and 2. Minorcas, male, Mennie and Clark. • Minorcas, female, Mennie and Clark. • Orpingtons, male; Frank Angus, Men- nie and Clark. Orpingtons, female, Frank Angus, Mennie and Clark. Ply- mouth Rocks, barred, male,W. I. lrlill- er 1 and 2. Plymouth Rocks, .barred, female, W. I. Miller 1 and 2. Ply- mouth Rocks, white, male Mennie and Clark, W. I. Miller. Plymouth Rocks, white, female, Douglas Bros., Mennie and Clark. Rhode Island Reds, reale, Mennie and Clark 1 and 2. Rhode Is- land Reds, female, W. I. Miller, Men- nie and Clark. Wyandottes, white, male, W. I. Miller, Mennie and Clark-. Wyandottes, white, female, W. I. Mill- er, Mennie and Clark. Wyandottes, any other, male, W. T. .Miller. Wy- andottes, any other, female, W. I. Miller, T. C. Wilson. Chickens Ducks, Pekin or Aylesbury, Doug- las Bros., W. I. Miller. Ducks, any other, Douglas Bros,, Clarence Clarke. Bantams, ornamental, .Mennie and Clarke 1 and 2. Bantams, game, Frank Angus 1 and 2. Leghorns, buff, male, Kenneth Rintoul 1 and 2. Leghorns, buff, female; Kenneth Rintoul 1 and 2. Leghorns, white, male, Douglas Bros., Mennie and Clarke, Leghorns, white, female, Douglas Bros,, Mennie and Clarke. Minorcas, male, Mennie and Clarke 1 and 2. Minorcas, female, Mennie and Clarke 1 and 2. Orping- tons, rping tons, male, Frank Angus 1 and 2. Or- er, pingtons, female, Frank Angus 1 and po 2. Plymouth Rocks, barred, male, T. W. I. Miller 1 and 2. Plymouth Rocks pie barred, female, W. I. Miller 1 and 2. po Plymouth Rocks, white, male, Men- low tile and Clarke, Douglas Bros. Ply- art mouth. Rocks, white, female, W. I. Al Miller, Douglas Bros. Rhode Island To Reds, male, Mennie and Clarke 1 and jar 2. Rhode Island Reds, female, Mennie Set and Clark, W. I. Miller. Wyandottes, I din white, male, Mennie and Clarke, W. I. Miller. Wyandottes, white, female, W. I. Miller, Mennie and Clarke. Wyandottes, any other, male, Mennie and Clarke 1 and 2. Wyandottes, any other, female, W. I. Miller, Mennie and Clarke. Bred -to -Lay Cockerel, Barred Rock, Chas, Dan- brook, A. Proctor and Sons, J. D. Bee - SHEEP Leicesters Aged Ram, Gordon Brown. Shear - ling Ram, E. Snell, Gordon Brown, E. Snell. Ram Lamb, E. Snell, John S. Cowan, Gordon Brown. Aged Ewe, E. Snell, John S. Cowan, Shearling Ewe, E. Snell 1 and 2, John S. Cow- an. Ewe Lamb, E. Snell, John S. Cow- an, Gordon Brown. Oxford Downs Aged Ram, Robt. Yuill, Monk and Sons, Dwight Rayson. Shearling Ram, Monk and Sons, 1 and 2, Dwight Ray - son. Ram Lamb, Monk and Sons 1 2 and 3. Aged Ewe, Monk and Sons, E. D. Bell and Sons, Dwight Rayson. Shearling Ewe, E. D. Bell and Sons, W. M. Henry, Dwight Rayson. Ewe Lamb, Monk and, Sons 1 and 2, Dwight Rayson. South Downs Aged Ram, J. B. Maitland 1 and 2, Shearling Ram, J. 13. Maitland. Ram Lamb, J, 13. Maitland 1 and 2. „Aged Ewe, J. B. Maitland 1 and 2. Shear - ling Ewe, J. B. Maitland 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb,' W. M. Henry, Frank Mack, J. B. Maitland. • Dorset Aged Ram, Orvil McGowan, P, E. Dearing 2 and 3. Shearling Ram, Or- vil McGowan, P. E. Dearing 2 and 3. Ram Lamb, P. E. Dearing, Orvil Mc- Gowan 2 and 3. Aged Ewe, Orvil Mc- Gowan, P. E. Dearing, Orvil McGow- an. Shearling Ewe, P. E. Dearing, Orvil McGowan, P. E. Dearing. Ewe Lamb, Orvil McGowan 1 and 2, P. E. Dearing. Shropshire Aged Ram, Frank Mack, Orvil Mc- Gowan, E. D. Bell and. Sons. Shear - ling Ram, Orvil McGowan, E. D. Bell and Sons, Ram Lamb, Frank Mack, Orvil McGowan, 3. 13. Maitland, Ag- ed Ewe, Orvil McGowan, E. D. Bell and Sons, Franlc Mack. Shearling Ewe, Orvil McGowan, Frank Mack 2 V1 'ITU' FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE I PIGS Baton, Hogs g COMPANY, PANY, LIMITED. Sow and Litter, Douglas pros;, j Beecroft. Boar, Boar, aged, Jas. S. Cow- ,. ▪ Ontario. an, Douglas Bros., Sain Alton. Boar, under 8 months, J. Beecroft, Jas. croft, Pullet, Barred Rock, Geo.I nedy, A. Pror«tor and Sons, Th Moore. Cockerel, White Leghor D .Beecroft 1 and 2, W. I, Mi Pullet; White Leghorn, W. I, Mi J. D. Beecroft 2 and 3, FRUIT Alexander, Wm. Webber, L Woods, A.O.V., red, R. and R. tor, Lorne Woods, A.O.V., gree yellow, D. Borbo, Lorne Wo Baldwin, Wallace Miller, D. Bo Ben Davis, Elmer Woods, Wal Miller, 13lenheim, D. Borho, Lo Woods, Baxter, Elmer Woods, Lo Woods, Cayuga, Lorne Woods, Borho. Crab, Lorne Woods, Wal Miller. Fameuse or Snow, D. 13o Thos. Salkeld. Golden Russett, 1' Salkeld, Lorne Woods. Hubbard Lorne Woods. King, Lorne Wo Wallace Miller. McIntosh, D. Bo Thos, Salkeld. Maiden Blush, T Salkeld, Wallace Miller. North Spy, Lorne Woods, Elmer Wo Ribson, Lorne Woods,' D. Borho. I. Greening, D. Borho. Roxboro R sett, Elmer Woods, Michael Fiscl Si. Lawrence, Lorne Woods, D. 13 ho. Tolman Sweet, Lorne.Wo Wallace Miller. Wagner, El Woods, Lorne Woods. Wealt Lorne Woods, Thos. Salkeld. Other Fruits Pears, any other Fall vari Lorne Woods, Clarence Clarke. Pe Duchess D'Anguoleme, Lorne Woo Mrs. Brimblecombe. Pears, any o er Winter variety, Michael Fisch Lorne Woods, Plums, any other, Borho. Grapes, red, Thos. Salke Grapes, blue or black, Mrs. Chas. V Norman, Mrs, Brimblecombe. Collection of Fruit Variety of Apples, dessert, Lor Woods, D. Borho, Variety of Appl cooking, D. Borho, Lorne ,Woo Display of Apples, Lorne Woo Thos. Salkeld. Grain and Seeds Timothy, Samuel Alton, Mich Fischer. Fall Wheat, red, Andr Schmidt, Herb. Desjardines. Wheat, white, Jesse Wheeler, Tho as Salkeld. Spring Wheat,, Willis J. Webber, Andrew Schmidt. Sin White Peas, D. Borho, Micha Fischer. Peas, any other, Michael Fi cher, T. C. Wilson. White Oats, chael Fischer, Andrew Schmidt. B ley, white, Michael Fischer, Alex. .t Stewart. Field Corn, dent, Alex. Stewart, Herb, Desjardins. Field Co flint, Herb. Desjardins, Andre Schmidt. Ensilage Corn, Alex. Stewart, Herb. Desjardins. Sheaf Oats, Andrew Schmidt, Wallace Mil er. Collection of Grain and Seed Sam Alton, Andrew Schmidt. Calle tion of Weed Seeds, Archie Patterso Samuel Alton. Collection of Injuriou Weed Plants, Archie Patterson, A. H Edgar. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Beans, small white, Michael Fisch r, A. McDougall. Beans, large white A. McDougall, Albert Hagitt. Beans ly other, N. L. Carter, Mrs. Brimble )rube. Beets, long red, N. L. Carter . Schmidt. Beets, any other, R. and . Proctor, Wm. J. Webber. Carrots eld, A. Schmidt, M. Fischer. Carrots ble, short, A. Schmidt, Mrs. Phil. ewart. Carrots, table, intermediate, Schmidt, N. L. Carter. Mangolds., Wurtzel, long, A. Schmidt, Jas. Car- chan, Mangold, Wurtzel, intermed- te, Thos. Taylor and Son, Jas. Car- than. Parsnips, Wm. J. Webber, bert Haggit. Radishes, winter, A, hmidt, Wm, J. Webber. Sugar angold, Herb. Desjardine, M. Fisch- er. Turnips, Swede, Herb. Desjardine. rs. A. I•i. Edgar. Turnips, any oth- A, Schmidt, Mrs. A. H. Edgar. tatoes, early, Herb. Desjardine, W. Webber. Potatoes, late, Nelson kle, Michael Fischer. Collection tatoes, Albert Haggit. Onions, yel- , Jas. Carnochan, Alex. M. Stew- . Onions, red, Herb. Desjardine, ex. M. Stewart. Onions, Dutch or p Sets, Michael Fischer, H. Des - dine. Onions, grown Dutch or Top s, Mrs. Brimblecombe, H. Desjar- e. Onions, any other, Mrs. Brim- combe, N. L. Carter, Tomatoes, ge red, scarlet or pink, N. L. Car- , Wm. J. `Webber. Tomatoes, any er, Herb Desjardine, Jas. Carno- n. Celery, white plume, Alex. M. ewart, N. L. Carter, Celery, any er, Mrs. Brimblecombe. Cabbage, ly, N. L. Carter, A. Schmidt. Cab e, winter, Mrs. Phil. Stewart, Alex, Stewart. Cabbage, pickling, N. L. Cal M. Fischer. Citrons, Jas. Car - chs ClarenceClarke. n C ar e,Cauliflower, L. Carter, Wm, J. Webber. Cu. hers, green or ripe, Alex. M. wart, Jas. Carnochan. Table Corn, rb. Desjardine, A. Schmidt. Miisk Ions, N. L. Carter, Alex, M. Stew - Pumpkins, Jas. Carnochan, Mrs. ne. •Sunflowers, Aclain Robertson, rb. Desjardine. Squash or Main- th Pumpkin, Alex, M. Stewart, Jas. nochan, Water Melons, Herb Des- cline, Alex. M. Stewart. Collection den Produce,. Atex. M. Stewart, N, Carter. DAXR" AND PROVISIONS react, homemade, brown, Mrs. Jas. nochan,Mrs, N W rs T . Carter; Win. Webber. Bread, homemade, white, Mrs Jas. Carnochan, Mrs. Geo, Orvis, T�.en- Dress it, 3. ller, Iler, orae Proc rx or ods. rho. lace rne. rne D. lace rho, hos. son, ods, rho, T1 ern ods. R. us ler, or - ods, mer: hy, ety, ars, ds, th- er, D. ld. an ne es, ds. ds, ael ew Fall all eI s- r - M. rn w M. of 1- s, c n, s • e a c A 1Z fi to St A. no is no Al Sc ammeamsnesission Insure and Make Sure bl'e lar ter. oth cha St oth ear bag M. Ca no N. Ste He Me art. 1:1:0 He nto Car jar Gar L. .13 Car Mr All the best old established Companies. FIRE t AUTOMOBILE! ACCIDENT Thirty -Five Years in the Buil. nes:, Abner Cusses I 'Insurance azxd tt Real Estate, 0161111111110.11.1161.1.61.0110.1101101111,61 \\ ® ® 0 COUNT those friends of yours who get a lot of happiness out of living. Health helps them see the bright side of things -smooths over the every -day bumps. They're happy because they're healthy. Downcast days frequently follow common consti- pation. It may cause headaches, loss of appetite and energy. Yet it can be overcome usually by eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show Kellogg's ALL -BRAN sup- plies "bulk" and vita- min B to aid regularity. ALL -BRAN is also a rich source of blood -build- ing iron. The "bulk" in ALL - BRAN is much like that in leafy vegetables. Spe- cial processes of cook- ing and flavoring make Kellogg's ALL -BRAN more palatable than ordinary bran. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually suffi- cient. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Get the red -and -green package at your gro- cer's. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 1 PRT NT! Kell.ogg's ALL -BRAN -be- cause it is all bran with only flavor added, gives you the generous amount of "bulk" needed to pro- mote proper elimination. It is recommended as much more efficient in re- lieving constipation than part -bran products which cannot contain as much "bulk." Keep on t h e si1nh1J side of lite gibeegoo Mrs. R. Purdon. Homemade Buns, Mrs. Leonard Webster, Mrs. Geo. Or - vis. Homemade Tea Bisouits, Mrs. Alfred Hehn, Mrs. Finnin, Ginger Bread, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. Geo. Orvis. Fruit Cake, dark, Mrs. N. L. Carter. Mrs. Alfred Hehn. Fruit Cake, light, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. J. A. Hone. Layer Cake, light, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. Jas. Carnochan. Layer Cake, chocolate, Mrs, A. Proc- tor, Mrs. N. L. Carter. Angel Cake, Miss Carrick, Mrs. N. L. Carter. Sponge Cake, Mrs. J. A. Hone, Mrs, N. L. Carter. Pie, apple, Mrs. W. M. Henry, Mrs, Wm. J. Webber. Pie, pumpkin, Mrs. W. M. Henry, Mrs, A. Proctor. Pie, lemon, Mrs, A. Hehn, Mrs. R. Proctor. Butter Tarts, Mrs, A. Proctor, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler.: Cook- ies, rolled, Mrs, A. Hehn, Mrs. Phil. Stewart. Cookies, dropped, Mrs. R. Pardon, Mrs. Phil, Stewart. Dough- nuts, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Mrs. R. Proctor. Cocoanut Kisses, Mrs, Thos. Salkeld,' Mrs. N. L. Carter. Short- bread, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. J. A. Hone. Muffins, Mrs. Geo. Orvis, Mrs. A, Proctor. Jelly Roll, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe, Mrs. P. Stewart. Cream Puffs, Mrs. W. M. Henry. Nut Bread, Mrs. W. M. Henry, Mrs. N. L. Carter. Jelly, Mrs. H. Desjardine, Mrs. T. C. Wilson. Jam, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs._ Chas. VanNorman. Ma- ple Syrup, Michael Fischer, R. and R. Proctor. Collection of Fruits, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs. H. Desjardine, Mrs. A. H. Edgar. Collection of Canned. Vegetables, Mrs. P. Stewart, Mrs. C. VanNorman, Mrs. Wm. J. Webber. Marmalade, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. R. Brimblecombe. Tomato Catsup, Edna Henderson, Mrs, J. A. Hone, Pickles, vegetable, Mrs. N. L. Carter, Mrs. Brimble- combe. ?icicles, fruit, Mrs. Charles VanNorman, Mrs. Brimblecombe. Chili Sauce, Mrs. R. Proctor, Mrs. H. (Continued on Page Four) CENT-A-iMIILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (1141nimum Pares: Adult 75c.: Child 40c.) FROM WINGHAM and all CAA. Stations SARNIA To BRAMPTON Inez, Goderieb, Kincardine Sou hamppton WH farton Owen TH Sound, Durham, Creemore t - Sarnia - Komoka : Ettrick - Wingham. TO FOLLOWING STATIONS ON DATES SHOWN FRO. OCT. 26th OSHAWA, Port llope, Cobourg,q Brockville, Prescott, htorrisburBelleville, rvall, Kingston, 'Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbelltord, Auroras Newmarket, Allendale, Collingwood, Meaforcl, Barrie, Orillia, Midland (xravenhw st, Bracebridge, .Huntsville, North Bay. Ali towns In New' . Ontario on line of Teniiskazning & Northern Ontario lily. t. MOON; Central RIy.: kapuskastng. Sat. OCT. 2lth TO TORONTO Also to Chatham, Tangersof, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Iianiilton, St. Catharines,1Viagar7a Falls; and Sat. OCT. 27th. Ticallybetwoen tmportnnist„ Sona'atwh1ehEteuraion Pickets are sold - Ask Ticket Agent- See Th*ndbills. For Pares, I+rriisait.I:irnits, Vain x'nforrnation, 2'feketa eenstt nearest /gent. Phone 50, H. B, 1alliott, Town Agent, Phone 4, CANADIAN NATIONA Txt:4iy.EC 8Xr �'.tiAxlll"•...sAi~'.�7'Y•. ' tat